How to deal with septoria of tomatoes? Causes and signs of the disease

Every gardener dreams of getting a rich harvest of tomatoes by the end of the season.
Unfortunately, tomatoes are often susceptible to various diseases that can destroy the plants. One of these diseases is septoria. In order to save tomatoes, it is necessary at an early stage to be able to distinguish this fungal disease from others and know methods of combating it.

Description of septoria

Tomato septoria is a common disease caused by the fungus Septoria lycopersici . Most often, the pathogen infects plant leaves. Because of the small, off-white spots that characterize this disease, it is also called “white spotting.”

Septoria disease of tomatoes is typical for the European and West Siberian parts of Russia, Belarus and Ukraine. The sources of infection are spores that have persisted since the fall on fallen leaves and in the top layer of soil. The spores spread quickly and affect tomatoes growing in open ground. Diseases of greenhouse plants can occur due to work carried out with undisinfected tools.


Grayish or gray-white spots appear on the leaves, surrounded by a brown border at the edges.
They elongate, becoming oblong, and if left untreated, they grow over the entire surface of the leaf. Over time, the center of the spot darkens: fungal spores develop in it. The affected areas dry out and die. The circulation of plant sap is disrupted, the bush spends energy growing new leaves, and as a result, the fruits do not receive enough nutrients. The disease begins from the lower parts of the bush and gradually moves higher.

The fungus can deprive the gardener of half the ripening harvest.

Reasons for appearance

Like other fungal infections, septoria develops in warm, humid weather. Therefore, gardeners most often encounter it during warm but rainy summers. In hot weather and high humidity, spores are spread by the wind throughout the garden area.

From infection of the plant to the appearance of the first signs of the disease usually takes from 1 to 2 weeks, the time depends on weather conditions. In windy and rainy weather, the fungus spreads as quickly as possible.

Features of the disease

The main sign of the disease is leaf damage. They acquire a dark color and are completely saturated with moisture (watery blisters form on the surface of the leaves). After a few days, the size of such areas increases and reaches a diameter of 5-7 cm. The leaves become brown with a black edge, and the central part of the affected area becomes gray.

Tatyana Orlova (candidate of agricultural sciences):

White spots are an accumulation of mycelium and spores of the parasite, with the help of which it spreads during the growing season. Later, in the fall, overwintering bodies are formed on the same mycelium - rounded brown spots visible to the naked eye.

If the disease affects the stem and petioles, the spots become oval rather than round. Small areas of fungal spores appear on them. Once the disease reaches its final stage, the entire leaf and stem begin to dry out. As a result, the leaves fall off and the bush dies completely.

Tatyana Orlova (candidate of agricultural sciences):

The harmfulness of septoria depends on the time of occurrence. Most often, this disease manifests itself in the flowering phase - the beginning of fruiting in tomatoes. But under favorable conditions, it can also affect younger plants. In protected soil, especially in large greenhouse plants where tomatoes are cultivated all year round, septoria can already be observed on seedlings. The younger the plant affected by this disease, the more dangerous the prognosis.

Signs of infection and photos of affected plants

The disease primarily affects old leaves, because young foliage is more resistant to diseases. Often the top of the plants remains intact.

Signs of septoria:

  • the upper part of the leaves is covered with small dark spots;
  • the spots quickly increase in size and become white in the center;
  • there is a dark rim around the light center;
  • in the center of the spots you can see small black dots - these are fungal spores.

Gradually, the disease affects all leaf tissues. Unaffected areas of the leaf turn yellow, and soon the leaves die and fall off.

Septoria blight can be confused with cladosporiosis (brown spot). The main distinguishing feature of septoria is the shape of the spots on the infected areas - white in the center with a dark halo around. In addition, the Septoria fungus very rarely affects tomato fruits.

Here you can see photos of plants affected by septoria.

Differential features

Signs of septoria blight appear first on the lower, older leaves of the tomato, usually after or during flowering. The apex is the last to be affected, but often remains completely intact.

The first to appear on the plates are watery round or angular spots with a diameter of 2-5 mm, which are rarely paid attention to. They quickly become dirty white, a brown rim appears, at this moment the disease is easy to identify even from a photo.

At first, the brown halo is wide, occupying almost the entire mark. Over time, it becomes narrower; the main space is filled with an internal white spot. Tiny black dots of pycnidia form in the center. These are the fruiting bodies of the fungus Septoria lycopersici.

It is the leaves covered with small white spots with black spots inside that make it possible to accurately determine that tomatoes are infected with septoria.

With further development of infection:

  • areas of leaves free from white spots turn yellow;
  • Tomato growth slows down;
  • Over time, the plates dry out, curl and crumble;
  • small, flaccid fruits are formed.

With the strong development of septoria, the white spots almost merge, the leaves of the middle tier and other vegetative organs are affected. The tomato spends all its energy on renewing its green mass; plastic substances do not enter the fruits. If you do nothing, the bush will die.

The development cycle of the disease and its danger

The most favorable temperature for the development of the Septoria fungus is 20-25°C and air humidity is 77-94%. The pathogen overwinters in infected crop residues, weeds and soil. When favorable conditions arise, fungal spores multiply and spread with the help of wind and water.

The incubation period is 1-2 weeks. After this time, the first signs of infection can be detected on the leaves: small, 2-3 mm in size, gray spots. As the spots grow, they acquire a size of 5-6 mm and a dark brown halo forms around them, and when examined through a magnifying glass, you can see small black dots - pycnidia, they contain fungal spores. Gradually, the disease affects most of the plant.

Tomato septoria is most dangerous when plants are infected early. Leaf plates damaged by the disease dry out prematurely, and the growth and development of the bush is delayed. The plant spends a lot of energy producing new leaves. As a result, the fruits are smaller and less dense. Early manifestation of the disease can reduce the yield by 30 - 40%.

Septoria (white spot) of tomatoes (Septoria lycopersici)

White spotting of tomatoes is manifested by the appearance on the leaves of the plant of small, even round spots of off-white or brown color, bordered by a brown stripe. Over time, these spots “spread” to the point that they can occupy the entire surface of the leaf. On the spots of these leaves on both sides you can also notice numerous dark dots-pycnidia of the fungus - it is from these fruiting bodies that infectious fungal threads - hyphae - spread into the plant tissue.

The disease begins to spread from the lower old leaves, then moves higher and affects the stems, flowers and fruits of the plant. In case of severe damage, these organs not only change color, but subsequently curl, bend and dry out. The tomato not only loses mature leaves and shoots, but in the future is forced to spend all its energy on the formation of new ones, and not on fruiting.

Under conditions favorable for development, septoria can “mow out” more than half of your tomato crop. And the conditions for the fungus are primarily high air humidity and hot weather. Septoria spores are spread by wind, carried by people and animals, or splashed by drops of rain and irrigation water. Therefore, the more humid and windy it is, the higher the likelihood of plant infection.

For tomatoes, septoria is more dangerous when grown in open ground; in greenhouses it develops only in patches due to gross violation of growing technology; it can occur in greenhouses when growing seedlings. Massive manifestation of white spotting on tomato plants is observed during the period of fruit ripening.

Septoria blight does not spare other nightshades - eggplants, peppers and potatoes are also susceptible to white leaf spot.

Prevention and treatment of tomato septoria

Maintain crop rotation and return tomatoes to the same area no earlier than after 3 years.

For cultivation, if possible, select varieties and hybrids of tomatoes that are more or less resistant to septoria: Golden Fleece, Horeb, Ballad, Worthy, Amiko, Joker, Medi, Platus, Beryl F1, Mondial, etc.

Before planting, treat tomato seeds with Fundazol or disinfect them in a solution of potassium permanganate.

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To prevent white spotting, spray growing tomatoes with 1% Bordeaux mixture or 0.3% copper oxychloride suspension.

Provide tomatoes with complete mineral supplements.

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Systematically ventilate greenhouses and greenhouses, observe temperature and humidity conditions.

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When plants are infected, spray tomatoes with fungicides (Skor, Ordan, Previkur, Profit Gold, Ridomil Gold MC) or copper-containing preparations (copper sulfate, Kuproksat, Oxychom, etc.).

If the disease is in an early stage, carefully trim the diseased tomato leaves, including healthy areas of tissue. Dig up and destroy severely affected plants.

The source of infection is fungal spores, which persist until the next season in the undecayed remains of diseased plants, so the latter must also be removed and destroyed (especially for greenhouse cultivation).

If you had diseased plants on your site this season, after harvesting, start disinfecting greenhouses and agricultural equipment. Dig the soil deeply.


If small white spots are found on tomato leaves, it is necessary to take measures to eliminate the disease and preserve the harvest.
Septoria can be treated with various drugs, as well as traditional and agrotechnical methods. Here are the main ways to combat septoria:

  • agrotechnical methods;
  • folk remedies;
  • chemicals;
  • biological drugs.

Read more about each method.

Agrotechnical methods

If signs of disease are detected on tomatoes, you need to:

  1. remove damaged leaves;
  2. tie up the bushes so that the lower leaves do not touch the ground;
  3. regularly ventilate the greenhouse;
  4. reduce watering;
  5. mulch the tomatoes, this will help regulate the level of humidity and prevent waterlogging;
  6. loosen the soil after watering so that air penetrates to the roots;
  7. fertilize plants with mineral fertilizers, this helps make them more resistant to disease;
  8. disinfection of garden tools.

If the disease has severely damaged the plant, it must be dug up and burned, and the remaining bushes must be treated for preventive purposes. A seriously affected bush cannot be saved, but its destruction will help preserve the remaining tomatoes.

Folk remedies

There are various folk methods to combat septoria in tomatoes. These methods are used by many gardeners for minor plant damage, because... they do not contain chemicals and are safe for humans.

  • Saline solution. Preparation: take a glass of rock salt in a bucket of water, mix and spray the plants in dry weather.
  • Garlic infusion. Preparation: grind 10 heads of garlic into a pulp, pour in a liter of warm water, leave for 2 hours, dilute the mixture with a bucket of water, leave for 24 hours. Strain the infusion and spray the tomato bushes.
  • Iodine based solution. Preparation: pour a liter of milk, 20 drops of iodine into a bucket of water and mix thoroughly. Spraying should be done after tomatoes bloom, once a week, for a month.
  • Infusion based on horsetail. Preparation: pour a liter of water into a saucepan and put on fire. After the water boils, add 200 grams of chopped horsetail. Boil the mixture for 30 minutes, strain and dilute in a bucket of water. Treat tomatoes with infusion in the evening, for two months, every 15 days.

These solutions form a protective film on the leaves and prevent the spread of the disease. By adding shavings or a liquid soap solution, the protective film remains on the plants longer.


If the plants are severely affected by the fungus, folk remedies will not be effective and it is necessary to treat the tomatoes with chemicals. Fungicides effective against septoria:


The drug has a complex action and is resistant to washing off with water. Usage: dissolve 6 grams of the drug in a bucket of water, pour into a sprayer and treat all the tomatoes in the garden.
Pay special attention to the lower leaves. To consolidate the result, treatment is carried out twice with an interval of 10-14 days. The cost of the drug for 400 grams is about 2000 rubles.


At an early stage of infection, dissolve 6 ml of the drug in 10 liters of water; at a later stage, double the dose of fungicide by the same amount of water. You can spray several times during the entire growth period of tomatoes, with an interval of 2-3 weeks.

Sold in 3 ml bags. The price for 1 package ranges from 30 to 50 rubles.

Copper sulfate

Treatment with copper sulfate can be carried out only until the ovary appears.

Dissolve 100 grams of the substance in 10 liters of water. Treat the tomato bushes immediately; do not store the mixture.

The cost of the drug is about 150 rubles per kilogram.

Biological drugs

Biological drugs are harmless to humans; they act on infectious agents by suppressing the growth of pathogenic microflora.


The drug is based on the bacteria Pseudomonas fluorescens, which effectively fight septoria fungi. It is used for pre-sowing treatment of seeds and spraying of vegetative plants.

Tomatoes are sprayed with a 0.5% solution of the drug every 12-14 days.

Fitosporin M

The bacterium Bacillus subtilis 26D not only suppresses the growth of harmful microorganisms, but also increases the plant’s immunity.

Preparation of solution: 5 g phytosporin-M per 10 liters of water. Tomatoes are sprayed at a temperature of 20-25°C; for maximum protection, repeated spraying is carried out after 5-7 days.

Alirin B

A fungicide based on the bacterium Bacillus subtilis VIZR-10. On tomatoes it is used as part of a solution for spraying or watering.

The effect of the drug lasts for 7-14 days. Dissolve 10 tablets in 10 liters of water and mix. Shake the solution during processing.

To preserve solutions on plants for a longer time, add shavings or liquid soap - 1 ml per 10 liters of solution.

Preventive measures

Treat the beds with preventative agents against fungal infections. For example, the above-mentioned Bordeaux mixture or copper sulfate solution are suitable for this. Also use the drug "Revus".

Spraying should be organized at intervals of 7-10 days. Unlike copper sulfate, Revus is non-toxic and safe for both tomatoes and humans.

Other fungicides are also used as prophylaxis, for example, Fitoverm or Lazurit T. Can be used in one of the following ways:

  1. Etching . Seeds are treated before planting seedlings or planting in the ground.
  2. Spraying should be done several times a season.
  3. Application to the soil during periods of watering.

How to fight seedlings?

Tomato seedlings are vulnerable to a large number of diseases if not properly cared for. With high humidity and high temperatures, white spots may appear on tomato seedlings. Septoria infects seedlings through untreated soil and seeds before sowing.

It is undesirable to combat septoria on seedlings with chemicals, as they can harm those living in the house. Therefore, it is better to remove infected plants, and treat the remaining seedlings with biological agents or traditional methods that are harmless to humans and domestic animals.

Septoria (white spot) of currants and gooseberries (Septoria ribis Desm.)

In currants and gooseberries, white spot, unfortunately, is also a widespread disease. As in previous cases, leaf blades (less often stems and fruits) of plants are covered with brown angular spots with a diameter of several millimeters. As they develop towards mid-summer, these spots become larger and lighter in the center, leaving only the border brown. Increased air humidity and high temperature, as well as insufficient lighting and dense plantings favor the development of fungus.

Red currants are much less susceptible to septoria than black currants.

As a result, the leaves dry out and fall off prematurely. Currant and gooseberry shoots affected by septoria give very little growth, and the berries become small. The pathogen remains to overwinter on the affected parts of the plant.

Among other common berry bushes, grapes often suffer from septoria. The causative agent of the disease is the fungus Septoria ampelina.

Prevention and treatment of currant and gooseberry septoria

Use petioles from the tops of annual shoots for propagation.

For cultivation, if possible, select varieties that are more or less resistant to septoria: for currants these are Fluffy, Boskopsky Giant, Temptation, Goliath, Zhuravushka, Alexandrita, Rondom, Krasnaya Andreichenko; for gooseberries - Sweet, Beryl, Grushenka, Spring, Cooperator, Lagin, Malachite, Shannon.

Do not allow plantings to thicken, ensure free air circulation and good lighting of the shoots.

Before the first flowers appear on the bushes, spray the branches with 1% Bordeaux mixture.

In spring and autumn, remove fallen leaves, dig up the soil under the gooseberries and currants well, you can additionally shed it with the same solution of Bordeaux mixture.

At the first signs of disease, promptly remove and dispose of infected leaves.

Treat the bushes with fungicides according to the three-step scheme described above.

Prevention measures

To prevent septoria in tomatoes, the following actions are used:

  1. Mulching tomatoes in beds. Mulch helps maintain normal moisture levels and prevents excessive moisture accumulation.
  2. Maintaining distances between bushes when planting. Dense planting promotes the development of fungus.
  3. Loosening the soil after watering. To provide air access to the roots.
  4. Tie up the bushes, preventing the lower leaves from falling on the ground.
  5. Plant varieties resistant to white spot.
  6. Burning infected plant parts.
  7. Inspections of plants for the purpose of early detection of disease.
  8. Regular moderate watering. Avoid overfilling.
  9. Disinfection of seeds before sowing with preparations: “Fitosporin”, “Trichodermin” or a weak solution of potassium permanganate.
  10. Disinfect garden tools.
  11. Periodically change the location of planting garden crops.
  12. Remove plant residues in a timely manner.

These measures will help protect tomatoes from septoria and other diseases.

How and with what to treat

When you detect the first signs of septoria, begin treatment immediately.


First of all, spray the beds with fungicides. These are substances that inhibit the development of fungi.

The most effective drugs that can prevent further development of the fungus and preserve the harvest:

  1. " Fundazol ". It has a therapeutic effect that manifests itself within the first three days. For the next 7 days, the medicine retains its protective function. It is not phytotoxic, but should not be overused. Effective to use both in early spring and late autumn. Combines well with other drugs. However, under no circumstances should Fundazol be mixed with alkaline solutions and lime.
  2. " Ordan ". The fungus is not addictive and is used not only for treatment, but also for prevention. Compared to other fungicides, it has a longer effect. Available in powder form, which can be purchased at any gardening store. Dilute and apply the product exactly in accordance with the attached instructions.
  3. " Previkur ". It is used at various stages of cultivation. In addition to treatment, Previkur has a beneficial effect on the root system and has a positive effect on the overall development of the bush. Used as a spray and as an addition to watering.

There is a common belief that fungicides are unsafe for humans and that vegetables treated with them should not be eaten. However, this is erroneous, since if all recommendations and instructions for use are followed, the drugs do not pose any threat to our health and life.

Traditional methods

Among folk recipes, Bordeaux solution is actively used. A mixture is made of water, lime and soda. The drug has a therapeutic effect and is also used as a preventive measure at the stage of planting seedlings.

To work with Bordeaux mixture, be sure to prepare gloves, goggles and a respirator. Spraying should be carried out at least 2 weeks before harvest.

The composition should be sprayed carefully; it is forbidden to eat, drink or smoke while working. It is not recommended to carry out the procedure if precipitation is expected. The liquid is effective and retains its therapeutic effect for 1 month.

Agrotechnical techniques

Farmers use the following agricultural practices:

  1. Removing and burning plants that are completely infested.
  2. Collection and timely disposal of plant residues. Remember that the remaining grass must be burned and under no circumstances used as fertilizer for the future harvest. The best time to clean is in the fall. First of all, you need to burn the tops and fallen leaves.

Important ! Strong and developed bushes are least affected by septoria. Therefore, it is recommended to create favorable conditions for tomatoes to develop even at the seedling stages. Remember about timely watering, loosening the soil, mineral and organic fertilizing. The more nutritious the soil, the stronger the crop’s immunity.

Advice from gardeners

Experienced gardeners who successfully fight septoria in tomatoes give the following advice:

  • select disease-resistant tomato varieties;
  • for preventive purposes, treat seedlings on the 20th day after planting them in open ground or a greenhouse;
  • feed tomatoes with nitrogen-containing fertilizers (ammonium nitrate, urea), because nitrogen helps the plant develop and strengthens its immunity;
  • regularly ventilate the greenhouse;
  • for planting tomatoes you should choose a bright and warm place;
  • do not plant tomatoes in lowlands and near groundwater;
  • in the fall it is necessary to collect weeds and crop residues and burn them;
  • after harvesting, dig up the entire plot of land;
  • It is recommended to plant tomatoes in the beds after zucchini or pepper.

To protect the crop from white spotting, it is necessary to regularly prevent tomato diseases. After harvesting, collect crop residues and weeds from the plot, dig up the garden twice a year: in spring and autumn. At the first signs of the disease, take measures to combat it and prevent it from spreading to other plants. Do not delay treatment, it will help avoid plant death and save the harvest.

What plants suffer from septoria?

Mushrooms of the genus Septoria are dangerous for cereals, tomatoes, celery , fruit and berry crops: apple, pear, quince, grapes, raspberries, gooseberries, currants .

The disease spoils the decorative appearance of roses, lilacs, rhododendrons, spirea, phlox, peonies, chrysanthemums, lupins and other plants.

Resistant varieties and hybrids to septoria

You should not expect that a tomato declared as disease-resistant will not become covered with white spots in an area affected by septoria. He'll just be the last one to get infected.

It is recommended to pay attention to varieties and hybrids:

  • Amiko f1 – early, medium-sized red cream;
  • Ballad - low-growing, with large scarlet fruits;
  • Beryl f1 – indeterminate, with large red round tomatoes;
  • Joker f1 – late, with burgundy tomatoes weighing 300 g;
  • Golden Fleece – orange-yellow, low-growing, early;
  • Mondial f1 – indeterminate carpal;
  • Platus f1 is a powerful plant with red dense tomatoes;
  • Khoriv is a variety with scarlet cream and a medium-sized bush.

Tomato septoria - ways to prevent and treat a dangerous disease

Experienced gardeners know that it is easier to prevent septoria than to treat tomatoes later. The difficulty lies not only in the persistence of the fungus. It will quickly spread throughout the area. Therefore, you should carefully inspect the beds so as not to miss the onset of the disease. For prevention, you need to pull out and remove weeds in a timely manner, and plow your garden for the winter. When planting seedlings, leave enough space between the bushes and apply fertilizing on time. Weakened and frail tomatoes are more vulnerable to fungal diseases. Greenhouses should be disinfected every year and the room should be ventilated frequently. In addition, for cultivation it is better to choose varieties with increased resistance to septoria. Among them are Horeb, Ballad, Golden Fleece, Worthy.

Most of all, the septoria fungus loves pears and actively reproduces with its help. For this reason, to grow tomatoes, you need to choose an area away from the tree.

If septoria has already attacked the tomato beds, it is necessary to urgently begin treatment. At the initial stage, there is a chance to save the bushes. But to do this, you need to tear off all the leaves with spots without pity. Then spray the plants. Spray the soil with copper sulfate or fungicide. Drugs such as Fundazol, Skor, Previkur work well. It is advisable to treat the entire area. This will prevent the manifestation of septoria on other crops.

Preparations for septoria (fungicides)

The best chemicals to deal with white spotting are:

  1. Hom . A systemic-local drug containing copper. It is used to combat fungal diseases, for example: septoria, peronospora, scab, late blight, etc.
  2. Oksikhom . A broad-spectrum systemic contact agent containing copper is used to treat fungal diseases.
  3. Copper sulfate . This broad-spectrum contact agent is used to treat fungal diseases of berries, fruits and ornamental crops.
  4. Inkstone . This drug is used to prevent and combat fungal diseases.
  5. Bordeaux liquid . This copper-containing broad-spectrum agent is used for the preventive treatment of fruit, citrus, ornamental, vegetable, berry, melon and flower crops against a number of diseases.
  6. Profit . A contact drug used to treat various fungal diseases, for example: septoria, alternoriosis, late blight, etc.
  7. Nitrophen . The product is used to combat mold, fungal and parasitic infections. It also helps disinfect the soil and inhibit the growth of weeds.
  8. Khometzin . The contact action drug is used for protective purposes for spraying crops during the growing season.
  9. Kaptan . This remedy is used both to protect and to treat many crops; it can replace Bordeaux mixture.
  10. Phthalan . This drug has a wider spectrum of action than Captan.

The following products are also used to treat white spotting: Acrobat MC, Previkur, Ridomil Gold MC, Fundazol, Skor and Ordan. In this case, spraying for the purpose of prevention is carried out using drugs such as: Rovral, Trichodermin and Glyocladin. When preparing a solution for both therapeutic and prophylactic treatment, you must follow the manufacturer’s instructions, which are available on the packaging.


The pathogen persists on plant debris and many weeds. Reservoirs of infection are Carolina nightshade, datura vulgaris, and common physalis. The pathogen develops when air humidity increases to 77% and in the temperature range +15°C – +27°C. The most favorable conditions for the development of the fungus are created at a humidity of 94% or more and a temperature of +20°C – + 25°C. Latent period – 8 – 14 days. When maturing, pycnospores are pushed out of the pycnidia by osmotic pressure. They are spread by air currents, droplet-liquid moisture, and insects. At the same time, pycnospores spread on workers’ clothing and tools. (Gabor B., 1997) (Peresypkin V.F. Diseases of agricultural crops, 1989)

Alternaria or macrosporiosis (brown or dry spotting)

Fungal disease. It affects leaves, stems, and less often fruits.

First, the lower leaves become diseased and become covered with round, large, brown spots with concentric zonality.

Brown spots characteristic of this disease are visible on yellowed leaves.

Very often, novice gardeners skip this moment and do not pay attention to the yellow leaves, believing that it is simply the lower leaves dying off. Perhaps this happens

But more often they realize it when all the leaves become dry (second photo below) and only the fruits remain on the plant. At this stage, you can no longer help the bushes. Therefore, do not wait, try to immediately tear off the leaves that begin to turn yellow. The brown spots increase, merge, and the leaves dry out. The spots on the stem are oval, dark brown, large, with the same zoning.

Dark, slightly depressed spots form on the fruit, most often on the stalk. At high humidity, dark velvety sporulation of the fungus appears on top of the spots. The disease on tomatoes is activated at high temperatures, especially at 25-30°C.

The fungus is preserved on plant debris and greenhouse floors. Thanks to abundant sporulation, it quickly spreads with raindrops and wind.

Alternaria or macrosporiosis of tomatoes, photos and their treatment: for prevention - treatment with antifungal copper-containing drugs. At the first appearance of symptoms of the disease, treatment with Skor, Ridomil Gold or other antifungal agents. Skor and Ridomil Gold are strong chemicals - they can be used to treat plants before the ovaries appear, since the waiting period (until the fruits can be eaten is 50-60 days). If symptoms of the disease appear and the fruits are already hanging, then it is advisable to treat them with biological products, for example, Trichodermin or Immunotocyte, or Immunocytophyte.

Folk remedies

Many gardeners do not want to use chemicals on their plots, especially closer to fruiting. Traditional recipes are relatively harmless, but less effective. The active ingredients in some home remedies are harmful to fungi and help inhibit their development.

  1. Whey (skim milk, low-fat kefir). In 10 liters of water, dilute 1 liter of whey, 10 drops of iodine and 1 tsp. hydrogen peroxide. For adhesion, add 40 g of laundry soap.
  2. Garlic. 1 cup of vegetable cloves is passed through a press and 10 liters of water are added. Infuse and strain.
  3. Pharmacy products. Aqueous solutions of iodine (10 ml/10 l), potassium permanganate (1.5 g/10 l), brilliant green (10 ml/10 l).
  4. Baking soda. 200 g of soda are dissolved in 10 liters of water.
  5. Horsetail. A metal bucket (10 liters) is filled ¼ full with fresh horsetail grass and 3 liters of water are added. Cover with a lid and simmer over low heat for 30 minutes. The broth is cooled, filtered, the raw materials are squeezed out and diluted in 10 liters of water.

Folk remedies have a short duration of action. Therefore, tomatoes are processed at intervals of 5-7 days, up to 4-5 times.

Bacterial diseases

Bacteriosis is caused by a group of special pathogens that lead to a decrease in yield and death of plants. I am glad that such dangerous infections are less common than infections caused by viruses and fungi, but we must try to prevent their occurrence.

Bacterial cancer

The infection is of a vascular nature, the pathogen penetrates through damaged parts of stems and leaves. From the onset of the tomato disease to its final death, 1-2 months pass.


  • the leaves of the lower tier lose their elasticity and wither;
  • yellow spots appear;
  • small brown ulcers appear on the stalks and stems;
  • tomatoes are delayed in development, spots appear on the fruits (first white, then white).

In hot weather with numerous rains, the infection becomes epiphytotic. Most often, diseased plants are uprooted and destroyed. In the early stages, spraying with preparations containing copper can help.

Hollowness (stem necrosis)

The disease is characterized by high danger, since without surgical treatment, crop losses amount to 30-40%. Causes:

  • differences in day and night temperatures;
  • high humidity;
  • excess nitrogen in the soil.

The infection appears during the fruiting stage, when light spots are visible on the leaf blades in the central part. The leaves curl, look as if they have been “scalded” by boiling water, and later necrotic areas form. Ripe fruits develop cracks and “network” fragments of veins characteristic of this disease.


  • affected bushes are removed and burned;
  • treat the soil with a solution of Fitolavin (0.2%).

Mottling of tomato fruits

Occurs less frequently than other bacterial infections. All above-ground parts of tomato bushes are infected.


  • small black spots with a brown border on the leaves;
  • twisting of sheet plates;
  • drying of flowers;
  • the appearance on young green tomatoes of convex black spots with a whitish border.

For treatment, use any copper-containing compounds or Fitolavin.

Bacterial (black) spot of tomatoes

The disease is dangerous in hot summers; up to half of young plants die due to pathogens. Harvest losses amount to 15-20%. Planted young tomato seedlings suffer more from insidious bacteriosis.


  • depressed watery spots on the leaves (first brown, then black);
  • yellowing of shoots, pericarp;
  • massive shedding of flowers and ovaries;
  • the appearance of black spots on the fruits.

Affected plants do not produce fruit, but if infection occurs later, the tomatoes are of poor quality.

For prevention, tomatoes are sprayed with Kartotsid, Bordeaux mixture. At the first signs of infection, the bushes are removed from the greenhouse and burned.

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