Japanese crab tomatoes: variety features, photos, reviews

Tomatoes are one of the most popular crops, which many vegetable growers and summer residents grow in their gardens. There is a wide variety of varieties: low and tall, early and late ripening, small, medium, large, for open and closed ground. Each gardener chooses a variety according to his own preferences.

For those who prefer to grow tall bushes with large fruits, the Japanese crab tomato variety is perfect. Let us study in more detail its main characteristics and cultivation rules.

The history of the Japanese crab

In 2005, breeders in the city of Barnaul developed a new tomato variety. set a goal to create tomatoes that would feel great in the Siberian climate, after which an application was submitted to test the variety, as a result of which, in 2007, the Japanese crab tomato variety was included in the state register of the Russian Federation as tomatoes suitable for growing both in open and closed ground throughout the Russian Federation.

The Japanese crab tolerates temperature changes well, but when the temperature drops below 2*C, the plant's flowers begin to fall off.

The variety is not classified as a hybrid, which means that you can independently obtain seed material from the fruits for cultivation in subsequent seasons.

Preparing the soil and planting site

The Japanese crab tomato (variety description and photos are presented in the material) is recommended to be planted in lighted areas. The plant will take root in partial shade, but then the harvest will ripen later. Tomatoes are not suitable for lowlands, swampy soil and places with close groundwater. In such areas it is necessary to equip a good drainage system in advance.

When growing tomatoes, you need to follow the rules of crop rotation. Thus, a crop can be planted in the same place only after 4-5 years. Areas where eggplants, peppers or potatoes previously grew are not suitable for her. The best predecessors for the plant are zucchini, cabbage, beets and carrots.

If it is not possible to change the place for tomatoes, then in the fall, after harvesting, you can sow the area with green manure (peas, alfalfa, lupine). They will pull out negative flora from the soil and nourish it with useful elements.

Tomatoes develop better on loose, fertile soils with good moisture and breathability, and a slightly acidic reaction.

It is worth preparing a bed for tomatoes in advance, following this algorithm:

  1. After harvesting the previous harvest, dig up the area to a depth of 25-30 cm. During the process, remove all plant debris, debris, and stones.
  2. In 1 sq. m area, add compost (10 l), superphosphate (25 g), wood ash (150-200 ml). Do not level the soil, leaving large clods. In winter, snow will accumulate in them, which will improve its structure.
  3. In the spring, dig up the soil again, adding 1 sq. m 25 g of ammonium sulfate, 5 kg of humus.
  4. Level the area with a rake.

Site preparation must be completed 3-4 weeks before planting.

Description of the variety

The Japanese crab variety is classified as mid-season, suitable for both open ground and greenhouses. It is resistant to some types of nightshade diseases. Seed germination reaches 97%.

Features of the plant

The Japanese crab bush is classified as indeterminate, that is, it has no growth restrictions; the stems of such plants can reach 200 cm in height. In one season, 5-6 brushes are formed on the bush.

Tomatoes of this variety, for full growth, need to be tied to a support and the removal of excess stepsons. The best yield is observed from plants that are formed into 1-2 stems.

The leaves of the Japanese crab have a shape and color characteristic of the culture, are medium in size, and the inflorescences are simple.

To ripen larger fruits, it is necessary to remove excess ovaries. Out of 10 flowers, it is best to leave 5-6.

The unlimited growth of the variety allows you to control the amount of harvest; the better the weather conditions and agricultural technology, the more fruits can be harvested over the entire life cycle of the plant.

Description of fruits

Tomatoes have a round shape, slightly flattened at the tops, and have pronounced ribbing at the stalk. When ripe they have a crimson color, the average fruit weight is 280-430 grams.

The State Register describes the variety as a salad variety. The tomato skin is tender, the flesh is juicy, fleshy, there are about 7 seed chambers, which does not allow them to be preserved for a long time. Such fruits are used for preparing salads, vegetable slices, preparing tomato juice and pastes.

The yield of the variety depends on agricultural technology, but on average reaches 9-11 kg per square meter. The first harvest can be harvested 112 days after planting.

Distinctive features

The main distinguishing feature of the variety is its shoulders and ribbed fruit. In addition, the variety has a stable yield in all weather conditions and good resistance to the most common tomato diseases.

Agricultural technology

The yield of Japanese crab tomatoes directly depends on the technique of planting and growing seeds, so it is important to follow agricultural techniques and know the basic rules for caring for bushes. Pickiness in care, which is the main and only drawback of this variety, can affect the final result of cultivating tomatoes.

Pickiness in care, which is the main and only drawback of this variety, can affect the final result of cultivating tomatoes.

Preparing seeds, planting seeds and caring for them

When growing this crop, they most often resort to the seedling method, since planting seeds directly into open ground does not give the expected results.

In order for sprouts to appear from the seeds, before planting, they need to be kept for several days (2-3) in a not very concentrated solution of potassium permanganate, and then washed.

The most suitable month for planting seeds is March (8-10th). The sowing depth should be 1 cm. After 2 leaves appear, the plants need picking.

Did you know? The world's largest tomato was grown by Gordon Graham in Edmond in the mid-1980s. Its weight was 3.51 kg. The same man grew a tomato bush, the height of which reached 16 m. It was also reported that in 347 days he grew more than 12,000 tomatoes on one bush.

Seedlings and planting in the ground

From a greenhouse equipped with heating, seedlings can be planted in April, but if the greenhouse is film, you need to wait until 65 days have passed after planting the seeds, and only then replant the bushes.

As a rule, this is the beginning of May. Such tomatoes need space, so there should be no more than 4 plants per m2, both in the greenhouse and then in open soil.

The soil in the greenhouse must be regularly moistened until the first shoots appear.

Daily ventilation of the indoor garden is also important.

Seedlings should be planted in a permanent place following simple rules:

  1. It is advisable that the soil in which you plan to plant “Japanese crab” should have previously grown legumes, cabbage, cucumbers, onions or carrots. It is not advisable for the predecessor of tomatoes in the soil to be potatoes, eggplant or peppers.
  2. The soil should be loosened and saturated with useful substances. The best soil is loamy.

Care and watering

Main features of caring for Japanese crab tomatoes:

  • Proper watering is important: early in the morning or after sunset under the roots or in the holes with lukewarm water;
  • the bushes need garter, because under the weight of the fruits they fall to the ground, where they are more exposed to pests and do not receive enough sunlight or simply break.
    It is necessary to build structures to support the plants in weight. These can be trellises located vertically or horizontally. A horizontal trellis allows you to tie up tomatoes as they grow. Using a vertical trellis you can save space on your site;
  • As for the stepson, this type of tomato should be grown into 1-2 stems, the second of which is formed from the stepson under the initial brush.
    The remaining stepsons must be broken off manually, leaving a small “stump” about a centimeter long to prevent the formation of a new shoot. It is better to carry out pinching in the morning, without removing more than three additional shoots at one time;
  • excess leaves, which can evaporate excess moisture and take away a share of nutrients, must be trimmed. Such tomatoes can grow like vines without having leaves.

Fruits can be collected 115 days after planting (July-early August).

Pests and diseases

Despite the fact that the Japanese Crab tomato variety was bred for cultivation in harsh conditions and is quite resistant to the most common diseases, following the rules of cultivation and care may not be enough to obtain a large harvest.

Pest prevention and prevention of plant diseases are also important.

Important! Under no circumstances should plants be watered from above, as this may cause fungal diseases.

To avoid the appearance of late blight or cladosporiosis, it is necessary to maintain an optimal temperature in the greenhouse and not exceed the required moisture level.

It is also necessary to spray with a mixture of pharmaceutical iodine and milk (a liter of milk and 25 drops of iodine per bucket of water).

If you have already noticed signs of disease (brown spots with a whitish coating on the fruits with late blight or on the leaves with cladosporiosis) on the plant, it must be treated every three days:

  • from late blight - ash, Trichopolum or Fitosporin;
  • for cladosporiosis - with drugs with a high concentration of copper.

Advantages and disadvantages

Russian vegetable growers highlight the following list of advantages of the variety:

  • Rapid harvest ripening;
  • Fruits of interesting shape and incredible taste;
  • Has immunity to tobacco mosaic virus, blossom end and root rot;
  • There are no difficulties in agricultural technology;
  • Resistant to weather changes;

The fruiting period extends until late autumn.

The disadvantages of the variety are so insignificant that people usually turn a blind eye to them, but it is better to know them: the fruits of the Japanese crab variety are not suitable for whole-fruit seaming, since they are large in size, and are not suitable for transportation over long distances, therefore they are grown only for personal purposes.

Landing algorithm

The Japanese crab tomato (the description of the variety and photos confirm its productivity) can be planted in open ground around the end of May, when warm weather sets in and the risk of return frosts disappears. When grown in a greenhouse, the event can be held in early May.

Tomatoes should be planted according to the following instructions:

  1. Water the seedlings generously 2-3 hours before the event.
  2. Dig holes with a depth of 25-30 cm. Maintain a distance of 50 cm between them. Immediately install trellises near the holes. It is advisable to lay out the beds in the direction from north to south. Then the tomatoes will not shade each other.
  3. Remove the seedlings from the planting containers along with the earthen lump. If the tomatoes were planted in plastic cups during picking, you can simply cut them.
  4. Pour 3-4 liters of warm water into each well. When the moisture is absorbed, plant the plants in them, deepening them to the cotyledon leaves.
  5. Lightly compact the surface of the bed. It is advisable to mulch the planting with peat, straw or wood and sawdust.

At the end of spring, the weather is still unstable, and in order to protect the tomatoes from freezing, it is better to cover the garden bed with lutrasil or spunbond. If such materials are not available, then you can place a plastic bottle with a cut bottom above each bush. When the plants take root, the coverings need to be removed.

Rules for growing seedlings

Large-fruited varieties are best grown in seedlings. Sowing seeds for seedlings must begin 55-60 days before the expected date of planting in the ground. In addition, the Japanese crab variety requires special preparation of seed material before planting.

Seed preparation

Seed preparation includes several main steps:

  1. Treating seeds against possible infection; to do this, you can soak them in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Purchased seeds do not need to be processed.
  2. Checking the quality of seed material. When the grains are dipped into a glass with warm water for 10-15 minutes, after which high-quality seeds (swollen and settled to the bottom of the glass) and low-quality seeds (unchanging, floating on the surface of the water) are determined.
  3. Soaking seeds in growth stimulants. The peculiarity of this stage for the Japanese crab variety is the duration of exposure in stimulants for at least 48-72 hours.

The soil

Soil is of great importance for the quality of seedlings. Soil with a low amount of essential substances will not lead to a good harvest; in some cases, seedlings may not sprout. The following requirements are put forward for the soil:

  • Availability of nutrients for plant development;
  • Lightweight, highly permeable to moisture and oxygen;
  • Have neutral acidity;
  • No signs of pests or infections.

It is more convenient to buy ready-made soil for seedlings in gardening stores.

If it is not possible to purchase ready-made soil, it can be prepared from equal parts of peat, soil from the garden, and humus. Before planting seeds in a homemade soil mixture, you need to water it with a weak solution of potassium permanganate for disinfection and let it dry.


Gardening stores offer a wide selection of containers for seedlings:

  • Peat pots;
  • Special cassettes and trays for seedlings;
  • Disposable cups for seedlings.

At home, you can use cut-off bottles, yogurt cups, and disposable cups for these purposes. The optimal height for a container is 7-10 cm.

When using peat pots, you should carefully monitor the soil moisture to avoid overdrying. Since peat actively absorbs moisture from the soil.

Sowing scheme

Sow the seeds to a depth of 2 cm, after which the container is covered with film and put in a warm, dark place. As soon as the first shoots appear, the seedlings are placed in a sunny place and watered regularly. The length of daylight for the full development of seedlings is more than 11 hours.

If there is a lack of sunlight, you can supplement the plants with phytolamps or fluorescent lamps.

After two true leaves appear, the seedlings are picked. This is necessary to stimulate the strengthening and development of the plant’s root system.

Before planting plants in a permanent place, they must be hardened off. To do this, it is necessary to gradually reduce the temperature from 22*C to 16*C. You can take the seedlings to a greenhouse or to the veranda, where the temperature is lower than in the apartment.

Planting seedlings

Often purchased seed material of a given variety has already been selected, all seedlings are of high quality. There is no need to carry out the soaking and disinfection procedure. However, in order to awaken the seeds, it is necessary to treat them with a composition that stimulates growth.

One of the best biostimulants is the juice of the aloe plant. By keeping the seed in the plant juice, you can improve the quality of the grains and speed up germination.

However, for this processing it is necessary to prepare properly:

  • cut off healthy leaves from aloe that grow below;
  • put them in a dark cloth in the refrigerator;
  • keep the plant in the cold for at least 10 days.

Thus, aloe will maximize its beneficial properties.

To prepare the composition for soaking seeds you will need:

  • break aloe leaves previously kept in the refrigerator into pieces;
  • Strain the juice through cheesecloth and squeeze well.

Advice! For soaking, use juice diluted with water in a ratio of 1:2. If the seeds are old, the juice is not diluted.

It is necessary to keep the seeds in this composition for at least 15 hours. To do this, place the grains in a gauze bag and immerse them in aloe juice.

Important! After processing, the grains are not washed, but are immediately sown in the soil

Soil preparation

To plant seeds for seedlings, you need to purchase a special soil mixture. If this is not possible, you can collect land from your summer cottage. In order for the seedlings to grow strong and not be affected by insect pests, it is necessary to steam the soil in the oven. After disinfection, you can begin planting.

Preparing the container

First, a spacious box is taken for planting seedlings. The container must have drainage holes. Over time, after picking, you will need plastic glasses. Seedlings will be planted separately in the new container.

Planting seedlings

By planting seedlings according to the agrotechnical scheme, you can get strong seedlings. It is worth noting that planting takes place in February. The procedure will require snow.

Algorithm for planting Japanese tomato seedlings:

Fill the seedling box with soil mixture. Plant the seeds in pre-moistened soil. Place 2 cm of snow on top of the grains. Melt water will stimulate rapid germination of seed. Cover the box with cling film and set aside in a warm place until the grains germinate. This variety produces early shoots

On day 5, the box is taken out and placed in a well-lit place. Next, it is very important to ensure the correct temperature in the room. The optimal temperature will be 17-20 degrees during the day, and 13-15 at night.

After a week, the sprouts need to be provided with a different temperature regime. The root system of the sprouts will be strong and well developed. To do this, it is necessary to maintain a temperature of 20-24 degrees during the day, and 17-18 degrees at night.


Watering Japanese tomato seedlings is done as needed. To determine whether young shoots need moisture, you will need to check the top layer of soil. If the soil is dry, it's time to water.

It is very important not to overdo it with hydration. Excess moisture negatively affects sprouts

Seedlings can be affected by a fungal disease, which is very difficult to treat.


When the first pair of leaves appears on the sprouts, you can start picking. If the seeds were planted in separate containers, the procedure may not be performed. Sprouts planted in a common box dive into separate containers. 700 ml glasses are perfect for this.

Feeding seedlings

In order for the seedlings to grow strong, it is important to fertilize. It will be enough to fertilize the sprouts with mineral fertilizer 3 times.

The interval between feedings should be at least 14 days.

The first feeding is done when the first leaf is formed, the rest - every 2 weeks.

Hardening of seedlings

Hardening is an important and necessary procedure. Such seedlings will be strong and less susceptible to sudden changes in temperature. To do this, it is necessary to accustom the seedlings to cooler temperatures. You can take young tomato sprouts to a cool place, first for 2 hours, then increasing the time to a day. This usually takes about 2 weeks.

Transplanting to a garden bed

Plants can be replanted when they reach 45-55 days. At this point, the seedlings have become as strong as possible and are able to adapt to a new place.

Preparing the site

You should remember about crop rotation; it is not recommended to plant tomatoes and other plants of this family in one place for two years in a row, as pests and spores of infectious diseases may remain in the soil.

As soon as the landing site is chosen, it is necessary to immediately provide pegs for further support.

Tomatoes need a bright, sunny place; the topography should not retain excess moisture, since these plants do not like large amounts of water. The soil is first dug up and fertilizers are applied.

Seedlings in peat pots are planted immediately with the container; it serves as a nutrient substrate for future bushes.

Planting scheme

Japanese crab tomatoes get along well with four of them in 1 square place. Planting pattern – 50x50 centimeters.

Growing Tomato

Japanese crab is demanding when it comes to proper watering. It does not tolerate drought. The stems of tall plants are like vines and do quite well without leaves.

Formation of a bush of the Japanese crab variety

Tomatoes are formed into 1-2 stems, additional shoots and leaves are regularly removed, and the crown of the bush is pinched at a height of 2 meters, so the crop begins to ripen faster.

There are 3 ways to tie:

  • Trellis - strong threads are pulled between the posts in several tiers, trunks are tied to us.
  • Cage - frames that are placed near each plant can be used several times.
  • Caps are cap-shaped frames used to cover bushes for support.


Water the plants once every 7-10 days, but in hot, dry weather it is necessary to water the bushes at least once every 2 days. It is best to navigate by soil moisture; water when the top layer of soil dries 1 cm. All watering rules must be followed:

  • Watering is carried out either early in the morning or late in the evening.
  • The water should be warm.
  • It is best to use a drip irrigation system.
  • Water should pour strictly under the root, without getting on the stem and leaves.

Do not water plants in the hot sun, as this can cause burns.


Each watering should be accompanied by loosening the soil and removing weeds. This procedure improves the penetration of air and necessary moisture to the root system.

If loosening does not work every time, then this procedure must be carried out at least once every 2 weeks. The beds are loosened between the rows and around the bush, but so as not to damage the root system. Weeding depth is 8-10 cm, closer to the bush the depth is no more than 5 cm.


Plants of indeterminate varieties are fertilized no less than 3 times per season. The first feeding includes organic and mineral substances and is done before planting seedlings.

The next fertilizer is applied when the ovaries are forming; it can be made from natural fertilizers; you need to be careful with nitrogen-containing fertilizers, as they stimulate the growth of greenery to the detriment of the fruit.

The last complementary foods are introduced 2 weeks before the expected harvest date.

For feeding, you can use traditional methods:

  • Ash;
  • Iodine;
  • Yeast;
  • Chicken droppings;
  • Cow dung;
  • Nettle solutions;
  • Banana skins;
  • Eggshell;
  • Humus from weeds.

Each product is used to feed both seedlings and adult plants at different stages of growth and formation. You can understand that plants lack nutrients by the following signs:

  • The bushes are weak and grow slowly.
  • Small, limp leaves.
  • Flowers fall from the ovaries.
  • Small harvest size.

Temperature and humidity

The daily temperature should be above 17*C, greenhouses must be regularly ventilated so that excess moisture does not collect there.

Although tomatoes are resistant to cold, when the temperature drops below 5*C, the flowers begin to fall off.

Features of growing and caring for tomatoes

Seedlings of the Japanese crab cultivar grow quickly; you should not sow tomatoes for seedlings early. The sowing time for growing in a greenhouse is the first ten days of March; seeds are planted in open ground at the end of the first spring month.

To prevent seedlings from stretching, they are additionally illuminated using phytolamps or treated with the drug “Atlant,” which inhibits the growth of seedlings.

You need to strive so that by the time of planting the seedlings have a height of 20-25 cm, 6 true leaves, and a thick, strong trunk. The day before planting, the cotyledons of the seedlings are trimmed with scissors.

The Japanese crab tomato variety is unpretentious. You can achieve high yields and large fruits by observing the subtleties of agricultural technology necessary for the full development of the cultivar. Plant care:

  • Japanese crab is a spreading, heavily leafy bush. It is recommended to plant no more than 3 seedlings per 1 sq.m.
  • Gartering of bushes is required. In open ground to strong stakes, in a greenhouse - to a trellis. Not only the main stem, but also the fruit clusters require garters.
  • The plant is formed into 1-2 trunks. The variety produces many stepsons that need to be removed in a timely manner to prevent the bush from thickening.
  • The cultivar needs regular feeding. 15-20 days after planting, the tomato is fed with organic fertilizer. During the period of fruit ripening, root feeding is carried out with potassium monophosphate and potassium humate every 2 weeks. In August, fertilizing continues, halving the dose of fertilizer.
  • During prolonged cold spells, the Japanese crab tomato begins to shed its ovaries. To combat this deficiency of the crop, during flowering it is necessary to spray the flowers and buds with the preparation “Ovary” or a solution of boric acid.
  • Tomatoes do not like high humidity in the greenhouse. To prevent diseases and improve fruit set, arrange daily ventilation.
  • The culture prefers rare but abundant watering. A stream of water is directed onto the ground next to the plant, being careful not to wet the stem and leaves. The drip irrigation system reduces the likelihood of disease development.
  • So that the tomatoes have time to ripen on the bush, the main shoot is pinched in open ground above the 5th cluster, in closed ground - above the 8th bunch.

Tomatoes are not afraid of drafts. For better ventilation, it is recommended to open both windows in the greenhouse.

Diseases and pests

The Japanese crab variety is immune to tobacco mosaic virus, blossom end and root rot. But it is necessary to take all measures to prevent pests and diseases.

Violation of the rules of feeding and watering can lead to the development of fungal infections. For prevention, you can use whey; this composition is sprayed on tomato leaves every 10-15 days.

To prevent the progression of infection and pests, plants must be regularly inspected for signs of disease. If detected, begin corrective measures.

Pest and disease control

The Japanese crab was bred for cultivation in harsh northern climates, so the occurrence of fungal diseases is in principle impossible.

But the weather and climate periodically make their own adjustments, which is sometimes accompanied by the appearance of outbreaks of the disease. In this case, treatment is carried out with any fungicide preparation (HOM, Bordeaux mixture).

Pests that appear on plants are treated with insecticidal preparations of systemic properties (actara, actellik, talstar).

Harvesting and application

The harvest begins to ripen by the 110th day from the moment the first shoots appear. They need to be collected promptly, as we discovered, it is necessary to inspect the bushes for the presence of ripe fruits every day.

Japanese crab tomatoes have a short shelf life and can be stored for up to 5-6 days from the moment they are picked from the plant. The fruits are picked only when they are ripe, as they may spoil when ripe.

Tomatoes are used to prepare salads, sandwiches, and vegetable plates. Rolled up in the form of tomato paste, juices, lecho, adjika.

The fruits of this variety are not suitable for whole-fruit twists.

From ripe fruits you can obtain seed material for subsequent cultivation of the variety. To do this, spread the tomato pulp on napkins to dry. The seeds are selected, thoroughly dried and stored in a dry, dark place. Before planting, they must be treated with a solution of potassium permanganate to disinfect them.


“Japanese crab” refers to mid-season tomatoes, and this is the value of this variety: before reaching technical maturity, the tomatoes manage to acquire enough nutrients and vitamins, which is never observed in early tomatoes.

The first ripe fruits of the Siberian variety can be harvested approximately 3.5 months after germination, that is, already 1.5–2 months after planting in open ground. If the agricultural technology for growing tomatoes is maintained impeccably, “Japanese Crab” will delight you with delicious large tomatoes throughout the second half of summer - the first half of autumn, and in warm regions it can bear fruit until November.

The problem, however, is that tomatoes of this variety, due to their large size and irregular shape, are very poorly stored, so they need to be eaten or processed almost immediately after harvesting.

The Japanese crab tomato is one of the varieties that require a lot of attention and effort. But if the necessary conditions are created, the gardener will receive tomatoes, the taste of which is beyond praise, as a worthy reward for his work.

Care requirements

Characteristics and description of the Pink Paradise tomato variety, its yield

Plants need regular watering

After planting in an open garden in the first days, tomatoes need shelter from the scorching sun. They use agrofibre and burlap. At night, cover the tomatoes with film to protect them from freezing. Everything that follows comes down to several manipulations.


The first watering is carried out a week after planting the bushes. The next one is as the top layer of soil dries out.

Tomatoes experience the greatest need for moisture at the beginning of flowering and at the stage of fruit filling, which has a positive effect on the quality of the crop.

Water must be poured at the root to avoid burning and rotting of leaves and stems. Use settled and warm water.


A day after each watering, the soil is loosened, weeded between the rows, and weeds are removed. To protect against drying out and lodging, the stems are mulched.


High yields are observed with regular and balanced nutrition.

The first fertilizing with nitrogen-containing preparations is carried out 1 week after transplanting the tomatoes into the garden. Mix 15 g of nitrophoska or urea and 10 liters of water. 200 ml is poured under each plant.

At the stage of bud formation and during the fruit filling phase, to improve the quality and quantity of the harvest, a mixture is made: 15 g of superphosphate and 10 g of potassium sulfate are dissolved in a bucket of water. Consumption per plant 0.5 l.

Additionally, the bushes can be sprayed with a solution of boric acid, which increases resistance to disease and promotes good pollination of flowers. Prepared from 0.2 g of powder and 1 liter of hot water (55-60°C). Spray twice - before flowering and a week after the bushes have flowered.

Temperature and humidity

Greenhouse tomatoes need the correct temperature within 20-23°C and humidity at 50%. To maintain these conditions, the greenhouse should be ventilated regularly.

Shaping and garter

As the tomatoes grow, they are tied up to protect the stems from breaking off.

The formation of the bush is also necessary:

  • in one stem. Below the first flower brush, all stepsons and foliage are removed.
  • in two stems - the same manipulations are carried out, only the stepson formed above the flower brush is additionally left.

Diseases and pests

Japanese crab tomatoes have good disease resistance. But to be on the safe side, many gardeners carry out preventive treatments - treatment with a solution of copper sulfate or Bordeaux mixture of 1% concentration.

To protect greenhouse tomatoes from rot, it is important to follow the watering regime, avoiding waterlogging, regularly loosen the soil between rows, remove weeds on time and use high-quality, disinfected seeds for sowing. To prevent the invasion of pests (spider mites, aphids, whiteflies), the row spaces are sprinkled with ash and ground hot pepper. To prevent pest invasions (spider mites, aphids, whiteflies), the row spacing is sprinkled with ash and ground hot pepper.

To prevent the invasion of pests (spider mites, aphids, whiteflies), the row spaces are sprinkled with ash and ground hot pepper.

In case of damage, irrigation is carried out with an ash-soap solution, garlic or tobacco infusion twice with an interval of 7 days.

Tomato Japanese crab (yaponskiy krab) review: how to plant, tomato seeds Japanese crab

Variety – “JAPANESE CRAB”. Tomatoes from Fyodor.

Tomato Japanese crab. Aelita

Growing rules

The basic agrotechnical techniques for growing this variety of tomatoes are simple, but labor-intensive.

Before you start planting, you need to purchase planting material. The popularity of the variety is high, so buying seeds will not be a big problem. This can be done by visiting any Sad-Ogorod store or supermarket, or by placing an order using the Internet on specialized websites.

A good solution would be to buy Japanese crab tomato seeds from private collector Alena Voronina on the ecotomato website.

The seeds have been purchased and now it is necessary to begin the main work.

Planting seedlings

If you purchased untreated seeds, you will need to do it yourself. To do this, you can soak the seeds in a pale pink solution of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) for 20 minutes. If this fungicide is not available, then Epin or Zircon preparations are suitable for seed treatment. The solution is prepared at the rate of 2 drops of the drug per 100 ml of water. The seeds will remain in this solution for at least four hours.

While the seeds are undergoing pre-sowing treatment, it is necessary to prepare the soil for planting.

You can prepare the soil mixture yourself. For this you will need:

  • garden soil;
  • high peat;
  • sand;
  • mineral fertilizers.

Important! Before preparing the nutrient mixture, it is imperative to heat-treat the garden soil in an oven and treat it with a fungicide solution. The simplest solution would be to purchase a ready-made substrate for universal use or specialized for nightshade crops (tomato, pepper, eggplant)

The simplest solution would be to purchase a ready-made substrate for universal use or one specialized for nightshade crops (tomato, pepper, eggplant).

You can use any containers for planting:

  • plastic pots and glasses;
  • seedling cassettes;
  • peat tablets or glasses.

The treated seeds are not deeply buried in the ground (maximum 1.5 cm), spilled with water, covered with polyethylene or glass and placed in a warm, lighted place. As soon as the seeds germinate, the protective coating is removed.

The timing of planting seeds for seedlings varies depending on the location of further cultivation of the tomato crop. You can sow seeds from early March to mid-April.

If each seed was planted in a separate container, then there is no need to pick these sprouts.

When planting seeds in groups, picking should begin only after 3-4 true leaves appear.

Tomato transplant

Depending on the place where the plant grows, there are certain timings for planting seedlings:

  • in April, seedlings are planted in the greenhouse;
  • in the second half of May, seedlings are planted in open ground.

Before planting seedlings, care must be taken to prepare the soil. Treat it and do not forget about applying mineral fertilizers.

During planting, it should be remembered that the plant is tall with large fruits, which requires space for successful development and fruiting. Therefore, no more than four seedlings of the Japanese crab variety should be planted per 1 m2.

Subsequent care for tomatoes

When planting seedlings, you must immediately provide them with supports. Thanks to their help, the plant is not in danger of dying as a result of breakage from the weight of the fruit, and the support will also play an important role when it is necessary to garter the seedling.

As the seedlings grow and develop, it is necessary to carry out regular watering in the morning or evening, strictly at the root, with warm (heated in the sun) water.

Don’t forget about applying mineral fertilizers:

  • during the period of green mass growth, it is necessary to provide the plants with nitrogen;
  • during the period when the ovary begins to appear, the plant needs a balanced phosphorus-potassium fertilizer;
  • For better preservation of the ovary on tomato bushes of the Japanese crab variety, foliar feeding should be done with the addition of boric acid.

A good solution would be to add mulch under the base of the plant. It will help on very hot days to retain the moisture necessary to nourish the root system.

The maximum number of stems at which the plant will grow, develop and bear fruit normally is 2 stems. And do not forget about removing stepsons and excess foliage.

How to grow seedlings

To get seedlings, sow the seeds in the first ten days of March, but remember that under favorable conditions, the tomatoes will quickly begin to stretch and will be too tall by the time they move to the beds.

Seed preparation

Preparation will help you speed up seed germination, reduce the risk of infections, and increase tomato yields.

First of all, select the planting material. Pour out the grains and examine them - discard the small, crooked and empty seeds. Prepare a saline solution: dissolve a tablespoon of salt in a glass of water. Drop the seeds into it. After 15-20 minutes, remove the grains that have floated to the surface and throw them away, and take the ones that have sunk to the bottom for planting.

Warm the seeds: spread them on cotton cloth or newspaper, in bags and place them on the radiator.

Disinfect planting material. Prepare a 1% solution of potassium permanganate: dissolve a teaspoon (without top) of potassium permanganate in three glasses of water. Place the seeds in the solution for 15-20 minutes, then rinse them with running water.

Place the seeds in warm water (26-30 degrees) and stir hourly for 15-18 hours (if you have an aquarium compressor, use it). This procedure is called bubbling - oxygen enrichment. The process increases the germination and growth of the crop.

Soak the seeds in water or biostimulants: at a temperature of 20 degrees for 12 hours. Popular biostimulating drugs among Russian summer residents: “Zircon”, “Epin”, “Immunocytophyte”.

Wrap the seeds in cotton cloth and plastic and place in the refrigerator for 8 hours. Remove to a warm room for 8 hours. Repeat changing temperatures 5-6 times. Hardening off will help grow frost-resistant bushes. According to farmers, yields will increase by 30%.

Place the seeds, wrapped in cheesecloth, on a flat dish (saucer or Petri dish). Constantly moisten the fabric with warm water (25 degrees). When embryos 2-3 mm in size appear, sow the seeds in the ground.

Container and soil

Use plastic cups, containers, and bottles as containers for seedlings.

Buy universal tomato soil at the store. It includes:

  • humus;
  • peat;
  • river sand.

You can prepare the soil mixture yourself. To do this, mix:

  • 1 part of soil from the garden (take from the area where cucumbers, zucchini, carrots, dill grew);
  • 2 parts non-acidic peat (pH 6.5);
  • 0.5 parts sand (river or washed);
  • 1 part humus or sifted mature compost.

Add wood ash (dolomite flour), sphagnum moss and fallen pine needles.

Disinfect both the soil and containers before use with a solution of potassium permanganate or heat them in the oven at 200 degrees.


Bury the seeds into the ground 1-1.5 cm, spray with water from a spray bottle, cover the containers with film or glass and put them in a warm, well-lit place.

Growing and care

When sprouts appear, remove the film. Water with a spoon or syringe, being careful not to get it on the plants.

In the phase of 3-4 true leaves, pick. Add mineral fertilizer to the new soil (1 tbsp per 5 liters of soil). Plants are planted in separate containers and dripped down to the cotyledon leaves. 10 days after transplantation, feed with complex fertilizer. Repeat feeding every two weeks.

When watering, avoid getting water on the stem and leaves.

Harden the seedlings, so the tomatoes will quickly get used to new conditions and will be able to withstand sudden temperature changes and night frosts more easily. 2-3 weeks before moving, start taking the seedlings out into the open air: in the first days for 3-4 hours, in the last days leave them overnight.

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