Is it worth planting Bull's forehead tomatoes, the pros and cons of the variety

The bullhead tomato is a record holder for fruit set and high yield even in a dry or unfavorable year. The variety is acclimatized in the West Siberian region. If you comply with the specifics of cultivation and the requirements of agricultural technology, then the variety does not present any difficulties in cultivation. Productivity, depending on soil fertility and care, reaches up to 9 kg of tasty fruits from 1 bush.

The bullhead tomato is one of the worthy results of Siberian breeders. It has become popular among summer residents for its beautiful fleshy and tasty fruits, juicy pulp, and resistance to drought/heat. Even novice gardeners note the unpretentiousness and durability of the variety, high yield in any year. In the southern regions, tomatoes grow well in open beds, in the northern regions - in greenhouse conditions.


Bush typeDeterminant
Soil typeOpen
Early ripening/ripening periodMid-season (105-115 days)
Fruit colorRed
Mass of berries150-600 g
Productivity18 kg per 1 m2 (8-9 kg per bush according to planting material suppliers)
Taste qualitiesExcellent
Transportability, keeping qualityLimited (fruits do not tolerate transportation well)

Caring for tomato beds

The Bullhead tomato is an undemanding crop and needs minimal attention.

Shaping bushes and garter

Bushes are formed into 1-2 stems. A maximum of 7 clusters are left for better fruiting. The garter is done so that the bushes do not break off under the weight of the tomatoes.


It is preferable to water tomatoes twice a week, with warm water at the root. The norm is 3 liters per bush. Watering is carried out in the evening.

Top dressing

At least 3 times per season. Superphosphate, saltpeter, and potassium salts are used. Liquid fertilizers - a diluted infusion of humus at a rate of 1:10.

Preventative treatments

Pest Control:

  1. Butterflies are white butterflies. Codling moths. Lepidolite is suitable for treatment.
  2. Greenhouse whitefly butterfly. The drug "Confidor".

Weed control:

  • weeding;
  • mulching;
  • chemicals.

The necessary drugs are purchased in stores.

Description of the variety

“Bull's forehead” is a mid-early, indeterminate, standard variety of tomato. It is not a hybrid, because the seeds can be taken for subsequent plantings.

Description of the variety:

  1. The fruits are large, smooth, slightly flattened, thick-walled, sweet. Weight - up to 0.6 kg.
  2. The pulp is fleshy and dense.
  3. The color of unripe berries is light green. As it reaches maturity it turns bright red.
  4. The peel separates well from the pulp.
  5. The root system is powerful.
  6. The stem is strong, with moderate foliage.
  7. The bushes are tall, up to 170 cm in height (branches and stems must be tied to a support).
  8. The leaves are green, large, slightly corrugated.
  9. Inflorescences are simple.
  10. The peduncle has an articulation.
  11. A cross section of a tomato reveals small, numerous chambers.
  12. 5-7 ovaries are formed in 1 brush.
  13. The taste is sweet and sour.

The “Bull's forehead” tomato is suitable for cultivation in any region. If the fruit clusters are formed correctly, the weight of the specimens reaches up to 800 g. Medium-sized tomatoes grow on the lower and upper stems, and the largest ones grow on the middle parts of the trunks.

The variety is recognized as Siberian, which is why residents of cold Siberian regions prefer to grow it. Vegetable growers also appreciate for:

  • suitability for cultivation in greenhouse conditions and unprotected open ground;
  • resistance to any weather conditions (drought, heat, prolonged rains, sudden temperature changes).

The culture is hardworking, resistant to diseases and harmful insects. Does not pose any difficulties in growing and caring for. But it requires planting in a sunny area if the region is cool. It is equally important to ensure access of nutrients to the ovaries by promptly removing excess leaves under the formed lower clusters.

The fruits are best consumed fresh or prepared as juice or tomato paste. They are not very suitable for conservation due to their large size. They are also difficult to transport and cannot be stored for a long time. When overwatered, the tomato cracks.

Recommended growing regions

Bull's forehead is intended for open ground and greenhouses. Country garden beds are more suitable for the southern regions. In the middle zone the yield is high, but the bushes are still covered with film. The northern regions receive a harvest of greenhouse tomatoes, although some gardeners cultivate the variety in their dachas and vegetable gardens.

See also: The best early-ripening and high-yielding tomato varieties for open ground

Expert opinion

Stanislav Pavlovich

Gardener with 17 years of experience and our expert

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Advice. To speed up the ripening of tomatoes in the northern regions of the country, they are sprayed with an infusion of young spruce shoots.

Pros and cons of the variety

Impeccable fruit taste with healthy vitamin compositionIntolerance to high humidity
Large fruitThe need to tie up the trunk and install supports for the branches to prevent them from breaking off under the weight of the fruits
Adaptability to any weather: drought, temperature changesThe need for pinching, the formation of bushes with 2-3 stems and the application of complex fertilizing at all stages of growth
Possibility of collecting your own seeds for propagationUnsuitable for transportation, short fresh shelf life
Resistance of immunity to major diseasesCracking of fruits due to excess moisture
Easy to care forCounterfeiting of seeds of this variety due to high popularity in the market

Attention! Gardeners should be vigilant. It is better to buy seeds from sellers with a proven reputation or on the official websites of breeders.

Landing rules

Bull's forehead tomatoes are planted in two ways: seeds and seedlings. Each option has its pros and cons. The seeded material produces tomatoes with stronger immunity. The procedure of transferring seedlings to open soil, which is painful for plants, is avoided.

Before sowing, the seeds are processed.

Seed preparation:

  1. Quality check. A prepared salty brine is prepared into which the seeds are poured. The floating seeds are removed as unsuitable for growth.
  2. Etching. The seeds are soaked in a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution for 10 minutes.
  3. Heat treatment. Cover the baking sheet with baking paper and place the seeds on top. Place in a hot oven (60°C) for 2-3 hours. The material is stirred regularly (every 20 minutes).
  4. Bioactivation. The seeds are kept in aloe juice for 12 hours, then dried in air.
  5. Germination of seeds. The procedure is not necessary, but seedlings will appear earlier.

Moisten a 3-layer bandage. The seeds are laid on top and kept at a temperature of 26-28°C. When the gauze dries out, add water. If the seeds hatch, they are transferred to the ground. Prepared seeds are sown in the ground or for seedlings.


Place 3-4 seeds in one hole. Seed depth is 2 cm. Soil is poured on top and watered with warm water.

The distance between the seeds in the holes is about 3 cm, between the holes - 35-40 cm. Having finished sowing, the beds are covered with film. The shelter is removed daily for ventilation. Shoots will appear on the 12th day. When the soil dries, moisten it.

When the first 3 leaves appear, weak shoots are removed from each hole, leaving several powerful specimens. And after another 2 weeks, the most powerful sprout remains in each hole.


Sowing seedlings is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  1. Preparing containers. Use any dishes, boxes, containers. Agrofibre is laid at the bottom, then sawdust and small pebbles as drainage.
  2. Soil preparation. Ingredients: turf or leaf soil, humus, peat, a little sand.
  3. Calcination of the soil in the oven from bacteria and harmful spores. Or pouring boiling water on it.
  4. Watering the soil with settled water at room temperature.
  5. Deepening the seeds into the soil by 1 cm.
  6. Mulching with peat.
  7. Installation of film cover.

See also How to grow early-ripening tomatoes: sowing dates and growing rules

Keeping temperature in bright light is 25°C. The first watering is carried out with a light solution of manganese or boric acid (2 g per bucket of water).

The film is removed daily for ventilation, and after the seeds are pecked, it is removed. If there is not enough light, use a phytolamp or natural light, for which the seedlings are transferred to a balcony, winter garden, or another bright room. When 2-3 leaves appear, the seedlings dive. Before transplanting into the garden, the seedlings are hardened by keeping them in the air for 15 minutes a day.

Transplanting tomatoes into beds occurs at the end of May. The seedlings are 50–60 days old at this time. For 1 sq. m place 2-4 bushes.

Tips for growing the variety

In order not to be left without a harvest, it is worth considering the following:

  1. Cover the bushes with film after planting in open ground, especially in the northern and Siberian regions.
  2. Carry out work on growing tomatoes according to the instructions. Spray unrooted seedlings with infusion of pine shoots to speed up the ripening of standing fruits.
  3. Prepare the soil and planting sites in the spring (early May).
  4. Apply fertilizers: wood ash + humus (1 tbsp each), superphosphate (2 tbsp) if the soil is depleted.
  5. Choose light, windless areas for planting and nutrient soil rich in minerals/vitamins.
  6. Buy tomato seeds only from trusted manufacturers.

When to sow seedlings

In early to mid-March, bullhead tomatoes are sown as seedlings for subsequent planting in open ground. If the weather is good, sowing can be done in the first ten days of April.

If the variety is grown in a greenhouse, then the seeds are sown earlier - in the last days of February.

How many days do the seeds take to germinate?

Bullhead tomatoes produce the first shoots on the 3-4th day, and begin to germinate en masse on the 7th-8th day.

Attention! The degree of germination depends on temperature conditions and lighting. Optimal temperature +20+26°. If there is little light, then the plants are provided with additional lighting.

For the full development of the root system, the seedlings are transplanted into separate cups in the phase of formation of the first 2-3 true leaves. When the temperature becomes stable, the tomatoes are hardened - taken outside for 20 minutes, gradually increasing the time interval.

When and at what distance to plant in the ground

The “Bull's forehead” variety is distinguished by a powerful, growing root system, which is why it is worth maintaining a significant distance between the bushes when planting in the ground. Place 3-4 plants per 1 m2 (with a bed width of -100 cm).

The approximate planting pattern is 300x400 mm.

Bushes are planted on ridges in two lines or in a checkerboard pattern. The distance between rows is 5-6 cm, between bushes - 80 cm.

Tomato variety Bull's forehead, video

If you grew Bull's Head tomatoes, please write how you liked them. What was the yield and taste of the fruits in your climatic conditions? Will you grow them again? How would you rate the resistance of this tomato to diseases and pests? If possible, attach to the comment a photo of the entire bush or individual ripe fruits that you grew. Thank you!

You can see other interesting varieties by looking through our Tomato Catalog with photos, reviews, descriptions. Enjoy watching!

Your reviews of the Bull's forehead tomato and additions to the description will help many gardeners evaluate this variety more objectively and decide whether it is worth planting or not.

Ripening period

“Bull's forehead” is a high-yielding, mid-season tomato variety. The ripening period from the beginning of the ejection of greenery to the appearance of ripe fruits takes 110-120 days. The interval may vary in one direction or another depending on the actual weather.

Harvesting takes place from mid-July to mid-September.


Seedlings, namely foliage, are sprayed daily from a spray bottle. Water the seedlings at the root as the top layer of soil dries.

The irrigation scheme looks like this:

  1. Water the soil generously when planting seedlings.
  2. Loosen and mulch the soil in the first 2-3 days.
  3. Refuse watering for 2-3 weeks so that the roots strengthen and begin intensive development.
  4. Water the tomatoes taking into account weather conditions, at intervals of 7-10 days.

The note! The variety is considered drought-resistant and frequent watering is not needed. You should not water the plants at all in the first 2 weeks after planting, which is important to stimulate the development of the root system.

What and when to feed

If you want to get a large number of fruits, fertilizing is applied regularly, once a month. For the first time, seedlings are fed 4 weeks after planting using organic matter and mineral complexes. Then after 2 weeks, alternating nitrogen and potassium-phosphorus fertilizers.

Attention! The “Bull's forehead” variety is demanding on soil fertility, which is why it is important to fertilize. If the soil is depleted, then before planting the seedlings, superphosphate, wood ash, and humus are placed in each hole. This feeding will be enough for 2 weeks. After 14 days, it is appropriate to apply complex fertilizer for tomatoes. Feeding the leaves is no less important and is alternated with foliar feeding.

Should I dive?

Upon reaching 2-3 true leaves, the plants need to be picked or transferred to separate containers (peat cups) of 50 ml.

It is necessary to form a tomato bush with 1-2 strong stems. All subsequent educated stepsons are promptly removed. Yes, 6-7 clusters leave the best fruiting.

The stems are tied to reliable supports to avoid breaking under the weight of heavy, large fruits.

Diseases and pests

If agrotechnical standards are followed, the “Bull's forehead” variety will be resistant to fungal diseases. However, it can be affected by:

  1. Greenhouse whitefly. For the fight, the drug “Confidor” is used.
  2. Sawfly, codling moth, white butterfly. When destroying, the drug “Lepidocide” is used.
  3. Nightshade miner. Eliminated by “Zubr” preparations
  4. Spider mite. Eliminates with infusion of garlic and soap.

Attention! In case of intensive infection of seedlings, Fitosporin, which is non-toxic to humans, is often used. It is suitable for many cases of fungal infections of tomato and for prevention. Following the instructions, the product can be used repeatedly during the flowering and fruiting period.


“Bull's forehead” is a determinate, large-fruited, salad tomato variety. Produces tasty, fleshy fruits weighing 141-480 g when grown in a greenhouse and open ground. But the keeping quality and transportability of the tomato are weak.

The table shows the characteristics of similar large-fruited tomato varieties:

Black bunch6 kg per bush
Rocket6.5 kg per 1m2
Bobcat4 kg per bush
Stolypin8-9 kg per 1m2
Long Keeper4-6 kg per bush

Features of cultivation, planting and care

We recommend sowing the seeds of this tomato for seedlings 60-65 days before the intended planting in the ground. Picking of seedlings is at the stage of two true leaves. When planting seedlings in a permanent place per 1 sq. Place no more than 4 plants per meter of prepared area.

Caring for tomatoes after planting in the ground consists of timely watering (we recommend installing drip irrigation), fertilizing with complex mineral fertilizer, pinching, weed removal and preventive measures to protect the crop from diseases and pests.


Among the main insect pests that can affect this tomato variety, it should be noted:

  • codling moth, white butterfly, sawfly. The most effective drug in the fight against these pests is Lepidocide;
  • nightshade minor – “Bison” will cope perfectly with this “harmful” bug;
  • greenhouse whitefly. The most effective drug against this pest is Confidor.

All of the above products are freely available in any specialized store.

Appearance of tomato, its characteristics and description

"Bull's forehead" refers to standard varieties. This means that its bushes have a compact root system. The green part is also weakly branched. This feature allows you to plant more plants in the garden bed. Due to this, the amount of harvest increases. The height of the bush reaches one and a half meters. He needs to be stepsoned.

The plant needs to be tied up: under the weight of the harvest, the branches may break.

According to the description, the variety is mid-early, so the first fruits can be picked already in mid-July. As tomatoes ripen, they turn red. Vegetables have a rich tomato aroma. The pulp is dense, sugary. There is little liquid inside, practically no veins. The thin skin is easy to separate from the pulp.

The tomato is a heavy-weight variety. The average weight of one fruit is 400 g. With good care, you can harvest a harvest weighing 600 g. Particularly large specimens appear at the beginning of fruiting, then the size decreases.

The best varieties from Siberian breeders

Variety “Snezhana”
, like the previous tomato, belongs to varieties with medium and early ripening periods. The first tomato harvests can be obtained 105 days after sowing. A very good tomato, since it does not require special care, can grow both in greenhouses and outdoors. The bush grows compactly, there are few branches and leaves. On average, the height does not exceed half a meter.

Variety "Superbomb"

It produces very large fruits, weighing more than 600 grams. It is better to grow the bush in greenhouses, where it needs to be tied up, since the height of this tall tomato can reach more than one and a half meters. But it will also grow well outside with careful care. Excellent tomatoes, pleasant to taste, do not require much care, aromatic. It is best to form the bush into three stems.

Variety "Samokhval"

The variety has yellow fruits with a pleasant tomato taste. As a rule, their weight is about 300 grams. But if you perform all agricultural techniques as needed, then the fruits can weigh up to 800 grams. A tall bush that requires staking. Grown in any conditions. Productivity and disease resistance are at a high level.

There is an opinion that the best varieties were bred by Altai scientists. We are talking about “Abakan pink” - it tolerates cold well and ripens quickly. But the rest are no worse!

Thus, the most popular today is “Pride of Siberia” - a large-fruited tomato with bushes one and a half meters high. In a greenhouse it looks very impressive - this is truly the pride of breeders!

The largest one is “Velmozha”. It ripens in 113-117 days, is intended primarily for greenhouses, and the weight of one fruit can reach 1 kg! The fruits have a beautiful heart-shaped shape and a raspberry-pink color. The taste is very sweet and rich, well suited for winter preparations. And this miracle was brought out by the workers of SibNIIRS. Try it - it's a good option!

“The Great Warrior” is the most precocious. If you plant it in a heated structure in March, you will reap your first harvest with those that you planted back in February. In total, its growing season is no more than three months. The stem turns out to be tall and powerful, and the fruits are crimson, fleshy and practically without seeds. And the weight of the fruit is impressive - 500 kg! Can you guess where the name comes from?

The earliest ripening is “Sensei”. Sweet tomatoes with especially tender flesh, but only for salad purposes. The bushes are low and strong.

"Cherry Blossam F1" is sweet and somewhat reminiscent of a type of cherry. The bushes grow powerful, the fruits are bright red and very small, 30 grams each, resistant to cracking. They are very tasty, and they don’t get sick at all in the greenhouse.

“Alsu” are huge tomatoes weighing up to 800 g, fleshy and similar to an Ox’s heart. Succulent, ideal for low buildings in Western Siberia.

“Scarlet Candles” is a tall variety that bears fruit well. You just have to tinker a little with the garter and stepson.

Chanterelle is a sweet fruit with a thick skin, excellent for canning.

“King of Siberia” are large, bright yellow fruits weighing up to 1 kilogram, with thin skin and especially sweet pulp.

"Sabelka" - the fruits are fleshy, dense and almost without seeds.

“Argentine miracle” - fruits weighing up to 300 g, with an elongated oval shape, yellow-orange.

“Golden Domes” are round, heart-shaped vegetables with a sunny yellow color.

“Malachite Box” tomatoes have a completely unusual emerald yellow color and melon flavor. At the same time, the fruits themselves turn out to be quite large. But, despite the color, the fruits of the Malachite Box taste like honey, solid pulp and juice. You could say it's a delicacy.

“Monastic Meal” is round in shape, orange-orange in color, and the taste is simply amazing.

“Yellow Icicle” is a particularly resistant fruit to greenhouse late blight. Bright yellow and pleasant to the taste.

“Demidov” has an excellent presentation, the bushes are compact, and the fruits are pink and quite large.

“Grandma’s Secret” is a large-fruited variety with each tomato weighing up to 1 kg. There are few seeds, the bushes grow up to 1.8 m.

“Nastenka” is also good - low-growing bushes, large pink fruits weighing up to 400 g. Almost the best for growing in a greenhouse.

"Bull's forehead" is a champion in yield and resistance to any conditions. The bright red fruits weigh up to half a kilo, and the bush is quite tall - up to 1.5 m.

“Pink honey” and “Pink cheeks” are praised by many for their real taste and large harvest, but they are not very adapted to temperature changes and greenhouse diseases, although they grow up to 1.5 meters in height. The Eternal Call is similar to them - but the taste of its fruits is a little worse.

“King of the Giants” are strong plants that reach 1.7 in height. They are unpretentious to the conditions, give a high yield - you can easily get a kilogram from one bite. Good for pickling.

Diseases and harmful insects

The variety "Bull's forehead" is resistant to common diseases. In rainy summers, tomatoes are not afraid of late blight, powdery mildew and Alternaria. Preventative spraying is carried out at the beginning of summer. “Skor”, “Topaz” and “Ordan” are recognized as effective fungicides.

The list of insects that can harm the crop is small. Most often, bushes are affected by:

  1. Nightshade miner.

Fly larvae eat through the leaf, forming winding passages in it. With large-scale damage, the foliage withers, falls, and the harvest comes to naught. 6 generations develop during the season. Plantings are sprayed with Actellik or Damilin.

  1. Spider mite.

A small insect sucks the juice from the leaves and entangles it in a web. Damaged tissue merges into large dark spots. If no measures are taken, the bushes may die. The beds are treated with Aktara, Fufanon or Fitoverm.

  1. Whitefly.

Insect larvae feed on green matter; in addition, they leave a specific coating on which the fungus multiplies. As a result of such activity, the plant turns black and disappears. The most effective remedy is the insecticide "Confidor".

Spring preventative treatments play an important role. You can use biological drugs, for example, Lepidocide or Bitoxibacillin.

Obtaining seedlings

The crop can be grown in any climate zone of Russia. But the Bull's forehead is especially suitable for the northern regions, because it is specially adapted to harsh weather conditions.

To obtain seedlings, seeds are planted in containers with nutrient soil in early March.

The grains go 1-1.5 centimeters deep into the ground. Then the soil is moistened, the container is covered with film and placed in a warm place. Lighting does not play a role at this stage.

After 3-7 days, sprouts will appear and then the box “moves” to the windowsill. The polyethylene is gradually removed.

Tomato Bull's forehead

As soon as the seedlings form the first pair of true leaves, it is recommended to pick the tomatoes into separate cups.

The optimal volume of soil for obtaining strong seedlings is 0.5 liters. Of course, you can use smaller containers, but then the culture will develop much more slowly.

Another important factor is heat. It is advisable to maintain the air temperature in the range from 20 to 26°.

Watering is done in a timely manner and in moderation. Do not allow the soil to become too dry or extremely wet. Both the first and second can lead to the loss of a young plant.

With the arrival of stable heat, the seedlings begin to harden. To do this, it is taken out into the open air. At first, 15 minutes a day is enough for the “rastas”, then the time is gradually increased.

In May, Bull's forehead is planted in the greenhouse. If the crop grows outdoors, then the timing will shift by about a month.

I have a large garden and vegetable garden, several greenhouses. I love modern methods of cultivating plants and mulching the soil, and I share my experience.

Several options can be used as a container for seedlings. So, you can take a plastic or wooden box. Cover the bottom with agrofibre, then lay a drainage layer of old sawdust or small stones. Fertile, loose and disinfected soil is poured on top.

The container with seedlings must be positioned so that excess moisture drains freely after watering. If it is a pan, we recommend emptying the water from it in a timely manner.

The optimal soil composition is leaf or turf soil, rotted humus, deoxidized peat and a little sand. As a disinfectant, you can use roasting in the oven, pouring boiling water or a manganese solution.

The fact is that there may be harmful spores or bacteria in the soil. And healthy and strong seedlings are the key to future crop productivity.

The seeds should be placed at a distance of 1.5-2 cm from each other. The same amount needs to be retreated from the edge of the container. The first watering can be done with a solution of deep pink manganese or boric acid in a concentration of 2 grams per 10 liters of water.

It is important to remove the plastic film in time, otherwise the sprouts will be weak, deformed and pale. It is better to use a phytolamp and, if possible, place the plants on the balcony or in the winter garden. Without sufficient lighting, seedlings will be weak

Picking allows you to get better seedlings and also gives impetus to the development of rhizomes. Therefore, we do not recommend neglecting this procedure. The day before, you need to water the seedlings well.

Without sufficient lighting, seedlings will be weak. Picking allows you to get better seedlings and also gives impetus to the development of rhizomes. Therefore, we do not recommend neglecting this procedure. The day before, you need to water the seedlings well.

You can pick tomatoes not only in glasses, but also in peat tablets, or again in a box, only this time the distance between the plants should be at least 5 cm. After picking, you also need to water the plant generously.

Seedlings are sometimes affected by a fungal disease - blackleg. To prevent this from happening, we recommend thickening the plantings, watering the tomatoes moderately, treating them with an antifungal agent once or twice during the care process, and avoiding temperature changes.

If black spots are noticeable at the base of the stem, and the plant itself looks lethargic, it means it is sick. We recommend immediately removing such a specimen, inspecting others and treating the seedlings with a fungicide. An effective product Magnicur Energy. Processing must be carried out at least 2 times.

Advantages and disadvantages

Among the advantages of this variety are noted:

  • good tolerance to temperature changes;
  • general unpretentiousness;
  • high productivity;
  • tolerance to lack of moisture;
  • resistance to diseases.

Among the disadvantages, it can be noted that the fruits cannot be stored for a long time. By the way, there are currently many fakes of seeds of this variety.

List of actions to speed up the process of crop ripening

There is one secret that will help you get a harvest twice as fast, no matter who grows tomatoes - an experienced gardener or a novice summer resident.

You need to go to the forest and collect young pine shoots - they will need to be crushed and filled with water in the proportion of 1 kg of shoots per 2 liters of water. To get a strong infusion, you should boil the composition for ten minutes. After the broth has cooled, strain the liquid and dilute with water 1:3.

The resulting solution must be sprayed on the bushes when flowers begin to form on them. This technique will allow you to get delicious, ripe tomatoes in record time.

Disease susceptibility

One of the most important characteristics of the Bullhead tomato is its high resistance to various diseases, but the plant still needs prevention. Timely watering, proper lighting and timely ventilation will also help protect tomatoes from infections.

Preventive measures

In order to protect against infectious infections, tomatoes must be sprayed several times with biological antifungal compounds. “Fitosporin M Tomatoes” is considered the most popular and effective, which is allowed to be used in unlimited quantities: the drug is not addictive to pathogens. In addition to protection against infections, “Fitosporin” performs the function of foliar feeding, since it contains humic acids.

Preventative treatment

It is allowed to spray tomatoes even during the harvest period, as it is completely non-toxic and safe for humans.

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