What temperature should be for tomatoes in a polycarbonate greenhouse and open ground: optimal, night,

Vegetable growing » Tomatoes



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Kira Stoletova

Tomatoes are the most heat-loving crop, so their maintenance requires special conditions. The greenhouse allows you to establish a Mediterranean climate on the site. The temperature in a tomato greenhouse must be at a certain level so that the crop can produce maximum yield.

Temperature for tomatoes in a greenhouse

Temperature for tomatoes in a greenhouse

Tomatoes are the most heat-loving crop, so their maintenance requires special conditions. The greenhouse allows you to establish a Mediterranean climate on the site. The temperature in a tomato greenhouse must be at a certain level so that the crop can produce maximum yield.

Temperature for tomatoes in a greenhouse

Permissible temperature for planting

The most important factor when planting tomatoes is the optimal soil temperature. It is measured shallow from the surface.

Before planting, make sure that the temperature for growing tomatoes in the greenhouse reaches at least 15ºC. To prevent rotting of the roots, the soil temperature should be at least 10ºC.

To effectively warm the earth, the film greenhouse is covered in advance.

If seedlings are planted before optimal conditions have been established, a little hot water is poured into each hole.

Temperature conditions for growing

Tomatoes cannot tolerate even slight cold, so to grow tomatoes in a polycarbonate greenhouse, the temperature is controlled. These delicate plants are extremely strict in maintaining a rational temperature at every step of their development.

The influence of temperature on growing tomatoes:

  • below 0.5°C - tomatoes die immediately;
  • below 5°C - tomatoes are damaged and then lost;
  • 15°C - vegetables begin to grow, but require a further increase in temperature;
  • below 15°C - minerals are not absorbed so quickly and efficiently, roots develop slowly, access to water becomes difficult, and they take root less well;
  • 10°C - roots stop absorbing nutrients from the soil and stop growing;
  • from 25°C to 30°C are comfortable conditions for the development of culture.

The optimal daytime temperature in a greenhouse for tomatoes is considered to be from 21°C to 23°C, and at night - from 17°C to 18°C. For tomatoes, this is the best climate they can withstand. They better absorb minerals, moisture, and nutrients from the soil, which has a positive effect on the quality of the fruit.

An important factor is air humidity.

If it becomes cooler after planting the seedlings, the greenhouse is additionally heated artificially.

Minimum temperature threshold

The minimum temperature for growing tomatoes in a greenhouse depends on the plant variety. The average is from 5°C to 7°C. There are special frost-resistant varieties that can withstand sub-zero temperatures for a short time.

Frost resistance depends on the plant variety

To harden off tomatoes before planting, place the seedlings outside in the sun for a short time. This increases the resistance of plants.

Tomatoes are freezing

When a cold snap occurs, plants stop growing or freeze. Those growing closest to the soil are the first to feel the cold. When frozen to -1ºC, seedlings stop growing. Some varieties can withstand temperatures down to - 3ºC.

Regulating the temperature in the greenhouse

The temperature in the greenhouse for tomatoes should differ from the air outside by 3°C-4°C.

Artificially increasing the temperature in a greenhouse

To increase the temperature in the greenhouse at night, additional layers of film are used, attaching them with fasteners. This action creates an air cushion that separates the greenhouse environment from the outside air. The side walls of the greenhouse are protected with foam film.

The additional base of a low greenhouse will be able to limit the amount of air above the plants. It is made from wood vine twigs or 2-3 mm wire, and the coating is made of perforated or whole film up to 0.5 mm wide.

The greenhouse is ventilated, and on sunny days the frame is removed completely or raised high so as not to create drought under it or increase humidity. The soil is covered with a narrow black film.

Reducing the temperature in the greenhouse

To lower the temperature, polycarbonate greenhouses cannot be made long. They are given open air access through the fronts. Spending on equipment will increase, but on hot sunny days the temperature will drop by 10°C.

The outside of the film can be sprayed with a solution of flour, chalk or clay. To do this, take 2 kg of product per 10 liters of water and 0.4 liters of milk. Quicklime cannot be used: it makes the film dull.

In the morning, the plants are watered with sufficient water. They use special white shields. They do not transmit infrared radiation and are resistant to rain.

How to plant tomatoes correctly

Planting tomatoes must be carried out according to all the rules of agricultural technology, otherwise it will not be possible to get a rich harvest.

Greenhouse preparation

A glass or polycarbonate greenhouse with heating is suitable for growing tomatoes in winter. To protect the bushes from spring frosts, they are temporarily covered with film.

Plastic or metal arcs are placed on the site, and a film is stretched over them. The edges of the film are covered with soil or covered with bricks to protect it from the wind.

A polycarbonate greenhouse can be built in the fall and cleaned and cleaned in the spring.

For a film greenhouse, the frame can also be installed in the fall, and all work can be completed in the spring.

Before planting, the greenhouse is disinfected to kill all fungal spores, parasites, mold and bacteria.

For metal greenhouses, use a solution of bleach (400 g of product per 10 liters of water). The solution is infused for 5 hours, then everything inside is sprayed with it. After 2 days, boiling water is poured over the frame, and the greenhouse is ventilated.

A greenhouse with a wooden frame is disinfected in a different way. It is necessary to seal all the cracks, lay sheets of metal inside and set fire to a sulfur bomb or a mixture of sulfur and kerosene on them. Next, the greenhouse is ventilated, and the frame is wiped with a solution of copper sulfate.

Soil preparation

But even if you adhere to the rules of crop rotation in a greenhouse, there is a possibility that pathogenic agents will remain in the soil.

To prevent seedlings from being affected by fungi, you need to disinfect the soil. For this:

The top layer of 10-15 cm is removed and a new one is poured.

  • the soil is evenly sprayed with a fresh solution of copper sulfate (70 g of the drug per 1 liter of boiling water, after cooling, bring to 10 liters).
  • 15 days before transplanting, the soil is dug up, weeds are removed and 3 kg of rotted manure is added per 1 m2.

Experts recommend preparing the soil according to its composition.

  • Add 0.5 buckets of sand, turf, humus and sawdust per 1 m2 of peat soil.
  • To improve the breathability and porosity of the structure, 0.5 buckets of humus and sawdust are added to loams per 1 m2.
  • Add 0.5 buckets of sand and peat per 1 m2 to the black soil.

Planting scheme

Seedlings are planted at intervals of 30-75 cm from each other, depending on the characteristics of the variety.

In a 3x6 meter greenhouse, 2-3 beds are prepared.

  • If there are 2 beds, then they are placed near the walls of the greenhouse and made up to 1 m wide. Seedlings are planted using a two-line or square-nest method in a checkerboard pattern. This way you can plant about 60 bushes.
  • If there are 3 beds, then 2 are placed near the walls of the greenhouse, each 60 cm wide, and in the middle they make a bed up to 1 m wide - it turns out to be double. Row spacing – 40 cm.

If the greenhouse is of different dimensions, the height of the beds is 30-40 cm from the ground level. Their width can be 60-100 cm, in the row spacing - 40-70 cm.

Seedlings are placed in rows or in a checkerboard pattern:

  • Low-growing varieties are planted at intervals of 30-40 cm.
  • Tall - 60-75 cm from each other.

The following are planted in a checkerboard pattern:

  • Low-growing, ultra-early and early-ripening varieties. In this case, double rows are made with a distance of 50 cm, the bushes are formed into 2-3 stems. Leave 40 cm between bushes.
  • Determinate and standard varieties are planted with an interval of 30 cm between bushes and 50 cm between rows.
  • Tall varieties are planted with an interval of 60 cm (1 stem and 75 cm (2 stems) between plants and with a row spacing of 70-75 cm.

When growing different varieties, tall bushes are planted closer to the wall, and early ripening ones are given a place near the aisle. After harvesting, early-ripening varieties are removed from the greenhouse, so that tall, later varieties grow well.

Mid-season and late low-growing tomatoes are planted near the walls of the greenhouse, and tall ones are planted near the aisle in the second row. This way low bushes will receive enough light.

Optimal microclimate for high yields: temperature for tomatoes

Tomatoes are heat-loving tropical inhabitants. When growing them, it is necessary to observe temperature parameters. The plants will die from the cold; in extreme heat they will not be able to set fruit, since the pollen will be sterile.

Optimal temperature

At each stage of development, a tomato plant needs different temperatures. Seeds can be stored even in the cold, but they will only be able to germinate if the thermometer shows above +15.

Shoots appear most quickly at +20... +30. Immediately after the cotyledon leaves are brought to the surface of the soil, coolness is needed. When the thermometer shows +14… +16, the roots of tomato plants begin to grow intensively, and the elongation of the above-ground part stops. A temporary decrease in degrees allows you to obtain strong, stocky seedlings with a well-developed root system, even with a lack of light.

Further development of seedlings should occur at +20...+22 during the day, and +16...+18 at night. Night reductions are required to prevent plants from stretching out in the dark.

Critical, minimum and maximum temperatures for tomatoes:

  • +10 – the growth of the above-ground part stops, the roots stop absorbing, which is why signs of nutritional deficiency appear on the leaves;
  • +8 – the plant begins to die;
  • +12 – the ovaries fall off, the finger does not ripen;
  • +30 – pollen becomes sterile;
  • +43 – plants die;
  • +0.5 – instant death.

It is especially important to monitor the temperature in the greenhouse. The comfortable temperature for tomatoes in protected soil is +25… +28 degrees. With high humidity in greenhouse air, heat does not cause oppression of plants, but, on the contrary, helps create “tropical” conditions that are natural for nightshades.

Temperature in a tomato greenhouse at night and during the day

Due to their heat-loving nature, most varieties of tomatoes are grown in our country in shelters: polycarbonate, film and glass. During the day, the temperature in the building should be in the range of +15... +25, and at night it should drop by 5-8 degrees. Being at the lower limit of normal, the temperature will slow down growth and ripening, which is necessary when tomatoes stretch too quickly. At high temperatures, the green mass grows quickly, which may affect the yield and quality of the fruit.

What does it affect?

Temperature affects all processes occurring in a tomato plant - from photosynthesis to respiration. By changing the temperature, you can influence the rate of growth and development, slowing down or speeding up fruiting, which is used in the industrial cultivation of tomatoes.

For the timing of planting tomato seedlings in open ground, it is important how warm the soil is. Its temperature should not be lower than +15. If it is not possible to measure the indicator with a thermometer, experienced summer residents proceed as follows: plant seedlings no earlier than the apple tree blooms. Many years of practice have established that an apple tree blooms when the soil in a layer of 40 cm warms up to no less than +15.

How does demotion work?

Summer residents can independently increase the frost resistance of plants by hardening them at the seed germination stage. During freezing, seedlings in the ground can be covered with caps made of paper, fabric or cut plastic bottles. The traditional way to cover adult plants is to throw a film or agrotex over the arches.

Care when lowering

If weather forecasters promise a sharp cold snap, the plants urgently need to be fed with potassium. It increases cold resistance, making the cell sap more viscous, which prevents it from freezing. Adaptogen drugs, especially Epin, help cope with cold weather. Before or immediately after freezing, plants are sprayed with this stimulant and they feel more comfortable.

How to increase cold resistance

The swollen seeds are hardened in the refrigerator at a temperature of 0…+2. The technique is called freezing. After it, the plants become more hardened, bloom earlier, and germinate faster. Freezing increases resistance to fluctuations in day and night temperatures.

Drugs that increase cold resistance:

  • Baikal EM,
  • Sodium and potassium humate,
  • Gibbersib,
  • Immunocytophyte,
  • Amulet,
  • Zircon,
  • Ecosil,
  • Epin.

Any of them is diluted with water according to the instructions on the package and sprayed on tomato plants according to the scheme proposed by the manufacturers of the product.

What determines the quality of the crop?

Temperature in a greenhouse for cucumbers

Watering. Until the seedlings have taken root, you should refrain from watering. The first watering should be done approximately 10 days after planting. The water should have an average temperature of +20-23 degrees. After flowering begins, watering should be increased from 5 liters per 1 sq. meter to 10 liters.

Ventilation. Two hours after watering and at other times, the greenhouse should be ventilated by opening the windows or door and lifting the film. This should not be neglected, because temperature conditions are very important, especially during flowering.

Garter of tomatoes

Garter. Already on the third day after planting, you need to start tying. The procedure is carried out so that the stem of the plant does not break under its own weight, and the fruits do not rot.

Stepsonning. Stepchildren are the side shoots of a plant that grow not on the stem, but from the axils of the leaves. In this way, they branch the bush, which leads to shading, the spread of diseases and a reduction in the ripening period of the fruit.

Important! The pinching procedure is usually carried out in the morning to dry the wound.

Feeding. Without fertilizing, it is unlikely that you will be able to get a really large and juicy harvest. The first feeding is applied 10-15 days after planting, the second - after another 10 days. Ultimately, the procedure must be done four times during the season.

Optimal greenhouse temperature for tomatoes

Are you planning to start growing tomatoes in greenhouse conditions? To be content with a generous harvest of vegetables in early spring, you will have to work hard. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the conditions that need to be provided for tomatoes. If you do everything for your green pets, be sure that they will definitely thank you with juicy colorful fruits in large quantities.

Why observe the temperature regime?

Like other vegetable plants, tomatoes are sensitive not only to air temperature, but also to soil temperature. The greenhouse should have a microclimate that will be fundamentally different from the conditions for peppers and cucumbers. The optimal level of humidity and the correct temperature of the air and ground affect the rate at which plants absorb nutrients supplied with fertilizing.

Important ! A fully developed root system will indicate that tomatoes are not damaged under the correct conditions.

If the soil temperature is less than 10°C, this will negatively affect the development of the root system. In addition, the crop will experience an acute lack of phosphorus. To speed up plant growth and fruit ripening, efforts will have to be made to increase the air temperature in the greenhouse. However, the permissible standards should not be increased (the maximum is 40°C), because this is fraught with withering of the bush.

Too high a temperature in a greenhouse will kill the plants.

Optimal temperatures in a greenhouse for tomatoes

Tomatoes are a demanding and capricious vegetable crop. The minimum temperature in the greenhouse should not be lower than 15-17°C. But hoping for active growth of tomatoes in such conditions is pointless. To harvest the first harvest in early spring, you need to lay heating pipes in the greenhouse.

You can control the temperature using thermometers located in different parts of the greenhouse. The temperature should be the same. Tomatoes respond well to air temperatures, which range from 16-25°C. During the period of fruit formation, the daytime temperature should be around 20°C during the day, and 17°C at night. As soon as you discover that the process of fruit ripening has begun, increase the temperature (26-28°C during the day, 18°C ​​at night).

Deviation from the norm will negatively affect the plant. At elevated night temperatures, the plant begins to stretch upward, its branches become longer, which leads to a decrease in flowers and poor quality of the harvest. The humidity level will also have to be given due attention. If it is higher than normal, condensation will begin to form on the fruits. With the first rays of the sun, the plant will not be able to avoid burns.

Consider ways to heat the greenhouse in case of cold weather

Excessive humidity in cloudy weather causes the fruits to deteriorate and rot. To eliminate this phenomenon, the greenhouse should be systematically ventilated. It is unacceptable for cold air currents to hit the plants.

You can protect tomatoes from return frosts at the end of spring as follows: after lunch (at 4-5 o’clock), water the bushes and close the greenhouse. As soon as the sun begins to set, the moisture will evaporate inside the greenhouse. A thin layer of water will prevent rapid heat transfer. After this, the greenhouse must be ventilated. If the weather is hot, water the plant in portions. Keep the windows or doors wide open.

Advice . Thanks to modern technologies, it is possible to grow tomatoes in a greenhouse not only in spring, but also in winter. To reap a decent harvest, you will have to lay a heating cable in the greenhouse. To maintain a stable temperature regime, you can install an automatic heating regulator. This method is practiced among summer residents living in cold regions of the country.

To ensure that all your efforts are not in vain, follow the rules for growing tomatoes in a greenhouse and provide the vegetable crop with appropriate climatic conditions.

Air temperature

Providing seedlings with daylight and observing a special temperature regime will result in a strong and good vegetable crop. Not many people know that at each stage of growth, a tomato requires different conditions.

When planting seeds

After the tomatoes are sown in containers for seedlings, the optimal temperature for them will be 24-26 °C. The box with the culture should be covered with polyethylene.

It is better to place it on the windowsill, and put a sheet of foam underneath; the windows should be kept closed. A prerequisite must be the penetration of daylight into the room.

By following the important rules for ensuring the required temperature, you can get the first shoots 5 days after planting. As soon as the sprouts appear, the polyethylene should be removed and the foam should be left in the same place.

After germination

When seedlings appear, seedlings need to lower the air temperature. In the first 7-10 days - approximately +13...+18 °C during the day, at night +11...+14 °C. This way you can prevent the sprout from stretching, which will subsequently give a strong stem.

There are situations when seedlings cannot germinate due to a thick seed shell. Most likely this occurs due to lack of moisture.

In this case, it is necessary to moisten the soil with water at room temperature using a special sprayer.

Irrigate with caution, avoiding excess moisture, otherwise the seeds may rot.

After 7-10 days in the room where tomatoes are grown, the temperature must be gradually increased:

  • on clear days up to 20-23 °C;
  • on cloudy days keep to 18-20 °C;
  • At night, the optimal temperature will be 17-19 °C.

Experienced vegetable growers follow a slightly different regime, for example, in rainy or cloudy weather: +16...+19 °C, and at night they recommend: +10...+13 °C.

It is worth considering that a decrease in temperature by 2-3 °C can have a detrimental effect on tomato seedlings: the root system will become weak, the development of the crop will be much worse, which will affect the yield. Overheating the sprouts is also not beneficial; it causes the plant to stretch upward and, as a result, produces a thin, weak stem.

It is important to carry out this care before the first pair of leaves appears on the seedlings. To do this, 30-40 days must pass from the moment of planting.

For proper ripening of seedlings, daylight hours must be at least 10 hours, so if necessary, the plant should be provided with light with special lamps.

In addition to special heat and light conditions, seedlings need moisture. The soil should be sprayed with a spray bottle, avoiding excessive watering.

How to maintain thermal conditions after picking

When vegetable seeds are sown too thickly, they need to be planted. Regular half-liter plastic cups are suitable for this. It is advisable to carry out the transplantation procedure into separate containers after the first leaves appear on the seedlings.

The temperature regime is also important here, strict adherence to which will yield good results in the future.

What temperature do seedlings need after diving:

  • on a clear day 20-23 °C;
  • on a cloudy day 16-18 °C;
  • at night 12-15 °C.

Temperature in a tomato greenhouse

Perhaps not a single plot can do without planting tomatoes, because tomatoes have a particularly pleasant taste, they are healthy, and they are convenient to prepare for the winter. Growing ripe and juicy fruits in a greenhouse is not difficult at all. You just need to create the necessary conditions, one of which is the correct temperature.

Conditions for planting and growing seedlings in a greenhouse

Growing tomatoes does not require much effort from gardeners, which is why they are so widespread. Even in deserts, where the soil is very poor, local residents do everything possible to get the coveted harvest.

Still, it takes a little effort to create favorable conditions for a good harvest. What should you do before boarding?

Tomatoes in a greenhouse

Prepare the greenhouse

As you know, it is in the greenhouse that the harvest is several times larger. But it is possible to achieve a harvest and prevent diseases only if the greenhouse is properly prepared.

Since tomatoes are planted in early May, the seedlings should easily tolerate fairly cold nights. Therefore, it is necessary to cover the greenhouse with a double layer of film, if it is not made of glass or polycarbonate.

It is necessary to leave a so-called air cushion between the layers of polyethylene, which increases the temperature inside the greenhouse and increases the service life of the inner layer. Be sure to make vents for ventilation.

Important! It is impossible to plant tomatoes in the same greenhouse for two years or more; infections, bacteria and pests remain in the soil, which can destroy new seedlings.

Prepare the ground

Before planting a new crop, you need to start preparing the soil 10-14 days in advance. You should get rid of last year's soil by 10-15 centimeters, and treat the rest with the well-known copper sulfate in the proportion of 1 tbsp. l per 10 liters of water. Loosen the finished beds, get rid of numerous weeds and fertilize with humus.

The more fertile the soil, the less humus will be needed. And, accordingly, vice versa.

Prepare the seedlings

Properly prepared seedlings play a very important role in the quality of the harvest. You will need boxes or boxes about 10 centimeters high. Inside is placed either a purchased soil mixture or one prepared from peat, humus and turf soil in equal quantities. The soil must be moistened.

After the soil has been compacted, they begin to form furrows (they are usually made 1-2 centimeters deep). Having placed the seeds and covered them with the prepared mixture, the container should be placed in a bright place.

Important! After 5 days it should be covered with a film cap. This way the seedlings should sprout faster.

About a week or a little later after germination, two true leaves should appear. When this happened, it was time to dive. This is the transplantation of plants from one container to another, more spacious one. This is a mandatory stage: the root system has already become stronger and requires more space.

Each plant is removed along with the soil (usually using a toothpick) and moved into a spacious pot.

To prevent the seedlings from stretching out, the gardener must observe the temperature regime and monitor the lighting, changing the side facing the light every day.

Typically, seedlings are kept in pots for no more than 50 days, during which time their height reaches about 30 centimeters. When there are 10 days left before planting tomatoes directly in the greenhouse, they should be regularly hardened off on the balcony or with the window open all night.

What determines the quality of the crop?

Watering. Until the seedlings have taken root, you should refrain from watering. The first watering should be done approximately 10 days after planting. The water should have an average temperature of +20-23 degrees. After flowering begins, watering should be increased from 5 liters per 1 sq. meter to 10 liters.

Ventilation. Two hours after watering and at other times, the greenhouse should be ventilated by opening the windows or door and lifting the film. This should not be neglected, because temperature conditions are very important, especially during flowering.

Garter. Already on the third day after planting, you need to start tying. The procedure is carried out so that the stem of the plant does not break under its own weight, and the fruits do not rot.

Stepsonning. Stepchildren are the side shoots of a plant that grow not on the stem, but from the axils of the leaves. In this way, they branch the bush, which leads to shading, the spread of diseases and a reduction in the ripening period of the fruit.

Important! The pinching procedure is usually carried out in the morning to dry the wound.

Feeding. Without fertilizing, it is unlikely that you will be able to get a really large and juicy harvest. The first feeding is applied 10-15 days after planting, the second - after another 10 days. Ultimately, the procedure must be done four times during the season.

Temperature in a tomato greenhouse

The quality of the harvest depends on many factors: proper watering, ventilation, garter and fertilizing. Of course, the temperature in the greenhouse plays an important role for tomatoes. In addition, its constant maintenance at the required level is a very difficult task.

Note! The optimal temperatures in the greenhouse for cucumbers and tomatoes are different. The temperature requirements of these two vegetables are different, so having a greenhouse with mixed plantings is quite difficult.

Minimum air temperature in the greenhouse

The minimum temperature in the greenhouse is +6 degrees. That is, it cannot be lowered; it will not subside even with a complete power outage.

This figure is considered too low for fruit growth. What temperature can tomato seedlings withstand in a greenhouse? The minimum is +15 degrees. But do not forget that this is still an unfavorable environment and the temperature should be higher.

Optimal temperature for seedling growth

Tomatoes can begin to grow at +15 degrees, but, whatever one may say, this is very little for them, so over time you need to increase it. Already at +25-30° a significant increase will be noticeable. It is prohibited to go beyond the limit of 30 degrees during the flowering period, because the ovary will fall off and flowering will stop.

Temperature in a plant greenhouse

Thus, to create favorable conditions for tomatoes, the temperature should be from +21 to +24 during the day, and from +17 to +19 degrees at night.

Unfortunately, weather conditions never adapt to people and the garden. Therefore, in order not to lower the temperature, artificial heating sources can be created in the greenhouse. Fortunately, in the age of technology, making this a reality is not at all difficult:

  • Water heating. The system has a rather complex design and installation, and is therefore intended for greenhouses with a large area.
  • Surface heating. For this type, infrared rays are used. This option is simpler and more budget-friendly than the previous one. But, unfortunately, also less effective. In any case, the system is able to significantly increase the temperature in the greenhouse if necessary.
  • Electric heating. Despite the high prices for components and the tariffs necessary to implement this heating, this option is becoming more and more common.
  • Bake. It can be used even without pipes. Due to this, the costs of creating such heating are significantly reduced, which is what many people take advantage of.
  • Film. Of course, this option is the most economical. You just need to add a layer of film, thereby creating an air gap that can escape climatic conditions.

Soil temperature for planting tomatoes in a greenhouse

Tomatoes are very capricious vegetables that do not grow or produce a good harvest anywhere. The gardener must do careful work while preparing the soil because the temperature of the ground is very important for planting tomatoes in a greenhouse.

Optimal soil temperature

It is worth recalling the mandatory characteristics that the soil must have:

  • Medium acidity level;
  • Absence of any pathogens;
  • No chemical treatment;
  • The presence of any leavening agents in the composition;
  • Sufficient amount of vermicompost.

Don't forget about the soil temperature. Why is following her regime so important?

When a plant is in cold soil, it is absolutely natural that it is not accepted and its growth is significantly slowed down. Even if the plant can survive, it will be weak and sickly. When the temperature drops to +10 degrees and below, the plant slowly begins to die.

But soil that is too warm will not be beneficial. It absorbs all the beneficial properties of the plant, depletes the roots, causing the stem to become limp and the leaves to turn yellow. Saved plants give a poor harvest, which will ripen much later than usual. The indicators should not be allowed to increase to more than +22 degrees.

Thus, the optimal temperature is from +18 to +22 degrees.

Note! Frequent watering leads to rotting of the roots and the spread of fungal infections.

At what temperature do seedlings die?

If the temperature in the greenhouse is less than +15 degrees, the seedlings take root very poorly, because the absorption of minerals is less effective, the roots slow down their development, and access to water is much more difficult.

If the temperature is +10 degrees, the roots of future fruits stop growing because they are not able to absorb nutrients.

If the temperature drops to +5 degrees and below, the seedlings not only freeze, but also die due to damage. And at +0.5 degrees and even minus values, the plant dies instantly.

Tips and recommendations from experienced gardeners

  • Tie up tomatoes after the ovary appears;
  • You should not plant the plant too deep, because in this case the stem will give new roots, and the growth of the tomatoes will slow down significantly;
  • Before planting, yellow diseased leaves should be eliminated;
  • It is advisable to plant in the evening or on a cloudy day;
  • Do not overdo it with nitrogen fertilizers;
  • Place the greenhouse on a spacious area, with the larger side facing east to west for better lighting;
  • It is convenient and compact to arrange the beds, while having free access to each plant;
  • When tying, choose a material that does not injure the plant stem.

Getting the coveted harvest of large and juicy tomatoes is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. To do this, you need to spend a lot of your time and effort, as well as follow the rules and advice presented in this article.

Preparing soil in a greenhouse

The bacterial cocktail contains many useful substances. Their function is to process nitrogen. The soil will be saturated, so the tomato yield will be higher.

One ampoule will be enough for 650 sq. m. You can buy the solution at any chain of stores for gardeners. Rules for using the drug:

  1. 1. Dissolve an ampoule of the substance in 2 liters of boiled water.
  2. 2. Add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of melted honey.
  3. 3. Pour the mixture into a jar.
  4. 4. Leave in a warm room for 2–3 months.
  5. 5. Stir 1 cup of the mixture in 20 liters of water and pour over the greenhouse evenly.
  6. 6. A few weeks before planting, water the soil again with this cocktail.

Mineral elements and organic fertilizers, together with abundant sunlight, give the soil beneficial properties, which leads to normal growth of the fetus and improved health.

If you can’t buy it, you can make a soil mixture at home. Instructions:

  1. 1. Having collected the entire harvest, remove all remaining greenery.
  2. 2. It is necessary to free the soil from roots. Carefully dig up the soil in the greenhouse.
  3. 3. You can destroy all possible pathogens using bleach and water (in a ratio of 1:33). After 3 hours, disinfect the wooden and metal parts of the greenhouse structure. Spread the bleach onto the ground with a rake.
  4. 4. In spring, it is better to apply horse or sheep manure. Biofuel must be distributed throughout the plantation in a layer of 30–40 cm and covered with earth.
  5. 5. Water the formed beds with warm water. 2 weeks before planting, it is recommended to fertilize the soil with ammonium nitrate.

Green soil slows down and impairs plant growth, so the following series of actions must be taken:

  1. 1. Stop watering for a while.
  2. 2. Define the problem. When moss appears, give light and fresh air to the soil, algae - close the greenhouse from the sun's rays.
  3. 3. It is recommended to lay sand and sawdust in several layers on the algae.
  4. 4. The affected layer of soil must be removed.
  5. 5. Ventilate the greenhouse room.

There are several levels of soil acidity. It is necessary to determine its level:

  • in the laboratory of agrochemistry;
  • using litmus paper;
  • device for measuring soil parameters;
  • the traditional way (boil currant leaves, throw in a little earth from the ground, the color will indicate oxidation, red is sour, green is not, blue is half sour).

Having determined the level, you should deoxidize the soil: with peat or wood ash, crushed chalk, lime or dolomite flour.

Replace the top layer of soil only as a last resort. The procedure is long, but the result is effective. Correct removal of the soil layer:

  1. 1. Dig out a layer of soil to a depth of 30 cm.
  2. 2. Cover with lime.
  3. 3. After a day, extinguish the lime with water.
  4. 4. After 3–5 days, lay a new layer of soil.

If even novice vegetable growers are familiar with applying fertilizers, and the suitability of a particular product for tomatoes grown in a greenhouse is described in detail in the instructions, then not everyone is familiar with soil disinfection. And clean soil is no less important for tomatoes than rich soil. They will not work to their full potential on problematic soil, so you need to know and follow several rules, and also know how much humus to add - this will help the normal growth of tomatoes and a good harvest.

But you have to be careful: copper is toxic. Its effect on the human body is negative

Gloves are required, closed shoes, feet and long sleeves will protect against possible contact of copper sulfate solution with the body.

Good predecessors for tomato: cabbage, cucumbers, carrots, onions, legumes

It is not recommended to plant tomatoes after crops of the Solanaceae family: potatoes, eggplant, peppers and, please note, tomatoes. That is why the place where tomatoes are planted needs to be changed every season, returning the vegetables to their original bed no earlier than after 3-4 years

  • sanding (carried out in the fall for heavy, wet soil at the rate of 1 bucket of sand per 1 sq.m);
  • liming (used to reduce soil acidity; for this purpose, during autumn or spring digging, lime powder is added to the soil at the rate of 0.5-0.8 kg per 1 sq.m);
  • disinfection (in the spring the soil is treated with a hot (70-80⁰C) solution of copper sulfate at the rate of 1 liter per 1 sq.m);
  • application of organic fertilizers (when digging the soil, add humus or rotted compost at the rate of 3-7 kg per 1 sq.m);
  • application of mineral fertilizers is carried out during spring digging of the soil to a depth of 15-20 cm (see table).
Consumption of mineral fertilizers per 1 sq.m
Ammonium nitrate20 g
Superphosphate50-60 g
Potassium sulfate15-20 g

What temperature should a tomato be in a greenhouse?

Kirov, Margarita Ivanovna M. For the first time we decided to grow tomatoes in a greenhouse. Can you tell me what temperature it should be? The success of growing tomatoes is determined by many factors, and temperature is one of the most important for their proper development. Find out what temperature is optimal for tomatoes when cultivating them in a greenhouse from this article.

Tomato temperature requirements in a greenhouse

The intensity of plant consumption of nutrients from the soil and air depends on the level of temperature in the greenhouse. Tomatoes are quite capricious plants; their successful cultivation requires a certain combination of heat and humidity, while the temperature requirements at different stages of development of tomato bushes differ:

  • germination of tomato seeds occurs at t° +20-25° C;
  • will prevent the stretching of tomato seedlings, allowing them to form a strong root system, reducing the temperature to +12-15° C during the day and +6-10° C at night for a period of 1 week;
  • good development of tomato bushes will be ensured by maintaining the temperature during the day at t° +20-26° C and at night at t° +16-18° C.

Attention! An increase in temperature to +25-28° C leads to intensive growth of tomato bushes, accelerated formation of flowers and ovaries, overcoming the temperature of t° +30° C causes the cessation of flowering and the fall of the ovary, and exceeding the temperature of +40° C leads to death of tomatoes.

The temperature regime of the soil for the growth and development of tomatoes plays no less a role than the air temperature:

  • cooling the soil to +10° C slows down the absorption of moisture and nutrients;
  • cooling the soil to +5° C leads to withering of tomato bushes and their death;
  • overheating of the soil - t° above +28° C prevents the root system from absorbing moisture from the soil, also causing plants to wither.

How to influence the temperature regime in a greenhouse

Since tomatoes are heat-loving, lowering the temperature in the greenhouse below +17 C° leads to a decrease in tomato yield, although it is not critical for their growth.

They are also negatively affected by an increase in temperature above +30 C°. Based on these conditions, it becomes clear how important it is to maintain a stable temperature regime that best meets the requirements of tomato cultivation. The following techniques are an effective tool for maintaining the required temperature for tomatoes:

1. Equipping the greenhouse with portable heat sources. Their use will be relevant during periods of autumn-spring cold spells.

Attention! Dropping the temperature in the greenhouse below +6 C° is detrimental to tomato bushes.

2. The presence of a ventilation system consisting of vents helps prevent overheating of the greenhouse. If the vents do not provide sufficient ventilation, keep the greenhouse doors open. At the same time, covering the doorway with spunbond or special nets will protect the tomatoes inside the greenhouse from drafts.

3. Air humidification allows you to regulate the temperature during periods of increase or decrease. To do this, during cold periods the greenhouse must have a supply of heated water.

The water used for watering tomatoes should not be colder than +20 C°.

4. The creation of additional film shelters allows you to endure short-term cold snaps without loss of yield. For this purpose, shelters can be used both outside and inside the greenhouse. When organizing a shelter inside a greenhouse, a frame is arranged over the bed with tomatoes, onto which the film is stretched. Such a shelter should not be used for a long time, as it can cause overheating of the plants.

5. Mulching greenhouse beds will allow you to maintain a stable soil temperature for a long time, protecting it from cooling.

Compliance with the temperature regime in the greenhouse necessary for cultivating tomatoes will contribute to abundant flowering and the formation of ovaries, which will be the key to a good harvest. The use of temperature sensors will facilitate the process of monitoring the temperature in the greenhouse.

Caring for tomatoes in a greenhouse - video

At what temperature do seedlings die?

If the temperature in the greenhouse is less than +15 degrees, the seedlings take root very poorly, because the absorption of minerals is less effective, the roots slow down their development, and access to water is much more difficult.

If the temperature is +10 degrees, the roots of future fruits stop growing because they are not able to absorb nutrients.

Plant death

If the temperature drops to +5 degrees and below, the seedlings not only freeze, but also die due to damage. And at +0.5 degrees and even minus values, the plant dies instantly.

Tips and recommendations from experienced gardeners

  • Tie up tomatoes after the ovary appears;
  • You should not plant the plant too deep, because in this case the stem will give new roots, and the growth of the tomatoes will slow down significantly;
  • Before planting, yellow diseased leaves should be eliminated;
  • It is advisable to plant in the evening or on a cloudy day;
  • Do not overdo it with nitrogen fertilizers;
  • Place the greenhouse on a spacious area, with the larger side facing east to west for better lighting;
  • It is convenient and compact to arrange the beds, while having free access to each plant;
  • When tying, choose a material that does not injure the plant stem.

Getting the coveted harvest of large and juicy tomatoes is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. To do this, you need to spend a lot of your time and effort, as well as follow the rules and advice presented in this article.

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Optimal temperature for tomatoes in a greenhouse - comfortable conditions for tomatoes

Temperature for growing tomatoes in a greenhouse is a vital factor for the development of vegetables. But what should be the optimal temperature for tomatoes and how to maintain it, if there is either an unbearably scorching sun or a sharp cold snap with hail outside? So we hang around our beloved bushes, trying with all our might to create comfort.

We build greenhouses on the plots for a reason, because they help to increase the yield twice or even more, of course, if the microclimate is properly maintained and agricultural practices are followed. Still, it differs from open ground conditions.

Temperature in a tomato greenhouse is an important condition for growing

For each type of plant there are optimal climatic conditions to grow, increase green mass, pollinate, and bear fruit. A southern fruit, or rather a berry, the tomato is quite thermophilic and its range from maximum to minimum temperature is small.

This means that you need to constantly ensure that the temperature does not fall below the minimum mark and does not rise above the maximum. But this does not mean at all that you can keep the temperature at the lowest or highest level for a long time; after all, this is already a stressful situation for plants.

The highest mark for tomatoes is +26-+32, this is the maximum above which plants slow down, flowering stops, and the process of photosynthesis slows down. Plants wilt and stop growing.

The lowest permissible limit may be +16-+17 degrees at night. But don't let the temperature drop so low when flowering and fruiting begin. In the cold, most of the inflorescences fall off and the ovaries do not appear.

The most comfortable temperature for the growth and good vegetation of tomatoes will be +20-+22; it is advisable to maintain this temperature at all times. In cloudy weather, a decrease to +18-+20 is acceptable. the soil temperature should not be lower than +14 or higher than +25 degrees.

Most often, all problems with development, slower growth of fruits or the occurrence of diseases occur due to sudden changes in night and day temperatures, which is generally unacceptable. Next, I will tell you what modern methods there are to maintain a stable temperature, and which ones I use (simple and accessible to everyone).

Creating a temperature regime in a greenhouse for tomatoes

It is clear to everyone that greenhouses made of different materials will have different temperature conditions.

  • The most uncomfortable conditions will be with a polyethylene coating. It does not retain heat well and when the degrees drop outside, naturally expect a drop in the greenhouse.
  • Glass greenhouses are good because bees are happy to pollinate in them, because they like a lot of light, but plants, unfortunately, do not always need scorching rays, which can heat both the air and the soil. In addition, glass is expensive, despite its obvious fragility.
  • Cellular polycarbonate, an almost ideal material. It dissipates direct sunlight, retains heat well and is extremely durable despite its lightness.
    So, we have decided on the type of greenhouse, that is, if you have a film greenhouse, you will just need to more carefully monitor the regime and take appropriate measures in a timely manner, which are discussed below.

    During different growing seasons, the temperature in the greenhouse should also be at least slightly different. Yes, and it depends more on the season.

    When you plant seedlings in the spring, there is too much heat, both during flowering and fruit set, otherwise you will get a huge mass of greenery, to the detriment of the harvest. For normal seedling growth, +18-+20 is quite suitable. But the earth should already be warmed up above +15. Do not forget that before planting, seedlings must be accustomed to climate change (hardening off) and to the sun by taking the plants outside.

    When flowering begins and the first ovaries appear, the temperature needs to be raised to +25-+26 degrees. This will make the fruit formation process faster. But also keep in mind that as the temperature rises, evaporation increases, that is, you need to regulate the watering of the tomato in the greenhouse or mulch the holes after watering.

    But now all the fruits have set and began to pour, the lower leaves have already been removed, the first red tomatoes have been collected, now we lower the temperature, let it stay at +18. Then the growth of tomatoes and their ripening will be stable and measured, and there will be fewer reasons for the occurrence of diseases.

    How to regulate the temperature in a greenhouse - methods

    Many gardeners combine several crops in one greenhouse. It’s good if they are all similar in terms of humidity and temperature requirements. What if some plants need +25, while others need lower or higher? So it turns out that in this case, comfortable conditions are created for one person.

    Many people are now growing greenhouse vegetables all year round and are already familiar with temperature sensors and devices that regulate the microclimate. Such devices are very helpful during cultivation, because then there are no sudden changes in the climate regime inside the greenhouse. the plants grow well all year round, the harvests are always excellent. But it is not advisable for everyone to buy such devices; the price for them is decent.

    Those who have been growing greenhouse tomatoes for a long time have already gotten used to keeping the temperature more or less close to optimal. And they use very simple methods.

    Increasing the temperature in the greenhouse

    You probably know that the normal height of a greenhouse should be about 180 cm. This is not just taken from someone's head. This will keep the plants from getting too hot.

    And if it’s cold outside and we need to make the air around the tomatoes warmer, then we lower the height, that is, we reduce the volume of air in the greenhouse. This is very simple to do, just place a frame or the same arches over the plants and stretch the film. Inside you will get another small greenhouse, where the temperature will be several degrees higher.

    There are owners who, when building a greenhouse, worried about its heating. But not everyone has such an opportunity. After all, most often greenhouses are located in our dachas.

    There is one such secret, I have already written about it, which helps keep the greenhouse warm on cold nights. This method is well suited for us, residents of Siberia. During the day, our temperature is usually +35, and by night it drops to +10. Imagine the scope.

    To prevent such a difference in the greenhouse, I placed a large 200-liter iron barrel there and filled it with water. The water heats up during the day and releases heat at night. Plus, when there is a strong cold snap, you have to cover it with extra blankets at night.

    Reducing the temperature in the greenhouse

    This is also very necessary; during the day the sun greatly heats the soil and air. If you can’t come to the dacha on a hot day and open the greenhouse, the tomatoes are simply boiled. Then you can simply lose a fairly large part of the plants.

    Airing is usually done for several hours during the hottest hours. It’s good if you have automatic vents, it’s very convenient to regulate the climate.

    There is also a method in which the outside walls of the greenhouse are sprayed with chalk water to reduce the influence of sunlight.

    Temperature in a greenhouse for tomatoes video

Optimal growing temperature

Tomatoes love warmth very much and cannot tolerate even slight cold. Therefore, plants are very demanding in maintaining optimal temperature conditions in the greenhouse at each stage of their development. The recommended temperature conditions for growing tomatoes are:

  • after planting in a greenhouse, tomatoes begin to grow at a temperature of about 15 ºС, but over time it must be increased;
  • when the temperature increases to 25...30 ºС, the seedlings will grow noticeably;
  • after this, in order to avoid excessive stretching of the plants, the temperature must be reduced again to 15 ºС. This change in climatic conditions contributes to the development and strengthening of the root system, even despite insufficient lighting;
  • at temperatures below 15 ºС, the efficiency of mineral absorption decreases, roots do not develop at a sufficient speed, access to water becomes difficult and seedlings take root much worse;
  • when the temperature drops to 10 ºС, the roots of tomatoes stop absorbing nutrients from the soil and stop growing;
  • A decrease in air temperature in a greenhouse below 12 ºС and an increase to 30 ºС during the flowering period of tomatoes leads to the fall of the ovary and the cessation of flowering. This is due to the fact that at low temperatures pollen does not ripen, and at high temperatures it becomes sterile;
  • At temperatures below 5 ºС, plants are damaged and die. Too overheated soil is no less dangerous for tomatoes. Thus, when the temperature rises above 38 ºС, the vegetable crop withers and dries out;
  • Temperatures below 0.5 ºС lead to immediate death of tomatoes.

So, daytime temperature fluctuations of 21…23 ºС can be considered optimal for growing tomatoes in a greenhouse, and 17…18 ºС at night. This creates an optimal climatic environment for tomatoes, promotes better absorption of moisture and minerals from the soil and directly affects the quantity and quality of ripened fruits.

In addition to temperature fluctuations, the air humidity in the greenhouse is also important, since at the same temperature and different humidity the condition of the plant may be different. If you have planted seedlings and the weather gets colder, you need to start additional heating of the greenhouse artificially.

Tell me, what kind of frost can plants in a polycarbonate greenhouse withstand without additional shelter?


Don't take risks. You won't be able to control your temperature at night. With good night frost, even zero temperature in the greenhouse can destroy the seedlings of some plants. Of course, the greenhouse is several degrees warmer at night. It also depends on the design of the polycarbonate greenhouse, how airtight it is. Therefore, during spring frosts it is better to keep covering material ready. In the evening it began to get colder sharply... run and throw it over the plantings in the greenhouse.

Serafima Arkadyevna

I think they will last up to -5. A difference of 10-12 degrees at night gives us +5+7 in the greenhouse


Last year, around this time (end of April), I specifically noticed several times at night the temperature difference in the greenhouse and outside - only 2-3 degrees. To prevent my tomatoes, peppers, eggplants and other seedlings from disappearing, I installed an oil heater (set to two) in the greenhouse for several nights, when it was only +7-8 outside. Then at night the temperature in the greenhouse was +14.

Unfortunately, polycarbonate greenhouses cool down very quickly.


If you close the doors tightly, then inside + If it’s cold, I cover the tomatoes in wire arcs with lutrasil

Planting in open ground

Different varieties of tomatoes can survive at different temperatures, but the general survival range of tomatoes is considered to be from 0⁰ to 43⁰. There are frost-resistant tomatoes that do not die in frosts down to -4⁰, but only in calm weather and for a very short time. If the nights are frosty, it is useless to plant them outside without shelter. What factors increase plant resistance to cold?

  • Zoned varieties,
  • low bushes with strong thick stems,
  • well developed root system,
  • adequate nutrition and proper watering,
  • absence of diseases and pests,
  • hardening

The heat requirements for seedlings growing from seeds directly in the garden are the same as for seedlings at home or in a greenhouse. Until the daytime temperature is about 23⁰, and the night temperature is not lower than 15⁰, the seedlings need to be protected from cold air. Don't forget that all the requirements for warm air and soil also apply to water.

The plant is basking in the sun, its roots are tenderly embraced by the loose warm earth, and suddenly the whole idyll is disrupted by an icy shower from a watering can. Such stress has a detrimental effect on all tomato systems. Do not mock your pets, keep the container with water in the sun, and when the liquid heats up above 20⁰, water it.

Seedlings grown on a windowsill and properly hardened can be planted in open ground if the minimum temperature at night is not lower than 10⁰. Don’t panic when you see 6⁰ on the thermometer; this is not lethal cold for tomatoes, but such coolness is undesirable for good plant development. Carefully monitor the forecast and cover your plantings in time.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with Large-fruited potato varieties

Conclusion. Tomato seedlings are a fairly hardy plant; temperatures that are destructive for them are below 0⁰ and above 43⁰. There is no need to subject plants to such extreme experiments; they can withstand critical values ​​for a very short time. Much depends on the variety and condition of the seedlings. If strong, hardened tomatoes of varieties zoned for northern areas survive a slight frost, then delicate exotic tomatoes, accustomed to warmth, will die every single one.

At each stage of development, seedlings need their own optimal air temperature. The seeds should germinate in a cool place, then the seedlings should be moved to a warmer place, and when the first true leaves appear, the air temperature should be reduced again. Before planting in a greenhouse or open ground, it is advisable to harden the tomatoes so that sudden frosts do not destroy them.

Try not to deviate from the recommendations for the optimal temperature for growing tomatoes in a greenhouse, on a windowsill and outdoors. If you keep them in heat or cold all the time, the seedlings may survive, but they will weaken and begin to get sick. If the thermal conditions are incorrect, the leaves will develop too rapidly to the detriment of the ovaries.

Nuances of caring for tomatoes

Greenhouses should be located in well-lit areas with an east-west orientation. With a lack of sunlight, tomatoes grow poorly and drop their ovaries. It is recommended to maintain the humidity in the greenhouse no higher than 65%, otherwise fungal diseases will develop.

To pollinate, tomato trusses are gently shaken during flowering to ensure the movement of pollen. It is useful to open greenhouses; to attract bees and other insects, put fragrant flowers, jam, honey or compote

In the winter greenhouse

In winter greenhouses with good heating, tomatoes are planted a month earlier (in April), using early tomato varieties that are resistant to fungal and viral diseases. In film greenhouses, a second layer is added to provide insulation.

When growing in a greenhouse, you should follow the same rules of agricultural technology as in greenhouse conditions. They are made in the southern high parts of the garden with low groundwater.

In order for tomatoes to grow well, they are illuminated for up to 16-18 hours a day, providing a temperature of 20-25 °, at night - not lower than 15 °.

Growing tomatoes in winter requires stationary greenhouses, a special regime and appropriate knowledge of agricultural technology.

In an unheated greenhouse

Greenhouses without heating help maintain the desired temperature for tomatoes during cold spells, protect against frost and excess rainfall. They create favorable conditions for constant growth and allow tomatoes to be grown until they ripen on the bush, which is important for cold regions.

The first harvest is harvested much earlier than in open ground, at the end of June, beginning of July.

The secrets to growing a good harvest are choosing the right varieties and proper care, focused on greenhouse conditions.

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