Healthy and tasty tomato variety Amber: description of tomatoes and growing tips

Description of the tomato variety Yantarny

Tomato variety Amber low-growing. The bush is standard, it limits its growth and branches weakly. Does not require removal of side shoots. Tomatoes form a compact root system, which allows you to grow more bushes per unit area. The plants have a strong stem and dense green leaves. The first brush is formed after the 5th sheet. The following inflorescences are formed through one leaf. The fruiting period begins 90 days from the appearance of the first shoots. Tomato Amber 530, shown in the photo, has good reviews from gardeners.

Agrotechnical methods

The Yantarny 530 variety belongs to the group of yellow-fruited tomatoes. Both the skin and pulp of tomatoes at the stage of technical ripeness acquire a rich yellow color. The fruits are small in size (50-70 g), round, smooth or with slight ribbing at the stalks.

The taste of tomatoes is characterized as sweet. All yellow-fruited tomatoes are characterized by an almost complete absence of sourness and a fairly high sugar content (up to 6%). The dessert taste of the fruit makes them attractive for fresh consumption, as part of salads and light summer snacks.

Due to their small size, Yantarny 530 tomatoes are ideal for canning as a whole. Golden tomatoes can be pickled and salted as part of a multi-colored assortment of vegetables. The sweet taste of the fruit goes well with vinegar marinades.

The peel is not particularly dense, but withstands heat treatment during canning. There are usually no burst fruits in the jar if the placement was done carefully. The dense pulp does not lose its quality during canning, so the preparations always look good on the table.

Tomatoes tolerate transportation well. The variety has good keeping quality and the ability to ripen when picked.

The fruits of the Yantarny 530 variety are round in shape. They are even and smooth. When the fruit is ripe, it turns yellow, sometimes with a hint of red. Their weight is 50-70 grams. The maximum possible weight reaches 150 grams. It is stated above that the plant does not require care, but if you still make an effort to grow them, it will become strong and productive. Despite the fact that the fruit is early, it has a sweetish taste. Moreover, it has been proven that tomatoes contain large amounts of sugars and carotene.

It is best to use tomatoes of the Yantarny 530 variety fresh. Due to their density, they are suitable for whole-fruit canning. They will not crack and will last for a long time.

The characteristics of the variety are positive. In order to accurately verify the quality of Yantarny 530 tomatoes, you need to look at what users say about this variety.

The variety is recommended for growing in greenhouse conditions. In central Russia it develops and bears fruit just as well in open ground.

  • Sowing of seeds is carried out 60-65 days before planting in the ground. It should be sown in lightly compacted specially prepared soil to a depth of 1 cm. It is recommended to sprinkle the top with a peat-soil mixture and cover with film until the first shoots. The ideal temperature for seed germination is 25 degrees.
  • Young shoots need additional lighting, and the temperature should be reduced to 18-20 degrees. After a week, raise it again to 22 degrees.
  • After the first true leaves appear, the seedlings are planted in separate pots.
  • A couple of weeks before transplanting, the plants need to be hardened off.
  • When the grown bushes acquire the sixth true leaf and the first brush, then it’s time to plant tomatoes for permanent residence. They can be transplanted into greenhouses from the beginning of May, and into open ground, preferably not earlier than the beginning of June, when the threat of frost has passed.
  • Tomato planting pattern – 30 x 50 cm.
  • As the bush grows, it requires the formation of two stems, so it is necessary to carry out pinching in a timely manner.
  • During the growing season, tomatoes need additional nutrients, so you should regularly feed tomatoes with complex mineral fertilizers.
  • You should also regularly water and loosen the soil.

Pros and cons of the Amber tomato variety

Gardeners value the Amber tomato variety for its positive characteristics:

  1. The bushes are compact and do not take up much space. Plants do well in containers. Tomatoes are used for growing on balconies and loggias.
  2. The Yantarny tomato variety is suitable for growing without seedlings.
  3. Plants are determinate, so plant 6-8 plants per 1 m2. Thus, the tomato yield increases.
  4. Tomatoes are distinguished by friendly flowering and fruiting. Early ripening of the crop.
  5. Each tomato bush forms 5-6 bunches. After this, it stops growing and the fruits ripen.
  6. Even at low temperatures in the summer and prolonged rains, tomatoes set fruit well. Therefore, they are grown in the northern regions.
  7. The Yantarny variety is resistant to major diseases.
  8. Does not require pinching or gartering.
  9. The fruits are well stored and can withstand long-term transportation.

The tomato variety has no obvious disadvantages. Perhaps the small size of the fruit. Sometimes gardeners note the sour taste of tomatoes.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantage of this variety is its tasty, aromatic fruits with pronounced sweet notes. Tomatoes can be stored for a long time without losing their quality.

In many regions, Amber Honey tomatoes have time to ripen on the bush.


  • tasty and juicy fruits;
  • good yield;
  • resistance to many infectious diseases;
  • can be collected green and sent for ripening in a dark place;
  • the fruits do not crack even during long-term storage.

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  • First minus
  • needs pinching and tying up;
  • quite demanding on growing conditions (temperature, humidity, light, fertilizers).


  • excellent taste characteristics;
  • marketability;
  • transportability;
  • tolerance to temperature drops and cold snaps;
  • versatility;
  • useful composition;
  • disease resistance.


  • the importance of balanced feeding.

Agricultural technology of tomatoes Yantarny 530

It is recommended to grow tomatoes in seedlings. Seeds are sown 60 days before transferring to the ground. As a result of using this method of cultivation, ripe tomatoes are obtained in June.

Growing seedlings

Before sowing, the seeds are kept for half an hour in a solution of potassium permanganate. This reduces the risk of contracting diseases. Then they are washed with water and placed in a solution with a growth stimulator. This treatment accelerates seed germination.

Seeds are sown on well-moistened soil. Mulch on top. Cover the container with glass and leave it warm. Seeds germinate within a week. After the first two true leaves grow, the seedlings are picked.

If tomatoes are transplanted into a common box, the distance between them is kept up to 10 cm. It is better if each plant is planted in a separate glass.

Before planting in the ground, seedlings are hardened off. The first time they open a window or a window. Then they leave it on the balcony for a long time.

Landing rules

Seedlings are planted in a permanent location when the threat of frost has passed. Each region has its own time for transferring plants to open ground. Choose a sunny place for planting. The soil is dug up. Follow the rules of crop rotation. The best predecessors of tomatoes are:

  • cabbage;
  • onion;
  • garlic.

It is not recommended to plant tomatoes in place of nightshades: potatoes, peppers, tomatoes. Planting is carried out according to a 40 by 60 cm pattern. Gardeners advise adding 10 g of superphosphate to each hole.

Watering and fertilizing

After planting the tomatoes, fertilize them. Complex mixtures are used for this crop. If they are not available, they are fed with nitrophoska. Take 1 tbsp per bucket of water. l. The prepared volume is distributed among 20 bushes, approximately 0.5 liters for each plant. Feeding tomatoes is repeated during the period of formation of the first bunches. During fruiting, monitor the presence of moisture. A large number of fruits set requires a lot of water.

Pinching and tying

Tomato variety Yantarny does not require pinching or gartering. Gardeners remove side shoots up to the first cluster.

Advice! Many inflorescences are formed; under the mass of fruits during their ripening period, the bushes can bend over and lie on the ground. If this outcome is undesirable, the tomatoes are tied up.


Tomatoes of the Yantarny variety form into one stem. After the harvest is harvested, experienced gardeners do not immediately remove tomato bushes. After a short time, stepsons form at the bottom of the stem of the plant. If time permits, an additional harvest of tomatoes is obtained.

Growing without seedlings

Tomato variety Yantarny is grown by direct sowing in the ground. To do this, first carry out the preparatory work:

  • determine the landing site;
  • install arcs, select a film or any covering material for them;
  • They use cut plastic bottles to preserve heat.

Holes are prepared for sowing seeds 30 cm apart. Spill them with hot water with a small amount of potassium permanganate. Place 4-5 seeds in a circle in each hole and mulch. Cover with plastic bottles. The prepared material is placed on the arches and pressed on the sides.

After germination, excess seedlings are removed and two plants are left in the hole. If the ambient temperature is high, they open it, and if the weather is cloudy and cool, they keep it closed.

After the tomatoes have grown stronger, leave one bush and cut off the other. It is not recommended to pull it out, as it can damage the root system of the remaining plant.

Bushes are rarely watered with this planting method, since the root system goes deep. Plants are able to obtain moisture themselves.

Tomatoes grown in this way quickly catch up with the planted seedlings. Productivity does not decrease.

The bushes are fed with ammonium nitrate. Take 1.5 g of fertilizer per 1 liter of water. 500 ml of solution is poured under the bush. The next feeding is carried out after the formation of the first ovary. Fertilizers are placed in the soil at a distance of 20 cm from the bushes. Planting depth is 7 cm. Use 20 g of superphosphate and 10 g of potassium chloride. You can use mullein in a ratio of 1:10.

The lower leaves and stepsons are removed.

Protection from diseases and pests

The Yantarny tomato variety is resistant to diseases. High humidity can cause fungal infections. The disease is identified by brown or gray spots on leaves and fruits. For prophylaxis, Bordeaux mixture, Topaz, and Oxychom are used. Tomatoes are sprayed in the morning and evening. To prevent late blight, they are treated with Fitosporin.

Actellik and Fundazol are used to control pests.

Advice! A preventive technique that reduces damage to tomato bushes is the absence of thickening of plantings.

Resistance to diseases and pests

This variety is highly valued by vegetable growers for its resistance to macrosporum and late blight, as well as to adverse weather conditions. However, in order to prevent their occurrence, it is better to spray with special products that can be easily purchased at a gardening store.

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To prevent pests from appearing, do not forget about simple measures:

  • Preventive spraying with soap solution (moderate).
  • Inspection for pests.
  • And of course, simple hilling.

This way you can provide sufficient protection to the variety.

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