Tomato Giant of the Moscow Region: description of the variety, characteristics and reviews

Description and characteristics of the Giant Moscow region tomato, reviews, photos

Indeterminate, super-yielding , tall variety. The height of the bush at the end of the season is up to 1.8 meters . It is best to form a plant in 1 or 2 stems.

Basic qualities of fruits

The fruits are heart-shaped, large, fleshy, red when ripe. Each weight is 400-600 grams (up to 800 g).

Tomatoes of the Gigant Moscow region variety are ideal for salads and making thick juice and sauce.

Productivity : up to 6 kg of fruits from 1 plant (subject to agricultural practices).

We recommend sowing the seeds of this tomato for seedlings 60-65 days before the intended planting in the ground.

This is a natural variety of tomato. Therefore, we recommend taking seeds from a ripe fruit and using them for planting in subsequent seasons.

Popular varieties of tomatoes: characteristics and photos

“White filling 241” Early ripening, determinate. Fruits weighing 80-130 g, red, round, smooth, for salad purposes. The taste is good.

Packages of tomato seeds of the “White filling 241” variety from different manufacturers

“Cheerful Gnome” Early ripening, determinate variety for salad purposes. The fruits are cylindrical, dense, red in color, weighing up to 90 g.

Packages of tomato seeds of the “Jolly Gnome” variety from different manufacturers

Hybrid "Benito F1" Medium-early, determinant hybrid for open ground. It is resistant to the vagaries of weather and some viral diseases of tomatoes. Gives consistently high yields. The fruits are cube-shaped, slightly ribbed, red, weighing up to 100 g, sweet, very tasty. Suitable for fresh consumption, making juices and tomato paste.

Packages of hybrid tomato seeds “Benito F1” from different manufacturers

Hybrid "Magnus F1" Determinate, early ripening. It has increased resistance to almost all tomato diseases, including late blight, as well as to root-knot nematode. Fruits of universal use, weighing up to 130 g, flat-round, red, excellent taste. The purpose is universal.

Packages of hybrid tomato seeds "Magnus F1" from different manufacturers and a photograph of tomatoes of this variety

Hybrid “Raspberry ringing F1” Early ripening, determinate, for salad purposes. Fruits weighing up to 150 g, round, pink, juicy, sweet. Productivity is high.

Packages of tomato seeds of the hybrid “Raspberry ringing F1” from different manufacturers

Hybrid "Cherry Kira F1" Mid-season, productive hybrid for protected soil. The bush is indeterminate, tall. Forms flower clusters with 16-18 ovaries. The fruits are round, dense, bright orange in color, small (up to 30 g), sweet. Well suited for fresh consumption, whole-fruit canning and freezing.

Packages of hybrid tomato seeds “Cherry Kira F1” from different manufacturers and a photo of tomatoes of this variety

“De Barao” A group of late-ripening, indeterminate varieties recommended for cultivation in all regions of Russia. Cultivated in protected and open ground. The bush is tall and requires support. The fruits are smooth, ovoid, weighing up to 30 g. In different modifications, the color can be red, pink, yellow, orange and violet-brown. The fruits have an excellent taste and are suitable for fresh consumption and whole-fruit canning. Productivity is high.

Packages of tomato seeds of the “De Barao” variety from different manufacturers

"Casper" Early ripening, determinate variety for open and protected ground. Fruits for salad purposes, cylindrical, red, dense, weighing up to 100 g. The taste is excellent.

“Leader” Early ripening, determinate variety for universal use. The fruits weigh up to 80 g, are fleshy, tasty, round in shape, red in color. The variety is valued for its unpretentiousness and high yield.

Fragment of the packaging of seeds of the “Leader” variety

“Honey Spas” Mid-season, unpretentious, indeterminate variety. The purpose is salad. The fruits are large (up to 220 g), tasty, round in shape, orange in color. Suitable for long-term storage, tolerates transportation well.

Packages of tomato seeds of the “Honey Spas” variety from different manufacturers

“Lazyman's Dream” The variety is early ripening, determinate. Fruits of universal use, excellent taste, flat-round, red, weighing up to 130 g. The variety is resistant to most tomato diseases, including late blight. The plants are flexible and tolerate changes in temperature and humidity well.

Packages of tomato seeds of the “Mechta Summer” variety from different manufacturers

"Moskvich" Determinate, early ripening variety. Suitable for growing in open ground in central Russia. Resistant to less than comfortable climatic conditions. The fruits are red, flat-round, ribbed, weighing up to 75 g. Used fresh and for canning.

Packages of tomato seeds of the Moskvich variety from different manufacturers

“Peremoga 165” Determinant, medium early. Fruits of universal use, weighing up to 130 g, flat-round shape, orange-red color. The advantages of the variety are unpretentiousness and high yield.

Packages of tomato seeds of the “Peremoga 165” variety from different manufacturers

“Peach” Early ripening, determinate. Fruits weighing up to 105 g, flat-round, dense, creamy-orange in color, sweet, fleshy, very tasty. The purpose is universal.

Packages of tomato seeds of the “Peach” variety from different manufacturers

“Parsley-gardener” Determinate, mid-season salad variety for open and protected ground. The fruits are cylindrical, weighing 150-180 g, crimson in color. The taste is good. Productivity is high.

Packages of tomato seeds of the “Parsley gardener” variety from different manufacturers

“Northern Baby” Very early, determinate variety. Fruits weighing up to 60 are red, smooth, round. Suitable for fresh consumption and whole-fruit canning.

Packages of tomato seeds of the “Northern Malyutka” variety from different manufacturers

"Florida Petit" Early ripening, determinate. The purpose is salad. The fruits are round, red, small (up to 25 g), sweet, tasty.

Packages of Florida Petite tomato seeds from different manufacturers

“Gypsy” Determinate, mid-season variety for open and protected ground. The fruits are smooth, weighing 100-110 g, round, purple-brown in color. The yield is high, the taste is excellent. The purpose is universal.

Packages of “Gypsy” tomato seeds from different manufacturers

"Yuryevsky" Mid-season, determinate variety for open ground. Fruits weighing 90-130 g, round, red. Suitable for fresh consumption and processing. The variety is valued for its productivity, unpretentiousness and resistance to most tomato diseases.

Which varieties are classified as early

First of all, you need to decide which varieties of tomatoes belong to early and ultra-early.

REFERENCE. Ripening time is the most important characteristic by which tomatoes are classified.

Early-ripening tomatoes are usually called those that begin to bear fruit 90-95 (plus or minus 10) days after the first shoots appear.

Ultra-early - those that produce tomatoes already 2.5 months after seedling germination.

It is important to understand this: 80, 90, 95 days are approximate dates. Much depends on the summer resident himself, as well as weather conditions and what kind of care is provided. With regular feeding in a good year, even early tomatoes can be harvested after 85 days.

And, conversely, if the tomatoes do not have enough light during cultivation, the year is dry or rainy, and the summer resident provides poor care for the plantings, then the tomatoes may ripen longer than the specified period.

The most important factors are, of course, warmth and sunlight.

IMPORTANT! The ripening time is indicated on the back of the packet of seeds.

Rules of care

The plant does not require total control. It only needs moderate soil moisture, garters and the addition of nutrients.

Rules for caring for seedlings

Features of care:

  • regular loosening carried out after watering;
  • timely removal of weeds;
  • pinching of a plant - breakage of lateral shoots from the leaf axil;
  • moderate watering - no more than 12 liters per day;
  • irrigation is carried out at sunset to prevent burning of the leaf surface;
  • Garters are required.

Gardeners planting Siberian giant tomatoes share photos and reviews about the yield. Characteristics and reviews make it possible to get a complete picture of the characteristics of the variety.

Features of cultivation

“Giant of the Moscow Region” can be grown both in open ground (in the southern regions) and in greenhouses. For the middle zone, greenhouse sowing is recommended, which can be started throughout March; if you are late with the deadline, the harvest may not be so large.

Before planting in the ground, the tomato is sown as seedlings (45 or 60 days in advance, depending on the light), after which it is planted maintaining a 40-50 cm distance between plants.

Each stem requires a mandatory garter, since the fruits are very large and heavy. Pinching is required to form 1-2 stems, as well as limiting growth, especially in a greenhouse. Tomato responds well to fertilizing:

  • the phosphorus-potassium mixture is applied 2 weeks after planting in the ground;
  • bloodworm with the addition of potassium sulfate (1:10) is used for flowering and ovary;
  • wood ash diluted in water has a good effect on the plant during the period of fruit formation;
  • a solution of superphosphate and humate is recommended at the ripening stage.

With proper care, ripening occurs in 11-12 weeks.

Agrotechnics of cultivation

Tomato Giant lemon

Regardless of the variety of this tomato variety, the cultivation technology will be almost the same.

It is best if the growing method is seedlings. Seeds for seedlings are pre-soaked in salt water (this way bad and empty ones are eliminated), then dried. They should be planted in containers from the 15th of February to the 15th of March (for subsequent cultivation in a greenhouse) and March 15-31 (for growth in open ground without coverings).

Planting tomatoes in a greenhouse

The ripening time for seedlings to be transferred to a greenhouse or open air is from 40 to 60 days, depending on how they develop and what conditions are created for their growth.

It is better to grow seedlings of the Giant tomato variety in ordinary soil, but it must be disinfected and fertilized in advance. Then moving it to the garden will be easier.

Seedling seeds are immersed in the soil 1-2 cm deep and are not watered.

Interesting. To speed up the germination process, plants can be covered with film.

As soon as the sprouts have sprouted, they need to be provided with a lot of sunlight and daylight and additional lighting with the help of lamps. Watering the seedlings should be organized in the morning, but only if the soil is dry. Keep the room temperature at +28 ° C.

A week or two before transferring the seedlings to the garden, you need to start hardening them off by opening the window and taking them out into the fresh air.

Seedlings are fertilized with purchased fertilizers at the time of watering. It is better to feed seedlings with mineral and organic fertilizers.

Seedlings need to be fertilized with mullein or chicken droppings when they are growing in ordinary soil.

Advice. This variety is not recommended for inexperienced gardeners to avoid damaging the roots of the plant.

The seedlings move into the soil along with the soil from the container. The hole in the soil is fertilized in advance with manure and filled with water, then a tomato bush is placed and sprinkled with earth. At first, you should not water or weed.

After the crop has taken root in the soil, it needs to be cultivated and watered. This is done by loosening the soil and mulching (to eliminate parasites).

Adult tomato plants must be treated against parasites with special preparations or folk solutions.

Also, the bushes need to be shaped so that they do not grow very densely, otherwise there will be little light for the fruits and the branches will break each other.

Purchase of seeds "Giant of the Moscow Region"

Reviews about the “Giant of the Moscow Region ” tomato are only positive due to its high yield and unpretentiousness to growing and transportation conditions. Our website provides the opportunity to order high-quality and original seeds without having to spend a lot of time searching on your own.

To select the necessary seeds, photographs of adult plants and crops, a detailed description with characteristics and characteristics of cultivation are provided. Any additional questions can be clarified during a personal consultation.

Professional assistance and top quality products are what a client of our website receives when ordering any batch of seeds. Contact us for original products!

Characteristics of the Giant tomato

This is a mid-season tomato variety, which is distinguished by its very large fruit size. Most often grown by seedlings. Ripening period is from 118-135 days, depending on the variety and climatic conditions.

It has several mid-season species, distinguished by color:

  • Honey. It is an indeterminate variety, most often used for salads. Fruit weight – up to 400 g. They are large, sweet, with a strong peel, which is good for storage;
  • Giant Novikova - designed for greenhouse cultivation. The height of the bushes reaches 2 meters. Fruit weight – from 400 g. From one bush you can harvest 10 kg of crop;
  • Orange. Reaches 80 cm in height, but produces fruits weighing 300-600 g. One bush produces 10-12 kg;
  • Pink. Produces fruits weighing from 4 to 8 kg per bush. The average weight of one tomato is from 300 to 800 grams. The growth of one plant is up to 2 meters;
  • Crimson. Determinate variety, not standard, with spreading branches, growing from one to two meters. The fruits are irregular in shape, bright crimson in color, weighing from 300 to 500 g. It has a thin peel that is not resistant to cracking. Ripening period is from 105 to 110 days. The yield is high, from 6 to 10 kg per plant. Popularly called Maria;
  • Citric. Indeterminate, tall variety, medium ripeness, with high yield. The bush grows up to 2 meters, produces 7-10 fruits weighing from 500 to 700 grams. Tomatoes have a rich yellow color;
  • Siberian. A mid-season type of Giant tomato with a two-meter stem and fruits weighing 600 grams. Resistant to changes in temperature, which is why it is called Siberian. Was bred by Tamara Yashenko.

Tomato Giant

The characteristics and descriptions of the Giant tomato varieties are practically no different from each other. These are all tall, spreading plants that produce large, fleshy tomatoes.

Tomato Red Giant characteristics and description of the variety:

  • Determinate variety. Stops growing after 5 tassels have formed;
  • The bush grows up to 1.5 meters. Requires shaping and garter;
  • Ripening period – 110-115 days;
  • Large-fruited. The weight of one tomato is from 300 to 600 g;
  • High-yielding. Yields 10 kg of tomatoes per plant;
  • Resistant to temperature changes, both during growth and storage.
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