Is it worth planting banana dessert peppers, the pros and cons of the variety

Banana dessert pepper is an early ripening vegetable. It was bred by a breeder from Siberia for breeding in all regions of Russia. In 2017, the culture was registered in the State Register. The variety is characterized by a stable harvest that ripens in greenhouses even in areas with short summers and variable climate. In central Russia and the south it can be grown in open ground.


VarietyBanana dessert
Description of fruitsThe fruit has the shape of an elongated cone with pronounced ribs
Fruit weightAverage weight 100-250 g.
FormElongated - cone-shaped
Fruit sizeLength 30-35 cm
Wall thicknessAbout 0.8cm
Taste of the fruitJuicy, very sweet, unusual
ProductivityUp to 4.5 kg/
Maturation speedMid-season 120-125 days
Bush heightClosed bush, height from 70 cm
Pollination typeMixed
Nestedness2-3 pcs.
Type of ovary formationFemale
Transportability and keeping qualityTransports well, has excellent shelf life
Resistance to adverse conditionsAdapted to growing in unfavorable climates
Resistance to diseases and pestsAverage disease resistance
Should I dive?Not necessary
Recommended growing regionsFor all regions of the Russian Federation, including those with cold climates
Year of inclusion in the State Register of the Russian Federation2017
OriginatorUgarova S.V., Dederko V.N., Novosibirsk

Strawberry Syria, price 4 UAH, buy bar - (id#454367831)

Developed by New Fruits, which is the copyright holder of the variety EC -CPVO 201100149 Grant 34840, Ukraine 13294005, WIPO TM 1166332.

Garden strawberries Syria, description

The description of Syrian strawberries sounds encouraging to gardeners and farmers - especially the yield data. The ripening time is also quite good.

Medium fruiting period, ripens 5-6 days later than Alba, 6-7 days later than Honey, in early June. So in the east of Ukraine the harvest starts from June 10. The productivity potential is high - up to 1 kg per bush. The yield of Syria, even in the first year, is up to 200 g per bush, up to 600-700 g per 1 m2 - this is excellent!

In the photo there are Syrian strawberries, the harvest has been harvested

  • The berry is attractive, large and medium, with a total weight of 30-35 g. The shape is conical, regular, visually slightly elongated. The color is bright red, when fully ripe it is darker, cherry, the core is slightly whitish, the pulp is sufficiently dense and juicy, with a pleasant consistency. The taste is rich - sweet, with many flavor shades, with a harmonious combination of sugar and an appropriate amount of acid. Thanks to its moderate density, it can be transported without loss and can be stored during sale.
  • The first berries are up to 35-40 g, the last 20-25 g.
  • The bush is powerful, medium spreading, medium leafy. The flower stalks are powerful and hold fruits suspended for a long time.
  • The leaves are dark green, slightly wrinkled, bright, the well-leafed bush compares favorably with its neighbors in the collection bed.
  • The formation is moderate.
  • Suitable for growing in continental climates, for open ground. Promising cultivation in two- and three-year crops.

Italian farmers who grow early strawberries in a two-year crop recommend leaving Syria for the third year - perhaps because the variety does not lose quality, does not become smaller, is weakly affected by diseases, is viable and promising.

Care Tips

  • It lays flower buds at early planting dates (July-early August) like Alba. However, they are worse than the earliest varieties - the earlier ones are less exposed to the sun.
  • It is better to plant a site for planting berries in August, so that flower buds, the basis of next year’s harvest, have time to form, and at the same time the July heat has gone away. But it is more rational to plant queen cells for propagation in the fall or spring: if you get rid of flower stalks, there will be less hassle, and when planting in spring there will be enough material for seedlings.
  • When planting, the distance between bushes is at least 30 cm - the optimal distance is up to 40 cm. It is rational to plant on film or agrofibre.
  • In the 4th year, the yield drops - a feature of modern strawberries that has become the rule. By this time, you need to either propagate your own planting material - take the first two rosettes, or stock up on new seedlings.

It reproduces well from Frigo seedlings - the optimal choice is seedlings of type A+, A++, in cassettes and containers.

What is important to know: characteristics

In addition to general phrases, how to describe a variety is a description based on the opinions and reviews of gardeners.

The fruiting period is extended. Throughout the entire harvest, the shape does not change - it is stable until the very end, but the size of the fruits of the first wave is larger. However, the weight of the latter, up to 25 g, is not so miniature - quite decent.

In hot climates, it feels better than many Dutch varieties; the Syrian strawberry variety has successfully proven itself, justifying its sultry name, both in the south of Ukraine, and in Bashkiria, and in the central part of Russia under the summer sun.


The pepper received its original name “Banana Dessert” for its resemblance to this fruit at the stage of technical maturity. The fruits are elongated, pale yellow in color, hanging in clusters on the bush, very similar in appearance to bunches of bananas.

The elongated shape of the pepper looks very attractive on the bush. Ripe fruits have a deep ruby ​​color. The skin of the fruit is smooth, but not glossy.

Closed bush with dark green, slightly wrinkled leaves of medium size.

“Banana dessert” tastes very sweet and juicy. Pepper is suitable for preparing hot dishes, lecho, tasty fresh, beautiful in salads and winter preparations, and does not lose its taste and nutritional qualities when frozen.

Bred in Siberia, “Banana Dessert” is adapted to cold weather, so it takes root well in areas with an unstable climate, ripens well in open ridges, and easily tolerates temperature changes and temporary drought.

The best varieties of tomatoes for the greenhouse

These are most often hybrids (the letter F on the package means that these seeds are of a hybrid form). Unlike varietal tomatoes, they are adapted to greenhouse conditions and are resistant to various diseases.

When choosing, also take into account the type of plant branching. It is this characteristic that determines the care of tomatoes, the choice of planting site and the time of planting seeds for seedlings. There are four types:

  • Indeterminate
  • Determinant
  • Semi-determinant
  • Superdeterminant

You can read more about these varieties in the article about determinate and indeterminate varieties of tomatoes.

Below are the varieties of tomatoes for greenhouses with photos and descriptions that are most popular among most gardeners:

Samara F1 is a domestic hybrid, specially bred for indoor soil. This is a cluster tomato; there are up to 8 berries on the cluster. An indeterminate plant resistant to tobacco mosaic virus, fusarium and cladosporiosis. Red tomatoes are resistant to cracking and store well. The fruits ripen early.

  • De Barao - this variety will be of interest to lovers of exotic colored tomatoes. A whole palette of tomatoes has been developed: Red, Black, Gold, Orange, as well as Tsarsky and Giant. These are tall, mid-late, shade-tolerant tomatoes. The fruits are oval-ovoid in shape, ranging from small (Black De Barao) to large (Giant). Tomatoes are good for salads and canning. They ripen after the bush is removed and have increased shelf life.
  • Ox heart has been popular for several decades. Now, thanks to breeders, new varieties with fruits of different colors have been developed. The tall bush reaches two meters in height. The fleshy fruits are heart-shaped, very large (the weight of one tomato can reach up to 1000 g), and have an excellent taste. One of the best salad varieties.
  • The Miracle of the Earth is an early-ripening, tall crop. It has high drought resistance, so it is suitable for gardeners who cannot provide constant watering of plants. The fruits are large, pink (weighing about 500 g) and have a heart-shaped shape. The taste is sweetish. They are good for making salads.
  • Pink honey is intended for open and closed ground. It grows up to 1.5 m in height and has low disease resistance. The fruits are pink, very large and have high taste.

Of course, each area has its favorites. Thus, tomatoes for Siberia, grown in a greenhouse, differ from their counterparts in other areas.

Popular varieties for Siberians are presented in the photo.

  • Golden Koenigsberg or “Siberian apricot” is mid-season.
  • The pride of Siberia is the early ripening tomato.
  • Abakan pink is mid-season.
  • The King of Siberia is mid-season.
  • Eagle Beak is a mid-season tomato with an interesting tomato shape.

Tomatoes grown in a greenhouse in Siberia are different. But almost all the best varieties have the same characteristics - high yield, disease resistance, early and mid-season ripening.

Let's return to the choice. Another characteristic that plays an important role when choosing a particular variety is productivity. This is especially true when the area for crops is limited.

Which tomato varieties are the most productive for greenhouses? Information about it is indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging, but it does not always coincide with what is declared. It is better to trust the experience of practical vegetable growers who have been familiar with them for many years and have appreciated their productivity. The most proven:

  • De Barao
  • Southern tan
  • Pink king
  • Cio-chio-san
  • Bull's heart

Advantages and disadvantages

Mid-early ripeningThe need to tie up bushes
Good yieldOn the lower branches the fruits rest against the soil
Sustained immunity
Juiciness, sweet taste
Ability to plant in open ground and regions with difficult climates
Interesting shape
Keeping quality
Versatility in cooking
Low maintenance
Self-collection of seeds


Sweet or bell peppers are so popular for a reason. All its demands on care are more than compensated by the benefits of its use. It contains the following vitamins and minerals:

  • carotene;
  • vitamin C;
  • B vitamins;
  • sodium;
  • potassium;
  • iron and others.

Important! In terms of vitamin C content, bell peppers leave far behind not only blackcurrants, but also lemons. In order to get a daily dose of this vitamin, it is enough to eat 40 g of its pulp daily. Due to its composition rich in vitamins and minerals, sweet peppers have a positive effect on the circulatory and nervous systems

. Due to its composition rich in vitamins and minerals, sweet peppers have a positive effect on the circulatory and nervous systems

Vitamin P, which is contained in this vegetable, will help maintain the elasticity of blood vessels and capillaries. This makes it especially useful in the prevention of atherosclerosis and thrombosis. In addition, it is used to prevent and treat the following diseases:

Due to its composition rich in vitamins and minerals, sweet peppers have a positive effect on the circulatory and nervous system. Vitamin P, which is contained in this vegetable, will help maintain the elasticity of blood vessels and capillaries. This makes it especially useful in the prevention of atherosclerosis and thrombosis. In addition, it is used to prevent and treat the following diseases:

  • depression;
  • prostration;
  • diabetes;
  • osteoporosis and others.

It is better to refrain from its excessive use in case of hypertension, kidney and liver diseases, as well as diseases of the digestive system.

Tips for Growing Peppers Banana Dessert

The agricultural technology of the Banana Dessert pepper is identical to other varieties of pepper. Peppers are planted as seedlings in the ground. To produce a harvest, it requires fertilizer and watering. To prevent the bush from breaking or deforming, and the branches of neighboring peppers not to interfere with each other, it is necessary to follow the planting pattern, and the plant also needs to be tied up and pinched.

When to sow seedlings

Seeds for seedlings are sown 8-9 weeks before planting in the ground. Self-collected seeds should be sorted, discarding empty and defective ones, and disinfected in a saturated pink solution of potassium permanganate.

To make the seeds hatch faster, they can be soaked in a damp cloth for 2-3 days. The fabric should not dry out.

In order not to injure the pepper when diving, you can immediately use small containers for planting seedlings. The vegetable should be picked after two true leaves appear.

The seeds are placed to a depth of 1 cm, covered with soil, irrigated with a spray bottle, covered with cling film or glass and placed in a warm place.

When the seeds sprout

The first leaves appear 7-10 days after planting in the ground. After their appearance, the film is gradually removed. Throughout the growing period of the sprouts, they need to be watered as needed and fed a couple of times with mineral or organic fertilizers.

When and at what distance to plant in the ground

Peppers are planted in a permanent place in the last ten days of May. The average air temperature by this time should be above 16°C.

Bushes are planted according to the 30x40 pattern or 5 bushes per 1 square meter. m. The plant is not deeply buried in the soil, but you need to tie it up and tear off the leaves to the first fork.

The predecessors of pepper should not be other nightshades. The soil for planting is fertilized, loosened and moistened.

Ripening period

“Banana dessert” is ready for consumption 120-125 days after sowing; for the fruit to finally ripen, it takes about another week.


Pepper requires moderate watering. The bushes are watered at the root with settled warm water, in the morning or evening. In hot weather, water 2-3 times a week. Plants are especially demanding of watering when fruits are set. After watering, the soil is slightly loosened so that a crust does not form.

What and when to feed

The crop needs to receive a complex of fertilizers at least 2-3 times per season. The complex should include mineral and organic substances.

Should I dive?

“Banana Dessert” is picked at the stage when the true leaves appear.

To form a bush, remove the leaves up to the first fork. Peppers must be tied up, otherwise heavy fruits can deform or break the branches of the plant.

Diseases and pests

To prevent diseases, you should avoid overwatering the bushes, stagnant air in the greenhouse, and planting in the place where the predecessors were nightshades.

To prevent insects, the bushes are treated with garlic infusion and ash. Insecticides will help with a large number of pests.

Tomato varieties for greenhouses resistant to late blight

Late blight is a dangerous fungal disease of potatoes and tomatoes. A real nightmare for tomato lovers, capable of destroying all the plants along with the fruits in one day. It spreads very quickly. In this regard, it was popularly called “black fire”.

More resistant varieties to late blight:

  • De Barao
  • Honey drop
  • Yablonka Russia
  • Pickling miracle
  • Cardinal

However, the best varieties of tomatoes for greenhouses that are resistant to late blight cannot be absolutely protected from infection. So, even if you only planted tomatoes that are resistant to “black fire,” this is not a reason to relax; carefully monitor the health of the plants and do not forget about preventive measures.


Pepper varietyRipening time (days)FormColorLength(cm)Weight (g)Bush (cm)Yield
Gypsy90-100ConeBright red10-1515055-1003,7-4,2
Pinocchio88-100Extended coneRich red17100-11570-10014
Red elephant110-115Narrow coneDark red2213480-905.6
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