Description of the Sultan tomato: features of its cultivation

The Sultan tomato is a determinate hybrid, famous for its excellent taste and versatility of use of the crop. Long-term fruiting and high yields of large fruits have attracted the attention of both amateurs and professionals for the past 20 years. Read all about the conditions and secrets of growing in our article.

The Sultan tomato variety is high-yielding

Tomato seeds Sultan

Tomato variety Sultan

Characteristics of tomatoes

The hybrid belongs to the high-yielding varieties of early maturity.

External differences

Determinate Sultana plants are compact, with an average number of large dark green leaves and simple inflorescences. Each of them produces 5-6 tomatoes.

The flat, rounded fruits have slight ribbing. Unripe tomatoes have a rich green spot around the stalk, which disappears as they ripen.

Ready-to-eat tomatoes have a deep red color with strong skin that protects them from damage and cracking. The pulp is quite dense, tender, with 5-6 pockets, in which there are practically no seeds. Light sourness pleasantly sets off the sweet taste.


Sultan bears fruit throughout the season; the last tomatoes are harvested in September. Large fruit - up to 200 g - and high ovary with careful care allow you to harvest up to 560 c/ha of crops, which is 700-100 c/ha higher than regional standards.

Features of application

Tomatoes tolerate transportation and long-term storage well. Excellent taste is well suited for fresh salads or chopped vegetables. Tomatoes have proven themselves excellent in canning and processing: juices, twists and sauces will delight summer residents during the cold season and add variety to the table.

Advantages and disadvantages

The most attractive advantages of the Sultan hybrid include:

  • high collection rates;
  • quality and size of tomatoes;
  • long-term preservation of the crop;
  • versatility in application;
  • resistance to common fusarium and verticillium;
  • compactness and short stature of the bushes.

The disadvantage of the variety is the same for all hybrids - the inability of seeds collected from grown tomatoes to retain parental qualities and produce a harvest.

Description of the variety

Tomato "Sultan F1" is a first generation hybrid. This is a mid-early and high-yielding variety of Dutch selection, which has the following features:

  • determinate, compact, low-growing (50-60 cm tall) bush;
  • medium dense dark green leaves;
  • forms clusters with fruits of 5-6 pieces on each;
  • extended fruiting period;
  • zoned in the following regions: North Caucasus, Lower Volga, Central Black Earth.

Find out the differences between determinate and indeterminate tomato varieties.

It has a lot of advantages: excellent taste with a high content of nutrients and useful substances, large yield, long fruiting period, compact bush that takes up little space, unpretentiousness and resistance to disease. There is only one drawback - like all hybrids, its seeds are not suitable for subsequent sowings.

Did you know? The name of tomatoes goes back to their Aztec name “tomatl”, since these vegetables were brought from America. But their other name “tomatoes” has Italian roots and means “golden apples”.

Features of cultivation

Like most tomatoes, Sultan requires a seedling method of cultivation.

Selection of seedlings

When choosing seedlings, be sure to consider the following points:

  1. Opt for strong plants with a developed root system.
  2. Excessively bright greenery may indicate an excess of nitrogen fertilizers.
  3. All plants must be healthy. Even if one is clearly infected, the others may be in the incubation period without visible symptoms.
  4. Ideally, the seedlings are not too tall - up to 30 cm - and have 6-7 true leaves.
  5. Buy plants no older than 50-60 days without ovary.
  6. The chances that the bush will take root are greater when transplanted together with nutrient soil;
  7. It is better to buy seedlings from well-known and trusted suppliers. Check the nuances of growing conditions to ensure the seller’s competence.

Soil and fertilizers

Sultan is not too picky about the soil, but slightly acidic sandy loam or loamy soil fertilized with humus is optimal. Don’t forget about proper crop rotation.

The best predecessors for tomatoes will be melons, legumes, cabbage and cucumbers, and root vegetables. You should not plant them after nightshades.

Tomatoes are very demanding of nutrients: during the period of rhizome development, the need for phosphorus increases, and during flowering and fruiting - for potassium. A lack of nitrogen will slow down growth and affect the quality of the crop and plant immunity. Therefore, it is best to start preparing the soil in the fall: add fertilizers, compost or manure. In the spring, you can supplement the soil with nitrogen-containing additives.

For clay soils, digging with the addition of peat, compost or sand will be useful. Requirement per 1 sq. m:

  • 5 kg of peat;
  • 8 kg of sand;
  • 5 compost or manure.

To reduce soil acidity, use lime, wood ash or chalk. Carry out the alkalization procedure at least 2 weeks before planting.

Growing conditions

Tomatoes are very heat-loving - choose open sunny areas without excess moisture. For adequate growth, the length of daylight hours should not be less than 12 hours, and the comfortable temperature range is 15-35 degrees Celsius. Tomatoes are not so picky about moisture. The beds should be well ventilated and not overly dense.

Sultan's agricultural technology

Tomato Sultan in the southern regions is grown in open ground. In cities with cold climates - in greenhouses. In the central lane, both options are possible.

In the southern regions, tomatoes are planted in a permanent place at the beginning of May, in cities with a temperate climate - at the end of May. In the northern part of Russia, seedlings are planted in protected soil at the end of May.

Before planting in a permanent place, the seedlings are fed and watered. Moist soil makes it easier to remove plants.

Planting seedlings in a permanent place

Tomatoes are light-loving plants. The sunniest area of ​​the garden is chosen for them. Beds that did not grow nightshade crops last year are suitable.

The selected place is dug up and cleared of plants. Humus or mullein is added to the soil. If the acidity of the soil is increased, dry lime is added to it. If the soil is too dense, use river sand.

In spring, the beds are leveled with a rake. In the process, they are cleared of weeds. The holes are dug in rows in a checkerboard pattern. For 1 sq. m plant up to six Sultan tomato bushes.

Ash or long-acting fertilizers are poured into the bottom of the holes. After planting the tomatoes, the plants are watered. For each of them take 1 liter of water. The next watering will be possible only after 10 days.

Plant care

Despite their short stature, the plants need to be tied up. Otherwise they will break under the weight of the harvest. Tomatoes are attached to wooden supports or trellises. Synthetic thread is used for garter, as natural material will rot.

There is no need to prun such bushes. They form a small number of shoots, which provide the plant with high yield.

After the first flower cluster has formed, the leaves below it are removed. No more than 3 leaves are picked per week.

Tomatoes should be watered as the soil dries with warm, settled water.

It is important to ensure that the liquid does not fall on the above-ground part of the tomatoes.

After each watering and rainfall, the soil is loosened. During this process, weeds are removed.

Tomatoes are fed 3-4 times during the entire growing season. Alternate organic and mineral compositions. Before fertilizing, you need to water the plants abundantly so as not to burn their roots with fertilizers.

Twice a season, tomatoes are sprayed with foliar fertilizers. Use products containing boron.

Problems during cultivation

When growing tomatoes, gardeners sometimes face a number of problems. The list shows the reasons for some of them:

  1. A large amount of greenery is formed on the plants, and few ovaries. This indicates that the tomatoes are fattening. The reason is too fertile soil. Reduce the amount of fertilizing.
  2. Ugly fruits. The most common reasons are violation of watering conditions and temperature conditions, pests.
  3. Curled leaves. Sign of plant infection. Possible causes are excessive pinching and high humidity.

Diseases and pests

Tomato Sultan is resistant to most tomato diseases. However, he needs disease prevention:

Disinfection. Not only seeds, containers and soil, but also garden tools are treated with disinfectant compounds.

Compliance with the rules of watering and pinching. These procedures are carried out when the sun is inactive

It is important to monitor the humidity level and prevent water from entering the above-ground part of the plants.

Preventive treatments. The bushes are sprayed with a solution of potassium permanganate or copper sulfate.

Protection from harmful insects

Plants are sprayed with a soap solution or wormwood decoction.

Preventive examinations. Held weekly. Damaged bushes are removed.

Growing seedlings at home

With the proper desire, growing seedlings yourself will not be difficult.

Seed preparation

Seeds from well-known large suppliers are usually processed before being packed into packaging bags. They do not require soaking or disinfection.

If you bought unprocessed seed, there are several preparation points:

  1. To check germination, dip the seeds in a glass of water with 1 tsp. salt. Throw away any that float.
  2. To disinfect, keep the seed material in a solution of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) for 20 minutes. To do this, dilute 1 g of the drug per liter of water.
  3. Treat with a growth stimulant to enrich the seeds with nutrients.

Some gardeners carry out the procedure of seed hardening. To do this, rinse the prepared seeds, put them in a bag and place them in a cool place for 3 days, maybe on a refrigerator shelf.

Contents and location

South-facing windows are best suited as a place for seedlings. To maintain sufficient illumination, additionally turn on phytolamps. To compensate for the heating system, mist your plants daily or use a humidifier.

The temperature during the daytime should be 18-25 degrees, and at night - 12-15 degrees Celsius.

Sowing seeds

Sowing is carried out 50-60 days before the approximate planting in the ground. Seedlings can be grown in 2 ways:

  • with a pick;
  • without diving.

In the first option, the seeds are sown in a shallow container, and after 1-3 true leaves appear, the plants are transplanted into separate forms before planting in the ground. In the second case, the seeds are immediately scattered into pots or cups in which the tomatoes will remain until transplanted into the garden.

Read about how to plant tomato seedlings in the next article.

For sowing, use special purchased soil or prepare it yourself. Mix equal parts soil, peat and humus. You can add 0.5 liters of ash for every 10 liters of the resulting mixture and 40 g of superphosphate.

Disinfect the soil by calcining it in the oven, spilling boiling water or a solution of potassium permanganate.

Fill the containers for seedlings with soil, pour warm water and plant the seeds to a depth of about 1 cm. Then cover the future seedlings with film and leave them warm. The first shoots will appear in 3-5 days.

Be sure to let the soil breathe, periodically removing the covering material.

Seedling care

Caring for seedlings includes watering, adequate lighting, fertilizing and hardening:

  1. You need to water the soil as it dries with settled water. They must be warm.
  2. For seedlings to appear, maintain the temperature at 25-28 degrees Celsius; after removing the film, 20-24 will be optimal. On warm days, ventilate the room or take the seedlings to the balcony. Closer to transplantation, harden young tomatoes with open windows or outside, increasing the residence time gradually.
  3. Seedlings love light; young plants need it for 12-16 hours a day. When there is little natural light, add lamps.
  4. It is recommended to feed the seedlings for the first time 2-3 weeks after germination. In general, during the growth of seedlings, fertilizing is carried out 3-4 times. Organic or complex mineral fertilizers with phosphorus are best suited for these purposes.

We also recommend reading the article about growing tomato seedlings from seeds.

Transplanting seedlings into the ground

The seedlings are planted in a permanent location after 2 months, when the plant has 6-7 true leaves. The average daily temperature should not fall below +12 degrees Celsius. In the southern regions this is the beginning of May, in the central regions it is closer to the end. Until warm weather sets in, cover the beds with film or other covering material at night.

It is best to transplant in the evening or in cloudy weather so that the tomatoes have time to adapt before the bright sun.

Make holes for plants according to the 40x50 cm pattern. Put fertilizer on the bottom, place the plants, then sprinkle with soil and water the tomatoes.

Tomato hybrid Sultan f1 – among the best in domestic garden beds

In 2008, the famous seed company Bejo Zaden (Holland) introduced its new hybrid variety - the Sultan F1 tomato. The new product was positioned as a hybrid for universal use - for industrial and home greenhouses, as well as for growing in open ground beds.

At the moment, this hybrid is zoned for a number of regions of the Russian Federation - Central Black Earth, Lower Volga and North Caucasus, and was included in the State Register in 2010. This means that in the northern regions the Sultan hybrid tomato can only be grown in greenhouse conditions.

Characteristic features of the tomato variety Sultan f1

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It belongs to the first generation hybrids, that is, there is no point in collecting seeds from tomatoes - it will not be possible to grow the same ones. You need to buy new seeds every year from the originator, and not from grandmothers on the market or from amateurs.

  • Tomato Sultan f1 belongs to the determinant type, the maximum plant height is 60 cm, the bush is compact, medium-leafy. The leaves are medium sized and dark green in color.
  • 6 bushes can be planted per 1 square meter, high yield under good growing conditions - 15-18 kg (up to 3 kg per bush).
  • The stem is thick and powerful, but requires support due to the large amount of harvest.
  • Ripening period is mid-early. The first ripe fruits of Sultana f1, according to reviews, can be obtained 95-100 days after germination or 70 days after planting in a permanent place.
  • The clusters are simple, each containing from 5 to 7 tomatoes of different sizes, weighing from 100 to 200 grams.
  • When the last cluster is tied, the Sultan f1 tomato bush stops growing and spends all its energy on ripening the crop.
  • Fruiting is extended, until autumn.
  • The fruits are red, unripe tomatoes are light green, the shape is flat-round, and the stalk has well-defined ribs. There is no green spot.
  • The pulp is dense, juicy, there are few seeds.
  • Excellent taste - the tomatoes are sweet, tender, with a slight sourness, excellent for salads and preparations. Dry matter content 5%, sugar content up to 3%.
  • The skin is thin, but durable, and does not crack with excess moisture and during canning as a whole. Tomatoes are easily transported, have an excellent presentation, and are stored for a long time - more than a month. Picked in the milky ripeness phase, they ripen well.
  • Plants are resistant to the main tomato diseases - fusarium, verticillium, and tomato mosaic virus. But during the period when diseases and pests become more active, especially late blight and rot, prevention is necessary in the form of treatments with folk remedies or chemicals such as Zircon, Fitosporin, Trichodermin and their analogues.

Agricultural technology

In general, the cultivation of the Sultan F1 hybrid is standard for determinate varieties. But there are some care features:

Sowing seedlings should be done 50-60 days before planting in open beds. It is irrational to grow this hybrid in greenhouses or use it only as a seal between tall tomatoes.

It is advisable to sow immediately in separate cups, since picking delays the start of fruiting by a week.

To prevent seedlings from stretching, the lighting must be sufficient, and the temperature after emergence must be lowered to 22 degrees.

When planting, the hole must be well filled, the bushes must be deepened a little. The distance between the bushes is at least 40 cm - for good ventilation.

Water only with warm, settled water - cold water can cause the bush to shed its ovaries.

Once every two weeks, plants should be fed with a solution of mineral or organic fertilizers.

The hybrid tolerates short-term drops in night temperatures quite well, without stopping the growth and ripening of fruits. It’s not for nothing that Sultan f1 is included in the best tomato varieties for the Moscow region.

Ripe tomatoes of this type make excellent juice.

Features of growing in open ground

Growing seeds in open ground has its own nuances.

Open ground conditions

In the south of Russia, it is possible to grow Sultan directly in open ground, but in cooler regions you will need a greenhouse. In warm areas, tomatoes can be planted under cover as early as mid-April, and in open ground by May.

Preparing the soil and choosing a site is no different from what was written above when planting seedlings.

To protect against frost, plantings are covered with film or breathable materials; they can be stretched over arcs. A warm bed, where heat is released during debate, is also perfect.

When planting seeds in greenhouses:

  1. Before planting, check them for leaks and disinfect them.
  2. After this, be sure to ventilate it for 5 days.
  3. Renew the soil if necessary.
  4. The soil layer should warm up well, so maintain the recommended height - no more than 25 cm.
  5. Form beds at a distance of about 60 cm from each other and make holes in a checkerboard pattern.

The process of planting seeds in the ground

In mid-April, most often the soil in southern Russia is already warm enough for sowing seeds in the ground.

In the prepared soil, make depressions with a diameter of 35-40 cm and water them with a solution of potassium permanganate. You can sow both sprouted and dry seeds. In case of frost, the dry ones will not die, but will simply sprout later.

Regularly thin out plants sown in open ground:

  1. After 2-3 true leaves appear, leave the strongest shoots at a distance of 7-9 cm.
  2. Before the second (4-5 leaves), water the holes thoroughly, again select stronger plants with a distance of about 15 cm. Rejected tomatoes are suitable for transplanting to areas with poor germination.
  3. During the final thinning, several bushes will remain at a distance of 40 cm.

Description of the variety

This variety of tomatoes was bred in order to grow them under film. The variety is characterized by the following description:

  • the plant is undersized, grows no more than 0.5 m in height;
  • the first ripe fruits can be harvested within three months after the first shoots;
  • the pulp of the fruit is tender, medium density and tasty;
  • with proper cultivation, fruits can weigh up to 250 g, although they usually do not reach 200 g;
  • from one bush you can collect up to 4 kg of fruit;
  • the fact that it ripens very early makes it possible to grow it in the northern regions, you just need to provide the tomato with favorable conditions in the form of warm, sheltered beds;
  • tolerates drought well, but bears fruit better if it is watered correctly and regularly;
  • the variety is resistant to various diseases and is practically not subject to root rot;
  • the fruits can be perfectly preserved and are suitable for juices or ketchup;

This variety of tomatoes, unlike the Your Honor tomato or the Shaggy Bumblebee tomato, is perfectly stored and can withstand transportation. This is what has made its cultivation a profitable business for many. And the characteristics and description on the packaging fully correspond to expectations.

Features of cultivation

Most often, gardeners cultivate tomatoes in two ways:

  • seedless;
  • seedling

These methods work great for most varieties. This is how the Sultan tomato f1, the Khlynovsky tomato f1, the Stesha tomato f1, and the May Rose tomato are planted.

If the gardener has chosen the seedless method, then the seeds must first be soaked in a stimulant solution for five hours. After this, the seeds must be thoroughly dried. Making a nutrient solution at home is quite simple. To do this, you need to dilute a teaspoon of aloe juice in a glass of water. The soil for planting should be warm. And despite the fact that Explosion tomatoes can grow in any soil, they still prefer soft and slightly acidic soil.

On the site you need to make holes at a distance of 0.45 cm from each other, after which you need to place three seeds in each hole and sprinkle with a centimeter layer of soil. After emergence, careful culling is required, leaving only one of the strongest seeds in each hole.

If you decide to plant using seedlings, then the seeds should be planted at the end of March. In warm and moist soil in the house, the seeds will hatch within a week. For active seed growth, you need to regularly moisten the soil, preventing it from drying out. When two leaves appear on the sprouts, you need to pick them into separate cups. Special peat cups with nutritious soil are ideal for this. When planting in open ground, they do not need to be broken; the seedlings are planted directly in them and sprinkled with soil.

When cultivating tomatoes of this type in a greenhouse, seedlings should be planted in mid-May. And it will be possible to plant grown plants in open ground in mid-June. By this time, the plants will already have seven leaves.

Caring for plants in open ground

For a high-quality harvest, planted plants need constant care.

Watering, loosening and weeding

Tomatoes prefer to be watered at the root with settled water at a temperature of at least 18 degrees Celsius. In cool spring weather, the water can be heated to 25 degrees Celsius. Moisture getting on the bushes themselves destroys the flowers and prevents them from setting.

The regularity of watering is determined by the weather: the top layer of soil should not dry out. This happens faster in open ground than in greenhouses. Excess moisture can lead to fungal diseases and rot.

After moistening the soil, it is advisable to loosen it. At the same time, remove weeds. Loosening allows the roots to breathe and receive moisture. This procedure should be carried out at least 2 times a month to a depth of 5 cm.

When the plants grow, along with loosening the soil, also carry out hilling to form adventitious roots.

Stepson and garter

When caring for Sultan tomatoes, pinching will be an important point for the quality of the crop. In determinate plants, 2-3 main stems are formed, removing all the stepsons. Towards the end of August, remove the top, flowers and small ovary to allow larger fruits to ripen and grow.

In warm climates with long summers, tomatoes may not need to be planted.

Sultan's short stature gives misleading ideas about the need for a garter. Inexperienced gardeners may decide that this variety does not need additional support, although this is not the case. Due to the high yield and large fruit, the plants begin to lean toward the ground and may break. To avoid injury to the bushes, use wooden pegs or trellises.

Top dressing

Over the entire growing season, tomatoes are fed 3-4 times. It is recommended to alternate mineral fertilizers with organic matter. Solutions of cow manure (1 to 10) or chicken manure (1 to 15) at the rate of 1 liter per bush are ideal as organic additives.

From mineral ones, choose complex ones containing phosphorus and potassium.

Fertilizers are applied exclusively after watering.

Specifics of bush formation

For standard tomatoes, three shaping options are possible.

Without stepsoning

It is permissible not to touch the bushes at all, approaching them only for harvesting. This is most relevant for super-determinate varieties. In this case, one should not hope for an ultra-early harvest and large fruits. But it saves energy and time for other things.

Until the first brush

This is the optimal shaping option for standard tomatoes, especially early and mid-early ones. The work is performed once per season. When the first brush blooms (a little later), under it (to the ground) all the side branches (stepchildren) are plucked out from the plant (leaving a small stump). Side shoots coming out of the ground at the base of the bush are also removed. The stepsons that appear higher will grow into a compact “cap” and set fruit.

Results of pinching to the first brush:

  • earlier ripening of tomatoes;
  • increase in fruit size;
  • achieving maximum yield for the variety (realization of potential).

Full stepsoning

Sometimes it is useful to remove ALL stepsons (not forgetting about the root shoots).

Possible situations:

  • northern region with short summers;
  • seedless method of cultivation, late sowing;
  • the desire to get record-breakingly large fruits;
  • excessively thick planting;
  • shaded garden bed;
  • wet season;
  • outbreak of a fungal or bacterial disease on tomatoes.

INTERESTING! Standard tomatoes do not need to be topped (pinching out the growing points) at the end of the season. They independently regulate their development and complete it in a timely manner.

Prevention of diseases and pests

Hybrid Sultan is famous for its resistance to verticillium, fusarium and other standard tomato scourges. But prevention is never superfluous:

  • disinfect seeds, soil, tools;
  • follow the rules of watering and planting;
  • spray the bushes with potassium permanganate or copper sulfate against diseases;
  • against pests, use a soap solution, tincture of wormwood or garlic;
  • Inspect the plants regularly and remove damaged parts in a timely manner.

We consider the main insects that can cause harm and possible methods of combating them in the table.

  • ash treatment;
  • rubbing with a decoction of chamomile or tobacco;
  • use of drugs such as Verticillin.
Spider mite
  • spraying with a solution of laundry soap or henbane infusion;
  • drugs "Plant-Pin", "Aktara", "Apollo".
Colorado beetle
  • collecting beetles and larvae by hand;
  • irrigating plants with infusion of wood ash and wormwood;
  • processing with means “Bankol”, “Commander”, “Bombardier”.
  • sprinkling the soil with crushed egg shells;
  • tobacco dust;
  • spraying with ammonia
  • ventilation;
  • adhesive tape as bait;
  • treatment with Boverin.

Harvest and storage

The ripening of the main crop lasts from mid-summer to the last ten days of August. By the end of this period, plants begin to die, their immunity decreases, and the risk of disease increases. To maintain the health and safety of the fruits, it is recommended to collect ripening fruits in early August to reduce the load on the tomatoes.

When the thermometer drops below 8 degrees Celsius and there is a chance of precipitation, all fruits, including green ones, must be collected. After this, the bushes are removed from the site. If the end of summer brings warm weather, the tomatoes will have time to ripen on the plants.

Ripe fresh tomatoes last no longer than 4-5 days; green ones can retain their marketable appearance for several weeks. For long-term storage (up to 2 months):

  • select firm and undamaged fruits;
  • place them in wooden boxes covered with straw;
  • cover with a lid without crushing the tomatoes;
  • Place in a dark and cool place with good air access.


Stalker-Lg, Lugansk. I bought seeds, the package says that they are from Bejo Zaden.
The characteristics of the variety and a general description are indicated on the packaging; the seeds are processed; you don’t need to do anything else with them. I was attracted by his unpretentiousness and short stature. I really like that it bears fruit for a long time and is not capricious to the weather. ★★★★★
Pioneer-2, Novoaleksandrovsk. I was pleased with the germination of the seeds and planted the seedlings.
A garter wouldn't hurt, but that's how I grew. Large, very happy with the harvest. The description did not deceive. Hide

Add your review

Hybrid tomato varieties combine the best qualities: excellent yield, disease resistance, and fruit quality. Tomato Sultan is one of the brightest representatives of its species. This storehouse of vitamins will always decorate your table and add brightness to every day. Be sure to try it!



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