Is it worth planting Chanterelle pepper, the pros and cons of the variety

Vegetable growing » Pepper



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Kira Stoletova

Recently, hybrid varieties have gained particular popularity: they differ from varietal seeds in their abundant fruiting, increased resistance to diseases and temperature changes. Sweet chanterelle pepper belongs to category f1. We will consider a detailed description of the variety in the article.

Characteristics of the Chanterelle variety


The variety has a medium height bush with small, green leaves. Pepper fruits are of medium size, the weight of which varies between 50 grams. Peppers have an oblong, cone-shaped shape. When unripe, they have a green tint. At maximum ripening, peppers acquire an orange color.

The fruits are juicy and fleshy. The average wall thickness is 6 mm. An important positive characteristic is the almost complete absence of seeds.

The taste of the fruit is excellent. The pepper is sweet, aromatic, juicy and crunchy. It is perfect not only for fresh consumption, but also for canning.

The yield of the variety is not very high. Up to 1 kg of crop is harvested from one bush. About 3 kg of peppers grow on one square meter.

Pepper Chanterelle

Mid-early, original, small-fruited sweet pepper for growing in open ground, film tunnels, at home in pots and containers. The period from full germination to the beginning of the technical stage of ripeness is 100-105 days.

The bush is low-growing, semi-standard, compact. The leaf is medium sized, green, wrinkled. The position of the fruits on the plant is drooping.

The sweet pepper variety Lisichka is included in the State Register of the Russian Federation.

Fruit characteristics

The fruits are cone-shaped, smooth, glossy, small, green at the stage of technical ripeness, orange at the biological stage, weighing 25-45 grams, sweet, with a piquant spicy aroma. Wall thickness 5-6 mm.

The fruit is cone-shaped, smooth, glossy, green at the technical stage of ripeness, orange at the biological stage. Number of nests 2. Fruit weight 25-45 g, wall thickness 5-6 mm. The taste is excellent, the aroma is strong.

Yield of Chanterelle pepper: 2.1-2.5 kg of fruits per 1 sq. meters of planting (subject to watering and fertilizing).

Advantages of the hybrid: original shape and color of the fruit, high taste, disease resistance.

Features of cultivation

Sowing seeds for seedlings is carried out in late February - early March. Picking is done in the phase of 1-2 true leaves.

It is recommended to grow pepper seedlings within 60 days from germination and plant them in the budding phase. Seedlings are planted in a greenhouse in mid-May, and in open ground in early June, after the threat of return frosts has passed. Planting pattern 30-40 x 50 cm.

Remember that pepper is heat-loving and also demanding on soil fertility and moisture.

If you grew Chanterelle sweet pepper, please write whether you liked it or not. What was the yield and taste of the fruits like under your climatic conditions? If possible, attach a photo of the pepper to your comment. Thank you!

Your reviews of the Chanterelle pepper and additions to the description will help many gardeners evaluate this hybrid objectively and decide whether it is worth planting or not.

Landing Features

Growing seedlings

Chanterelle is an early variety. Peppers ripen 2.5-3 months after planting the seedlings. Therefore, it is recommended to plant seeds in early March. Since the variety has low germination, the seeds must be prepared in advance. To reject bad grains, prepare a saline solution. A tablespoon of salt is diluted in a liter of water and the seeds are placed in it. The bad ones are those that remain on the surface of the liquid. They need to be thrown away. The grains that have sunk to the bottom are planted.

The soil is purchased in specialized stores or prepared independently. It is necessary to mix part of sand, turf and garden soil with 4 parts of peat. The earth is placed in pots or containers and the seeds are planted to a depth of 0.5 cm. They are sprinkled with earth and watered. Cover the containers with film to create a steam effect.

As soon as the sprouts hatch, the covering is removed and the containers are placed in a sunny place. Peppers should grow in them until the plants have 3-5 true leaves. After this, the plants are picked, transplanting each into a separate, more spacious pot.

Planting seedlings in a permanent place

Ultra-early fruiting of sweet peppers is possible when the crop is grown in greenhouses. This makes sense when, due to the climatic characteristics of a particular region, the summer is cold. Also, the Chanterelle variety gives a good harvest outside shelters.


Transplantation of vegetable seedlings to a permanent place is planned approximately 2 months after sowing the seeds. Plants can be planted under shelter in the first ten days of May, and in an open bed at the end of spring, when the risk of frost has passed and consistently warm weather has established. The main thing is that the earth warms up to +12°C, and the daytime temperature is not lower than +15°C.

Important! When fertilizing beds, in order to disinfect manure before adding it to the soil, pour it with a solution of copper sulfate, which is prepared in a ratio of 5 g per 10 liters of water.

Site selection and crop rotation

For pepper in the garden, a well-lit fertile area is ideal, where cold air does not settle, there are no through northern winds, and groundwater is located no closer than 1.5 m to the surface of the earth. Southern chernozem zones with a slight slope are preferred.

It is not recommended to plant sweet peppers after tomatoes, eggplants and potatoes. Also, the crop cannot be planted in the same place for 3 years, because this is fraught with soil depletion and inhibition of the growth of new seedlings.

Good predecessors for a hybrid are:

  • zucchini;
  • pumpkin;
  • cucumbers;
  • melons;
  • all types of cabbage;
  • legumes;
  • perennial herbs.

It is better to place a pepper bed near vegetables that promote photosynthesis of the crop, improving the soil composition and repelling harmful insects. These include all nightshades and legumes, as well as onions, garlic, corn, and herbs. The undesirable proximity of the hybrid to beets, fennel and hot peppers.

Regardless of the place where the hybrid is cultivated, preliminary preparation of the planting site is required. Since autumn, polycarbonate structures are fumigated with sulfur bombs for disinfection (at the rate of 300 g of substance per 5–10 m³ of volume). Please note that the sulfur dioxide contained inside has a detrimental effect on human health. Therefore, disinfection must be carried out scrupulously, but quickly. 36 hours after that, the plant remains of predecessors are removed from the greenhouse and all internal and external surfaces, as well as equipment, are treated with a solution of copper sulfate (0.05%).

Mineral and organic fertilizers are added to the soil based on the soil composition of the greenhouse:

  • loamy and clayey substrates require the addition of a bucket of manure, river sand, 2 buckets of high-moor peat and half a bucket of sawdust per square meter of area;
  • a bucket of turf substrate, river sand and humus is added to the peat area;
  • sandy soil is fed with a mixture of clay, peat, humus and sawdust in a ratio of 3:2:2:1.
  • in any area, a nutritional composition of 2 cups of wood ash, 15 g of urea, 30 g of superphosphate and 45 g of potassium sulfate would not be superfluous.

Important! To quickly adapt peppers, it is recommended to transplant seedlings in the afternoon or in cloudy weather. Such conditions will allow the roots to strengthen before the onset of heat.

If you plan to grow peppers in open ground, in October you need to fertilize the bed with a mixture of nitrogen-containing substances (for each square meter you will need 4 parts of the prepared mixture):

  • superphosphate (80 g);
  • wood ash (1 kg);
  • compost (1 kg);
  • high-moor peat (2 kg).

It is advisable to carry out digging on the eve of frost. This will get rid of underground pests.

Planting pattern and depth

Before transplanting seedlings, the selected area is cleared of weeds and loosened, and the grown stems are watered abundantly. When the earthen lump is completely saturated with moisture, it is transferred along with the sprout into a wet hole made. It is important to maintain a distance of 40–45 cm between adjacent vegetables, and 50–60 cm between rows. The depth of the furrows should correspond to the size of the plant’s root system (about 5–8 cm). In new conditions, seedlings should be placed slightly deeper than the previous level.

How to care for plantings

Top dressing

The Chanterelle variety responds well to feeding. Without fertilization, the fruits will grow small, with thin walls. The following is used as fertilizing:

  • 2 tsp. Superphosphate and 2 tsp. Urea, which is diluted in 10 liters of water;
  • 2 tsp. Potassium sulfate, which must be diluted in a bucket of water;
  • a liter of wood ash, which is diluted in a bucket of water;
  • organic fertilizers.

The first fertilizing is recommended when the plants begin to actively grow. Fertilizers are then applied while the plants are flowering. The peppers are fed a third time when the fruits begin to grow. In the latter case, it is recommended to use potassium fertilizers. They will give the fruits juiciness, taste and aroma. They will also contribute to long-term storage of the crop.

Typical diseases and pests

Although the hybrid has a high immunity to disease, occasionally the bushes are affected by powdery mildew or root rot. The cause of the disease lies in improper care, contaminated seeds or soil. Powdery mildew appears as a white coating on the leaves, which becomes larger over time. Prevention of its occurrence is spraying with iodine and whey. Previkur is used for treatment.

Root rot appears due to increased acidity of the soil or violations of the rules for growing seedlings. The plant becomes lethargic and yellow-brown dents appear on the stem. The root collar darkens and soon turns black. As a preventive measure, the soil in the greenhouse is disinfected and the bushes are regularly fed with organic substances. Root rot is treated with Bordeaux mixture or copper sulfate solution.

Among the pests found in garden beds are nematodes—miniature underground worms. Because of them, the stems curl and the leaves turn yellow and dry. To protect peppers, follow the rules of crop rotation and regularly weed. If the pest has already been noticed in the beds, the drug “HOM” is used to combat it.



I love the Chanterelle variety. Despite the fact that the harvest is not very high, the fruits grow large, juicy and fleshy. The pepper is very tasty. It can be used fresh or canned. The fruits are stored for a long time. This variety also suits the fact that the plants require minimal care.


Our family really loves Chanterelle pepper. Its bushes are compact and small. Their care is minimal. The main thing is to plant the stepson in a timely manner so that large fruits grow. They are very aromatic and juicy in this variety. The minimum number of seeds in the fruits is also satisfactory. We grow a lot of Chanterelle bushes to can them and make salads. Excellent variety. There are no complaints against him.

Typical diseases and pests

Although the hybrid has a high immunity to disease, occasionally the bushes are affected by powdery mildew or root rot. The cause of the disease lies in improper care, contaminated seeds or soil. Powdery mildew appears as a white coating on the leaves, which becomes larger over time. Prevention of its occurrence is spraying with iodine and whey. Previkur is used for treatment.

Root rot appears due to increased acidity of the soil or violations of the rules for growing seedlings. The plant becomes lethargic and yellow-brown dents appear on the stem. The root collar darkens and soon turns black. As a preventive measure, the soil in the greenhouse is disinfected and the bushes are regularly fed with organic substances. Root rot is treated with Bordeaux mixture or copper sulfate solution.

Among the pests found in garden beds are nematodes—miniature underground worms. Because of them, the stems curl and the leaves turn yellow and dry. To protect peppers, follow the rules of crop rotation and regularly weed. If the pest has already been noticed in the beds, the drug “HOM” is used to combat it.

Preparation for cultivation

You can only grow crops in well-prepared and nutritious beds. To do this, in the fall, they choose a place for future planting and clear the ground of debris and weeds.

Pepper feels comfortable in well-fertilized soil, so after digging, fertilizers containing phosphorus, magnesium and calcium (for example, potassium salt or superphosphate) are added to the soil. With the arrival of spring, the beds are dug up again and row spacing is created. The recommended planting pattern for Chanterelle is 30x50.

The seeds of the hybrid are already pre-treated by the manufacturer, but some gardeners carry out another disinfection using a solution of potassium permanganate. This is necessary to increase seed germination and provide additional protection from pests and diseases.

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