Grape variety Citron Magaracha. Description and photo

History of selection

The Citron Magarach grape variety was bred by the Crimean National Institute of Viticulture and Winemaking "Magarach" in the 1970s. To obtain it, the method of generative hybridization of the varieties Madeleine Angevin, Magarach (No. 124-66-26) and Novoukrainsky early was used. Selection was carried out by P. Ya. Golodriga, thanks to whom other world-famous varieties were created during this period of time. Mass distribution of the new variety did not happen due to the strict anti-alcohol campaign of the 1980s, but later Citron Magaracha still took an honorable place among the best technical varieties and is still popular for the production of high-quality white wines around the world.

Did you know? The variety became famous thanks to the wine “White Muscatel” produced from it in 1998, which was rated with the highest scores at international competitions in 1999–2001.

How is wine processed and produced?

In order for the wine produced from these grapes to have high-quality taste characteristics, it is necessary to take care of harvesting at the right time. It is desirable that the sugar content at this moment is approximately 24%. There are standards for the acid-base balance during this period. They are approximately 3.4. If these indicators are lower or higher, then they must be brought back to normal.

After harvesting, it is important that the berries are separated from the stems. This procedure should be carried out in cold conditions, preferably in the dark.

It is also important that the berries are chilled at this point.

Grapes Citron Magaracha. Grapes 2016.

Citron Magaracha wine grape variety

Grape varieties. Citron Magaracha. Grapes 2015.

After this, the berries are moved to the crusher, then yeast is added to the container where they will ferment. When the fermentation processes are partially completed, alcohol is added to the product. The temperature at which the fermentation process occurs should not exceed 18 degrees Celsius. When the cream of tartar falls out, this means that you can move the wine from the fermentation tank to the barrel. In the summer, these barrels stand in the sun; the sun's rays will only help make the process of making wine more intense. Around the end of the autumn period, the young wine will be ready for consumption. It can be bottled and drunk.

Description of the Citron Magaracha grape variety

Citron Magaracha is a medium-ripening variety whose fruiting period falls on the 125th day of the growing season. The vine can have high or medium growth vigor, the shoots are characterized by good ripening. The leaves are small, smooth on both sides, green in color, and have 3 or 5 lobes. The flowers of the variety are bisexual, which ensures good pollination. The clusters of Citron Magarach are quite large for a technical variety and have a cone-shaped or cylindrical shape.

Reviews from gardeners

Nadezhda, Krivoy Rog

In past years there were no hints of sores, but now I got a little mildew, but managed to stop it quickly. I don’t know about frost resistance, I have it as a covering. We have not yet been able to prepare wine and juices: we eat sweet and very aromatic berries straight from the bush.


Sergey, Moscow

Citron Magaracha showed its best side in the first fruiting. Fruitful, not sick, the berry is juicy, tasty, really with a citron taste. With a significant load, the vine ripened perfectly. The entire harvest went to wine. Even young wine tastes pleasant.


Photo gallery

Many small or medium-sized green grapes are planted on the bunches, which acquire a golden hue during the period of technical maturity. Usually the berries are slightly covered with a characteristic “waxy” coating. The grapes are covered with dense but thin skin. Each grape contains 2-3 oval-shaped seeds.

Characteristics of the variety

When choosing varieties for cultivation, the main attention is paid to the characteristics of the variety, which allow us to highlight the strengths and weaknesses of the grapes.

Drought and frost resistance

Citron Magaracha grapes are characterized by average drought resistance, so during the hot dry period they need regular watering.

The frost resistance of the variety is good, adult specimens are able to withstand frosts down to –26°C, this is due to the deep location of the bulk of the root system, therefore, when young roots located in the upper layers of the soil freeze out, the plant quickly recovers in the spring.

Important! The resistance to frost of young specimens is much worse, so it is recommended to cover them for the winter.

Resistance to diseases and pests

The Citron Magaracha grape variety is protected against fungi, viruses and bacterial infections at the genetic level, so it is not afraid of common diseases that affect other grape varieties. Grapes are also rarely affected by garden pests; common crop destroyers include wasps and birds.

Productivity and fruiting

Depending on weather conditions, the harvest is harvested in late August - mid-September, when the berries reach technical maturity. High self-pollination ensures good yield indicators - at least 9 kg of berries per bush. Grapes may ripen unevenly, then the clusters that ripen earlier are used to make table wines, and those later - dessert wines. It is important to harvest on time so as not to lose valuable raw materials, since the usual signs of overripe fruits in the form of shedding are not observed.

Area of ​​application of fruits

The berries are sweet and juicy, have a pronounced aftertaste of citrus fruits and nutmeg, which even bad weather conditions cannot spoil. Thanks to these characteristics, Citron Magaracha is grown on an industrial scale and then used as a raw material for the production of high-quality dessert and table wine. The grape has also become popular for the production of sparkling wines.

Learn how to properly make wine from white grapes.

Good indicators of safety and transportability make it possible to grow grapes on plantations located far from wine production, which is also highly valued by winemakers. The variety is also popular for home cultivation, due to the versatility of the taste of the berries; the grapes are consumed fresh, and also used for making juice and wine.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

The Citron Magaracha variety is characterized by a large number of positive qualities and a minimal number of negative ones, so we will consider each of them in more detail.

  • The advantages of the variety include:
  • stable yield that does not depend on the weather;
  • high taste qualities that are not influenced by external factors;
  • good frost resistance;
  • resistance to sunburn and crop shedding;
  • resistance to diseases and pests;
  • ease of care;
  • good preservation and transportability of fruits.

Among the disadvantages of the variety, one can highlight one - unstable ripening times, which affects the profitability of the wine business. If the bulk of the grapes ripen early, then it will be possible to produce more budget table wine and make less profit, and if the ripening dates shift and the late harvest is more abundant, it will be used to produce expensive elite dessert wine, which will make a good profit.

Features of planting grapes

For abundant fruiting, Citron Magaracha needs a correctly chosen planting site and suitable soil characteristics. In addition, you should purchase healthy young seedlings and observe the subtleties of planting.

When to plant Citron Magaracha?

Planting of seedlings can be done in spring and autumn. If planting will be done in the fall, it is better to use annual cuttings or rootstock as planting material. They should be planted in late October - early November so that the bushes have time to take root before frost. In the spring, young green cuttings are used, which are planted in warm soil in early May.

Choosing a place for a bush

Citron Magaracha, like any grape variety, must grow on well-lit plantations; it does not respond well to planting in the shade. You should not practice planting a bush in lowlands, since waterlogging of the soil often becomes the main growth problem or the cause of plant death. It is better to plant grapes on a hill so that groundwater does not damage the roots.

Important! It is forbidden to plant Citron Magaracha next to other varieties, as it may lose resistance to diseases and pests.

Soil requirements

For planting the variety, suitable soil is considered to be chernozem and loam, which are characterized by fertility and have high aeration properties. The soil on which the white grape variety is planned to be planted must be enriched with potassium and phosphorus. Good soil warming is also an integral feature for obtaining a high-quality harvest.

Selection of planting material

When purchasing planting material for planting, you first need to pay attention to its appearance. For autumn planting, choose even seedlings without damage or signs of disease. The bark on formed one-year-old shoots should be hard, light-colored, the root system should be developed, and not have damaged, rotten or diseased parts.

In the spring, it is necessary to plant a young seedling from last year, on which at least 4 fruit buds are clearly visible.

Planting grapes

Before you start planting the purchased planting material, you need to prepare the site: loosen the soil, remove weeds, apply suitable fertilizers in accordance with the type of soil.

The landing process is as follows:

  1. In the prepared area, dig a hole 60 cm deep, 40 cm wide.
  2. Place a drainage layer (15–20 cm) in the form of crushed stone, broken brick or construction pebbles at the bottom of the hole.
  3. Drive a tall, strong wooden stake (or metal) into the center, which will serve as a support for the bending grape vine.
  4. On top of the drainage, pour a little (up to 10 cm) of previously dug soil mixed with a nutrient mixture based on phosphorus and potassium, according to the instructions on the package for the components used.
  5. Place the seedling in the center of the hole, carefully spreading the roots to the sides, and cover with the rest of the soil on top. When planting, the root collar should be immersed in the soil by 6 cm.
  6. Water the plant generously with warm water (10 liters for 1 bush).
  7. When planting, maintain an interval of 2.5 m between rows and 2 m between bushes.

Agricultural technology

Compliance with simple techniques ensures good growth of the vine in the first years and the formation of fruit-bearing shoots.

Watering and fertilizing

The Citron Magaracha variety is demanding on watering

It is especially important to follow the schedule in the first year of planting, when the roots of the seedling do not extend beyond the boundaries of the planting hole.

The plants are irrigated once every 7-10 days, depending on the weather. It is advisable to water in the evening using water heated in the sun. The second year it will be enough to water once every 10-14 days, stopping watering when the vines ripen.

Approximate diagram:

  • spring watering when buds open;
  • after the end of flowering, during the formation of berries;
  • the beginning of berry ripening.

During the period when the grapes bloom, as well as at the peak of ripening, the plants are not watered. Be sure to moisten the soil well, not limited to surface irrigation.

In the first two years, the grapes do not need fertilizing. The plant has enough fertilizer contained in the mixture in the planting hole. Starting from the third year, the vineyards are fed, taking into account the condition of the plants themselves.


  1. Spring feeding, before the bushes bloom. Add organic matter (manure, wood ash). For a bush, 10-20 liters of diluted mullein (1:10) is enough.
  2. Top dressing after flowering, approximately 10-12 days before the ovaries begin to form. Active nitrogen is used (ammonium nitrate - 20 grams), Kalimag (10 grams). Fertilizers are diluted in water and watered at the roots.
  3. The third time Magaracha is fed three weeks before harvest. Nitrogen is excluded from fertilizing and potassium and phosphorus are used. The best option: 20 grams of potassium fertilizer and the same amount of superphosphate. Such additives help improve the taste of grapes and increase the weight of berries.
  4. Autumn feeding is not carried out every year. If the vineyard is planted on fertile soils, then the plants are fertilized every other year. Complex mineral fertilizers are used.

Attention! Fertilizer fertilizers are placed in special trenches (depth - 40-50 cm). Before liquid fertilizing, be sure to water the soil generously.

Foliar feeding of Magarachi Tsitronny ensures rapid absorption of nutrients


Foliar feeding of Magarachi Tsitronny ensures rapid absorption of nutrients. Options:

  • treatment of leaves before grapes bloom, boric acid (5 grams per bucket of water);
  • spraying after flowering (superphosphate extract);
  • two weeks before picking berries (potassium or phosphorus supplements).

The leaves are processed on the underside.

Formation of grapes

Magaracha Citron is prone to overload, therefore, in addition to the traditional formation of bushes and pruning, vine rationing is practiced.

The vine is pruned to 8-10 buds. They are formed according to the sleeve fan pattern (usually 4 sleeves are left). In the absence of rationing, the vine will ripen later, and the mass of clusters and berries will decrease.

In the first year, no more than two strong shoots are left, the rest are broken out. Autumn the bushes are minted, the stepchildren are tidying up. Cut the shoots to 2-3 eyes, no more. In the second year, 3-5 strong shoots will appear, from which the four strongest are selected.

They should be long and strong. Each is shortened by 4 eyes, making sure that the branches do not extend beyond the trellis. In the third year, there will be young branches (vines) on the 4 branches, where it is quite possible that the first “signals” (brushes) of Magarachi will appear.

Pruning of the third year: selection of strong shoots according to the sleeves (2 copies), removal of weak ones. It is advisable to leave a replacement knot (pruning one shoot into 2 eyes).

After this, every year in the fall the fruit-bearing vine is cut out, a new one is pruned, and the lower one is left to replace it.

It is recommended to grow Magaracha on a trellis with two planes.

Autumn pruning of adult bushes:

  • removal of old, diseased branches;
  • removal of weak shoots, last year's vines,

After about 6-8 years, the grape bushes are rejuvenated, gradually replacing the outdated sleeves with young branches.

Aftercare for grapes

For growth and fruiting, grapes need care, the features of which we suggest to consider in more detail.

Grape pruning

It is necessary to prune the vine after the grapes have dropped all their leaves - in late autumn (early November). At this time, sap flow stops, and the plant tolerates such interference normally. It is necessary to remove all shoots extending from the central one, leaving the 3 thickest and strongest ones, which will definitely survive the winter.

Read about how to properly prune grapes in the spring.

Pay attention to the number of fruit buds on the shoots that you plan to leave; there should be at least 8 of them. A similar pruning procedure should be carried out annually. For this, a sharp pruner is used, cutting off excess shoots at the lowest point of their growth.

Protecting grapes from birds and insects

The sweetness and aroma of grapes attracts insects and birds, so the crop is often attacked, after which the number of suitable berries for further use is reduced.

Let's consider popular and simple means of crop protection:

  • the use of special fabric mesh bags that are placed on bunches of grapes;
  • For birds, homemade rattle repellers are suitable, which make rumbling sounds when the wind blows. For this, any light bells or cut cans are suitable, which, when rubbed against each other, create a characteristic noise;
  • a tape placed on grape vines repels not only birds, but also insects, preventing them from landing on the berries;
  • for insects, traps with sweet contents (compote, honey water) are attached to the vines.

When growing grapes on large plantations, special bioacoustic devices are used to repel birds, and the crop is protected from insects with toxic baits.

Preparing for winter

To prepare the grapes for wintering, after pruning, they are freed from support and carefully laid on the ground, after watering them abundantly with warm water. The top of the vines is well sprinkled with straw. A film is laid on top of the straw, pressing it on all sides with bricks. If there is a risk of the temperature dropping to –25°C, the structure is sprinkled with soil on top.

Be sure to carry out autumn pruning

Stage 1. Water and feed the grapes
Apply fertilizing 3-4 times per season. The first time in the spring, the second during the formation of ovaries, the third during the ripening period and the fourth in the fall.

Use ready-made mineral complexes or organics . Wood ash or rotted compost works well

Stage 2. Till the soil
Loosen the surface to improve aeration. At the same time remove weeds.

Mulch the soil . This stabilizes its humidity and serves as additional feeding.

Stage 3. Form a plant every year
In the first years, prune grapes according to the pattern. It is important to form it correctly.

In subsequent years, fruit-bearing shoots are cut off . The rest are pruned to normalize the number of buds

Stage 4. Treat against diseases
Spray grapes twice in spring. The first time - immediately after the onset of heat. The second - a week and a half before flowering.

Treat the vine in the fall . Moisten not only the shoots, but also the soil underneath them

Stage 5. Cover for the winter
Carefully remove the vine from the trellis. Place on the ground and tie into loose bundles.

Insulate the top with straw or other material . Cover with tarpaulin or film, leave holes for ventilation

Diseases and pests: control methods and prevention

Fungal infections are not dangerous for the variety, but sometimes Citron Magaracha can be affected by anthracnose - convex spots on the leaf blades, in place of which holes appear over time. For treatment, use soda ash (5% solution). Prevention of anthracnose is not carried out; treatment with drugs is carried out only during the period of illness.

In addition, the variety sometimes suffers from mildew, which appears in the form of brown spots on the leaves and colors the vine in a burgundy hue. The plant should be treated by spraying with a 1% solution of Bordeaux mixture. As a preventive measure, copper sulfate is used, which is prepared and used according to the instructions on the package.

Among the pests of the Citron Magaracha variety, only insects and birds are distinguished, the control measures for which were described above.

Did you know? To obtain high-quality wine, raw materials based on the Citron Magaracha variety are aged in oak barrels for one and a half years.

The Citron Magaracha variety is recommended for planting in small garden plots for home use and on large plantations for industrial purposes. To make it easier to grow bushes and get a big harvest, you need to follow the subtleties of planting and care.

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