A dark-fruited hybrid with tasty and healthy fruits - Black Truffle tomato: description of the variety

Seductive tomato - Black truffle. It will be a discovery for gourmets who prefer exotic things in the garden and in their dishes. To win the hearts of even more gardeners, breeders from Japan have improved indicators such as disease resistance and tolerance to negative factors.
HeightLanding locationRipening timeFruit colorFruit sizeOriginFruit shape
TallGreenhouse, Open groundMid-earlyBlackAverageHybridPear-shaped

Fruit characteristics

Ripe fruits are purple in color. The tomatoes are not very large - about 250 g. They have a pear-shaped shape. They are characterized by long-term storage.

Which regions are suitable for cultivation?

This is a warm and light-loving variety. And if you live in the south of Russia, you can grow it in open beds. If you are planning to plant tomatoes in a greenhouse, then the region does not matter.

Methods of use

The fruits have not only beautiful appearance, but also excellent taste. They are suitable for preparing fresh salads, and, due to their small size, are ideal for pickling and pickling in jars.

Interesting! This variety is not suitable for making sauces and pastes at all. This is because the fruits have dense pulp and contain a lot of dry matter.


Tomato has excellent yield indicators. If all growing conditions are met, one bush can grow 5-6 kg. fruits If you choose a planting scheme of two bushes, the harvest can reach 10-12 kg.

Brief information about the variety

  • Fruits and bush: pear-shaped tomatoes, with pronounced ribbing, weighing 160-190 g. When ripe, they turn purple. The bush is indeterminate, grows throughout the summer, and can reach a height of 3 meters or more. Needs high support and constant tying up.
  • Productivity: very high - at a temperature not lower than +200 up to 20 kg per 1 sq. m.
  • Resistance: rarely susceptible to diseases of nightshade crops, not afraid of pests.
  • Growing areas: central and southern regions of Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova.
  • Application: universal, but best consumed fresh.
  • Planting: sowing for seedlings in March-April, in the ground - at the end of May. Suitable for vertical planting along fences, fences, between rows of other garden crops.
  • Soil: light, fertile, rich in organic matter, with medium acidity (pH 4-5).
  • Care: the bushes are very tall and require tying up the stem in several places, as well as each branch and brush. Feeding - 3 or more times per summer.
  • Maturation period: mid-early hybrid (ripening period 105-120 days). In the greenhouse it ripens faster - on the 100th day. Tomatoes have the longest shelf life - up to 3 months in the refrigerator.

Pros and cons of the variety

Among the advantages are:

  • resistance to major diseases that affect tomatoes;
  • excellent taste characteristics;
  • excellent shelf life of fruits.

The disadvantages include the following:

  • capriciousness to temperature and light conditions;
  • due to the fact that the plant has rather fragile branches, it needs an indispensable garter.

Reviews about the variety

The Japanese black truffle tomato is often grown as an ornamental variety. High yields become a pleasant “bonus” for gardeners. They note the good taste and preservation of the fruits, their versatility and benefits for the immune system.

This variety rightfully deserves praise due to its many positive qualities. The ability to harvest large yields in small areas is something that few varieties can boast of. Purple tomatoes are healthy, tasty and a great addition to any garden.


First of all, to obtain excellent harvests, you should grow healthy seedlings.

This is not at all difficult to accomplish, only some conditions are required

  • High-quality planting material. The future harvest depends on what seeds you use to grow seedlings. It is important to find a good seed supplier. Study the market of suppliers, look at reviews, consult with experienced gardeners.
  • "Correct" soil. You need to start preparing the soil for planting seedlings seven days before planting. Regardless of what kind of sowing you choose - from the garden or from the store, you need to disinfect it with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

Next, the seeds can be germinated. To do this you will need a piece of soft cloth. You can use cotton pads or gauze pieces. Wet the material with water and place the seeds on it. Then cover and place in a warm place.

Important! Make sure that the fabric does not dry out. To do this, periodically spray it with a spray bottle.

A layer of drainage 1-2.5 cm thick should be placed at the bottom of the box for sowing seedlings. You can use fine gravel and sand for this. Next is a layer of soil, 4-5cm thick, it needs to be compacted a little and watered with warm water. Next, you should make grooves at a distance of about three cm from each other. Very carefully place the sprouted seeds in them. Then you need to sprinkle the container with a layer of soil 1-1.5 cm thick, cover it with film and put it in a warm place.

  • The “correct” temperature. For uniform emergence of sprouts, a temperature of 23-25 ​​degrees is required. But, when the first shoots appear, the boxes should be immediately taken to a cooler place (temperature is approximately 12-16 degrees during the day and 10-12 at night).

Attention! If the above conditions are not met, the seedlings will become excessively elongated and may die.

  • Watering. Even mature sprouts should be watered exclusively by spraying with a spray bottle.
  • Dive. This procedure is performed when 2-3 true leaves appear on the plant. This usually happens 12-18 days after the sprouts appear. Picking is transplanting a plant into a larger container. Peat cups are perfect for this.
  • Feeding. Without timely application of fertilizers, it is impossible to obtain healthy plants. It is important to perform all these actions exactly on time.

The first time fertilizing is done immediately after picking. To do this, make a solution of 8-12 g of ammonium nitrate, 40 g of superphosphate and 7-10 g of potassium salt per 10 liters of water.

The second time feeding is performed 8-10 days after the first. To do this, use either fermented chicken manure in a ratio of 1:10 with superphosphate, or mineral fertilizers. For example: 15-18 g of ammonium nitrate, 40 g of superphosphate, 60 g of potassium chloride.

  • Lighting. The best place for growing seedlings is southern window sills. If there are no such windows in the apartment, you can use additional lighting using fluorescent lamps.

Attention! If the plant lacks light, it will become overly elongated and become pale in color.

  • Hardening. This is the most important procedure in the growing process; it helps the plant adapt to temperature fluctuations.

To do this, you need to take it outside for a while.

And only after completing this procedure, you can proceed to planting plants where they will grow permanently.

History of growing the Black Truffle tomato variety

Finding information about the origin of this tomato variety was not easy. There are 2 points of view on this matter. According to the first, the variety was bred in Japan, and in Russia it began to be grown only at the beginning of the 21st century. Another point of view is the opposite of the first. Its adherents claim that the variety, on the contrary, was bred in Russia. The black truffle (and other varieties of Japanese truffle) is not included in the State Register of Breeding Achievements, which makes it even more difficult to trace its history of origin. In Russia it is gaining popularity due to its positive qualities.

The black truffle is not the only variety of tomato with a characteristic shape reminiscent of the mushroom of the same name. There are also red, pink and yellow truffles.

How to care for tomatoes


Water for this should be used either spring or rain and always warm. Consumption: for seedlings with 5-6 leaves, the norm is 4 liters per 1 m2.


  • in case of excessive stretching of plants, they should be fed using mineral fertilizers;
  • fertilizing bushes with manure can lead to an increase in leaves, which can cause delayed fruit growth;
  • For greenhouse growing of tomatoes, a special carbon dioxide fertilizer is suitable; it will help speed up the ripening of tomatoes;
  • after heavy rains, large amounts of nutrients are washed out of the soil and need to be replenished;

  • Ash can be used for fertilizing; it should be noted that it should be gray in color. Sprinkle it on the soil around the bush. Proportions – 1 matchbox for a bush.


This variety has rather fragile shoots that can break under the weight of the fruit, which is why they need an indispensable garter.

The bush is best formed into two stems.

Gardener mistakes

Most errors are related to the formation of bushes. Indeterminate tomatoes must not only be formed into 2-3 shoots, but also not allowed to grow above 1.5 meters, pinching the tops before flowering begins. At the same time, untimely removal of numerous stepsons also significantly reduces the yield of tomatoes.

The second mistake is trying to grow Black Truffle in the northern regions in open ground. At low temperatures, the bushes stop growing, wither, do not bloom and die. Even if the plant survives, it will be impossible to achieve a good harvest. Other common mistakes: thickening, lack of brush garter, overwatering, overfeeding with organic fertilizers.

Japanese golden truffle

Tomato bushes of this variety are strong and tall, the stems grow up to 180 cm in height. They are varieties with medium ripening periods; the fruits can be enjoyed 125-135 days after seedling germination. To obtain a bountiful harvest, it is recommended to shape the bushes and tie them to a trellis. Up to 5 clusters can form on one healthy stem, each containing either 5 or 6 tomatoes. The weight of the fruit varies within 100 grams. Pear-ribbed or squash-shaped tomatoes attract attention with their decorative properties and excellent taste. The sweet, juicy pulp is covered with a dense skin, the color of which acquires a golden-orange hue by the time it is fully ripe.

Pest and disease control

Tomatoes of the Japanese Truffle variety perfectly resist various fungal diseases and are not susceptible to infection by bacteria. But the tomato is at risk from other diseases, such as Phoma. Therefore, if there are brown spots on the fruits, it is necessary to immediately remove the affected tomatoes from the bush to prevent further development of the disease.

For prevention, the fungicide “Hom” and fertilizing with a high amount of nitrogen are used. You can also notice dry spotting on tomatoes, which appears immediately after transplanting the tomato into the soil. For treatment, “Consento”, “Tattu” and their analogues are used.

The photo shows Phoma, which damages the Japanese Truffle tomato bush, due to which, according to reviews, the yield decreases.

The main pests for the tomato variety are thrips, spider mites and melon aphids. To protect tomatoes, “Karbofos” or “Bison” is used.

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