Watermelon variety Bedouin F1: description, cultivation, pros and cons

Sectional view

In the garden

The fruit with the
Bedouin sticker is resistant to common melon diseases and adverse weather conditions. The hybrid grows and develops safely even when sowing a large number of seedlings in a small area.


The variety was bred by breeders from Holland. In 2013, BEJO ZADEN BV applied for permission to cultivate the plant in Russia and registration in the state register of the Russian Federation. In 2016, after passing tests for resistance to diseases and pests, the variety was approved for cultivation in the North Caucasus Federal District.

Despite the fact that experts recommend growing the plant in the south of the country, practice shows quite successful results in other areas with a less favorable climate. This is explained by the high professionalism of the manufacturing company’s employees, who have repeatedly created stable, high-yielding varieties of various crops.

Watermelon Bedouin F1 variety description

Order watermelon seeds Bedouin F1

Dear customer, from us you can buy Bedouin F1 watermelon seeds from the manufacturer

Bejo retail.
All seeds are carefully selected and processed in production, packaged in high-quality packaging, protected from light and moisture, which guarantees safety and germination
We offer vegetable seeds for the dacha
, we deliver to all regions of the Russian Federation,
we send seeds by mail
or transport companies. After placing your order, a manager will contact you to clarify the details.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • excellent taste and aroma of watermelon pulp;
  • resistance to fusarium and other diseases of melons;
  • resistance to temperature changes;
  • transportability;
  • good keeping quality;
  • preservation of presentation for a long time;
  • resistance to thickening of plantings without loss of yield.


  • high cost of seeds;
  • the need to purchase seeds annually, because It is impossible to fully grow a plant from the obtained watermelon seeds.


In the southern regions, watermelons can be planted with seeds in the ground. The main condition is the soil temperature is at least + 15 degrees. In areas with temperate and cold climates, it is better to use the seedling method. For the Urals and Siberia, cultivation in greenhouses is provided.

Sowing seeds for seedlings is carried out in the last ten days of April, and planting seedlings in the ground at the end of May. "Bedouin" tolerates dense planting well - up to 7 thousand specimens can be placed on one hectare. By the time of planting, the seedlings must be at least 30 days old.

Germination of seeds

Store-bought seeds can be immediately planted in the ground, without prior germination, hardening or disinfection. Containers (preferably peat pots) with a diameter and depth of at least 10 cm are prepared for sowing.

Features of planting seeds and caring for seedlings:

  • Prepare a soil mixture of 1 part sawdust, 1 part turf soil and 1/2 part humus. Mix the mass.
  • Pour prepared soil into the pots, which should fill the container 3/4 full.

  • Place the seeds in the soil to a depth of 5 cm, sprinkle with soil, and tamp lightly.
  • Pour water so that the entire soil is saturated with moisture, but there is no stagnation of water.

Cover containers with seeds with film and leave at room temperature for 30-35 days. Water as the soil dries out. The film must be opened twice a day to prevent mold from forming.

After the formation of cotyledon leaves, the cover must be removed. Place the pots at a short distance from each other so that the growing leaves do not touch.

Planting seedlings in a greenhouse

Planting watermelon seedlings in a greenhouse usually begins in the second decade of May, when the soil warms up to a temperature of + 12 °. Holes with a diameter of 50 cm and a depth of at least 10 cm are formed on the site. The depressions are arranged in a checkerboard pattern; 2 kg of rotted manure is added to each hole, which is watered abundantly with warm water.

One seedling with a lump of earth or together with a peat container is placed in each hole. The top of the seedlings is sprinkled with dry soil up to the root collar. After planting, the seedlings should be at rest for 7 days, that is, without watering or other interventions. To avoid the negative effects of frost, plants can be covered with film.

Transplanting seedlings into the ground

The area for watermelons is prepared in the fall - the soil is dug up and fertilized with humus. In spring, the ground is leveled and supplemented with a composition of the following components:

  • urea - 30 g;
  • potassium supplements - 20 g;
  • superphosphate - 30 g.

Transplanting seedlings into open areas is carried out in late May-early June, when the ground warms up from + 15° and above, and the night air temperature does not fall below + 8°. The holes, with a diameter of 40-50 cm and a depth equal to the height of the cup with seedlings, are placed at a distance of 1.2 m. The gaps between the rows are about 2.8 m. The spaces between the rows are covered with film.

A plant with a lump of earth or a pot of peat is placed in each hole; the planting is sprinkled with soil on top and lightly compacted. A layer of sand is poured around the stem to prevent rot from appearing during growth. Then the seedlings are watered with warm water. If necessary, cover on days with large temperature changes.

Conditions for good growth


Fertilizers are applied two weeks after planting the seedlings in a permanent place.

First feeding

Ammonium nitrate solution 20 g / 10 l of water. Two liters of the mixture are poured under each bush. An alternative option is organic fertilizer with mineral additives:

  • solution of mullein (1:10) or chicken manure (1:20) - 10 l;
  • calcium chloride - 15 g;
  • superphosphate - 30 g.

Second feeding

Fertilizing is usually done at the beginning of flowering.

To do this, you can prepare a solution from the drug “Nutrivant Plus” - 200 g of fertilizer per 20 liters of water, or “Calcinite” - 80 g per 10 liters of water.

For more productive fruiting, at the beginning of the formation of ovaries, it is recommended to water the beds with a solution of the following components:

  • superphosphate - 10 g;
  • potassium chloride - 30 g;
  • ammonium sulfate - 20 g;
  • water - 10 l.

Water each plant with two liters of mixture at the root.

Watering and humidity

In a greenhouse, with a watering frequency of once every 3 days, the volume of water should be 3 liters. If the plant receives moisture once a week, the volume of water increases to 7 liters. During the flowering period, the volume of water is reduced, but the frequency of watering is increased to 4 times a week. Seven days before harvesting watermelons, irrigation stops.

In open ground, seedlings begin to be watered from the third day after planting until the inflorescences form. Each plant should use no more than 3 liters of water under the “every other day” irrigation regime. When flowers appear, the number of waterings is reduced to twice a week, and the volume of liquid is increased to 7 liters per bush.

It is necessary to water the plants with clean water, the temperature of which coincides with the air temperature. The best time for irrigation is before sunrise and after sunset.


Cultivation location for watermelon Bedouin F1Indicator in percentage, %
in the greenhouse50
on open ground65


Mode conditionsIndex
Air temperature for seed germinationfrom + 18 °C
Soil temperature when planting seedlings/seeds in the groundfrom + 15 °C
Minimum night air temperature when planting seedlings/seeds+ 8 °С
Air temperature for full growth and development of seedlings+ 25°C
Temperature of water used to irrigate seedlingsnot less than 20 °C

Pests and diseases

“Bedouin” has resistance to some diseases, however, in order to prevent the appearance or further development of diseases, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the most common of them.

Name of the diseasePhotoSignsPrevention and treatment
Powdery mildew

The appearance of white plaque on the leaves, damage and rotting of the fruit.Treatment with Fitosporin-M
Olive spot

Spots on the leaves, olive bloom on the shoots, drying of the ovaries.Treatment of seeds before planting, spraying with fungicides.

Brown spots on all parts of the plant,Treatment with biofungicides, disinfection of seeds before planting.
Angular spot

Light gray spots, holey leaves, transparent fruit structure.Treatment with "foundazole".
Brown rot

Yellow leaves, cracking roots, black spots on fruits.Treatment of seeds with potassium permanganate before sowing, spraying the bush with 1% “foundazole”.
Downy mildew

Yellowish spots on the leaves, drying of the leaves, cessation of fruit growth.Treatment with Bordeaux mixture, Topaz preparation, urea solution.

Pests of this plant variety include:

melon aphid - appears on the inside of leaves, provokes drying of the green part of the plant and subsequent death;

wireworms - attack the root system, causing the death of parts of the plant and complete death.

winter cutworm - feed on the roots of seedlings, as a result of which the bush turns yellow and dies.

To prevent the appearance of insects, it is necessary to carry out three treatments with insecticides aimed at controlling pests before flowering.

Composition, properties, calorie content of the hybrid

Almost any watermelon consists of 90% water, hybrids are no exception. But the remaining 10% contains many valuable and beneficial substances for the human body.

The composition of this large berry is impressive in terms of the amount of vitamins and minerals:

  • it contains vitamins of groups A, B, C, E, H and PP;
  • watermelon traditionally contains large amounts of calcium, magnesium and iron;
  • it contains phosphorus and sodium.

The dietary fiber that makes up watermelon pulp stimulates the removal of harmful substances from the body, accelerates metabolic processes in general, and cleanses the kidneys and bile ducts of small stones and sand. Such a complete cleansing can be successfully accomplished in 1 summer season.

On a note! Regular consumption of watermelons significantly lowers cholesterol levels in the blood and prevents the formation of plaques in blood vessels, which cause numerous diseases of the cardiovascular system.

The calorie content of Bedouin watermelons is close to the traditional one and amounts to 25 kcal per 100 g of product consumed.

Note! Watermelons contain a lot of sugar, so doctors recommend consuming the berry with caution and in small quantities for people suffering from diabetes. The same applies to patients with renal failure.

The sugar content of the pulp of this hybrid is close to 13%.

The flesh of the Bedouin F1 watermelon is dark red, dense, crispy.

Expert advice

Expert opinion

Kuznetsov Sergey Ivanovich

Expert on melons and melons

  • Watermelon is a big fan of sandy soils, so when preparing the soil mixture for seedlings, you can add a few parts of sand to the other components.
  • Over the entire season, it is necessary to make three abundant waterings: when six true leaves form, at the time of active flowering and at the beginning of the formation of ovaries.
  • After watering, it is necessary to loosen the soil and remove weeds.
  • When three fruits are formed on the bush, the size of a small apple, the remaining small ovaries are removed.
  • For prevention in pest control, you can use a decoction of tobacco leaves, a solution of potassium permanganate or wood ash.

Questions and answers

Is it possible to get a harvest from the seeds of a ripe Bedouin watermelon?

This variety belongs to the first generation hybrids, which, as a rule, do not produce offspring. Therefore, it is better to purchase fresh seeds annually from trusted stores.

How to apply dry fertilizers correctly?

Fertilizers in dry form are applied to the soil after watering, to a depth of 20 cm. Then the area is watered again.

When to stop watering watermelons?

A week before harvest.

When do the fruits ripen?

If the cultivation was carried out by seedlings, then in mid-August the harvest will be ready for harvest. When sowing seeds in open ground without additional shelter, the fruits ripen by the end of August.

How long does Bedouin watermelon last?

The fruits of this variety retain their original appearance for 45 days.


All gardeners who have invested time and effort in quality plant care speak positively about the Bedouin hybrid.

Matvey, Rostov: “My previous experience of growing watermelons in a summer cottage was not fun - even if the fruits ripened, they were very small. One day I saw a Bedouin at a neighbor’s place, became interested, and tried to buy the seeds myself. In the first season, nothing came of it either: I had no idea about the timing of watering and about diseases of melons. I had to read something and listen to advice. And now this hybrid is one of the most beloved in our family. There is no need to compare with imported watermelons, ours are better.”

Igor, Belgorod: “I grow melons in the Southern Urals. There is a lot of sun here in the summer, but there are also noticeable differences in day and night temperatures. Not all watermelons can withstand them. But this hybrid is hardy, tasty, and retains its presentation for a long time. It is readily accepted for sale in retail outlets. This culture suits me.”

When compiling this article, materials from the following sites were used:

  • https://fermer.blog/bok/ogorod/arbuz/vidy-i-sorta-arbuzov/6257-arbuz-beduin-f1.html
  • https://agronom.expert/posadka/ogorod/tykvennye/arbuz/beduin-f1.html
  • (Viewed 117 times)

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