Watermelon variety Chill: description, cultivation, pros and cons


The predecessors of the “Kholodok” variety, like some other groups of cultivated plants, were first discovered on the territory of the African continent. This variety of berry was developed by the inhabitants of Egypt, and “Chill” was brought to our country only in the 8th century.

At first, the size of the watermelon did not exceed the parameters of an ordinary orange, and the taste of the fruit was cloyingly bitter. But soon breeders from the Volgograd region decided to improve the properties of the berry, and crossed the original “Kholodok” with a couple of other varieties. The modernized domestic variety has acquired a number of positive features:

  • sweet taste;
  • large dimensions;
  • possibility of long-term storage.

The work was carried out at the Bykovskaya breeding station. 1982 is the date of birth of the variety. In 1990, “Kholodok” was approved for cultivation in the North Caucasus and Lower Volga region and later became widespread throughout the country.

Pros and cons of the variety

Like any other plant, watermelon Chill has positive and negative qualities.

Watermelon ripening occurs in a short periodGrowing watermelons requires a large area
The fruit pulp is juicy and sweetIt is necessary to constantly remove emerging side shoots
Chill has an attractive appearanceThe plant is very light-loving and needs constant warmth.
The productivity of this variety is high
Can be stored for a long period of time
Can easily be transported
Resistant to low temperatures


During the period of active growth, the plant forms powerful long shoots and voluminous, medium-dissected leaves of rich green color.
The flowers of the plant have a light yellow tint. The fruits are oval, with a dark green rind, of medium thickness. Wide intermittent stripes of a light shade are clearly visible on the peel. The average weight of one watermelon reaches 5 kg.

When cut, the berry has bright red flesh with a small number of seeds. The structure of the pulp is moderately granular, juicy with a high sugar content.

Characteristics of the variety

Description of watermelon Chill:

  • mid-late ripening;
  • 85-97 days pass from emergence to harvesting;
  • powerful plant;
  • a large number of lashes;
  • the main lash reaches a length of 5 m;
  • large green leaves;
  • The leaf blade is wide, dissected.

Characteristics of the fruits of the Kholodok variety:

  • spherical elongated shape;
  • average weight 6-10 kg;
  • weakly segmented fruits;
  • medium-sized black-green stripes;
  • the pulp is bright red;
  • thick peel;
  • sweet taste;
  • Shelf life – up to 5 months.

The seeds of the watermelon variety Kholodok are large, 15 mm long. The color is light brown, the surface is rough. Planting material from the companies Aelita, Sedek, Altai Seeds, Russian Ogorod, Gavrish is available for sale.


“Chill” prefers lightweight soils that allow moisture and air to pass through well. Sandy loam and sandy soil can be diluted with a small amount of humus to increase soil fertility. The area for watermelons should be large, well heated, and free from drafts.

In areas with harsh climatic conditions, it is better to plant the plant in a greenhouse. Sowing in open ground in the northern regions is carried out in mid-May, in the south - in early May, and in the steppe zones - at the end of April. Earlier dates should not be considered, as there is a high probability of seedling death.

Watermelon Chill: planting and growing conditions

To obtain a high-quality and abundant harvest of Chill watermelons, it is necessary to have a high-quality planting crop. They prefer to grow watermelons from seeds and choose materials very responsibly. Watermelon seeds of the Kholodok variety are quite large, slightly rough when touched

They are usually either light brown or speckled in color, which is something you should also pay attention to. Of all the seeds, it is best to choose the strongest ones

It is recommended to lightly salt the water in which watermelon seeds are soaked. Seeds that have floated to the surface can be removed immediately - they are empty, and you definitely should not expect a harvest from them.

The next stage is disinfection of planting material. To do this, the seeds are sent directly into the sun for about a week. They can also be heated on a radiator or dryer, the temperature of which does not exceed 55 degrees. Drying takes about two hours. It is recommended to place the seeds in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for several hours, and then rinse them with water. Before planting in open ground, you should soak the seeds for about 24 hours. Of course, when preparing planting material, you should take into account the specific climatic conditions in which the fruits will be grown. The closer to the northern part of the country, the later the landing takes place. There are also several conditions to consider:

  • in the northern regions, landing should take place no earlier than mid-May (around the 15th);
  • in the southern regions, as well as in forest-steppes, it is always better to plant in open ground on May 5-6;
  • if we are talking about steppe regions, then planting takes place at the end of April.

The soil must be warm enough, otherwise the seeds will not grow, but will simply rot. If watermelon seeds are planted not in the ground, but as seedlings, then it is best to do this in a container filled with a special soil mixture; the approximate period is the end of April. The seedling that is obtained as a result of planting should be transplanted into a hole and covered with film. The timing should shift by about three weeks.

Within one month, three or four full-fledged leaves must appear and form on the seedlings. After this, they can be planted in open ground with confidence. For planting seedlings, it is best to choose an area that will be well protected from sharp gusts of wind, and also that will be constantly illuminated. It’s good if potatoes, tomatoes or cabbage were planted in the same soil in the same place before.

Basically, watermelons of the Kholodok variety prefer light, aerated soil, but if the soil is sandy or sandy loam, then it is best to add a little humus to it, so the soil will become more suitable for planting watermelons, saturated and fertile. It is best to maintain a distance of 70 centimeters between seedlings, and generally it is best to leave about one and a half meters between rows so that the watermelon has more space for the development and growth of their shoots. The seedlings should be covered with film; when watering, use warm water at a comfortable temperature.

If we talk about care, then the Kholodok watermelon variety (as well as other watermelon varieties) is very wary of a huge number of weeds. Therefore, it is necessary to regularly fight them both manually and using some chemicals and weed control products. The soil around the seedling must be subject to constant loosening; you should not allow side shoots to form near the plant; it is better to remove them immediately after detection.

The issue of feeding is also no less relevant: it is best to do exactly three feedings during the entire period of growth and development of the watermelon. The first feeding is necessary approximately 10-14 days after planting the plant in the ground. The gardener prepares a mixture that includes water, potassium salt, ammonium sulfate, and superphosphate. All these components help the plant adapt to new conditions and gain vitality. The second feeding is during the period of active plant growth. It is necessary to prepare a similar composition, but in a lower concentration. The third feeding is organized when the first ovaries have just formed. The same composition is taken and introduced not just into the hole itself, but about 20 centimeters from the plant itself.

Germination of seeds

Seeds are purchased at the store or planting material is selected from the berries of the previous harvest. In the second case, the seeds are heated: the seeds are dried in the sun or using artificial heat sources for 4 hours a day, for seven days.

Only healthy seeds without damage or voids are selected for sowing. The quality of the seeds is determined by external signs (rough seeds at least 1.5 cm long) and by immersing already selected planting units in a saline solution - a teaspoon of salt per glass of water - seeds that have not settled within 30 minutes are not used.

You can also use another method: the seeds are treated with growth stimulants, a couple of days before sowing, placed in warm water for 1 hour and immersed in wet sand. After germination, the seeds are planted in containers.

Before sowing, the seeds are treated with a 1% solution of potassium permanganate and washed under running water.

For growing seedlings, 300-gram containers are suitable, which should be filled with a mixture of the following components in equal parts:

  • turf land;
  • sand;
  • peat.

Sprouted seeds are placed in a container with soil mixture, lightly watered and covered with film. Containers must be ventilated twice a day, opening the film slightly.

After full-fledged sprouts appear on the soil surface, the cover is removed. At the same time, the room temperature must be at least + 18 °C.

For favorable seedling growth, regular watering and good lighting are required, lasting 12 hours a day.

Agrotechnics of cultivation and care

If the climate in the region is not very suitable for growing the crop, it will have to be planted in a greenhouse. In areas with a warm climate, the cultivation of Chill watermelon is carried out in open ground. The sowing time should be selected so that the plants are about a month old at the time of transplantation.

First of all, you need to prepare the seeds: warm them up and disinfect them. You can warm them up if you take them to a sunny place and leave them there for a week. Then, just before sowing, soak for 0.5 hours in a pink solution of potassium permanganate.

We recommend reading

Rules for growing watermelons in open ground

What are watermelon fruits called - fruit, berry, vegetable or pumpkin?

How to grow watermelons in a greenhouse: choosing a variety, care

Technology of planting watermelons with seeds for seedlings and in the ground

To grow seedlings, select pots with a capacity of at least 0.5 liters, so that this volume is enough until the end of cultivation, since the seedlings are not planted. They are filled with a soil mixture of sand, turf soil and peat, taken in equal parts, or with a substrate for growing vegetable seedlings. 1-2 seeds are sown in each pot to a depth of 2 cm. If they all sprout, then only 1, the strongest, is left in the pot, the other is removed.

For watermelon seedlings to grow strong and healthy, they need to be provided with constant care, which consists of watering, fertilizing and maintaining optimal temperature, humidity conditions and lighting conditions. Water the seedlings so that the substrate is always moderately moist, using warm water. Fertilize the seedlings 2 times with an interval of 2 weeks with complex fertilizers with microelements. Dilute the solution according to the instructions.

The temperature is maintained at +20...+25˚С and moderate humidity. To prevent seedlings from stretching, they are illuminated for 10-12 hours a day, using artificial lighting if necessary. A week before transplanting to open ground beds, watermelon seedlings are hardened off - taken outside for a while (first for 2 hours, then the time is increased to several hours at the end of hardening).

The Kholodok watermelon is planted in the beds when it has 3-4 leaves, but not before the return frosts have passed. They can be transplanted into the greenhouse 2-3 weeks earlier. The placement pattern is 0.7 m by 1.5 m. The crop grows best on fertile, light, loose and moisture-absorbing soils. In the area selected for watermelon, crops from the pumpkin family should not have previously grown.

Without watering, plants will not produce fruit, so it is necessary to water them, especially in dry summers. They need irrigation most after transplantation and during fruit formation. When the set fruits have almost grown to their maximum size, watering is completely stopped so that they do not accumulate excess moisture and crack. After watering, you should not forget to loosen the beds.

Fertilizers are used organic and mineral, organic manure (1 to 10) 1 liter per bush and ash (1 tbsp per 10 liters). You can fertilize with herbal infusions, infusing weeds, nettles, mown grass, garden tops (fill the barrel 1/3 with cut grass, add water and leave to ferment for 1.5 weeks). Mineral fertilizers (saltpeter, urea, superphosphate and potassium) are diluted according to the instructions. Fertilize at least 2 times per season: before flowering and after 2-3 weeks.

Watermelon plants Chill needs to be formed. On each bush the maximum number of fruits is 4, the remaining ovaries must be removed, the main and additional vines must be pinched after the fruit has set. When the watermelons grow, you can tie the lashes with them to a support or, if they are lying on the ground, put pieces of slate or boards under them so that they do not touch the ground and cannot rot.

Planting seedlings in a greenhouse

The height of the structure should be 2 m, since the plant forms long shoots. The use of additional artificial lighting sources is recommended. To create favorable conditions for growth, regular weeding and timely watering are necessary.

Planting in the greenhouse begins in May. In the prepared area, holes are formed with a depth of at least 10 cm. The distance between the holes and rows is from 70 cm. A sprout with a lump of earth or biodegradable dishes is placed in each hole, sprinkled with water, and warm, clean water is poured under the root.

During the flowering period, artificial pollination must be carried out. When a large number of inflorescences are formed, excess buds are removed. Also, on lashes up to one and a half meters, side shoots are removed. Grown fruits are placed in nets and tied to a support.

Features of care

The plant will not be able to grow without care. Watermelon should be watered and fed regularly

Preventive treatments against pests and diseases occupy an important place

Removing excess shoots provides the plant owner with a tasty and rich harvest. There are no more than 4 berries per bush.

In the greenhouse, it is necessary to provide the watermelon with air. The variety dies in high humidity. In closed ground, watermelons are tied up, the berries are put in nets or placed on stands.


Watering should be carried out once every 10 days. For 1 sq. m should pour out about 3 buckets of settled warm water. The amount of watering increases on sunny days and during flowering plants. In this case, water is added 2 times a week.

Additionally, moisten the soil between plantings. After adding water, the ground is cleared of grass and organic residues.


Loosening is carried out on wet soil. When the watermelons grow, this procedure need not be carried out, because tools for working in the garden can damage the root system of the plants, as well as harm the berries themselves.

Top dressing

Watermelon Chill is fed twice in one season:

  1. 2 weeks after transplanting the plant into open ground. Fertilize with nitrogen. You can use simple natural remedies such as chicken manure or mullein. The ratio of fertilizer to water should be 1:12. Apply the substance at the root; do not pour the product on the leaves and shoots. Second feeding option: use ammonium nitrate. Dilute 20 g of this product in 5 liters of water. In the future, refuse nitrogen, as it helps to increase the green mass of the plant.
  2. During the formation of buds. Use complex fertilizers. One plant will require 5 g of potassium salt and 5 g of superphosphate. The products are applied to the ground or dissolved in water.


Formative pruning helps get rid of excess shoots on the plant. This event also includes pinching the main vine; there should be 3 or 4 set fruits on the bush. A larger number of them leads to the appearance of small and tasteless berries.


After the seedlings have gotten a little stronger, they should be tied up. This event will significantly save time and effort for the owner of Kholodok watermelons.

Tied to a trellis at a height of 0.5 m from the ground. This is done to ensure that each plant receives sufficient light and warmth. Do not forget to cut off the side shoots of tied fruits.

Collecting seeds

There is no need to purchase Kholodok watermelon seeds if you can collect them yourself. The variety is not a hybrid species, so the seeds of the fruit are excellent for creating a harvest next year.

To collect seeds from a watermelon, you need to leave a couple of fruits on the plant; you should not remove them. The plants must be overripe. After which the fruit is cut and seeds of a dark shade are selected.

Natural selection is carried out: all the seeds are placed in water and those that sank to the bottom are suitable for growing next year. They are dried on a cloth and left in the sun. They should dry for about 1 week.

Transplanting seedlings into the ground

The area for watermelons is traditionally prepared in the fall: the soil is dug up, organic and complex fertilizers are applied. For 1 m² of land the following is used:

  • compost - 4 kg;
  • complex fertilizer - 100 g.

It is recommended to dilute heavy soil with sand. It is prohibited to use fresh manure as fertilizer.

Step-by-step instructions for planting watermelonsProcess photography
Form holes with a depth equal to the height of the container, with an interval between bushes of 1 m, between rows - 1.5 m
Water the holes well with water.
Place seedlings with a clod of earth or peat pots in the holes.
Deepen the seedlings so that the first two leaves remain on the surface.
Sprinkle with soil and lightly tamp around.
Cover the soil around the seedlings with a thin layer of sand.
Pour clean warm water under the root.

Preparatory work

Before planting seeds or seedlings in the ground, it is necessary to carry out some preparatory measures.

Site selection and preparation

The area for melon planting should be located in an open area that is sufficiently illuminated by the sun. The most suitable substrate is light soil with good aeration. The most acceptable type of soil is sandy or sandy loam, because this is the type of soil that prevails in the south of the African continent, the birthplace of the crop. If you don’t have such an area in mind, don’t worry, you can choose an area with good lighting and prepare it.

To do this, the ground should be weeded well several times and fertilizing should be applied for melon crops. As already mentioned, among the few disadvantages characteristic of this variety, there is the following: the need for a fairly large area, since the bush grows greatly. When choosing a site, this factor should be taken into account. The optimal planting pattern is a rectangle with sides 0.7 x 1.4 m, in the corners of which seeds or seedlings will be planted.

If the soils are over-acidified (pH less than 6.0), add wood ash (1 kg/m²), but there is no need to add manure in the spring, this will attract mole crickets. But this organic matter can be added to the soil during autumn work. For spring preparation of the site, mineral fertilizers containing nitrogen are suitable. Such fertilizers are applied 15–20 days before planting seedlings or seeds.

Don't forget about the crop change. Watermelons should not be planted after cucumbers and strawberries, but after cabbage, tomatoes, black radish and herbs they grow well. In addition, it is better not to plant melons next to pumpkins, zucchini, squash and cucumbers. But greens and corn will be excellent neighbors for watermelons.

Did you know? The potassium, lycopene pigment and divalent nitric oxide found in watermelons are very beneficial for keeping the kidneys healthy. In addition, the specific diuretic properties of the culture contribute to the dissolution and removal of stones.

Seed preparation

The selection and preparation of seed material (both for seedlings and non-seedling methods) is the most critical stage in growing melons if you want to get a good harvest, so it is better to pay more for seeds by purchasing them from a trusted supplier, or use your own material. First, you should check the seeds: pour them into a container with water at room temperature and leave for 10–15 minutes.

After the specified time, those remaining on the surface can be thrown away - they are empty and will not yield a harvest. The remaining seeds are treated with a 1% solution of potassium permanganate (leave the seeds in the solution for 1 hour) or with growth stimulants for melons according to the instructions (Emistim S, Biolan). After the stimulation procedure, the seeds are dried and then planted in seedling containers or directly into the ground.

Conditions for good growth

To get a rich harvest, the plant needs constant care.

Expert advice

Expert opinion

Kuznetsov Sergey Ivanovich

Expert on melons and melons

When growing a plant in a greenhouse, it is recommended to regularly ventilate the room, since high humidity is detrimental to the crop.

Loosening the soil is an important procedure that ensures the full development of the plant. It should only be carried out on damp soil. After watermelons grow, loosening stops to avoid damage to the roots.

It is also worth timely removing shoots and excess ovaries so that the fruits receive sufficient nutrients and have time to ripen. No more than four fruits should be left on one bush.


Fertilizers are applied 3 times: 14 days after planting in open ground, at the time of flowering and the period of ovary formation.

First feeding

A solution of mullein or chicken manure with water is made: 1 part of fertilizer is taken with 12 parts of water. The solution is watered into the holes without getting on the leaves. For 1 plant, 2 liters of fertilizer is enough.

You can also use a solution of ammonium nitrate in the proportion: 20 grams per 5 liters of water. Up to 2 liters of the mixture is poured under each bush. It is not recommended to overuse nitrogen fertilizers!

Second feeding

  • superphosphate - 10 g;
  • potassium salt - 30 g;
  • ammonium sulfate - 20 g;
  • water - 10 l.

2 liters of fertilizer is poured into each hole.

Third feeding

The composition of the mixture is the same as that of the 2nd fertilizing (superphosphate, potassium salt, ammonium sulfate, water), but the process of applying fertilizer is slightly different: the solution is watered on the soil 20 cm from the main stem.

Humidity and watering

Optimal humidity indicators:

Air humidity in the room for growing seedlingsfrom 50 to 60
Humidity of the fertile soil layer for growing watermelon in the groundfrom 70 to 80
Air humidity for growing watermelon on a plot or in a greenhousefrom 45 to 60
Indoor air humidity during fruit storagefrom 80 to 90

“Chill” should be watered:

Once every 10 days

Twice every 7 days

Twice every 7 days

General tips:

  1. For 1 plant bush, 3 liters of clean warm water .
  2. The signal for irrigation will be the drying of the top layer of soil .
  3. Pouring furrows between the beds will increase the efficiency of watering.
  4. Watering stops during the ripening period of watermelons.

Planting seeds and growing conditions

In order to get a good harvest, you need to have quality seeds for planting.
Watermelon seeds Chill are very large, at least 1.5 centimeters, slightly rough to the touch. The color is light brown or speckled. We will select the strongest ones from those available. To do this, lightly add some salt to the water and drop the watermelon seeds into it. We discard the seeds remaining on the surface without any regret.

To disinfect watermelon seeds before planting, they must be soaked in a solution of potassium permanganate.

Then the seeds should be disinfected. To do this, they must be exposed to sunlight for seven days or heated in a dryer or on a radiator at a temperature of 55 degrees for three hours. You can place the seeds in a weak solution of manganese for several hours, and then rinse thoroughly with water. Immediately before planting seedlings or in the ground, they should be soaked in warm water for 24 hours.

You should not take seeds from the first year of storage for planting. The most suitable seeds are 4-5 years old.

Preparing seeds for planting should be done taking into account the climatic conditions of the place of residence. The closer to the north, the later the landing:

  • Northern regions no earlier than May 15;
  • Southern region and forest-steppe approximately from May 6;
  • In steppe regions from the end of April.

The soil for planting must be warm, otherwise the seed will simply rot. Before planting seeds, the soil warms up. Planting seeds for seedlings is done in containers filled with special soil at the end of April, if the resulting seedling will then be transplanted into a hole under the film. For planting in open ground, the timing of planting seeds should be shifted by two to three weeks.

Within a month, three to four full leaves should appear on the seedlings. After this, they can be planted in open ground.

For planting seedlings, select a well-protected and unshaded area from the wind. It’s good if potatoes, tomatoes or cabbage were grown on it before.

Watermelons love light, well-permeable soil. Humus should be added to sandy loam or sandy soil. A distance of 70 centimeters must be maintained between seedlings, and the rows are located 1.5 meters from each other. Two plants are placed in a hole. When planting, all leaves of the seedlings should remain on the surface. The seedlings are covered with film and watered only with warm water.

Watermelon planting scheme


Watermelon is very afraid of weeds, so “fighting” them must be done regularly. Watering is done as the soil dries out.

Avoid excessive watering, especially during the period of ovary and ripening. Shoots will slow down in growth and may die.

The soil around the seedling must be constantly loosened and fed. You should not allow side shoots to grow; they are removed. In several places, long shoots are slightly dug into the earth.

First watermelon ovaries Chill If there are a large number of ovaries on the vine, leave two to three berries, the rest of the fruits should be removed.

Top dressing

The plant should be fed three times during the entire period:

  1. 2 weeks after planting in the ground, prepare a mixture in a ten-liter container with water from potassium salt, ammonium sulfate and superphosphate. We dilute the additives according to the instructions;
  2. During the period of active growth, we prepare the same composition as for the first time, but in a lower concentration;
  3. At the beginning of the formation of ovaries. The same composition is used, but it is not poured directly into the hole. It is worth making small furrows at a distance of 20 centimeters from them and watering them properly.

You cannot use more than two liters of diluted fertilizer per hole.

Collecting seeds

The gardener must worry about collecting watermelon seeds for planting in subsequent periods. You should not even try to collect seeds of hybrid varieties. Watermelon Chill is not one of these, so you can safely prepare its seeds from the harvest.

Collection of watermelon seeds Chill

To do this, it is worth leaving a few fruits so that they become overripe. Then we cut the watermelon and select only dark-colored seeds. After this, we fill them with water, those seeds that sank to the bottom of the container are left for future harvests, and the rest are thrown away. The remaining seeds should be dried; to do this, lay them out on a clean piece of cloth and leave them in the sun for 5-7 days.

Do not store harvested seeds in closed containers or plastic bags. Cotton fabric is the best choice.


Optimal temperatures:

Warming seeds at home using heating devicesup to +55
Germination of seedsfrom +25
The appearance of sprouts in containersup to +30
Growing seedlings after sprouts appearfrom +18
Soil temperature when planting in open groundfrom +15
Fruit ripeningfrom +25 to +45

Optimal timing for cultivation

The most favorable time for planting Chill is the end of spring (May) - the beginning of summer. That is, the work must be carried out during the warm season, when the soil has already warmed up sufficiently and there is no risk of accidental frosts, which could adversely affect the harvest. If, after planting in the ground, the night temperature begins to drop, the melon must definitely be covered with film, otherwise you should not expect a normal harvest.

Important! The most favorable conditions for growing watermelons are hot, dry summers with plenty of sunlight; additional watering should be carried out only with the addition of fertilizers. Otherwise, even if you get a bountiful harvest of large, beautiful-looking fruits, most likely they will be unsweetened.

Pests and diseases

Despite the fact that the variety is resistant to many diseases, in order to prevent fungal infections, it is recommended to till the soil before sowing.

Processing methods and means:

  1. Lime . Spread the substance over the area in a thin layer.
  2. Potassium permanganate . Prepare a weak solution, water the soil or soak the seeds in it for a day before planting.
  3. Preparation "Karatan" : soil treatment according to instructions.


Angular spot

Causes: negative effects of insects, contaminated seeds.

Symptoms: the appearance of gray spots, which subsequently turn into holes on the leaves; wilting of the green mass of the plant; wateriness and rotting of fruits.

Treatment: treatment with the drug "Fentiuram".

Root rot

Causes: excess humidity, sudden temperature changes, cold climatic conditions.

Symptoms: swelling of the roots, causing the appearance of cracks; yellowing of leaves; wilting of the plant.

Treatment: treatment with 0.1% Fundazol; covering the soil with ash.

White rot

Causes: low temperatures (below + 12 °C), high humidity.

Symptoms: the appearance of brown spots with a white coating on the stems, leaves and fruits.

Treatment: destruction of affected areas of the plant; treatment with copper sulfate solution; lime treatment.


melon aphid

Insects are located on the inside of the leaves, the surface of which is covered with a sticky coating, which contributes to the deformation of the leaves and wilting of the plant. They get rid of aphids using the drugs “Inta-vir” or “Mospilan”.

Sprout fly

Insect larvae feed on the inside of roots and stems, forming cavities. As a result, the plant rots. To combat the larvae, drugs that get rid of aphids are suitable. The products are applied both to the plant and to the soil.

Spider mite

The insect forms brown, growing blotches on the leaves, and also covers the entire bush with cobwebs. As a result, the plant dries out. To combat spider mites, “Aktofit”, “Fitoverm”, “Neoron” are used.

Watermelon Chill: description and general characteristics

Watermelon Chill: photo of the variety

Watermelon Kholodok is a variety native to the Volgograd region. This is a medium-late variety; from the moment the seeds are planted in open ground until the first fruits are received, approximately 12 weeks pass, that is, about three months. However, the Kholodok watermelon is famous for its high productivity, since at least 30 tons of crop can be harvested from just one hectare. But it is worth considering that for this there must be suitable weather conditions, and also the most suitable care must be organized, and this depends solely on the gardener himself. From one square meter of area where the plantings are located, a gardener can get about seven kilograms of watermelon, and this is a very high and worthy figure.

The Kholodok watermelon variety is equally suitable for growing in greenhouse conditions and in open ground. But you should not allocate limited space for planting, since, as it grows and develops, the watermelon can branch very actively and unlimitedly, grow in length, and for this it needs a maximum of open space. It is worth remembering that the longest shoot of this variety of watermelon can reach almost five meters.

The leaves are bright green, and the fruits are slightly elongated in shape, their weight varies from four to 4.5 kilograms. The color is green, mesh, the thickness of the crust is moderate. If you cut a watermelon, you will notice quite juicy, grainy, bright pulp, which has a very rich sweet taste and a slightly pinkish tint. If watermelon is grown in the middle zone of our country, it gives a fairly good intensive harvest. Planting is mainly recommended in regions such as the Volga region, Southern Urals, Astrakhan, and Volgograd region. In general, they are the ideal places to grow Kholodok watermelon on the most extensive, industrial scale.

Astrakhan is a city (and its surrounding regions), which as a whole has become a real Watermelon industry. This happened not only due to the fact that this area is especially suitable for growing watermelons: even on an official scale, an agreement was signed by the Minister of Agriculture Alexei Gordeev.

Despite the fact that the Kholodok watermelon variety is quite resistant to low temperatures and temperature changes, it is still best to grow it in regions with a warm climate and long summers. During this time, the watermelon is saturated with all useful substances and components, and at the end of August you can collect juicy and ripe fruits, which are quite resistant to storage and transportation, which should also be remembered by gardeners who grow the variety not only for their own consumption, but also in order to then put up the fruits of the Kholodok watermelon variety for sale.

The Kholodok watermelon variety is most widespread not only in the middle and southern regions of Russia, but also throughout almost the entire territory of the Commonwealth of Independent States. This is due to the fact that Kholodok watermelon is a variety that has some positive characteristics and advantages. Among them it is worth highlighting the following:

  • this is an early ripening variety, despite the fact that it takes almost three months for the crop to develop and ripen;
  • The pulp of the watermelon Chill is very sweet and juicy;
  • not only internal taste qualities matter: watermelon has an attractive appearance;
  • high level of productivity - from one square meter, taking into account the growth of bushes, you can harvest about seven kilograms of crop;
  • the shelf life is very long - watermelons can be stored in a dark, dry place for three to five months;
  • transportation is not an obstacle at all for this variety, it is very resistant to them, even over long distances;
  • The Kholodok watermelon variety tolerates sharp drops in air temperatures very well, and in general it is tolerant of sudden changes in weather.

However, no matter how much we list the advantages, the variety also has some disadvantages. These are mainly: demands on large open spaces, since cucumber shoots can reach five meters in length; side shoots form very often, and therefore the gardener is forced to constantly monitor them and remove excess ones; Watermelon is very picky about heat and light; the variety needs to be planted in exactly these conditions, otherwise the yield indicators will be much lower than originally stated, and this will be a huge disadvantage for the gardener himself, who is counting on large, juicy, ripe fruits.

Expert advice

Expert opinion

Kuznetsov Sergey Ivanovich

Expert on melons and melons

  • To grow seedlings, it is better to use ready-made disinfected soil with minerals, for example “Krepysh” or “Ogorodny”.
  • Repeated planting of melons and melons in the same place should occur at intervals of 6 years.
  • Seaweed can be used as a fertilizer, as it is rich in potassium and is well absorbed by the soil.
  • To prevent the appearance of aphids, plants are covered with tobacco dust.
  • The use of chemicals is possible only before the inflorescences appear.

Rules for harvesting and storing crops

Watermelons need enough sunny days to fully mature. In our latitudes, watermelons do not ripen before mid-August. They may be quite large and look ripe, but they will not contain enough sugar. Chill is no exception. Harvesting can be done in several (2-3) stages. To harvest, you must use a knife or pruning shears; do not unscrew or tear the fruit from the bush.

Find out in more detail how much watermelon can be stored and how to properly store it at home.

There is an almost guaranteed accurate method for determining the degree of ripeness of a watermelon: the stalk, tendrils and foliage next to the fruit begin to dry. And, of course, size - the larger the fruit, the more ripe it is. Harvesting should be done on a dry, clear day. The last harvest is carried out immediately before the onset of frost; all remaining fruits are collected, including unripe ones (they can be fermented).

Fresh watermelons are stored in a damp, cool place without access to light, periodically inspecting the crop for rot. Those fruits that have begun to spoil are fermented. If you try to create the right conditions for storing watermelons of the Kholodok variety, it may well please you on the New Year's table.

Questions and answers

What size should the seeds of the “Kholodok” variety be suitable for sowing?

From 1.5 cm to 2 cm. The surface of the seeds is light brown in color.

Is it possible to plant watermelon seeds in open ground?

This method is used by residents of the southern regions. Seeds are planted in well-warmed soil to a depth of 10 cm.

When should you tie up a plant?

The procedure must be carried out 12 days after planting the seedlings. The growing shoot is tied to a previously prepared support.

How to collect seeds for the next sowing?

During harvest, you need to leave one or two watermelons in the garden so that the fruits become overripe. Then the watermelons are cut and the darkest seeds are selected. Next, the seeds are washed under running water, laid out on a cloth and dried for a week.

What sound should a ripe watermelon have: dull or ringing?

If a dull sound appears when tapped, this means that the fruit is overripe. A ripe berry makes a ringing sound with slight vibration.

Description of the watermelon variety

The variety is medium late, ripens in 85–95 days from planting. It is unpretentious in care, grown by seedlings or seeds in open ground.

Distinctive features

The bushes are powerful, spreading.
The lashes reach 4-5 m in length. The leaves are dark green and drooping. The bushes show stable productivity both in the greenhouse and in the open air.

Composition, properties, calorie content

There are only 25 kcal per 100 g of red pulp. The fruits contain dietary fiber that activates metabolism. Watermelon juice contains fructose, which is absorbed many times faster than sugar.

Watermelon fruits, a popular diuretic folk remedy, relieve swelling and remove excess fluid from the body. Watermelons are a source of microelements. They contain calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, zinc.

Important! People with diabetes or kidney stones should not consume a lot of pulp.

Fruit characteristics and yield

Up to 4–7 large, heavy fruits will ripen on one bush at the same time.
Watermelon weight: from 4 to 6 kg. The peel is slightly segmented, light green. The shape is spherical, the pulp is sugary and sweet, bright red in color.

Seeds of watermelon

The seeds are large and heavy, reaching 2 cm in length. They consist of 35% protein and contain amino acids and B vitamins. The shell is dense, rough, and brown in color.

History of selection and region of growth

For the first time, the melon crop Kholodok appeared in the deserts of Africa. The Egyptians were able to develop this variety many years ago. The variety came to Russia in the 8th century.

At first, Kholodok was small in size and had a cloying taste with a slight bitterness. However, it was cultivated (breeders crossed the original Kholodok with two more types of watermelon) and the berry acquired a sweet taste and grew significantly in size. The Volgograd region is considered the birthplace of this melon crop.

It brings good harvests in the Volga region, Southern Urals, and Astrakhan. The entire area of ​​our homeland is an excellent area for growing crops for industrial purposes. Astrakhan is considered the capital of the watermelon business.

Useful tips

Some useful tips that will help you grow a bountiful harvest and gain a reputation among your neighbors in your summer cottage as a specialist in growing Kholodok watermelons:

  • Watering should be carried out moderately and only before fruiting begins, after the formation of ovaries and fruit growth, sometimes you can do without it;
  • do not leave more than three ovaries on one shoot; remove excess ovaries and shoots;
  • to increase the productivity of the soil where the future melon plant will be planted, the area can first be sown with clover or alfalfa;
  • the culture prefers an alkaline environment, does not like an acidic environment;
  • if you want to enjoy the Kholodok variety next season, which has all the varietal qualities, do not plant other varieties nearby, this leads to degenerative changes;
  • You should not grow watermelons near other pumpkins.

Did you know? One of the record holders of the Kholodok variety can be considered a watermelon grown in the Volgograd region; its weight was approximately 12 kg.
Kholodok watermelons have excellent taste, shelf life, and are suitable for growing in open ground and in greenhouses. You just need to remember some features of the variety (such as a long stem, which requires a lot of space or the construction of strong trellises) and take them into account when growing, and Kholodok, in turn, will delight you with an excellent harvest of sweet fruits.

Reviews from gardeners

Olga, 45 years old, geologist, Omsk. Growing watermelons in the Siberian region is not an easy task. That is why I tried to choose a variety that can get along in our climate. A couple of years ago I decided to buy Chill. I planted the seeds in May. I cover them with film, water them, and take care of them. In one season, 5 large watermelons grew. The skin is not thick, the flesh is sweet. True, there are a lot of bones.

Varvara, 56 years old, dentist, Nizhny Novgorod. I was looking for a variety that would ripen in the middle zone. The planting material sprouted very quickly; no additional treatments were needed. After 14 days, the first shoots appeared. At the beginning of summer, I planted it in open ground under a film. The result was 6 watermelons from two plants, one weighing approximately 7 kg.

Stepan, 60 years old, lawyer, Kostroma. A friend has his own dacha. Once he invited me to his place, I tried the Kholodok watermelon, I really liked it. An acquaintance described the whole essence of planting and care, and decided to try growing it in his own garden. I hope I get great results.


Add your review

Watermelon Chill is a heat-loving melon crop that can be grown in any climate. In cold climates, seedlings are planted in closed ground. The variety is valued for its sweet taste, excellent transportability and long shelf life. Caring for Chill is simple - regular watering and fertilizing, and then the crop will delight you with a large and tasty harvest.

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