Description of the Leningrad Giant sweet tomato and growing seedlings

How to grow seedlings correctly

Residents of the South do not grow Pink or Orange Giant tomato seedlings. They plant the seeds directly into the ground. Those who live in the Central zone and to the north cannot do without growing seedlings.

Plant Siberian pink giant tomato seeds not in a common box, but in separate peat cups. This is done in order to extend the ripening time of future fruits.

Practice shows that there is no point in growing a lot of seedlings, since Pink Giant tomatoes are not planted in large quantities due to their unsuitability for canning. 8 bushes are enough for a family, no more. That is, you will need the same number of cups for seedlings. They won't take up much space.

Sow store-bought seeds immediately, but it is advisable to treat your own seeds before planting. That is, disinfect them in a weak solution of manganese and hold them for a quarter of an hour in a solution of kornevit.

Place three seeds in one glass. In this case, you will have the opportunity to choose the strongest sprout. You will make your choice after at least two leaves have formed on each of the three sprouts. After this, leave the strongest of them for further growth, and destroy the two weak shoots.

Next, you just have to monitor the soil moisture in the cup and the air temperature in the room. It should not fall below 20 degrees. It doesn’t hurt to additionally illuminate the seedlings with a neon lamp.

It is very important to fertilize the soil in cups with complex liquid mineral fertilizers every two weeks.

Harden off the seedlings two weeks before planting. To do this, take the cups out into the open air every day, increasing the time the sprouts stay there every day.

In the last days before planting, leave the seedlings outdoors for a full day. You cannot take seedlings outside when it is raining or strong winds are blowing. You should also not do this if the outside temperature is 15 degrees or less.

Hardening off the seedlings is very important, as it ensures that the Pink Giant or Sugar Giant tomatoes can safely tolerate night air temperatures of up to +10 degrees.

Ultra-early ripening greenhouse varieties

These varieties are characterized by accelerated emergence and very early fruiting. They are characterized by maximum yield, but for successful cultivation in greenhouse structures, you should choose only varieties that are resistant to temperature changes and increased humidity:

In conclusion, I would like to say that despite the climatic and weather conditions of this area, modern gardeners are quite successful in growing not only tomatoes, but also many other heat-loving vegetables. The main thing is to choose the right variety

When purchasing seeds, pay attention to the requirements and varietal characteristics of the tomato, its resistance to cold and fungal diseases, since these are the factors that have the most adverse effect on the growth of tomatoes and their productivity

Planting and caring for giant tomatoes

Planting and caring for giant tomatoes is no different from caring for ordinary small-fruited tomatoes. It is imperative to remember that on fertile, loose soil, it is easier to obtain large fruits than on heavy, loamy soil.

How to make yeast fertilizer for tomatoes in a greenhouse and open groundRead

The timing of planting seeds for seedlings in the middle zone is standard. At the end of February, seedlings are sown for planting tomatoes in the greenhouse. In mid-March, seeds are sown for planting seedlings in open ground.

In order for the seedlings to grow strong and not stretch in length, you need to:

  1. Maintain the room temperature at 18 °C during the day and 10-15 °C at night.
  2. In cloudy weather, illuminate the boxes with seedlings with fluorescent lamps.
  3. Feed twice with complex fertilizer for tomatoes.
  4. Dive into separate glasses.
  5. In the last week before transplanting into the ground, harden off.
  6. Water in moderation, avoiding stagnation of water.

Transplantation into the ground

Transplant seedlings at the age of 55 days into prepared holes. Keep the distance between bushes at 40 cm. Make row spacing wider when planting in rows (60-70 cm).

Disinfect the stakes in advance and drive them in next to the holes. Prepare soft bindings. Add humus, ash, superphosphate and potassium nitrate to the holes. After transferring the tomato seedlings, water the holes well and sprinkle with a layer of compost or humus (3-5 cm).

How to form a bush

7-10 days after transplanting, tie the bushes to stakes (trellis). Leave the stepson located under the first flower brush. It is needed to obtain the second stem. Pluck out all other stepsons that appear in the axils of the central trunk, leaving in place a stump 1 cm high.

Planting and cultivation

The variety needs to be sown from the end of March until April in already prepared greenhouses. This allows you to get a harvest of pink tomatoes in a short period of time.

It is advisable to fill the greenhouse recesses with hot manure 8-10 days before. Manure should be laid fairly loosely, with the exception of the middle and walls, where it needs to be compacted. After four days, the settled biomaterial must be leveled, and then covered with a 15-17 cm layer of soil. The heat of the soil should reach 25 degrees above zero, after which the seeds can be planted.

The seedlings need to be plucked. A schematic representation of planting tomatoes is 70 by 40 cm. To improve the development of the root system, up to a third of the roots of tomato seedlings are removed before transplanting.

Application of fruits

Tomatoes in gelatin - this recipe for canning the Leningrad giant is the most popular. When preparing the product, use only large fruits, cut them into quarters. Place them in glass jars, where chopped onions are added as usual. For 4 liters of water you need to take 100g of salt and 500g of sugar, add peas and boil the sauce. Gelatin, after swelling, should be poured into the brine and boiled for 5 minutes. The chopped eggs must be poured with marinade and the jars must be rolled up.

With the addition of vegetable oil, chopped ass acquires a special taste. You need to put chopped tomato fruit, spices and onion rings (onion) in jars, then pour marinade over it all. Add vegetable oil (up to a 2 cm layer) only after the pasteurization process.

The variety has only positive reviews. What is especially appreciated about tomatoes is their sugar content, many uses and remarkable taste.

The best tomato varieties for the North-West

They differ in the type of bush development, ability to resume growth and flowering.


Tomatoes stop their growth after the formation of 4–5 clusters; they grow well in open ground or in unheated greenhouses. Under the conditions of the Leningrad region, pinching is necessary to achieve uniform fruit ripening.

Northern Lights - early, grows in open ground and in greenhouses. The stem grows up to 90 cm and needs pinching and staking. Fruits up to 90 g.

Bull's heart is a mid-late, high-yielding salad. The fruits gain weight up to 500 g. It is used in open ground and in greenhouses.

Talalikhin 186 - short (up to 60 cm), early ripening. Grows in open ground, under film and in pots. Low resistance to late blight.

The Bronze Horseman is an early variety with a long fruiting period for both open and closed ground. Resistant to late blight. The fruits can be stored for up to two months.

Comet - early ripening, loves warmth, intended for greenhouse maintenance.

Ground Gribovsky is a squat bush, resistant to cold and disease. Does not tolerate high humidity well. Belongs to early ripening.

Zoren is early ripening and productive. Tolerates cold weather well in open ground.

Siberian early ripening - low-growing bush, high yield. Grows well without shelter. Resistant to diseases.

Guarantor is an early ripening variety, suitable for greenhouse maintenance.

Tsarskoye Selo - early ripening, tall (up to 95 cm). It grows both in open ground and under film.

Lyana is very early, the yield of the harvest is friendly. Resistant to diseases.

Red arrow - the stem grows up to 1.5 meters, early ripening. Grown in greenhouses. Tolerates frost and lack of lighting very well.

Harlequin - excellent taste, high yield. Resistant to temperature changes and diseases.

Blagovest is a variety intended for greenhouses, early ripening, high-yielding, and little susceptible to temperature fluctuations.

They are characterized by a powerful, squat stem. There is no need to remove the stepsons and tie them up.

Olya is early ripening, tolerates frost well, and is little susceptible to disease. The fruits grow weighing up to 90 g.

Pink leader - bears pink fruits weighing up to 150 g. Adapted to the climatic conditions of the Leningrad region, early ripening.

Valentina - produces medium-sized, early-ripening orange fruits. Grows well in open ground

Northern baby - very early, with small tomatoes (30–35). Cultivated in open ground. Disease resistant.

Nevsky is early ripening, grows in open ground, is not afraid of cold weather and late blight.

Baltic - low-growing, ultra-early, high-yielding. It grows in open ground and is not afraid of dense planting.

North - due to its precocity, it is not afraid of late blight. Highly productive.

Anniversary VIR is an early ripening variety that is cultivated in open ground and in film greenhouses. The yield is high.

The berry is cold-resistant, early ripening, high-yielding. Tolerates lack of sunlight well.

Ranetochka - in open ground one bush can produce up to a hundred fruits weighing 30–40 g.

Hummingbird is an early ripening species, grown in garden plots and in pots. Fruits weighing up to 20g. suitable for whole canning.

Antoshka - a low-growing bush produces the first yellow fruits 90 days from the beginning of germination.

The Far North is early ripening, productive, and immune to cold and lack of light.


Tomatoes are characterized by continuous stem growth. In the conditions of the Leningrad region, they are recommended for greenhouses, where they can grow and bear fruit for more than a year. They require particularly careful shaping and tying of the lash.

Sweet cherry - super early ripening, sweet, not afraid of cold and disease. The stem grows up to five meters.

Alena is cold-resistant, grows well in low light conditions, and is recommended for growing in greenhouses.

Swift - in greenhouses, tall stems need ventilation. Insufficient lighting tolerates well.

Rianto is high-yielding, early-ripening, disease-resistant.


These are hybrid varieties. They can suddenly stop growing. They are not distinguished by high early maturity.

Express is very early, has a compact bush, grows in open ground.

Dandelion – produces orange fruits. It is well cultivated in open ground and in greenhouses. Needs pinching and tying up.

A prudent gardener stocks up with several varieties of tomatoes with different biological characteristics in case the sprouts die under unfavorable conditions.


A variety of special selection aimed at adaptation in the northwestern region. Baltic belongs to the “Northern Collection” of tomatoes. It is highly resistant to disease, cold, high humidity and low light.


The Baltic tomato bush is of determinate type, no more than 120 cm high. The tomatoes are large, regularly round in shape, weighing up to 150 g. The color of the peel and pulp is classic bright red. The pulp is fleshy and sweet.

Baltic begins to bear fruit from the 120th day after emergence. The yield of marketable tomatoes for greenhouses reaches 5 kg per 1 sq. m. Productivity is low, but stable.

Features of planting and care

Tomatoes for the Leningrad region (varieties for greenhouses are resistant to pests) are not capricious. The Baltic tomato can be formed into 2 stems, then the stepsons can be removed and, if necessary, watered. To increase productivity, it is recommended to feed the bushes 1-2 times per season. With such modest care, the plant can bear up to 7 clusters on one stem.

Agricultural technology for vegetable crops in greenhouses

To get a harvest of pink fruits early, Leningrad Giant tomatoes are sown in prepared greenhouses from March 25 to early April.

Eight to ten days before this, the greenhouse recesses are filled with hot manure. If the biomaterial is compacted in the middle, along the walls, then in other places it is laid loosely. The settled manure is leveled after four days. After this, the soil is poured in a layer of fifteen to seventeen centimeters. You can plant tomato seeds for seedlings in such a greenhouse when the soil temperature reaches 25 degrees above zero.

To place Leningrad giant tomato seedlings under cover from pots, diving them, outline the lines of future rows. The tomato planting pattern is 70x40 centimeters. Before transplanting tomato seedlings, a third of their roots are removed. This procedure promotes enhanced development of the root system of the tomato variety. Although some gardeners consider this unnecessary.

Transplanted tomato seedlings are carefully looked after:

Caring for giant tomatoes in open ground is common, as for other types of vegetable plants.

Disease control, preventive measures

Every vegetable grower must know what diseases can appear in tomatoes of this variety, and how to identify them based on the symptoms. If you treat the seeds with mercuric chloride and disinfect the soil in greenhouses, this will protect the plant from bacterial growth.

Plant diseases are often associated with leaf damage:

  1. No, no, and tomatoes are deficient in phosphorus in the soil or moisture in the air; on top of the bush you can see rough leaves twisted into a tube. It is not yet possible to remove the seeds from this diseased plant for further cultivation.
  2. If the plant has become ill with an infectious disease, then you may notice silver-white spots on the surface of the leaves. What to do is prepare a solution of Bordeaux mixture and spray the plant with it, and over time repeat this procedure 2 more times after 10 days.
  3. Red-brown stripes appearing on the leaf blades and stems can alert you to the fact that the plant is infected with streak. The bush begins to show weak growth, the leaves begin to dry out and curl. Plant diseases are caused by infected moura. Before you start sowing, you need to carefully select the mora, prepare a weak solution of potassium permanganate and pickle them in it (this will take about 20 minutes).
  4. Plants can also be attacked by various types of microorganisms, such as pathogenic ones. What will the pattern on the leaves in the form of a mosaic indicate? Control methods are the same as for strik infection.

Leningrad giant tomatoes often exhibit symptoms of many diseases that every gardener should know about.

Signs of damage to tomatoes appear: browning of blood vessels on the cut of the stem; on still green tomatoes - small round spots with a crack in the middle. The disease progresses rapidly, leading to loss of large tomato yields.

Many diseases of varietal tomatoes are associated with leaf damage:

  1. If the leaf plate of a vegetable plant curls into a tube and becomes rough, then the tomatoes do not have enough phosphorus in the soil or moisture in the air. Leaf curl is genetically transmitted, so you cannot take seeds from a diseased crop for subsequent growing of tomatoes.
  2. Many silvery-white spots on the surface of tomato leaves indicate the development of an infectious disease. When the first signs appear, it is necessary to spray the bushes with a solution of Bordeaux mixture. Repeat this procedure twice more after ten days.
  3. Red-brown stripes that appear on the leaves and stems of tomatoes signal a streak infection. The plant looks sick and is stunted. And its leaves curl and dry out. The cause of tomato disease lies in the affected seeds. Before sowing, they should be strictly selected by treating the seed material in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for twenty minutes.
  4. The mosaic pattern on tomato leaves is associated with infection by pathogenic microorganisms through plant sap. You need to deal with tomato mosaic in the same way as with streak.

Pathologies of tomatoes can be prevented by preventative treatment of bushes with Bordeaux mixture three times with a break of ten days.

We harvest before anyone else with the Leningrad Giant tomato variety - description and characteristics

Leningrad giant is an unusual tomato, because its bushes are compact in size and its fruits are very large. This rarely happens. But this feature does not harm the taste of tomatoes - on the contrary, their flesh is juicy, sweet and very tasty.

HeightLanding locationRipening timeFruit colorFruit sizeOriginFruit shape
shortGreenhouse, Open groundEarly ripeningPinkLargeVarietyFlat-round

Description and characteristics of the variety

The Leningrad Giant tomato variety is determinate. The bush grows up to 90 cm, semi-spreading, slightly leafy. The first inflorescence appears over 7-9 leaves, then they are formed every 1-2 leaves. The harvest can be harvested within 85-90 days after germination. The tomatoes are large, weigh up to 300 g, flat-round in shape and slightly ribbed. Their color at ripeness is pink and the stalk has a dark spot. The pulp contains a lot of juice, is fleshy, and has a sweet taste.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • excellent taste;
  • attractive appearance;
  • rapid fruit ripening;
  • productivity.


tomatoes may crack.

Features of cultivation and storage

To obtain an early harvest, it is recommended to plant seedlings in a greenhouse at the end of March. Two months before this, the seeds are sown.

Plants require pinching; they are formed into 1-2 stems. Due to the large-fruited variety, it is better to tie the bushes to a support so that they do not break.

Planting and care

In the greenhouse, holes are prepared according to a 70 by 40 cm pattern. Fresh manure is placed in them, compacting it tightly into the walls and bottom, and the remaining space is filled freely. When it settles, add soil and plant tomatoes. They need moderate watering and 2-3 feedings per season.

Origin of giant varieties

When developing varieties of giant tomatoes, the main goal of breeders was to achieve larger sizes and improve the taste of the fruit.

As a result, tomatoes with large fruits and an original sweet taste have been developed. The pulp of giant tomatoes is pleasant to the taste and contains an increased amount of sugars, lycopene and provitamin A.

Crimson Giant

The early-ripening determinate tomato variety “Crimson Giant” was bred by a group of breeders led by Lukyanenko and entered into the State Register in 2007.

It is grown in all regions of the Russian Federation in carbonate and film greenhouses, and in the southern regions in open ground.

  • full ripening occurs after 100 - 110 days,
  • yield from 6 to 8 kg per 1 sq.m.,
  • average susceptibility to the most common diseases,
  • low shelf life and transportability.

A non-standard branched bush with a height of 0.7 to 1.5 meters requires mandatory formation and pinching. A well-formed root system grows laterally in the upper layers of the soil.

Large leaves of a dark green color with slight wrinkles have a regular shape.

Inflorescences of the intermediate type are placed every 2 leaves, starting from the first 5-6 leaves. Typically, up to 4 fruits are formed on each inflorescence, with at least 1 being quite large. Tomatoes that hold tightly to the stalk are not susceptible to shedding.

The fruits of the “Crimson Giant” have an irregular flat-round shape with a diameter of about 10 cm. There is a slight ribbing from the stalk. When ripe they have a pink tint, the stalk is surrounded by a greenish spot. The ripe fruit is a rich crimson color. The weight of a tomato is usually 200 - 400 g, and on the lower inflorescence it can reach up to 1 kg.

The pulp is tender, fleshy, with a small number of grains, the taste is sweet with the presence of a slight sourness. It is eaten both fresh, in salads, and for making juices, pastes and ketchups. Self-harvesting of seeds is possible.

King of the Giants

Bred in 2010 by Siberian breeders. Tomatoes “King of Giants” are indeterminate varieties with an average ripening period.

Developed for cultivation in open ground in the southern regions and in greenhouses in the middle and northern regions.

  • ripening period 110 - 120 days,
  • yield from 7 to 9 kg per sq.m,
  • low susceptibility to pests and diseases,
  • unpretentious in care,
  • good keeping quality and transportability.

Bushes 1.7 - 2 m high require constant pinching and gartering. The best yield results are achieved when forming a bush of 1-2 stems.

The first ovary appears after the 9th leaf, the rest after 3-4 leaves.

The round, slightly flattened, bright red fruits reach a weight of 400 - 600 g, but specimens weighing up to 800 - 1000 g are not uncommon. The skin is dense and not susceptible to cracking. The fleshy and juicy pulp has a sweet taste with barely pronounced sourness, and when overripe, even sugary.

This variety is distinguished by its high content of vitamins and is recommended for preparing children's and dietary dishes.

When developing varieties of giant tomatoes, the main goal of breeders was to achieve larger sizes and improve the taste of the fruit. As a result, tomatoes with large fruits and an original sweet taste have been developed. The pulp of giant tomatoes is pleasant to the taste and contains an increased amount of sugars, lycopene and provitamin A.

Perhaps the disadvantage of giant tomatoes can be considered the specificity of their use - for salads and processing for juice. They are not suitable for preservation due to their size; their shelf life is generally not great. The weight of the “giant” fruit usually ranges from 200 to 500 grams. And for growing in a garden or summer cottage - interesting, exciting and appetizing.

Opinions and recommendations of vegetable growers

Reviews from gardeners cultivating the Leningradsky variety indicate early fruit ripening, universal use, and excellent taste. Easy plant care and resistance to temperature changes are among the advantages for which the variety is valued.

Natalya Safronova, 56 years old, Kulebaki:

“The Leningradsky variety attracted attention for its positive properties associated with resistance to temperature changes and early ripening of fruits. The ultra-early ripening tomato began to ripen in late July, the fruiting period ended in mid-August

The main thing is that bushes planted in open ground are not infected with late blight. Compact plants have reached a height of 30 cm; moderately leafy bushes do not require removal of shoots. Tall plants with large leaves have formed in the greenhouse. The fruits have a thick skin, are red in color, and have good taste.”

Anatoly Gerasimov, 59 years old, Zelenogorsk:

“I grow the Leningradsky variety in open ground. Low-growing bushes tolerate low temperatures well, which does not affect productivity. The fruits are small in size, with a slightly ribbed surface, and ripen in clusters. Tomatoes have a slightly sour taste and thick skin. I liked the relatively long fruiting period and early ripening of the crop. Used mainly fresh for making salads.”

Description of the tomato variety Leningradsky early ripening, reviews, photos

An early-ripening, low-growing, high-yielding tomato variety, bred for regions with short and often cool summers.

Fruit ripening in the North-West begins on July 20-25. By mid-August, the harvest is almost completely harvested.

The bush is standard, 25-30 cm high in open ground. Does not require pinching. When growing this variety in a greenhouse, its height can be up to 80-90 cm.

Fruit characteristics

The fruits are round, red in color at maturity, weighing 50-70 g, juicy, pleasant tomato taste with a slight sourness. These tomatoes are suitable for early fresh salads, home cooking, and processing.

Due to its high precocity, the variety “avoids” late blight.

Tomatoes for open ground

Among the tomatoes for growing outside, I liked only five. Although all tomatoes for open ground can be grown in a greenhouse, if there is space. It is simply more efficient to occupy a greenhouse not only in width, but also in height, so it is customary to place low varieties outside, under temporary shelter or without it at all.

The hybrid “Market King III F1” got its name for a reason. I grow it under cover and without, depending on how much space remains in the greenhouse after the main plantings. It is considered early ripening, although I would not say so. I plant it with pleasure, because in any summer - both cloudy and hot - it produces a stable harvest. Most likely, this is because it is resistant to various diseases. In a greenhouse it grows slightly higher than in open ground. A garter is needed because the fruits, especially the lower ones, are very large.

Rice. 30. “Market King III F1” produces aligned fruits (in the red basket).

Rice. 31. “Apple tree of Russia” on a bush.

Rice. 32. “Apple Tree of Russia” stores well, including when frozen.

Rice. 33. “Buyan” is a long-known trouble-free variety for open ground.

Rice. 34. “Buyan” is good for pickling.

Rice. 35. I bought “Leningrad Chill” in economical packaging - 200 seeds in one. It lived up to its name, did not freeze during frosts, and grew well both in the greenhouse and outdoors.

Rice. 36. But the yellow-fruited variety “Wonder of the World” turned out to be the most cold-resistant for open ground. It sets an incredible amount of fruit.

From the low ones I also tried “Kremlin F1”, “Peach”, “Orange Sun”, “Dushechka”, “Tiger”, “Sanka”. Despite the hype, these varieties disappointed me.

And finally, dwarfs. These tomatoes are suitable for even the laziest or busiest gardeners. They do not require gartering, watering and, especially, pinching.

Rice. 37. Dwarfs only need to be mulched in mid-June and come to harvest in early August.

Rice. 38. Although, if you sow them at the end of February, you can harvest the first harvest on July 1, as in this photo.

Rice. 39. They bear fruit all summer.

I tried “SamRastet”, “Florida Petit”, “Pygmy”, “Pinocchio”, “Balcony Duet” - I liked them all.

Rice. 40. “Florida Petit” bore fruit even at home.

This year I will have only three new products: the tall “Shuntuk Giant” and the standard “Far North” and “Winter Cherry”. All of them have good reviews on the forum.

Do you have any tomato varieties that you must plant every year? How many are there, and what are they called?

Characteristics of a non-standard plant

Very rarely, low-growing varieties are pleased with large tomatoes. But the Leningrad giant is an exception. The vegetable bush does not grow higher than ninety centimeters. Its stems are weakly leafy. Carved tomato leaves are dark green, large. The first flower cluster of the plant is laid above the eighth or ninth leaf, the subsequent ones - with an interval of one or two leaves.

The description of the Leningrad Giant varietal fruit includes:

  • flat-round shape;
  • weak ribbing;
  • Unripe tomatoes have a green color with a dark spot in the stalk area;
  • When tomatoes are fully ripe, the color of the fruit is pink;
  • dense, smooth skin;
  • weight up to three hundred grams;
  • rich dessert taste in fleshy, juicy pulp.

The value of tomatoes is in their high yield, excellent taste and resistance to fruit cracking.

Description of the variety

Leningrad giant is an exceptional variety; on average, despite the fact that the tomato bushes are low-growing, pomona fruits grow quite large. On average, the bushes do not stretch earlier than 90 cm. The crop has fairly large dark green leaves, but there are few of them on the stem. In most cases, the first flower tassel is laid above the 8-9 leaf of the plant, the rest are located with an interval of 1-2 leaves.

  • Flat-round model.
  • The color of the ripened fruit is pink.
  • Smooth, dense skin with a ribbed surface.
  • What sand in the sea is up to 300 g.
  • Unripe fruits are green in color and have a dark spot at the stalk.
  • Sweetish taste.
  • The pulp is quite fleshy and juicy.

Care instructions

High varieties of tomatoes need abundant watering. This also applies to Siberian giant tomatoes. In addition, this variety has very large fruits, which means the plant needs much more moisture. Water these tomatoes frequently and generously. Pour water under the root, avoiding getting it on the branches and leaves. The ideal option would be to arrange drip irrigation for the soil on the plantation.

Large fruits require generous soil feeding. The soil under these tomatoes has to be fertilized systematically throughout the season. Apply organic matter and mineral fertilizers alternately to the soil.

It is extremely important not to forget to feed the tomatoes during the formation of inflorescences and fruit set.

After each watering or rain, be sure to loosen the soil in the garden around each tomato bush. This is done to provide the roots of the plant with air.

If you don’t have much free time, then reduce the frequency of watering by mulching the plantation. In addition, mulch prevents the formation of a film on the soil surface after watering and rain. That is, in this case, you don’t have to loosen the ground around the bushes.

Leave from one to three stems on one bush. The fewer stems, the larger the tomatoes. Therefore, here choose for yourself a compromise option between the quantity and size of the fruit. However, if you leave more than three branches on one bush, there will be more tomatoes, as gardeners say in reviews, but the fruits will not only be small, but also tasteless.

To ensure good air circulation under the bushes, tear off all the lower leaves. This measure will provide reliable protection against the occurrence of fungal diseases.

Varieties of giant tomatoes - Pink, Honey, etc. - are resistant to diseases of nightshade plants, but are susceptible to damage from harmful insects. If pests are detected, treat the bushes with appropriate protective agents.

Olga Danilina

Adapted varieties

The term “adapted” or “zoned varieties” appeared for a reason. Each territory (region) has its own climatic characteristics, which have different effects on the development of plants. And the crops themselves are demanding of certain growing conditions, determined by their varietal characteristics.

To solve the problem, individual resistant varieties were bred, adapted to this climate and possessing the following qualities:

  • tolerance to lack of light;
  • high immunity to diseases characteristic of tomatoes, especially fungal ones;
  • short growing season (early fruiting);
  • the ability to form an ovary in conditions of the absence of pollinators and low temperatures;
  • ability to accumulate sugars in conditions of lack of sun.

At the moment, about 30 varieties have been included in the State Register of Breeding Achievements, zoned specifically for the Leningrad region and possessing all of the above qualities. As you can see, a colossal selection work was done, and even a separate variety “Leningradsky” was developed, which has several hybrid forms: Early ripening, Late, Autumn, Kholodok. In addition, other adapted varieties should be noted:

Planting seedlings in the ground

Plant Pink, Red (any other) giant tomato seedlings in open ground when at least 6 leaves and at least one inflorescence are formed on each sprout. This happens 2 months after planting the seeds.

Plant seedlings so that the distance between the bushes is 50 cm, and between the rows - 60 cm. Experienced gardeners increase these distances to 70 cm.

The depth of the holes, according to their descriptions, should correspond to the height of the peat cups in which the seedlings grew. After planting, water the plants with warm water. If there is a threat of a cold snap at night, cover with film.

All giant tomatoes, like the Sugar Giant, grow quite quickly, so do not delay time in arranging supports for them. Already on the second day after planting, drive stakes up to 2 meters long into the ground and stretch a wire between them.

You will subsequently tie branches heavy with fruit to this wire. Sometimes you have to make additional supports for very large fruits - the descriptions are confirmed by the photo.

Agricultural technology tomato Sugar giant

When choosing Sugar Giant tomatoes for planting, you should take into account the characteristic features. The summer season begins with planting seeds for seedlings and caring for seedlings at home. At this stage, it becomes clear what qualities the tomato has: whether it is able to quickly adapt to changes in temperature, how it reacts to heavy watering and drought.

Growing seedlings

Seeds are planted in March, this allows seedlings to be planted in open ground areas in late spring or early summer.

At the first stage, common containers are selected for sowing. After the 3rd - 4th leaf appears on the shoots, the seedlings are dived into separate glasses.

Seeds are prepared before sowing in stages:

  • disinfected (manganese solution is suitable for this);
  • germinate (to weed out incapable material);
  • soak (to increase germination);
  • bubble (saturate with oxygen to increase protective forces).

The seeds are buried in pre-prepared loose soil to a depth of no more than 2 cm. Then the seedlings are covered with film or glass. This creates a greenhouse effect and increases the chances of germination.

After the sprouts appear, greenhouse conditions are no longer required; the seedlings are placed in a room with an air temperature of at least + 22 °C, relative humidity and sunlight.

After 2-3 or 3-4 leaves appear on the stem, hardening begins gradually. To do this, the seedlings are taken out onto the balcony or terrace, increasing the residence time every day.

The hardening procedure increases the ability of tomatoes to adapt to new conditions after planting in a permanent place of growth.

Landing rules

Sugar giant seedlings are planted in areas of open ground or greenhouses. Any of the selected options is only suitable if the prepared soil has warmed up to + 15°C.

The hole is fertilized with wood ash. The seedlings are buried down to the first leaves, then covered with soil, compacted, and watered. Leave a distance of at least 50 cm between the bushes.

Watering and fertilizing

Sugar giant is a variety that needs regular watering. To develop, it only needs 2 - 3 waterings weekly.

During the growing season, summer residents recommend feeding the soil with superphosphates and urea. Fertilizing is carried out along with loosening the soil after rains or heavy watering.

Foliar feeding is necessary for the Sugar Giant if the leaves lose their original bright green color or begin to curl due to pest invasion. The Sugar Giant tomato tolerates spraying with tobacco infusions and soap solution well.

Pinching and tying

When planting the Sugar Giant tomato, it is necessary to install trellises or supports of a similar type. As they grow, the bushes are tied up so that the thin stems do not break and thereby cause the death of the bush.

To get a good harvest, the Sugar Giant needs proper pinching. Stepchildren and side shoots are removed regularly.


According to the characteristics and description of the Sugar Giant tomato variety, it needs to be molded into 1 stem. When 2–3 stems are formed, the fruits begin to become smaller, and the protective properties of the variety are reduced.

The top is pinched at a height of at least 1.5 m: this allows you to stop the uncontrolled growth of the indeterminate variety.

Protection from diseases and pests

The main cause of tomato diseases is associated with violations of agricultural technology. The variety is resistant to fungal diseases, but if the soil is too wet, it can respond to this by rotting the roots.

One of the preventive measures is spraying bushes against late blight, since this disease is common among tomato crops. For spraying, prepare a solution of a special product “Phytophthora”.

Aphid infestations pose a danger to the Sugar Giant. Therefore, in the spring it is recommended to regularly treat the bushes. Folk remedies that help in the fight against aphids are treatment with tobacco infusion and a solution of laundry soap.

A good preventative measure is to follow planting rules. The following flower crops are suitable for proximity to the Sugar Giant:

Among vegetable crops, parsley is chosen; among common garden herbs, peppermint is the most suitable.

Features of giant tomatoes

The characteristics and description of the variety indicated on the packaging must be read before purchasing seeds - fundamental points may be indicated there. Prepare the seeds for planting - disinfect them in a solution of potassium permanganate, rinse them in warm water and put them in a cool place for several days. Next, the seeds are soaked, and when the first shoots appear, they are planted in prepared pots.

The most important thing when deciding to grow a giant tomato is to purchase high-quality selection seeds. In Moscow there are representative offices of almost all companies involved in the licensed sale of seeds.

Growing giant tomatoes is not particularly difficult. Many varieties are suitable both for open ground in the southern regions and for growing in Siberia in greenhouse conditions.

The requirements for seeds, seedlings, planting time and plant care are similar to other varieties.

An important feature of successful cultivation of giants is the obligatory timely staking of the stem, topping and pinching of the plant. Depending on the desire to get fruits of a certain size, it is necessary to form a bush. Usually 2 stems are left, but for growing particularly large specimens - only 1 stem. As the fruit grows, be sure to strengthen the branches with stands.

Cultivation of the variety begins with sowing seeds for seedlings. Seeds are pickled in potassium permanganate and sown in shallow cassettes with a transparent lid. The date for planting in open ground under covering material is the first ten days of May, which means that seeds can be sown for seedlings in early April or in the last days of March.

In the phase of the second true leaf, tomatoes of this variety require picking. From a common container, seedlings are planted in separate glasses. When the seedlings reach the age of 55 days, it is time to transplant into the ground. They spend it in the evening. 6 bushes are planted per square meter. In the Leningrad region, tomatoes are often grown in polycarbonate greenhouses. The seedlings are hardened off for a week and planted in the greenhouse on June 1st.

The bed is dug up a week before transplanting tomato seedlings to a permanent place. The digging depth is 30–35 cm. Humus (a bucket), superphosphate (2 tablespoons), ammonium and potassium nitrate (a tablespoon each) are added for digging. In summer, seedlings are watered at least once a week. Between waterings, loosen the soil and destroy weeds.

During the season, tomato bushes are fertilized 2-3 times. The first feeding is carried out with mullein infusion, all subsequent feedings are carried out with mineral fertilizers. In August, the bushes are treated with a solution of boric acid. The variety has average immunity to diseases; fertilization serves as their prevention.

"The Red Giant"

According to the description, the “red giant” tomato, bred by domestic amateur breeders, is used for growing under shelters, in greenhouses and in open ground. The variety is mid-early, indeterminate, standard type.

The variety has the following characteristics:

  • yield – up to 12 kilograms per square meter. m;
  • ripening – 110 days;
  • resistance to common nightshade diseases.

According to reviews, the “red giant” tomato is picky about the composition of the soil. Gardeners highlight poor keeping quality, the need for pinching and bush formation. The plant is tall, reaches 180 cm, which is why it needs to be tied up. Supports are installed under the fruit clusters.

The variety produces fruit clusters every three leaves, and the first one above the tenth leaf. Each cluster contains 5-6 fruits. The variety produces smooth tomatoes weighing 450-900 grams. The pulp is juicy, with excellent taste. "Giant Red" is ideal for making juices, sauces, ketchups, as well as for fresh consumption.


Standard, ultra-early tomato, with bright red tomatoes weighing up to 200 g. Northerner is well adapted to low light conditions and regular temperature fluctuations. The fruits ripen in clusters. The first tomatoes are harvested after 92 days.


The Northern tomato is stocky, strong, with a stem height of no more than 60 cm. The leaves are small, the bush is compact. Capable of bearing up to 6 clusters of 5–6 fruits each.

The first flower brush of the Northerner appears above the 10th leaf, then after every 2nd. The average yield is 4 kg per bush. The variety sets fruit well even at low temperatures.

Features of planting and care

Tomatoes for the Leningrad region (varieties for greenhouses can be grown at low temperatures) include many crops bred for Siberian conditions. One of them is the Northern tomato, which can withstand cool summers and is not picky about lighting. The variety's immunity to most diseases is high.

Sowing seeds to obtain seedlings is carried out in mid-April. The sprouts do not require additional lighting or high temperatures. Therefore, Northerners are often sown immediately in a permanent place: in “warm” beds under film covers, carbonate or glass.

The compactness of the bushes allows you to thicken plantings up to 10 plants per 1 square meter. m. Tomato Northerner needs pinching, but tying to a support is not necessary.

"Giant Yellow"

Photos of the “giant yellow” tomato show what huge yellow fruits can be grown. This variety, bred by domestic breeders, is an indeterminate variety, capable of growing both in open ground and in greenhouses.

“Yellow Giant” ripens on the 120th day. With good agricultural technology, you can get up to 15 kg of tomatoes from one square meter. After harvesting, it must be immediately used for food or processed, as the fruits do not store well.

The weight of tomatoes is 400 grams, but when grown in one stem they can reach 800 grams.

The tomato pulp is juicy, sweetish in taste, with a high content of niacin. This type is useful for people suffering from liver pathologies.

Features of cultivation, planting and care

Sowing the seeds of this variety of tomatoes for seedlings is carried out 55-60 days before planting in the ground. Seedlings dive at the stage of two true leaves. When planting seedlings in the ground for 1 sq. It is recommended to place up to 4 plants per meter of plot.

Further care for tomatoes consists of pinching, fertilizing with complex fertilizers, removing weeds, watering and preventive measures to protect plants and diseases and pests.

If you grew Leningrad Giant tomatoes, please write whether you liked them or not. What was the yield and taste of the fruits like under your climatic conditions? How would you rate the disease resistance of this tomato? Briefly describe the advantages and disadvantages of this tomato in your opinion. If possible, attach a photo of your tomatoes to the comment. Thank you!

Your reviews of the Leningrad Giant tomato and additions to the description will help many gardeners evaluate this variety more objectively and decide whether it is worth planting or not.

February is the right time to select and purchase tomato seeds, which we will sow in March. I have been growing tomatoes in a greenhouse and in open ground for only 6 years, but I have already managed to create my own hit parade of tomato varieties.

Leningradsky early ripening

A high-yielding variety, suitable for both personal plots and commercial plantings. The fruits of the Leningrad early ripening are small (about 80 g), pink-red, but very numerous.


The height of the Leningradsky bushes in the greenhouse does not exceed 90 cm. The leaf blades are elongated, bright green, highly corrugated. The growing season lasts more than 150 days. Fruit ripening begins 60 days after germination.

According to reviews from vegetable growers in the northwestern region, the yield in an unheated greenhouse exceeds 13 kg per 1 sq. m. tomatoes are flat-round, ribbed, collected in large clusters of 10–13 pcs. taste indicators are above average, about 4 points out of 5 possible.

Features of planting and care

An early ripening, productive variety is sown for seedlings in early March. Seedlings at the age of 50 days can be planted in a greenhouse with a thickening of up to 6 pcs. per 1 sq. m. Tomatoes require infrequent, abundant watering and regular feeding alternately with organic matter and potassium and phosphorus compounds. Leningrad early ripening is resistant to high humidity, cold snaps and heat.

Preparations from large tomatoes for the winter

The large fruits of the Leningrad giant are suitable for winter canning recipes such as tomatoes in gelatin. To prepare a tasty product, take only large tomatoes, cutting them into four parts. Together with chopped onions, they are placed in glass jars. Boil the marinade, taking one hundred grams of salt per four liters of water, five hundred grams of sugar, adding peppercorns. The swollen gelatin is poured into the brine and boiled for five minutes. Pour this marinade over chopped tomatoes and seal the jars.

Sliced ​​tomatoes in vegetable oil are delicious. Spices, chopped tomatoes, and onion rings are placed in jars. Everything is poured with the usually prepared marinade. After pasteurization, add vegetable oil in a layer of up to two centimeters.

All that remains is to roll up the canned product, then let it cool and place it in a cool place. It keeps for a long time and the tomatoes taste like fresh.

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