When to harvest pumpkin 2022: signs of ripening and storage rules

Pumpkin is the true queen of the fall harvest. It is loved in different parts of the world for its excellent taste and is used in many dishes not only at the everyday table, but also in famous restaurants. Even the well-known fairy tale about Cinderella was not complete without the participation of a pumpkin: it was the pumpkin that the fairy godmother turned into a carriage for her young ward, in which she went to the ball! Pumpkin is famous for its rich vitamin composition and contains a significant amount of macro- and microelements in its pulp and seeds. And in order to preserve them for as long as possible during the winter and enjoy the excellent taste of pumpkin dishes, we have prepared for you the specifics of collecting and storing this crop in different regions of Russia, taking into account the favorable days of the lunar calendar.

  • Two little boys picking pumpkins at a farm

When and how to harvest pumpkins in central Russia and the Moscow region

The maturity of the pumpkin crop depends on many combined factors. These include air temperatures, precipitation patterns, as well as regional climatic features. Pumpkin varieties are also divided into early-ripening, mid- and late-ripening, which includes varieties with a hard crust, nutmeg, and giant varieties. The latter are best suited for storage in the freezer. But cleaning takes place in different time frames. For example, in central Russia and the Moscow region, pumpkin of any variety is grown due to the mild climate, and the harvest is carried out starting in August (early varieties), and ends at the end of October (for hard-barked varieties).

How to determine when it’s time to store a pumpkin

Pumpkin picked too early, which is still far from full maturity, cannot be stored for long. However, frozen fruits are only suitable for processing. And since most pumpkin varieties require a significant amount of time to fully ripen, harvesting occurs in the fall. At this time, it is already necessary to carefully monitor the weather so as not to be left without good and long-lasting vitamin fruits.

All varieties of pumpkins are divided into three groups: large-fruited, hard-bark and nutmeg. Unfortunately, the most delicious of them - nutmeg - requires a lot of time to stay in the beds and cannot be grown in all regions. In principle, regardless of the variety, it is very simple to determine that the pumpkin is ripe. It is easy to see whether the fruit has grown to normal size and whether it has acquired the color characteristic of a particular variety. Almost always these are already sufficient signs to harvest.

Butternut squash is the best

Not for all varieties, the color of the fruit indicates its readiness for harvest. Thus, the Volzhskaya gray pumpkin has a gray color from the very beginning of the formation of the fruit until it is harvested, and the Russian pumpkin is orange.

A reliable sign that a pumpkin is ready for harvest is the condition of the stalk. As the fruit ripens, it becomes gray and dries out. At this time it is worth removing the fruits for storage. However, this sign is good mainly for hard-bark pumpkins. For large-fruited and nutmeg, a sufficient sign is often a formed pattern on the pumpkin. When harvesting, carefully cut off the stalk using pruning shears, leaving a fragment of at least 5–6 cm long on the pumpkin.

Fully ripe pumpkins have almost dry stems.

A pumpkin removed without a stalk will last no more than a month and a half!

Pumpkin harvest time in Siberia

Siberia can boast of climate instability, as severe frosts or prolonged rains can suddenly occur due to territorial features. Therefore, it is better to grow early and mid-ripening varieties in this climate. The early ones are harvested in the second half of August for winter storage (or processed immediately, consumed fresh or as part of dishes). Varieties with medium ripeness are harvested from the beds until mid-September.

Signs of pumpkin ripeness

Vegetables ripen according to the established varietal characteristics. The vegetative period can be short, medium and long, this is indicated by the manufacturer on the package of seeds. Here are some varieties of vegetables:

  • early ripening varieties ripen 3-3.5 months from the planting date. These include gymnosperm, Mozoleevskaya, Biryuchekutskaya, Almond. However, early varieties are poorly stored; it is better to process them immediately;
  • mid-ripening varieties ripen 4 months after planting. The most prominent representatives are Ulybka, Rossiyanka, Medicinal, Stofruktovaya, Kroshka, Volzhskaya, Winter sweet;
  • Late-ripening varieties ripen in about 200 days; usually their harvest period begins only in mid-September. These are Vitamin, Nutmeg, Butternut Ponca, Vita, Intercept, Testi dolipe.

If you know the variety you are growing, read how many days it takes for the vegetable to fully ripen, and remember the approximate planting time. This way you can easily understand whether the pumpkin is fully ripe or not. There are several signs that a vegetable has definitely reached the stated maturity:

  • the stalk becomes hard and changes color from green to yellow;
  • the color of the pumpkin skin becomes rich and bright;
  • The peel of the fruit is hard to the touch. If you press on it, your fingers do not fall into the pulp;
  • leaves and shoots begin to dry out and turn yellow.

If the pumpkin is slightly frozen, it cannot be removed for subsequent storage.

In bush pumpkin varieties, oblong stripes appear during maturity, while large-fruited varieties develop a dark, dense mesh. The skin of Muscat representatives becomes brown with large light spots.

When to pick pumpkins from the garden in the southern regions

The climate in these regions is warm and mild. Autumn rains are not such a rare occurrence, but they are not much different from summer ones. This period extends until the end of October. There is a practice of so-called “aging”. Since the air temperature in the south remains warm and comfortable for a long time for ripe pumpkins, after cutting they are left to “rest” for several days before storage. This increases the shelf life. The method only works if the pumpkin was lying on dry ground.

What days to carry out pumpkin harvesting work: the lunar calendar will tell you

For a long time, people have been guided by the change of lunar phases in a variety of events. It is no coincidence that it is of great importance for gardeners and gardeners, since the dates that replace each other every year indicate a favorable or negative day for harvesting. It is best to cut pumpkins for storage in 2022 using this method:

  • in August . Favorable days are considered to be the numbers from 1 to 14, then 17-18, 24-26, 28-31 August. Unfavorable dates - you should not collect on August 15, 16, 19-23, 27;
  • in September. The warm beginning of autumn is an excellent period for pumpkin picking, but in 2022 there are few good days for this business. You need to do it in 13 days: September 1, 4-8, 20-21, 24-28. Days with negative energy are considered in September 2022: September 2-3, 9-19;
  • in October . But the coming October can boast of dates on which pumpkin picking will be successful: October 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 21-25, 28-31. It is worth postponing pumpkin harvesting on October 13-20, as well as on October 26 and 27.

Remember! You should not use only one lunar calendar to harvest mature pumpkins. It is best to navigate the timing comprehensively, taking into account the region in which the crop was grown, as well as weather conditions.

Ural and Siberia

In the Urals and Siberia, the gardening season begins in mid-June. At this time, the air temperature rises to 15 C. If you sow pumpkins in open ground, the vegetables will not have time to ripen, so they are planted as seedlings. Seedlings are grown in a greenhouse or at home.

Sowing of seedlings is carried out at the end of April. Planting into the ground is carried out in the second decade of June. Most often, film tunnels are used to protect plants from precipitation or temperature changes.

The hottest month in the region is July. The air temperature can rise to 25-28 C, but summer ends in early August. Frosts come early. Vegetables must be harvested before frost. What are the timings for pumpkin harvesting in the Urals and Siberia?

Gardeners usually grow early and mid-season vegetables. The seedlings are planted in the ground almost simultaneously, but the vegetables are harvested at different times.

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Publication from Natalia Volodko (@volodko_natalia) Sep 21, 2022 at 9:00 PDT

This is due to the early onset of night frosts. The temperature drops below zero already at the end of August, at the beginning of September. Before this time, it is necessary to collect pumpkins and zucchini. Otherwise, the vegetables will be spoiled.

More on the topic: What care does the Smile pumpkin require?

If, according to external characteristics, the fruits are not yet completely ripe, then it is recommended to cover them with film and insulation at night. In the daytime, when the temperature is still at 12-15 C, the insulation is removed. Experts say that the pumpkin can be cut if it is not yet completely ripe.

The highest concentration of sucrose, vitamins and mineral salts in fruits is observed 3 months after harvest. In the Urals and in the Siberian region, it is recommended to grow the following varieties that have time to ripen in open ground: bush golden, Ulybka, Zhemchuzhina, Lechebnaya, Almondnaya.

The collected fruits are placed in a warm, well-ventilated room. Vegetables are entering a period of ripening. They are recommended to be turned over for more effective warming and as a preventive measure for bedsores.

Video about when to remove pumpkins from the garden

This video talks about when you can harvest pumpkin for long-term storage and how to do it correctly. In this matter, it is important to avoid mistakes that could negate all the efforts of the gardener. Such information will be useful to any vegetable grower growing this crop in their beds. Join the viewing!

Both children and adults love pumpkin. This orange beauty appears on our tables, and housewives prepare pies, porridge, and soups with her participation. What can you cook with pumpkin? And how much effort and time is spent on ensuring that the harvest remains intact until the time of harvesting from the beds. Many people freeze it in the freezer to use it at the right time. Pumpkin seeds are one of the delicacies, also quite popular. Pumpkin is used in both pharmacology and medicine. However, such a multi-purpose use of this crop would be impossible without the right methods for its long-term storage. We wish you, dear gardeners, large pumpkins and good weather for harvesting!

When does pumpkin season begin? Season of vegetables and fruits. So as not to forget when to buy what!

Fruits and vegetables in June: Shopping time

So, let's start analyzing the June fruits.

Cherries in June

Cherries open the summer season. In addition, such a berry will saturate your body with copper. Copper is actively involved in the formation of collagen, which determines the elasticity and firmness of our skin, and, accordingly, down with wrinkles! Cherries support melanin production. If you lie under the sun and at the same time treat yourself to the fruits of juicy cherries, the body at this time proactively produces a life-saving pigment for your skin, protecting it from the damaging effects of sunlight.

Carrots in June

Carrots are a completely different story, which is described in the post Fresh carrots can relieve fatigue, and carrot juice or orange will not only quench your thirst, but also improve your mood with a strong dose

June green salad

Green salad is a wonderful companion on every trip. It will reduce headaches caused by changes in weather conditions and time zones, flights and travel. June salad consists of almost 90% water, which allows it to be called the lowest calorie food product.

The main value in this vegetable is youth vitamins. To normalize the functioning of the endocrine glands of the female body, natural antioxidants are required, of which there are a lot of green salads! By the way, for traveling, in addition to a green salad, take movies on the road, if possible.

June strawberry

in June. Yes Yes Yes. In some regions of Russia, it is already sold in full from the beds of diligent summer residents and gardeners. Strawberries will support your memory in the brain-melting heat and will withstand spring vitamin deficiency.

June greens

Green onions, dill, parsley and other greens are generally green goodness itself. We kill germs, wipe the face with a cold decoction of dill, so that acne and pimples do not pop up prematurely. In addition, the very aroma of the mixture of all these greens will make any dish appetizing and beautiful.

Not a radish, but a June radish

Radishes are recommended by nutritionists. They suggest that people who tend to be overweight include the earliest vegetable more often in their diet. Radish acts as a mild diuretic, removes toxins from the body, prevents weight gain and swelling. Rich in vitamins and essential oils, which increase work enthusiasm and energy.

June turnip

Turnip is another low-calorie food product that will save your stomach from surprises and saturate your body with vitamin C; turnips contain twice as much of it as oranges and lemons!

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