Tomato Tigrella: characteristics and description of the variety, photos, yield, reviews

Description and characteristics of the variety

Tigrell tomato bushes are determinate, growth is 80-120 centimeters, although according to some data they can grow higher. They branch heavily. According to the ripening period, the cultivar is classified as mid-early or mid-ripening.

Characteristics and description of the fruits: bright red with yellow-orange stripes, round or slightly elongated. Weight from 50 to 100 g. The taste is sweet and pleasant. The pulp is fleshy and juicy. They are used for canning, pickling, cooking, can be processed into pastes and juices, and can also be eaten fresh.

Tomato Tiger Cub: description of the variety, photo reviews

Ripening period:mid-early
Shape, weight of fruits:round, weight 50-80 grams
Bush type:indeterminate
Growing regions:Southern, Central, Northern
Productivity:10 kg per sq.m.

Tomato Tiger Cub is an original variety of Russian origin. Produced by the agricultural company Aelita. The tomatoes got their interesting name due to their unusual striped color. Despite the fact that the tomato is a new product, it quickly gained popularity among farmers. Tiger cub is popular not only because of the attractive appearance of the fruit, the variety gives good yield and is famous for its high taste properties. It is allowed to plant in protected structures and in open beds in all regions of Russia.

Characteristics of the variety and description of the fruits

The Tiger Cub tomato belongs to indeterminate crops; in closed greenhouses it grows up to 2 meters; in the open air the bush reaches one and a half meters. Vegetables are formed on brushes, 10 pieces on each. One plant includes 7 brushes.

The first ripe fruits are harvested 110 days after the seedlings appear. Productivity is average, 10-12 kg of tomatoes are harvested per square meter.

According to the characteristics and description of the manufacturer, the tomatoes are round, ripe vegetables have a rich red color, with yellow-orange longitudinal stripes (see photo). Average weight 50-80 grams, the flesh is dense and meaty. The taste is typical tomato, with a slight sourness.

The conditions for growing a variety in open ground affect the quality of the fruit. Long rains and cold weather make tomatoes taste more sour.

The tomato is covered with a thick skin that protects the vegetable from external damage. Thanks to this feature, tomatoes have good shelf life, while the quality characteristics of the fruit are preserved. Tomatoes are not deformed during transportation.

Strong, fleshy tomatoes are ideal for pickling, can be heat-treated for preparing first and second courses, sauces, pastes, and are widely used fresh in slices or in vegetable salads.

Planting dates and care features

Tomatoes for the greenhouse are sown in February, 60 days before the planned transplant. Growing outdoors means sowing seeds in March, 65 days before the expected movement of seedlings. The exact dates are set depending on the climatic characteristics of a particular region.

During the final relocation of the bushes, plants are placed 3-4 pieces per square meter.

Tiger Cub tomatoes are grown in compliance with a number of agrotechnical measures developed for this crop. Tomato care measures:

  1. Bush formation. A productive and high-quality harvest is observed when the plant is grown in 2 or 3 trunks. You cannot leave more stems, otherwise the vegetables will not have time to ripen.

  2. Garter. Since the Tiger Cub is of the indeterminate type, fixation to a support is mandatory. The stem is attached as it grows; the brushes do not require garter.
  3. Stepsonning. Removing side branches is necessary, since excess greenery absorbs nutrients and, as a result, the quality of the fruit suffers. Stepping is carried out once a week.
  4. Watering. In open ground, watering is practiced at the root. Frequency depends on weather conditions. Moisturize as needed, approximately once every 5-7 days. It is important to monitor the condition of the soil and not allow it to dry out. During the fruiting period, water more often. Drip irrigation is recommended in the greenhouse. Immediately after the procedure, the ground is loosened.
  5. Feeding. Seedlings are fed with organic matter and nitrogen fertilizers. When pouring fruit, the plant needs mineral nutrition. Complex fertilizers containing potassium, calcium and phosphorus are suitable.

To stop the growth of the vegetative part of the bush, pinch the top.

Resistance to diseases and pests

Breeders have endowed the Tiger Cub tomato with natural resistance to typical nightshade pathologies. In particular, the variety rarely suffers from late blight and gray rot. However, when growing in greenhouses, it is worth adhering to preventive measures against fungal diseases: regularly ventilate the room, observe the frequency of watering.

Regular removal of weeds is necessary, as they create a favorable environment for the development of fungal and bacterial infections.

Among the pests, the Tiger Cub is attacked by whiteflies, aphids, cutworms, and spider mites. Insecticides or spraying with folk remedies will help you cope with parasites. Fufanon is considered an effective drug. It is characterized by a wide spectrum of action, safety, and is allowed for spraying in open areas and in protected structures.

As a natural remedy, an infusion of garlic is used, which is used to treat the affected parts of plants.

Advantages and disadvantages

It is no coincidence that the Tiger Cub tomato has become popular among farms. Gardeners love the described variety for a number of positive qualities:

  • acceptable yield;
  • unusual external data;
  • high taste properties;
  • good keeping quality;
  • safety during transportation;
  • resists fungal pathologies;
  • simple agricultural technology;
  • it is permissible to grow both in closed structures and in the open air;
  • different ways to use tomatoes in cooking.

Among the disadvantages of the Tiger Cub tomato in reviews, gardeners highlight the need for regular pinching and tying up bushes.

Similar varieties and hybrids

Tomato Tiger Cub is sold in gardening stores and online sites. A package of seeds costs 15-19 rubles. This is not the only exotic variety whose skin is tiger-colored. There are other similar tomatoes with similar characteristics:

It belongs to the indeterminate species, the stem is capable of stretching more than 2 meters. Allowed to be planted in greenhouses and open areas. Since ripe vegetables are harvested 120 days after the seeds germinate, the variety is considered mid-early. Productivity 9-10 kg of vegetables per sq. m.

The tomatoes are round, medium in size, weighing 50-70 grams. The color is patterned, with longitudinal orange stripes clearly visible on a red background. The pulp is tender, sweet in taste, and has a fruity aroma. The variety is endowed with protection against late blight. Price per bag of seeds is 30 rubles.

It is a tall hybrid, suitable for cultivation in open and closed ground. The tomato is ultra-early; no more than 85 days pass from the formation of seedlings to full ripeness of the fruit. The yield is good; if agricultural practices are followed, 13-15 kg of vegetables per square meter are harvested.

The tomatoes are round, slightly elongated, red in color with longitudinal green streaks. Fruit weight 40 grams. The variety is sugary, tastes sweet and juicy. Not susceptible to diseases characteristic of nightshade crops. The price for a pack of seeds is 90 rubles.

A medium-sized determinate plant, the stem height reaches 1.4 meters. Can be grown outdoors and in protected structures. The harvest will mature 110-120 days after the appearance of the first sprouts. Productivity is 8-10 kg per sq. m.

Medium-sized tomatoes weigh 60-80 grams. Bright red with orange streaks, slightly flattened in shape. Inside, the fruit is dense, fleshy, and sweet in taste. It resists well the phytopathologies of nightshades. The price for a package of seeds is 40 rubles.

Reviews from gardeners

Nadezhda, Voronezh:

“Among all the variety of new products, I decided to try planting a Tiger Cub tomato. When choosing, I was guided not only by the unusual color, but also studied the description of the variety. I planted it on the site in the open air, all the plants took root. Care is simple, typical for indeterminate tomatoes. Productivity is at the level, I collected 3.5 kg of fruits from each bush. They don’t spoil or crack on the road, and every week I delight my loved ones with fresh vegetables. Children really like these beautiful striped tomatoes.”

Irina, Tambov:

“While researching unusual varieties of tomatoes on the Internet, I came across the Tiger Cub tomato. I took the seeds from a flower shop and noted good germination (more than 80%). The seedlings turned out strong and quickly took root in the area. She led it into three stems, tied it up, and pinched it every week. I was pleased with the productivity; I collected 10 kg of crop per square meter. The tomatoes themselves are very tasty, but there is a slight sourness.”

Svetlana, Kineshma:

“I’ve been planting the Tiger Cub tomato for more than one year. Large bushes with exotic tomatoes became the decoration of my greenhouse. I keep it in 2 stems, a stepchild, and feed it with organic matter and complex fertilizers. I noted resistance to late blight and have never encountered this disease. Tiger cub is my favorite to preserve. The tomatoes don’t crack, they fit easily into a jar, and the pickling turns out very beautiful and tasty.”

The Tiger Cub tomato is distinguished by an early, high-quality harvest. The simplicity of agricultural technology, disease resistance and beautiful juicy fruits are worth trying to plant this variety on your own plot.

Planting and care

Seeds are sown for seedlings in loose nutrient soil 2 months before transplanting to the garden bed. To increase immunity, improve germination and productivity, they are first soaked for 30 minutes in a weak solution of potassium permanganate, then washed and placed in a solution of the drug “Epin”, “Zircon”, or honey in water is used.

They are buried 1-1.5 cm, germination temperature is +22-25 degrees. They dive at the stage of 2 true leaves.

Plants need scanty or moderate watering, weeding, and disease prevention. Feeding is required. Nitrogen fertilizers are applied for seedlings, and potassium, calcium and phosphorus are applied for ripening. Watering with water in which fish entrails have been kept for a day makes the fruits sweeter.

Tomato Tigrella: characteristics and description of the variety, photos, yield, reviews

  • Price: 20 rubles
  • Price: 20 rubles
  • Price: 25 rubles
  • Price: 30 rubles
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  • Price: 15 rubles
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  • Price: 20 rubles
  • Price: 25 rubles
  • Price: 30 rubles


Megafon6 MTS


We have been growing it since 2015. The first year didn't seem very tasty. But something forced us to plant him in 2016. And I said thank you to this “something” for telling us

( 1 rating, average 5 out of 5 )
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