A bright beauty in your garden - a modern hybrid "Asvon": description, characteristics, cultivation features

Tomato Asvon is a determinate (low-growing) productive hybrid. Cultivation and growing is possible both in open ground and under film cover. The variety ripens early, withstands temperature changes, and is slightly susceptible to disease. The purpose of the fruit is fresh consumption, preservation, processing.

Tomato “Asvon F1”: description of the variety

Variety nameAsvon
general descriptionEarly maturing, high-yielding hybrid of the first generation
Ripening period85-90 days
FormTomatoes are round-cuboidal, with slightly pronounced ribbing
Average weight of tomatoes70-100 grams
Productivity of the variety2.5-4 kg per square meter
Features of cultivationAgricultural technology is standard. Tomatoes are sensitive to soil nutrition
Disease resistanceResistant to most diseases

The hybrid was bred by Russian breeders and zoned for regions with temperate and warm climates. It is possible to grow in open ground, greenhouses, under film and in greenhouses. The yield is good, the fruits are stored for a long time and can be transported.

Asvon F1 is an early-ripening, high-yielding hybrid of the first generation. The bush is determinate, compact, with abundant formation of green mass. Read about indeterminate varieties here. The leaves are medium sized, dark green. The fruits ripen in double clusters of 5-6 pieces. The yield is excellent; up to 9 kg of selected tomatoes can be harvested from one bush. During the fruiting period, small bushes are simply strewn with fruits and look very decorative.

Variety nameProductivity
Asvon9 kg per bush
Boni M14-16 kg per square meter
Aurora f113-16 kg per square meter
Leopold3-4 kg per bush
Sanka15 kg per square meter
Argonaut f14.5 kg per bush
Kibitz3.5 kg per bush
Heavyweight of Siberia11-12 kg per square meter
Honey cream4 kg per square meter
Ob domes4-6 kg per bush
Marina Grove15-17 kg per square meter

Features of planting and care

Asvon f1 tomatoes can be grown by sowing seeds in open ground or as seedlings. Planting material is pre-prepared if the label does not indicate data on treatment with special compounds.

Preparing seeds for sowing

Special attention should be paid to preparing seeds; the procedure increases their germination and plant immunity. First you need to select quality seeds.

Calibration of planting material is carried out as follows:

  1. A solution at room temperature is prepared from 50 g of salt and 1 liter of water, and tomato seeds are placed in it.
  2. Stir the water intensively for two minutes, then drain it along with the seeds that have floated to the surface. They are not suitable for sowing.
  3. Wash and dry the remaining planting material.

Next, the selected seeds need to be warmed up, especially if they were stored in a cool place. The package is placed in a warm place. You can place it in the sun, near heating devices, or place it in the oven for 3 hours.

Advice! If heating occurs in the oven, then you must remember to stir the seeds. Temperature within 60 °C.

To reduce the risk of seedlings being affected by various diseases, it is necessary to thoroughly disinfect the planting material. To do this, the seeds are kept in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for about 20 minutes, after which they are washed and dried. You can add drugs to stimulate growth or aloe juice to the mixture.

Sowing seedlings

Prepare a container for seedlings in advance, which is disinfected in any available way. It is filled with loose nutritious soil and grooves 2 cm deep are formed. The soil is moistened, the seeds are laid out and sprinkled with a thin layer of earth. Before emergence, the container is kept at a temperature of 20–22 ° C, after which the temperature is reduced to 18 ° C. Seedlings dive in the phase of two true leaves.

The timing of sowing seedlings depends on the expected date of planting the plants in the greenhouse. The suitable age of tomatoes for transplanting is 45–50 days.

Sowing in open ground

In open ground, Asvon F1 tomatoes can be grown in compact planting, since the plants are compact, and additional shade from the leaves will protect the fruits from the scorching sun. Wells are prepared in advance at a distance of 25–30 cm.

The landing diagram is shown in the photo:

Choose a site that is well-lit, level, with nutritious soil.


Water the tomatoes 2 times a week, soak the soil to the full depth of the roots. It is advisable to use a drip irrigation system. With shallow watering, the roots develop poorly and the plants suffer from lack of nutrition.


In order for the harvest of Asvon f1 tomatoes to be plentiful, you need to properly feed the bushes. Fertilizers are applied several times a season:

  • at the beginning of the growing season, 14 days after planting in the ground;
  • before flowering;
  • during the formation of the ovary;
  • every two weeks if necessary.

At the very beginning of growth, tomatoes are fed with nitrogen mixtures so that the bush grows enough leaf mass. Use ammonium nitrate, urea or organic matter, for example, infusion of fermented grass, chicken droppings, manure, yeast.

Before flowering, they switch to phosphorus-potassium fertilizers, for example, superphosphate, potassium sulfate, nitroammophosphate and others. Experienced gardeners recommend feeding the bushes with ash and boron solution.

During the period of fruit formation, the brushes are sprayed with the preparation “Ovary”. In the future, fertilizing is carried out if necessary. Use balanced mineral complexes, for example, “Humate + 7 iodine”. Two weeks before harvest, all fertilizing is stopped.

Advantages and disadvantages

Among the main advantages of the variety:

  • early fruit ripening;
  • high taste of tomatoes;
  • good yield;
  • resistance to diseases.

No shortcomings were noticed in the hybrid. The only peculiarity is that tomatoes are demanding in terms of soil nutrition . On poor soils, yields are significantly reduced.


The tomatoes are round-cuboidal, with slightly pronounced ribbing, shiny skin, which protects the fruit from cracking. The weight of tomatoes ranges from 70 to 100 g. The pulp is dense, the tomatoes hold their shape well. The taste is rich, sweet, without wateriness. High content of sugars and solids (up to 6%). The color of ripe tomatoes is bright red-pink, without green spots at the stalk.

You can compare the weight of this variety with others in the table below:

Variety nameFruit weight
Asvon70-100 grams
White filling100g
Ultra early maturing F1100g
Striped chocolate500-1000 grams
Banana Orange100g
King of Siberia400-700 grams
Pink honey600-800 grams
Rosemary pound400-500 grams
Honey-sugar80-120 grams
Demidov80-120 grams
Dimensionlessup to 1000 grams

Tomatoes are ideal for canning; the dense flesh does not crack; pickled or salted fruits look very elegant. It is possible to stuff, prepare salads or side dishes. The fruits are tasty fresh.

Tomato hybrids

Let's see which varieties of truss tomatoes are the best for greenhouses. If in the south tomatoes bear fruit well in the ground, they are planted in a greenhouse exclusively for very early or late harvesting, but in the north the situation is different. Even though tomatoes are grown in greenhouses there, weather conditions still affect their growth. Low temperatures and cloudy weather do not have the best effect on the development of even greenhouse vegetables - not every greenhouse is equipped with central heating and uninterrupted electric lighting. In addition, any additional energy costs affect the cost of tomatoes. Here we need hybrids that can successfully grow and bear fruit even in conditions of low temperature and lack of lighting.

Often tomatoes suitable for planting in southern regions are not suitable for cold climates. But it would be wrong to think that southern varieties cannot be grown in the north, but by transferring northern varieties to the south, we will get a miracle harvest. We may not get it at all. Northern tomatoes simply will not survive the hot southern summer - they are simply not designed for it.

We will consider exclusively truss greenhouse hybrids, and we will pay more attention to those tomatoes that grow in cold climates

True friends F1

A carpal hybrid with an early ripening period reaching a height of 2 meters. The fruits are round, tight, red, weighing up to 100 g. Usually the cluster contains from 7 to 12 simultaneously ripening fruits, aligned in size. Productivity is consistently high, up to 9 kg per bush. Suitable for recycling.

Resistant to temperature fluctuations. It performed well when grown in cold climates.

Intuition F1

A cluster hybrid with good yield and early ripening - almost 110 days pass from the moment the first shoots peck to the formation of ripe tomatoes. Round tomatoes weighing 100 g are red, have a long shelf life, and are not prone to cracking. They are not inferior in taste to the best Dutch hybrids. Developed specifically for collection by brushes.

Resistant to critical weather conditions and all major tomato diseases. Suitable for growing in northern Russia.

Instinct F1

Tall hybrid with a medium ripening period and fruits weighing up to 110 g. Very easy to grow.

Resistant to lack of light. Can be grown in cold climates.

Carpal F1

Super-yielding mid-early carpal hybrid. The fruits are red, dense, round, weighing up to 110 g. Suitable for canning. Stores well in brushes.

Resistant to stress, fruits set well even with a lack of light and heat. Fruits well in greenhouses in cold regions.

Comet F1

Large-fruited carpal hybrid, bred by Dutch breeders. It is a powerful, easy-to-care plant of medium height with round red fruits. The clusters are uniform, with fruits weighing up to 180 g. They need to be pinched, leaving 5 ovaries.

Recommended for collection with brushes. Requires good lighting. A very productive hybrid, popular in many countries, suitable for cultivation in any climatic conditions.

Features of cultivation

Tomatoes of the Asvon F1 variety can be grown in seedlings or without seedlings. The seeds are treated with a growth stimulant. The soil should be nutritious and light; a mixture of sandy soil with humus is ideal; you can prepare it yourself.

When using the seedling method, seeds are sown in containers or peat cups with a small depth; special mini-greenhouses can be used. In the phase of formation of the first pair of true leaves, the seedlings are planted and then fed with liquid complex fertilizer.

Tip: When growing without seedlings, seeds are sown in soil fertilized with humus. The plantings are sprayed with water and covered tightly with film. As a result, tomatoes grow strong, strong, and do not require hardening.

Adult plants are watered abundantly, but not too often. During the season, tomatoes need to be fed at least 4 times, alternating organic matter with mineral complexes. Foliar feeding is useful, for example spraying with an aqueous solution of superphosphate.

Read more about a variety of fertilizers for tomatoes:

  • Complex, phosphorus, ready-made, TOP of the best.
  • Yeast, ash, iodine, hydrogen peroxide, ammonia, boric acid.
  • For seedlings, when picking.

There is no need to form compact bushes; if necessary, the branches can be tied to a support. It is recommended to remove the lower leaves to allow air and sun access to the fruit. Mulching will help control weeds.

What to plant: variety or hybrid

Many gardeners believe that:

  • hybrid seeds are expensive;
  • the taste of hybrids leaves much to be desired;
  • Hybrids require careful care.

There is some rational grain in all this, but let’s look at everything in order.

On the issue of the high cost of seeds. When buying tomato seeds, by the way, they are not so cheap, we often take a “pig in a poke”, since mis-grading is becoming more and more common. Many gardeners can remember a situation when from a colorful bag of tomato seeds, not strong plants, but puny sprouts grew. The time for reseeding seeds has already passed; during the season, purchased tomato seedlings are expensive, so you have to plant what has grown. And the end result is a greenhouse or greenhouse with a small number of tomatoes that do not correspond to the variety. The efforts that the gardener put into obtaining a significant harvest were wasted.

The bad taste of hybrid tomatoes can also be argued. Yes, old hybrids are more beautiful and transportable than tasty. But breeders develop new hybrid tomatoes every year, constantly improving their taste. Among their wide variety, it is quite possible to find those that will not disappoint.

On the issue of care. Of course, varietal tomatoes can “forgive” gardeners for some errors in care, and hybrids show maximum yield potential only with a high agricultural background. But for such results it is not a pity and will work hard, especially if there is confidence in a guaranteed harvest. And this is possible when the seeds are purchased from a manufacturer with a consistently high reputation, such as the Japanese company Kitano Seeds. Its motto: “New technologies for new results” is justified by the high quality of the planting material produced and sold. Among its seeds there are many hybrid tomatoes, in particular, the seeds of the Asvon f1 tomato, a photo and description of which are presented below.

Diseases and pests

Like other early-ripening hybrids, the Asvon tomato variety is quite resistant to the main diseases of tomatoes in greenhouses. As a preventive measure, it is worth calcining the soil before sowing seedlings or spilling it with a strong solution of potassium permanganate. There are other control measures. Early ripening protects plants from late blight; in the event of an epidemic, preventive treatment with copper-containing preparations is recommended.


We invite you to familiarize yourself with the process of growing tomatoes of the Asvon F1 variety in the following video:

In the table below you will find links to tomatoes with a wide variety of ripening periods:

Mid-lateSuper earlyMid-season
Golden Raspberry Miracle AlphaEtoile
Abakan pink Pink Impression bbw
French grapeGolden streamFestive
Yellow banana The Lazy Man's Miracle Favorite holiday
Titanium Pickling miracle Big Beef f1
Slot F1 SankaStresa
Volgogradsky 5 95 LabradorEternal Call
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