Genetically modified potato variety "Kiwi": characteristics, description of the variety, photo

Kiwi potatoes: variety description

Variety nameKiwi
general characteristicsuniversal variety with average taste
Maturation period120-130 days
Productivity20 kg with 1 kg of planting material
Consumer qualitiesmedium, the tubers retain their shape when cooked, suitable for purees, poorly suitable for frying
Keeping qualitygood
Peel coloryellow-brown
Flesh colorwhite
Preferred Growing Regionsany
Disease resistanceresistant to late blight, poorly eaten by the Colorado potato beetle and wireworm
Features of cultivationThe variety loves the sun and systematic watering, loosening the soil, fertilizing
OriginatorThe “Kiwi” variety was bred by amateur breeders in the city of Zhukov, Kaluga region. Has not passed state tests

This variety cannot be purchased in regular stores. Kiwi is a very rare subspecies . Genetic engineering was involved in the creation of this variety . Kiwi is a genetically modified variety.

Suitable for growing in almost all regions of Russia. Despite the small amount of planting material, it is often found in other countries - Belarus, Kazakhstan, Lithuania, Ukraine.

In the Russian Federation, Kiwi potatoes are grown in the Krasnodar Territory, Moscow, Yaroslavl, Volgograd, Nizhny Novgorod, Ivanovo, Perm, and Kaluga regions.

It is very unpretentious in cultivation . Therefore, it is recommended for amateur gardeners. He loves plenty of sun, systematic watering, and loosening the soil. Responds well to fertilizing.

Tips and reviews

There are very few reviews of Kiwi among gardeners and they are very ambiguous.

09/07/2016 at 16:48

I sat there for one year.
All advantages are offset by a very mediocre taste, and it also takes a long time to grow. Ivan S.

09.27.2016 at 15:54

I didn’t even try, the neighbors dissuaded me, they say these potatoes can only be used as animal feed.

I have been growing the “kiwi” variety on my plot for 4 years, in 2015 from 1 kg.
of the planted seeds yielded an average of 32 kg. (including 2 kg of seed tubers). Seed tubers per 1 kg. there are 22 pieces. (+ - 2 pcs). Valery Sitnikov
[email protected]

As far as I know, there are no GMO potato varieties on sale in Russia. There are several varieties that are being worked with in specialized institutions, but they should not be sold. My neighbor planted kiwi, her agricultural technology is decent, as are her harvests, but her variety did not last for the second season. I don’t know the details, but she keeps only productive and tasty varieties.

Roman S.

Published September 2, 2012 — 20:11 review from Svetlana Yuryevna 5Advantages: does not eat the Colorado potato beetle, very tasty, productive

I am planting this “Kiwi” potato variety in memory of my mother.
She herself did not like to “pick in the ground,” but when I bought a dacha, she brought it to me from my native Kaluga region. a bucket of potatoes for planting. I was terrified, I planned to plant only flowers. But my mother explained that this is an exclusive variety, dear, the Colorado potato beetle does not eat it and it is very difficult to find this variety; there was nowhere to go. Mom is no longer here, but every year I plant at least 10 potatoes. A variety with an unusual peel, it is orange-brown in color, rough - very similar to kiwi. It blooms very reluctantly, this year it didn’t bloom at all. The taste of its white boiled pulp is simply amazing; it cooks very quickly. The Colorado potato beetle practically does not touch it. Late variety. I haven’t seen it for sale in stores, but you can find it among hobbyists. I highly recommend finding and planting this unusual variety on your property. Description of the variety from the Internet in information (there is very little information about the variety). Svetlana Yurievna

Kiwi in Kaluga is a very popular variety.
But, according to my family’s tastes, it is absolutely tasteless... I wore it out last year... I didn’t spoil it with the yield.. Last year I gave my father-in-law a bag of excellent-sized Kiwi tubers.. So it stood until this summer.. No one eats it became.. Threw out pogoda

I will stand up for Kiwi!
I plant it a little every year, but I plant it. The potatoes, in my opinion, are tasty; when cooked, they are crumbly and almost sugary. Our plant grows large and productive. Well, the thick skin on it is a big plus during storage. Even in warm cellars, it lasts much longer than all other potatoes. My neighbor in the area is “in queens” with Kiwi this year. So don’t give up on Kiwi, at least try it yourself, and then decide for yourself. Marina Vl

I planted the Kiwi potato variety last year.
The harvest was about 2 kg per bush. The tubers were mostly medium in size. I liked the taste. It was perfectly preserved in the cellar until spring, only the scales became less noticeable and the tubers are now more difficult to distinguish from other varieties. This spring I will plant more bushes of this variety. Ilya Korolev

The last few years in the city my parents had poor harvests, and the soil was clayey in places.
Summer, too, has not been particularly blessed with good weather in recent years. Therefore, my parents, having read in one of the gardening magazines about the “kiwi” potato variety, almost without thinking, planted the entire garden with them. Indeed, the Colorado potato beetle paid little attention to us this summer. “Kiwi” contains some kind of fiber, which this beetle does not like. But despite the promises that the wireworm would bypass us, some potato bushes were still damaged by it. The potatoes themselves are not crumbly, but this does not affect the taste in any way. And when assembling, sometimes it seemed, due to the unusual color of the potatoes, that they were rotten. But in terms of yield, of course, this variety turned out to be excellent. We have never harvested so many potatoes, and the tubers were above average in size. So I definitely recommend it. MariSka


The bushes are tall. Depending on the fertility of the soil, they reach a height of 40 to 80 cm. The stem is erect, with a large number of branches. The branches are heavily leafy.

The leaves are elongated, emerald green. They have a strongly jagged edge. Rough to the touch. They have a large number of small hairs. The leaf blade is pronounced. The inflorescences have a bright lilac hue.

The anthocyanin tint is very pronounced. Flowers attract bees and other insects. Kiwi potatoes are an unusual variety that looks like an exotic fruit. It has elongated fruits with rounded edges.

The potatoes are very rough to the touch, like velvet. Mesh peel. The pulp is snow-white-amber.

History of appearance

Information about the mysterious potato Kiwi is very scarce. There is information that the variety was bred in the city of Zhukov, Kaluga region, by local amateur breeders. But I was unable to find any data on the parental forms, or even the names of its authors. Actually, it is incorrect to call Kiwi a variety, since it has not undergone variety testing and is not included in the State Register.

There is also information that Kiwi is nothing more than the notorious GMO - a genetically modified organism. But again, I was unable to find either the authors of this exotic variety or the scientific institution where it was born.

The hypothesis that unknown amateur breeders managed to carry out a complex biological operation at home to install a foreign gene into potato seed tubers does not stand up to criticism.

A more plausible version is that the tubers of this variety were smuggled from abroad. This version at least to some extent explains Kiwi’s lack of “pedigree.”


The pulp cooks wonderfully. Suitable for making purees. But the reviews from chefs about this product are clear. Many people like the crumbly structure of the root vegetable and its excellent, elegant skin.

Others don't like too much cooking time. The Kiwi variety must be cooked for more than 40 minutes. The middle of the vegetable is almost tasteless. The subspecies is great for preparing salads and first courses.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with information about the properties of potatoes: the dangers of solanine, the benefits and harms of raw root vegetables, why people eat sprouts and drink potato juice.

The subspecies has excellent productivity. Has good keeping quality. Stores in cool vegetable stores until next year. It does not lose its taste during long-term storage.

Read more about storing potatoes: terms, temperature, places, possible problems. And also how to properly store root vegetables in winter, in the apartment and cellar, on the balcony and in drawers, in the refrigerator and peeled.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Kiwi potatoes, despite their strange appearance, have gained enormous recognition among gardeners. This popularity is due to a number of advantages that an agronomist receives when cultivating this particular variety:

  1. This is a productive variety. With high-quality care and growing conditions, Kiwi can produce a 20-fold yield of the total mass of planting material.
  2. Tubers are resistant to diseases such as scab, late blight, and rot. Also, it is rarely affected by wireworms and the Colorado potato beetle.
  3. Has a good presentation. Many people buy Kiwi solely because of its unique appearance. The tubers look beautiful and are easy to clean thanks to the small number of eyes.

At the same time, it is worth noting a number of disadvantages. Among them:

  1. Tubers take a very long time to heat treatment. The tuber becomes suitable for consumption only 40 minutes after the start of cooking.
  2. Kiwi potatoes are very rarely used for frying as they often stick to the pan.
  3. The taste of Kiwi can be called specific. People often note that Kiwi has no distinct taste and is simply a tasteless potato.

We recommend reading: “Description of the Latona potato variety”


See below: Kiwi potato variety photo

Chemistry or not

Due to its low popularity, almost nothing is known about this variety. Moreover, there is no direct standard, since Kiwi potatoes are not on the government register.

This variety resists the Colorado potato beetle well. Because of this, there is an opinion that in order to obtain such protection, the Colorado gene was introduced into the structure of the potato. In reality, everything is different. The Colorado potato beetle does not prefer Kiwi just because it contains biofiber. It was formed as part of the artificial selection of different potato varieties. Therefore, the myths about the presence of the Colorado gene in potatoes are completely absurd.


Belongs to late-ripening varieties. More than 120 days pass from the first shoots to technical ripeness. In cool regions, the ripening period can increase to 130 days.

Harvesting ends at the end of September - beginning of October. The productivity of the variety is very high . With 1 kg of tubers you can get 1.5-2 buckets of fruit. The subspecies grows well in all types of soil.

But it grows most actively in sandy loam soil. The variety is very rare and unpretentious in cultivation . Therefore, 1 kg of planting material costs about 100 rubles. And the increase in yield will greatly affect the increase in profits.

When planting 30x70 cm, a decrease in yield may occur. Since the bushes of this variety are leafy, they need more space. When planting 40x70 cm, the yield increased by 20%. The best results are shown by the 45x90 cm scheme; it is necessary to harvest after the tops have completely dried.

You can compare the yield of this variety with others by referring to the table below:

Variety nameProductivity
Zhukovsky20 kg with 1 kg of planting material
Kubankaup to 220 c/ha
Felox550-600 c/ha
Sineglazkaup to 500 c/ha
Handsome170-280 c/ha
Red Scarlettup to 400 c/ha
Borovichok200-250 c/ha
Bullfinch180-270 c/ha
Kamensky500-550 c/ha
Colomba220-420 c/ha
Spring270-380 c/ha

Harvesting and storing potato harvest

Harvesting takes place between the last days of September and mid-October. When the tops dry out, they will need to be cut off, leaving small stumps for reference. This should be done approximately 1-2 weeks before harvesting. Potatoes are dug up in dry weather. It is advisable to immediately lay it out to dry, and then sort it out, package it and put it in storage.


The largest, smallest and spoiled tubers are not stored for long-term storage. They are used first. Medium-sized potatoes store best.

The Kiwi variety is used primarily for boiling, stewing, baking, but not frying.

Kiwi tubers grow very well if normal conditions are created. The harvest is used mainly for cooking, stewing, and baking. But for frying it is better to choose another potato.

Features of cultivation

to prepare the soil for planting at the end of September. The top layer of soil should be plowed. The plowing depth should be 15-18 cm. Manure is added to the loose soil. Phosphorus and potassium are also great.

To make the potatoes as rich as possible, nitrogen should be used. The first application is made in the fall, the second in early May. Only sprouted tubers are planted.

Read more about fertilizing potatoes: what to feed, when and how to apply, how to do it correctly when planting, which fertilizers are the best and what are the advantages of mineral fertilizers.

It is necessary to use the correct planting pattern to increase yield. The soil must be free of weeds. Weeds will take all the necessary minerals for themselves. In turf and podzolic soil, planting should be done to a depth of 8-10 cm. In loamy soil, a depth of 6-8 cm is suitable. The depth is calculated from the top of the ridge to the surface of the planting material.

As for agricultural techniques, they are standard - hilling, watering, mulching rows. Read more about whether potatoes need hilling, how it is done - manually or using a walk-behind tractor, and whether it is possible to do without weeding and hilling.


Kiwi potatoes do not require special cultivation technology; care is no different from other varieties. Gardeners who have experience in growing the variety plant sprouted tubers.

Experts recommend planting using the Dutch method:

  1. tubers are placed in 2 lines with a distance of 30 cm between them;
  2. the planting step is taken to be 30 cm;
  3. large row spacings are 70 cm wide;
  4. the planting depth should be 10-12 cm;
  5. the plants are not hilled up, but sprinkled with earth on both sides.

Planting should begin at the junction of April and May. This period may shift by a week depending on the region of cultivation. By this time, the soil at the planting depth (12 cm) should warm up to +8 degrees. The threat of frost should have passed.

Kiwi can grow successfully on any soil, but the maximum yield is obtained on light sandy loam soils. The site chosen for planting is prepared in the fall. The ridges are dug up with the simultaneous addition of organic matter. In the spring, they dig again and at the same time apply humus and phosphorus-potassium fertilizers.

Diseases and pests

The Kiwi potato variety is resistant to the Colorado potato beetle. The pest does not eat shoots. Insects are repelled by the rough surface of the leaves. It is impossible to lay eggs and hatch larvae on such hairy leaves.

Therefore, pests move to the simplest potato varieties that have a glossy leaf surface. The variety is not affected by wireworm. The subspecies has biofiber in its structure.

Pests cannot digest such material. The subspecies is highly resistant to viruses and infections. Not affected by late blight, cancer, alternaria, fomoz, scab, rot, rhizoctonia, fusarium and verticillium wilt.

The Kiwi potato variety has received positive reviews from gardeners. Resistant to viruses, diseases and pests. Responds well to fertilizing. It is a high-yielding subspecies. Has excellent keeping quality .

Stores in cool vegetable stores until next year. Belongs to rare varieties.

How to properly care for the variety

Kiwi is quite unpretentious, but it still needs to be well cared for.

Features of watering

It is recommended to water the vegetable three times during the growing season to a depth of about half a meter.

Top dressing

Fertilizers are applied three times per season. The first feeding is done at the beginning of summer in warm weather. Typically, compost or diluted chicken manure is used for these purposes. Then, with an interval of 10-15 days, two more feedings are carried out, choosing wood ash or humus for this. There is no need to feed potatoes more often; this can harm the crop.

Important! When using fertilizers, you must act according to the recommendations on the pack.

Preventive pest control work is not necessary, since the vegetable has its own immunity to beetles, wireworms and diseases.

Hilling and weeding

It is recommended to carry out the same hilling as for any other potato. This promotes root branching and the formation of additional tubers. Loosening and weeding should be carried out as needed.

Useful video

We bring to your attention useful information about methods of growing potatoes - Dutch technologies, the intricacies of working with early varieties, and drawing up a business plan for growing potatoes. As well as alternative methods: under straw, in bags, in barrels, in boxes.

We also invite you to familiarize yourself with potato varieties that have different ripening periods:

Mid-late Mid-early Mid-season
Vector Kolobok Giant
Mozart Fairy tale Tuscany
Sifra Ilyinsky Yanka
Dolphin Lugovskoy Purple Haze
Crane Santa Openwork
Rogneda Ivan da Shura Desiree
Lasunok Colombo Santana
Aurora Manifesto Typhoon belongings Innovator Alvara Sorcerer Crown Breeze

Preparing Potatoes

Important Tips:

  • A month before sowing, potatoes need to be heated to a temperature of about 20 degrees for about 2 days. Then place them in two rows in boxes and leave them to germinate. Keep the containers in the light so that the sprouts grow stronger.
  • As soon as the eyes reach 3 cm, the potatoes can be planted, but only if there is no promise of frost. It can be treated with growth stimulants.

When storing it, it should not be folded in several layers, as air will not flow well to the lower tubers and they will deteriorate.

Fertilizer and watering

When caring for Kiwi, it is necessary to take into account some characteristic features of potatoes:

  • Watering often is not recommended; three times a summer is enough.
  • Fertilize for the first time at the end of summer, when it is hot, then repeat two more times, 10 days apart. Potatoes are fed by applying solutions between the bushes. If you are planting “Kiwi” for the first time, you should not “feed” it.
  • It is necessary to water a lot, the water should absorb up to 0.5 m. Before watering, the soil must be loosened. Water should not get into the bush! Only at the root, this will help preserve the harvest.
  • If it rains heavily, additional watering of the kiwi is not required. Only when the soil dries to a depth of 24 cm.

Do not get carried away with fertilizers; they are applied no more than 3 times and strictly according to the instructions.

Organic fertilizers

You can prepare this fertilizer yourself, the main thing is to get manure and not be too picky, as the smell is very strong and pungent.

  • Method 1. Dissolve water and manure in half, let it brew for 2 weeks. Then dilute the solution according to the principle of 1 to 10 and pour over the potatoes.
  • Method 2. When digging, place the plants in the ground; winter rye, mustard, legumes, alfalfa, and peas are suitable for this.

Organic matter contains all substances useful for potato growth; tubers are easily formed. At the same time, the soil becomes more fertile due to humus. When fertilizers begin to decompose in the soil, carbon dioxide is released, as a result of which the plants become stronger and the ovaries become large.

The best organic fertilizers for kiwi":

  • Ash. It can be added to holes or spread over an area in the fall. Does not allow the soil to turn sour. If there is a lot of sand or peat in the ground, the ash should be scattered in the spring. The method is simple: mix a matchbox of ash for 1 hole with soil.
  • Chicken droppings. Mix with chopped straw. This fertilizing is applied in the fall, but it can also be applied a month and a half before planting. Nitrogen begins to be actively released, but it is important not to overdo it. If you add too much, the bushes will be tall, but with fewer tubers.
  • Top foliar feeding. Magnesium, nitrogen and sulfur are well absorbed by foliage. It is better to spray in the morning and evening, because in the heat the fertilizers evaporate.
  • Organo-mineral fertilizers help potatoes absorb all added additives, as well as nutrients from the soil. Gardeners recommend “Giant” - a mixture of organic substances and various micro- and macroelements. It is added to the hole for seed potatoes when planting, mixing with the soil. Then water well so that the fertilizers are activated and begin to share the necessary substances with the plant. In autumn, granules are scattered throughout the garden and dug up the soil. You can also dilute it in water at the rate of 60 g per 12 liters of water, leave for several hours and only then water the tubers.

Mineral supplements

These are options for highly concentrated additives that are added before planting potatoes or directly during the process. It can be mixed with organic matter or straw can be added. The advantage of mineral supplements is that they not only nourish, but also protect against diseases. Although kiwi is hardy, taking extra precautions in itself won't hurt.

Most popular supplements:

  • Ammonium nitrate. Calculation: 1 kg per hundred square meters, applied in the spring.
  • Potassium sulfate. Take 1.5-2 kg per hundred square meters.
  • Double superphosphate. At the rate of 1 kg per hundred square meters.
  • Other methods. Some gardeners fill the area with rotted manure at the rate of 45 buckets per 100 square meters. And then they dig it up. You can also add ammonium nitrate and potassium fertilizers - 20 g each.

If the soil is not depleted, there is no need to fertilize it, otherwise the high concentration of minerals will damage the crop!

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