Description of the tomato variety Bear's Trail and its characteristics

Similar varieties

Tomatoes are similar in characteristics to Bear's Blood:

  1. Alsou. Tomato from agro, in the State Register since 2008. Early for open ground, determinate, with a bush height of about 80 cm. Tomatoes are flat-round in shape, red, fleshy, slightly ribbed, average weight without standardization - 300 g, chambers - 6 or more. Marketable yield per sq. m – 7 kg, total – higher.
  2. Big jackpot. The tomato is not included in the State Register; the selection is from the Siberian Garden. Determinate, early, long-term fruiting, up to 90-100 cm high. Recommended for open ground. The tomatoes are flattened, dark red, with faint ribs. The pulp is sweet, fleshy. From 1 sq. m harvest up to 12 kg.
  3. Vologda fruitful. Mid-early for open ground. Determinate, up to 1 m high. 250-400 g, fleshy tomatoes, multi-chambered, bright red, compressed at the poles. The tomato yields a harvest of up to 4 kg per bush.

Description of the variety

The tomato is adapted to the vagaries of the weather, so it can be grown throughout our country. In the European part - in open ground, in Siberia, in the Urals and the Far East - in greenhouses. The variety is classified as an early crop. Seedlings are prepared in the third decade of March, planting in the ground is carried out from mid-May, and the harvest is harvested in August.


The tomato is determinate; by the time of flowering it reaches a maximum of one meter. Capable of self-pollinating. The trunk of the plant is strong, thick, dark green in color. The side shoots are less developed and are subject to pinching. There are few leaves, covered with a small fluff. The root system is well developed. It can grow in diameter up to 70 centimeters. When forming a tomato, leave 4-5 brushes.


The tomatoes are large, round in shape, divided into lobes. Average weight - 300 grams, can grow up to 500-700 grams. The skin is dense and smooth. Color – red. The pulp is juicy and fleshy. The taste is sweet, without the sourness inherent in many tomatoes.


With proper care, the variety gives a good harvest. In a greenhouse, from 1 square meter per season you can harvest 12-15 kilograms of tomatoes; in open ground the figure will be slightly lower.


Ideal for preparing vegetable salads and eating fresh. It is also used to prepare tomato juice and puree.

Tomato Bear's Blood: main characteristics

Tomato Bear's Blood: photo of the variety

Bear's blood is a tomato variety that tolerates frost and drought well. During the growing season, it functions well even at night when the outside temperature drops. When grown in a greenhouse, the plant develops even better, since there is no need to waste energy on warming. When the soil dries out a little, the variety feels comfortable, but if you start adding excess moisture to the soil, the root system may begin to rot and the plant will die.

Tomatoes of the Bear's Blood variety are characterized by regular and high yields, while the process of fruit formation is not affected by weather or climate factors. The yield level when grown in open and closed ground is almost the same, the only difference is that in a greenhouse tomatoes ripen 2-3 weeks earlier.

When planting in open ground, you don’t have to worry about part of the plot; the variety can also be planted in the northern part of the territory. The best option for this variety would be to have a small building nearby, since there will be no draft, which the variety does not tolerate very well. The bush will develop equally in a sunny or dark place; the sun's rays do not spoil the fruits due to the dense shell.

Since the variety is a medium-sized variety, it produces good yields. The average yield from each bush is about 4 kilograms. For a good harvest, the distance between the bushes must be maintained at about 20-25 centimeters. The bush requires minimal care and does not require anything additional.

The first wave of tomatoes grown indoors will ripen by the end of July and harvesting can begin in early August, the last wave will end around the beginning of October or the end of September. If the fruits are not fully ripened, there is no need to worry, you just need to put them in a dark place and they will ripen on their own. Tomatoes growing in open ground are harvested at the end of summer.

The fruits of this variety have a strong immune system; when changes were made to the variety, it was given resistance to major diseases, such as fusarium, late blight, and cladospora.

When grown in a greenhouse and the temperature and humidity are not maintained, a tomato can be affected by fungal diseases, for example, microsporia. Such diseases most often appear on leaves and shoots. In order to get rid of the fungus, you need to remove infected leaves and shoots, ventilate the greenhouse, add nitrogen fertilizer to the soil and treat the surface of the bush with a product with a high copper content. Pests in a greenhouse are not terrible, but in open ground Colorado beetles can settle on a bush. In this case, the bush is treated with Chlorophos.

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The main and favorite crop for our family - tomatoes - last summer generously endowed us with harvest and beauty. Every year our collection grows, and we don’t want to part with many varieties. As a result, on 25 acres allocated for tomatoes, we placed about 350 varieties. There was a lot of work, sometimes they barely had time to harvest the crops. Many tomatoes exceeded all expectations. And the new products, of which a record number of up to 150 varieties were tested last season, surprised us with the beauty, taste and shape of the fruit.

I’ll start with the champion in early ripening, a new product from last year, the Black Emperor variety. The aroma and taste of its fruits cannot be compared with other early ripening varieties, and five varieties were the first to ripen. But after tasting the fruits of the Black Emperor, I became “sick” with this variety.

Its bush is up to one and a half meters high. The fruits are pink-chocolate in color, weighing 200-250 g, dense, very beautiful, elongated-plum-shaped, incredibly tasty fresh - and of course - and in salads.

But we couldn’t preserve them that time - we ate the first fruits of the Black Emperor, and collected seeds from the rest. This year we will plant more bushes of this variety, then it will definitely be enough to preserve them, because on average up to 8 kg of fruit hung on one bush.

Among the “chocolate” varieties, along with the Black Emperor, I liked the varieties Watermelon, De Barao black, Black Burgundy, Indian meat, Pepper black, Purple passion and others.

We also grow low-growing varieties. They don't need to be tied up, making them ideal for busy gardeners. Last year the Stupitsky variety was the best. It is early ripening and manages to produce the main harvest before the outbreak of late blight. It was grown into six stems. To be sure and to prevent the mole cricket from eating the fruits, they tied the plants to the pegs with twine, but by mid-summer it broke due to the large weight of the fruits. Unripe tomatoes, torn from the stalk, remained to ripen on the ground.

Description of the tomato variety Bear's Trail and its characteristics

The Bear's Trace tomato stands out among large-fruited varieties with excellent parameters. The most important trump card is unpretentiousness. During cultivation, it does not require close attention and the implementation of all agrotechnical techniques.

Description of the Bear's Trail variety

The plant is classified as indeterminate, that is, tall. The variety is characterized by high immunity, thanks to which the tomato is not afraid of late blight and easily tolerates dry and cold weather.

  1. The tall bush reaches a height of more than 1 m.
  2. Large foliage is dark green, carved along the edges.
  3. The fruits are round, slightly flattened at the edges. The weight of tomatoes varies from 250 g to 500 g. A real giant!
  4. Deep red tomatoes have a fleshy and dense texture.
  5. With moderate watering, you can harvest 10 or more large, sweet tomatoes from one bush.

Characteristics of the variety

The tomato is suitable for growing both in open ground and in greenhouse conditions. In the northern regions it is better to grow in a greenhouse.

A variety of mid-late ripening tomatoes. From the moment the seeds are sowed for seedlings until the tomatoes ripen, 115 days pass. The yield is always high, even if you do not fertilize and rarely water the plants.

The bushes are tall and require timely formation. If you do not pinch, you can get specimens over 2 m in height. During formation, no more than 2 stems should be left on one plant.

Reviews from gardeners indicate the high transportability of fruits and the possibility of their long-term storage.

Sowing seeds for seedlings

The characteristics and description of the variety will allow you to become familiar with the basic requirements for sowing seeds and caring for large-fruited specimens.

The sowing time depends on where the tomato will be grown: in a greenhouse or in open ground. Sowing seeds for indoor soil is carried out in February, for open soil - in the last ten days of March.

Important! Bear's paw is a long-day tomato, so it is better to sow the seeds at the end of March

To obtain friendly shoots, it is necessary to maintain temperature and optimal humidity. If the seedlings do not have enough natural light, it is recommended to add fluorescent lamps.

Planting tomatoes in the ground

The climatic zone plays an important role when transplanting seedlings into the ground. In the southern regions it can be planted in mid-May, in the rest - after the threat of return frosts has passed. You should not plant plants in soil that has not yet warmed up; even shelter will not help them to fully develop.

Care consists of timely watering, loosening and hilling the soil. Hilling is necessary so that additional roots form on the plant. The root system penetrates deep into the soil, is branched and strong.

Description of the variety

The Bear's Paw tomato is resistant to temperature changes. Endurance to heat and cold provide it with a stable ovary both in open and closed ground. The variety has increased resistance to fungal diseases, but may require preventive treatments against late blight and cladosporiosis (in wet weather, in greenhouses without crop rotation).

Characteristics of the bush

Bear's Paw tomato plants stand out among other varieties due to their powerful dimensions and large foliage - dark green, thick and healthy. According to the type of stems, the bushes belong to semi-determinate forms. In open ground conditions, thick stems grow up to 120-150 cm, in greenhouses they can reach 170-180 cm. Ripening dates can range from mid-early to medium. Depending on the region and specific weather conditions in the open air, 3-5 clusters have time to fully form, each of which contains 4-5 tomatoes. The number of inflorescences in closed ground depends on the height of the greenhouse, the length of the growing season and agricultural technology.

INTERESTING! The first brush emerges from the axil of the 9th leaf. Such early formation of the ovary is not very typical for large-fruited varieties and is a significant advantage of the Bear's Paw tomato. Further, inflorescences are often laid - after 1 or 2 leaves.


The Bear's Paw variety produces classic salad-type tomatoes. They are attracted by their appearance, size, and dessert taste.

Features of Bear's Paw tomatoes:

  • the average weight of the harvest is 150-300 g;
  • the maximum weight of a tomato in the first bunch reaches 800-900 g;
  • rounded-flat shape, with small “shoulders”; the bottom of the fruit is smooth, and in the upper part there is slight or pronounced ribbing;
  • the color of the tomatoes is rich red, bright;
  • the skin is glossy, shiny;
  • the pulp is fragrant, sugary, balanced in juiciness and density;
  • taste qualities are high.

INTERESTING! Some tomatoes in cross-section have the shape of a rounded triangle, resembling the imprint of a large animal (“bear”) paw.

The fruits are not always even, but not ugly either. The yield of marketable vegetables reaches 94%. The slight ribbing of tomatoes does not reduce their attractive appearance. The deformity of fruits in greenhouses indicates excessive heat, poor ventilation or infection with viral diseases.

During the ripening process, the Bear's Paw tomato exhibits a green spot near the stalk, which disappears when fully ripe. Reviews from gardeners indicate that the pulp at the top of tomatoes is not loose, which is a drawback of some other large-fruited varieties. Sometimes Bearpaw has such a nuisance as tomatoes cracking at the top; it is usually associated with shortcomings in agricultural technology (uneven watering and fertilizing).


The Bear Paw variety has a genetically high yield potential, which can be realized with proper care. This is due to the stable ovary and large size of the fruit. On average, from one square meter of planting you can get at least 7 kg of marketable fruit. The maximum yield reaches 6-8 kg of tomatoes from one bush. From a street garden in Siberia, part of the harvest is removed unripe, but the Bear's Paw tomatoes are perfectly ripened, acquiring the taste and aroma typical of the variety.


The fruits make delicious fresh salads. The surplus harvest is processed into juice - moderately thick, with a typical “tomato” aroma.

The Bear's Paw tomato is also used for other types of canning:

  • marinated pieces in gelatin;
  • pouring for tomatoes in their own juice;
  • mixed salads;
  • lecho;
  • ketchup,
  • gorloder;
  • tomato paste.

Large tomatoes are not suitable for pickling and pickling in jars, but are suitable for traditional fermentation in barrels (according to old recipes).

Planting dates and care

There is nothing special in caring for the variety, but Bear’s Blood cannot be called a tomato for the lazy. It requires compliance with at least basic rules of agricultural technology.

Growing seedlings

From the moment the seeds hatch until they are planted in the ground, 45-55 days should pass. To calculate the sowing time, you need to focus on your own climate and long-term weather forecast. A week is added to the specified time for the preparation and germination of planting material.

Before sowing, the seeds are heated, disinfected, and soaked until they swell. Their germination rate is good. They dive after 1-2 true leaves appear. Water moderately, add light up to 12-14 hours a day. Hardening is carried out 2 weeks before planting.

Care after transplanting into the ground

Bear's blood is planted at 4-5 bushes per 1 square meter. m. Care is as follows:

  • regular moderate watering;
  • loosening or mulching beds;
  • stepsoning;
  • garter;
  • fertilizing with a mineral complex - in the first half of the growing season with a large amount of nitrogen, after the extension of the second flower cluster, phosphorus, potassium, and calcium should predominate in the fertilizers;
  • removing leaves under the fruit cluster that has begun to fill.

Features of care

With proper agricultural technology, the bush is low and medium-leafed. If nitrogen fertilizing is not controlled, the seedlings will stretch out. True, after moving into the ground it quickly grows stronger, the trunk becomes thick, and the internodes do not seem elongated.

But when gardeners continue to be zealous with nitrogen, the tomato:

  • reaches a greater height than indicated in the variety description;
  • builds up a powerful leaf apparatus, which delays flowering and ovary formation;
  • the fruits become smaller.

This is confirmed not only by reviews of the Bear’s Blood tomato, but also by the few videos so far (see below).

To correct the situation, it is enough to follow the requirements of growing the crop. Namely, after the second flower cluster begins to extend, stop giving nitrogen. If the soil has been filled with organic matter since autumn or spring - completely. Otherwise, the crop will only need very small doses of N, and it is better to apply them by spraying the above-ground parts. So the bushes are unlikely to fatten.

It is better not to rush, and open the greenhouses only during the day. It is recommended to completely remove the film no earlier than the beginning of June, and it is definitely not worth removing it in May.

Features of cultivation and care

Tomato is grown through seedlings. To increase the germination of your own or purchased seeds, they are kept in a growth stimulant solution before sowing; many people use Epin in their practice. When soaking seeds in aloe juice and hydrogen peroxide, good germination is also achieved. Recommended timing for sowing seeds is the end of March - beginning of April.

High-quality seedlings are obtained when grown in a mixture of humus, garden and turf soil. To maintain optimal soil moisture and lighten its structure, you can add a moderate amount of sand and vermiculite. The seedlings are ready for transplanting after 2 months.

Bear's Paw does not need frequent watering even in the heat; one full watering per week is enough; the tomato is absolutely not afraid of drought. Excessive watering reduces the quality of ripe fruits and causes cracking. Pour water strictly at the root, soaking to a great depth.

Advice! Pour 3 to 5 liters of water onto one bush.

During the ripening of the bulk of the fruit, watering is stopped for a while. This prevents ripe tomatoes from cracking. There is no need to water in the heat of the day or late in the evening. In the heat, due to the evaporation of moisture, the foliage burns and dries; when watering late in the evening, condensation forms on the leaves. Moisture on the leaves can cause late blight.

The bushes are powerful and require support and a strong garter. Stakes are installed in holes when transplanting seedlings. Many summer residents prefer a net or a self-made trellis to stakes. When preparing the holes, you need to adhere to the scheme - for 1 square. m place 3 bear paw bushes.


When growing Bear's Paw tomatoes, emphasis is placed on mineral fertilizers containing phosphorus and potassium. Once every 2 weeks, the bushes are watered with a liquid fertilizer mixture:

  • water 10 l;
  • superphosphate 2 tbsp. l;
  • potassium sulfate 1 tbsp. l.

Potassium fertilizing increases the sugar content of fruits, phosphorus has a good effect on the development of above-ground and underground parts of the bushes. Instead of store-bought potassium fertilizer, many summer residents use ash. In addition to potassium, it contains many microelements that have a positive effect on the health of the plant.

Advice! Water your tomato plants before applying root food.

During active flowering, spray the bushes with water with the addition of boric acid crystals. One sachet of product is enough for a bucket of water. You can add a few drops of iodine to the water. Boric acid and iodine promote fruit set and increase the local immunity of tomato bushes. If the weather changes abruptly, immunity can be supported with the help of the modern immunostimulant “NV 101”.

Formation of bushes

The bushes grow intensively, so the stepsons need to be removed throughout the growing season. Bushes should be kept in 2-3 stems. In addition to the shoots, it is necessary to remove some of the lower leaves located under the trusses with ripening tomatoes. The bushes must be tied up in the crown area, and branches with fruits must also be fixed to the support.


The Bear's Paw tomato has genetic resistance to a number of diseases of nightshade crops. However, preventive measures against diseases are necessary. The first stage of preventive work begins even before transplanting the seedlings into the ground. It consists of treating the soil with a solution of manganese or fungicide.

Almost immediately after transplanting the seedlings, the bed must be covered with a layer of mulch. Mulch prevents the spread of all types of rot and other diseases caused by fungal infections. You can use the following as mulch:

  • humus;
  • straw;
  • sawdust soaked in urea;
  • crushed bark.


Tomatoes can be attacked by slugs, Colorado potato beetles and their larvae. To repel insect pests, you need to prepare water with ammonia diluted in it. Treat bushes against aphids with a soap-ash solution. If the bushes are severely damaged by pests, insecticides will have to be used.

Planting tomatoes in open ground and care

After the seedlings are ready to be planted in the ground, the process of planting them should fall around the first half of May. During this period, this fruit species can be planted in a greenhouse. It is by this period that the soil will be quite well warmed up. Please note that there should be no more than 3 bushes per 1 m2, as this will protect this species from the development of all kinds of diseases and will make it fairly easy to care for. Features of planting and care include:

  • the planting density should not be dense so that caring for the bushes is simple;
  • Watering tomatoes should be done about once a week and, if possible, with settled water, at least at the initial stage of their growth;
  • It is imperative to monitor the development of the stems, since if necessary they should be tied up;
  • To quickly set future fruits and their normal development, special growth stimulants should be used.

Reviews from those who have grown Bear Paw tomatoes say that this is an excellent option for planting in the garden, since this Siberian species is unpretentious and has excellent taste.

Features of agricultural technology

The variety considered in the review can be grown either by transferring seedlings to unprotected soil, or by growing them under a film or under a polycarbonate coating (in a greenhouse). The latter option for planting tomatoes is practiced in areas with moderately cold temperature conditions.

The soil in the beds is prepared for planting in advance, for which it is mixed with humus in equal proportions.

Note! It is recommended to add a little peat or river sand to heavy clay soil

Tomato Bear paw in the garden

When planting it, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • Approximately 24 hours before the start of excavation, carefully selected seeds are soaked in warm water, which contributes to their better germination in the future.
  • Then the pre-prepared earthen mixture is poured into small containers up to 15 cm high.
  • After this, furrows are made on the surface of the well-mixed soil, about 1 cm deep.

Seeds for seedlings are placed in them in increments of about 2 cm, after which they are sprinkled with earth on top and spilled generously. Then these boxes or containers are placed for some time in a dark and warm place, where they are covered with film (glass). The best germination of newly planted seedlings is observed at temperatures of about 25-30 degrees.


In greenhouse conditions, Bear's Paw tomato seedlings should be planted at the age of 1.5-2 months, that is, by the time it grows to 25 cm, and 5-6 leaves appear on the sprouts.

The top layer of soil in which other varieties were previously grown should be replaced with new soil, which will avoid damage by pathogenic microbes remaining in it.

Important! Before transferring the seedlings to the soil, peat, compost and humus mixed with sand are added. As a result, it should be loose and have good permeability.

As a result, it should be loose and have good permeability.

Tall seedlings are planted in small holes made in the ground, in increments of approximately 60 cm, in a checkerboard pattern. This planting scheme greatly simplifies the care of sprouts, providing the necessary space for the growth of the root system.

· Regular watering and fertilizing.

· Timely formation of the bush (its pinching).

· Tying the stem.

This variety needs constant, but relatively moderate watering (excess moisture can cause the spread of fungal diseases).

Additional Information. It is recommended to water tomatoes no more than twice a week, which will require about 3 liters of well-settled and heated water (per bush).

During the fruiting period, the volume of moisture introduced is sharply reduced, which avoids the formation of cracks on their skin. For the first time, fertilizing in the form of minerals or folk remedies is applied to the bushes about a week after planting the seedlings. Subsequent application of fertilizers is carried out no earlier than after 2 weeks.

When choosing fertilizer, preference is given to potassium or phosphorus minerals applied in dissolved form. To prepare them, about 30 grams of superphosphate (potassium sulfate) is mixed in 10 liters of water.

Tomato Bear's Paw - large fruit

The Bear's Paw tomato bush itself is usually formed into one (less often, two) stems. In this case, the lower row of leaves and adjacent side shoots are completely cut off to prevent the formation of excess green mass.

A string or wire is usually stretched between the posts to support the heavy branches of a bushy plant.

Tomato Bear's footprint - description and characteristics of the variety

The Bear's Trace tomato has excellent parameters among varieties with large fruits.

Its most important property is unpretentiousness. When growing this variety, complex agrotechnical techniques and careful care are not required.

Characteristics of Bear's Trail tomatoes

This variety is tall. He has good immunity, thanks to this he is not afraid of various diseases, and can easily adapt to a cool and dry climate.

  1. Indeterminate plant - grows in height above 1 m.
  2. The foliage is large.
  3. Tomatoes of this variety are round, slightly flattened, the weight of tomatoes ranges from 240 g to 500 g.
  4. The structure of this variety of tomatoes is fleshy.
  5. The fruits have a red tint.
  6. Tomatoes contain large numbers of seed chambers.
  7. They have a juicy, rich taste - sweet, slightly sour.
  8. If you follow the recommendations of moderate watering, you can get 9 or more large, tasty fruits from 1 bush.

The fruits of this variety have medium late ripening. From the day that tomatoes are planted for seedlings and when they ripen, approximately 115 days pass. Without fertilizers, the harvest will still be good, even if it is rarely watered.

Since the bushes grow tall, they need to be formed in time. It is possible to get a plant up to 2 meters in height if you do not pinch it. With timely care, about 2 stems are left on one bush, but no more.

When the tomatoes reach a certain size, it is imperative to tie it to a support so that the bushes do not break off under their own weight. The stems that are left can bear 4–10 fruits.

According to the practice of summer residents, we can draw a conclusion about the shelf life of the variety provided and its good transportability.

When to plant seeds for seedlings

A description of this variety will help you care for large tomatoes. Familiarization with the main requirements for sowing seeds.

  1. The time for sowing them depends on where exactly the tomatoes will grow: it will be an open plot of land or greenhouse structures. Seeds are planted in greenhouse buildings in February, and in open areas they are planted around March, paying attention to weather conditions. Also, based on the fact that Bear Paw tomatoes require more daylight, they are planted at the end of March.
  2. Tomatoes in a greenhouse. It is recommended to maintain the desired humidity and temperature. By following these rules, uniform sprouts are obtained. In case of insufficient light, fluorescent lamps can be used.
  3. Planting tomatoes in the ground. Climate conditions play an important role when planting seedlings in open ground. Around May, planting is possible in areas with a warm climate, in others - only after the threat of frost has passed. It is not advisable to plant tomatoes in poorly heated soil. Even covered plants cannot develop well.
  4. Caring for tomatoes includes moderate watering and hilling of the soil. Hilling is carried out so that additional roots are formed. Strong roots grow deep into the soil, branching out at the same time.

Advantages and disadvantages of the Bear Trace variety

This variety has its own advantages, here are some of them:

  • Resistant to various diseases;
  • Has large fruits;
  • Has tolerance to temperature changes.

One of the disadvantages of this variety is the inability to preserve the fruits completely.

Pests and diseases

The threat can be caused by various insects - these are Colorado potato beetles, spider mites, and whiteflies. An aqueous solution of alcohol will help get rid of the Colorado potato beetle larvae. Soapy water will help when fighting aphids. A good option when fighting flying insects is to use special chemical aerosols to kill the larvae.

The fruits contain more pulp and fewer seeds. Tomatoes are used fresh, and can also be used for canning various salads and creating tomato sauce.

Tomatoes: advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of the variety include:

  • large mass of fruits;
  • high productivity;
  • spicy plus;
  • transportability;
  • drought resistance;
  • shelf life;
  • disease resistance.

It is also worth noting the value of this variety of tomatoes. Bear Paw tomatoes have beneficial properties. When consumed, the functioning of the heart, gastrointestinal tract, and kidneys is normalized. In addition, the vegetable prevents the development of cancer tumors and neoplasms in the human body.

The Bear's Paw tomato is, of course, one of the varieties loved by many amateur gardeners, since it has a lot of undeniable advantages. Among them are:

  • large fruit;
  • excellent taste;
  • good adaptation abilities to changeable weather, including extreme heat;
  • ease of care;
  • resistance to most diseases;
  • good preservation of the crop.

Undoubtedly, a feature of the variety is its ability to bear fruit normally both in cool weather and in extreme heat, including tolerating drought. This distinguishes it from many varieties, including “siblings and cousins,” that is, tomatoes created by the same team of authors and which are, to some extent, analogues of the Bear’s Paw.

In addition to the variety under consideration, excellent natives from Novosibirsk are Heavyweight of Siberia, Sevryuga, Alsou, Babushkin Secret and other varieties. All of them differ from each other in details, but in terms of the totality of characteristics they are quite comparable. Some are distinguished by their heart-shaped shape, others by pink or crimson color, others by increased productivity, etc.

In general, Bear's Paw, like all the named varieties, is an excellent choice for an amateur gardener living in any region, including those who do not have much experience in growing tomatoes.

Tomato Grandma's Secret - one of the "younger brothers" of the Bear's Paw - is excellent in most respects

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The main advantages of Bear's Paw tomatoes:

  • Large fruits;
  • Juicy fleshy pulp;
  • Rich taste and bright aroma;
  • Excellent productivity;
  • Resistance to cold and heat;
  • Immunity to viruses and fungi.

The disadvantages of the review variety include:

  • Sourish tomatoes;
  • Bushes require shaping;
  • Branches need to be tied to supports or pegs.

Features of care

If you take into account the description of the variety, the fruits ripen early. Since there is constant intensive growth, they require high-quality care. If the care is of poor quality, then you should not expect a good harvest.

Tomatoes love good watering. You can even water them three times a month, but generously. For water use a nearby stream or wells. The most important thing is not to pour ice water. It is necessary to weed weeds in a greenhouse, as they suck out nutrients and contribute to the proliferation of pests. Periodic loosening of the soil

This is done in the first days after planting, during flowering, and after - as soon as the soil becomes flat again. Fertilizing cultivated plants is important. During flowering, fertilizing should include nitrogen, and when the fruits grow, potassium and phosphorus

Peat, humus, sand, and chicken droppings are also added to the soil. In the summer, during the day you need to open the windows and doors of the greenhouse to ventilate it. Sometimes pinching is required, which speeds up the process of fruit ripening. Remove shoots and all lower leaves at least twice a month. Bushes that are too tall should be tied with ropes. In northern regions it is better to raise the stem high from the ground, as the nights can be cold and with dangerous dew.

Large fruits and tall bushes require more attention from gardeners. The result is a rich harvest.

Planting dates and care

There is nothing special in caring for the variety, but Bear’s Blood cannot be called a tomato for the lazy. It requires compliance with at least basic rules of agricultural technology.

Growing seedlings

From the moment the seeds hatch until they are planted in the ground, 45-55 days should pass. To calculate the sowing time, you need to focus on your own climate and long-term weather forecast. A week is added to the specified time for the preparation and germination of planting material.

Before sowing, the seeds are heated, disinfected, and soaked until they swell. Their germination rate is good. They dive after 1-2 true leaves appear. Water moderately, add light up to 12-14 hours a day. Hardening is carried out 2 weeks before planting.

Description of proper cultivation of seedlings

Considering numerous reviews of a particular variety, many gardeners make a choice in the direction of a certain type. But an equally important role is given to the peculiarities of its cultivation, since many often want to purchase a species that will be easy to grow and care for. You should start growing seedlings of this tomato around the very beginning of March. An ideal option for growing seedlings would be a peat tablet or special boxes in which this process will take place. Also, to simplify it, it is possible to create special peat cups, where the soil in which the seedlings will be grown will consist of:

  • humus;
  • garden soil;
  • sand;
  • peat

To create such a mixture, all components must be taken in equal quantities. It is recommended to first disinfect the planting material that you will plant in the prepared soil and check for germination indicators. The seeds need to be planted in slightly damp soil and the top of the container should be covered with some kind of film. After this, the containers should be hidden in a fairly warm place for about 5-6 days. This will allow the process of germination of the first shoots to occur. As soon as this happens, the film should be removed and the containers with sprouts should be placed in a lighted place. In order for this crop to develop well, the air temperature should be maintained within 23-240 C.

Tomato Bearpaw

Open ground
115 g
7.1 kg/sq.

Tomato is a fairly popular vegetable, so when choosing its seeds, any summer resident pays special attention to the variety. Each of them has its own specific characteristics and growing characteristics.

Those who want to collect large fruits with minimal effort should pay attention to the Bear Paw variety


Bear's Paw tomatoes got their interesting name due to the unusual shape of the leaves. Another distinctive feature is the high growth of the bush, large tomatoes and high yield.


The bush of the bear's paw variety is quite tall, it can reach up to 2 meters in height. The trunks are strong, but require garter. The bush is abundantly dotted with dark green leaves. Under optimal conditions, up to 5 fruiting clusters are formed on it.


The fruits of this variety are round, slightly flattened, and red when ripe. The weight of one vegetable averages 200–300 grams, however, according to reviews from summer residents, with good care they can reach up to 800 grams. They do not have a tendency to crack the skin. Bear's Paw tomatoes are elastic to the touch, and there is a noticeable sourness in the taste.

Productivity and Application

It will take about 120 days for ripe fruits to ripen from the time of planting. With normal care, the presence of fertilizing and watering, up to 4 kg of harvest can be harvested from one bush. Tomatoes can be used both for fresh salads and for preparing twists for the winter. The Bear's Paw variety is also well suited for juice and tomato sauces.


Planting the Bear's Paw variety, like other varieties, begins with growing seedlings. The right time for this is the month of March.

Growing seedlings

To plant seedlings, you first need to prepare a suitable substrate. It should be a mixture of earth, humus and sand. If you have no experience in preparing such preparations, the substrate can be purchased at a gardening store.

To ensure that the seedlings are guaranteed to germinate, it is recommended to test the germination of the seeds. If they are good, then you can start planting:

  • we prepare containers for seedlings, boxes, plastic cups, etc.;
  • pour moistened soil there;
  • plant the seeds to a depth of 2 cm;
  • cover the containers with film;
  • We put them in a warm place, maybe on a windowsill, and leave them for a week.

Advice! If you want the sprouts to germinate faster and better, the seeds can be treated with a special agent to stimulate growth.

Next, when slightly sprouted sprouts are visible from the ground, remove the film. We give more light and monitor the air temperature, it should be within 20 - 25 degrees. We also don’t forget about watering; we do it as soon as we see a dried crust of soil.

After three weeks we carry out a pick

This must be done carefully so as not to damage the roots. In the process, you can feed the plant with nitrogen microelements

Landing in the ground

Planting in open ground occurs after two months. At this time, the temperature outside is already optimal. The best option is to transplant the seedlings into a greenhouse. The land is prepared for this in the fall.

Planting stages:

  • first of all, we fertilize the soil by adding humus or compost;
  • we make holes in a checkerboard pattern, maintaining a distance of at least 60 cm;
  • we plant the seedlings in moistened soil and lightly compact them;
  • pour warm water.


No extraordinary measures are required to care for these tomatoes. In this regard, the Bear Paw variety is not very whimsical. The main thing is to water and fertilize the plant in moderation.


This variety requires moderate watering. It needs to be done at least once a week. One bush requires about 3 liters of water. First you need to defend it and warm it up.

Important! An excess of moisture should not be allowed during the period when the bushes are actively bearing fruit.


Bear's Paw tomatoes are fertilized once every two weeks. Feeding can be done with specialized means or you can prepare solutions yourself using traditional methods. Timely fertilization promotes the development of a good root system.

Important! Since the bushes of this variety reach large sizes in height, they need to be tied up

Where are they used?

The bear's paw tomato (photo presented for review) with its unusual shape and size attracts both experienced gardeners and beginners. The fruits are famous for their juiciness, they are firm, with good presentation. Just look at them and the desire to buy arises instantly. Therefore, such tomatoes are an ideal option for selling to the public through the market. In the bustle that is typical of this place, vegetables can fall. But this variety does not suffer from impacts: it does not crack, does not wrinkle, and retains the same appearance. Tomatoes are consumed fresh, they are used to prepare salads, juices, fruit drinks, pasta, and canned for the winter. This variety is grown on every farm.

Pests and diseases

However, the plant should be protected from insects. The most dangerous pests that can harm Bear Paw tomatoes are:

  • Colorado beetle;
  • slugs;
  • spider mite;
  • mole cricket;
  • aphid.

To prevent these insects from harming the variety, at the first sign of their appearance it is necessary to use biochemical preparations.

Varietal tomatoes are resistant to the following diseases:

  1. Verticillium;
  2. Tobacco mosaic;
  3. Late blight;
  4. Fusarium wilt.

Preventive measures will help protect plants from various fungi and infections. Before planting bushes, the soil in the beds is treated with a hot solution of potassium permanganate. Mulching the soil with peat or straw reliably protects tomatoes from the development of root rot. If Bear's Paw tomatoes grow in greenhouse conditions, the greenhouse windows must be regularly ventilated to prevent the appearance of white and gray rot.

Tomatoes need to be protected from pests such as:

  • Aphid;
  • Medvedka;
  • Colorado beetle;
  • Thrips;
  • Whitefly;
  • Paputin mite;
  • Slugs.

After the ovaries appear on the plants, preference should be given to traditional methods:

  • A decoction of onion peels;
  • Tincture of celandine;
  • Chamomile decoction.
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