General characteristics of the Tuz tomato and description of the fruits of the determinate variety

Vegetable growers were able to try the Tuz tomato in 2007. It was then that the breeders presented their new variety to the dacha community. Summer residents immediately liked it for its excellent taste.

HeightLanding locationRipening timeFruit colorFruit sizeOriginFruit shape
shortOpen groundMid-earlyRedsAverageVarietyFlat-round


Let's look at the main characteristics:

  1. The Tuz variety is mid-season. The fruits ripen in 107-110 days.
  2. Recommended for planting in the Black Earth, North Caucasus, and Central Black Earth regions. Fruits in open ground.
  3. Bushes of the Tuz variety are determinate. Their height varies between 62-80 cm.
  4. About 4 kg of fruits are harvested from one bush.
  5. Tomatoes have a flat-round shape, their surface is slightly ribbed. They are considered medium in size, as their weight can range from 65 to 155 g.
  6. The fruits are great for making fresh salads. They are meaty and have excellent taste.
  7. The advantage of the variety is its fairly high resistance to diseases such as fusarium and cladosporiosis.

Having analyzed the reviews about the variety, it can be noted that most of them are positive. The fruits have wonderful taste. Sometimes vegetables grow up to 300 g.

Among the advantages of the variety, it can be noted that it is not a hybrid. This makes it possible to collect the seeds yourself.

tomato Torpedo F1 - description and characteristics of the variety

Description and characteristics of the variety

The ace was included in the state catalog in 2007. Originator - agro, Moscow. The variety is recommended for the Central Black Earth and North Caucasus regions. Designed for the street and can be grown in private farms.

Salad cultivar, mid-early ripening. The fruits are harvested 100-103 days after germination. Tomatoes are flat-round, with small ribs. When unripe they are light green, when ripe they are bright red. Average weight 100 g, maximum 152 g, minimum 65 g. The fruit is multilocular, contains 4-6 seed chambers. The taste is excellent.

Bushes of determinate growth type, 60-80 cm high. Inflorescences are simple, leaves are ordinary, medium in size.


By the end of March it is necessary to sow the seeds.
It is important to prepare a nutrient substrate that is rich in humus in advance. The earth is enriched with components such as humus, peat, and compost. The container in which you will sow the seedlings must have drainage holes. Otherwise, the water will stagnate, which will harm the sprouts. 13-16 days after the shoots hatch, the plants are planted in pots with a volume of 1-1.5 liters. After 40-50 days, the plants are planted in the ground. This variety is intended for cultivation not in greenhouses, but in open ground. Breeders bred it for the North Caucasus and Central regions. Here, in early May, seedlings are allowed to be planted in beds. If the weather is warm in spring, this can be done even at the end of April. In this case, the plants should be covered with film after planting to protect them from temperature changes.


In order for the seedlings to survive the change of location better, they must be hardened off before planting.

When the outside air temperature during the day is at least +17 degrees, the pots can be taken out into the air. First they are exposed for a few hours, and then for the whole day.

During the growing period, you need to feed the seedlings 2 times. 2 weeks after picking and 7 days before planting.

tomato Fat Monk - description and characteristics of the variety

Characteristics of tomato

Ace is a ground plant and is optimally suited for the southern regions of the country. In the central part of Russia, you can grow tomatoes in a greenhouse. However, the greatest harvest can be obtained in open beds. Moreover, this will protect plants from many diseases. In general, Ace is considered not a particularly demanding tomato. He does not suffer from cladosporiosis and fusarium. But other ailments, including fungal ones, can affect bushes. Therefore, high humidity for this variety will be contraindicated.

Tomato Ace is considered medium early. The first harvest can be harvested already 100 days after sowing the seeds. Fruit ripening is not particularly fast, so you can pick ripe tomatoes over a long period of time.

This variety is considered determinate; the plant does not grow more than 80 cm. If the summer is hot and the weather is often windy, it is possible that the bushes will be no more than 60 cm in height. This suggests that such plants do not require garter. There is no special formation for compact bushes, which makes the plant largely suitable for beginners in gardening.

Read also: Pruning roses in spring for beginners video

Experts recommend planting the plant in a permanent place from seedlings. It must be hardened to withstand the vagaries of weather that are possible when growing tomatoes in open ground.

For the Tuz variety, you should choose good and fertilized soil. The best predecessors for these tomatoes are zucchini, cabbage, cucumbers, legumes, parsley and dill. It should be taken into account that in determinate varieties, bushes in pots with seedlings may not be particularly tall. But they must be strong, since only in this case can you get a high-quality harvest of tasty and healthy tomatoes.

Productivity is affected not only by the quality of the soil and the amount of fertilizing. It is also necessary to loosen the soil and weed it from weeds. In addition, it is necessary to plant the bushes in the correct pattern. For the Tuz variety, which is considered quite compact, a higher density is acceptable. Up to 6 plants can be placed per 1 m². This will increase the yield, which will reach a maximum of 5 kg per bush. With the right agricultural technology, you can harvest from 1 square to 13 kg of delicious tomatoes.

Features of formation

The bushes grow small, quite compact and not very tall. It is recommended to plant them according to the 30x50 pattern. There are about 8 bushes per square meter. But planting seedlings so densely is recommended only for those gardeners who have sufficient experience in staking bushes and shaping them. If you have little experience, it is better to plant 5 plants per unit of area. Bushes are grown with 2-3 main stems. The plants are not tall, but the weight of the fruits is quite large. Because of this, the bushes need to be tied up.

To avoid the need for constant loosening, it is very convenient to mulch the soil. For this you can use sawdust or peat. As soon as the ovary appears, you need to thin out the lower leaves. After this, the fruits will receive more light, and the air will circulate better between the bushes.

General information about the variety

According to the description, the tomato variety Drova is a determinate and early-ripening crop. It is widespread in many regions of our country, but was bred specifically for risky farming zones - Siberia and the Urals. In this area, the seedling method of cultivation is used. In the south, seeds can be sown directly in open ground.


The plant has compact dimensions - the height of the stems varies from 30 to 40 cm in open ground, in greenhouse conditions the maximum height is about 50 cm. Such bushes do not take up much space in the garden, which is very beneficial for small areas.

The shoots are massive, weakly leafy. The leaf blade is dark green, slightly dissected along the edge. After three or four flower clusters appear, the growth of the bush stops. During this period, the stage of filling and ripening of vegetables begins.


According to the description, the fruits are of an unusual pepper-shaped shape - thin and long. Outwardly, they resemble a log with a fork at the tip. The length varies from 10 to 15 cm, the average weight is from 60 to 80 g.

From 9 to 13 ovaries are formed on one fruit cluster; after ripening, they have approximately the same size and shape. The surface is bright red, dense, does not contain greenery in the area of ​​the stalk.

Tomatoes are intended for fresh consumption and for storing for the winter. They do not crack during heat treatment, so they can be successfully preserved entirely.

Lecho, adjika, juice, paste and ketchup are prepared from sweet tomatoes. Ripe and sliced ​​vegetables are great for drying and drying. They are readily used to prepare Caucasian and Italian sauces, as well as various salads.

Top dressing

Tomatoes respond well to the application of complex fertilizer. They need a lot of minerals. Therefore, after planting, 2 weeks later you need to apply mineral fertilizers to the root. As soon as flower brushes appear, you can treat with Bud. Fertilizers are then applied every few weeks.

tomato Fat Bosun - description and characteristics of the variety

Description of the Ulysses tomato variety, features of cultivation and care

For gardeners who love unusual tomatoes, we invented the original Ulisse f1 tomato. It differs from other fruits in its oblong shape, which is very convenient to use for pickling and canning. It came from crossing two varieties of tomatoes. What else is different about this variety and how to grow it, we will consider below.

Description of the variety

The tomato has a powerful vine with a large number of leaves, so the fruits are protected from sunburn. Determinate - with limited growth. When growing, it requires pinching because it grows strongly to the sides. Tomatoes are early ripening, the first fruits appear 100 days after germination. After planting the seedlings, it will take 70 days until the harvest is obtained. Flowering and ripening are racemose. Up to 14 tomatoes will ripen on one branch at the same time. Maturation is friendly.

The variety is intended for growing in garden beds. The yield is high - 2.5–5 kilograms of fruit per bush. Reviews from gardeners say that due to the compactness of the bushes, up to 7 plants can be planted on one square meter.

Fruit characteristics

The tomato has an oblong cylindrical shape, the average weight of the fruit reaches 110 grams. The pulp is dense and, when ripe, has a red color with an orange tint. Many beautiful tomatoes ripen on one bush. The taste is excellent, the taste is sweet. Has a pronounced tomato smell.

The variety is universal. Planted for industrial production, for sale and for individual use. You can do anything from these tomatoes: prepare juices, pickle, eat fresh, salt. The tomato is stable for long-term storage, so it can be stored fresh for a month or two in a cold place.

Growing conditions

Ulisse seeds are planted for seedlings in March:

  1. The soil chosen is fertile with the addition of peat or humus.
  2. Sow the seeds and sprinkle with a 0.5–1 centimeter layer of soil.
  3. Sprinkle with warm water.
  4. Cover with film.

Place in a warm place for germination. After germination, the film is removed and grown in an open container on the sunny side of the windowsill until 2-3 leaves form on the seedlings.

Then it is transplanted into separate containers with fertilized soil. After 2 weeks, the pots with seedlings are fed. When the daytime temperature outside is stable and does not fall below 20 degrees, and the night temperature is not below 18, then the bushes are planted in the beds.

For better growth and prevention of fungal diseases, the soil in the garden bed must be disinfected. For this purpose, you can pour a strong solution of potassium permanganate. Next, the ground is spilled with hot water and covered with film for a week for discussion. A week later the seedlings are planted.

The planting pattern is chosen to be 50 by 40 centimeters. At the same time, the variety allows you to plant up to 9 plants per square meter. But less is better - 6-7 will be ideal. Then it is convenient to weed the beds and the ripening fruits are visible.

Plant care

Two weeks after planting, the soil is fertilized with organic matter or minerals. Each gardener chooses feeding based on his own preferences. Next, fertilizing is carried out 3 more times:

  • During the formation of ovaries.
  • When will the tomatoes ripen?
  • When harvesting.

There are also mandatory conditions for caring for tomatoes:

  • Watering.
  • Loosening the soil.
  • Stepsonning.
  • Garter.
  • Weeding.
  • Disinfection.

These procedures are carried out as needed, but you cannot “start” the bed, otherwise the harvest will be meager and the tomatoes will not ripen to a ripe state.

We got acquainted with the Ulisse variety, learned about its advantages, and became familiar with the main stages of planting and growing a tomato.


  1. Violetta, 33 years old:
    I have been growing the Tuz variety for several years. I only planted a few bushes. But my family was provided with fresh salads all summer. They are meaty and very juicy. Next year I collected the seeds to plant them again.
  2. Grisha, 26 years old:
    Planted Tuz tomatoes last year. To begin with, only in one bed. A lot of juicy tomatoes grew on small bushes. I really liked their taste.

tomato Torquay F1 - description and characteristics of the variety

Description of fruits

The Tuz tomato has a bountiful harvest. In addition, there are other positive aspects. The taste of tomatoes is similar to salad fruits. They are meaty and sweet. However, unlike most varieties of salad tomatoes, these are universal. They are suitable for everything, including whole canning.

It is worth noting that the fruits of the Tuz variety grow in different sizes. Most of the harvest will consist of small pink tomatoes weighing about 150 g. There are smaller specimens.

They are well suited for whole marinating and pickling. But quite large tomatoes will form on the lower branches. Their weight can reach 350 g. These tomatoes can be left for salads or juices.

Tomatoes and their varieties

Red, yellow, purple, black, green, orange, striped and even two-colored... They come in different colors, and choosing the best variety of tomatoes for yourself can be difficult. Firstly, the variety of varieties is amazing.

Secondly, the choice must be made based on the conditions in which the plants will grow: greenhouse, open ground, shade or sunny area.

Thirdly, both determinate and indeterminate varieties need to be planted on the site to ensure maximum yield.

Determinate and indeterminate tomatoes and their characteristics

Summer residents and owners of personal plots rarely use these words. Determinate plants have a limited growth point, which means they do not grow tall. But indeterminate tomatoes are taller and require more attention in care. They need to be tied up, pinched and provided with the proper conditions for growth.

If tall tomatoes grow better in greenhouse conditions, then low-growing ones can be planted in open ground and used for greenhouses. The list of low-growing varieties is large, so you can choose different types of tomatoes.

Indeterminate varieties of tomatoes during one season (if grown in heated greenhouses, they produce about 40-50 bunches). If the plants are in ordinary greenhouses in the country, then the number of tassels rarely exceeds 30 tassels.

In the southern regions, tall varieties can be planted in open ground. If your summer is cold and short, then it would be better to minimize the planting of tall varieties.

They harvest later and in the northern regions do not always have time to ripen.

Determinate tomatoes have lower yields, but they ripen faster. Most varieties require tying and shaping. If you do not have time for care, then preference should be given to standard varieties. This is one of the varieties of determinate tomatoes with a short, strong stem. They don't need any tying or shaping.

Amazing tomato tree

Every year about 2,000 people come to the tomato tree. This is a tomato variety Sprut F1. The advertisement says that the plant produces about 14,000 tomatoes per year. One of these trees grows in China.

It requires constant care and temperature and intensive fertilizing, has reached a height of 4 meters and has been growing for several years.

But in dacha conditions, almost no one managed to achieve such results

Cherry tomatoes: a little hit in the gardens of summer residents

When it’s time to clean out greenhouses or greenhouses, clear the beds of plants, many gardeners wonder: where to put the Cherry tomato bushes? The fact is that a significant part of the varieties are suitable for growing in pots, and after transplanting they can bear fruit until the New Year.

The cherry-shaped hybrids Cherry Lykopa, Lisa, Kira, Ira, Maksik and some others are ideal for growing. The peculiarity of the fruits is that they are perfectly preserved and can last for more than a month. And at the same time they will not deteriorate and will not even begin to rot! And the Cherry Kira hybrid can be stored for about 2.5 months. For this reason, sellers and summer residents like it so much.

Cherry Lisa tomatoes can be safely planted in a pot and grown on a windowsill.

Cherry tomatoes should be collected and stored using trusses. This will preserve the taste and aromas of the fruit. By the way, Cherry can also be used as an ornamental plant.

You can plant them in ordinary buckets - the volume will be enough to grow a full-fledged bush.

Tomato Orange Russian: characteristics and description of the variety, its yield with photos

Every year, breeders never cease to amaze with new tomato crops. So, quite recently, varieties of tomatoes, the so-called bicolor, appeared on the consumer market. These are quite interesting vegetable crops, which, due to their unusual external structure and characteristics of the fruit, are loved by fruit and vegetable growers in many countries. In Russia, the Orange Russian 117 tomato is considered one of the most successful bicolor subspecies. Despite the fact that this hybrid is a foreign selection, it has gained great popularity among Soviet summer residents in a fairly short period of time.

History of the variety and its cultivation

Tomato Orange Russian 117 is a mid-early vegetable crop that was obtained in the USA. The author of the selection achievement is Jeff Dawson. In 2010, the variety was cultivated in Russia, where, after passing all the test work, it was included in the State Register.

As reviews from gardeners have shown, the Orange Russian tomato has proven itself well in the southern and central regions of Russia, as well as in the Non-Black Earth Zone when grown in open ground. In greenhouse conditions, the variety grows well in the Eastern European and Western Siberian parts of the country.

Description of the plant

The variety Orange Russian 117 refers to bicolor plants, that is, when tomatoes consist of two or more colors. The bush itself is also endowed with an unusual structure, which allows it to accommodate a large number of fruits.

Description of the appearance of the plant:

  1. An indeterminate bush with no growth restrictions.
  2. On average, the height of the crop reaches 1.8-2 meters.
  3. The plant is standard-shaped and requires the formation of 2-3 stems.
  4. The bush is bare, sparsely leafy.
  5. The leaves are decorative in shape and deep green.

It is also worth noting that the crop has a well-developed root system, which has a beneficial effect on its development.

Productivity and fruit characteristics

The fruits of the Orange Russian 117 variety begin to ripen 111–125 days after the seeds germinate. With the right agricultural technology, you can harvest up to 3 kg from one bush in open holes, and up to 4.5 kg in greenhouses and greenhouses. The fruits of the Orange Russian 117 variety are endowed with many advantages compared to other indeterminate type tomatoes.

Characteristics of the fruit, which can also be attributed to its advantages:

  1. Weight. The average fruit weight is 300 grams.
  2. Form. The tomatoes are round, with a pointed tip. Heart shaped.
  3. Color. The skin of tomatoes is covered with a red tint with orange strokes. The tips of the fruits are deep crimson in color. At the same time, the tomatoes are also of a non-uniform shade from the inside. In the thickness of the orange pulp, red veins are observed.
  4. Pulp. The inside of Orange Russian tomatoes is dense, with a small number of seeds.
  5. Taste. The fruits are endowed with good taste, with a predominance of sugar.
  6. Transportability. Due to their thick skin, tomatoes do not lose their appearance during long-distance transportation.
  7. Shelf life. For 40 days at a temperature of +2 degrees, the fruits are able to retain their presentation.

According to their intended purpose, tomatoes are used fresh and in preparation: canned whole fruit, sauces, natural juices and tomato pastes.

Tomato variety Russian 117 does not need special care. For its proper development, it will be enough to carry out timely watering, weeding and fertilizing with mineral and nitrogen fertilizers. Also, do not forget about insect pests. Timely prevention will also prevent the formation of infectious diseases.

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