Description of the tomato variety Children's Joy and its characteristics

What is the variety

A detailed description of the variety contains the necessary information for those who grow tomatoes for the first time. Helps to properly care for and correctly place them on the site.


  • Bush: indeterminate.
  • Height: more than 2 m.
  • Inflorescence: simple.
  • Ripening time: 95–105 days.


  • Shape: round.
  • Color: red
  • Weight: 20–30 g.
  • Density: high.
  • Number of cameras: 2–3 pcs.
  • Taste: sweet.
  • Transportability: excellent.
  • Shelf life: 2 months.

Description and characteristics of the variety

Tomato My Joy F1 is a determinate, medium-sized bush, reaching 90-110 cm. Medium-leafed, ordinary medium-sized leaves. The first inflorescence of the intermediate type appears after 6-7 leaves, then new ones appear with a break of 1-2 leaves. The fruits are medium-sized, weighing 80-150 g, but especially large ones reach 200 g. The color is red, the shape is round. The pulp is dense and juicy.

Planting and care

It is best to grow “Children's Joy” tomatoes using the seedling method. Seeds are planted in prepared soil mixture 2 months before planting in a permanent place. If grown in a greenhouse, you can plant in March, if in open ground, then in April.

In phase 2 of this leaf, a dive is carried out. Before planting in the ground, 1–2 weeks before, the seedlings are hardened off.

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Tomatoes must be pinched and tied to supports.

You can place up to 4 plants per 1m2. Be sure to fertilize with complex fertilizer at least 2 times, during flowering and before the start of active ripening.

In order to grow a good harvest, simple agrotechnical requirements should be followed. This:

  • Watering with warm water after sunset.
  • Loosening.
  • Weeding.
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  • Mulching.
  • Those who planted “Children's Joy” on their plot recommend forming tomatoes into two stems.

Harvest volume and application

If all care requirements are met, up to 1.5 kg of fruit can be obtained from one plant. The yield of 1 m2 is 6 kg.

Tomatoes are versatile due to their shape. Therefore, they are used fresh, to decorate the festive table, and prepare salads.

Ideal for canning whole fruits. In addition, juices, tomato pastes and other winter preparations are prepared from it.


Friday, January 07, 2022 14:23 + to quote book


— Kulema,

— Fiesta,

— Sterlet,

— Siberian strong man,

- Coin.

Mid-season (110-120 days) varieties for growing in greenhouses and open ground. The plants are medium-sized, determinate, 60-95 cm high; the inflorescences are planted close together, often in pairs, through 1-2 leaves, which contributes to uniform yield. The fruits are round, smooth, bright red, fleshy, sweet, weighing 170-250 g, individual up to 400 g.

Varieties are adapted to low temperatures. Excellent for all types of canning, as well as for fresh consumption. In March, the seeds are sown on lightly compacted soil, mulched with peat or a 1 cm soil layer, watered with warm water through a strainer, covered with film and placed in a warm (about 25°C) place. After the shoots emerge, the film is removed and the seedlings are placed in a bright place. For 5-7 days the temperature is maintained at 15-16°C, then increased to 20-22°C. In the phase of 1-2 true leaves, seedlings are picked.

60-65-day-old seedlings in the phase of 6-7 true leaves and at least one flower cluster are planted in protected or open ground, maintaining a planting distance of 40x40 cm. Determinate tomatoes in open ground are formed into 1-2 stems, in a greenhouse - into 3- 4 stems.

Tomatoes respond well to rare but abundant watering. When grown in a greenhouse, magnesium supplements during the growing season are recommended. During the period of fruit filling, it is recommended to fertilize with potassium. The crop is harvested throughout the season as it ripens. Unripe fruits may not ripen on the plant.

- Early ripening. 92-94 days after the first shoots, feel free to go for the harvest.

- Super productive. The bush is strewn with beautiful deep red fruits of an elongated shape, with an average weight of 100-150 g. You can safely collect 6.5-7.5 kg from one square meter.

- Universal. Sterlet F1 is a fighter that grows well in open ground and greenhouses.

- Compact. A determinate plant with a compact bush will be a gift to all summer residents with small plots.

- Disease-resistant. It is highly resistant to spotting, fusarium and verticillium wilt.

— High commercial quality. The hybrid is characterized by excellent fruit density and good preservation. The tomato does not require the gardener to visit it every day. Once or twice a week is enough to collect the fruits and take the harvest home safe and sound.

The Sterlet F1 tomato will also please you in culinary terms: in salads, canning, drying and even industrial processing.

Mid-season (115-120 days) very productive variety. The plant is indeterminate, semi-spreading. The first inflorescence is formed above the 8-9 leaf, the next after 3. The fruits are round, smooth, glossy, dense, red, weighing 250-330 g.

The variety has high taste qualities and is used for preparing fresh salads and all types of canning. Tolerant to tobacco mosaic virus, fusarium, cladosporiosis and root-knot nematode. Features of cultivation: in a greenhouse, plants are formed into 1-2 stems, in open ground - into 2 stems, removing the stepsons in a timely manner. In March, the seeds are sown on lightly compacted soil, mulched with peat or a 1 cm soil layer, watered with warm water through a strainer, covered with film and placed in a warm (about 25°C) place. After the shoots emerge, the film is removed and the seedlings are placed in a bright place. For 5-7 days the temperature is maintained at 15-16°C, then increased to 20-22°C. In the phase of 1-2 true leaves, seedlings are picked. 60-65-day-old seedlings in the phase of 6-7 true leaves and at least one flower cluster are planted in protected or open ground, maintaining a planting distance of 40x40 cm.

Indeterminate tomatoes are formed into 1, less often 2 stems, removing the stepsons. When the plants reach the top of the greenhouse, the main stem is pinched. Tomatoes respond well to rare but abundant watering. When grown in a greenhouse, magnesium supplements during the growing season are recommended. During the period of fruit filling, it is recommended to fertilize with potassium. The crop is harvested throughout the season as it ripens.

Unripe fruits may not ripen on the plant.

Ultra-early (80-85 days) variety of cherry tomatoes for open and protected ground. The plant is determinate, in open ground it grows up to 70-80 cm, in a greenhouse it reaches a height of 120 cm. The fruits are golden-orange in color, weighing 15-20 g, can reach 35 g, round or slightly elongated, very sweet with harmonious fruity sourness, formed Irregular clusters contain 15-18 fruits. 7-8 clusters are formed on the plant and are tied without gaps. The variety can be grown without pinching. The plant is resistant to temperature changes, unpretentious to growing conditions, resistant to a number of diseases, and is characterized by a long fruiting period. The fruits can be used fresh and for preservation; they are well stored and can be ripened in clusters removed from the bush.



Categories:= HOLDHOLD HOUSEKEEPING =/TOMATOES: Care in the greenhouse and exhaust gas = HOLDHOLD HOUSEKEEPING =/Review and characteristics of vegetable seeds and fruits

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Positive and negative sides

The characteristic shows the presence of pros and cons of tomato. This serves as one of the main criteria for choosing a variety for summer residents.


  • Versatility.
  • The fruits do not crack.
  • Transportability is excellent, while maintaining its presentation.
  • Not susceptible to late blight.
  • Early maturation.
  • Minuses:

    • Demanding on formation.
    • The hybrid variety does not allow for independent cultivation from collected seeds.

    Opinions of summer residents regarding “Children's Joy” tomatoes

    Positive and negative reviews provide the summer resident with more useful information. From them he learns how best to grow a plant, and whether it is worth doing it at all. You can also get valuable advice on the use of certain agricultural practices and much more.


    • Olesya. I grew tomatoes on the plot, I liked the appearance and the pleasure with which the children ate them. I tried canning. If you like everything, you will definitely plant more.
    • Alexandra. I planted it as a decoration, but everyone liked the tomato so much that it was decided to plant it in open ground in larger quantities.
    • Anton. I planted 2 bushes to try, the tomatoes were tasty, but the harvest was rather weak.

    Those who planted “Children’s Joy” tomatoes on their plots were generally satisfied with the results.

    Features of cultivation

    Our technology for growing tomatoes of different varieties is as follows. On our plot we allocate 6 long rows for tomatoes (including closed soil). On three of them, representatives of the best varieties of tomatoes, proven over the years, are grown (there are also tomatoes to choose from), guaranteeing a harvest according to the declared characteristics (regardless of the “delights” of the weather), and the other three are planted with new varieties, which are “considered” this way and that in during the above time. That seems to be it.

    No, no, it is very important in the process of experimentation, to accept the starting position in the garden, to consult with employees of many wholesale warehouses and, especially, stores that sell seeds. They know exactly which varieties of tomatoes people understand best, and which ones they swear at!

    PS To make life easier for readers and reduce the time it takes to absorb the article, instead of determining the yield of vegetables in kg per 1 square meter, it will be written below - kg “per square”.

    And now I am announcing the number of tomatoes tested in growing, presented below for your viewing, which can still be called the best - 60 varieties.

    PS The results were recorded in an area that: with a good warm season, corresponds to the Central Black Earth region (region), and with a bad warm season, corresponds to the North-Western region. Naturally, this range of latitudes in which the above regions are located definitely includes Siberia, the Moscow region, the Middle Zone, the Urals, the Far East, and then figure out for yourself where exactly the paths lead to your site.

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    To saturate the soil with all the necessary mineral and organic substances, it is advisable to plant the plant in the soil on which suitable crops previously grew. The best precursors for tomatoes are cucumbers, zucchini, carrots, cauliflower, parsley and dill.

    If potatoes previously grew at the site where tomatoes were planted, it is better to leave this soil for other crops. The pests and diseases of potatoes and tomatoes are the same, so for prevention it is advisable to transplant the plant to another place.

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