Growing unusual Romanesco coral cabbage

general description

Romanesco cabbage (Italian romanesco - Roman cabbage) is the result of breeding experiments by crossing cauliflower and broccoli.
The plant is annual, heat-loving, requires alkaline feeding and moderate watering. Only the head of cabbage, which consists of light green inflorescences shaped like a fractal spiral, is used for food. Moreover, each bud consists of similar buds forming a spiral. Cabbage is a dietary and easily digestible product. According to surviving historical documents, Romanesco cabbage was first cultivated in areas near Rome in the 16th century. It gained worldwide popularity only after the 90s. 20 tbsp.

Maturation, collection and storage of Romanesco

The vegetable ripens by the beginning of autumn. Compared to the size of the entire plant, the fruit is quite small. It is best to cut off the finished heads in the morning, before the sun heats the plant. It is also not recommended to keep the fruits standing for too long - this can lead to rotting or drying out of the inflorescences. Romanesco cabbage, after being harvested and stored in the refrigerator, quickly loses its nutrients and begins to deteriorate. However, when deep frozen, cabbage remains full of vitamins for a year.

In retail sales, Romanesco cabbage can be found in fresh and canned forms.

Calorie content of Romanesco

Low-calorie product, 100 g of which contains only 25 kcal. Eating this cabbage does not cause obesity.

Nutritional value per 100 grams:

Proteins, gFats, grCarbohydrates, gAsh, grWater, gCalorie content, kcal

What is unusual about Romanesco?

When you first meet this vegetable, you will not immediately understand that it is a representative of the cabbage family. Its appearance is too unusual - the plant resembles either a shell or another sea creature.

Romanesco has an amazing shape, called a fractal in mathematics. This is the name given to geometric figures in which self-similarity can be traced - they are composed of many parts, each of which is similar to the entire figure as a whole.

When describing fractals, mathematicians often cite Romanesco cabbage as a clear example - it ideally demonstrates the properties of these figures. Well, for gardeners and botanists, this cabbage is either a game of nature or selection. Coral cabbage will decorate any garden, flowerbed or container, and is also a tasty and healthy vegetable.

Romanesco cabbage - health benefits and harms

Many valuable organic compounds, dietary fiber, minerals - that's all you need for beauty and well-being! Romanesco is easily digestible and cleanses the intestines. It makes the skin glow and hair strong. Due to its low calorie content, it makes an easy dinner for those losing weight.

Romanesco is one of the few natural sources of selenium. The strongest antioxidant protects against premature aging. Mg and K are necessary for hypertensive patients and those with heart problems. B vitamins play an important role in the body:

  • Regulate metabolism.
  • Improves the condition of skin, hair, nails.
  • Increases resistance to infections.
  • Normalize the functioning of the nervous system.

The benefits of Romanesco cabbage include the presence of folates, pyridoxine, and pantothenic acid. According to this indicator, it is not inferior to buckwheat or pearl barley.

The main value lies in the complex action:

  • Potassium has a mild diuretic effect. This helps get rid of puffiness and bags under the eyes.
  • Ascorbic acid facilitates the absorption of iron and increases defenses.
  • Folates are important for pregnant women. They stimulate the growth of new cells and promote tissue regeneration.
  • Magnesium normalizes blood pressure and strengthens the nervous system.
  • Phosphorus is necessary for protein synthesis and restoration of damaged tissues.

In addition, flavonoids are found in the composition. These complex chemical compounds reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases and give elasticity to blood vessels. They reduce “oxidative stress” and prolong youth.

The product does not cause allergic reactions in most people. Excessive consumption of raw foods can cause problems with stool. High fiber content sometimes causes increased gas formation.

Botanical description

This is a powerful annual plant from the cruciferous family. In appearance and structure it is similar to cauliflower. Cabbage head is a compound flower collected from neat repeating pyramidal inflorescences of light green color. The leaves are dense, dark green, arranged in a circle, bordering the forks. The leaves are not eaten - in Romanesco only the head is edible.

The main feature of the vegetable is the structure of the head. It consists of many pyramids made up of several smaller pyramids. The inflorescences, tightly touching, follow a spiral one after another - a beautiful figure is obtained.

Coral cabbage is often planted in flower beds, together with flowers, to create original landscape compositions.

Nimble turtle

A variety of Russian selectors, grown in open ground and greenhouses. Early ripening, harvest 75-85 days after germination. The bush is medium, the leaves partially cover the forks. The fork has a lumpy shape in the form of small heads of cabbage growing separately and collected in an inflorescence, similar to Christmas trees, bright green in color, dense, delicate, with a pleasant taste. Used in cooking for preparing salads and hot dishes, for freezing, for baby and diet food. Resistant to temperature changes, does not overripe, and is stress-resistant. Resistant to infectious diseases, high and low (down to -12 degrees) temperatures. Timely watering is required.

Cabbage Nimble turtle

Origin story

It is not known for certain when, where and how coral cabbage appeared. There are several versions:

  • According to plant growers, Romanesco is a subspecies and variety of cauliflower. However, it is neither cauliflower nor its hybrid.
  • Mathematicians who study the Romanesco fractal with interest have put forward the theory that culture was created at the end of the 20th century. The unusual shape of the head of cabbage is described by logarithmic equations, so mathematicians believe that 3D designers worked on its creation, introducing special genes into it. But historians do not agree with them.
  • Experts and historians say that this amazing vegetable was known to the ancient Etruscans in the 1st century BC. e. But this cabbage appeared on the vegetable market only in the 90s of the last century.
  • There is an opinion that Romanesco is the fruit of selection work. It was allegedly bred by Italian breeders by crossing cauliflower and broccoli.
  • Another assumption is that about a hundred years ago Romanesco came from the Etruscans to Tuscany, and from there it went to “travel” around Europe.

Description of the plant

The history of the origins of Romanesco is very complicated. Even its belonging to one genus or another is not entirely clear, and scientists still hesitate to declare this cabbage a separate species. Plant growers gently call Romanesco a subspecies of cauliflower, although they do not reject the version that it is a hybrid of cauliflower and broccoli. Many works have been devoted to this variety and mathematicians, since the shape of its fruit is satisfactorily described by complex trigonometric and logarithmic equations.

There is even an opinion that 3D designers took part in the creation of Romanesco, although historians say that this is impossible, since mention of this cabbage was found in prehistoric manuscripts. At least, the name Romanesco is due to the fact that the Etruscans brought it to Tuscany, because romanesco means “Roman” in translation. In any case, this vegetable became widely known no more than a century ago.

The shape of this cabbage resembles a certain set of pyramids, assembled into a head of cabbage in an intricate way. Many people compare this head of cabbage to a sea shell. Gourmets note that the taste of Romanesco is very similar to the taste of many varieties of ordinary cauliflower, but it lacks bitter tones and pungent odors; dishes made from Romanesco are called delicacies and are considered very delicate.

The stems of this cabbage are softer than cauliflower; it is even eaten raw little by little, but nutritionists urge you not to do this.

Romanesco belongs to the cruciferous family, with all the associated agricultural technology features: for all its unusualness, it is, after all, cabbage. The shape of the head is very different from the heads of various varieties of cauliflower: the flowers, usually light green in color, are collected in small pyramids, which, in turn, are interconnected in strict spirals. These spirals are tightly connected to each other, and are surrounded on the sides by dark green leaves. Designers also use the beauty of the vegetable by planting Romanesco in flower beds.

Romanesco heads are not very large, often weighing no more than 500 g, although two-kilogram specimens are also found. They say that the taste and smell contain nutty notes, but this is not the only thing that distinguishes it from other cabbage vegetables. The chemical composition of the fruit is unique and includes a lot of properly balanced nutritional components, microelements and a wide variety of vitamins. Nutritionists believe that the benefits of Romanesco are as follows:

  • it contains an increased amount of vitamin A, which has a positive effect on vision;
  • antioxidants found in the heads help in the fight against oncology and the prevention of cancer;
  • high iron content improves hematopoiesis, which increases the overall resistance of the human body to a complex of diseases and improves the activity of brain cells;
  • various B vitamins help treat neurological diseases;
  • Vitamin K found in Romanesco in combination with omega-3 fatty acids makes this vegetable recommended for people with heart disease.

In cooking, Romanesco is used to prepare various first courses, side dishes; it is also suitable as an independent dish, for which this cabbage is fried or stewed.

Video: about the benefits of Romanesco

Varietal characteristics

Main varietal characteristics of Romanesco:

  • The weight of the heads of cabbage reaches 2 kg. The weight range, depending on the variety and growing conditions, is within 0.5-2 kg. The height of the stem reaches 1 m.
  • The taste is delicate, without bitterness. Romanesco is similar to cauliflower, but its taste contains nutty and creamy notes, for which it is valued in cooking.
  • It has a unique set of useful substances.
  • Purpose: food consumption and landscape design. They are eaten fried, stewed, baked. Can be frozen.
  • Sales yield of cabbage per 1 sq. m – from 1.5 to 4.2 kg.
  • The heads are straight, with high marketability.
  • Loves moderate heat, demanding watering and fertilizing.

Characteristics of cabbage

The Romanesco variety is even more demanding to grow than delicate cauliflower or broccoli. Although the varieties included in the State Register are zoned for the entire territory of Russia, it is not always possible to create suitable conditions for fruit set and good yield. Romanesco cabbage requires a special approach and attention to all stages of cultivation:

  1. Soil composition. The soil should not be acidic, a slightly alkaline reaction is preferable.
  2. Temperature conditions. A special feature of the Romanesco variety is its ability to set fruit only at a constant average daily temperature of about +18 °C.
  3. Lighting. Only sunny areas are suitable for planting. In the shade, bushes tend to form succulent, beautiful leaves, without flowering or fruiting.

Romanesco has increased humidity requirements. The soil should not dry out, and stagnation of water is also unacceptable. To obtain beautiful, full-bodied heads, cabbage must be fed.

Productivity and fruiting

With favorable weather conditions and proper agricultural technology, different types of Romanesco cabbage are capable of the following yields:

  • Veronica f1 and Pointoverde tie large heads weighing up to 2 kg. From 1 sq. m. remove about 4 kg.
  • The pearl forms medium inflorescences up to 800 g. The yield of the variety is 2.5–3 kg per square meter. m.
  • Emerald Cup is a small-fruited hybrid with heads of up to 500 g. On one square meter. m, about 2 kg of cabbage ripens.

Comment! The yield of a variety can be affected by changes in any growing factor: a decrease or increase in temperature, lack of sun, poor soil, lack of fertilizing.

Under good cultivation conditions, the Romanesco bush grows more than 1 m in height, and the heads exceed the weight stated by the variety.

Application area

Pyramid heads do not retain their taste and nutritional value for long. Romanesco cabbage can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 10 days. The best way to preserve the valuable properties of the fruit is to disassemble the heads into small inflorescences and freeze.

The Romanesco variety is prepared in the same way as cauliflower. The inflorescences are not consumed raw. Minimal heat treatment is enough to develop a delicate, sweetish taste. The culture is suitable for baby and dietary nutrition, and lends itself well to pickling and canning.

Resistance to diseases and pests

The delicate Romanesco variety can be attacked by the following insect pests typical of cabbage:

  • aphid;
  • cabbage fly;
  • stem stalker;
  • cruciferous flea beetle;
  • cabbage butterfly;
  • bear

Romanesco, as a related variety, is susceptible to all cauliflower diseases. If improperly cared for or infected, plantings may suffer from the following diseases:

  • mucous bacteriosis;
  • blackleg;
  • Alternaria blight;
  • mosaic;
  • kila.

Some of these diseases cannot be treated. Affected plants should be removed by the roots and destroyed. Infections can be avoided by pre-disinfecting the soil, observing crop rotation and providing a full cycle of fertilizing.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

The exotic appearance of Romanesco allows the variety to be used even in flower beds. The decorative nature of the plant is an undoubted, but not the only advantage. Among the advantages are:

  • a unique composition that allows you to support the body during painful conditions;
  • low calorie content of cabbage, with increased nutritional value;
  • attractive appearance, ease of cooking;
  • delicious taste without bitterness, absence of hard fibers.

The disadvantage of this variety is that it is demanding in terms of care and compliance with all growing parameters. Nevertheless, experienced gardeners manage to obtain excellent harvests of exotic cabbage. To do this, you need to study the optimal conditions for the development of the Romanescu variety and fully comply with care techniques.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • Unique composition. Recommended for dietary nutrition.
  • Low calorie and high nutritional value.
  • Presentable "appearance".
  • Excellent taste characteristics.
  • Easy to prepare. Reaches readiness quickly.


  • Short shelf life. The heads can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than a week.
  • Contraindicated for cardiac diseases, as well as for thyroid dysfunction.

Harvest and storage

Formed, strong inflorescences serve as the starting point for harvesting Romanesco cabbage. Delay in harvesting threatens loss of juiciness, delicate texture and a decrease in beneficial properties. Collection time is early morning with low humidity. A sharp knife is used to cut the heads. The edible parts also include the stems adjacent to the inflorescences.

Like other types of cauliflower, coral cabbage does not stand out for its shelf life. Placed fresh in the refrigerator, it retains its beneficial properties for no more than a week. However, it is possible to prepare Romanescuo cabbage for the winter by observing the following rules:

  • separate the inflorescences;
  • blanch for 2–3 minutes in boiling water;
  • dry;
  • pack in a plastic bag.

Romanesco cabbage stored in the freezer will be suitable for eating for two to three months. In addition, the vegetable is preserved as a winter preparation in pickled form.

Benefits of Romanesco for the body

Fractal cabbage is an ideal source of vitamins, microelements and fiber. 100 g contains 25 kcal, as well as:

  • proteins – 2.9 g;
  • carbohydrates – 6.5 g;
  • fat – 0.4 g.

In addition to the vitamins standard for any cabbage, Romanesco contains a lot of folic acid, choline, vitamin H1, zinc and selenium.

Benefits of coral cabbage:

  • has a positive effect on vascular health;
  • speeds up metabolism;
  • eliminates constipation;
  • improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • increases immunity.

Beneficial features

Like other cruciferous plants, coral cabbage has a large list of beneficial properties.

Among them:

  1. antimicrobial;
  2. anti-inflammatory;
  3. anticancer;
  4. antioxidant;
  5. anti-carcinogenic.

Vitamins of groups B, A, C, K were found in its composition. Romanesco contains a lot of fiber and folic acid. In addition, it contains zinc, iron, manganese, carotene, omega-3 fatty acids and amino acids.

Expert opinion

Stanislav Pavlovich

A gardener with 17 years of experience and our expert See also Why cabbage leaves turn yellow and how to deal with it

Ask a Question

Reference! Romanesco cabbage strengthens the immune system, bones, and normalizes the functioning of the heart and blood vessels. The vegetable helps fight colds, cleanses the blood, and improves brain function.

How to plant Coral cabbage correctly?

Coral cabbage is a fastidious crop. To grow it you will need certain knowledge and skills. Much depends, among other things, on the planting - the characteristics of the site and planting material. Let's find out the best way to plant Romanesco.

What conditions are required?

Site requirements:

  • Lighting. A sunny place is required.
  • Temperature. This is the most important parameter when growing coral cabbage. The formation and flowering of buds begins only at a temperature of +15-20°C.
  • The soil. Soils should be light, moist and nutritious, with a neutral or weak alkaline reaction. If the soils are acidic, then lime is added to them.
  • Predecessors. The crop grows best after tomatoes, cucumbers, potatoes, onions, legumes, cereals, and beets. Bad predecessors are lettuce, radishes, turnips and other cruciferous vegetables.

Romanesco cannot be planted for 3-4 years in areas where any type of cabbage grew - white cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower and others.


Coral cabbage is grown by seeds sown in open ground or by seedlings. Romanesco seeds are grown in the south of Russia, in other regions - only as seedlings.

Preparation for sowing seeds for seedlings:

  • The soil. Substrate for seedlings is purchased in specialized stores. Or prepare the mixture yourself. To do this, mix turf soil, peat, humus and sand in equal parts. Self-prepared soil mixture must be disinfected - a week before sowing, it is watered with a solution of potassium permanganate.
  • Containers. For planting, use glasses of 250 ml or more peat pots of similar volume. A drainage layer of 1-1.5 cm is made at the bottom. The soil mixture is poured on top. Seeds are sown in boxes and then picked, or immediately sown in separate cups - no picking is required.

Features of growing seedlings:

  • In order for the seeds to hatch safely, they need a temperature of +20 to +22°C.
  • After germination, the temperature is maintained at +8-10°C during the day, and +6-8°C at night.
  • During the growth period, seedlings require 8-10 hours of daylight.
  • Plantings are watered regularly to prevent the soil from drying out.

The seeds appear on sale under the name “cauliflower”. The varieties Veronica, Zhemchuzhina and others are offered. A 25 g bag of seeds costs 10-15 rubles.

Landing dates

Planting dates depend on the climate in the region, the type of cabbage and the planting method:

  1. The timing of sowing seeds in open ground depends on the variety:
      early ripening - mid-March-mid-April;
  2. mid-season - in April;
  3. late - from mid-May.
  4. Seeds for seedlings are also sown taking into account the ripening time:
      early ripening - late April-mid-May;
  5. mid-season – mid-May-mid-June;
  6. late – mid-June to mid-July.

It is important to calculate the time of planting seedlings so that during the formation of buds the temperature is about +15...18°C. When growing late-ripening varieties, the formation of heads should occur during a period of cool nights, in most regions this is the end of August or September.

Soil preparation

The beds for Romanesco are prepared in the fall. The soil is dug up, adding mineral fertilizers, compost or manure. The rate of manure application is 2 buckets per 1 sq. m. It is advisable to add fluff lime or wood/dolomite ash - for prevention. The ash application rate is about 300 g per 1 sq. m. m. If the beds were not prepared in the fall, all activities are carried out early in the spring - as soon as the soil thaws.

Step-by-step instructions for landing

Seedlings are planted 45-60 days after sowing the seeds, and only after the threat of return frosts has passed. The minimum temperature to start transplanting seedlings into the ground is +12°C.

When planting, vegetable growers take into account the characteristics of the upcoming watering. If manual watering is used, seedlings are planted in holes; if drip irrigation is used, cabbage is planted in rows.

Disembarkation order:

  • Make holes in the prepared soil. The interval between holes is 45-50 cm. Between rows is 50-60 cm, so much so that you can move freely.
  • The soil is watered with warm water or a rich pink solution of potassium permanganate.
  • The seedlings are carefully moved from the containers to the holes, trying not to damage the root system. In order for the plants to take root well, the roots are removed along with the soil and placed directly in the hole with it.
  • To ensure adhesion of the soil to the roots, the soil is carefully compacted by hand.
  • After planting, it is recommended to water the seedlings again and then mulch them.

The seeds are extremely small and are not easy to sow in open ground. Before sowing, the soil is thoroughly leveled and watered. Seeds are sown as evenly as possible to a depth of 1.5-2 cm in moistened depressions, and sprinkled with a 1-2 cm layer of soil.

What a miracle

It is not surprising that many Russians, and not only them, do not know about Romanesco cabbage. After all, this exotic cabbage began to be grown in Russia only at the end of the last century. The homeland of the vegetable is Italy. Although, according to historians, Romanesco cabbage was grown during the Roman Empire.

Romanesco is considered a hybrid of broccoli and cauliflower. It is popularly called Romanesque broccoli or coral cabbage. In appearance, it resembles a magic flower or the shell of a long-defunct mollusk. But scientists see a certain pattern in it and believe that there is some kind of genetic code in the appearance of the Romanesco variety.

Mathematics and the Romanesco variety are connected:

Not without reason, because of its bizarre appearance, many believe that Romanesco cabbage “came” to Earth from space, that its seeds were scattered by aliens. A person who sees Romanesco cabbage for the first time does not immediately believe that such a beautiful flower can be edible.

Cabbage care

Caring for Romanesco is almost no different from caring for cauliflower. You don’t need to do anything special, the main thing is to water, feed, and fight diseases and pests on time.


Romanesco requires abundant watering; the soil should not be allowed to dry out. But waterlogging should not be allowed. The optimal method of irrigation is installing a drip system.

Watering rules:

  • The first time after planting, the plants are watered 2 times a week.
  • Further watering is once a week.
  • Recommended norms at the beginning of the growing season are a bucket of water per 1 square meter. m. As they grow, the norms increase. The temperature of the water is not particularly important - you can use either warm or cold water.
  • Watering method - at the root.
  • After watering - loosening and weeding.

Read here how to properly water cabbage in open ground.

For Romanesco, it is useful to carry out sprinkling before the formation of heads of cabbage - in order to increase the humidity of not only the soil, but also the air.

Disease and pest control

Coral cabbage suffers from the same diseases and is affected by the same insects as cauliflower. Common diseases and pests of Romanesco, as well as measures to combat them, are in Table 3.

Table 3

Diseases/pestsSymptoms and signs of damagePreventionHow to fight?
Mucous bacteriosisWatery spots appear on the leaves and flowers, they rapidly enlarge and rot.Pre-planting disinfection of seeds - they are kept for 2-3 hours in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Disinfection of containers for sowing. Removing stains with a sharp knife. If the disease cannot be controlled, the affected bush is pulled out and burned.
BlacklegThe disease begins at the stage of growing seedlings.Compliance with the irrigation regime, avoiding waterlogging of the soil, and its disinfection.Treatment of plants and substrate with preparations containing sulfur.
MosaicA viral disease, expressed in the appearance of yellowish streaks.Destruction of weeds and pests.Spraying with Bordeaux mixture.
Cruciferous flea beetlesSmall ulcers appear on the surface of the leaves.Maintaining crop rotation.Spraying with soap solution, a mixture of wood ash and road dust, Karbofos or Aktara.
Cabbage aphidPlant growth slows down, leaves lose their normal color - they turn pink and curl.Timely watering.Spraying with insecticides - Karbofos, Iskra, Karate.

To repel harmful insects, dill, mint or celery are planted near Romanesco.

Mucous bacteriosis

Blackleg attacks seedlings

Cabbage mosaic disease

Cruciferous flea beetles on a cabbage leaf

Cabbage aphid

You can learn more about all diseases and pests of cabbage, as well as methods of combating them, from our other article.


Coral cabbage is very demanding on the composition of the soil and requires fertilization. The growing season of Romanesco is short, so fertilizing applied during soil and bed preparation is more effective. After planting, the cabbage is fed 2-3 times. The timing and composition of fertilizing is in Table 2.

table 2

Deadlines for depositingFeeding composition
A week after planting seedlings in the groundAdd 1 tbsp to the aqueous solution of mullein. l. minerals.
2 weeks after the first feedingAdd superphosphate (40 g), ammonium nitrate (30 g), potassium chlorine (2 g).
During the period of setting inflorescences500 ml of mullein is diluted with a bucket of water, and 30 g of superphosphate, potassium chloride, and ammonium nitrate are added.

If there is no mullein, it can be replaced with an infusion of weeds.

There is an article on our website that may be useful to you: “How and when to fertilize cabbage? Rules and step-by-step recommendations."

How to cook Romanesco cabbage: recipes

This type of cabbage is widely used in cooking. It is stewed, baked, boiled, fried (but not for long and with the addition of a small amount of oil), grilled and steamed. This unusual vegetable is consumed separately and used for making casseroles, salads, appetizers, side dishes, and soups. Thanks to the addition of an ingredient such as Romanesco, dishes are given a pleasant creamy and nutty taste.

Cabbage is combined with seafood, fish, lean meat (turkey, chicken), other vegetables and used as an original decoration. It is supplemented with sources of complex carbohydrates (buckwheat, whole grain pasta, quinoa, brown rice). The vegetable is prepared in the same way as cauliflower, but it is easier to digest. There are many recipes for preparing Romanesco as an independent dish with a unique taste.

Cabbage salad


  • cabbage - head of cabbage;
  • turkey meat (fillet) – 300 g;
  • carrots, onions, bell peppers - 1 pc.;
  • garlic – 1 clove.


  1. The fillet is cut and sent to the frying pan. Small pieces of turkey meat are cooked using minimal heat on the stove using the braising method.
  2. The meat is stewed for 15 minutes; chopped vegetables are added during the preparation process.
  3. At the same time, boil Romanesco in salted water for 15 minutes (no longer, otherwise the vegetable will fall apart). The cabbage should become soft, while remaining elastic. Next, it is cooled and disassembled into inflorescences.
  4. Combine all the products, add salt and pepper to taste, and mix. Garlic is added to the salad last.

Omelet with Romanesco

The dish is hearty and healthy, and quickly prepared. This is a great breakfast option. The main thing is to prepare the mushrooms and cabbage in the evening.


  • cabbage – 150 g;
  • cheese – 50 g;
  • mushrooms – 3–5 pcs.;
  • eggs – 4 pcs.;
  • tomatoes – 2 pcs.;
  • flour – 1 tbsp;
  • onion - half;
  • soy sauce and spices - to taste.


  1. The cabbage is separated into inflorescences and boiled in salted water for 5 minutes.
  2. Mushrooms are scalded with boiling water. This recipe uses champignons (you also just need to scald the oyster mushrooms), but you can take other mushrooms and boil them for 15 minutes.
  3. The cooled mushrooms are cut into plates, the onions are chopped into cubes, and the tomatoes are cut into slices.
  4. Beat the eggs, then add spices, flour, cheese and mix until smooth.
  5. Lightly fried onions are mixed with tomatoes and kept on the stove until the liquid evaporates.
  6. Mushrooms and cabbage are poured into the pan. The ingredients are mixed.
  7. After 1 minute, pour in the eggs and, with minimal heat, bring them until cooked (takes about 7 minutes).

Cream soup


  • Romanesco – 1 head;
  • carrots, potatoes, onions, bell peppers - 1 pc.


  1. The cabbage is boiled, the cooled product is divided into parts. Don't throw away the water; it will still be useful.
  2. The remaining vegetables are peeled and cut into cubes. Combine with Romanesco and pour into a pan with a thick bottom, where vegetable oil has previously been poured. The contents of the pan are sauteed with minimal heat.
  3. Add cabbage water to the vegetables and cook for 10 minutes.
  4. Using a blender, the contents of the pan are pureed.


Romanesco cabbage salad recipe Expand

Inflorescences in batter

The cabbage turns out soft and tender inside, and a crispy crust forms on top. It is cooked in a large amount of oil. The dish is high in calories, but tasty.


  • cabbage – 1 head;
  • flour – 3 tbsp;
  • eggs – 3 pcs.;
  • spices.


  1. Cabbage inflorescences are boiled for 4 minutes, then they are transferred to ice water.
  2. Prepare the batter. The remaining ingredients are mixed until smooth.
  3. Pour a lot of oil into a deep frying pan and heat it, only after this action do you start frying the product.
  4. Cabbage is dipped in batter and placed in a frying pan for 20–30 seconds. To get rid of excess fat, place the finished product in a colander.

This cabbage can be eaten with mashed potatoes and boiled rice. This is a good side dish for meat.

Coral cabbage baked with cheese


  • head of cabbage;
  • flour - 2 tbsp. ;
  • butter – 30 g;
  • milk – 1 tbsp.;
  • vegetable oil for greasing the baking sheet;
  • herbs - to taste;
  • grated cheese to form a golden crust.


  1. The inflorescences are immersed in salted boiling water for 10 minutes.
  2. Heat oil in a frying pan, then add flour and fry it for about 1 minute.
  3. Add milk in small portions, stirring the mixture constantly. If the sauce is not stirred, lumps will form.
  4. Pour a sufficient amount of vegetable oil onto a baking sheet and distribute it over the entire area.
  5. Lay out the boiled cabbage, add the sauce, then herbs and cheese. Cook the dish until an appetizing crust appears.

Healthy vegetable salad

The main thing is to choose a quality product. It should be dense, greenish in color, without black spots. To make the salad as healthy as possible, it is recommended to use vegetable oil as a dressing. It can be mixed with additional ingredients such as lemon juice, spices, mustard.


  • cabbage – 1 small head of cabbage;
  • bell pepper, tomato – 1 pc.;
  • daikon – 150 g;
  • lemon ring;
  • vegetable oil – 1–2 tbsp;
  • lemon juice – 1 tbsp;
  • mustard beans - 3 tbsp;
  • dill – about 6 sprigs;
  • pepper, salt.


  1. The inflorescences are boiled in boiling water to which lemon (one ring) has been added. Depending on their size, they are cooked for 3–5 minutes.
  2. Place the cabbage in a colander and keep under cold running water until it cools.
  3. Before adding the ingredient to the salad, dry it with napkins.
  4. Start preparing the sauce. For these purposes, take a deep bowl. Combine juice, oil, mustard.
  5. Peel the daikon, cut it into thin strips, and place it in a bowl with the cabbage.
  6. The pepper is cleared of seeds and also cut into strips. They do the same with tomatoes. The products are poured into a bowl. Chopped greens are also added there. You can use not only dill, but also celery, basil, and parsley.
  7. Pepper the dish, salt to taste, mix together with the dressing. They eat it immediately after cooking, because... the taste deteriorates during storage.

Romanesco cooked in the oven with milk and cheese

This recipe can be used to prepare a hearty but light dinner.


  • head of cabbage – 1 pc.;
  • hard cheese – 100 g;
  • milk – 250 ml;
  • flour – 2 tbsp;
  • Italian herbs and salt - to taste.


  1. The head of cabbage, boiled for 10 minutes, is disassembled into inflorescences. You can boil the product immediately in the form of inflorescences, reducing the cooking time to 5 minutes.
  2. Pour flour into a dry frying pan and bring it until golden brown.
  3. Pour milk in a stream, thoroughly mixing the contents of the pan so that there are no lumps.
  4. Grated hard cheese is poured into a homogeneous mixture. The sauce is stirred until the cheese is completely melted and mixed with herbs.
  5. Place the cabbage in a mold and distribute the sauce evenly.
  6. The dish is cooked for about 15 minutes at the highest possible temperature.

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how to cook delicious broccoli

Appetizer of capers, Romanesco, Brussels sprouts and cauliflower

The recipe makes 6 servings. Season the ingredients with mustard oil.


  • Brussels sprouts – 350 g;
  • colored, Romanesco – 150 g each;
  • lemon – 1 fruit;
  • butter – 4.5 tbsp;
  • marjoram – 2.5 tbsp;
  • capers – 1.5 tbsp;
  • mustard beans – 1.5 tsp;
  • pepper, sea salt - to taste;
  • garlic (cloves) – 1.5 pcs.


  1. Garlic is thoroughly ground with salt, mixed with capers, softened butter, pepper, mustard, marjoram, and lemon zest.
  2. The lower part of the heads of cabbage is cut off. The cabbage itself is cut into pieces, focusing on its size.
  3. Pour water into a saucepan, salt it and bring to a boil. First of all, add Brussels sprouts, after 3 minutes - the rest of their types. After 5 minutes, the vegetables are removed from the water.
  4. All components are mixed with the oil obtained in the first stage.

Romanesco in sabayon sauce

This type of cabbage is delicious on its own; the egg-lemon sauce only emphasizes the taste of the vegetable and allows you to make it even more unusual.


  • cabbage – 0.5 kg;
  • lemon – 1 fruit;
  • yolks – 6 pcs.;
  • almonds - 5 nuts;
  • wine (white) – 1 tbsp.;
  • sugar – 2 tbsp;
  • salt - to taste.


  1. The coral cabbage inflorescences are steamed for 7 minutes.
  2. While the main ingredient is being prepared, mix the sauce. To do this, combine the yolks, lemon zest from half the fruit and sugar.
  3. To ensure that the vegetable retains its color, place the container with cabbage under cold water.
  4. Place the sauce in a water bath and stir it constantly. Then squeeze the juice from half a lemon into the pan and pour in the wine. With minimal heat, beat the contents of the container with a whisk.
  5. To make the sauce airy, after thickening, beat it with a blender.
  6. The cabbage is salted, sauce and almonds are added.

Can Romanesco cabbage be eaten raw?

Romanesco does not need to be cooked; it can be eaten raw. This cabbage is so beautiful that it’s even a shame to cook it. When raw, the product is crispy with a nutty taste. Cabbage is consumed with various sauces, it can be either meat sauce, cream sauce or any other.

When and how to harvest?

Harvesting begins in October, when dense, tight and well-developed heads are fully formed. You cannot delay harvesting; if you delay, the cabbage will lose its juiciness and delicate texture, and most importantly, beneficial substances will be lost.

Features of cleaning and storage:

  • The heads should be cut off in dry weather, early in the morning.
  • Cutting is carried out with a sharply sharpened knife.
  • Along with the head, the stems that are adjacent to it are cut off - they can also be used for cooking.
  • Romanesco can be placed in the refrigerator or freezer. Romanesco can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than seven days, in the freezer for several months. Before freezing, the cabbage is slightly blanched and then cut into pieces. Coral cabbage fully retains its valuable properties.

How to select and store

When you go to the store or market, you need to carefully inspect the cabbage:

  1. The selected fruit should not be deformed. The shape is pyramidal, there are no damages or bruises.
  2. The leaves are fresh, not curled at the cut, no spots.
  3. The surface of the fruit is not covered with snow powder or crushed ice.

Romanesco can be purchased not only fresh, but also canned. It should be taken into account that after harvesting the vegetable cannot be stored in the refrigerator for a long time, because it spoils quickly. But you can freeze it, and then all the nutrients will be preserved. Thanks to deep freezing, healthy cabbage can be consumed at any time of the year.


Tatyana E., amateur gardener, Belgorod region. Romanesco is very capricious to grow.
If the summer doesn't go well, the heads may not ripen. The first time I grew it with seedlings, the care was the same as for broccoli. The taste is excellent, but the heads have grown small. Some plants did not have them at all. The package of seeds I bought said Romanesco broccoli. ★★★★★
Polina G., amateur gardener, Chelyabinsk region. I sowed the seeds in glasses, so I didn’t have to dive.
I planted the seedlings in April. Watered, loosened - everything was as it should be. The cabbage was in no hurry to grow, I thought that nothing would grow. But by the end of August, movement began, and by October the heads began to knot. They might have ripened, but frosts began. This kind of cabbage is not very suitable for our places, or it needs to be planted under a film. Hide

Add your review

The agricultural technology of coral cabbage is almost the same as that of ordinary cauliflower. This vegetable has many requirements for growing conditions, but all of them are feasible and do not require excessive effort. If you follow all the growing rules, then by mid-autumn you will get cabbage of amazing shape - tasty and healthy.



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The best varieties and hybrids

In the State Register of the Russian Federation, Romanesco cabbage was placed in the section “Varieties of Cauliflower”, since the biological nature of the crop is still unclear.

The table shows the characteristics of the most famous varieties and hybrids.

NameRipening periodHead DescriptionProductivity kg/m²Sustainability
Veronica F1Mid-season hybridTriangular shape. Color yellow-green. Weight – 1-2 kg 4,5To fusarium and flowering
Emerald CupMid-early varietyTriangular shape. Green color. Weight – 500 g 2,3To fusarium and flowering
PearlMedium late varietyTriangular shape. Green color. Weight – 800 g 2,7To fusarium
Puntoverde F1Mid-season hybridThe heads are not covered by leaves. The color is soft green. Weight – 1.5 kg 3,2To fusarium and flowering
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