Detailed characteristics of the Desiree potato - its origin, description of the variety and visual photos

Vegetable growing » Potatoes



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Kira Stoletova

The Desiree potato is a variety of Dutch origin, developed for mass cultivation in farmers' fields and has high yields. It is recommended to be planted in southern climates; it is susceptible to fertilizing and a warm environment.

Description of the Desiree potato variety

Potatoes “Desiree”: variety description, photo

Variety nameDesiree
general characteristicsuniversal mid-season potato variety of Dutch selection with high starch content
Maturation period80-95 days
Starch content13,5-21,5%
Weight of marketable tubers50-100 gr
Number of tubers in a bush18-20
Productivity130-380 c/ha
Consumer qualitiesgood taste, the flesh does not darken when cut, suitable for baking, mashing, stewing and frying
Keeping quality95%
Peel colorred
Flesh colorlight yellow
Preferred Growing RegionsMiddle Volga
Disease resistanceresistant to potato cancer and viral diseases, affected by golden nematode, fomosis and scab
Features of cultivationThe variety does not tolerate soil frosts well, responds well to fertilizing and watering, and is drought-resistant.
OriginatorHZPC HOLLAND BV (Netherlands)
  • small tubers, weighing up to 100 g;
  • oval shape;
  • tubers are smooth, neat, even in size;
  • the peel is red, evenly colored, dense;
  • ocelli superficial, shallow, few in number;
  • the pulp is light yellow when cut;
  • starch content ranges from 13.5 to 21.5%;
  • high content of protein, mineral salts, amino acids, carotene.

To compare the characteristics of Desiree with other potato varieties, take a look at the table below:

Variety nameStarch contentKeeping quality
Nevsky10-12%good, but the tubers germinate early
Taisiya13-16%96% (tubers have a long dormant period)
Rodrigo12-15%95% (not subject to freezing)

Characteristics of the appearance of the bush and root crops

The bush of the presented variety is spreading, has dark green and slightly rough leaves with medium veining, as well as red-violet flowers. The tubers are elliptical, red, weighing 52-104 g, the flesh is light yellow in color. One of the advantages of the variety is its high marketability, which is 80-94%.


The “Desiree” variety, a rather large potato, belongs to the mid-season table potatoes and has its own distinctive characteristics. The first tubers can be dug up in mid-summer , but the main harvest occurs in the second half of September. It is better to plant tubers when the soil is completely warm; spring frosts can have a bad effect on the yield.

Medium sized bush, moderately spreading. The formation of green mass is moderate. The leaves are matte, dark green, medium-sized, slightly wavy. Reddish-purple flowers are collected in a compact corolla, the berries are few. The root system is powerful, each bush produces up to 20 large, even tubers. The amount of non-commercial small items is insignificant.

Potatoes are characterized by increased productivity . On poor soils it is about 130 centners per hectare; with fertilizing and more favorable weather conditions it can reach up to 380 centners.

The table below presents data on the yield of other potato varieties for comparison:

Variety nameProductivity
Desiree130-380 c/ha
Crown430-650 c/ha
Lilyup to 670 c/ha
American250-420 c/ha
Handsome170-280 c/ha
Blue Danube350-400 c/ha
Palmup to 450 c/ha
Typhoon400-450 c/ha
Jellyup to 550 c/ha
Gourmet350-400 c/ha
Red Fantasy260-380 c/ha

Read more about how to feed potatoes, when and how to apply fertilizers, and how to do it correctly when planting.

The tubers have good immunity , do not degenerate, and seed material can be collected from your own fields from year to year.

Desiree potatoes are ideal for the southern regions. It can easily tolerate hot, dry summers, but several waterings and hilling will significantly increase the yield. Potatoes need light sandy soils with neutral acidity and love mineral or organic fertilizers.

The Desiree variety is resistant to tuber late blight, potato canker, fomoz, and viral diseases. May be susceptible to leaf blight, blossom end or root rot. The thick peel protects the tubers well from mechanical damage and insect larvae. This is the characteristic of the Desiree potato.

The taste of potatoes is excellent . The pulp is tender, crumbly, not watery, with light sweet notes. Depending on the starch content, the tubers can be used for mashing, boiling, baking, and stewing. When cutting and cooking, root vegetables do not darken, maintaining a beautiful yellowish tint.

The variety is suitable for making French fries and chips (including in industrial conditions).

Collection, storage and use of crops

The first tubers ripen by mid-summer, but the mass harvest occurs in September. Two days before harvest, the tops are mowed. It is not advisable to leave it on the field, as pests that can harm the tubers may remain in it.

After digging the potatoes out of the ground, they are left in the sun for several hours to dry. If the sun is bright and scorching, a canopy should be provided.

After drying, the potatoes are placed in wooden boxes and sent to a dry, cool room for further storage. They are also used for transportation to any distance.

Thanks to their excellent sweetish taste and non-watery structure, potatoes are used in a variety of ways in cooking: baked, boiled, fried, stewed with other vegetables and meat, and used as a filling for pies. The friability of vegetables allows you to get a tasty and airy puree.

In addition to home cooking, potatoes are used in mass production for the preparation of semi-finished products and chips.

Origin of the variety

The Desiree potato variety was bred by Dutch breeders. Included in the State Register of the Russian Federation in 1997. Zoned for the Middle Volga region.

Recommended for growing in areas with warm climates . Potatoes can easily tolerate heat and short-term drought, but are sensitive to frost. Prefers fertile light soil; in poor clay soil the yield is noticeably reduced.

The variety is suitable for industrial cultivation; harvested potatoes can be stored for several months without losing commercial quality. Large, smooth tubers are ideal for sale; transportation over long distances is possible. The Desiree variety can be a good basis for breeding work. The tubers do not degenerate; seed material for subsequent plantings can be collected independently.

We bring to your attention useful materials about the medicinal properties of potatoes. Read about the benefits and harms of raw potatoes, why sprouts and juice are eaten, and why solanine is dangerous for the human body.

Correct fit

How to plant the Desiree variety correctly:

  • Carry out pre-planting treatment of planting tubers with a growth stimulator and disinfectants to prevent the occurrence of fungal diseases;

REFERENCE: When planting in a field, the area must be treated with herbicides.

  • Seed tubers are planted in warm soil, since the variety is susceptible to low temperatures. Humus, ash or fertilizers (ammonium nitrate, sulfates, etc.) are added to the planting holes;
  • The distance between planting holes should be at least 35 cm, between rows - 75 cm.

Advantages and disadvantages

Among the main advantages of the Desire variety:

  • high taste qualities of root vegetables;
  • versatility;
  • good yield;
  • drought resistance;
  • there is little defect, the tubers have a beautiful appearance;
  • suitable for preparing various dishes and ready-made products;
  • the harvested crop is well stored and transported;
  • Can be grown on an industrial scale;
  • resistance to many diseases.

Read more about the storage time and temperature of potatoes, and about possible problems. And also about how to properly store root vegetables in winter, in boxes and on the balcony, in the refrigerator and peeled.

The variety also has disadvantages . These include:

  • susceptibility to scab, fomosis and late blight;
  • tubers do not tolerate frost or excess moisture;
  • The thick peel makes cutting the root vegetables difficult.

Diseases and pests

Desiree potato variety:

  • Does not affect potato cancer and viral diseases;
  • Not resistant to common scab, Phoma, late blight of leaves;
  • Immune to tuber blight.

Necessary preventive measures:

  • Carefully select planting material;
  • Regularly change planting areas. During the rest period, sow the beds with oilseed radish;
  • Conduct pre-planting treatment of fields with herbicides;
  • During the late blight epidemic, potato plantings are sprayed with copper-containing preparations;
  • To prevent the appearance of Colorado potato beetles and their larvae, wireworms, mole crickets and potato moths, the bushes are treated with insecticides.

Features of cultivation

Agricultural technology for this variety is simple. Tubers are planted when the soil is completely warm; spring frosts can destroy the plants. Before planting, the seed is treated with disinfectants and growth stimulants. Disinfection is necessary, since tubers can be affected by fungal diseases.

Planting is carried out according to the standard scheme . The distance between bushes is 35 cm, row spacing is 75 cm. When planting, it is recommended to add humus or wood ash to the holes. It is possible to use mineral complexes containing urea or ammonium nitrate, superphosphate, and potassium sulfate. During the planting season, you need to hill up at least 2 times; single watering is recommended. Mulching between rows can be used to control weeds.

It is better to dig up tubers at the end of the growing season; 2-3 days before harvesting, it is recommended to cut off all the tops.

Potatoes are well dried before storage . It is better to select tubers damaged during digging and not put them in the cellar. Seed material is collected from the highest-yielding and strongest bushes; it must be stored separately. For planting, you can use both whole potatoes and segments with eyes.

There are many ways to grow potatoes. We have prepared a lot of interesting information on this topic for you. Read all about modern Dutch technologies, about growing early varieties and getting a harvest without weeding and hilling.

Explore unusual ways to grow root vegetables under straw, in barrels, in bags, in boxes.

How to properly care for the variety

This variety does not require complex care. The main measures for caring for the Desiree variety include hilling twice during the growing season and watering once. It is useful to mulch between rows, as this helps control weeds well.

Features of watering

The variety is drought-resistant. Therefore, watering once during the entire growing season is considered sufficient.

Important! The Desiree variety does not tolerate excess moisture. It is destructive for tubers.

Abundant watering is only possible if the weather is very hot and sultry during the growing season. Moisture is required for the full formation of tubers.


Let's consider the yield characteristics of the Tiras potato. The variety is suitable for obtaining two harvests. Belongs to mid-early varieties.

From the emergence of seedlings to technical ripeness, 70-80 days pass. In the coldest regions, the variety ripens in 90 days. The growing season lasts 60-65 days. Fruit formation occurs 10-15 days after planting.

The harvest is harvested 38-42 days after the first shoots. 210 centners of fruits are harvested from 1 hectare. At the end of the growing season, the total yield reaches 460 centners per hectare.

The yield of marketable tubers is 93%. The variety has excellent keeping quality. It can be stored in cool vegetable stores for more than 5 months. Has a table purpose. Taste qualities are rated 3.7-4.0 points out of 5.

Read more about the storage time and temperature of potatoes, and about possible problems. And also about storing it in winter, in boxes, on the balcony, in the refrigerator, cleaned.

You can compare the yield and keeping quality of a variety with others using the table below:

Variety nameProductivity (c/ha)Keeping quality(%)
Queen Anne390-46092

The variety is responsive to fertilizing. Read more about how to fertilize potatoes, when and how to fertilize, and how to do it correctly when planting.

It is recommended to remove the tops two weeks before harvest. It is harvested from both seed and food bushes. This procedure accelerates the ripening of fruits. This method also prevents the re-infection of viral diseases by carriers.

Desire – Villa Desire

  • Beds: 5
  • Bathrooms: 3
  • Floors: 0
  • Parking:
  • Ref #: Desire
  • Type: Rent
  • Category: Exclusive rentals Sardinia

The villa is very elegant with special attention to detail, has direct access to the sea, a comfortable equipped rocky beach. Ground floor - entrance, living room, fully equipped kitchen, outdoor area and terrace around the pool, bedroom with bathroom with shower, patio with dining area Garden level - three double bedrooms with en-suite bathrooms and laundry room, which can be furnished as a staff bedroom for two with bathroom with shower. Nearest airport: Olbia Distance to airport: 25 min by car Distance to port: 3 min by car Distance to sea: direct access Distance to golf club: 30 min by car

Nearest airport: Olbia Distance to airport: 25 min by car Distance to port: 3 min by car Distance to sea: direct access Distance to golf club: 30 min by car

Equipment:Parking 4JacuzziSwimming pool 100 m2DVDWiFiGarden 5000 mSafeAir conditioning

Step-by-step instructions for growing

Potatoes prefer light soils with neutral acidity . 2-3 feedings and hilling help increase productivity.


For garden plots, you will need a standard set for maintenance - a shovel, a pitchfork, a hoe, a rake. For watering, use a hose or sprinkler-type irrigation system. When growing on an industrial scale, you will need special equipment:

  • Cultivator, walk-behind tractor - for hilling, loosening.
  • Potato planter - for planting.
  • Plow, harrow - for preparing beds.
  • Combines - for harvesting.
  • Watering devices - for irrigation.


Packing and sorting machines are useful in preparing for storage and rejecting low-quality tubers.

Preparation of soil and planting material

The soil and tubers are prepared for planting using traditional methods . For root crops, disinfection, stimulation, and germination are carried out. The soil is fertilized in the fall and on the eve of planting.


Tubers are planted in fertile light soil. To do this, in the fall they add humus, compost, peat, phosphorus-potassium minerals, and dig to a bayonet depth.

Article on the topic

After what crops is it better to plant potatoes?

After the snow melts, the area is harrowed or disked. When planting, add the following to the holes:

  • 1 tbsp. wood ash.
  • 1 handful of rotted compost.
  • 8-10 g of phosphorus-potassium supplement.

Planting material

After the autumn harvest, intact, smooth seed tubers the size of a chicken egg are selected. Germination begins a month before the planned planting :

  • Spoiled root crops are discarded.
  • Seed tubers are laid out in 2-3 layers.
  • Maintain a temperature of 14-15 degrees.
  • Provide sufficient lighting.

For disinfection use:

  • Potassium permanganate.
  • Fitosporin.
  • Prestige.

To activate germination, soak in:

  • Agatha.
  • Zircone.
  • Heteroauxine.


Planting begins in the Middle Volga region - Penza, Orenburg, Samara, Ulyanovsk, in the initial 2 weeks of May. Planting lasts until early June. In the south - in the Krasnodar region, Crimea, planting begins in the second half of April.

Adheres to such temperature stabilization indicators:

  • For air 13-14 degrees.
  • For soil 8-10 degrees.

Planting scheme

Maintain the following distances:

  • Between rows 75 cm.
  • Between pits 35 cm.

The depth depends on the type of soil - on light soils 9-10 cm, on loams 5-7 cm.


Cultivation is carried out in the same way as for other mid-season varieties . Standard care - irrigation, hilling and weeding, disease prevention and pest control. Particular attention is paid to fertilizing to increase productivity.


Bushes are hilled 2-3 times per season.


  • With a shoot height of 10-12 cm.
  • Before flowering.
  • With a tops length of 30-35 cm, before lowering to the ground.

The frequency of hilling is once every 14-16 days.


Desiree cannot tolerate excess moisture, due to which she is quickly affected by rot and other fungi. One watering for the entire period is enough . During the long dry season, 2-3 irrigations are allowed.


The first time is loosened before the emergence of shoots - 5-7 days after planting. This prevents the germination of weeds and breaks the crust on the surface.


The procedure is carried out 3-4 times per season, combined with hilling. Particular attention is paid to pulling out nightshade weeds, sources of pathogenic fungi.

Top dressing

Fertilizers are applied for the first time 2 weeks after germination . Use compost, humus, ash, urea or saltpeter. Good results are obtained from herbal bioinfusions. During budding, superphosphate and potassium salts are included.


Apply 1 liter of fertilizer per plant. Prepared from 20 g of ash, 30 g of potassium sulfate, 15 liters of liquid.

During or immediately after flowering, fertilize the bushes 3 times. Dilute 2 tbsp in 10 liters. superphosphate and 200 g mullein. 500 ml is poured under 1 plant.

Other care measures

Potatoes bear fruit better in mulched beds . Among the main functions of mulch are preventing moisture loss, getting rid of weeds, and reducing the risk of infection.

Preference is given to organic:

  • Straw.
  • Seine.
  • Sawdust.
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