A people's favorite with amazing taste - the Infinity F1 tomato: description of the variety and its characteristics

In the line of early hybrids, farmers are invariably pleased with the Infinity F1 tomato. In addition to high productivity, it is characterized by amazing taste, disease resistance, and presentable appearance. Tomatoes are always in high demand among buyers.

HeightLanding locationRipening timeFruit colorFruit sizeOriginFruit shape
TallGreenhouse, Open groundEarly ripeningRedsLargeHybridFlat-round

Description and characteristics of the variety

Tomato Infinity F1 is an indeterminate tall hybrid. The bushes are moderately spreading and branched. 8-10 tomatoes are tied on fruiting clusters.

Ripening dates are early - 91-95 days from germination.

Characteristics of the Infinity tomato from Siberian Garden:

  • average weight of tomatoes 250-270 g;
  • the weight of the largest fruits reaches 300-400 g;
  • the flesh is dense, but tender;
  • there are from 6 to 12 seed chambers;
  • taste with a predominance of sweetness over sourness.


Infinity tomatoes can be subjected to any culinary processing or consumed fresh as a component of salads. It is not used for canning in its entirety, since due to its large size, the entire fruit will not fit through the neck of the jar.

"Infinity" is classified as a high-yielding hybrid. On average, you can get 16.5-17.5 kg of tomatoes from one square meter of planting .

Infinity’s data can be compared with the yields of other varieties in the table below:

Variety nameProductivity
Infinity16.5-17.5 kg per square meter
Solerosso f18 kg per square meter
Soyuz 815-19 kg per square meter
Aurora f113-16 kg per square meter
Red Dome17 kg per square meter
Aphrodite f15-6 kg per bush
King of the Early12-15 kg per square meter
Severenok f13.5-4 kg per bush
Ob domes4-6 kg per bush
Katyusha17-20 kg per square meter
Pink fleshy5-6 kg per square meter

The Infiniti hybrid has many undoubted advantages:

  • endurance to prolonged heat;
  • resistance to fruit cracking;
  • wonderful taste properties;
  • immunity to most viral and fungal infections;
  • excellent yield;
  • high stress resistance;
  • Easy to transport.

The tomato retains its characteristic taste even when grown in a greenhouse. The fruits are distinguished by their ripening at almost the same time.

Among the disadvantages we can note:

  • need for tying and pinching;
  • intolerance to temperatures below 15°C.

Features of cultivation and storage

The hybrid is recommended for growing:

  • in greenhouse conditions in temperate zones and northern latitudes;
  • in open beds in the Volga region and North Caucasus.

Seedlings are planted in beds at the age of 55-60 days. The soil is fertilized in advance with compost and phosphorus-potassium mixtures.

3 bushes are planted per 1 m2. Holes 30 cm deep are placed at a distance of 50 cm. The distance between rows is 60 cm.

Key points for care:

  • moderate watering 3 times a week;
  • mulching with a layer of 8-10 cm, green manure, hay, and straw are used for mulch;
  • feeding with liquid organic matter and minerals.

The bushes have 1-2 shoots, they are pruned once every 10 days, leaving stumps from 2 to 4 cm.

Description of the high-yielding tomato Infiniti f1, reviews and properties of the variety

The hybrid tomato Infiniti f1 receives numerous and laudatory reviews. This plant was bred specifically for cultivation in southern and central Russia in open ground. In the northern part of the country, Infinity tomatoes are successfully grown in greenhouses and greenhouses. Its productivity remains high.

Main properties of the variety

Tomatoes belong to the category of semi-determinate and medium-branched varieties. The bushes are very tall, reaching a height of 200 cm.

On the one hand, this requires the installation of powerful supports, on the other hand, tomatoes are easy to harvest, and they are protected from soil pests and soil dampness. The trunk is thick and strong, the branches are spreading.

The leaves are medium sized and bright green. The aroma of the tops is pleasant, with a characteristic tomato and spicy smell.

Ripe fruits reach a weight of 250-300 g and are covered with thin red skin. The shape of the tomatoes is round, slightly ribbed. Inside they are divided into several chambers, the number of which varies between 4-8. Infinity's yield is quite high. With proper care, up to 8 kg of beautiful and large tomatoes can be harvested from the bush.

Tomatoes are eaten as cheeses, as slices and in salads. Used to prepare gravy, ketchup and various pickles. When canning, small fruits are rolled into jars, and large ones are processed into juice. Tomatoes tolerate transportation and storage well. In a cold and dark room they can lie for up to 3 months without spoiling.

Ripening begins 90-105 days after planting the seeds. Planting in a greenhouse is done in April, and in open ground in May-June, when stable warm weather sets in. Harvesting ends in August-September before the onset of night frosts.

Pros and cons of hybrid tomato

The technical description of the variety does not give a complete picture of its advantages and disadvantages.

The advantages of Infiniti tomatoes are as follows:

  1. Heat and drought resistance. Tomatoes easily tolerate prolonged high temperatures, which last for months in the southern regions of the country.
  2. High yield. It is appreciated by summer residents and farmers. During the season, farmers receive a good profit.
  3. Versatility. Tomatoes are used in cooking in various forms, as they have excellent taste characteristics.
  4. Genetically instilled immunity to infectious diseases. Tomatoes practically do not get sick during the period of ripening and fruiting.
  5. Transportability and long shelf life.

This variety also has its disadvantages. The main one is the need for a garter. The supports must be strong to withstand the weight of heavy fruits and strong gusts of wind. Tomatoes do not tolerate low temperatures well. One cold night can destroy all the plants.

The plant needs regular feeding. When the supply of nutrients is reduced, fruit set stops.

Consumer Reviews

Vasily, 49 years old, Ekaterinburg:

“In the spring I thought for a long time about what tomatoes to plant this season. An acquaintance showed a photo of ripe Infiniti and said that he planted them last year. I was pleased with the harvest and taste of the tomatoes. I decided to follow his example and purchased several packs of seeds.

I read the blurb on the packaging and liked the characteristics of the variety. I grew tomatoes in a greenhouse; I began to collect the first fruits 3 months after planting the seeds. Over the summer we managed to grow about a ton of beautiful fruits. This turned out to be enough for food, canning and sale.

Next year I will plant Infinity again.”

Igor, 66 years old, Krasnodar:

“I planted these tomatoes for several years in a row. I liked the fact that they grow big, ripen together, and are stored well. The skin does not crack in extreme heat and during transportation in the trunk.

The whole family liked the taste of tomatoes. I note that this variety is quite difficult to care for. A garter and fertilizing are required, the plants are afraid of the cold. Sometimes it was necessary to heat the greenhouse so that the plantings did not die.

But the effort is worth it."

Evdokia, 58 years old, Perm:

“After retiring, I moved to live in the country. To live richer, I decided to start growing tomatoes for sale. I chose Infiniti because I was seduced by its productivity.

The seedlings rose well and successfully took root in the soil. The fruits ripened almost simultaneously, which made them easier to transport to market. The tomatoes themselves are beautiful and tasty, they are stored for a long time without losing their qualities.

I recommend to everyone".

Source: //MoeFermerstvo.ru/tomat/uborka/infiniti-f1

Infinity tomatoes on video

If you grew Infinity tomatoes, please write whether you liked them or not. What was the yield and taste of the fruits like under your climatic conditions? How do you rate the disease resistance of this hybrid? Briefly describe the advantages and disadvantages of this tomato in your opinion. If possible, attach a photo of your tomatoes to your comment. Thank you!

Your reviews of the Infinity tomato and additions to the description will help many gardeners evaluate this hybrid more objectively and decide whether it is worth planting or not.


Breeders recommend growing the hybrid in open ground only in the southern regions and in the Volga region. In other areas it is better to use a greenhouse. The plant is planted in a permanent place after the soil has completely warmed up, and for seedlings 60 days before:

  • northern regions - in March;
  • central areas - April for the street, March for the greenhouse;
  • south – second ten days of March.

The seeds do not require processing, because purchased in specialized stores. Sowing is carried out in a special loose and nutritious soil, which in stores is called “For seedlings”. The distance between the seeds is 2 by 2 cm. Sprinkling them with a small layer of substrate, carefully water them and cover them with film. After a few days, shoots will appear. The protection is removed, and the sprouts dive after the appearance of the second true leaf.

Tomato Infinity

New variety from Russian breeders

  • Fact:
    The variety combines many remarkable qualities - from fast ripening to high yield. The variety is suitable for experienced gardeners and beginners.
  • Fact 2:
    The variety is intended for private and industrial cultivation in open ground and all types of greenhouses.
  • Fact 3:
    The distinctive features of the variety are heat and stress resistance, shelf life and transportability.
  • Fact 4:
    Infiniti has beautiful fruits. They are round, smooth, without ribbing. They are painted a uniform red color, without a green spot at the base.

This is also interesting!

"Infinity" is a new generation hybrid. It combines many wonderful qualities - from fast ripening to high yield. The variety is suitable for experienced gardeners and beginners.

a brief description of

  • Where to grow: greenhouses throughout the Russian Federation, open ground in the south
  • Bush height, cm: 170–190
  • Ripening time, days: 95–100
  • Productivity, kg per 1 m2: 16–18
  • Fruit weight, g: 240–270
  • Application: universal
  • Advantages
    : high productivity,
  • immunity to diseases,
  • transportability,
  • keeping quality,
  • rich taste and aroma,
  • resistance to heat and cracking.
  • Flaws
      obligatory pinching and tying of the stem,
  • intolerance to low temperatures (less than +15˚С).
  • Description

    “Infinity” is an original variety from breeders from Russia. It is intended for private and industrial cultivation in open ground and all types of greenhouses. The plant belongs to the semi-determinate type. It doesn't branch too much. To increase yield, tying and pinching are required.

    Tomatoes ripen quickly, approximately 3 months after seed germination. Fruiting lasts 2–2.5 months. Stops with the arrival of the first frost. Distinctive features of the variety are heat and stress resistance, shelf life and transportability.


    "Infinity" has beautiful fruits. They are round, smooth, without ribbing. They are painted a uniform red color, without a green spot at the base. They have a rich taste and a bright “tomato” aroma. They have elastic flesh. Sugar content – ​​3%. Dry matter up to 5.5%. Tomatoes are universal in use. Ideal for fresh consumption and making juices.

    Photos of Infinity tomato variety


    Seeds are sown for seedlings 50–60 days before transplanting into open ground. To improve germination, they can be soaked overnight in a growth stimulator. The optimal temperature for germination is not lower than 23˚C.

    Plants are placed in the garden bed with an interval of 35–40 cm between bushes. At all stages of growth, Infiniti responds well to complex feeding:

    • nitrogen is necessary during the formation of green mass;
    • phosphorus and potassium stimulate the appearance of ovaries and fruits;
    • boron is responsible for taste and increases shelf life;
    • manganese increases resistance to diseases;
    • zinc promotes active growth.

    The first feeding is carried out after picking. The second 3 weeks after transplantation into open ground. The next portions of fertilizer are applied at intervals of 1.5–2 weeks. Stop as soon as the fruits begin to ripen.

    Maintenance should not be difficult. It comes down to regular loosening and removal of weeds, ventilation of the greenhouse, and preventive spraying against pests. Watering is carried out once every 6–10 days as the top layer of soil dries.

    Video “Harvest varieties of tomatoes: photos and reality”


    The plant is semi-determinate, 1.7 meters high. True, sometimes topping can occur at a lower altitude, and most often this happens due to lack of nutrition at the initial stage of development. The bush is medium branched, the foliage is average. The stem is thick. Internodes are of medium length. The leaves are of normal type and size, slightly wrinkled, green in color. The inflorescence is simple. The first fruit cluster is formed above the 5th - 7th leaf, the subsequent ones appear every 1 - 2 leaves. 5-6 ovaries are formed in each brush. The tomato is highly productive; up to 10 (sometimes more) fruit clusters are formed on two stems.

    The fruits are quite dense, flat-round in shape, slightly ribbed. Unripe tomatoes are light green in color and there is no spot on the stem. At the stage of consumer ripeness they acquire a rich red color. The skin is not thick, glossy. The pulp of the variety, despite its density, is tender and juicy. The number of seed nests is 6 or more. The taste qualities are noted by the State Register as excellent. 100 grams of pulp contains: 5.3% dry matter, 2.9% sugars. The variety is pleasingly large-fruited; even the State Register recorded the mass declared by the originators - 245 grams. Maximum weight - 400 grams.

    a brief description of

    • Where to grow: greenhouses throughout the Russian Federation, open ground in the south
    • Bush height, cm: 170–190
    • Ripening time, days: 95–100
    • Productivity, kg per 1 m2: 16–18
    • Fruit weight, g: 240–270
    • Application: universal
    • Advantages
      : high productivity,
    • immunity to diseases,
    • transportability,
    • keeping quality,
    • rich taste and aroma,
    • resistance to heat and cracking.
  • Flaws
      obligatory pinching and tying of the stem,
  • intolerance to low temperatures (less than +15˚С).
  • Planting in open ground

    At the beginning of June, seedlings can be planted in open ground. To the greenhouse premises a little earlier, at the end of May. The soil must warm up well under the sun, otherwise, when planting seedlings in cold soil, the roots may die.

    The soil should be sufficiently loose and moist. A tomato of this variety requires repeated feeding during the period of full growth. The solution may contain not only chemical, but organic fertilizers. Reviews from summer residents say that by observing all the rules and regulations, the Infinity tomato variety will surprise and delight you with a generous harvest.

    Sowing seedlings

    Before sowing seeds for seedlings, it is necessary to select defective and unsuitable seeds for planting.

    Those who have grown tomatoes and have some experience are advised to keep the seeds in the refrigerator for 3 days before planting and undergo light hardening. Before planting, soak the seeds for 10–15 hours. You can add a few drops of aloe juice to the water, which helps disinfect the seeds from external and internal parasites.

    Water the soil with warm water with added fertilizer. Plant one seed in each glass-cell. Cover the seeds with soil on top, compact them again and water them. Cover the container with glass and place in a warm place.

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