Cucumbers Merry guys F1: reviews, photos, productivity, growing secrets. Cucumbers Merry guys f1: variety description, planting and care

Description of the variety Merry guys

The plant is not very large, its vine is of medium length, up to 2 meters high, and sometimes, in greenhouses, up to 2.5 meters. The variety has a lot of canes, so they need to be tied up using trellises. Vertically arranged bushes make it easier to:

  • watering;
  • care;
  • harvesting.

It is possible to grow in beds without tying them to trellises, but experienced summer residents, trying to increase productivity, use the same approach to the formation of bushes as in greenhouses, since the factor of better lighting and ventilation is also important.

On a note! Hybrid Merry Guys F1 is one of the earliest varieties of cucumbers. The first harvest appears within 40 days after planting.

If you combine cultivation in a greenhouse and planting through growing seedlings, then the fruits in Central Russia can be harvested as early as June.

Basic ideas about the variety

The heat-loving plant loves unshaded areas, timely watering and care. A detailed description will help the summer resident understand whether this variety is suitable for the needs of the family or not.


  • Parthenocarpic, female flowers predominate.
  • Medium branched.
  • Ripens within 37–40 days.


  • Green color.
  • Shape: oblong.
  • Weight 75–95 g.
  • Length 7.5–10 cm.
  • It doesn't taste bitter.

Distinctive features

This variety is for early consumption. The first green plants of the Jolly Fellows are picked 37-40 days after emergence. The pulp of cucumbers is not bitter. They are regular in shape, oblong, green, weighing 75-95 g, 7.5-10 cm long, 2 cm in diameter.

There are tubercles on the delicate skin, but on older specimens they are hardly noticeable. There are thorns. There is a light spot on the top of the Jolly Guys cucumber and thin stripes on the side surfaces. The elastic flesh is crunchy and juicy.

Merry guys are a parthenocarpic hybrid. Seeds have been available to vegetable growers for 10 years. Cucumbers are grown in greenhouses and in garden beds. There are no restrictions on growing regions. Bushes of medium length. The height of the main lash is 2.5 m.

The hybrid branches heavily, so Merry Guys are grown on a trellis and regularly form a bush. Choose a vertical growing method in protected and open ground. Plants receive more light and air circulates freely.

The duration of fruiting depends on weather conditions. The hybrid is negatively affected by a decrease in temperature to 10 ° C in combination with high humidity. Under such conditions, the root system of the hybrid is susceptible to root rot.

In dry, cool weather, the Merry Guys continue to bear fruit. The type of fruiting is bunched. 1-5 fruits are tied in one knot. Maturation occurs gradually. It is stimulated by the regular collection of technically ripe cucumbers.

The skin is thin, so the fruits are not stored for a long time. They quickly lose moisture; indoors, at low air humidity, at room temperature, they remain for no more than 3 days. Packed in a bag or container, they last a little longer in the refrigerator.

The pulp is sweetish. Bitterness is genetically absent. The purpose of the fruit is for salad purposes, so they are consumed fresh. Adding overgrown specimens to a jar during canning or salting will deteriorate the quality of the product.

Small green vegetables (gherkins) are selected for preparations. Fragrant greens are used to season cold summer soups and vegetable slices. Tender slices of Happy Cucumbers improve the taste of hamburgers, rolls, sandwiches, and canapés.

Features of the fruit

The variety Merry Guys F1 does not require pollination by bees. This is a parthenocarpic hybrid, the main characteristic of this variety is the formation of predominantly female flowers, each of which eventually turns into a cucumber. Fruiting is of the bunch type, 1-5 ovaries are formed on each node. They grow gradually, as green vegetables that have reached technical ripeness are harvested.

The weight of 1 fruit when harvested is 70-90 g. The dimensions of the gherkin reach 8-10 cm in length and about 2 cm in diameter. Beautiful small cucumbers grow several at a time per vine.

The skin is not too thick, you can hardly feel it when eating fresh cucumbers. It does not retain moisture in the collected greens very well, so they need to be sold or processed within 2-3 days. Fresh cucumbers can be stored a little longer in the refrigerator, in a plastic bag.

The color of the skin is classic: bright green, with a small light spot on the tip of the fruit and thin stripes along the cucumber. The tuberculation is moderately developed; each tubercle has a hard and sharp spine. As the fetus grows, the tubercles become less noticeable.

The vegetable pulp is elastic, crispy and juicy. Approximately 2/3 of the diameter of the fruit is occupied by seed chambers with empty capsules. The description of the variety notes the high taste qualities of greens. They contain a large amount of sugary substances, so the pulp has a sweetish taste. The bitter substance cucurbitin is not formed, and Merry Guys do not taste bitter even with insufficient watering.

The main purpose of early cucumbers is fresh consumption. Vegetables are included in summer salads, soft drinks and cold soups. The tender pulp allows you to prepare delicious snacks with a delicate aroma. Cucumber slices complement hamburgers, rolls, sandwiches or canapés. The use of the vegetable is very universal; the cucumber taste and aroma successfully complements many cold dishes, but in hot dishes, cucumbers are more often found in salted or pickled form.

Fresh gherkins are most suitable for winter preparations. The Merry Guys variety, even during storage, does not form voids inside the fruit, but wilted cucumbers do not have a pleasant crunch when pickled or pickled. Overgrown greens need to be cleaned of rough skin and seed chambers and processed into pickles or salads and snacks. Pieces of cucumber can also be added to lecho.

Cucumber Poplar F1


  • Bulbous Spring bulbous Onion sets
  • Alstroemeria
  • Amaryllis
  • Anemone
  • Astilbe
  • Begonia
  • Heuchera
  • Dahlia Anemoneaceae
  • Fringed
  • Decorative
  • Cactaceae
  • Pompons
  • Globular
  • Gladiolus
  • Corrugated
  • Large-flowered
  • Russian selection
  • Gloxinia
  • Hydrangea
  • Dicentra
  • Iris
  • Calla lilies
  • Cannes
  • Clematis
  • Indoor
  • Day-lily
  • Lily
  • Species
  • Eastern
  • LA hybrids
  • OT hybrids
  • Tubular
  • Buttercups (Ranunculus)
  • Hellebore
  • Peony
  • ITO hybrids
  • Herbaceous
  • Various spring perennials
  • Rose
  • Canadian
  • Climbing
  • Floribunda
  • Hybrid tea
  • Phlox
  • Russian selection
  • Freesia
  • Khosta
  • Delphinium
  • Lupine
  • Rudbeckia
  • Echinacea
  • Autumn bulbous
  • Anemones
  • Colchicum
  • Hyacinths
  • Irises
  • Crocuses
  • Onion sets
  • Buttercups (Ranunculus)
  • Muscari
  • Daffodils Large-crowned
  • Terry
  • With split crown
  • Tazettas
  • Tubular
  • Scilla
  • Various bulbous and mixtures
  • Grouse
  • Tulips
  • Botanical
  • Greig
  • Darwinian hybrids
  • Green flowers
  • Liliaceae
  • Terry late
  • Terry early
  • Multifloral
  • Parrots
  • Russian giants
  • Triumph
  • Foster
  • Freesia
  • Mushroom mycelium
  • Seeds
      40% discount
  • Basil Vegetable Seeds
  • Eggplant
  • Beans
  • Vigna
  • Peas
  • Salad mustard
  • Daikon
  • Zucchini
  • Cabbage
  • Potato
  • Corn
  • Onion
  • Microgreens
  • Carrot
  • cucumbers
  • Parsnip
  • Patissons
  • Pepper
  • Parsley
  • Sunflower
  • Spicy herbs, Pharmacy in the garden
  • Various vegetables
  • Radish
  • Radish
  • Turnip
  • Salad
  • Beet
  • Celery
  • Asparagus
  • Tomatoes
  • Pumpkin
  • Dill
  • Beans
  • Physalis
  • Horseradish
  • Spinach
  • Sorrel
  • Flower seeds
      Annual flowers Ageratum
  • Amaranth
  • Asters Asters Apollonia
  • Asters Ballad
  • Asters Balun
  • Asters Baroness
  • Asters Valentine's Day
  • Hybrid Asters
  • Asters Giant Rays
  • Asters Jewelaster
  • Asters Jewel
  • Needle Asters
  • July Asters
  • Asters Clawed
  • Asters King size
  • Asters Lady Coral
  • Matsumoto Asters
  • Asters Low-Growing
  • Peony Asters
  • Pompon Asters
  • Asters Princess
  • Asters Russian size
  • Asters Syringa
  • Asters Ostrich feather
  • Chrysanthemum Asters
  • Asters Globular
  • Asters Jewel
  • Bacopa
  • Balsam
  • Marigold
      Marigolds Rejected terry
  • Marigolds Rejected non-double
  • Marigolds Erect
  • Marigolds Erect, densely double
  • Marigold Thin-leaved
  • Marigolds Russian size
  • Begonia
  • Brachycoma
  • cornflower
  • Verbena
  • Convolvulus
  • Gazania
  • Carnation
  • Helichrysum
  • Dahlias
  • Godetia
  • Datura
  • Sweet pea
  • Iberis
  • morning glory
  • Calendula
  • Calibrachoa
  • Decorative cabbage
  • Catharanthus
  • Clarkia
  • Castor bean
  • Kobeya
  • Coleus
  • Cosmea
  • Lavatera
  • Levkoy
  • Flax grandiflora
  • Lobelia
  • Lobularia
  • Snapdragon
  • Malopa
  • Mimulus
  • Mirabilis
  • Nasturtium
      Large double nasturtium
  • Nasturtium low growing
  • Nemesia
  • Osteospermum
  • Peony papaver
  • Pelargonium
  • Petunia
      Petunia Ampelnaya
  • Petunia fringed
  • Petunia Hybrid
  • Petunia Grandiflora
  • Petunia grandiflora
  • Petunia Terry
  • Petunia Multiflora
  • Petunia Russian size
  • Sunflower
  • Purslane
  • Various annuals
  • Rudbeckia
  • Salvia
  • Scabious
  • Statica
  • Sweet tobacco
  • Tithonia
  • Climbing Beans
  • Phlox
  • Chrysanthemum
  • Celosia
  • Zinnia
      Zinnia dahlia
  • Zinnia Giants
  • Zinnia Graceful
  • Zinnia Giant
  • Zinnia Cactus
  • Zinnia Lilliput
  • Zinnia Mexico
  • Zinnia Russian size
  • Eustoma
  • Eschszolzia
  • Biennial flowers
  • Turkish cloves
  • Bell
  • Mallow (rose)
  • Daisy
  • Various biennials
  • Perennial flowers
  • Astra alpine
  • Gaillardia
  • Hydrangea
  • Delphinium
  • Clematis
  • Bell
  • Lychnis
  • Lupine
  • Double buttercup
  • Peony
  • Platycodon
  • Primrose
  • Various perennials
  • Rhododendron
  • Chamomile
  • Rudbeckia
  • Succulents
  • Yarrow
  • Violet
  • Berry seeds
  • Strawberry
  • Fruit and berry bushes
  • Melon seeds
  • Melon
  • Zucchini
  • Squash
  • Pumpkin
  • Houseplant seeds
  • Shrub and tree seeds
  • Agrochemicals
      Fertilizers and fertilizers
  • Growth regulators
  • From diseases
  • From rodents
  • From pests
  • From weeds
  • Biological products
  • Russian size
  • Flowers
  • Lawn, green manure, honey plants
  • Spunbond/agrotex, p/e film
      Polyethylene film
  • Covering material
  • Tree trunk circles
  • Covers for plants
  • Garden products
      Sprouters for seeds and plants
  • Peat tablets and pots
  • Plant lamps
  • Everything for watering Watering gun
  • Pump sprayers
  • Sprinklers
  • Drip irrigation system
  • Reinforced hoses
  • X-Hose hoses
  • Accessories
  • garden tools
  • Gloves
  • For staking plants
  • Trimmer line
  • Tag (garden)
  • Raincoats
  • Garden decor
      Fences and borders
  • Bush holders, greenhouses, arches
  • Garden lanterns
  • Waterfowl flowers
  • Leisure goods
  • Household products
      Everything for cleaning
  • Books
  • Mosquito net
  • Sun protection film
  • Clothes care
  • Kitchen products
  • TV store hits
  • Characteristics of the variety

    The bush has an average cane length and reaches a height of 2.5 meters when grown in a greenhouse. The “Jolly Fellows” cucumber is prone to branching, so in the limited space of the greenhouse it will have to be shaped and tied to a trellis. This measure not only makes it easier to care for plants and collect fruits, but also affects crop yields.

    The cucumber variety “Jolly Guys F1” is one of the earliest. Harvesting greens at technical ripeness begins 40 days after sowing the seeds. You can get an even earlier harvest by growing cucumbers through seedlings.

    Plants are usually sown in early spring, when it is still cold outside. Before transferring the bushes to a permanent place of residence in the garden, you need to make sure that the earth has warmed up sufficiently. After all, even if the long-awaited warming has arrived, there is a high probability that the soil is still cold.

    Plants must also be ready for “relocation”. Different cultures do not “grow up” at the same time. For example, “fun guys” cucumbers are ready for transplanting 20–25 days after sowing. At this time, the roots of the young bushes completely envelop the soil in the pot, and the existing leaves turn dark green.

    “Jolly fellows” cucumbers can be planted in a greenhouse in mid-April, in open ground under film in May, and if without film, then in June. Of course, the indicated planting time must be adjusted taking into account the region: in the southern regions it is possible to plant earlier. Planted plants must be tied to a trellis as they grow.

    Features of cultivation

    Parthenocarpic (self-pollinating) cucumber dredge has a very early ripening period. From the moment of germination after harvesting, the period is 37-40 days. The hybrid has predominantly female flowers. The number of female flowers in nodes reaches 1-3 pieces. The seed plant has medium growth vigor and medium foliage.

    The fruits are short, cylindrical, slightly tuberculate and slightly ribbed. The pubescence is slight, white. The average fruit length in the season is 7.5-10 cm, and the thrust is 75-95 g. Cucumbers are rich green in color with light stripes on the sides. The hybrid is characterized by fruits with high tasting characteristics. They are quite tasty, medium density, crispy. The pulp is juicy, with few seeds, and has a rich cucumber aroma.

    It has good and stable yield indicators - in open ground 13-14.5 kg per 1 sq. m. And look, already in protected soil conditions, productivity reaches 29 kg for 1 sq. m.

    They are used for pickling, whole-fruit canning, pickling, and pickling. It is used both fresh and in the preparation of various dishes and salads. And in turn, due to the high yield, very early ripening and high commercial characteristics of the fruit, barin is used for commercial purposes.

    The hybrid is included in the State Register of Varieties of the Russian Federation. Suitable for (types of cultivation both in closed (film, glass, polycarbonate greenhouses and tunnels), unknown why and open ground.

    Growing seedlings

    Previously, cucumbers were picked by summer residents who grew Merry Children using seedlings. The seedlings have to be cared for for more than a month - 3.5 weeks after germination and 1.5-2 weeks after transplanting the seedlings to a permanent place.

    Miniature variety for open ground - Baby cucumber: description, planting and care

    The baby is perfect for open ground, where bees can freely pollinate it. Small, compact gherkin-type greens will decorate the table, become the highlight of a summer salad and retain their crispness and taste when pickled.

    Landing locationRipening timeMode of applicationFruit lengthGroupFruit smoothnessPollination method
    Open groundEarly ripening (35-45 days)UniversalShort (gherkins) – less than 10 cmVarietyHighly lumpyBee pollinated

    Description and characteristics of the variety

    The baby is an agro-varietal cucumber, the bushes of which are compact and do not exceed 50 cm in length. Flowers are pollinated by bees, so it is preferable to grow the variety in open ground, removable film shelters or in greenhouses with a folding roof. The fruits ripen 40 days after emergence.

    The length of the greens is no more than 10 cm, weight - about 90 g. The dark green skin has an average number of strongly pronounced tubercles, the thorns are light in color. The taste is very pleasant, the flesh is crispy, juicy, with a pleasant cucumber aroma. The fruits can be used for pickling, preservation and fresh consumption.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    • excellent taste;
    • attractive appearance;
    • high yield, especially for a bee-pollinated variety;
    • early ripeness;
    • endurance to open ground conditions.


    It has no downsides as such.


    Seeds can be sown for seedlings at the end of April or directly into the ground in the south and middle zone in May-June. Before planting, they need to be processed, especially if they were obtained from your own garden. The seed material is placed in a solution of potassium permanganate no stronger than 1% for 1-2 hours, then rinsed and treated with a solution of a growth stimulator. You can germinate the seeds by wrapping them in a damp cloth and placing them in a warm place for 1-2 days.

    For seedlings you will need small cups made of plastic or peat, as well as a nutrient substrate. It is prepared from garden soil, peat, humus and sand, then poured with boiling water. Sow 1-2 seeds in each container, moisten and place in a warm place at a temperature of +25-27 degrees. When sprouts appear, the seedlings are moved to a brightly lit place and the temperature is reduced.

    Seeds are sown immediately in the beds when the temperature is +15. For 1 sq.m. 3-5 plants are placed, the soil is covered with film until germination.

    Growing and care

    The soil needs watering, weeding, fertilizing and loosening.

    Water them once every 3-4 days, and daily in hot weather. Warm water is used, irrigation is carried out early in the morning or in the evening. In hot weather, the bushes respond well to sprinkling of leaves.

    Feed up to three times per season, the first time 10 days after transplanting the seedlings into the ground or in the three-leaf phase. For the first feeding, a solution of mullein 1:10 with the addition of wood ash is suitable. Then the plants will need mineral fertilizers:

    • superphosphate;
    • potassium nitrate;
    • ammonium nitrate;
    • urea.

    The soil is loosened about once a week, carefully piercing it with a pitchfork to allow oxygen to reach the roots. Weeds are pulled out as they grow

    How to plant cucumbers Cheerful guys

    In order to grow Merry Guys cucumbers on your plot, you don’t have to do anything special. The most common agricultural techniques are: watering, weeding, loosening, mulching and fertilizing.

    They use 2 growing methods:

    1. Seedling method. Seeds are planted in advance; by the time they are planted in a permanent place, the seedlings should be 2-3 weeks old. There is no need to injure the plant, so the seeds are planted in special peat pots. When transplanted into the ground, they decompose, turning into fertilizer. And the root system remains intact. Seedlings experience less stress. Caring for seedlings is no different from caring for other varieties. It is necessary to water, fertilize and observe temperature and light conditions. This way the plants will be powerful and will begin to bear fruit faster in their permanent location. This method of planting cucumbers will yield a harvest 2 weeks earlier.
    2. Sowing in the ground. Seeds are planted in specially prepared holes. Filled with a nutrient mixture, add a little wood ash to each hole. The soil must be heated to + 17 ⁰С. In each region, the disembarkation time is different. An important condition is the absence of a nighttime drop in temperature. Water as needed.

    The planted seeds are covered with film, this will increase the germination rate.

    Regardless of which growing method is used, you need to remember that the cucumber crop likes areas protected from drafts. Place 3–4 plants per 1 m2 in open ground, 2–3 pcs. in the greenhouse.


    This hybrid is sown for seedlings in early May. Place 1-2 seeds in peat or plastic containers with nutrient soil mixture and germinate at a temperature of 20-25 degrees. Then it is lowered and the seedlings are kept on the windowsill, and at the end of May they are transplanted into open ground.

    Seeds are sown directly on the garden bed at the end of May - beginning of June, when the soil warms up to at least 15.

    The air temperature should not fall below 8, such cold snaps lead to the death of plants.

    For 1 sq. m there are 3-4 bushes.

    Preparing for landing

    The volume of the future harvest depends on the punctuality of the gardener. Planting in a greenhouse is carried out in mid-April in almost all climatic zones. It is enough to make sure that there is no risk of sudden frost. If you decide to plant the hybrid variety “Jolly Guys F1” in open ground or under film, then it is more advisable to do this in late May-early June. Regardless of the choice, the bush is tied to a trellis. It will be more convenient to care for it, and pests will not have the opportunity to attack the green space.

    Pre-planting is carried out 25-27 days before transferring the bushes to a permanent place

    In regions with warm climates, sowing is carried out directly into the soil as soon as its temperature has become stably above +14 C

    Seeds, previously soaked in a weak solution of potassium permanganate, are placed in small peat pots

    Holes are made in the ground, the depth of which is 3 cm.

    Peat pots have two advantages - they decompose and do not damage the root, and the second “plus” is that they supply the seed with nutrients

    A mixture of wood ash and complex fertilizer in a 1:1 ratio is added to each recess.

    The containers are placed in a warm place where there are no drafts

    Watering is carried out as the soil dries out

    Watering is carried out once every 4-5 days

    The advantage of the seedling method is that harvesting can be delayed by 2 weeks when compared with the non-seedling growing method.

    Site selection and soil preparation

    Experts advise not to plant together with nightshade crops. It is better if the cucumbers are preceded by:

    • beans;
    • beans;
    • cabbage.

    To save time and get an early harvest, the seedling method is used as early as June. Knowing the approximate timing of planting plants in a greenhouse in your region, you can sow seeds in peat or plastic pots 2-3 weeks before this date. Then the soil will contain already grown and strengthened plants, which will soon begin to bear fruit.

    This variety of cucumbers can be used when obtaining a late harvest, using biofuel - compost or manure, which release a sufficient amount of heat when decomposed. The beds are covered with non-woven covering material from the cold.

    Recommendation! To prepare for planting, the seeds are first germinated by wrapping them in a cloth moistened with water and placed in a warm place above room temperature.

    You can place the wrapped and moistened seeds in a hole formed in a bed with biofuel. The fabric should be periodically moistened and after a couple of days, seeds with sprouted roots should be selected.


    There are two main planting methods. With the seedling method, the seeds are sown in advance in special peat pots for 3 weeks. After this, the sprouts are transplanted directly into the pots into the beds:

    • the roots are not damaged;
    • peat becomes fertilizer when it decomposes in the garden bed.

    Next, you need to timely water, hill up and fertilize the seedlings of the Merry Guys variety. Good lighting and warmth are very important. In such conditions, plants begin to grow and bear fruit very quickly, providing an early harvest.

    When sowing directly into a garden bed, holes are made in soil that has warmed up to + 17 ⁰C and filled with a special mixture for nutrition with the addition of ash. The seeds are placed 2-2.5 cm deep in the soil, covered and watered regularly until the first shoots appear. In the garden bed, the sowing density should be as follows: up to 5 seedling bushes are placed per 1 m².

    Since the temperature in different regions in spring differs significantly, the main criterion for starting plantings is the absence of night frosts on the soil and sufficient warming up.

    How to grow a crop of cucumbers?

    To save time and get an early harvest, the seedling method is used as early as June. Knowing the approximate timing of planting plants in a greenhouse in your region, you can sow seeds in peat or plastic pots 2-3 weeks before this date. Then the soil will contain already grown and strengthened plants, which will soon begin to bear fruit.

    A late harvest is obtained by sowing seeds in the soil on a warm ridge or greenhouse. Manure or compost is used as biofuel, which decomposes and releases large amounts of heat. Fertile, loose soil from humus and soil is poured either on top of the biofuel layer or in holes made in its thickness. When the substrate warms up to +15°C, you can sow the seeds. Warm ridges are protected from cold snap by covering material on the arches.

    With both methods, it is advisable to germinate cucumber seeds in advance. To do this, the grains are placed in a damp cloth and placed in a very warm place with a temperature of at least +30°C.

    Some vegetable growers bury a bundle of seeds directly into the layer of “burning” biofuel. At the optimal temperature, the seeds hatch within 12-24 hours. From the total quantity, those that have roots have appeared are selected, and the rest can be left warm for another 1-2 days. They may germinate a little later, but the tissue will have to be constantly moistened.

    Sprouted seeds are lowered into holes in the soil 2-2.5 cm deep and covered with soil. Until the sprouts appear on the surface, the soil must be kept moist. When planting in the ground, 4-5 bushes of seedlings or cucumber seeds are placed per 1 m².

    Caring for cucumbers Cheerful guys

    The crop bears fruit well when placed vertically in the garden bed. To form bushes, special trellises placed vertically are used. On the lower 3 branches, all flowers and shoots are removed. Only the ovaries are left on the next leaves. Excess shoots are pinched from the 3rd shoot. The main condition, regardless of the planting method, is protection from drafts.

    • iodine;
    • garlic solution;
    • wood ash;
    • brilliant green (brilliant green solution).

    It is necessary to fertilize cucumbers using mullein or bird droppings at the rate of 8-10 kg per 1 m². You can add complex mineral fertilizers. As a result, a strong root system and ovaries quickly appear.

    To properly grow cucumbers and get a decent harvest, you need to properly feed the plants. During the season you need to fertilize 1-2 times a month. When the cucumbers have already appeared on the bush, you need to treat the plants with ash, this will increase immunity and resistance to diseases. For 1 m2 you will need only one glass of ash. The quality of the soil is improved with the help of fertilizers, both mineral and organic.

    The method is very easy to use. To prepare the solution, take a bucket of manure with two buckets of water and, after stirring, leave it to ferment in a warm place. When watering the beds, stir 0.5 liters of fertilizer into a bucket of water.

    You need to repeat fertilizing when the first flowers appear on the bushes. This is a signal to the gardener to add a solution containing potassium and phosphorus. But feeding cucumbers during fruit appearance is especially relevant for the Jolly Guys variety. During this period, fertilize once a week, or at least once every 10 days. In order for cucumbers to grow evenly, beautifully, “one to one”, you need to follow a simple rule, add:

    • more potassium than nitrogen;
    • more nitrogen than phosphorus.

    Disease susceptibility

    As the characteristics of the variety show, cucumbers are immune to the following diseases:

    • Cucumber mosaic.
    • Olive spot.
    • Powdery mildew.
    • Downy mildew.

    For other diseases, preventive treatments are required. Until the plant begins to bloom, this is done with the help of preparations purchased in specialized stores. Afterwards, it is advisable to use traditional methods of control so that harmful chemicals do not get into the fruit.

    Processing is carried out using:

    • Iodine.
    • Zelenka.
    • Wood ash.
    • Garlic solution.
    • Serum.

    In some cases, feeding the plant helps. Mullein, bird droppings and other auxiliary substances are used.

    Pest Control

    Up to a third of the entire crop can be destroyed or damaged by common aphids. In a matter of days, it is capable of occupying all the beds in the garden. As a preventative measure, it is necessary to carefully weed and destroy plant debris.

    Aphids are often carried around the garden by ants, so it is necessary to fight them. Traditional methods that are good in the fight against emerging aphids are treating the beds with infusions:

    • celandine;
    • onion peel;
    • wood ash.

    Among insecticides, Fitoverm has proven itself well.

    Prevention - weeding, regular watering and loosening the soil. For control, insecticides such as Akarin or Karbofos are used. The folk method is to spray with water and a soap solution or onion infusion.

    Cucumbers have many pests, so it is necessary to carefully monitor the garden and take effective measures immediately upon detection.

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