Tomatoes Pickling miracle: photos, features of the variety, reviews

Description of the variety

Tomatoes of the Pickling Miracle variety grow on very low bushes. Their height does not exceed 45-50cm.

A standard plant of such height does not require supports and only the stepsons that interfere with growth need to be removed. The compactness of these plants allows you to plant a larger number of seedlings per square meter of garden. The pickling miracle grows equally well both outdoors and in protected ground. Seedlings are planted under shelters earlier, where they bloom and bear fruit earlier.

The Pickling Miracle tomato variety ripens very quickly - from germination to harvest it takes from 80 to 100 days.

Convenient for pickling, fruits no larger than 90 g ripen in large quantities on the bush. All fruits are round in shape and bright red. The fruits have dense flesh, strong, but not thick skin, which allows maintaining the integrity of the fruit during storage, transportation and twisting.

The taste of the fruit, both fresh and canned, is pleasant, without excessive sweetness.

Features of cultivation and care

The method of cultivation is through seedlings. 55-60 days before planting the plants in open ground, the seeds are sown in seedling boxes. If the seeds are not processed in the factory, which should be marked on the package, they must be treated for diseases yourself.

Seeds intended for sowing are kept in a disinfectant solution - potassium permanganate solution, aloe juice, Fitosporin solution. Disinfected seeds are washed with clean water, dried and treated with germination stimulants - HB, Epin, Novosil or honey solution.

The grown seedlings are planted in a permanent place according to the 50*40cm pattern when the soil in the garden bed warms up to 15-18 degrees at the depth of planting the seedlings.

The most significant harvest is obtained from plants formed by one shoot, without any side shoots and leaving no more than 5 brushes on the bush. In this case, the fruits will be of the highest quality. Abundant watering and timely application of phosphorus and potassium fertilizers will increase the yield of plants.

You can increase fruit set by spraying the plantings with a solution of boric acid (1 g per 1 liter of water).

Pharmaceutical boric acid powder is dissolved in a small amount of hot water, and then the volume of the solution is adjusted to the desired concentration

It is necessary to spray at the beginning of flowering of the first cluster and with the beginning of ripening of the first fruits. The application of nitrogen fertilizers at the beginning of flowering should be limited.

The Salting Miracle variety has excellent immunity. The bushes are resistant to most diseases dangerous to nightshades. The green mass of bushes of this variety contains toxic substances that repel leaf-eating pests.

Growing tomatoes

The tomato variety “Pickling Delicacy” is grown traditionally using seedlings.

How to prepare seeds?

Recommendations for preparing seed material:

  1. You can increase the yield by placing a bag of planting material several months before sowing next to a heat source. Using a central heating battery, you can warm up the seeds to +25...+30 degrees;
  2. Seed material needs to be disinfected before sowing to reduce the risk of disease. To do this, you need to prepare the following solution: dissolve one gram of potassium permanganate in half a liter of water. The seeds are soaked in the resulting solution for 15-20 minutes. Then rinse in clean water;
  3. The next step is to place the seeds on a damp cloth with a porous structure for 12-15 hours for swelling. Over time, the seeds are dried a little. Thanks to this procedure, the shoots emerge a week earlier than usual.

Sowing seed material

How to sow seeds for seedlings:

  • Sowing of planting material begins 60-65 days before transplanting to a permanent place;
  • It is advisable to sow in a ready-made soil mixture intended for tomato crops. It is permissible to use a self-prepared substrate, which contains equal parts garden or turf soil and humus. However, such a substrate must be disinfected: either calcined in the oven, or spilled with a hot concentrated manganese solution;
  • Seeds are sown in grooves made in moist soil, 1 cm deep, at intervals of 2 cm. Sprinkle the top with a small layer of peat;
  • To speed up germination, containers should be covered with transparent film. Then the containers are placed in a warm, dark place;
  • After the first shoots appear, the film is removed. The containers are moved to a windowsill with good lighting, and the temperature in the room is also lowered. This will prevent the sprouts from stretching;
  • Watering is carried out moderately, preventing the top soil layer from drying out;
  • After a pair of true leaves have formed, the seedlings should be transplanted into separate pots. It is better to use peat, this will prevent possible injury to the root system when planting in a permanent place. After picking, the seedlings are fed with complex mineral fertilizer;
  • For 10-14 days before planting, the seedlings are hardened by taking them out into the open air, gradually increasing the period of being outside.

Rules for planting seedlings

The rules include:

  • In early May, tomato seedlings are transplanted into greenhouse structures, and into unprotected soil in early June;
  • They begin to prepare the soil in the fall. The bed is carefully dug up, simultaneously removing all plant residues. Fertilizers are also applied;
  • In spring the soil is loosened. In greenhouse structures, the top soil layer is removed;

For growing tomatoes, it is preferable to use beds after cabbage, legumes, onions, and green manure.

Young seedlings are planted observing the recommended density - no more than 5 bushes per 1 m2.


I specifically chose the seeds of the Zasolochny variety, since I love salted tomatoes. I was pleased with the harvest, they put a lot of salt in jars. But haven't tried it yet.

It's worth taking the seeds. Good variety, good tomatoes. I weighed several pieces especially for this review, and it came out to an average of 90 grams.

I ordered the seeds specifically for pickling tomatoes. The variety did not disappoint. Dense, juicy tomatoes are suitable for pickling. I salted a decent barrel, now I’m waiting to eat them.

As the cold weather recedes, many summer residents begin to clear out their window sills to begin sowing the seeds of their favorite tomatoes. The Pickling Miracle tomato is the most suitable variety that can be grown at home, in greenhouses and in open ground.

The fruits are consumed raw and cooked, but compared to other tomatoes, they are ideal for canning.

Main types of tomatoes

Depending on their growth, tomatoes are divided into several types:

  • standard,
  • indeterminate,
  • semi-determinate,
  • determinant.

Let's take a closer look at each variety.


These are the shortest tomatoes, distinguished by their compact bush size and thick stem. Standard varieties are not the most productive varieties; their main advantage is their early ripening.

The main advantages of the type include:

  • resistance to adverse factors - drought, frost;
  • thick stem, thanks to which the plant does well without tying;
  • tight fit due to compact size;
  • shallow roots, allowing active absorption of water and additional nutrients;
  • good transportability of fruits.

Standard crops are grown mainly in greenhouses and greenhouses; it is advisable to plant them in open ground only in the southern regions.

Standard varieties include the following varieties:

  1. Cameo is an early-ripening variety with smooth fruits, juicy pulp and a pleasant aroma.
  2. Buyan - the average weight of cylindrical fruits is 90 g. Excellent for preservation, resistant to the vagaries of weather, tobacco mosaic.
  3. Yamal is characterized by increased resistance to diseases and pests. With proper care, you get a good harvest of dense, rounded fruits weighing 70-100 g.


The stem of indeterminate tomatoes reaches 2-4 m in height, so varieties must be tied up. To limit the plant's growth, pinch the top of the stem. This variety is characterized by long-term fruiting; in heated greenhouses, the plant bears fruit throughout the year.


  • high yield - 14-17 kg/m²;
  • stable immunity to fungal diseases and the vagaries of nature.

The disadvantages include the mandatory strict adherence to the rules of agricultural technology, especially when forming a plant bush.

Among the many indeterminate crops there are:

  1. Angel F1 is a new domestic hybrid without restrictions on the region of cultivation, early ripening, for salad purposes. It is characterized by high productivity, good immunity to fusarium and verticillium.
  2. Belfast F1 is a popular early-ripening hybrid, immune to cladosporiosis, fusarium, tobacco mosaic, and tolerates transportation well. The fruits weigh an average of 210 g, do not crack, and the yield is high - up to 26 kg/m².

Tomato Angel F1

Other indeterminate varieties and hybrids are Walford's Miracle, Crushed Heart, Tyler f1, Lion's Heart, Star of Siberia.


Semi-determinate plants stop growing at about 10-12 inflorescences, are characterized by high productivity, do not require complex care, and are suitable for greenhouses and open ground.

A distinctive feature of the species is short internodes.

Among the many semi-determinate varieties are:

  1. Magnus is an early variety with tasty fruits and is considered ideal for canning.
  2. Silhouette is a greenhouse hybrid; its small fruits are perfectly stored and transported.
  3. Red Arrow is one of the most unpretentious varieties, suitable for canning and summer salads, and is characterized by high yield.
  4. Zinulya is a mid-season variety with large and sweet fruits.

Tomato Magnus


Determinate tomatoes are varieties that stop growing when a cluster of flowers appears at the top. The height does not exceed 80 cm. They are grown everywhere: in the southern regions - in open ground, in other parts of Russia - in hotbeds and greenhouses.

Such plants bear fruit once per season for 1-3 weeks.

The main advantages of determinate tomatoes:

  • precocity;
  • high productivity;
  • friendly return;
  • low maintenance requirements;
  • possibility of cultivation even in northern regions;
  • suitability for canning.

The disadvantages are quite controversial - some vegetable growers consider determinate tomatoes less tasty.

The best varieties of determinate tomatoes:

  1. Alsou is a mid-early, large-fruited variety. Grown in open and closed ground, yield up to 9 kg/m². Used fresh and in salads.
  2. Gina TST is a mid-season variety that does not require pinching for film greenhouses and open ground. Resistant to cracking and disease, suitable for canning and fresh consumption.
  3. Lyubasha F1 is an ultra-early hybrid of universal use, resistant to cracking and disease, suitable for growing in open and closed ground. It has a high yield - up to 20 kg/m².

Tomato Alsou

Description of fruits

In appearance, the berries are roundish-oval in shape and slightly reminiscent of cream. During the ripening period, tomatoes acquire a bright red color. The Pickling Miracle tomatoes begin to ripen on the 85th day after the first seedlings appear in containers. The weight of one fruit varies from 90 to 110 grams. The skin is elastic, the flesh is aromatic, sweet, but not too sweet, like, for example, Orange and Chocolate Miracle tomatoes.

  • high shelf life and good transportability;
  • small fruits with a collective ripening method. One fruiting cyst grows from 10 to 15 berries;
  • do not require constant support;
  • have a good immune system to many known diseases;
  • tolerate hot days and light frosts well;
  • good harvest.

Tomato Pickling miracle

Early, racemose, determinate variety of tomatoes for open ground, film shelters and greenhouses.

The bush is compact, 50-80 cm high, does not require pinching. Some gardeners still remove the shoots before the first flower cluster in order to get an earlier harvest. However, this slightly reduces the yield.

Basic qualities of fruits

The fruits are oval cream, smooth, even, dense, red in color at maturity, weighing 90-100 grams, juicy, good taste. Not prone to cracking, transportable. These tomatoes are ideal for whole-fruit canning, but are also suitable for fresh consumption and processing into tomato products.

The variety is resistant to late blight and other tomato diseases.

The advantages of Pickling Miracle tomatoes also include high yield, good transportability and good keeping quality of the fruit.

This tomato variety is not included in the state register of breeding achievements in the Russian Federation.

Features of cultivation

Sowing the seeds of this variety of tomatoes for seedlings is carried out 55-60 days before the intended planting in the ground. Dive - at the stage of appearance of the second true leaf. When planting seedlings in a permanent place per 1 sq. m area it is recommended to place up to 6 plants. Planting pattern: 70 x 30 - 40 cm.

All further care for tomatoes consists of timely watering, weed removal, fertilizing and preventive measures to protect plants from diseases and pests.

Tomato Pickling miracle on video

If you grew Pickling Miracle tomatoes, please write what the yield and taste of the fruit was like in your climatic conditions. How do you rate the disease resistance of this variety? If possible, attach a photo of the entire bush or individual fruits you grew.

Your reviews of the Pickling Miracle tomato, as well as additions to the description, will help many gardeners evaluate this variety more objectively and decide whether it is worth planting or not.

Agricultural technology

It is necessary to sow seeds 50-55 days before the intended planting of seedlings in open soil or a greenhouse. Picking tomatoes The pickling miracle is performed at the moment two true leaves appear on the seedlings. When transplanting tomatoes to a permanent place, the seedling planting pattern should be 70 to 30, and the number of bushes per 1 sq. a meter should not exceed six plants.

Stages of growing seedlings for open ground

Plants should be planted in open soil after the first frost is likely to occur. Before planting seedlings in the ground, the seedlings must be hardened, disinfected and warmed up.

  1. Pre-heating the seed material makes the Pickling Miracle tomato seedlings more resistant to hot weather. Two months before pre-sowing the seeds, the grains are hung from a room radiator.
  2. The hardening stage is carried out by changing the temperature regime, placing the tomato seeds in the refrigerator for 10 hours. Next, the seeds are removed and warmed at a temperature of +18 -+20 degrees for 4 hours. After this, the seeds are again placed in the refrigerator. The hardening period of grains is carried out within 10 days. This technique makes tomatoes more resistant and hardy to low summer temperatures.
  3. The existence of tomatoes in open ground suggests possible infection of tomatoes with various infectious diseases: fungi, bacteria and viruses. Harmful microbial flora can be found not only in the soil, but also on the seed itself. To disinfect seeds, use a 1% manganese solution. The grains are wrapped in cloth and left for 30 minutes. After this, the planting material is taken out and dried well.

Advantages of the variety

Agronomists highlight a series of positive characteristics of the Miracle of Altai variety:

  1. Resistant to low temperatures.
  2. Endurance against external factors.
  3. High percentage of seed germination.
  4. Good stress resistance.
  5. Continuously continued growth under any conditions.
  6. Constant formation of ovaries.
  7. High yields are present when grown both in greenhouse conditions and in open beds.
  8. Wave-like forging of fruits.

The only drawback of the variety that was noticed by summer residents is the intolerance of excessive amounts of moisture. Due to waterlogging of the soil, the root root rots, which leads to the death of the plant.

Planting seedlings and soil

Properly grown seedlings are the key to a good future harvest. Tomatoes need to be regularly fed, watered and the light regime of the day observed. During the first period of growing seedlings, preparations with a high nitrogen content are used as fertilizing. The seedlings are picked at the moment two or three true leaves appear and the tomatoes are directly transplanted into soil enriched with potassium and phosphorus. Thanks to chemical elements, tomatoes quickly adapt to a new environment and take root well.

The living conditions for tomatoes in open soil are characterized by unstable temperature changes, which can have a detrimental effect on young leaves of seedlings. To avoid this situation, plants must first be hardened off. This is done gradually. At the initial stage, seedlings are hardened by ventilating the room, then the plants are taken out to the balcony for 15-20 minutes. Thanks to this technique, tomato leaves gradually begin to get used to the scorching rays of the sun and fluctuating temperatures.

Pests and diseases

The pickling miracle tomato differs from other varieties of tomatoes due to its strong immunity. The stems and leaves of tomatoes contain toxic alkaloid substances, so most leaf beetles avoid tomatoes. The main pest is the Colorado potato beetle. He is especially attracted to young seedlings and new leaves. At the first signs of the appearance of the Colorado potato beetle, tomatoes are sprayed with any pesticides.

Pickling miracle tomatoes are a very popular variety among amateurs and experienced summer residents. This popularity of the variety is due to its universal use. For the first time, tomatoes were obtained through selection by Ural specialists and were intended for cultivation in open ground.


Last year I decided to start growing tomatoes. I planted about five varieties, among which were the Salting Miracle tomatoes. I grew seedlings at home on the windowsill in special containers. It turned out to be not very convenient, since I had to replant the tomatoes into separate plastic cups. Since I am an amateur, the seedlings were a little unsuccessful. Most of the seedlings stretched in one direction. When transplanting plants into open soil, the seedlings had to be buried deeper. Despite my inexperience, I collected a fairly good harvest of tomatoes. The Pickling Miracle. The tomatoes were small, but there were 8-10 fruits on one fruitful branch. The fruits taste sweet and are ideal for preserving sauces and tomato pastes.

Advantages and disadvantages, reviews from gardeners


  1. The compactness of the bushes allows you to save space in the garden.
  2. Productivity. From 1 bush you can harvest from 20 liters.
  3. Keeping quality is high, tomatoes tolerate transportation or storage in boxes well.
  4. The dense pulp does not deform after canning. The taste also remains the same.
  5. Resistance to late blight and other diseases, the composition of the leaves repels pests.
  6. The tomato does not require complex care, including pinching.
  7. No support needed.

No deficiencies were noticed during cultivation.


  • The tomato is suitable for targeted planting for canning. It grows quickly, ripens together, and is easy to collect. The tomatoes are small, neat, and easy to put in a jar. Care is limited to watering and fertilizing. In the greenhouse, ripening is accelerated, so you can start harvesting without waiting for the troublesome autumn season (Natalia, Krasnoufimsk).
  • A tomato with a classic tomato taste, it can be used to make sauces and pastes. The minimum time spent on care pays off with a high yield. You can plant it densely, there is no need to tie it up (Nikolai, Altai Territory).

Description and characteristics of the variety

Tomato Pickling miracle is a new variety, the creation of Ural breeders. It can be planted throughout Russia and countries with similar climates, even in regions of risky farming. True, in the north a heated greenhouse is needed, and in the middle zone a film shelter is desirable, since the yield in it will be higher.

Tomato seeds Pickling miracle Hay is produced by low-growing standard bushes of 45-50 cm. From the moment the seeds germinate until the first fruits are received, 80-100 days pass. Tomatoes weigh 80-100 grams, have a round shape and thick red skin. The pulp is juicy and fleshy, but quite dense and does not crack. The fruits are used for preparing for the winter, preparing various cuts, juices, pastes, eating fresh and in the form of salads.

Advantages of the variety

The description of the Miracle of Altai variety indicates the possibility of cultivating these tomatoes in greenhouses and in open ground. A tomato with an average ripening period, the first harvest is removed from the bush 90 days after the seeds hatch.

The characteristics and description of the variety classify this tomato as an indeterminate plant type, which is characterized by constant growth of the main stem. During the growing season, the bushes reach a height of 130-160 cm. Powerful bushes are distinguished by strong stems and emerald green foliage.

  • The variety is adapted to low temperatures and retains the ability to set fruit in extreme conditions.
  • 3-5 tomatoes ripen in strong bunches.
  • Unripe fruits are characterized by a small dark spot near the stalk, which disappears as they ripen.
  • The tomatoes are intense red in color, have an oval, slightly elongated shape, and have tender and juicy flesh.
  • The fruits taste sweet with barely noticeable sourness.
  • With a horizontal cut, 5-7 chambers with seeds are observed.
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