Description of the Spanish giant tomato, cultivation and planting rules


Two weeks after transfer, the seedlings are fed with potassium nitrate, which contains potassium and phosphorus.
Next, after two weeks, manure is added - 1/10 with water. After two weeks, complex fertilizer. Then you can alternate these feedings. Stepchildren are removed every week, after each watering the area is loosened and the greenhouse is ventilated. You need to carefully monitor insects, we have already mentioned them earlier. When the stem grows to about one and a half meters, it is pinched. Remember that bushes are formed by removing all stepsons except one in the upper axil. Pruning is carried out in the evening, not in the heat and not after watering. When the fruits begin to ripen, you need to remove some of the leaves so that they do not interfere. As it grows and develops, not only the trunk is tied up, but also supports are placed under the branches with the harvest. To prevent elemental deficiency and for immunity, you can spill the area with a solution of manganese. The variety does not like foliar spraying. Watering and fertilizing are applied at the root. The Honey Giant tomato, according to reviews, is not so difficult to grow. Photos of the bush show the beauty of tomatoes, but the yield will always please you with good care.

The best productive tomato varieties for open ground

Productive varieties of tomatoes for open ground are considered to be those that produce at least 3 kg per bush. The number of fruits is influenced by the weather, resistance to diseases and pests, the level of agricultural technology, and the type of soil in which the plant is cultivated. The most generous in this regard are 3 varieties, which will be discussed below.


An early plant, ripening within 85-90 days from the moment of germination. A bush with strong stems, determinate, up to 80 cm high. Due to limited growth, vegetables ripen faster. Due to the large number of fruits (up to 4 kg), it is recommended to tie it to supports. Ripe tomatoes have a rich red color and thick skin, and therefore are suitable for canning.

The formation of a bush and pinching of stems is not necessary for the variety, which is also unpretentious to cultivation conditions. The plant tolerates temperature changes normally and reacts calmly to short-term frosts. Iceberg fruits retain their presentation for several days due to the low water content of the pulp. They are moderately sweet and smell nice.


  • 1 bush gives up to 4 kg;
  • Wide scope of application;
  • Small, neat sizes;
  • Weight up to 200 g;
  • Due to its short stature, it can be grown in small areas.


  • Susceptibility to diseases and pests - mole crickets, nematodes, wireworms;
  • A large number of seeds.

Ripe fruits are used in vegetable salads and slices, for twists, making adjika and ketchup.


Another ultra-early tomato, ripening within 95-100 days. The growing season lasts until the onset of cold weather. The plant is compact and does not take up much space in the garden; it grows well. Dense vegetative mass prevents sunburn of tomatoes. The fruit sets well, but for this to happen it must be warm outside. They have dense and fleshy flesh of a rich red color. There is no white rod inside.

The vegetable is round in shape, with a uniform, easy to peel skin. Its high density allows tomatoes to maintain their integrity during preservation. Fruit weight is from 70 to 95 g. The variety is characterized by high yield - about 100 tomatoes per bush per season. They do not crumble during droughts and do not lose their taste.


  • Glossy skin;
  • Marketable condition;
  • Tolerates transportation well;
  • Unpretentiousness in cultivation;
  • Heat resistance.


During fruiting, tomatoes become smaller in size;

The tomato looks great when pickled, so rolled up jars are good for sale.


An early variety of tomatoes for open ground “Washington”, the fruits of which ripen 95-100 days after germination. This is a determinate variety up to 50 cm high, which does not require pinching or pinching. But tying it to a support may be necessary. Ripe vegetables are round, red in color, weigh about 700 g. They grow in clusters, like grapes. On one bush at a time it will sing up to 20-30 pieces.

The vegetable is round in shape and slightly flattened at the top. The skin is smooth and shiny, which gives the tomato a marketable appearance and increases sales. The variety’s popularity is also due to its excellent taste – the flesh is sweet, moderately dense and juicy. Therefore, it can be used to prepare ketchup, adjika, juice, puree, winter and summer salads.


  • Easy to care for;
  • Good acclimatization;
  • Not afraid of late blight;
  • Not attacked by insects due to early ripening;
  • Long shelf life.

This is an average variety in terms of yield - from 1 sq. m yields up to 7 kg of tomatoes. The better the agricultural technology, the more fruits.


Not detected.

Spanish giant is the best among large-fruited varieties

Many farmers distinguish tomato varieties that produce fruits weighing five hundred grams or more. These include the mid-late Spanish giant. In addition to the large mass of the tomato, it is given the following characteristics:

  1. The height of the bush can reach from two to three meters.
  2. No more than ten to eleven fruits are borne on the stems.
  3. The average weight of a tomato reaches three hundred and fifty grams.
  4. The yield is high: from one bush you can collect five to seven kilograms of fruit.
  5. The shape of the tomatoes resembles a plum with an elongated spout and a soft red color.
  6. The juicy pulp contains a large percentage of dry matter and some seeds.
  7. The fruits are suitable for fresh consumption and vegetable cuttings.

Warmth is important for this variety; it does not tolerate temperature changes, so it is better to grow it in greenhouses

Diseases and pests

Black Giant tomatoes are highly resistant to any fungal disease. Such tomato varieties can only encounter diseases that are caused by improper care. That is why, to prevent the occurrence of any disease, it is necessary during the growing period:

  1. Periodically ventilate each room if plants are grown in greenhouses.
  2. And don’t forget about irrigation, and, of course, lighting.
  3. As for the composition of the soil, it should not be acidic. It is recommended to use neutral soils, which will avoid the problem associated with growing Black Giant tomatoes.

As for various pests, these include:

  1. melon aphid;
  2. thrips;
  3. Colorado potato beetle;
  4. spider mites and others.

To combat aphids and thrips, it is necessary to use specialized preparations; this also applies to the fight against Colorado potato beetles.

Growing Black Giant tomatoes in greenhouse conditions may encounter spider mites and melon aphids. That is why, in order to get rid of these pests, you can seek help from specialized Bison preparations. Even whiteflies can cause irreparable damage to plants, to get rid of which it is necessary to use the drug Confidor.

Description of the tomato variety Sugar Giant

The description of the variety is based on reviews from amateur vegetable growers, since there is no such tomato in the plant register of Russia, Belarus and Ukraine. However, Sugar Giant seeds are offered by several seed companies. The description, photo and characteristics of the variety from different manufacturers may differ slightly.

In various sources, the tomato is described as a vegetable of a cuboid, oblong or spherical-flattened shape. Experienced amateur agronomists claim that the characteristic shape of the fruits of this variety is round, slightly pointed and elongated towards the tip (heart-shaped).

Otherwise, the description of the Sugar Giant tomato has no discrepancies. The tomato bush develops according to the indeterminate type, without stopping the growth of the central stem. In open ground, the crop can reach a height of 2 meters, in a greenhouse - 1.5 m.

Tomato shoots are thin but strong. The foliage is average. The growth of side shoots is moderate. Drooping dark green leaves provide the bushes with good ventilation and light.

The first flower raceme appears above the 9th leaf, then regularly through 2 internodes. The ovaries are formed abundantly until frost. Each cluster lays up to 6 fruits.

The fruiting period of the Sugar giant is extended and is limited only by the onset of frost. Tomatoes are classified as medium-late, the first ripe fruits are obtained 120-125 days after germination. The warmer the growing region, the earlier the first tomatoes ripen. In the open ground of southern Russia, the harvest begins in 100-110 days.

The tall, thin stem bears many weighty fruits. Therefore, the garter procedure is mandatory at all stages of cultivation. Especially large tomato clusters require special support.

Brief description and taste of the fruit

Heart-shaped, large tomatoes of the Sugar Giant variety when unripe have a soft green color with a dark spot around the stalk. When ripe, tomatoes acquire a uniform red, classic color. The pulp is completely colored in the same tone and does not have a hard core.

Varietal characteristics of Sugar Giant tomatoes:

  • the pulp is dense, juicy: dry matter no more than 5%;
  • the peel is thin, which is why transportability is low;
  • the content of sugars and lycopene (a carotenoid pigment) is above average for tomatoes;
  • the average weight of the fruit is 300 g, the maximum is 800 g (achieved in open beds).

Cracking of ripe tomatoes most often occurs in open ground conditions, due to waterlogging during the ripening of tomatoes. Greenhouse and greenhouse fruits of the Sweet Giant are not prone to peel rupture.

High taste and juicy pulp make it possible to process tomatoes for juice and sauces. Whole-fruit preservation is impossible due to the large size of ripe fruits. Tomatoes are mainly consumed fresh and for salads.

The taste characteristics of the Sugar Giant are rated as excellent. The aroma and sugar content decrease only during a cloudy, rainy season. Such factors do not affect the size of tomatoes and overall yield.

Delicious fat tomato “Giant Red”: description of the variety, photo

Those who love large red tomatoes will definitely be interested in the “Red Giant” variety.

This is a medium-yielding variety, but its fruits have very high taste, and the bush itself is highly resistant to disease. Read more in our article.

  • Red giant tomato variety description

Country of origin and year of registration In which regions is it best to grow Method of use What is the yield of the variety

Photo Advantages and disadvantages Features of the variety and its cultivation Diseases and pests Useful video

This is a mid-early variety; from the moment you plant the seedlings until the fruits fully ripen, 100-105 days will pass. The plant is of an indeterminate, standard type.

It grows equally well both in unprotected soil and in greenhouse shelters. The plant is quite tall, 140-180 cm. It has complex resistance to diseases.

The tomatoes, once fully ripe, are bright red in color. Round in shape, slightly flattened.

Very large 450-650 g, the fruits of the first harvest can reach 700-850 g. The number of chambers is 6-8, the dry matter content is about 5%. The collected fruits are not stored for very long; it is better not to keep them for a long time, but to process them or eat them fresh.

Country of origin and year of registration

“Red Giant” was bred long ago in the USSR through amateur selection; it received registration as a variety for greenhouses and open ground in 1989.

Since then, it has been a favorite among gardeners due to its high varietal qualities. With such properties, he will remain among the leaders for a long time.

Which regions are best to grow in?

Tomatoes of this variety are best grown in the southern regions if done in open ground. Under film it gives good results in the middle band. This does not significantly affect the yield and morbidity of the plant.

In more northern regions, these tomatoes are cultivated only in heated greenhouses.

Method of use

These tomatoes are not suitable for whole-fruit canning due to the large size of the fruits, but you can make barrel pickles. Red giant tomatoes are very good fresh. Juices, purees and pastes are very good due to the high content of sugars and vitamins.

What is the yield of the variety

Although this variety is a “giant”, its yield is very modest. Under good conditions, you can collect 3-4 kg from each bush.

With a recommended planting density of 3 plants per square meter. m comes out to 12 kg. This is far from a record, especially for such a tall bush.

The photo shows the Red Giant tomato

Advantages and disadvantages

Among the main positive qualities of the “Red Giant” variety are:

  • high taste qualities;
  • large fruit;
  • immunity to diseases;
  • tolerance to lack of moisture.

Among the disadvantages, one should highlight not the highest yield and capriciousness to the composition of the soil.

Features of the variety and its cultivation

The main feature of the “Red Giant” species is its large fruit. Also, many note the high resistance to diseases and the high taste of the fruit.

The trunk of the bush must be tied up, and the branches must be strengthened with supports; this will save the plant from breaking off the branches. It should be formed into two or three stems, usually three in open ground. It responds very well to complex feeding at all stages of growth.

Diseases and pests

This variety has complex resistance to fungal diseases.
The only thing to be wary of is diseases associated with improper care. To avoid such difficulties when growing, you need to regularly ventilate the room where your tomatoes grow and follow the watering and lighting regime

You should also pay attention to the composition of the soil; it should not be acidic

Neutral soils are best. These measures will help to avoid problems when growing this variety.

Among the harmful insects it can be affected by melon aphids and thrips, the drug “Zubr” is successfully used against them. In the southern regions, the Colorado potato beetle can harm this species, especially in the southern regions; the “Prestige” product is successfully used against it.

Among the pests that are most capable of causing harm in greenhouses are melon aphids and spider mites; the drug “Bison” is also used against them. Like many other types of tomatoes, they can be attacked by the greenhouse whitefly; they fight it with the help of the drug “Confidor”.

As follows from the brief review, this is a variety for gardeners with some experience; it will be difficult for beginners. But don’t give up growing it on your plot, you will succeed. Good luck to you and have a delicious harvest.

How to properly care for vegetables

If vegetables are grown in warm regions, then a bush is formed, leaving two to three stems. With moist, fertile soils, the development of sweet fruits is delayed, so one or two stems are left. Unnecessary stepsons are removed as soon as they are three or five centimeters long.

Description of the Tea Rose tomato and characteristics of the varietyRead

Pinching the tops of the shoots will speed up the ripening of the crop, leaving two leaves above the first flower cluster.

Care features include:

  1. Fertilizing first in the form of a solution of mullein, then with ammonium nitrate (30 grams) diluted in water, superphosphate (40 grams), and potassium salt (15 grams). Continue to apply mineral fertilizers every two to three weeks.
  2. Water the plant moderately, reducing the amount of moisture before flowering begins.
  3. The sugar content in the fruits of the variety increases if the leaves that shade the tomatoes are removed in time.

With proper care, the Sugar Giant will produce a large number of sugar fruits and increase their yield.

Characteristics and description of the variety

Orange giant is a common, popular indeterminate tomato variety. In terms of ripening time, it belongs to the mid-early species; about 100-115 days pass from planting seedlings in the ground to the full ripening of the first fruits. Suitable for growing in unprotected soil and in greenhouse conditions. It has increased immunity to major dangerous diseases and pests.

Note! The plant is quite tall, 100-140 cm. In the southern regions of the country and with excellent care it can reach 160-180 cm

With good care, one tomato bush can produce up to 3.5-5 kg ​​of large, neat fruits. With a recommended planting density of 3 bushes per m2, you can harvest up to 12-15 kg. This is a pretty good indicator for tomatoes.

Among the main features of this variety, the size and color of the fruit are most noted. It should also be noted that it is unpretentious in cultivation and resistant to frequent diseases. The plant responds well to feeding with mineral and organic compounds.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • Good yield;
  • Strong dense fruits;
  • Versatile - used fresh or canned.


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  • A garter to the support and timely stepsoning are required.

Planting and care

We recommend sowing the seeds of this tomato variety for seedlings 60-65 days before the intended planting in the ground. Seedlings dive at the stage of two true leaves. When planting seedlings in a permanent place per 1 sq. It is recommended to place up to 3 plants per meter of land; when forming into 1 stem - up to 4.

Further care for tomatoes consists of timely watering, removal of weeds, fertilizing with complex mineral fertilizer, pinching and preventive measures to protect the crop from diseases and pests.

Proper planting and proper care ensure a good harvest of the “Red Giant”.

When preparing the soil for seedlings, pay special attention to disinfection: soak the seeds in a solution of potassium permanganate, and then rinse in running water. It is recommended to scald the soil with boiling water for the same purposes.

Before sowing, it needs to be moistened. Then depressions up to 2 cm are made, seeds are planted in them and sprinkled with earth. Watering is done once every 3 days. Seedlings should be kept in a room with a temperature of 23-25 ​​degrees. After the sprouts appear, the seedlings are transferred to the ground.

2-3 plant bushes are planted per 1 square meter of soil. The soil can be covered with mulch (chopped grass and plants). Water the tomatoes with settled water. The greenhouse must be systematically ventilated to prevent fungal diseases.

At the growth stage, complex feeding is needed: every 10 days it is recommended to alternate organic and mineral fertilizers (with phosphorus and potassium).

During the period of active growth, “Red Giant” is watered once a week, spending 20-30 liters of water per square meter. During the flowering period, water twice a week, one and a half to two liters per meter. The appearance of ovaries is accompanied by watering twice a week, 3-5 liters (if it is very hot, the volume is increased to 10 liters).

When the first fruits appear, it is worth watering only if the soil is very dry. The optimal time of day for watering is morning, since at this time of day the sun is not too aggressive and the soil has time to absorb all the moisture.

The large weight of this variety of tomatoes weighs down the stems, and if there are a lot of fruits, it may break.

The bushes are pruned once a week, leaving the shoot to form a stem. It is better to do this in the evening (when it is not hot).

3 bushes are placed per 1 m2. Planting pattern 50*60 cm.

For significant yields:

  • bushes lead to 1-2 shoots;
  • mulch with straw or hay in a 10 cm layer;
  • apply fertilizers during flowering, setting, ripening;
  • water 2 times a week, 6-7 liters per bush.

Mid-season / Tall

User rating: 4/5

Mid-season / Tall

User rating: 5/5

Mid-season / Tall

Tomato Spanish giant - description and characteristics of the variety

Amen lovers of growing vegetable crops of the Solanaceae family give preference to varieties with high yields and excellent taste. One of these species is the Spanish Giant tomato variety.

This heat-loving plant does not tolerate sudden changes in temperature, which is why experts recommend growing it in areas with a temperate climate and in greenhouses. Eggs are a universal crop. They are used for preparing first and second courses, eaten in salads and used for winter preparations.

Description of the variety

  1. The height of the bushes can reach from two to three meters. This fact presupposes the obligatory tying of plants during development and growth.
  2. Approximately 10-11 ovaries are formed on one bush.
  3. The fruits are more than large and fleshy.
    The average weight of one tomato is 350 grams. With proper and high-quality care, the weight can reach 500 grams.
  4. The tomato pattern is oval with an elongated tip.
  5. After ripening, the fruits acquire a slightly red tint.
  6. The skin is dense and not prone to cracks, so the fruits can be stored fresh for a long time and transported over long distances.

Preparing for landing

Like most tomatoes of different types, this variety is planted in seedlings. The yield and taste of tomatoes depends on the quality of grown seedlings. The first step is to prepare the seeds and soil for sowing. Seeds are purchased in specialized stores.

You can start sowing at the end of February. Before sowing, the starting material should be treated with soda or manganese solution. To please anyone, the seeds are placed in the solution for 2-3 hours. Disinfection occurs so much that it will have a positive effect on the future harvest.

If the soil for sowing is taken from a personal plot, then it should be properly processed. To do this, you need to pour boiled water into a container with soil, or perhaps a weak solution of potassium permanganate. You can calcine the soil in the oven for 2-3 hours.

Such measures will help remove all harmful insects and protect against dangerous viruses and fungi. After this, organic amendments need to be pressed into the soil. Wood salicor, peat and river sand are well suited for tomatoes.

After all the preparatory manipulations, you can only start sowing.

How to grow the Spanish giant variety

  1. Movras are planted to a depth of 2 cm. The top of the boxes or containers are covered with cellophane or other suitable material. For faster germination, it is necessary to ensure the supply of sunlight, heat and regular watering. If all requirements are met, the first shoots will appear in 3-4 days.
  2. (otherwise the planting took place in a disorderly manner, and there is a large crowding of seedlings, it is necessary to carry out picking. The grain is planted in separate pots or glasses for further development.
  3. After about 50-55 days (God) ordered planting to begin in the greenhouse.
    The Spanish Giant variety is very sensitive to unfavorable climatic conditions, therefore, for the healthy development of plants, it is necessary to provide appropriate fob.

Planting in a greenhouse and care

The soil in the greenhouse should be prepared ahead of time. Starting in the fall, it is necessary to fertilize it with humus. To prevent fungal infection, you need to sprinkle ash or lime onto the surface.

It is better to carry out planting in warm and calm weather. The seedlings are planted in prepared holes at a distance of 70-80 cm from each other. Next to each bush you need to identify a wooden stick or metal rod where you need to untie the bushes as they grow.

In order to obtain a richer harvest of healthy and tasty fruits, it is necessary to follow the rules of care.

  1. The formation of bushes has a huge function for obtaining larger tomatoes. You can leave Vodan - two shoots and one strong stepson, the rest needs to be removed. No more than eight raceme inflorescences should develop on one bush.
  2. To stop the growth of the plant, the top must be pinched after the last ovary has formed.
  3. It is imperative to ventilate the greenhouse regularly, try to do this in warm weather.
  4. Plants should be doused as needed. Tomatoes do not like drought, and excess moisture can lead to negative consequences.

Spanish giant tomatoes are popular among gardeners. The fruits are juicy and fleshy, excellent for fresh consumption. From one large fruit you can make a summer salad for the whole family. If you follow all the care requirements, you will always be satisfied with the resulting harvest.

How to grow tomatoes

A heat-loving tomato plant, prefers areas with a hot climate. There are all conditions for rapid development and high yields. The rays of the sun, warm wind, and soft rain help the fruits to ripen quickly. In temperate climates, such varieties, giants, are best planted in seedlings.

Preparing seedlings

Vegetable growers know that the future tomato harvest largely depends on the seedlings and their quality. Almost everything has to do with when the tomatoes were sown and how they were cared for.

If in the southern regions you can sow a vegetable plant at the end of February, then in a temperate climate - in mid-March. You can determine the timing yourself if you count 55-65 days from the end of frost. Sowing of Spanish Giant tomatoes for the greenhouse begins two weeks earlier.

See also

Description and characteristics of the tomato variety Geranium Kiss, its yieldRead

To create tomato seedlings, the following conditions are necessary:

  • a lot of light;
  • high humidity;
  • air temperature from 18 to 25 degrees above zero.

Preparation for sowing tomatoes plays an important role. It includes disinfection of seeds and soil. The seed material goes through the stage of treatment with a solution of potassium permanganate for twenty minutes, baking soda (0.5 grams per half glass of water). It helps to keep the seeds healthy by placing them in liquid Fitosporin for two hours.

The soil is calcined in the oven for ten minutes, maintaining a temperature of two hundred degrees. You can spill the soil with boiling water or a solution of potassium permanganate. Disinfection methods are combined or chosen the most suitable for yourself.

Ten days after the procedures, they begin to plant the seeds. They are sealed to a depth of one centimeter. The distance between seedlings should not be small, otherwise the seedlings will not have enough nutrients.

Boxes with seedlings are placed in a warm place, covered with film, and often moistened. Usually after three to four days the plants begin to hatch. Sprouts require care in the form of:

  • regular watering;
  • backlight 16 hours a day;
  • ventilation;
  • heat;
  • sunbathing;
  • feeding every three weeks.

If the plantings are crowded, as soon as two or three true leaves appear, seedlings begin to pick.

The signal for transferring tomatoes to the greenhouse is the laying of the first flower clusters. Ten days later, the seedlings are planted in closed ground.

Features of the fruits of the Giant Novikov

Tomatoes are formed in simple clusters, with 3-5 ovaries in each. The largest berries grow on the lower 1-2 tiers, and then become smaller. The largest tomatoes reach a weight of 700-900 g, but even the smallest fruits are rarely less than 350 g. The shape is round, the fruit is flattened vertically, and sometimes may have uneven sides.

The skin is thin, but the tomatoes are not susceptible to cracking during ripening. Large ripe tomatoes are stored for only a few days, but in a slightly unripe state they can be easily transported over long distances. When harvested at technical ripeness, tomatoes ripen slowly, giving the gardener the opportunity to receive fresh vegetables until late autumn. The color of the ripe fruit is raspberry-pink, with a beautiful gloss. An unripe tomato is pale green with a spot at the base.

The pulp is intensely colored, dark pink, without a light core in the core. Beef tomatoes Gigant Novikova have many small seed chambers when cut, some of which do not contain grains. For the Gigant Novikova tomato, a description of the taste qualities is given by the summer residents themselves, who agree that the tomatoes are very tasty, although they are quite demanding on growing conditions.

Giant fruits contain more than 10% sugary substances. Tomatoes have a pronounced sweet taste and a slight piquant sourness. In conditions of low temperature and high humidity, the taste deteriorates, acquiring greater acidity. A lack of sugars is also observed during artificial ripening: the tomatoes will not become sour, but the taste will not be sufficiently pronounced compared to those ripened on the vine.

The purpose of the Gigant Novikova variety is fresh consumption. Many people like sweet tomatoes; they are readily included in salads and snacks. From 1 large-fruited tomato you can prepare a salad for 3-4 servings. Cut into pucks, these tomatoes can be a garnish for slices or the base for a gourmet appetizer, and are a delight to top a hamburger or top a sandwich with. Gazpacho and sauces are prepared from the crushed pulp; it is added to vegetable caviar and fried soups.

Excess fruit can only be processed into juice and sauces. The tomatoes are too large to can. But the tender and juicy pulp of ripe tomatoes produces a good thick pulp, which is easy to boil to the desired consistency without losing vitamins. The color of the juice will be rich, the taste will be rich and sweet. This filling is good for lecho, snacks, tomatoes in their own juice. By strongly boiling the pulp, the vegetable grower will be able to obtain tomato paste with an excellent taste, not inferior to Italian varieties.

Description of the cherry tomato variety Red Cherry, cultivation and yield


Varieties of giant tomatoes

Among large-fruited tomatoes, indeterminate varieties boast the most impressive sizes - with unlimited growth and a liana-like structure.
Such characteristics are excellent for greenhouse cultivation of tomatoes, when the gardener can adjust the height of the bush himself and optimally use the greenhouse area without making the planting too extensive. As a result, from 1 sq.m you can get about 15 kg of fruit - isn’t it tempting? There are few peculiarities of growing giant varieties of tomatoes; in terms of agricultural technology, they are almost no different from ordinary tomato bushes. You just have to remember that the largest fruits are always obtained from the first flower ovaries.

In any case, when choosing a variety of giant tomatoes to plant on your site, it is important to pay attention to the recommended growing conditions and the purpose of the fruit.

Indeterminate, early-ripening, high-yielding variety with a long fruiting period.

Tomato Giant red
Designed for open ground and greenhouses. It is unpretentious, resistant to most diseases of nightshade crops, and tolerates lack of moisture well.

The bush is powerful, highly branched, 1.8-2.5 m high (if there are no restrictions in open ground, it can reach 5 m). Requires tying to the support and pinning. The cluster contains 3-4 large red flat-round fruits weighing 350-600 g. The skin is tender, the flesh is juicy, fleshy, sweet, with a pronounced aroma.

Recommended for fresh consumption and processing into juice, paste, ketchup. Unsuitable for long-term storage and canning whole.

Indeterminate mid-season high-yielding variety.

Tomato Cuneo Giant Pear
Designed for greenhouses and greenhouses. Resistant to stress.

The bush is powerful, 1.5-2 m high. It requires tying to a support and pinching. The best result is obtained when the plant is formed into 2 or 3 stems. The cluster contains 3-4 large red-crimson pear-shaped, slightly ribbed fruits weighing 200-400 g. The pulp is dense, small-grained, juicy, sweet.

Recommended for fresh consumption and processing into juice and paste. Suitable for long-term storage without loss of quality and taste.

Determinate mid-season, medium-yielding variety.

Tomato Giant Rose
Designed for greenhouses and open ground. Unpretentious, resistant to most diseases and fruit cracking.

The bush is standard, medium-leafed, up to 1 m high. The fruits are round in shape, crimson in color with yellow transverse stripes, weighing 350-400 g. The pulp is bright, very fleshy, juicy, sugary, with excellent taste.

Recommended for fresh consumption and canning. Transportable, suitable for long-term storage.

Indeterminate mid-season high-yielding variety with abundant and long-lasting fruiting.

Giant pepper tomato
Designed for greenhouses and greenhouses.

Bush up to 1.5 m high. Requires tying to a support and shaping. There are 5-9 fruits per cluster. The fruits are bright red, pepper-shaped, elongated, weighing 200-350 g. The skin is thick.

The pulp is dense, small-grained, fleshy, very sugary, with an excellent taste.

Recommended for fresh consumption, whole-fruit canning, processing into juice, paste, and baby food. Suitable for long-term storage, transportable.

In some catalogs, this variety may also be referred to as Emerald Giant, Dwarf Emerald Giant.

Semi-determinate mid-early high-yielding variety from the Dwarf Tomato Project series.

Dwarf Emerald Giant Tomato
Designed for greenhouses and open ground. Resistant to stress.

The bush is compact, strong, about 1 m high, with wrinkled leaves. You don’t have to pinch or pinch the bush, but it is advisable to tie it to a support. Plants form 2-3 stems in open ground and 1-2 stems in a greenhouse.

The fruits are light green in color with a yellow “blush”, flat-round in shape, weighing 200-400 g. The pulp is sweet, aromatic, with a clearly noticeable fruity note. Recommended for fresh consumption and processing into juice and sauce.

Compared to the conventional varieties of tall, large-fruited tomatoes that we discussed above, F1 hybrids are usually less demanding to care for and more resistant to unfavorable growing conditions, pests and diseases. In addition, they are distinguished by an even and increased yield - if earlier we talked about 15 kg per 1 sq.m of greenhouse, now we boldly say about 20-25 kg!

Unfortunately, you will not be able to continue breeding on your own plot - if we are talking about growing F1 hybrids, you will have to buy seeds in the store every year, because Seeds obtained and collected independently either will not germinate or will not have the necessary varietal characteristics of the mother plants.

Indeterminate mid-season high-yielding hybrid.

Giant bull heart red F1
Designed for greenhouses and open ground.

The bush is powerful, 1.5-1.8 m high. 4-5 branches with 2-5 fruits on each are formed on the main stem. The fruits are red-pink, very large, round, slightly cone-shaped, weighing 400-1500 g. The pulp is pink, fine-grained, juicy, fleshy, very aromatic, with a “classic tomato” taste.

Recommended for fresh consumption and processing into juice, ketchup, paste. Does not have good keeping quality.

Tomato Ural F1

In some catalogs it may also be called Ural Super F1

Ural F1
Designed for greenhouses and greenhouses. Hardy and unpretentious, resistant to many diseases and stress factors.

The bush is powerful, heavily leafy. It requires tying to a support, pinching, pinching and forming a bush of 1-2 stems. Young plants need very good lighting, adults need increased doses of fertilizers. Fruit clusters bear 3-4 tomatoes. The fruits are round, smooth, glossy, bright red, weighing 300-400 g. The skin and pulp are dense.

Recommended for fresh consumption and canning. Suitable for long-term storage, transportable, resistant to cracking.

Tomato Krasnobay F1

Indeterminate mid-late super-yielding hybrid.

Krasnobay F1
Designed for greenhouses and greenhouses. Highly resistant to diseases and pests.

The bush is powerful, more than 2 m high. Requires tying to a support and pinching. The best result is obtained when the plant is formed into one stem. The clusters bear bright red flat-round fruits, uniform in size and shape, weighing 300-450 g. The skin is dense, the flesh is also dense, fleshy, aromatic, with an excellent taste.

Recommended for fresh consumption, canning, processing into paste and juice. Transportable, suitable for long-term storage without loss of quality and taste.

Tomato Cavalcade F1

Determinate early ripening high-yielding hybrid.

Cavalcade F1
Designed for greenhouses and open ground. Unpretentious, highly resistant to nematodes, as well as some nightshade diseases, but does not tolerate drought and extreme heat.

The bush is medium-sized. A garter to the support is required. There are 4-6 large and very large tomatoes in a compact bunch. The fruits are smooth, flat-round in shape, bright red in color, weighing about 150-250 g. The pulp is very fleshy, juicy, and sweet.

Recommended for fresh consumption, canning, processing into juice and paste.

Indeterminate late-ripening productive hybrid with a long fruiting period.

Russian size F1
Designed for greenhouses and greenhouses. Cold-resistant, shade-tolerant, resistant to most nightshade diseases (except late blight). The bush is powerful, up to 2 m high, heavily leafy. Requires tying to the support and pinning. The best result is obtained when the plant is formed into one stem.

The brushes consist of 2-3 ovaries. The fruits are flat-round, slightly ribbed, intensely red, weighing up to 2 kg (average weight about 450 g). The peel is thin, the pulp has excellent taste, juicy, fleshy, moderately sweet.

Recommended for fresh consumption and processing into juice and paste.

Of course, we have not listed all the popular varieties and hybrids of giant tomatoes - there are many of them. However, why not start your acquaintance with them from the best representatives? Moreover, it is not too late to start sowing seeds for seedlings!

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