Tomato Siberian surprise: photo and description of the variety, yield, cultivation

Already in mid-February, gardeners and gardeners begin purchasing seeds for the coming season. The choice is of course huge, and tomatoes can be selected to suit every taste, for which we should thank the breeders.

They have developed many varieties among them: resistant to low temperatures - for regions with cold climates, high-yielding - for agronomists, resistant to diseases and unpretentious in care - for summer residents who appear in the garden only on weekends. “Siberian Surprise” is just right for cold regions of the country.


It belongs to the mid-early varieties, ripe fruits appear already on the 101-110th day. The bush is determinate, medium-sized and can reach 120 centimeters in height. The stem is powerful, it is covered with large dark green leaves, the inflorescence is simple, the first is formed above the 10th leaf, the subsequent ones with an interval of 1-2 leaves. Tomatoes grow in clusters, one can contain up to 10 tomatoes.

The fruits are cylindrical, elongated, and resemble peppers. They tie even when weather conditions worsen. Unripe fruits have a light green color, and a dark spot on the stalk; when ripe, they turn red. Weight can range from 80 to 150 grams. The skin is dense, the flesh is fleshy and has a pleasant taste. With the right agricultural technology, you can harvest up to 10 kg of delicious tomatoes from 1 m2.

“Siberian Surprise” is included in the state register of the Russian Federation as suitable for cultivation in open ground and film shelters. It can be eaten fresh, added to various dishes and canned. During processing, the fruits retain their appearance and do not crack.


  • Versatility of use.
  • Tolerates weather changes well.
  • Great taste.
  • Attractive presentation.
  • Easy to care for.
  • Subject to storage and transportation.
  • Early maturation.


  • Garter and the need to remove stepsons.

What you need to know about the variety

Tomato “cardinal”: characteristics and description of the variety

Tomato Andreevsky surprise

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general characteristicsMid-season
Maturation period115-130 days after germination
Keeping quality (safety in storage)Low
PurposeSalad, canning (for processing into juices and sauces)
Fruit weight200-300g
Number of fruits per cluster4-5
Disease resistanceHigh

Characteristics and description of the variety:

  1. Bred by domestic breeders and included in the State Register of Plants of the Russian Federation, zoned in almost all regions. Designed for cultivation on personal plots and small farms. Suitable for film shelters and open ground.
  2. The plant is indeterminate, grows up to 2 meters. The foliage is high; periodic pinching is required to increase yield. For best performance, it is recommended to form a bush with 1 or 2 stems.
  3. This is a late-ripening variety, from the moment of germination to the harvest of the first harvest, it takes from 115 to 130 days. The fruiting period is from 1 to 2 months.
  4. The average weight of tomatoes is from 200 to 300 grams. In greenhouses, tomatoes grow up to 500 grams, and some specimens even grow up to 800 grams. In open beds they are an order of magnitude smaller, the average weight is 150 g, and the maximum rarely exceeds 400 g.
  5. The yield is average, up to 5 kg of tomatoes are harvested from one bush. If you consider that they are quite large, then it is clear that there are few fruits on the plant. The fruits are flat-round in shape with moderate ribbing at the stalk and are prone to cracking.
  6. The taste is excellent, the variety is ideal for fresh consumption. Tomatoes make very tasty sauces and juices. In general, it does not roll up due to its large size.
  7. The variety does not require special conditions for cultivation and this is its main advantage. Both seedlings and adult plants tolerate moderate shading.

This variety has excellent fresh taste.

Video: One of the best varieties of tomato - Andreevsky Surprise... Why is it popular among gardeners??

Growing seedlings

Sowing of seeds is usually carried out 60-70 days before the expected date of planting in the soil. For successful cultivation, you must follow the recommended care. And use only proven seeds for sowing; it is better to buy them in specialized stores. Before planting, the seeds are disinfected and then soaked in a stimulant.

The soil is also prepared in advance; before sowing, it is calcined in the oven in order to kill all microorganisms, and then watered with a warm manganese solution. A comfortable temperature for seed germination is considered to be 23-25 ​​degrees. They are sown to a depth of one centimeter, the recommended planting pattern is 3 by 1.5 centimeters.

Picking is mandatory; it is carried out as soon as two true leaves appear on the sprouts. During the growing season, plants need to be fertilized 2-3 times; “Siberian Surprise” responds well to complex fertilizers. If necessary, the plants are illuminated using a fluorescent lamp, it should be 10 cm from the plant. Recommended daylight hours for seedlings are 16 hours. You need to water once every 5 days.

You may be interested in: Dates for planting tomato seedlings in open ground and greenhouses according to the garden calendar Favorable days for planting tomatoes for seedlings in 2022 according to the lunar sowing calendar Favorable days for picking tomatoes in 2022 after germination: timing of picking tomato seedlings in the table by day

Shortly before planting, young plants need to begin to be hardened by taking them out into the air for a short time, in this way they will become stronger and adaptation to a new place will be easier for them.

Growing and care

The soil is usually prepared in the fall; for this purpose, humus is added to it and plowed; before planting, it can be treated with warm potassium permanganate, thus disinfecting it. Holes are dug at a distance of 40 cm; from 3 to five bushes can be placed on one square meter. Before transferring young seedlings there, they can be fertilized with wood ash and watered. Since this variety needs staking, pegs are driven in next to the hole, or a trellis is installed for the plants.

After just two weeks, you can fertilize the established bushes; they respond positively to both complex fertilizers and organic ones. Carry out the procedure a second time in a month. Regular watering is recommended, but you should not overwater the plant. Tomatoes love moist and loose soil, so you need to remember to loosen the rows, giving the roots the opportunity to get enough oxygen.

It is best to form bushes with 2-3 stems, this will ensure a higher and more stable yield. Stepchildren need to be cut off weekly. If any signs of disease appear, immediately remove the damaged bush, this will protect the remaining plants from imminent infection.

Agricultural technology

After planting, these early-ripening tomatoes are not watered for about 8-10 days, then when watering they are guided by weather conditions and the condition of the plants themselves. The schedule is 1-2 times a week, but everything is adjusted according to precipitation. In inclement weather, instead of watering, loosen the soil around the plants.

The variety does not require pinching, although a number of summer residents remove some side shoots (if the bushes become very overgrown). The plant does not need pinching; the main trunk ends in an inflorescence and further fruit growth occurs on the side shoots.

For outdoor plants, it is advisable to install supports. Pegs are also needed during the fruiting period, since the branches with tomatoes are weighty and heavy.

Tomato responds well to fertilizing, for which organic matter and complex fertilizers (nitrophoska) are used. At the beginning of the growing season, nitrogen fertilizers are applied: mullein, bird droppings, diluting them in water (1:10, 1:15). During the flowering period and then the beginning of fruiting, plants need potassium and phosphorus. An infusion of wood ash, superphosphate, and ready-made fertilizer formulations (Ideal, Kemira) are used.

The variety is resistant to infections and manages to produce the main harvest before late blight appears. But this does not exclude prevention at all, for which the plants are sprayed with Bordeaux mixture, a solution of boric acid.

The fruits are harvested when they just begin to turn red, and they ripen at home, placed in baskets or boxes.

If it is necessary to collect tomato seeds for sowing, the tomatoes are left to turn red on the bush, and then removed in a state of full biological maturity.

The Siberian early ripening tomato variety will delight you with stable yields and unpretentiousness. The tomato is suitable for growing by inexperienced gardeners, as it requires minimal care and at the same time produces tasty fruits.

Natalia Severova


Yana 30 years old

We live in the Moscow region, we haven’t built a greenhouse yet, and the weather is not always pleasant. I was looking for an unpretentious variety of tomato, and the salesperson in the store advised me to try “Siberian Surprise.” To be honest, I didn’t really believe in success, because last season, on the advice of a friend, I planted a seemingly undemanding variety, but it turned out that either I’m a bad gardener or the variety was not successful. She grew seedlings at home in warmth and comfort, and carefully looked after them. It grew well, I transplanted it into the garden at the beginning of June, surprisingly, the harvest was good, even in cloudy weather the fruits were set. We ate the tomatoes fresh, the taste was excellent, I marinated several jars. Next year I will definitely plant more.

Evgeniy 45 years old

We planted “Siberian Surprise” this season and am pleased with the harvest. Tomatoes are delicious, we ate salads from them all summer. My wife froze it for the winter, used it as a dressing for borscht and added salt. True, I fertilized the plants only twice during the entire period, but nothing bad happened; apparently, it’s not such a demanding variety.

Characteristics of tomato Andreevsky surprise

The Andreevsky Surprise variety has proven itself well when grown throughout Russia, including the northern regions.

Productivity and fruiting

The yield of the variety ranges from 3.5 to 8 kg per square meter. m and depends on growing conditions. When growing tomatoes in greenhouses with all the necessary agrotechnical practices, the yield reaches a maximum. When grown in unprotected soil, yields drop due to unstable climatic conditions.

For an indeterminate, the yield of the Andreevsky Surprise tomato, judging by the reviews, is small, but the quality of the tomatoes shown in the photo makes up for this drawback.

The fruiting period begins in the second half of July, the ripening of tomatoes is uniform, not extended. The last harvest of tomatoes should be done at the end of August. Unripe fruits are stored in a warm and dark place; they will soon turn red.

Area of ​​application of fruits

Tomatoes of the Andreevsky Surprise variety, according to reviews, are intended for fresh consumption in salads and for preparing vegetable dishes. The rich, rich taste and dense pink flesh of tomatoes make dishes tasty, juicy and bright. These same qualities make it possible to obtain from tomatoes no less tasty and healthy juices, pastes and ketchups with a rich tomato taste and pleasant consistency.

Resistance to diseases and pests

Tomato Andreevsky Surprise, with proper care, is not susceptible to one of the most common nightshade diseases - late blight. He has good immunity and is resistant to diseases. This important factor adds adherents to this variety.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

The Andreevsky Surprise tomato has many advantages:

  • taste;
  • large fruit;
  • disease resistance;
  • universal application;
  • unpretentiousness.


  • average yield;
  • tendency of fruits to crack.
( 2 ratings, average 5 out of 5 )
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