Yellow truffle: growing recommendations and description of golden tomato

One of the most delicious options from a series of tomatoes called “Japanese Truffle” is considered to be “Yellow Truffle”. Like many yellow tomatoes, they are sweeter than their pink and red brothers.
Among other things, the yellow color of vegetables can decorate any dish, and also looks great in a jar.

The variety is indeterminate and has excellent transportability and keeping quality. All this is due to the fact that the fruits have thick skin. The bush reaches a size of 1.2-1.5 m and is formed into two stems. Needs gartering and removal of stepsons.

General characteristics

"Yellow Truffle" is a mid-season variety. From the appearance of the first shoots to fruiting – 110-120 days. It can be grown both in a greenhouse and in beds. Tomatoes have a slightly ribbed surface and a pear-shaped shape. Something like a truffle. The taste of the fruits of this variety is sweet, the flesh is fleshy, thick. The color of the tomato is orange-yellow, weight is about 100-150 g. Suitable for preparing fresh salads, not bad for pickling in its entirety.

Its main difference is its good ability to set fruit. Shows the best results when grown in a greenhouse. This is because it can grow up to 3 m. One bunch can ripen 6-7 tomatoes.

Interesting! Many breeders have developed a low-growing variety of this tomato. In open beds, such a plant grows no more than 70 cm.

Advantages and disadvantages, reviews from gardeners


  1. High yield, especially when planted in shelter.
  2. Thick skin allows tomatoes to maintain their presentation during transportation and storage.
  3. Tomatoes can ripen on the bushes and are not prone to cracking.
  4. Suitable for canning, they sound worthy in fresh dishes.
  5. Resistant to late blight and pests.
  6. Tomatoes are recognized as hypoallergenic and are used to make baby food or diet food.


  1. Need for support.
  2. Tomato is not suitable for making juices because... Contains a lot of dry ingredients.


  • Immunity not only to late blight, the tomato withstood light frosts, the yield was not affected. Suitable for whole fruit canning. The jars last a long time, and the tomatoes do not lose their taste and shape (Vera, Nizhny Tagil).
  • The variety is delicious, the taste is subtle and delicate. It is not difficult to care for, just follow the watering schedule and form the bush on time. A lot of fruits are set, all are ripening (Natalia, Ulyanovsk).
  • The harvest is firmly held on the branches. Tomatoes often ripen directly on the bushes. The fruits are multi-chambered, sweet and fleshy. Sometimes you have to pick them green - they all linger and turn yellow (Ekaterina, Mikhailovsk).

Growing seedlings

You can sow tomatoes for seedlings as early as March. If you are going to plant it in the future in a heated greenhouse, then planting can be done in April. If the greenhouse is not heated, then the seedlings are planted no earlier than May. As for open beds, you need to watch the weather forecast. The plant should be planted in the beds after all frosts have ended. Most often this happens towards the end of May. By this time, the plants should reach the age of 60-65 days.

Low-growing varieties should be planted 2-4 bushes per 1 m2, tall ones - 5-6. Tall ones most often form two stems. In this case, the second one is obtained from the stepson under the first brush. The remaining stepsons are removed, as are the lower five leaves. The growth of the bush should be limited to 6-7 brushes. Tall stems require a garter and vertical support.

Attention! This variety should be watered exclusively with heated water.


  • the fruits are suitable for special nutrition;
  • can be used by people with allergic reactions;
  • contains a large amount of vitamins and antioxidants;
  • the variety is resistant to diseases of fungal origin;
  • tolerates any weather conditions well.


Seeds are sown in a greenhouse

When growing tomatoes in a greenhouse, seeds must be sown from the first days of March. If you plan to plant them under film or in open ground, sow them 2-3 weeks later (taking into account weather conditions and climate in the region).

After two months, the plants are transplanted into a greenhouse or open ground.


Seed preparation includes testing for germination, disinfection and germination.

Germination is checked using a saline solution: the seeds are mixed in it and the floating ones are removed. Manganese solution is usually used for disinfection. Germinate the seeds in a wet cloth for several days.

The soil is mixed with peat, steamed, and fertilized with a mineral complex. The seeds are placed at a distance of 2 cm from each other, deepened into the soil by 1 cm.

Then they are thoroughly moistened with a spray bottle using warm, settled water. The container is covered with film or glass and placed in a warm place. The temperature for germination is set within 24-25°C.


The sprouts hatch 4-5 days after sowing. The cover is removed from the box and transferred to the windowsill.

For one week, lower the temperature to 16°C to create conditions for strengthening the roots.

Picking is carried out at the stage of 2-3 true leaves. Two weeks before transplantation, hardening of the seedlings begins: every day they take the pots outside or open the windows indoors. At first not for long, but gradually increase the time


Before replanting the plants, prepare the bed: apply fertilizer, water it with a manganese solution, and loosen it. A trellis is installed for tying. There are 50 cm between planting holes.

Ash, compost or mineral fertilizers are added to the hole. Plants are watered at the roots with warm water.

How to care for the “Yellow Truffle” in open beds

The tomato is a very unpretentious plant, but despite this, it is quite responsive to any care measures. Thus, it turns out that the care shown to him will return to you in a rich harvest.

It is important here not to overdo it with care. After all, tomatoes do not like large amounts of moisture, excess fertilizer, or drought. You should determine the best number of all manipulations that you will perform in the beds.

First of all, you should determine the necessary care for plants.


  • optimal watering;
  • timely feeding;
  • loosening the soil and ridding plants of weeds;
  • garter and stepson;
  • hilling;
  • protection from pests and diseases.

Popular varieties of tomatoes Truffle

The description of the tomatoes presented in this material would be incomplete if it did not include consideration of their main varieties. Practice shows that the latter differ not only in color, but also in some other characteristics, which are a consequence of the efforts of breeders. You can verify this without any difficulties: just read the description of each type separately.

  1. Japanese red truffle. The main feature of this variety, as you might guess, is its very impressive appearance. The fruits of such plants are distinguished by a glossy surface and a rich red hue with a slight addition of brown. In general, this tomato is quite sweet, and its taste is organically complemented by a slight sourness.
  2. Japanese black truffle. Despite their “gloomy” name, these tomatoes are more reasonably considered dark brown. In shape they do not differ from the variety described above, and their main difference is a slightly more refined taste.
  3. Japanese truffle pink. Apart from color, the variety in question is practically no different from its red “relative”. The only significant feature of the Japanese Pink Truffle tomato is the sweetness level, which is a little high.
  4. Japanese truffle gold (yellow). This tomato, which is the lightest compared to its “relatives,” has another noteworthy difference. It is the sweetest of all Truffle varieties, which is why many people prefer to eat it as a fruit. It is also noteworthy that this yellow subspecies is most suitable for small children - mainly due to its own hypoallergenicity.
  5. Japanese truffle orange. Like its yellow “colleague,” the tomato in question is distinguished by its excellent sweetness. It is also worthy of attention that tomatoes of the Orange Japanese truffle variety are very heavy: as experience shows, their weight can often reach the 200-gram mark.

In addition to those listed above, there are other Truffle tomatoes on the market, each of which has its own minor differences - primarily in color. In particular, the raspberry variety of such tomatoes is quite popular among gardeners, the main advantage of which is its taste - even more piquant than that of the Black Truffle.

How to water tomatoes correctly

After planting plants in the soil, you just need to care for them promptly and correctly. The most important thing is watering. The secret of “correct” watering is moderate soil moisture. The plant should be watered as the soil dries, but not allowed to dry out. Because it could destroy them.

Watering approximately once a week is considered the most optimal.

Important! The best way to water tomatoes is with a drip irrigation system.

Diseases and pests

As noted earlier, the Truffle tomato cannot be called particularly susceptible to diseases and harmful arthropods. However, in some situations, the variety in question may suffer from very dangerous ailments, most often of fungal origin. These, in particular, are late blight and Phoma rot, which can lead to the loss of most of the crop. To combat such scourges, it is reasonable to use fungicides - pesticides, the effectiveness of which has been repeatedly proven in practice. First of all, these include:

  • Oksikhom;
  • Fundazol;
  • Bordeaux mixture, etc.

It is equally important to protect Truffle tomatoes from pests, one of the most dangerous representatives of which is the tomato rust mite. This parasite, colored brownish or yellow, is capable of infecting both the stems and leaves of a plant and its fruits, often leading to a twofold drop in yield. To combat this arachnid, it is most rational to use phosphamide-based preparations and other insecticides developed against pests of nightshade crops.

Plant nutrition

The smallest number of feeding activities is about three, but the best option is to fertilize the plants once every two weeks. To do this, you can use fertilizers that contain a lot of phosphorus and potassium, and a small amount of nitrogen.

You can use the following:

  • 10 liters of water;
  • 30-40 g of potassium chloride;
  • 15 g of saltpeter;
  • 50-60 g of superphosphate.

You can also use a solution of bird droppings, and during flowering - boron.

History of the variety's creation

The Yellow Truffle variety and other varieties of Japanese truffle were included in the Russian State Register at the beginning of this century. But who is the originator of this variety is not known for sure. Western experts attribute the authorship of the development of the Japanese truffle tomato variety and its varieties to Russian breeders.

Photo of tomato Truffle yellow

But even now, not all Russian experts know about the existence of these varieties. This tomato variety is recommended for growing in many Russian regions in garden beds in open ground, as well as in greenhouse conditions. It is important to know! In the southern regions of the country, the Truffle yellow tomato bears fruit well in open ground, but in a greenhouse the yield indicators are significantly reduced.


I grew Yellow truffle in a greenhouse, the bushes turned out to be about 1.5 meters. In general, I liked the variety, the harvest was good, they lasted a long time. But I didn’t like it very much fresh; in my opinion, the peel was too thick. And they are excellent in pickling - they do not crack, they look beautiful in a jar. Next year I will try to plant it in the garden.

Valentina, 39 years old

I purchased a packet of seeds after reading a lot of positive reviews. I grew seedlings and then transplanted them into an open garden bed. I tied it to a trellis and removed the extra shoots. Later I used them to form new bushes. A lot of tomatoes have grown. I prepared a large number of winter preparations (marinated whole in a jar). I liked the variety.

I bought ready-made seedlings and planted them in a heated greenhouse under film. I planted the seedlings early - in mid-April. We were pleased with the early, friendly harvest. Carried out measures to treat diseases. I liked the taste.

photo author Evgeny Balashov

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