Which pumpkin is ideal for growing in the northern regions

Description of culture

The vegetable plant belonging to the genus Cucurbita has 18 varieties. Of these, only 3 species have nutritional value, the rest can be considered as fodder and ornamental varieties.

The history of the appearance of this plant has very ancient roots. Central America is considered to be the birthplace where pumpkin plants were first cultivated. Moreover, several subspecies were discovered in Africa and Asia Minor.

Pumpkin was brought to Russia in the 19th century. Since that time, the crop began to be considered as a valuable food product. Pumpkin used for food is divided into three types by breeders:

  1. Hard bark. This species is represented on the vegetable market in dozens of varieties. Among them there are bush-like, climbing and ornamental crops. This category also includes zucchini and squash, the rind of which gains hardness throughout the entire ripening period.
  2. Large-fruited. Gained popularity all over the world. In Russia, varieties of this species can gain weight up to 60 kilograms, while their sugar content is 15%.
  3. Nutmeg. Refers to the most delicious varieties. In terms of external characteristics, it is similar to hard-barked and large-fruited plants. However, the nutmeg pulp is not comparable to them: their sugar content reaches 11%, the structure is dense, oily, and the aroma is delicate. This species is represented by many varieties, but for cooking, gardeners give the greatest preference to the pear-shaped variety. In Russia, cold-resistant varieties are grown in which the fruits ripen in 3-4 months.

The nutritional value of pumpkin is due to its rich composition. This culture contains a large amount of pectin. Orange varieties contain more carotene than carrots. The benefits of the vegetable are also explained by the presence of minerals such as phosphorus, potassium, calcium and iron.

The maximum sugar content of the sweetest fruits is 15%. However, you should know that the sugar content is affected by the growing conditions of the plant. The more sun and heat the fruits receive during ripening, the sweeter their pulp becomes.

Choosing a place to plant pumpkin seeds in open ground

Pumpkin grows in the form of a large bush, and some varieties also form vines that grow over a radius of three meters. Therefore, they need a lot of space. In a small area, summer residents use various tricks to accommodate this crop. Some plant it directly on the compost heap, others place it in old barrels or bags, in large pots. Experienced gardeners build two-story beds where the vines and fruits will rest.

Pumpkins are similar to cucumbers in their tendency to climb, so you can plant them next to a fence. If the lashes don’t “guess” to crawl along it, they will have to be directed a little. In this case, you can save space and the fruits will be located conveniently. The main thing is to build a reliable support for them so that they do not collapse along with the fence or give preference to small varieties (Candy, smile) or decorative ones. But taking into account the fact that 3-4 plants are quite enough for the average family, this will not be difficult to do.

In order for the fruits to show all their best varietal qualities, it is recommended to plant pumpkins in a well-lit bed with soil saturated with fertilizers at the rate of 1 sq.m per piece.

Pumpkin grows best in light soil with neutral acidity. All related crops (cucumbers, squash, zucchini, etc.) are bad predecessors for it. It is planted in a pre-prepared hole. It should be roomy, well dug together with a bucket of humus and wood ash (half a liter jar). It is better to apply all mineral supplements later.

Often, pumpkins are planted directly on a compost heap, even when they are not fully ripe. Moreover, sometimes a compost pit or trench is specially prepared for it. They begin to do this in the fall, filling pre-dug holes with grass, branches and other organic remains mixed with soil. With the beginning of spring, saltpeter is added to them at the rate of 20 g per square meter and spilled with warm water. By the time of planting, the organic matter will warm up well and rot.

To summarize, we highlight the main characteristics of soil suitable for pumpkin:

  • neutral acidity – pH from 6 to 7;
  • high content of micronutrients;
  • lightness and flowability;
  • good aeration and moisture permeability.

Sweet pumpkin varieties

The most popular varieties of pumpkin in the world are those with sweet pulp, since in addition to delicious dishes, juice can be made from them. In order for a vegetable to achieve a high sugar content when growing, you should choose the right varieties.

Experts advise giving preference to late-ripening and mid-ripening varieties, since early-ripening ones do not have time to collect enough carbohydrates.

To choose the most delicious and sweet variety of pumpkin, you should carefully study its description and learn about the conditions for its cultivation and storage.

Let's look at the sweetest varieties:

  • "Dumpling." It is a hybrid, its ripening lasts 100 days. The shape of the fruit is similar to an acorn. They are ribbed, cream-colored, and have a hard skin. The maximum weight of a vegetable reaches 8 kg. Tender pulp can contain up to 10% sweetness.
  • "Sweet Chamomile" The plant is characterized by round, ribbed fruits, flattened at the poles. The orange rind of this variety is strong but thin. The thickness of the pulp is about 10 cm. The plant is resistant to dry and cool weather, the fruits grow up to 8 kg. From the vegetable you can cook porridge and delicious baby food, and get tender candied fruits. This type of pumpkin is loved to be added to baked goods.
  • "Chestnut". Pumpkin is a hybrid, the weight of the fruit does not exceed 600 g, the shape is rounded, the ribs are faintly noticeable, the sweet pulp has a starchy structure. The best dishes made from this variety are pumpkin stuffed with porridge (soufflé) and baked in the oven. The vegetable is grown from seedlings, transplanted into the ground when the air warms up to 20⁰C.
  • "Honey Dessert" The flat-round fruits have a strong honey aroma. All gardeners like the soft and juicy pulp; they especially like to use it for juice. The average weight of the fruit can reach 6 kg. In the northern regions, “Honey Dessert” does not have time to ripen, so it is planted as seedlings.
  • "Volga gray". The vegetable has a round shape, the slices are hardly noticeable, the color of the crust is gray, the thickness of the pulp is 5 cm, the fruits, with proper care, grow up to 25 kg.
  • "Sweet Winter" The plant belongs to the mid-late varieties. The fruits ripen 150 days after planting. The shape of the vegetables is round and slightly flattened. The lobules are noticeably formed. The crust is hard and dark gray in color. The soft and tender pulp of this pumpkin variety allows you to obtain delicious juice.
  • "Yellow quintal." A very sweet variety, the fruits on good soil grow up to 200 kg. The shape is round, flattened at the edges. The sugar content of this variety is record high. You can plant pumpkins as seedlings or directly into the ground. “Yellow Centner” ripens within 100 days and is stored for six months.
  • "Gribovsky". This is a winter hard-barked bush variety. The shape of this pumpkin variety is oval, the weight can reach up to 5 kg, the skin color is gray, the sugar content of the pulp is 12%, ripening is observed for 100 days.
  • "Paris Gold" The mid-season drought-resistant hybrid is characterized by a sweet taste with a delicate aroma. Therefore, it is often used in baby food.


The pumpkin variety “Vesnushka” is an early-ripening pumpkin.

The “Vesnushka” variety is also well suited for Siberia and the Urals. The three-kilogram fruits ripen quite quickly and have a characteristic appearance - the green peel is “diluted” with light spots. The pumpkin pulp is soft, juicy, tender and has a subtle pear flavor. Other advantages of this variety include high yields provided there is ample watering and long-term storage at room temperature.

Pumpkin variety "Vesnushka"

Varieties of butternut squash

Important features of this type are a long shelf life, thin peel, the presence of a large number of trace elements and vitamins. Muscat pumpkin varieties are heat-loving plants, so they are grown, as a rule, in the southern regions of the country.

Consider the popular varieties:

  • "Pearl". This mid-season cylindrical variety has juicy and aromatic pulp. The plant produces an excellent harvest at humidity up to 70% and air temperature up to 20⁰C.
  • "Provencal". The ripening of mid-late fruits of this variety lasts about 120 days after planting. The round fruits with pronounced segments are slightly flattened. They gain weight up to 4 kg (on heavily fertilized soil, the weight of the variety can reach up to 7 kg). Gardeners make excellent juice and purees from the juicy, aromatic pulp.
  • "Vitamin" The variety is late-ripening, ripening occurs 4.5 months after planting. Ripe fruits are oval in shape, their ribs are barely noticeable, their weight reaches 5 kg, the peel color is brown, yellow-green inclusions can be visible. The orange pulp of the variety is juicy with a high sweetness index. Storage does not require special conditions.
  • "Guitar". The ripening of the mid-season variety occurs over 120 days. The shape is elongated, the flesh is tender and aromatic. Ripe vegetables weigh up to 8 kg, the average length is 70 cm (with good soil fertilization, vegetables of this variety grow up to 1 meter).

Bush pumpkin varieties

The main advantage of bush pumpkin is the compact formation of the bush and rapid ripening.

Let's look at a few of the most popular varieties:

  • "Orange". This variety is the pride of Russian breeders. The plant is characterized by unpretentiousness in different climatic conditions (vegetables of this variety are grown in different regions of the country), a short ripening period of 110 days, thin skin, large juicy fruits weighing 6 kg. All these indicators make the variety widely in demand and suitable for universal use.
  • "One hundred pound." The mid-late variety is characterized by fairly large, round fruits, presented in an orange tint. The pulp is loose and slightly sweet.
  • "Amazon". The vegetable ripens on the 110th day after planting; the weight of a pumpkin of this variety can reach up to 2 kg. Pumpkin is characterized by a round, flattened shape, dessert taste and a long shelf life. Thanks to these qualities, the variety is in high demand.

Pumpkin varieties for open ground

Pumpkin varieties for planting in open ground are selected taking into account the climate. Thus, heat-loving crops should be planted in the southern regions. Where summers are short and cold, early ripening, frost-resistant varieties are selected.

For example, nutmeg varieties are characterized by resistance to heat. Therefore, they are planted in the southern regions of Russia. Large-fruited plants take a long time to ripen, so it is also preferable to plant them in the south of the country. Hard-barked fruits are among the earliest ripening varieties that are resistant to temperature changes. This factor allows them to be planted in cold regions.

When choosing a pumpkin variety for Siberia and the Urals, experts recommend taking into account the fact that frosts occur in these latitudes even in June. Therefore, it is recommended to use such cold-resistant varieties as “Rossiyanka”, “Vesnushka” and “Smile”.

In the North-Western regions of Russia, the cool and damp climate forces gardeners to choose early-ripening, hard-barked, productive pumpkin varieties such as “Bush Orange”, “Kroshka”, “Prikornevaya”, “Akorn”.

Gardeners living in Central Russia are recommended to give preference to hard-barked varieties with early/medium ripening and high yields. These include pumpkin “Dachnaya”, “Gribovskaya Kustovaya 189”, “Vesnushka”, “Premiere”, “Sweet Pie”, “Medicinal”.

In the southern regions of Russia it is worth planting heat-loving nutmeg pumpkin. In cool areas, this species is planted in the ground only in summer.

Types of pumpkin

Currently, three types of pumpkins are grown: large-fruited, hard-bark and nutmeg. Among these species there are decorative varieties, fodder varieties (they are grown as animal feed), and table varieties.

Large-fruited crops

This species has the largest and sweetest fruits of all existing species. Some varieties are superior in sugar content to watermelons. Sugar levels reach 15%. Large-fruited pumpkins are cold-resistant. The leaves of this species can be kidney-shaped or pentagon-like. The stems are dense, smooth, without grooves. In varieties belonging to the large-fruited species, the stalk is round in shape. The seeds are matte. The color of the seeds varies from white to brown.

The large-fruited pumpkin has the largest and most fleshy fruits.

Hardbark pumpkin

The skin of ripe fruits is very thick and hard, reminiscent of wood in rigidity. This species is good for its rather early ripening period. The fruits can be collected at the end of August. Hard-barked pumpkins come in climbing and bush varieties. For small summer cottages, gardeners prefer to choose bush varieties, as this saves space. The fruits grow to medium size. The peduncles of this species have pronounced grooves. The stem is spiny, with hairs. The leaves have a pentagonal shape.

The hard-bark pumpkin has a very thick and tough skin.

butternut squash

Varieties of this species are the most delicious, sweet and aromatic. The peduncle is multifaceted. The seeds are dark yellow or brown in color. Butternut squash are very heat-loving. They ripen late compared to other species, so they are planted mainly in the southern regions of our country. They are also grown in central Russia, but this requires a lot of effort on the part of farmers and gardeners. The nutmeg species is grown as seedlings, then transplanted into open ground when the soil warms up well. Planting is usually done in the first half of June. But the fruits are collected unripe, since they are not in time for harvest in the European part of the country. There are six varieties of butternut squash, but the pear-shaped fruit is the most popular.

The pear-shaped pumpkin has gained popularity among gardeners.

Muscat and large-fruited varieties are harvested before frost. The hardbarks can also be collected in the summer to enjoy pumpkin pies or pumpkin soup.

Pumpkin varieties for seeds

The business of growing pumpkins for collecting seeds is becoming increasingly popular today. Due to the high content of vitamins and beneficial microelements in the seed material, it is used for processing into oil.

To obtain seeds, producers give preference to such large-fruited varieties as:

  • “Volzhskaya gray 92” (medium seed size);
  • “Stofuntovaya” (variety with large seeds);
  • "Bulgarka" (medium seeds);
  • "Danka-Polish" (medium seeds);

Gymnosperm varieties (“Golosemyanka”, “Danae”, “Juno”, whose grains are of medium size) also produce a lot of seeds.

Preparing the soil for planting pumpkin seeds

If the soil on your property is not quite suitable for growing pumpkins, it is very easy to fix. Chalk or limestone can be added to reduce acidity levels. Leaf compost or humus can dilute dense soil. It is better to do this in the fall. But if you don’t have enough time, you can fertilize the bed before planting by adding the necessary elements directly into the hole.

Nitrogen-containing fertilizer



Potassium sulfate

Phosphorus-containing fertilizer

Stages of bed preparation:

  • Clear the area of ​​weeds and other plant debris.
  • Loosen the top layer.
  • After 10-14 days, dig up the bed using a spade, removing any plant roots.
  • The day before planting, dig up the soil again. Apply nitrogen-containing fertilizers.
  • Level the surface and build high beds. The optimal size is considered to be a height of 25 cm and a width of 150 cm. They should be 1.5 m apart from each other.

It is recommended to add a bucket of humus or manure per square meter of beds in advance. If it was not possible to do this in advance, then before planting, add 1.5 kg of mullein or humus to each hole. It is recommended to additionally add 15 g of potassium sulfate and 30 g of superphosphate.

A very good nutrient medium for growing pumpkins and getting an excellent harvest is a compost heap. Many summer residents use this method of planting.

Best varieties by region

The practical experience of gardeners says that the best results for growing pumpkin in Russia are produced by domestic varieties.

The following varieties are considered the best for the Moscow region:

  1. "Healing." Belonging to early varieties (the period from planting to ripening lasts 94 days), pumpkin exhibits resistance to cold and drought. The pleasant-tasting fruits can gain weight up to 3 kg and can be stored for up to 6 months.
  2. "Therapeutic." This is an early ripening variety (ripening period 90 days). The fruits weigh up to 5 kg. This variety is characterized by juiciness, excellent taste and aroma.

Also for the Moscow region and central Russia, breeders recommend growing pumpkin “Sweet Pie”, “Candied Fruit”, “Premiere”, “Gribovskaya Kustovaya 189”, “Dachnaya”.

The best options for Siberia and the Urals:

  1. "Smile". Fruit ripening is observed 3 months after planting. The plant belongs to the bush variety and provides high yields.
  2. "Freckle". Shows resistance to temperature changes. The fruits can weigh up to 3 kg, their sweet pulp resembles the taste of melon.
  3. "Russian". This frost-resistant variety was bred specifically for cultivation in Siberia. It is characterized by high immunity to disease and good productivity. The fruits taste like melon.

For the Leningrad region, experts advise choosing the varieties “Bush Orange”, “Kustovaya” and “Pricornevaya” for planting. They are characterized by high yield, early ripening, good preservation and excellent taste.

For the Urals and Siberia

The Urals and Siberia are regions with a difficult climate. For them, the best varieties will be those with a short growing season. This category includes:

  • Atlant;
  • Smile;
  • Titanium;
  • Medical;
  • Freckle;
  • Russian;
  • Pearl;
  • Loaf;
  • Dacha.

Attention! But gardeners consider the Sweetie variety to be the most productive and unpretentious. In harsh weather conditions, the fruits ripen in 3 months.

If you choose the wrong vegetable crop, you will never get ripe fruits in the difficult Siberian conditions. Therefore, for the Urals and Siberia it is better to choose bush and climbing varieties.

Brief information about culture

Pumpkin is an annual plant with a taproot system and large orange flowers. The fruit is set on the main stem. There are many varieties of this culture. They all look different, and each type has its own characteristics. There are ordinary and nutmeg pumpkins, food and decorative ones. The Latin name for the common pumpkin is pepo pumpkin.

Pharmacognosy is a pumpkin that has medicinal properties. The pulp is rich in vitamins and minerals, the seeds have an antiparasitic effect.

Note! Regular consumption of pulp and seeds improves digestion, strengthens blood vessels, and has a beneficial effect on metabolism and skin condition.

Pumpkin GF (State Pharmacology, encyclopedic reference book): the reference book states that the culture is included in the list of medicinal plants that grow in Russia, and also help in the treatment and prevention of many diseases.

Pumpkin Aftercare

Pumpkin does not require special attention and only needs watering and periodic feeding. If you have time, it would not be a bad idea to shape the plant so that it can live more comfortably. But even without these manipulations, gardeners reap an excellent harvest.

It is recommended to weed the ground until the lashes grow. Further, you can only carry out loosening that is not too deep to ensure better access of moisture to the roots.

Water for irrigation should be warm. To do this, leave the bucket to warm up a little in the sun, and in the evening the bed is moistened. Fruits need liquid in large quantities for normal formation, so always make sure that the bed does not dry out. Otherwise, the pulp will be unsweetened and dry. Typically, each planting requires at least 3 buckets of water.

If you fertilized the planting hole in advance, you won’t have to feed the pumpkin often. The first fertilizer can be applied after 5-6 full leaves appear. To do this, a shallow trench is made around the bush, into which the nutrient mixture is poured. Mullein in the amount of a bucket for 6-8 plantings or azofoska in the amount of 10 g per bush is suitable. To maintain growth and prevent disease, you can periodically scatter wood ash over the garden bed in a very thin layer.

As soon as the stem grows to 1.5 meters, it needs to be pinched and the side shoots removed, leaving 2-3 pieces. Please note that only one pumpkin will grow on each. If you are greedy and leave more shoots, this will have a bad effect on the quality of the fruits - they will be small.

To prevent the crop from rotting, it is recommended to place a piece of plywood under each developing fruit. To provide the bush with better nutrition, the lashes can be sprinkled with soil at a distance of 50 cm from the base of the central shoot. They will produce new roots, which will allow them to suck more useful macro- and microelements and moisture from the soil.

The best pumpkin varieties for growing in Siberia

Siberia and the Urals are regions with harsh winters and hot summers. However, you should not think that it will not be possible to grow crops in this region. Species suitable for cultivation in open ground in Siberian conditions are distinguished by their unpretentiousness and good yield.


This is a large-fruited variety that is resistant to temperature changes.

  • tolerates summer heat and sudden night frosts well;
  • mid-season;
  • pear-shaped, orange fruits weighing 2-3 kg.


Adapts well to any weather conditions.

  • early ripening;
  • advantages - well stored, fruits are rich in vitamins;
  • disadvantages - does not tolerate excess fertilizer, loves space and does not grow well in crowded plantings.

This species is considered one of the most unpretentious.


This variety is also called Japanese pumpkin. Grows well in cold climates.

  • easily tolerates frost and temperature changes;
  • early ripening;
  • bright red pumpkins weighing 2-3 kg;
  • advantages - the fruits are well stored, the plant easily adapts to any conditions;
  • disadvantages - during drought, the fruits become deformed and the vines grow strongly.

Growing pumpkin

You can grow pumpkins in different ways: in open ground, on the balcony, in bags or on a compost heap. If you choose the right plant variety, there will be no problems with care and productivity later. It is worth considering the methods popular among gardeners.

How to grow pumpkin in open ground

First of all, you need to choose a well-lit area, preferably without drafts. You can plant a pumpkin along the fence, creating a hedge, or put the plant on a compost heap. There is nothing surprising about this. If the garbage is of organic origin, the pumpkin will grow and bear fruit well.

When planting on a compost heap, you need to make deeper holes than in the garden plot. Garden soil mixed with ash is poured into the hole. After which the seedlings are planted in the prepared area.

For small gardens, it is worth choosing bush varieties. They are more compact than climbing plants. When planting seeds in open ground, make holes or trenches 7–12 cm deep. For seedlings, the planting depth should be greater. If the plants are in a peat pot, they are planted without removing them from the container. The pumpkin is taken out of the plastic pots very carefully, without disturbing the integrity of the earthen lump.

Pumpkin grows well in a compost heap

When planting a pumpkin in open ground, you need to know which plants were its predecessors in a particular area. It is best to plant pumpkin after potatoes, legumes, tomatoes and cabbage. Thanks to these crops, the soil is saturated with microelements necessary for pumpkin to bear fruit well.

Video: planting seedlings in open ground

Growing in bags

Owners of small gardens often use tricks to accommodate the required number of crops. Garbage or plastic bags for flour and sugar do not take up much space. In addition, the bag with the plant can be placed in any part of the garden, placed on pebbles, boards or near the gazebo.

If you have a small plot, pumpkins can be easily grown in plastic bags

Using the same principle, pumpkins are grown in metal and plastic barrels. For cultivation, you should opt for bush or medium-climbing varieties.

For planting, it is better to choose bags with a volume of 100–120 liters. The material must be dense so as not to tear due to the amount of earth. One plant per bag. It is planted in a hole and watered immediately after planting. In the future, artificial watering should be abandoned. Rainwater will be sufficient. There is no need to make additional holes in the bags. Thanks to polyethylene, a greenhouse effect is created, providing heat and the necessary humidity for the plant.

Video: how to grow a pumpkin in a bag

Method of growing on trellises

This method also reduces the area required to grow pumpkins. If in open ground the distance between holes is from 50 to 120 cm, then when grown on trellises the plants are placed at a distance of 30 cm from each other. The gap between the trellises must be at least 1 meter.

When grown on trellises, planting is carried out with seeds in open ground. Place 2-3 seeds into the hole. After germination, one healthy and hardy plant is left. Planting is done after the threat of frost has passed.

Trellis can be made from ordinary slats. A diagonal sheathing is assembled between two-meter posts. It is recommended to fasten the slats together with small nails. Trellis can be placed perpendicular to the ground or placed in the form of a “book”. Pumpkin whips are thrown across the grate.

When grown on a trellis, weak shoots are removed. Only the strong, fruit-bearing ones should remain in the pumpkin. The main stem is pinched above the fifth leaf. Pumpkins grown on a trellis ripen faster and have a sweeter taste, because this way the plant receives more sunlight and heat .

Pumpkins grown on trellises ripen faster

Not every variety is suitable for this method. Mostly nutmeg and hard-barked pumpkins with fruits weighing up to 4 kg are grown on trellises.

Video: pumpkin on trellises

Growing on the balcony

Pumpkins are most often grown on the balcony to decorate the room. In this case, it is worth choosing decorative varieties:

  • stellate;
  • warty;
  • pear-shaped;
  • mushroom pumpkin, or turban-shaped pumpkin and others.

Photo gallery: decorative inedible varieties

Fungus pumpkin is a type of large-fruited pumpkin.

The size of the Star Gourd fruit is no more than 15 cm in diameter

The skin of the warty pumpkin is covered with tubercles

Decorative pear-shaped pumpkins can be of different colors

Most ornamental varieties are inedible. This does not mean that the fruit can be poisoned. These pumpkins are simply tasteless or, on the contrary, have too specific a taste. Edible ornamental varieties include:

  • Jack-be-little variety;
  • variety Sweet Dumpling;
  • Baby Boo variety.

To plant pumpkins on the balcony you will need a pot with a volume of at least 10 liters. One third of it is filled with drainage material, for example, expanded clay or pebbles. The rest of the container should be filled with fertile soil. After planting, the pot is placed in a warm place, well lit by the sun.

Decorative varieties of pumpkins are grown on the balcony

In addition to decorative ones, compact bush varieties can be grown on the balcony: Smile, Orange bush and others.

Varieties for cultivation in the Leningrad region

The land in the Leningrad region is not very fertile (with the exception of certain areas where the soil is rich in peat). However, the crop can be successfully grown on this soil.

Red Baroness

Growing this species is possible both in a greenhouse (from seeds) and in open ground (by seedlings). Description:

  • mid-season;
  • resistant to cold and high humidity;
  • bright red fruits weighing 5-8 kg;
  • advantages - suitable for both main dishes and confectionery, can be stored well;
  • disadvantages - does not grow well in poor soil, often affected by fungal diseases.

Note! This variety is often grown for sale due to its spectacular appearance.


This variety grows well in the Leningrad region when grown through seedlings. In more southern regions, it is recommended to plant seeds. A close relative of this variety is the Chinese wax pumpkin Chenzhou.

  • sensitive to frost, but tolerates high air and soil humidity;
  • white pumpkin, fruits grow up to 10 kg;
  • late ripening;
  • pros - pumpkins store well and have medicinal properties;
  • disadvantages - needs abundant feeding, grows poorly in shaded places.

Information! The homeland of this variety is Southeast Asia. Benincasa also grows in some countries in South America.

The species got its name for the unusual color and shape of the fruit. Sometimes it is also called Sweet Banana.

  • tolerates short frosts well;
  • early ripening;
  • This pumpkin is large-fruited - pink cylindrical fruits reach a weight of 5-12 kg.


The pumpkin is a bit like the Matilda variety.

  • mid-season;
  • grows well in climates with wet and cool summers;
  • pear-shaped yellow fruits weighing 2-3 kg;
  • advantages - pumpkins contain a lot of sugar and store well;
  • disadvantages - it is difficult to find seeds for free sale, often affected by pests.

The fruits have a characteristic sweet fruity aroma, which is why the variety got its name.

Butternut Squash

This variety is considered one of the most delicious.

  • early ripening;
  • resistant to cold;
  • pear-shaped pumpkin, yellow club-shaped fruits weighing 3-5 kg.

For the Moscow region and the Middle Zone

Despite the fact that experienced gardeners successfully grow foreign and southern varieties of pumpkin, it is best to use domestic varieties, zoned for central Russia and the Moscow region.

Early Healing - how to plant

The fruit is early ripening and can withstand drought and cold. The first fruits ripen on day 94. The culture is medium-climbing. The shape of the pumpkin is flat and round.

One weight is 2.5-3 kg. The vegetable has an orange peel and no pattern. The core is orange in color, medium thickness, dense consistency, juicy. When storing pumpkin for six months, its taste remains unchanged.


The variety is early ripening. Harvesting can be done 90 days after the formation of seedlings. The plant is small in height, the fruits have a flattened shape, the weight of one is 3-5 kg.

The peel is thin and the flesh is very juicy and crispy. During long-term storage, pumpkin retains its presentation.

We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the most productive varieties of tomatoes for open ground in this material.

You can find a list of low-growing tomato varieties for open ground in this article.

Early ripening variety Sweet Pie

The variety is characterized by its high yield and early stage of ripeness. The pumpkin is presented in an orange-red color scheme, a round shape and a smooth surface. The weight of one product is 2-3 kg. The core has excellent taste, juicy and sweet.

Candied fruit

The variety is accompanied by high fruiting and early ripening. The fruits have a flat-round shape. The weight of one pumpkin is 5 kg. The pulp is yellow-orange in color. It contains a large amount of carotene and sugar.

Early varieties of tomatoes for open ground are presented at the provided link.


The crop bears fruit well in cold conditions. Fruit ripeness is average. Already on the 115th day you can harvest. The culture is long-lobed. The fruits are presented in a flattened shape. The color is dark green, there is a coarse mesh.

The pulp is presented in bright orange color. Its thickness is 3-5 cm, dense consistency. The fruits contain a large amount of sugars. The culture develops well when planting seeds in open areas. On one plant 2 fruits ripen, weighing 5-6 kg. When storing pumpkin for six months, all taste qualities remain unchanged.

Gribovskaya winter

Late ripening variety. Harvest is observed on the 128th day. The fruits have a flattened shape, gray color, and no pattern. The weight of one pumpkin is 3-4 kg. The pulp is thick, its color is bright orange. Grow such a plant through seedlings. You can store the fruits until the next harvest.


The variety is able to resist cold. Harvesting occurs on the 80th day from the moment of germination. This crop is characterized by marbled leaves and dark spots on the fruits. The plant develops as a bush. There may be 4-5 fruits on one bush.

Varieties for growing in the Moscow region

The Moscow region, Vladimir and Nizhny Novgorod regions are usually classified as the Russian Central Zone. In this climate, the crop can be grown from seeds in open ground.


Candied pumpkin is a variety of Muscat.

  • not resistant to frost;
  • mid-late;
  • green fruits with orange pulp weighing up to 5 kg.

Important! Can be grown in a greenhouse. After each watering, the greenhouse must be opened and ventilated to prevent fungus.


The variety is one of the best species for growing in warm climates.

  • mid-season;
  • golden, round-shaped fruits weighing 5-7 kg;
  • needs pinching of side shoots;
  • advantages - high calorie content and spectacular appearance of the fruit;
  • disadvantages - if stored improperly, a gray coating of mold often forms on the fruits. A gray or green pumpkin that has been lying in a basement or cellar for a long time is no longer suitable for food.

Cinderella fruits taste like melon and are often used to make jam in various recipes.

Big Max

If Big Max grows on the site, growing it to create the proper conditions for the plant will help you get record-breakingly large fruits.

  • prefers warmth and sun, does not like sudden changes in temperature and frost;
  • round orange fruits weighing up to 7 kg;
  • advantages - pumpkins are stored well, the plant responds well to fertilizing;
  • disadvantages - if there is a lack of moisture, the fruits are deformed, the crop is susceptible to viruses.

The fruits have dense pulp and have excellent taste.


Pumpkin is very popular due to the nutty flavor of the fruit. A description of the variety can be found in any book, since this species is one of the most common.

  • does not tolerate night frosts well, loves warmth and sun;
  • round orange fruits weighing up to 1.5 kg;
  • advantages - unusual taste, small size of pumpkins and impressive appearance;
  • disadvantages - does not grow well in poor soils, the variety is susceptible to diseases and pests.

Gives a good harvest on manured soil.

hundred pound

Pumpkin got its name from the large size of its fruit. The scientific name of the variety is large-fruited hundred-pound. If this variety grows on the site, cultivation and care will not be too difficult. The plant is unpretentious.

  • tolerates light frosts well, but is sensitive to wind and drafts;
  • mid-season;
  • orange spherical fruits weighing up to 20 kg.

Little Red Riding Hood

Pumpkin is known to botanists as Chalmoid (based on the shape of the fruit).

  • early ripening;
  • tolerates cold weather, but loves hot summers;
  • orange turban-shaped fruits weighing 3-5 kg;
  • advantages - unusual shape, sweet taste and pronounced aroma;
  • disadvantages - it is difficult to find seeds for sale; it requires abundant and frequent watering.

The fruits are very tasty when baked.

Landing Features

Pumpkin can be planted both in open ground and in greenhouses. True, plants are not kept in greenhouse conditions throughout the entire season. After the seedlings have grown stronger, they try to plant them in open areas. A prerequisite is a large amount of space, because this culture loves space. The plant is not picky about soil, but gardeners note that the sweetest fruits can be obtained if the pumpkin grows in fertile soil.

The land for planting is prepared in the fall. The area is dug up, manure or compost is added to the soil in an amount of 3–4 kg per 1 m2. Acidic soil is limed or sprinkled with ash. For an area of ​​1 m2 you need 200 g of ash.

The timing of planting pumpkin seedlings depends on the climate and the early maturity of the variety. Seeds can be sown from mid-April to the end of May. When planting seedlings, use peat pots to avoid picking plants in the future. If the pumpkin is planted with seeds in a greenhouse, you need to follow a planting pattern of 10x10 cm. The planting depth is 7–10 cm. The room temperature before the first shoots should not be lower than +25 °C. Then it is lowered to +19 °C. Plants are planted in open ground at the age of four weeks. Pumpkin does not like sudden changes in temperature, so it is transplanted after the threat of frost has passed. The landing site should be well lit. In the shade, a pumpkin can grow, but will not bear fruit.

Pumpkin seeds are buried in the ground up to 12 cm

The holes for seedlings should be more than 12 cm deep. Hot water is poured into each hole. After the water is absorbed, a seedling is placed in the hole. The plant is replanted with a clod of earth so as not to injure the roots. Bush varieties should be spaced at a distance of 50 cm from each other, medium-climbing varieties - up to 80 cm. The planting pattern for strongly climbing plants is 120x110 cm.

Frequent watering can damage the plant - excess moisture threatens fungal diseases. Water the pumpkin no more than twice a week. An adult plant requires 20 liters of water. Young seedlings are watered as needed, making sure that the soil does not dry out or crack. During dry periods, the pumpkin can be watered once every two days.

Video: method of germinating seeds for seedlings

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