Tomato King of Kings: description of the variety, cultivation of the variety, reviews, yield

Tomato King of Kings: reviews, photos, yield

It is difficult to imagine a garden plot without tomato bushes. The culture has become widespread among vegetable growers. When creating more and more new tomato varieties, breeders invest in them the best properties and characteristics of existing predecessors.

Tomato King of Kings is one of the varieties that have won the trust of most vegetable growers.

It holds the record for the largest fruit size among tomatoes.

The content of the article:

1. Origin 2. Tomato King of Kings: characteristics and description of the variety 3. Productivity of the variety 4. Planting, cultivation and care, feeding 5. Diseases and pests 6. Reviews of tomatoes of the King of Kings variety 7. Information from the manufacturer

Photo of King of Kings tomatoes

How to grow seedlings

The seedling method allows you not only to harvest a healthy and rich harvest, but also to speed up its ripening. Let's consider detailed instructions for growing seedlings.

Seed preparation

When preparing seeds, use the advice of experienced gardeners:

  1. Buy seeds from a gardening store. When choosing a material, pay attention to the information on the packaging and carefully read the characteristics of the tomatoes. Trust only trusted manufacturers. Before purchasing, check the integrity of the packaging.
  2. Do not forget that diseases can “live” on the surface of seeds. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to carry out disinfection. Dilute a weak solution of potassium permanganate and wash the seeds with it. This is also done using a 2-3% hydrogen peroxide solution - keep the seeds in it for 7-8 minutes.
  3. Then soak them for a day in any growth stimulator. The drug "Green Belt" is perfect. If you do not trust the composition of such products, then replace them with traditional recipes, for example, aloe juice.
  4. Then dry the seeds without washing.
  5. Sprouting will help improve the quality of the crop. Place cheesecloth in a saucer and place seeds under it. Make sure the gauze is not too wet or too dry.

Important ! Do not neglect the seed hardening procedure. Such seedlings tolerate weather changes better, and the bushes develop much faster. To harden, place the seeds in the freezer overnight, then remove and leave at room temperature for a day. After repeating this operation several times, rest assured that your seedlings will withstand any climatic fluctuations.

Container and soil

The best place for planting is land on which nothing has been grown for the last 1-2 years. If there is no such soil, then the plant should be planted in beds where cucumbers, potatoes, cabbage or zucchini previously grew.

Important ! Prepare the ground in advance. Even in the fall, dig up the beds, remove any remaining weeds, and remove debris. The soil should not contain seed material of other crops.

Please note that tomatoes love well-moistened soil. Don't forget about the acidity level. Tomatoes also prefer soils that contain sand and other loosening elements (for example, ash). Fortunately, today it is not difficult to purchase soil that meets all these requirements - it is sold in gardening stores.

To prepare seedlings, ordinary plastic boxes or flower pots are suitable. The width of the container is more important than its depth, so don’t skimp and provide the plant with plenty of space.


Place drainage (for example, expanded clay) at the bottom of the container, then soil and fill with a small amount of warm water. After the moisture is absorbed, use a wooden stick to make small indentations. They should be at a distance of 4-5 cm from each other. Sow the seeds there, then sprinkle them with a thin layer of moist soil.

Then cover the container with cling film or a plastic lid and place in a warm, well-lit place.

Growing and care

Seedlings should be kept in a bright room for at least 12 hours a day. Check the condition of the soil regularly and spray it with a spray bottle if necessary. To prevent fungal diseases, gardeners advise spraying seedlings with Fundazol, a medicine against infections.

If there is not enough light, purchase a phytolamp, it will restore the balance of light and heat. If you are confident in the fertility of the soil, then the seedlings do not need to be fed until picking. That is why it is best to purchase soil in specialized stores.

Tomato King of Kings: characteristics and description of the variety

The tomato is truly amazing and unique. The main difference is the size of the adult fetus. The maximum possible weight of a ripe tomato reaches... from 1 to 1.5 kg!

The minimum weight starts from 200 grams. A real “Gulliver” among other varieties and hybrids.

Tomato King of Kings photo descriptions

The declared harvest is from 5 kg per bush. Read more about yield below.

King of Kings tomatoes belong to the indeterminate species. When the ovaries form, the stems do not stop growing, but continue to grow and develop. They can reach enormous sizes. In this regard, “artificial” control of the size of stems and branches is required. Otherwise, an adult bush can grow up to 4 meters in height. This growth creates difficulties in care and harvesting.

Due to its size, the bush must be tied to supports. This is especially true when growing in open ground. In greenhouse conditions, high tomato growth is not a “minus”. Here, on the contrary, tall plants are welcome.

The King of Kings tomato variety is good to eat fresh. Not suitable for winter preparations.

The tomato has thin, soft, delicate skin. This makes the conservation process difficult. You can marinate. However, the real taste and aroma of the fruit can only be felt when consumed fresh.

Large-fruited tomatoes!

• Fruits up to 1 kg - KING of Giants • Weighing up to 900 g.
The pride of Siberia The taste characteristics are wonderful.
The sweet taste is diluted by sourness. Despite their thin, delicate skin, tomatoes are excellent at transporting over long distances. They are stored well, preserving the taste, nutrients, and aroma. In addition, they maintain a great appearance. And these are not all the advantages.

The variety has high disease resistance. Especially to late blight. It often affects crops growing in closed soil conditions. However, tomato is susceptible to attack by pests. Good prevention is required here.

Description of fruits

Ripe tomatoes have a smooth and round shape. The surface is slightly ribbed, slightly flattened. A ripe tomato has a rich and juicy red color. Inside there is fleshy, dense pulp. Consists of chambers ranging from 4 to 8, with seeds. The partitions between the chambers are quite thick.

How to grow tomatoes

To get a rich harvest, follow a clear sequence of actions.


For the process to go smoothly, it is necessary to stop watering the seeds 2-3 days before planting. And on the appointed day, an hour before planting, on the contrary, moisten the ground generously with water. This is necessary so that the soil is not damaged during replanting and the plant is not damaged.

The King of Kings is planted in open ground around the first half of June, in greenhouse conditions - in the second half of May. Before planting, the soil is dug up, disinfected with a solution of copper sulfate, and then sprinkled with organic fertilizers.

If you are planting tomatoes in a greenhouse, then also carry out disinfection - wipe all hard surfaces with the solution, including walls, doors, pegs. This can also be done using a solution of copper sulfate.


The King of Kings, like other tomatoes, needs timely watering. However, be careful - too much water can lead to undesirable consequences, for example, cracking of tomatoes. It is better to water the bushes closer to the roots, avoiding moisture getting on the leaves. This simple rule will help protect the plant from diseases.

The bush responds well to nettle-based fertilizing This product improves the immunity of the crop and increases its productivity.

It is advisable to feed vegetables every 2 weeks. In addition, you should feed the tomatoes with Nitroammophoska, a product that promotes excellent formation of tomatoes.

Since the King of Kings is a high variety, a mandatory garter of tomatoes is required. Stepping should also be carried out periodically. In general, the variety is unpretentious in care. Do not forget about loosening the soil and removing weeds.

Features of cultivation and possible difficulties

Both a beginner and an experienced gardener may encounter a number of nuances when growing a variety:

  1. Cracking of fruits occurs if there is an excess of moisture in the soil.
  2. The need for tying and pinching takes personal time and effort.
  3. Although the King of Kings is resistant to diseases, it is sometimes affected by diseases that require special measures to treat the bushes.
  4. The next day after watering, do not forget to loosen the soil so that the necessary moisture reaches the roots.
  5. Don’t forget about fertilizers - proper fertilizing will only be beneficial.

Diseases and pests

The worst enemy of all tomatoes is late blight. Fungal spores penetrate the bushes and destroy the crop. A white coating or brown spots appear on the leaves. The fungus develops especially quickly in conditions of heat and high humidity. To combat the disease, both special drugs and folk remedies are used. For example, garlic tincture or ash solution.

Another problem is tobacco mosaic. Affected plants develop a yellow-beige pattern on the leaves (hence the name). It is recommended to remove such bushes immediately, since it is almost impossible to completely get rid of the infection. For prevention, it is recommended to spray the bushes with a solution based on whey.

Among the pests, the whitefly should be mentioned. It causes yellow spots on plants, which then slowly kill it. To combat whiteflies, Confidor products are used.

Spider mites are also harmful to tomatoes. It leaves its web on the bushes, as a result of which the leaves dry out. It is recommended to fight ticks with garlic infusion.

Tomato King of Kings: planting, growing and care, feeding

The King of Kings variety is grown exclusively using seedlings. King of Kings tomato seeds are purchased in specialized departments and can be ordered in the online store.

Planting and growing tomato seedlings

Purchased seeds must be disinfected by soaking them in a solution of potassium permanganate for a day. After this, they are thoroughly washed under running water and placed in another solution - with a growth stimulator. It is also left in it for 24 hours.

Dried King of Kings tomato seeds are placed in containers for germination. Simple cardboard boxes are suitable as pots. When a pair of real, green leaves appear, they are transplanted into separate containers. Peat pots are perfect. At this stage, a good drainage system and frequent loosening of the soil are important.

This promotes oxygen access to the developing root system, which directly affects the development and health of the entire plant. Also, water moderately.

After just a couple of months, the grown seedlings are moved to a permanent place of growth. This applies to closed ground conditions. Planting in open ground is carried out only if the soil has sufficiently warmed up to 15 degrees Celsius.

Landing in the ground

The bushes grow large and branchy, and therefore require a lot of space. No more than three bushes can be placed per 1 m2. The distance between bushes should be at least 40 cm, and between rows - from half a meter.

The place of growth must be chosen correctly. Tomatoes need sunlight. The soil should be low acidity, or, in extreme cases, not higher than average.

Tomato care King of kings

The tomato does not require care. It is necessary to water in a timely manner, loosen the soil, weed, tie and trim. It is also appropriate to use mulching to retain moisture in the soil.

Feeding the King of Kings tomato deserves special attention. Fertilizer must be applied in a timely manner, exactly on time:

  • the first application of fertilizers is carried out two weeks after picking;
  • during planting at a permanent place of growth, products containing phosphorus are applied;
  • at the stage of flowering and ovary formation, compositions containing nitrogen are necessary;
  • When fruits ripen, fertilizers containing potassium are required.

Since the tomato grows very tall, it is necessary to artificially limit its growth. The stepsoning procedure is carried out. The first time pruning is done when the bush grows only 6 cm. The shoots at the very bottom are removed.

During the season you will only need to carry out pinching three times.

Pinch off the tops periodically. This slows down the growth of the bush. And as a result, nutrients are sent to the formation of tomatoes.

The King of Kings variety is formed into one or two stems.

The first tassel begins to appear above the 9th leaf. The rest - every 3 plates. The garter of the bush is not carried out immediately, but gradually, as the bush forms and grows. It is important to do this at the right time, because otherwise the branches may simply break, even if the fruits are not yet ripe.

Features of cultivation

Seeds for seedlings can be sown from mid-March to early April (with the expectation that after 65-70 days the bushes will be transplanted into the greenhouse). The soil can be purchased at the store or made independently, for example, based on peat and garden soil (1:1). You can add 0.5 parts of humus and compost, as well as a pinch of sand and wood ash.

The soil is first disinfected in a weak solution of hydrogen peroxide or potassium permanganate, and the seeds are placed in a growth stimulator - “Kornevin”, “Epin” - for several hours. They can be planted to a depth of up to 1 cm with an interval of 2 cm. Lightly sprinkle with soil on top, after which they are sprayed generously. Cover with a glass lid and grow until the first shoots appear at a temperature of 25-27 degrees. If the room is dark, add additional light with a phytolamp so that the day length is 13-14 hours.

The further sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. After germination, the lid is removed and watering continues periodically.
  2. After 2-3 true leaves grow, the seedlings are planted in individual containers.
  3. At the same time, the temperature is gradually reduced to 20-22 degrees. If possible, at night you need to reduce it to 17-18.
  4. A week before transplanting, seedlings are hardened at 15-16 degrees. To do this, the containers are periodically taken outside or onto the balcony: first for 10-15 minutes, then longer (resulting in up to several hours).

The bushes are transplanted into the garden bed in mid-May, and into the greenhouse 7-10 days earlier. It is advisable that the temperature does not drop below 12-15 degrees even at night. The scheme is standard: seedlings are placed in a checkerboard pattern, leaving an interval of 40 cm between neighboring plants (a little more - 50 cm between rows).

Further care will be as follows:

  1. The bushes are regularly watered with warm, settled water (1-2 times a week, up to 3 times in drought).
  2. Feed with complex fertilizer (can be alternated with liquid organic compounds) once every 2-3 weeks.
  3. The soil is mulched with humus, peat, hay and other materials.
  4. The bushes are tied to a reliable support.
  5. They are formed into 2 stems and planted.

During pinching, remove all side shoots from the brush

Diseases and pests of tomato crops

The King of Kings tomato variety has excellent resistance to diseases characteristic of tomato culture. But when it comes to pests, it’s worth being fully prepared. The whitefly is especially dangerous. It is capable of destroying an entire plantation in a short time, let alone a greenhouse.

It is necessary to carefully monitor tomatoes and regularly inspect plants for pests. The very first sign of damage is the presence of small white dots on the back of the sheets.


If pest damage is detected, all shrubs are treated with special means, among them: Actellik, Vercitillin, Mospilan.

Tomatoes King of Kings are an excellent tomato for cultivation in greenhouse conditions.

He is not capricious. Caring for tomatoes is simple: watering, fertilizing, weeding, loosening. The only thing is that beginners may have difficulties with pruning. This is not a reason to refuse to grow this tomato.


King of Kings is one of the newest hybrids, incorporating the best qualities of many time-tested and modern varieties.

The advantages of a hybrid include:

  • high productivity;
  • large, beautiful fruits;
  • wonderful taste;
  • good transportability;
  • resistance to late blight;
  • good keeping quality of the crop.

There are very few reviews about growing these tomatoes, so the only disadvantages noted are:

  • high price of seeds;
  • impossibility of use for preservation and pickling.

What are tomato fruits?:

  • This is a giant variety.
  • The color of the tomato is bright red.
  • Their surface is slightly ribbed, smooth, their shape is round, slightly flattened.
  • The pulp is dense, fleshy, not too juicy.
  • Each tomato has 4 to 8 seed chambers and thick, fleshy septa.
  • The dry matter content of fruits is 8-10%.
  • The taste is pleasant, sweet, with a slight sourness.
  • The fruits have high commercial quality and good transportability.
  • Tomatoes are large in size. The average weight of one tomato ranges from 1000 to 1500 g. Minimum weight – 200 g.
  • Grows 5 pieces from one brush.

King is a table variety. Perfect for making salads, can be processed into juices, pastes, and purees. Not used for canning or pickling.

On our website you will find a lot of useful information about growing tomatoes. Read all about indeterminate and determinate varieties. And also about the intricacies of caring for early ripening varieties and varieties characterized by high productivity and disease resistance.

You can compare the weight of the fruits of this variety with others in the table below:

Variety nameFetal weight
King of Kings200-1500
Bella Rosa180-220
Pink Lady230-280
De Barao70-90
De Barao the Giant350

Tomato King of Kings: reviews from those who planted

Vegetable growers who have already tried to grow the variety are happy to share their observations and recommendations on how to grow King of Kings tomatoes. Reviews are below.

Konstantin, 57 years old, Krasnodar:

“I’ve been raising the King for several years in a row, I like him. I get a high yield, which significantly covers the cash costs of purchasing seeds. In principle, it’s not even comparable. The variety does not require care: watering, timely pruning, fertilizing, a lot of sunlight. That's basically it. The tomatoes are very tasty. I recommend it for cultivation!”

King of kings: photos and reviews of those who grew tomatoes

Tatyana Sergeevna, 62 years old, Moscow region:

“The first year I grew the King of Kings tomato. Reviews online are mostly positive. I prefer large-fruited tomatoes and this one made me very happy. There were no difficulties in obtaining seedlings and growing them in a permanent place - a greenhouse. The only thing is that I strictly followed the described scheme for applying fertilizers. An excellent yield of about 13 kg per m2 was obtained. I think this is not the limit."

Varieties of large tomatoes!

• Green tomatoes “Swamp” • GIANT raspberry • tomatoes HEAVYWEIGHTER of Siberia
Lyudmila And Alexander Vorontsov, Sverdlovsk region:
“We are fans of tomatoes. In our garden this is the first crop that we began to grow. We often try new varieties. The year before last we grew the King of Kings. I was pleasantly surprised by the round, dense, large fruits. The most massive fruit that we managed to grow reached a weight of 1 kg. We eat it fresh. I like the sweet and sour taste. By the way, an ideal option for freshly squeezed juices. Try it."


Victoria, 32 years old. I bought the King of Kings 2 years ago.
I liked the variety, very tasty, moderately sour and very meaty. The salads turn out wonderful. But here’s what I noticed: if you leave only 1 stem, the tomatoes turn out larger than with 2 or more stems. I even had tomatoes weighing 800-900 grams. ★★★★★
Nazar, 43 years old. Not a bad variety, this King of Kings, but I don’t like the fact that you have to buy seed material every year.
That's how many times I tried to plant my own seeds, I couldn't get the same tomatoes - the taste, color, and shape weren't the same. But despite this drawback, I still grow this tomato every year. I just want to warn you that you need to buy seeds from trusted producers, because once out of 40 seeds, only 7 of them hatched for me. Now I only take from the Siberian Garden. Tested, high quality, I recommend. ★★★★★
Lydia, 56 years old. Although I consider the variety to be late, I grow it all year round.
I equipped a winter greenhouse for this, and there were no problems. The tomato has excellent taste, meatiness, but not enough juiciness. I always grow it in 2 stems, because when I grow it in one, the fruits grow too large (one salad is enough for a plate). I also like the fact that the tomatoes ripen gradually, rather than all at once, so you can enjoy them for a long time. Hide

Add your review

The King of Kings tomato is intended for greenhouse cultivation, but it is possible to grow a tomato in open ground under appropriate conditions (enough heat and light). Many gardeners recommend this variety even to beginners, since it does not require much effort in caring for and cultivating. It does not need to be transplanted into a greenhouse before diving into the garden.



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Tomato “King of Kings”: description and characteristics from the manufacturer

Mid-late giant variety for protected soil. Perfect for gardeners who prefer to grow large-fruited tomato varieties in greenhouses. The plant is indeterminate, powerful, 1.4-1.8 m high, which allows full use of the greenhouse volume. The fruits are very large, bright red, dense, flat-round in shape. The minimum fruit weight is 300 g, the maximum is 1300-1500 grams, and the better the plant is cared for, the larger the fruits and the more abundant the harvest. The first brush is placed above the 9th sheet, the next after 3 sheets. Productivity up to 5 kg per plant.

Sowing of seedlings is carried out 60-70 days before planting the plants in a permanent place. The optimal constant temperature for seed germination is 23-25°C. When planted in the ground, 1 sq. m. 2.8-3.1 plants are placed. The variety responds well to watering and fertilizing with complex mineral fertilizers. Grow in one or two stems with a garter to a support.

To speed up the process of seed germination, improve plant health, and improve fruit set, it is recommended to use specially developed plant growth and development stimulants.

Manufacturer: Siberian Garden

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