Characteristics of the Atlantis tomato and features of growing the variety

Variety Pride of Siberia

Siberians have one peculiarity: they suffer slightly from gigantomania.
And the tomato varieties of Siberian selection confirm this. The low-growing bush of the Pride of Siberia variety reaches a height of 1.5 m, and its fruits weigh 950 g. Ripe tomatoes are red in color. This is an early ripening variety. From planting seedlings to the first ripened fruits, 95 days pass. This variety can be cultivated in open ground, although it grows much better in greenhouses. Since the variety was originally intended for greenhouses, it is certified for cultivation in all regions of Russia. In the south it can be grown in open ground.

One bush can give you 5 kg of tomatoes. If the planting density is 4-5 bushes per meter, then from 1 m² you will get up to 25 kg of fruit. The variety is theoretically universal. It is suitable for making pasta and juice, and good fresh. The idea of ​​winter preservation can encounter only one inconvenience: the fruit is too large, which cannot be sent whole for harvesting. But it will be great with assorted vegetables.

This variety is resistant to diseases, has high yields, selected fruits and excellent taste.

Unfortunately, the bushes have weak branches that need support.

Peculiarities of cultivating the variety include its demands on watering and an increased need for potassium and phosphorus during the growing season. To ensure a rich harvest, leave only two stems on the bush. Delete others.

Varieties for the Northern region and Siberia

Even in harsh and changeable climates, large-fruited varieties of tomatoes can be grown. Agronomists and experienced gardeners advise growing indeterminate varieties in a greenhouse or greenhouse, then this will contribute to higher yields and high quality fruits. Street cultivation is used less frequently, but is acceptable if the ripening period of the tomatoes is not extended. When planting plants in open ground, the entire harvest must be harvested no later than the beginning of September. Green, unripe tomatoes are picked and then left to ripen at home. If you do not harvest before the autumn frosts, the fruits will die and become unsuitable for consumption.

King of Siberia

Tomatoes of the King of Siberia variety grow well in harsh conditions. It is preferable to grow plants in a greenhouse, but the manufacturer assures that tomatoes are quite suitable for open ground. The height of an adult bush is 180 cm; a trellis is required. Ripening occurs 110-120 days after planting the seeds. Tomatoes weigh 500-700 g, the taste of the pulp is sweet and juicy. The color of the skin is yellow-orange, but may be slightly darker depending on the lighting.

The King's positive qualities are:

  • attractive fruits of beautiful color;
  • fleshy juicy pulp;
  • universal purpose;
  • high yield (12-14 kg per 1 sq.m);
  • resistance to late blight and other diseases.

The Siberian rabbit is unpretentious in cultivation and is suitable for planting by novice gardeners, since there are no problems with it.

Note! To shorten the ripening period of fruits, use organic fertilizers with mullein and wood ash.


Tomatoes with an unusual name and bright orange color are easy to recognize among other representatives of the tomato culture. Although the bush is indeterminate, it rarely grows more than 1.5 m. The plant is grown in 2 stems, the first inflorescence is formed under the 8-9 leaf, and the subsequent ones - through the leaf. The yield is small but stable; less than 3.5 kg per plant is not harvested. Greenhouse planting is recommended; for regions with warm climates it can be grown outdoors.

The tomatoes are round, weighing 250-350 g, with a sweetish taste and a faint pleasant aroma. Ideal for fresh consumption, suitable for making preparations, juices and purees. Resistance to late blight is high, as well as to other tomato diseases. Of the advantages of Orange, they note:

  • large, beautifully colored tomatoes;
  • resistance to pests and diseases;
  • early ripening (up to 100 days);
  • universal use of crops;
  • resistance to temperature changes.

Gardeners say that Orange is prone to abundant shoot formation, so it is necessary to remove shoots as soon as they appear. If the stepsons are not removed in time, the yield decreases.

King of Kings

Of the recently introduced tomato varieties with good frost resistance, the King of Kings is in demand. Selected tomatoes weighing 200-300 g, or even more than 500 g, are characterized by a sweet taste. The color of the skin is red, with a glossy sheen. It takes 100 days to ripen from the moment of planting. The King is grown in a greenhouse, but you can try planting it outside. The variety exhibits strong immunity to fungi and viruses and is not infected with late blight. The main advantages of the King are:

  • high yield (8 kg per plant);
  • good taste;
  • disease resistance;
  • correct shape and beautiful coloring.

Sometimes plants are attacked by insects, the whitefly is especially dangerous. To prevent infection, prevention with insecticides 1-2 times a season is recommended.

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When growing indeterminate varieties, one must not forget about the correct agricultural cultivation technique: regular watering and loosening of the soil, fertilizing, pinching and tying. If the plants have been looked after, the harvest will be very tasty and plentiful, and the quality of the tomatoes will only please you.


Features of cultivation and storage

Preparing containers

Almost anything can serve as a container for growing seedlings: from specialized small pots to cut-off plastic bottles.

Before filling containers with soil, they must be washed and disinfected with a 2% solution of potassium permanganate. It is recommended to bake ceramic dishes in the oven at high temperature.

Soil preparation

Regular soil from garden beds will not work. The best choice is a 1:1 mixture of soil and humus. It would be a good idea to bake it in the oven at a temperature no higher than 90°C. If the temperature exceeds this limit, the nutrients will die and the sprouts will not sprout.

Seed preparation

First of all, it is recommended to check the seeds for germination. To do this, place them in warm water for 10-15 minutes. The floating seeds are suitable for planting, the rest can be disposed of.

Then the seeds are well dried and hardened: they are placed in the refrigerator, increasing the holding time by 1 hour every day. Hardening begins 5-6 days before sowing.

The best yield is achieved when grown by seedlings. The sprouts should be hardened off before planting. Take it outside and lower the temperature in the room with the seedlings to 15-16 degrees. The planting density should not exceed 4 bushes per 1 square meter. meter of land.

IMPORTANT! Tomato shows the best yield when formed in 2 or 3 stems. Care measures include:

Care measures include:

  • Regular watering, water temperature should not be lower than 18 degrees;
  • Stepsonning;
  • Loosening the soil;
  • Weed removal;
  • Needs feeding, prefers fertilizers containing potassium and phosphorus;
  • Tying the trunk with synthetic materials;
  • Installing a support for the hands.

Tomato Children's joy

The tomato variety Children's Sweetness is excellent for growing in summer cottages. Thanks to the early ripening of the variety, it is possible to enjoy the taste of these wonderful fruits already in the middle of summer. In 2011 it was included in the State Register.

Characteristics and description of the tomato variety Children's Joy

This is an early variety that has small bushes that grow no more than 60 cm in length. The weight of the fruit is up to 120 g. The tomatoes are rounded and elongated, bright red in color with scarlet sugar pulp and dense skin.

Due to the short growing season, this variety can be planted in open ground or in greenhouses using both seedlings and seeds. Fruits can be harvested within 3 months after germination.

This species is intended for cultivation throughout Russia and other countries.

Tomato Children's joy

Important! The Children's Sweet variety is not susceptible to tomato diseases that are often exposed to diseases.

Methods of growing tomatoes

Despite the presence of immunity to diseases, it is recommended to treat the seeds with a solution of potassium permanganate before sowing: 1 g of potassium permanganate per 100 ml of water.

Landing rules

After soaking for 25 minutes, rinse the seeds with clean water.

In the beds prepared in advance, make holes no more than 2 cm deep.

Holes for planting tomatoes

It is advisable to treat the holes with Fitosporin before sowing. This is an antibacterial agent that prevents various diseases of tomatoes. The solution is prepared as follows: for 10 liters of water 1 tbsp. spoon of the product. This amount is intended to process 1 m2.

Important! The sowing density of seeds should not exceed 6 seeds per 1 m2. After sowing, water the ridge generously, and then irrigate no more than 2 times a week.

After sowing, water the ridge generously, and then irrigate no more than 2 times a week.

Periodically, you need to weed and loosen the soil under the tomatoes to saturate the plants with the missing oxygen.

Periodically you need to weed and loosen the soil under the tomatoes.

On a note! During the growth period, during flowering and fruit formation, tying and fertilizing with potassium-phosphorus fertilizers is necessary to increase productivity.

Despite its determinacy, the Children's Sweet variety is quite fertile and it is possible to harvest up to 6 kg of tomatoes from 1 m2. And harvesting can be done already in early July.

Tomatoes of the Children's Sweet variety, having a small fruit size, are ideal for canning. And the juicy, moderately fleshy pulp is suitable for cooking:

Baby Joy is perfect for making purees and gravy

Advantages and disadvantages

Using high-quality seeds for sowing, you can get a bountiful, wonderful harvest with the following characteristics:

  • Thanks to their thick skin, the fruits are perfectly resistant to transportation over long distances.
  • The shelf life of the fruit is up to 2 months.
  • Super early ripening.
  • Fruits with very juicy and tasty moderately fleshy pulp.
  • Disease resistance.
  • Unpretentious in care.
  • Possibility of planting seeds directly into the garden plot.
  • Suitable for any climatic conditions.

Tomato fruits Children's joy

The disadvantage of this variety is that the stems are rather brittle and require constant tying. Obviously, the advantages more than cover this disadvantage. And thanks to these advantages, many gardeners prefer to grow the Child's Joy tomato.

Features of cultivation

Bushes of the Agata variety are grown by seedlings and direct sowing in the ground. Planting of seedlings begins 1.5 months before planting in the ground. Direct sowing into ridges, as well as plant replanting, is carried out after the threat of return of frost has passed, the soil has warmed up, and the air temperature at night has settled above +10°C.

To grow seedlings, take shallow containers with individual cells or common boxes. Disinfect by washing with soap or other antiseptic agents.

During planting, take ready-made soil, specially prepared for growing tomatoes, or mix the soil substrate yourself. They take garden soil and humus harvested from last season, and add coconut fiber or vermiculite for looseness.

The soil components are thoroughly mixed. Place them in containers and spill them with a fungicide solution two days before planting. Then they moisten it so that when you squeeze a lump of earth with your hand, it forms, but the water does not drain from it.

The soil is loosened, large inclusions are removed and lightly pressed down by hand.

The seeds are scattered at a distance of several centimeters. Mulch on top with soil or coconut substrate, in a layer of no more than 1 cm. And also press on top with the palm of your hand. The seeds are placed in a place with a temperature above room temperature.

Germination begins after 4-5 days, at which time the seedlings are immediately placed under light. Otherwise, stretching of the stems may occur. The temperature after seed germination is reduced to +18°C to slow down the growth of the vegetative part in favor of root development.

Subsequently, the plants are kept at a temperature of +22°C and 12-14 hours of light. After several leaves appear, the seedlings are planted in separate containers with a volume of about 0.5 liters.

Advice! Depending on the stage of plant development, a small amount of fertilizer is added during picking.

To grow Agata tomatoes in open ground, prepare the site in advance. The tomato is cultivated in soil with neutral acidity and a well-developed layer, 20-25 cm deep.

Fertilizers are applied during general preparation of the ridge or separately during planting

The holes are placed in one or several lines with a distance of 40-50 cm. The planting holes are first spilled with heated water until a slurry forms. Seedlings are planted in it, the roots are not cut, the plants are transferred together with a lump of earth. Cover with soil from the ridge and lightly press it over the planting surface. After moisture replenishment, watering will not be required for 10-12 days, during which time rooting occurs.

Advice! Tomato Agata can be grown with a garter to stakes, then they are installed before planting.

Subsequent watering is done without sudden breaks, because uneven moisture has a negative effect on the quality of the fruit. The soil is optionally mulched with dry mown grass, through which fertilizing and watering can be carried out. The crop is grown without pinching.

Tomato Atlantis: characteristics and description of the variety, yield with photos

Each tomato variety has its own personality. Behind each are years of work by breeders and decades of popular selection. The beauty of the best modern tomato varieties is their diversity.

So we “exploit” tomato hybrids and varieties with unlimited growth - indeterminate, semi-determinate, and determinate, the average height of which for the most part ranges from 70-80 cm, and low-growing vegetables, whose height does not exceed half a meter (all of them We will discuss the differences and features in the article below).

You cannot give advice based on outside experience, as some do, deliberately introducing not entirely truthful information about the yield (quantity and quality) of grown tomatoes. They say here they are - the best varieties of tomatoes of the past (and, further, in descending numbers) for tomatoes of the year.

Why am I giving such a deadline? Yes, because you definitely need to take into account the weather, which differs from year to year, and this is the minimum, in my opinion, period to have more or less an idea about each variety of tomatoes.

Features of cultivation

Our technology for growing tomatoes of different varieties is as follows. On our plot we allocate 6 long rows for tomatoes (including closed soil).

On three of them, representatives of the best varieties of tomatoes, proven over the years, are grown (there are also tomatoes to choose from), guaranteeing a harvest according to the declared characteristics (regardless of the “delights” of the weather), and the other three are planted with new varieties, which are “considered” this way and that in during the above time. That seems to be it.

No, no, it is very important in the process of experimentation, to accept the starting position in the garden, to consult with employees of many wholesale warehouses and, especially, stores that sell seeds. They know exactly which varieties of tomatoes people understand best, and which ones they swear at!

PS To make life easier for readers and reduce the time it takes to absorb the article, instead of determining the yield of vegetables in kg per 1 square meter, it will be written below - kg “per square”.

And now I am announcing the number of tomatoes tested in growing, presented below for your viewing, which can still be called the best - 60 varieties.

PS The results were recorded in an area that: with a good warm season, corresponds to the Central Black Earth region (region), and with a bad warm season, corresponds to the North-Western region.

Naturally, this range of latitudes in which the above regions are located definitely includes Siberia, the Moscow region, the Middle Zone, the Urals, the Far East, and then figure out for yourself where exactly the paths lead to your site.

To saturate the soil with all the necessary mineral and organic substances, it is advisable to plant the plant in the soil on which suitable crops previously grew. The best precursors for tomatoes are cucumbers, zucchini, carrots, cauliflower, parsley and dill.

If potatoes previously grew at the site where tomatoes were planted, it is better to leave this soil for other crops. The pests and diseases of potatoes and tomatoes are the same, so for prevention it is advisable to transplant the plant to another place.

Tomato Atlantis: variety description, reviews, photos, cultivation

The Atlantis tomato, reviews of which are left by experienced gardeners-collectors, was bred in Siberia and has increased resistance to unfavorable growing conditions. It can be planted both in a greenhouse and in an open garden bed. In any case, the summer resident will not be left without a tomato harvest.

Description of the variety

The tomato variety Atlantis belongs to indeterminate plants. It does not stop growing as long as temperature conditions allow. In the greenhouse, Atlantis bushes reach 2 m or more. In open ground, growth stops due to cold weather at the end of August, but by this time the bush grows to 1.5-1.7 m.

The yield of the variety is high - 7-9 kg of tomatoes per bush. It is recommended to grow in 1-2 stems, with obligatory garter to a support. To prevent the bush from becoming too dense, it is necessary to remove the lateral axillary shoots (stepchildren) and trim off part of the foliage below each cluster that begins to form ovaries.

Plants in group planting look very impressive. The bush is completely covered with fruit clusters with 4-6 tomatoes on each. The tomatoes in each cluster of the Atlantis variety are almost identical in size. The perfectly round shape meets modern European standards.

At biological ripeness, tomatoes become bright red. The Atlantis variety is distinguished by the uniform ripening of fruits on each cluster. This makes harvesting convenient, allowing the gardener to remove all the tomatoes from the brush at once. This creates the opportunity for the plant to direct all nutrients to the next ovaries.

  • The average weight of tomatoes is 400 g. Significant deviations rarely occur.
  • According to gardeners, the Atlantis tomato can also form larger ovaries - up to 600 g. But such tomatoes grow only on the lower clusters.
  • The skin of Atlantis tomatoes is strong and thick.
  • The fruits are not subject to cracking, are well stored and can withstand transportation even when ripe.
  • The pulp is fleshy, the seed chambers are small.
  • The consistency of the pulp is tender and dense, the color is bright, without pronounced white zones in the center and at the stalk.

How to grow

The greatest results from cultivation can be achieved using the greenhouse method. But, of course, the Zlatava tomato can be planted in a garden in an open area. With the first option, you need to constantly monitor the temperature and humidity.

Important! During planting work, you need to carefully disinfect equipment: planting boxes, plastic containers, soil, bowls, glasses, etc. You must wear rubber gloves on your hands. There are often cases when “infection” enters the garden from seeds and containers

Therefore, seeds also need to be disinfected, and used containers should be treated

There are often cases when the “infection” enters the garden from seeds and containers. Therefore, seeds also need to be disinfected, and used containers should be treated.

When to sow

Zlatava should be planted from March to April, presumably 1.5 months before transplanting into a greenhouse or soil. The closer to warmer times you sow, the higher the sun's activity will be, and the faster the plants will grow.

Important! If you plant seedlings in early April, they will be practically no different from plants planted in mid-March.

The soil

It should consist of 40% peat, 25% specially purchased high-quality soil, fertilized with useful minerals and trace elements, as well as 30% steamed garden soil.

Sowing technology

In the container for seedlings (there should be drainage in the lower part to remove excess moisture), you need to pour 6 cm of fine charcoal, pre-mixed with planting soil. Mix the fractions thoroughly and compact.

Then, at a distance of about 3 cm from each other, you need to make grooves in the soil. Their depth should be no more than 1 cm. Now you can moisten the soil with a weak solution of potassium humate. The most convenient way to do this is with a spray bottle.

Now you can put tomato seeds in the “trenches”. The distance should be about 2.5 cm. With a weak humate solution, you need to re-moisten the seedlings slightly pressed into the soil.

You need to cover the seeds with dry soil in a 1 cm layer, which then needs to be crushed. Next, the containers are sent for maturation to a dry place, with an air temperature of about 30 degrees. This variety requires heat.

Care and transplantation

After the plants sprout their first shoots (appear approximately 10 days after planting), you need to remove the container with the seedlings and place the tomatoes under a source of constant light for 4 days.

For the first 2-3 days, the air temperature should be about 16 degrees during the daytime, and at least 11 at night. This is necessary to protect the tomatoes from being pulled out and to form a more or less powerful root system.

Tomatoes should receive light no more than 15 hours a day. If it is not possible to create such conditions, then the seedlings can simply be illuminated with an ordinary lamp. After a week, the temperature should be +25 degrees during the day, and at least +13 at night. Now you can pick the plants.

Varieties for open ground

Growing tall tomatoes in open ground conditions is a completely doable task, but for this you need to select special varieties and, of course, build some kind of frame for gartering the plants. You can use trellises or sticks about two meters high, and stretch wire or tight ropes between them. Perhaps the growth rate of these bushes will be less than in a greenhouse, but their resistance to various diseases and their fertility are an order of magnitude higher.

Learn more about which varieties you should pay attention to:

  • Wonder of the world. A mid-late tomato variety that is resistant to various diseases. The fruits are similar to lemon, weighing from 50 to 100 grams, have a rich taste. The bushes of this plant are powerful and thick.
  • King of Siberia. A mid-season indeterminate variety with high yield. The fruits are yellow, large, heart-shaped, the flesh is fleshy and tasty.
  • Mikado is black. The tomatoes are dark in color, almost brown, and have a sweetish and sour taste.
  • Nobleman. Mid-season productive variety of tomatoes. The fruits are raspberry, weighing about 500 grams, sweet in taste, the flesh is fleshy and dense.
  • Honey drop. The fruits are yellow, small (no more than 30 grams), droplet-like, sweet. The variety is resistant to drought and immune to many diseases.
  • De Barao is yellow. Mid-late indeterminate variety, bears fruit for a long time. The fruits are oval-shaped, yellow in color, weighing about 90 grams. Plants are resistant to such unfavorable conditions as: poor lighting and low temperature.
  • De Barao pink. Mid-season, not afraid of drought and light frosts. The fruits are oval-shaped, pink in color, a little like peppers, weigh about 300 grams, the pulp has a sweet taste.
  • Tarasenko 2. Mid-early variety, characterized by high yield. The fruits are red-orange, round, weigh up to 100 grams, have a juicy structure and sweet taste.


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Tomato "Beta": description and characteristics, cultivation, care, photos

Betta tomatoes bear fruit well in temperate climates.


The Beta variety was bred by Polish breeders. The description says that it is a low-growing determinate plant. The height of the bush does not exceed 50 cm and is classified as a standard, moderately leafy type. The fruits are different:

  • bright red color;
  • flat round shape;
  • slight ribbing at the stalk;
  • dense pulp;
  • a small amount of seeds;
  • weighing up to 50 g.

The color changes from apple green to warm red when ripe. The variety is considered ultra-early ripening, because only 85 days pass from germination to the ripening of the first tomato fruits. The characteristic of the variety is also that it is resistant to cold and unpretentious to climate change.

It has good yield, because from one bush you can harvest up to 2 kilograms of tomatoes. 4-6 fruits ripen in one cluster. The taste of tomatoes is richly sweet with a slightly perceptible sourness. "Beta" has a very dense skin, thanks to which ripe tomatoes do not crack.

Growing rules

For rapid germination, it is recommended to spray the plantings with warm water from a spray bottle, and then cover with film.

To grow outdoors, certain conditions must be observed. The soil temperature for a one and a half month old plant should not fall below 18°C. Otherwise, the seedlings will simply stop growing. Light and nutritious soil is the key to successful tomato growth. Greater nutritional value can be achieved by adding a portion of wood ash to the substrate. The plant needs moderate watering with warm water. You should wait for the soil to dry out slightly, because seedlings do not like stagnant moisture.

“Betta” loves space, so 5 seedlings need to be planted per 1 m2 of soil. This way you can ensure maximum yield of tomatoes of this variety.

The peculiarity of “Betta” is that it does not cause any inconvenience when growing: no pinching or gartering is required. Since tomatoes are undemanding to weather conditions, even in the rainiest and coolest summer they will delight gardeners with a good harvest.

The variety is recommended for cultivation by beginning gardeners, as it does not require special knowledge.

Plants of this variety do not require pinching or staking.

Diseases and pests

Insects and their larvae can damage tomato fruits, stems and leaves.

Tomatoes begin to ripen even before the outbreak of late blight, making them not susceptible to these diseases. But you should be very careful about any changes in plants. So, when dark spots appear on the fruits, it is recommended to fertilize the soil with fertilizers that have a potassium base.


“Betta” is an ultra-early ripening salad variety of tomatoes. The fruits grow small and are perfect for preparing various dishes or whole-fruit canning. They are unpretentious to growing conditions, therefore they are actively used by gardeners in both southern and northern regions.


Seeds are sown in March - in the 1st-2nd decade or at the end of February. For disinfection, they are kept in a saline solution; to increase germination, they are placed in growth stimulants.

The seed placement depth is 1.5 cm. Sprinkle the soil nutrient mixture on top. Before germination, the boxes are covered with glass and kept in a warm place without drafts.

Features of growing seedlings:

  • irrigation through a spray bottle;
  • hardening for a week;
  • diving with 2-3 leaves;
  • feeding before and after picking with an interval of 10 days.

Early maturing / Low growing

User rating: 5/5

Mid-season / Low-growing

User rating: 5/5

Mid-early / Low-growing

Betta tomato needs loose, fertile soil. In the fall, add 10 kg/m² of humus, 0.5 buckets of sand, mineral fertilizers and ash to heavy loamy soils.

The Betta tomato requires simple care:

  1. Watering.
  2. Feeding.
  3. Loosening row spacing.
  4. Removing weeds.
  5. Carrying out preventive measures against pests and diseases.
  6. Treatment of tomato bushes in case of illness.

Betta bushes need to be tied up only if necessary. There is no need to remove the stepsons; there is also no need to tie the bushes to a support. Bad weather does not affect the yield in any way. As summer residents note, Betta harvests are stable from year to year.

Tomato Atlant F1: description of the tomato variety and reviews from gardeners with photos

For proper nutrition and normal development of the body, it is necessary to consume more plant foods. Vegetables are an integral part of proper nutrition. Tomatoes are grown throughout the country, have high taste and contain useful and valuable vitamins.

Among the variety of varieties of the tomato family, the Atlantis variety should be noted. It was bred in the Siberian region and is resistant to adverse conditions. Tomatoes feel great both in open ground beds and in greenhouses.

Description and characteristics of the variety

The variety is determinate, erect, highly branched. The height of the plant reaches 50 cm. A characteristic feature is strong foliage. Leaves of medium volume are greenish in color.

The fruits are smooth, cylindrical. Unripe fruits are green with a dark green spot at the base, while mature ones are orange-red.

The weight of each fruit is 65-80 g, but large units weighing 150 g are found.

Features of cultivation and care

The first stage of plant cultivation is sowing. Seeds are embedded in the soil 55–60 days before planting in the ground. The most favorable conditions for the appearance of sprouts are +23–+25 ⁰С. To prevent the seedlings from stretching out, the room temperature is reduced to +18–+20 ⁰С. Mandatory care procedures:

  • Watering. Vegetable crops do not require a lot of moisture. In order for the Atlantis variety plants to develop normally, water is added once a week. The main rule for healthy tomatoes is that it is better to underwater than overwater. High humidity coupled with low temperature is a catalyst for fungal diseases. Therefore, it is better that watering is rare and plentiful. It is not recommended to water tomatoes every day.
  • Dive. If the tomatoes were initially sown in one container, it is most likely that the distance between the sprouts is not enough for normal growth. In this case, when the seedlings produce 2-3 leaves, they are transplanted into separate pots. Tomatoes are planted in the garden after 5–6 leaves have formed. As a result of double transplantation, the root system grows greatly and the plants receive more nutrients, which has a beneficial effect on their productivity.
  • Garter. Based on the characteristics provided by the manufacturer, Atlantis tomatoes need support. To do this, pegs made of metal or wood are driven in at a distance of 10 cm from the plants that have taken root in a permanent place. In large beds, trellises are used.
  • Feeding. To provide tomatoes with adequate nutrition, organic and mineral fertilizers are applied. During the period of active growth, the composition of purchased mixtures should include a sufficient amount of nitrogen. For the development of fruits during the fruiting period, bushes need potassium and phosphorus.

See also

Description of the tomato variety Amber Honey and its characteristicsRead

Only if all the specified recommendations are followed, the description will be 100% consistent with the result obtained.

Advantages of the variety

Tomatoes of this variety have thick and durable skin that does not crack as it grows. This has a positive effect on shelf life and transportation. This variety is often used by trading companies for long-distance transportation for further sale.

The pulp is dense and fleshy, the seed sections are small. Tomatoes have excellent taste. The fruits are consumed fresh and used to make pastes, sauces and ketchups. Well suited for canning as a whole and for the production of tomato juice.

tomato Asvon F1 - description and characteristics of the variety

How to grow seedlings?

Sowing is carried out 50-60 days before the intended planting. The box with seeds should be placed in a warm place (+25 ° C), then shoots will appear in 5-7 days. Seedlings are grown to the stage of 2-3 true leaves and planted according to a 7x7 cm pattern.

Caring for seedlings involves timely watering. You need to water with moderately warm water; to prevent fungal diseases, you can add potassium permanganate (light pink solution). The recommended air temperature is not lower than +18 °C.

Transplant to a permanent place in May (in a greenhouse) or early June (in open ridges). You can plant no more than 3-4 plants per 1 m². It is best to place plants in single-row ribbons: the distance between the bushes in a row is about 70 cm, the passage between the ribbons is 1 m.

For better ripening and ventilation of planting, it is advisable to cut off the lower leaves from the bushes. This measure also serves as a prevention of Alternaria and late blight in rainy years.

Large-fruited varieties of tomatoes of amateur selection

The most wonderful varieties of tomatoes for summer cottages and garden plots are those created by gardeners themselves. In different regions of the country, amateur breeders have been selecting the best fruits from the most productive bushes for decades, as a result of which unique varieties were created. Many of them have won love and popularity throughout Russia.

Among amateur varieties, a special place is occupied by varieties with very large fruits (up to 1 kg or more). As a rule, they are distinguished not only by the extraordinary size of the fruits, but also by exceptionally high taste and decorative qualities, since folk selection was carried out not only for the size of the fruits, but also for “taste and color.”

Let us recall several large-fruited varieties of tomatoes of various colors:

Pink giant - pink; Gigant-10 Novikova – raspberry-pink; Cosmonaut Volkov - orange-red; Siberian Giant – intense red; Lemon giant – lemon yellow; Orange giant - orange; Black giant – brown-violet; Emerald apple – bright green; Snow White (Medicinal) – creamy white with a lemon tint.

The Pink Giant tomato is mid-season, from germination to fruiting 122-127 days. The plant is tall, highly branched. The brush is simple and complex, there are 3-5 fruits in the brush. The fruits are pink, flat-round, weakly and medium ribbed, fleshy, with a tendency to parthenocarpy, large, weighing up to 700 grams. The taste is excellent. Intended for consumption in fresh vit. Valued for the exceptionally high taste of the fruit.
Tomato Pink Giant
Tomato Gigant-10 Novikova is a mid-early variety for open ground and film greenhouses. The plant is tall. The fruits are flat-round, raspberry-pink, multi-chambered, fleshy, very large, individual up to 1.5 kg. The purpose is salad. Valued for its large fruit and exceptionally high taste.
Tomato Gigant-10 Novikova
Tomato Cosmonaut Volkov is a mid-season variety, from germination to the start of fruiting 115-120 days. The bush is powerful, 1.5-1.8 m high. The fruits are large, individual up to 800 grams, flat-round, orange-red, ribbed, multi-chambered, fleshy, with few seeds. salad purpose. Valued for the exceptional taste of the fruit, its large fruit size and productivity.
Tomato Cosmonaut Volkov
Tomato Siberian Giant is a highly productive mid-season variety for open and protected ground. The bush is powerful, 1.5-1.7 m high. The fruits are very large, individual up to 1 kg, beautiful, regular flat-round shape, bright red without a green spot at the stalk, sweet, fleshy, low in seeds. Used fresh and for preparing high-quality tomato products. Valued for high yield, large fruit, beautiful appearance, excellent taste, and disease resistance.
Tomato Siberian Giant
Tomato Giant Lemon is mid-season, from germination to fruiting 110-120 days. The plant is 1.5 m high, powerful. The fruits are bright yellow, flat-round in shape, ribbed, large, weighing up to 700 grams, fleshy, multi-chambered, sweet. Used fresh. Valued for its large fruit size and high taste qualities of the fruit.
Tomato Giant Lemon
Tomato Orange Giant is a mid-season variety, from germination to fruit ripening 110-120 days. The plant is powerful, 1.3-1.5 m high. The fruits are bright orange, flat-round, ribbed, large, individual up to 700 grams, fleshy, sweet, multi-chambered. Use fresh. Valued for its large fruit, high carotene content, and excellent taste of the fruit.
Tomato Orange Giant
Tomato Black Giant is a mid-season, highly productive variety for open ground and film greenhouses. The plant is 1.2-1.5 m high, durable, with a thick stem. The fruits are large, up to 500 grams, flat-round, ribbed, dark red-brown with a purple tint, fleshy, multi-chambered. Valued for high yield, large fruit, excellent taste of fruits, resistance to diseases.
Tomato Black Giant
Tomato Emerald Apple is a mid-early, highly productive variety. The bush is medium-sized, 1 m high, spreading, powerful, well-leafed. The fruits are flat-rounded, slightly ribbed, multi-chambered, large up to 500 grams, when ripe, bright emerald color with a lemon tint. The pulp is juicy, emerald-lemon in color. The taste is exquisite, sweet, delicate, reminiscent of the taste of ripe kiwi fruits. Used fresh and for making juices. It has medicinal and dietary properties. Valued for its very high yield, large fruit, exotic appearance, pleasant taste, and disease resistance.
Tomato Emerald Apple
Tomato Snow-white (Medicinal) is a mid-early variety for open ground and film greenhouses. The plant is tall and powerful. The fruits are very large, up to 700 grams, round and flat-round, with slightly corrugated stems. The fruits are very beautiful, like wax, white with a slightly noticeable lemon tint and a light pale pink blush. The taste is pleasant, sweet, harmonious. Used fresh, for making juices, for dietary nutrition. Valued for its high yield, excellent appearance and taste, and dietary properties of the fruit.
Tomato Snow White (Medicinal)

Features of agricultural technology

Since varieties with very large fruits are distinguished by tall bushes, a long period of growth and fruiting, and high productivity, they require more attention and care than plants of ordinary varieties.

In the southern regions (Voronezh region and further south), these varieties bear fruit well in open ground. In the middle zone they are grown in greenhouses.

The timing of sowing seeds for seedlings for these varieties should be earlier, 10-20 days earlier than usual, so that by the time they are planted in a greenhouse or soil, the seedlings are 60-80 days old. To plant seedlings in May, sowing should be done in February or early March.

Caring for large-fruited tomato seedlings is the same as for conventional varieties, but they require more nutrition. It is necessary to use larger containers (for example 15x15 cm) and a rich nutrient mixture. To prevent the seedlings from stretching over a long period of growing, it is advisable to tie them to pegs, place them in a bright place and, if possible, add additional light.

In addition, treatment of seedlings with the Atlet preparation gives good results. Powerful plants of giant varieties are grown with a larger feeding area, that is, they are planted less frequently. Planting patterns for amateur gardeners can be different, for example, 70-80 cm in a row with row spacing of 1.2-1.5 m. On one square. There should be no more than 1-3 bushes per meter.

Plants require reliable support - high posts or trellises. During the summer, the garter is carried out several times as the plants grow, tying each brush separately. Form into 1 stem, less often into 2-3 stems. Stepchildren are regularly removed. The top of the stem is pinched about 3-4 weeks before the end of the growing season and excess brushes that do not have time to form are removed.

To obtain supergiant fruits (up to 1-2 kg), the number of clusters on the plant and fruits in the cluster are regulated. These varieties require increased doses of organic and mineral fertilizers, approximately 1.5-2 times higher than plants of conventional varieties. 1-2 buckets of humus, 150-200 g of superphosphate, 100 g of potassium fertilizers, 100 g of nitrogen fertilizers, 300-500 g of wood ash are added to each planting hole.

Mineral fertilizers can be complex, containing all three (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium) nutrients and microelements. If the seedlings still outgrow, plant them deeper in the ground, placing the root with part of the stem in a dug groove, or spiraling it into a hole. Timely application of fertilizing during the flowering and harvest period is very important.

Their quantity and dose depend on soil fertility, taking into account the greater nutritional needs of plants. Several times during the growing season it is necessary to loosen the soil, rarely but abundantly water and hill up the plants well to form additional roots. The yield of large-fruited tomato varieties with good care is very high - up to 10-20 kg per bush.

By growing even just 2-3 bushes of different giant varieties at your dacha, you will decorate your table with an extraordinary abundance of beautiful fruits of various colors with the highest taste and dietary qualities.

agricultural scientist, chief agronomist

LLC "Agro"

Kuzmicheva Svetlana Vyacheslavovna

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )

Tomato “Golden King”: variety description

Variety nameGolden King
general descriptionMid-ripening determinate variety
Ripening period100-110 days
Average weight of tomatoes400-600 grams
Productivity of the variety8-10 kg per sq.m
Features of cultivationStandard agricultural technology
Disease resistanceResistant to major diseases

This type of tomato was bred in Russia in 2007.
It received state registration as a variety in 2009, and since then has gained popularity among lovers of large-fruited yellow tomatoes. This is a mid-early variety of tomatoes; approximately 100 days pass from planting seedlings to the appearance of the first fruits of varietal maturity. The bush belongs to the determinant, standard type. It is recommended by experts for cultivation in film shelters, but it is also possible in open ground. It is popular among tomato lovers for its resistance to major diseases. The “Golden King” tomato variety has quite good yield. With good care and the correct planting scheme, you can get per square meter. meters in greenhouse conditions up to 8-10 kg of excellent fruits. In open ground, productivity does not drop significantly. Among the main advantages of this variety, amateurs and professionals note:

  • large fruit;
  • good yield;
  • resistance to major diseases;
  • high taste qualities;
  • wonderful yellow color.

Among the disadvantages, it is noted that the branches of this bush require especially careful care to avoid breaking them.

You can compare the yield of the Golden King variety with other varieties in the table below:

Variety nameProductivity
Golden King8-10 kg per sq.m
Russian size7-8 kg per square meter
King of Kings5 kg per bush
Long Keeper4-6 kg per bush
Grandma's giftup to 6 kg per square meter
Podsinsky miracle5-6 kg per square meter
Brown sugar6-7 kg per square meter
American ribbed5.5 kg per bush
Rocket6.5 kg per square meter
De Barao the giant20-22 kg per bush

Tomato Atlantis (20 pcs) Siberian Garden

Among the early tomatoes intended for planting in open ground, the Atlant variety found its place. At the end of 2022, it entered the top five most productive tomatoes in Russia.

HeightLanding locationRipening timeFruit colorFruit sizeOriginFruit shape
Medium heightOpen groundMid-seasonRedsAverageVarietyPlum-shaped or oval

Setup and care

Tomatoes are planted in seedlings:

  1. Seeds are sowed into a prepared container two months before planting in the ground. Fertilized soil should be placed in the boxes and tomatoes should be sowed. The top of the container is covered with film and put away in a warm place.
  2. For faster germination, regular watering must be provided.
  3. In order to avoid the possibility of the plant becoming infected with fungal diseases, add manganese solution to the water.
  4. As soon as the plants have two full-fledged leaves, the seedlings are planted in separate cups or pots. Diving helps tomatoes better develop their root system and accumulate useful substances through replanting.
  5. Plants are planted in a permanent clearing at the end of May. Planting occurs in holes, the length between which should not be less than 70 cm.
  6. In order to prevent diseases from bushes, lower branches and leaves should be removed.
  7. Supports are installed near the bushes, to which the bushes should be tied.

The best time to grow and during the fruiting period is to take care of tomatoes:

  1. It is necessary to provide the plant with a regular supply of water, loosen the soil and weed out weeds, and give mineral fertilizers several times a season.
  2. We should not forget about stepsoning. This will have a positive effect on tomato yields.

Tomatoes of the Atlantis variety grow well in unfavorable conditions. Due to its high yield and sufficient resistance to various diseases, gardeners often choose this variety for their private property. Eggs are great for all types of processing.

Now let's look at the red-cheeked representatives of la mela d'oro

Honey Saved, Persimmon and Oxheart Orange and Gold. Golden heart

Honey saved

Filled with honey to the brim...

Typically, orange-colored tomatoes are considered more acidic than those with a “skin” of a different color. But these three have an excellent sweet taste! Especially Honey saved!

Bred by such a breeding luminary as V.N. Derenko, Honey Spas, registered in 2004 as a “variety for greenhouses and open ground,” quickly won its place in each region of Russia.

Growing freely in a greenhouse up to 2 m in height (in open ground - up to 170 cm), this nightshade forms on one cluster up to 6 large, round orange or deep yellow, rich berries covered with large green leaves. Berry weight up to 250 g.

Ripe pomo d'oro keeps well in the refrigerator until winter.

“I sowed the seeds in mid-March, since I don’t use lighting. The seedlings grew well and strong (spring brought us plenty of sunny days). I planted my tomatoes already in mid-May. I grow a lot of different ones in order to select the best ones for myself.

But the weather in the summer of 2014 was not on the side of gardeners; heavy torrential and prolonged rains were followed by heat. Many died, but Honey saved us, and the first babies on it had already matured by July 20, although it was declared as average, while the well-known Riddle gave nothing at all.

My Honey Spa fruited the longest and lasted until the last and survived the fight against late blight. The last tomatoes were picked clean and healthy, although not very ripe. Honey Spas showed its best side even in not very favorable conditions. Sow this variety and you won’t regret it!”

It even looks sweet!

The Persimmon tomato is not so tall - only 70-90 cm in open ground and 120-140 cm in a greenhouse. It needs a garter. This nightshade has good yields, but is susceptible to frequent diseases.

The shape of the Persimmon berry resembles a persimmon, weighing 350-400 g. Ripe Persimmon is very sweet and fleshy, but overripe ones begin to sour. Excellent for both salads and canning.

There is no exact definition for ripeness. Judging by the reviews, some believe that ripeness is in a bright, orange-yellow color, others argue that this color is a sign that the Persimmon is already overripe.

Red-red F-1, Siberian precocious, King of kings, Babushkino

Let's skip ahead to the classic hybrid.

Red-red F-1

Like a bright light in the garden

This is not just a red tomato, this is a pure scarlet tomato! And despite the fact that this “spark” still does not feel very comfortable among the established types of tomatoes, it is stable enough to recommend it for private greenhouses and plots - it is reproduced from the seeds that its berries contain without changes.

The berry size is average (at least 150 g, but not more than 500).

Number of scarlet balls up to 7 pcs., early ripening. The pulp is very juicy, classic tomato taste with a slight sourness, when broken it is sugary, loose, crystalline. The height of the stem does not exceed one and a half meters.

General information about the variety

The Taimyr tomato is declared by the originator as a variety for open ground. The plant shows high resistance to low temperatures and is available for cultivation in regions with a cool and short summer season. Tomato Taimyr general characteristics and description of the variety:

  • Ultra early ripening.
  • Standard.
  • Determinant.
  • Compact bush.
  • The foliage is average.
  • Strong, thick stems.
  • Well developed root system.
  • Medium sized green foliage.
  • Short, does not exceed 30 centimeters.
  • Up to five clusters if grown in open ground.
  • The number of fruits in a cluster is 6–7 pieces.
  • The yield of the bush is up to 1.5 kilograms of berries.
  • Cold-resistant, increased resistance to low temperatures.
  • Late blight is resistant to the disease.
  • Easy to care for.
  • Long-term storage possible.
  • Transportation over long distances is acceptable.

The characteristics of the variety made it possible to cultivate the Taimyr tomato in the coldest regions of the country. External data and technical characteristics of the fruit:

  • Round shape.
  • High density.
  • Small size, with an average weight of up to 80 grams.
  • The taste combines sweetness and sourness.
  • Friendly maturation.
  • Dark red color.
  • Juicy.
  • Not watery.

The salad variety is suitable for fresh consumption. The berry makes a valuable vitamin ingredient for salad or pizza. It is permissible to dry the fruits and use them as a preparation.


Gardeners who have at least once grown a large-fruited variety with an unusual name assure that the bushes and fruits fully correspond to the declared characteristics. According to most gardeners, these tomatoes have no drawbacks. The main feature of the Atlantis variety, like all tall tomatoes, is the need for garter.

Have you grown a “mystery” variety? How did the plants perform? Please leave reviews so that vegetable growers can weigh all the pros and cons and make the right choice.

Geography of the variety

Indeterminate varieties of tomatoes are varieties of medium and late ripening and have a long growing season. Their normal development requires long daylight hours. They can be quite successfully cultivated in heated buildings in all southern, central and even northern regions.

In unheated greenhouses, plants can be grown no further north than the central region, since early autumn frosts can stop growth, and low temperatures will contribute to the development of diseases.

In the central regions, it is possible to grow early varieties from indeterminate ones, since the late ones, even if they manage to set fruit, their ripening will remain in question. In open ground, the variety is suitable for cultivation in the southern regions.

Advantages of the variety

What are the benefits of large-fruited tomatoes?

  1. There is no need to care for them tilted, since all fruits have access.
  2. The main stem is elongated and evenly thickened, so that there is air circulation and good ventilation between the bushes, which helps to avoid rotting.
  3. Plants optimally occupy the entire area of ​​the greenhouse, so their cultivation is economical. Especially if you combine tall tomatoes with short ones.
  4. As a rule, 1 or 2 shoots develop.
  5. Fruits take a long time to form, especially in heated greenhouses.

Before planting seedlings, you need to outline where the harvested large fruits will go. Giant tomatoes will be an excellent base for canned salads, juice, and sauces. But you won’t be able to marinate them whole.

Features of cultivation

Like other mid-season tomatoes, “Golden Drop” is grown in seedlings. Sowing begins in the second half of March. Seeds can be treated with a growth stimulant or freshly squeezed aloe juice. The soil is made up of a mixture of garden or turf soil with humus. Seeds are sown at a minimum depth using containers or small peat pots. The plantings are sprayed with water, covered with film and placed in a warm place.

After the first shoots appear, the seedlings are exposed to bright light. When the first true leaves develop on the tomatoes, picking is carried out with fertilizing with liquid mineral fertilizer. At the age of 55-60 days, the plants are prepared for moving to a permanent place of residence. The soil in the greenhouse is loosened and mixed with humus. The tomatoes are placed at a distance of 50 cm from each other and attached to trellises or stakes.

As the fruits ripen, heavy branches are tied to the supports. During the season, plants are fertilized 3-4 times with a complete mineral complex or diluted mullein. Foliar feeding with diluted superphosphate is useful. Watering is moderate; during plant growth, all shoots above 1-2 clusters are removed.

Varieties of blue tomatoes

"Indigo Rose" is a late-ripening tomato. Determinant. Grows in a greenhouse up to 1.5 m, in open ground up to 1 m. Blue-black tomatoes are round, weighing up to 70 g, universally used. The flesh is pink-red. It tastes sweet. Resistant to late blight.

“Amethyst Jewel” or “Amethyst Jewel” is a medium-ripening tomato. Indeterminate. Grows to approximately 1.2 m in open ground and 1.5 m in a greenhouse. The blue-pink fruits have the shape of a steak weighing up to 200 g. The flesh is pink and sweet.

“Blue Beauty” is an anto-tomato of medium ripening. Indeterminate. Grows up to 1.5 m. The fruits are beefsteak-shaped, weighing about 150 g, with sweetness. The flesh is red. Resistant to major diseases.

“Dancing with the Smurfs” or “Dancing with the Smurfs” is an anto-tomato of medium ripening. Indeterminate. Grows up to 1.8 m in a greenhouse, in open ground - up to 1.5 m. The fruits are round, small, weighing up to 30 g. The pulp is red, very sweet. Resistant to late blight.

Tomato “Amethyst Jewel”, or “Amethyst Jewel”. wallegroTomato “Blue Beauty”. a2zumacTomato “Dancing with the Smurfs”, or “Dancing with the Smurfs”. karen_hine

“Blue Pear” is a medium-ripening tomato. Indeterminate. Grows up to 1.5 m in open ground and slightly higher in a greenhouse. The fruits are pear-shaped, weighing up to 150 g. The pulp is red.

'P+20 Beauty King' is a medium-ripening tomato. Indeterminate. It grows up to 1.7 m. The fruits are slightly flattened, weighing up to 200 g. They have a golden-orange color with a pronounced purple “tan.” On the cut - yellow.

“Black Bunch F1” - medium ripening, indeterminate. Grows up to 1.8m. The fruits are round, weighing up to 70 g. When cut, they are pink. It tastes like a sweet plum.

Tomato "Blue Pear". SandrTomato 'P+20 Beauty King'. GARDEN OF LUCKTomato “Black Bunch F1”. otomate

“Blue Stream”, or “Blue Bayou” - medium ripening, indeterminate. Grows up to 1.7 m. The fruits are round, weighing up to 150 g. When cut, they are pink-red. The stem and leaves have a blue tint.

"Wooly Kate" yellow and red - medium late tomatoes. Determinant. The bush is about 0.7 m high. The fruits are pubescent, weighing about 80 g. When cut, they are yellow or red, according to the variety. The taste is tomato. The stems and leaves have a bluish tint.

“Dark Galaxy” is a mid-late, indeterminate anto-tomato. Grows up to 2 m. The fruits are round, with purple strokes and gray specks on a red background, weighing up to 150 g. Red when cut. Regular tomato taste. Resistant to diseases.

Tomato "Blue Stream", or "Blue Bayou". mostlytomatomaniaTomato “Wooly Kate”. tomatofifouTomato “Dark Galaxy”. Mike Wang

“Red Charcoal” is an indeterminate tomato, grows up to 1.5 m. Round fruits weighing up to 200 g. Red when cut. The taste is normal, tomato.

“Chernichensky cherry” is a medium-late, indeterminate tomato. Grows up to 1.5 m. Fruits weighing about 50 g are red-black when cut.

"Blueberry" is a mid-season, indeterminate tomato. It grows about 1.5 m. The fruits weighing about 50 g are red when cut. The pulp is sweet with a slight sourness. The leaves have a purple tint. Resistant to diseases.

Red Charcoal tomato. Dmitry GusevTomato “Chernichensky cherry”. SveklonTomato “Blueberry”. Olvika70

What are indeterminate tomatoes: their features, advantages and disadvantages

Indeterminate varieties have no restrictions on growth (height from 2 meters and above, but most often from 1.5 meters and above), so they are somewhat similar to vines, in other words, as long as there is an opportunity, they will grow upward, while continuously forming flower clusters and side shoots on the stem. The first flower cluster in such tomatoes is formed above the 9-12 leaf, and all subsequent ones - after 2-3 leaves (in determinate ones - above the 5-7 leaf, and subsequent ones - every 1-2 leaves).

When the vine reaches the top of the greenhouse, or the second half of July has already arrived (the time for active fruiting to begin), you will definitely need to cut off the crown (growth point), otherwise the tomatoes that start there will simply not have time to ripen.

Video: indeterminate and determinate varieties of tomatoes - their differences

There are also semi-determinate tomatoes (this is, so to speak, an intermediate type between indeterminate and determinate). In this type of plant, the stem height can reach 2 meters (within 150-200 cm). The maximum number of flower clusters is 9-12 (however, the plant can limit its growth after 3-4 clusters, so they are most often formed into 2 stems), which are formed after 2-3 leaves, also starting after 5-7 leaves. They are also grown in greenhouses, and in open ground - only in more southern regions.

Advantages and disadvantages

Speaking about the advantages of growing indeterminate tomatoes, it is worth saying that they:

Much more productive than determinant ones (including due to a more compact placement, because they grow upward, which means the yield per square meter will be higher, in other words, you will simply save space in the garden bed).

  • They bear fruit for a long period, i.e. You can collect the fruits gradually, until frost (of course, only with proper care).
  • It is believed that they are easier to stepchild, i.e. You only need to form 1 stem.
  • The bushes are pyramidal in shape, which means they are better ventilated, which can significantly reduce the likelihood of tomatoes becoming infected with late blight and other fungal diseases.

Unfortunately, tall tomatoes usually (but by no means always):

  • later in maturity;
  • they are quite demanding in terms of care (obviously, for a larger harvest, for example, more fertilizing or initially more fertile land is required).
  • are more often affected by various diseases (especially late blight) due to the long period of fruiting.

Reviews from gardeners

Valentina Sergeevna, Novosibirsk:

“I am quite pleased with the Atlantis variety: the description on the package fully corresponds to the results. The tomatoes turned out beautiful, round, smooth. They are quite large and not suitable for pickling. But the tomato juice came out sweet and thick, since tomatoes have little liquid. I also tried to do treatment. Very tasty and aromatic variety."

Mikhail Semenovich, Novokuznetsk district:

“Tomatoes grow well in the south of Kuzbass, but the Atlantis variety won us over the first time. The very beautiful bunches of tomatoes turned out to be quite heavy: each weighs about 1.2 kg. The bushes manage to grow 6-7 of these bunches, so everything is fine with tomato preparations now.”

Polina Petrovna, Zlatoust:

“The stepchildren are growing up very strongly. But this is the only drawback of Atlantis; otherwise, the variety pleases with its yield, which does not decrease in cold years, and with tasty, large and fleshy fruits. It’s delicious in salads; we make juice and sauces from these tomatoes.”

Nikita, Taganrog:

“We tried to plant a new variety, Atlantis. I don’t particularly like tomatoes, but I liked this one: it lasts a long time after picking. The tomatoes ripened in the pantry until the New Year, when any fresh vegetable seems delicious. The characteristics of the variety on the label are quite consistent with what was grown.”

A little history

The tomato is the fruit of a perennial nightshade plant called tomato.

The Spaniards, who introduced Europe to this golden berry after 1520, introduced it as “pommel de Peru” - “apple from Peru.” The loving French gave the “apple” its name, which the Russians also used for a long time - “une pomme d 'amour' - 'love apple'.

Both the French and the Spaniards used tomatoes as a remedy for coughs and as a powerful remedy for increasing potency, but frequent consumption of la mela d'oro (“golden apple” - Italian), according to scientists of that time, threatened death.

Such a gift for anyone's heart!

In 1780, new fruits from Italy were served at the table of Catherine the Second, most of which were “golden apples”. The empress liked the new fruit so much that by the greatest decree it was ordered to plant this vegetable for the imperial table and the process of Russification of the Italian “love” berry took on unprecedented proportions.

Oh, the queen didn’t know that tomatoes had long been settled on the outskirts of the Russian Empire as a medicinal vegetable, and Crimeans, Astrakhan, Georgians and other southerners had long mastered the methods of growing French-Italian berries!

So who is Senor Tomato? By definition, it is a fruit. In the everyday consciousness - a vegetable. According to biological classification - berry. And this fruit and vegetable has long become the king of our greenhouses and gardens!

Agrotechnics of cultivation

Before sowing seeds, it is recommended to inspect their appearance for defects in order to achieve 100% germination. For testing, you can use salted water and dip the seed into the solution. Low quality seeds will rise to the top.

Experienced vegetable growers soak the seed for 10-12 hours before planting until it swells. This procedure ensures the appearance of friendly shoots. To grow planting material, use 0.5 liter containers.

The seedlings are transferred to a permanent place in a greenhouse or open ground. During the growing season, the plant requires high-quality garter. The formation of a bush with 2-3 stems contributes to increasing productivity.

Periodic watering of the crop is carried out taking into account weather conditions. If the summer is hot, then abundant watering is necessary every 2-3 days.

It is recommended to water the plants with warm water, otherwise the likelihood of infection with fungal diseases increases.

To reap the maximum harvest, you will need complex fertilizers containing nutrients to stimulate bush growth and fruit formation.

Tomato Katya. What is the yield of the variety and reviews. Photos and tips

Let's talk to you today about a vegetable like a tomato. Proper agricultural technology is important for the harvest of this beautiful plant.

But sometimes it can happen that a gardener simply puts all his work and effort in vain, because the summer season turned out to be very cold, and insects attacked the crop. And rainy weather led to the occurrence of diseases.

So what should you do in this case? As a result, all agricultural technology simply turned out to be a waste of time for the summer resident. And in this case, the variety can help out. Since if he is a hybrid, highly sensitive, then most misfortunes and unfavorable weather conditions will not matter to him.

Now let's look at a tomato variety like Katya. And to be able to better understand everything, let’s look at the characteristics and its description. And after this, we will try to draw a conclusion whether you need it in your beds or not.

What reviews does the Katya tomato and what is its yield? Let's figure this out and look at the photo. Of course, it would be very unusual and surprising if the Katya variety were introduced abroad. But this did not happen. The Katya variety is a domestic tomato.

It was bred by our Russian breeders. And the resulting result was able to exceed all their expectations. Numerous reviews from summer residents are positive. They love this culture. In addition, it does not require careful care and is capable of producing good, rich harvests.

As we wrote above, tomatoes can be different, but still, hybrid varieties perform best. As for the Katya variety, this hydride can be classified as a first generation hybrid. And this, in turn, tells us that the variety has many positive characteristics. It is about them that we will talk further.

Tomato Seeds Katya

Varietal characteristics of tomato "Katya"

In this article you can also see the characteristics of the Katya tomato.

  • The plant has a fairly early ripening period. So, for example, the very first harvest of tomatoes can already be harvested 80-86 days after the first seedlings sprout.
  • The Katya variety is determinate. It does not have large, dense green mass. This, in turn, helps the fruits ripen quickly, darken the plantings in the beds, and also prevent large amounts of moisture from accumulating in the soil.
  • Each brush on a tomato bush is capable of forming eight to nine fruits. The fruits have a bright, scarlet skin color and a flat-shaped shape.
  • The tomato variety Katya is very popular with many summer residents because it is not susceptible to infection by various diseases of nightshade crops. So, for example, mosaic, rot, late blight, and alternaria are not in danger of erasing. All this completely eliminates the need to treat beds with plants with various chemicals. And it makes the future harvest high in many respects, and most importantly, environmentally friendly.
  • This variety of tomatoes can perfectly withstand all weather troubles. If there is a drought or there are heavy dojis, it’s not a big deal.

If we talk about competition, then in numerous domestic markets, it is the Katya variety that is the sales leader.

  • In this case, in order to obtain excellent tomato yields, you simply need to try to follow basic agricultural techniques, for example, such as weed control, watering, fertilizing, removing the Colorado potato beetle, and pinching. In addition, the possibility of planting for sale is provided by such properties as a long shelf life of the fruits and the absence of cracks on them.
  • The Katya variety has its own universal purpose. We talk about growing methods and crop processing. This means that you can plant seedlings both in open ground and in a greenhouse or greenhouse. And the fruits can be used for fresh eating and for preparing various salads, drains, and sauces.
  • The Katya variety is capable of forming compact fruits of 120-150 grams. They are very convenient for preparing preserves in their entirety. There can be a large number of them on one brush. This, in turn, makes it possible to get more than ten kilograms from one square meter.
  • The main distinguishing feature of tomatoes of the Katya variety is that the fruits do not have a green skin at the stalk. The entire tomato fruit is painted the same color and ripens completely.
  • The aroma and taste of tomatoes are very pleasant.
  • It is best to form tomato bushes with two or three stems in order to get the maximum yield. And numerous reviews from summer residents can confirm this. Photos and yield indicators can provide us with the opportunity to evaluate the full merits of a given growing technique.
  • The Katya variety should definitely be pinched and tied up. For many, this may be a drawback, but not for experienced gardeners who know a lot about gardening and gardening.
  • The tomato crop begins to form and ripen at the same time.
  • Tomato fruits contain a huge amount of vitamins, carotene, as well as minerals useful to our body.

Growing tomato "Katya"

Above you could see what description the Katya tomato has. Now let's talk about the features of growing this vegetable.

It is best to grow the Katya variety in a personal plot using seedlings.

  • Seeds should be sown in mid-March. They need to be treated in advance against diseases and soaked to improve germination. Then they are transplanted into the ground. You can prepare it yourself, or you can purchase it at a specialized store.
  • After two true leaves appear on the sprout, the seedlings should be picked. And after they reach a height of fifteen to twenty centimeters, they can be planted in open ground.
  • But first, the seedlings need to be hardened off and transferred to an open place after the night frosts have subsided.
  • You should think in advance about how the plant stems will be tied. As we said above, tomato bushes form two or three stems.

Stepchildren should be removed.

As for fertilizing, this tomato variety responds well to potassium fertilizing. From the moment the plant bushes begin to form a crop, fertilizers should be applied constantly.

In this case, the yield can be more than fifteen kilograms. The distance between seedlings should be 50-60 cm.

These are, basically, all the main characteristics of the Katya variety, and as we wrote above, you can conclude for yourself that this tomato variety can rightfully become your favorite in the new summer season.

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Top dressing

To get a good harvest, “Flyashen” needs to be fed periodically so that they receive all the necessary microelements.

The first feeding is carried out ten days from the moment the seedlings are planted in a permanent place and before flowering begins. At this point, it is necessary to introduce mineral fertilizer. After the formation of the first fruits, the bushes are fed with potassium fertilizers. Special mineral additives for tomatoes are ideal for feeding. They contain all the essential nutrients required by the plant at different stages of development.

Tomatoes are a self-pollinating species that produces large quantities of pollen. However, self-pollination does not always occur in such a way that fruits are formed. To ensure that all flowers become ovaries, it is recommended to shake the plant twice a day, gently holding it by the trunk.

Planting and care

Seeds are sown for seedlings from the end of February and throughout March. The time is selected 65-70 days before transplanting into stationary beds. Subtleties of caring for seedlings:

  • irrigation with settled water;
  • lighting with phytolamps;
  • diving and hardening;
  • feeding once every 20 days.

Ultra-early / Low-growing

User rating: 5/5

Early maturing / Low growing

User rating: 4/5

Early maturing / Low growing

Like all early varieties, it is not recommended to sow more than 2 months before planting in the ground or greenhouse. Depending on the region, this is mid-March - mid-April.

The seeds are soaked in a pale solution of manganese and sown to a depth of 1 cm. Until the first sprout, they can be kept under film (to maintain moisture) in a warm place (25-27 degrees).

With the appearance of 2 true leaves, they are planted in pots or boxes at a distance of 8-10 cm from each other. After a few days, you can feed with nitrogen-containing fertilizer.

Seedlings of the “Non-Sonny” tomato are not prone to strong stretching, but the lighting needs to be long and bright (can be illuminated with electric lamps).

Watering is carried out immediately after the surface of the soil in the box (pot) dries out; the amount of watering depends on the air temperature. You cannot overwater the seedlings, otherwise the plants will begin to wither and fungus will appear in the ground.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of the Flyashen variety?

Tomatoes all season Description of the positive characteristics of the variety:

  • long fruiting period (until frost);
  • high level of productivity;
  • extraordinary appearance of the fruit;
  • disease resistance;
  • rich taste of tomatoes;
  • long storage period;
  • good transport tolerance.

What complicates the care activities is the crop’s demands on pinching and tying, which is associated with the large height of the bush.

Tomato Flyashen consists entirely of one advantages, these include:

  • Extra large record harvest;
  • The duration of fruiting is long, until frost;
  • Original, beautiful shape of fruits and clusters;
  • The plant is resistant to late blight and easy to care for;
  • Pronounced sweet tomato flavor.

The variety also has a small number of disadvantages, these are:

  • Afraid of crown rot;
  • If there is insufficient light and heat, tomatoes take a long time to grow and ripen.

Characteristics of tomato Agata

Due to the presence of a final growth point, the crop is characterized by a compact bush size, which greatly facilitates plant care and harvesting of ripe crops. But the variety received its main recognition among vegetable growers for the early ripening of vegetables. After the sprouts appear, harvesting the first harvest of vegetables can begin after 3 months of active growth and development.

Breeding and cultivation regions

The variety was bred in the 80s of the last century by scientists from an experimental station in the Krasnodar region. In 1987, a new variety of crop was included in state registers with a recommendation for cultivation in regions with different climatic conditions. Tomatoes of the Agata variety are suitable both for cultivation in open ground and for growing in greenhouse complexes.


The variety is characterized by low-growing bushes. Adult plants reach no more than 40-45 centimeters in height. The leaf blades are small, light green in color. During the flowering period, racemose inflorescences with small, bright yellow flowers appear on the bushes. Each fruitful inflorescence produces from 4 to 6 vegetable ovaries.

During the ripening process, the brushes bend the bush into the ground, which increases the risk of rotting and damage to tomatoes by fungi, viruses and harmful insects. To avoid troubles, support pegs are installed in the beds, to which vegetable bushes are tied.

Productivity and fruits

During the growing season, up to 3 kilograms of fresh vegetables are obtained from each plant. Up to 9 kilograms of ripe tomatoes are harvested per square meter of plantings.

Fruit ripening occurs 3 months after the appearance of the first shoots.

  1. In the process of growth and development, the fruits acquire a rounded contour.
  2. Unripe fruits have a light green peel; by the time they are fully ripe, the vegetables acquire a bright red skin color with a glossy sheen.
  3. Under the skin there is juicy, sweetish pulp with small seeds and a characteristic aroma of the crop.
  4. The weight of each ripe fruit ranges from 70 to 110 grams.
  5. Tomatoes of the Agata variety are not prone to cracking and overripening.
  6. The harvested crop retains its presentation and taste for a long time.

Reference! Agata tomatoes are recognized as a universal variety, therefore suitable for fresh consumption or canning.

Variety immunity

Agata tomatoes are poorly protected from diseases and pests, but due to early ripening, the variety is rarely affected by fungal, viral and bacterial diseases. By the time of harvest, the main diseases and harmful insects do not have time to enter the stage of active development.

Also, when selected, the crop received good natural immunity, which allows it to cope with the negative effects of the environment.

Description of the early ripening tomato Spring of the North F1 and rules for growing by seedling method

The early-ripening hybrid tomato Spring of the North was included in the State Register of Breeding Achievements back in 2011. Bred specifically for the industrial production of early vegetables, the variety has several advantages: uniform yield, calibrated fruits and compactness of the bush. Currently, hybrid seeds can also be purchased for planting in a summer cottage.

General characteristics of the plant

The description of the variety Spring of the North F1 in the State Register catalog indicates that this is a determinate plant. The growth of the main stem stops after the formation of 5-6 fruit clusters, after which the filling of the ovaries and the rapid ripening of the fruits begin. Mass harvesting takes place in July, but the first fruits begin to ripen at the end of June.

To obtain early production, it is recommended to grow tomatoes in greenhouses. But in summer cottages in central Russia and Siberia, it is possible to obtain a tomato harvest in open ground. The plant is very resistant to temporary drops in temperature, tolerates prolonged rainfall well and is practically not affected by macrosporiosis in hot and humid seasons.

Reviews from domestic gardeners indicate that the variety’s yield remains consistently high in any summer.

To improve the yield of the crop, it is recommended that after the first cluster blooms, remove side shoots that do not produce additional fruits.

At the same time, the plant directs all the nutrients to the filling and ripening of tomatoes on the main stem.

Description of the fruits of the hybrid Spring of the North

5-6 fruit clusters of complex shape are formed on the plant. Each of them bears an average of 4-5 fruits with approximately the same weight (no more than 200 g). The shape of the berries is round, the stalk is slightly ribbed.

The skin is dense and durable. Vesna Severa tomatoes are not subject to cracking, are well transported and last a long time without losing their appearance or taste.

When harvesting fruits at milky ripeness, tomatoes ripen easily in room conditions. The color of a ripe tomato is a rich pink hue, with a pearlescent tint.

Tomatoes at technical ripeness have a pale green color with a dark spot at the base.

The Spring of the North hybrid has a salad purpose. The first harvest of vegetables is harvested in early summer, when there is a shortage of them, so tomatoes are mainly consumed in the form of summer snacks and salads. The slices are suitable for sandwiches; pink slices also look elegant when sliced.

Small calibrated tomatoes are convenient for whole-fruit canning. Thanks to the elasticity of the skin and pulp, canned tomatoes hold their shape well and remain intact during heat treatment.

If desired, you can get thick tomato juice and light-colored puree from fleshy tomatoes.

These products contain little acid and are suitable for dietary purposes, are hypoallergenic, and are recommended for baby food as a source of many vitamins.

How to grow early tomatoes

Early varieties of tomatoes need to be sown as seedlings 2 months before the intended planting. To obtain a harvest at the beginning of summer, the plants need to be planted in a greenhouse. In the conditions of central Russia, this can be done in mid-May.

Tomatoes are planted in the ground when the spring wave of return frosts has passed, that is, around the beginning of June. By combining both technologies, you can have fresh vegetables on the table from mid-June to the end of July. After this, medium-ripening tomatoes begin to be harvested from the garden.

You can sow seeds in boxes 2/3 filled with soil made from equal parts of garden soil, humus and fine sand. For 5 kg of such a mixture, it is advisable to add 1 tbsp. ground chalk or eggshells. Before sowing, calcine the soil in the oven or soak it in a hot dark pink solution of potassium permanganate.

Seedlings dive in the phase of 2-3 true leaves according to a 10x10 cm pattern. Caring for seedlings consists of timely watering and additional lighting, if necessary. When the time for planting approaches, the plants are placed in 5-6 bushes per 1 m².

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