Gymnosperm pumpkin: description and characteristics, the best varieties

Many people have heard about the benefits of pumpkin oil. Regular consumption of the product removes cholesterol from the body and improves well-being. Pumpkin oil is much healthier than sunflower and even olive oil. It is made from pumpkin seeds.

In production, gymnospermous varieties, which contain the maximum number of seeds, are in particular demand. You can grow such a pumpkin in a regular garden plot. We will consider further how to plant and grow vegetables correctly.

General description of gymnosperm pumpkin

The gymnosperm pumpkin (pictured) has no visual difference from the ordinary pumpkin. This herbaceous plant with intensive growth and shoot formation can cover an area of ​​up to 30 m in 2-4 months. The crop is represented by a variety of varieties, differing in color and shape of the fruit. The basic requirements for growing conditions for gymnosperm and classic pumpkins are the same.

The biological characteristics of gymnosperm and ordinary pumpkin do not differ. Depending on the variety, the crop ripens at approximately the same time. Gymnosperms are more sensitive to soil temperature during planting. Seeds unprotected by the shell germinate faster, but if the soil temperature is below +17 0C, the sprouts may die. An ordinary pumpkin is planted with seeds directly into the soil; gymnosperms are recommended to be grown using seedlings.

Gymnosperm pumpkin varieties do not produce large fruits; the average weight is from 6 to 8 kg. It produces more flowers than the classic species; they are larger in size. General description of gymnosperm pumpkin:

  1. The vines are hollow, long (up to 8 m), thick, some varieties require the formation of a bush by removing excess shoots. Stems are light green, ribbed, finely pubescent. The mustache is long and medium in size.
  2. The foliage is intense, the leaves are opposite, round, five-lobed, slightly dissected. The surface is smooth with thick veins, dark green, pubescent.
  3. On average, a pumpkin produces 70 female flowers and more than 350 male flowers, the male ones appear first, then the female ones grow at the 4-8th internodes. The flowers are simple, solitary, bright yellow.
  4. The shape of the fruit and the weight depend on the variety; they are mainly round pumpkins with an orange color and dark green vertical stripes.
  5. The medium-sized seeds are covered with a thin dark green film, are formed in large quantities, and are located in deep seed chambers.

Important! All varieties of gymnosperm pumpkin are monoecious, requiring pollinating insects; only in this case can a stable harvest be obtained.

The nutritional value

In terms of nutritional quality, the pulp of gymnosperm and ordinary pumpkin differs little, since initially the first variety is a technical variety intended for squeezing oil from the seeds. However, some of them have pronounced taste differences from all others. For example, such sweet varieties as “Apricot pumpkin” and “Belarusian gymnosperm”, containing up to 5–8% sugar. Typically, the pulp is used for making purees, juices, for filling pies, as a component of rice, millet and other porridges.

But the main value of these varieties is the seeds. The production of seeds without a shell is the main direction of selection. They are used fresh or processed. Ground roasted seeds are used as a seasoning for confectionery products. Their flour goes great with salads and various sauces along with garlic, parsley, cilantro, dill and olive oil.

Ground roasted pumpkin seeds give dishes an unusual, original taste that can delight any gourmet. Porridge, homemade cakes and even a sandwich sprinkled with this powder will become a completely new dish for you.

Due to the fact that pumpkin seeds contain vitamins A and E (tocopherols), which work as antioxidants, they can be considered an anti-aging agent. Up to 55% oil in their composition allowed gymnosperm pumpkin to be classified as an oilseed plant. Thanks to the balanced composition of fatty acids that is optimal for humans, it is a very valuable product.

Pumpkin seeds are used in traditional medicine, most of the methods of which are accepted by the official one. Their use is recommended as an additional remedy in the treatment of many diseases. Confirmation of the recognition of their beneficial properties is the drug “Tykveol”, which has been in constant demand for a long time.

The benefits and harms of gymnosperm pumpkin

The chemical composition of the fruits contains many useful elements, so they are widely used in traditional medicine recipes and the pharmacological industry. Gymnosperm pumpkin is no different in pulp composition from regular pumpkin. The seeds are useful in the fight against helminths. The substance cucurbitin is contained in the film between the seed and the hard shell; in a regular pumpkin the film is thin. Cucurbitin is a green substance; in gymnosperms the film is much thicker, so the concentration of the substance is higher.

Beneficial features:

  1. Vitamins PP, B5, B1, E, B9 are involved in the metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, and provide the body with energy. They synthesize hemoglobin, promote the production of amino acids, normalize the absorption function of the intestine, and improve the functioning of the adrenal glands.
  2. Thanks to choline, pumpkin has hepatoprotective properties. The substance is part of lecithin, participates in phospholipid metabolism, generates liver tissue.
  3. Phosphorus and zinc improve the condition of the walls of blood vessels, give them elasticity, and stop the formation of blood clots. They prevent the development of prostatitis and adenoma, zinc stimulates the production of testosterone and estrogen.
  4. Calcium helps strengthen bone tissue.
  5. Amino acids improve brain activity.
  6. Pumpkin has diuretic and choleretic properties, prevents the formation of stones in the bladder and ducts.
  7. Iron is involved in hematopoiesis.
  8. Omega-3 and Omega-6 fats moisturize the skin and have antioxidant properties. Together with vitamins, they normalize hormonal levels, thereby eliminating acne.
  9. The seeds are used for helminthiasis caused by pinworms, tapeworms, and bovine tapeworms.

The benefits of the seeds and pulp of gymnosperm pumpkin are beyond doubt; possible harm is caused to the body if consumed excessively:

  • in people with dysbacteriosis, defecation may be impaired;
  • in some cases, an allergic reaction to pumpkin occurs;
  • People with diabetes are not recommended to indulge in pumpkin seeds;
  • in people with acid-base imbalance, the condition may worsen.

Attention! Gymnosperm pumpkin is contraindicated for peptic ulcer disease in the acute stage.

Use in folk medicine

Pumpkin seeds are used as a proven folk remedy to get rid of parasites.
For many centuries, people have been fighting worms in this way; in particular, even your doctor can advise you to use them as a safe means of getting rid of parasites. Pumpkin seeds do not contain substances that are found in pharmacological drugs and that can cause side effects. This means that pumpkin seeds for deworming are an excellent natural and completely safe method for both adults and children. The fact is that they contain cucurbitin, a toxin that kills parasites, but is completely safe for humans in small doses.

The simplest folk method of treating parasites: take 300 grams of dried pumpkin seeds, chop them, add a little honey and eat small portions within an hour on an empty stomach. After 4 hours, you need to take a mild laxative, preferably a natural one, like castor oil.

The seeds can also help with various diseases of the urinary tract or kidneys. It is best to combine them with hemp seeds in a one to one ratio. Compresses are also good for these purposes, for which you need to crush a certain amount of seeds into powder, add crushed flax seeds, add a little water and apply to the kidney area. For a wide range of diseases of the urinary tract or kidneys, including cystitis, the following remedy helps well: 50 grams of seeds should be thoroughly crushed, add 20 grams of sugar and 80 grams of water. The resulting remedy should be taken a little before meals, it will help relieve inflammation and improve the condition of the genitourinary system as a whole.

Some pharmacological preparations are created on the basis of pumpkin seeds, in particular there is a medicine made on the basis of pumpkin oil. It is used for the same purposes as pumpkin seeds: to support the biliary tract, to treat infections, to maintain normal liver health, or to treat metabolic disorders.

Varieties of gymnosperm pumpkin

The gymnosperm variety of the crop was created to simplify the technology of processing seeds into oil. Later, varieties with improved gastronomic qualities were developed. A general overview of popular varieties of gymnosperm pumpkin and their names will help you decide on the choice of seeds for planting.


Styrian gymnosperm pumpkin (Austrian) comes from the Austrian province of the same name. Created for the food industry, Styrian gymnosperm pumpkin seeds contain a high concentration of oils. The culture is adapted to the weather conditions of Russia. They are grown on an industrial scale and in private plots. Pulp with a low sugar content and a subtle nutty odor.

Characteristics of Styrian gymnosperm pumpkin:

  • medium late, ripens in 3 months;
  • heat-loving, demanding on lighting;
  • long stems, bush with high shoot formation;
  • the fruits are round in shape, weighing 5-7 kg, the main color is green with light yellow lines.
  • forms a large number of medium-sized seeds, dark green in color.

Shelf life – 3 months.


Apricot gymnosperm pumpkin belongs to dessert varieties, created on the basis of Styrian; according to reviews, the varieties are similar in appearance. The surface of the fruit is bright yellow with green longitudinal stripes. It got its name from the taste of its beige pulp. The taste is sweet, rich, with notes of apricot. The seeds are medium, in large quantities. Advantages of the Apricot gymnosperm pumpkin: taste and chemical composition of the seeds. In the USSR, the crop was grown for the production of apricot juice. The variety is medium late, with intensive weaving, weight – up to 8 kg.


The biological characteristics of Golosemyanka pumpkin do not differ from other varieties of Austrian selection. The bush plant is adapted to a temperate climate; the crop is grown for technical purposes, to obtain oil. This is one of the first representatives of gymnosperm varieties to appear in Russia.

Description of the variety and characteristics of Golosemyanka pumpkin:

  • medium-late, fruits reach biological ripeness in 110 days;
  • forms a small number of lashes, branched shoots, up to 4 m long;
  • the fruits are slightly flattened at the top and base, yellow and green in color, with a lack of light the green color dominates;
  • the pulp is light yellow, slightly fibrous;
  • taste neutral or slightly sweet;

It produces a lot of seeds, they have a dark gray tint.


According to reviews, the gymnospermous pumpkin Danae is the most popular in the Middle Zone. A culture was created in Rostov for technical cultivation. Description of pumpkin:

  • frost-resistant, does not stop growing when the temperature drops;
  • medium-late, growing season 120 days;
  • highly branched bush with medium shoot formation;
  • fruits are round, dark green, with a mesh pattern;
  • the pulp is light yellow, unsweetened, fibrous;
  • produces many large oilseeds. Sensitive to cross-pollination.


Olga is an early ripening gymnosperm pumpkin. Created for table use. The culture is semi-bush, compact, short vines. Fruit ripening is simultaneous, pumpkins are aligned, weighing 1.5-3 kg. The pulp is juicy, sweet, low-fiber, rich yellow. The peel is hard, thin, the surface is orange with a light segment. The seeds are small, light green, and are formed in small quantities.


The gymnosperm pumpkin Juno is an early ripening pumpkin, because it ripens in 90 days. He is an unpretentious representative of culture. This is the only drought-resistant gymnosperm variety. The plant is spreading, intensively forms side shoots, the stems are long, unlimited in growth. Does not tolerate dense planting and dense crown. Requires bush formation. The crop is high-yielding, the fruits are evenly shaped and have a standard color for gymnospermous varieties. Weight of pumpkins is up to 8 kg. The coating of the seeds is dark, closer to black, and many seeds are formed.


Miranda is a gymnosperm representative of the Polish selection, a semi-bush, low-growing plant. The bush is not spreading, compact, and does not take up much space on the site. Description of the variety:

  • medium late (105-110 days);
  • shoot formation is weak;
  • productivity is high;
  • table variety;
  • fruits are round, flattened, green at the stage of technical ripeness, when ripe they turn gray with a marble pattern, weight - 5-8 kg;
  • the pulp is juicy, up to 7 cm thick, with a high content of starch and sugars;
  • produces few light green seeds.


The copyright holder of the gymnosperm variety is the Czech company SEMO, a leading supplier of seeds on the European market. The variety was created for industrial cultivation. Fully adapted to Russian weather conditions. Gymnosperm pumpkin of this variety is a mid-season crop; 110 days are enough for it to fully ripen. The plant is climbing and occupies large areas. Grown only for seeds. The pulp is neutral in taste, thin, light yellow. The fruits are round, dark green, with a slight yellow splash, weighing up to 9 kg. The peel is hard and thin. Pumpkin can be stored for up to 1.5 months. After harvesting, the fruits are immediately processed.


The culture is mid-season. It is grown in open ground in a sunny area. In the shade, the plant develops poorly; the fruits do not acquire enough sucrose. Technical ripeness is noted on the 120th day. The crop is recommended to be grown in a humid and warm climate.

Planting is carried out with seedlings when the bush grows 4 full leaves. When sown in open ground, gymnospermous pumpkin produces unfriendly shoots. Some cores do not develop and are often damaged by fungus and insects:

Helpful information
1The fruit is round with a thick stalk. The skin of young vegetables is green. Closer to the period of technical ripeness, the shell becomes covered with yellow stripes. The peel is thin, dense
2the flesh is orange or yellow. Culinary experts note the high juiciness and sweetness of pumpkin. It is often used to prepare juices and purees for children. Fruity taste, similar to apricot
3average fetal weight 3-5 kg

Seedlings are planted when the soil warms up to 15 C. It is recommended to protect seedlings from precipitation and wind with a film tunnel. If no rain is expected, no covering material is used.

The plant responds well to fertilizing. Mullein and bird droppings are not used as fertilizer. It is recommended to administer mineral preparations. The first fertilizing is added 10 days after planting the seedlings in open ground.

More on the topic: What care does the Little Red Riding Hood pumpkin require?

Growing gymnosperm pumpkin

Gymnosperm pumpkin is a light-loving crop; it prefers areas open to the sun, protected from the north wind. The best growing option is on a hill on the south side. Drought resistance in gymnosperm varieties is low; plants require constant watering for vegetation. The root system is superficial, so waterlogging of the soil can lead to disease, or in the worst case, the death of the plant.

The required soil composition for the crop is neutral or slightly alkaline; gymnosperm pumpkin will not produce a harvest on acidic soil. The soil should be light, aerated, drained, fertile. So that nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus are in the required quantities. They replenish the supply with the help of fertilizing and crop rotation. Gymnosperm pumpkins have not been planted in one area for more than 3 years; the soil after growing melons and melons will not be suitable.

Distribute vegetables on the site in such a way that there is no ordinary pumpkin next to gymnosperm varieties. Plants are cross-pollinated; next year's planting material will not produce the desired variety. The bed is prepared before planting: it is dug up and organic matter is added. Moisten before sowing. The timing of seed planting is different for each climate zone. A prerequisite is that the soil warms up to +17 0C and there is no threat of frost. The seeds germinate on the seventh day; if frost occurs at this moment, the plant no longer recovers.

Planting work:

  1. The seeds are heated for 8 hours at a temperature not exceeding +40 0C.
  2. Then placed for 5 hours in a solution of the drug “Vympel”.
  3. Make depressions measuring 30x30 cm, fill them with a solution of ash (100 g) and potassium sulfate (100 g) based on 2 waters.
  4. Mix humus (5 kg) with superphosphate (100 g), place it on the bottom of the hole, you should get a layer of about 15 cm.
  5. Plant 4 seeds at a depth of 5 cm, maintaining a distance of 4 cm between seeds.
  6. Cover with soil and mulch with straw or sawdust.

Important! After the sprouts appear, 2 strong ones are left in the hole, the rest are removed.

Direct planting in the ground is used in the southern regions. For temperate climates, in order to speed up the ripening time, seedlings are pre-grown. Gymnosperm pumpkin does not respond well to transplantation, so the seeds are sown in peat cups.

Growing seedlings:

  1. When sowing seeds, they are guided by weather conditions; seedlings will be ready for planting in 1 month.
  2. Soil consisting of peat, compost and topsoil in equal parts is poured into glasses.
  3. Plant the seeds at a depth of 4 cm.
  4. Pumpkin is grown at a temperature of 22 0C, creating lighting for 16 hours a day.
  5. When leaves appear, the seedlings are fed with Uniflor Rost.

Before placing them in the garden bed, take the seedlings out into the fresh air for several hours.

Sowing seeds and planting seedlings is carried out according to the same scheme. Row spacing is 70 cm, if the variety is bushy, then between plants - 65 cm, medium-climbing - 1.5 m, with intensive shoot formation - 2 m.

Gymnosperm pumpkin care:

  1. Water every evening at the root.
  2. Weeding and loosening as necessary.
  3. Feeding with Uniflor-micro, Azofoska, organic preparations.
  4. The side shoots are removed, from 4 to 7 ovaries are left on the bush, depending on the variety, and the tops are broken off.

When the fruits begin to ripen, they need to be placed on a layer of straw so that they do not come into contact with the ground or tied to a support.


A LITTLE HISTORY Back in the forties of the last century, the first pumpkin belonging to the class of gymnosperms was bred. In Russia, the first gymnospermous pumpkin appeared in 1900. During the Soviet Union, this pumpkin variety was at the peak of its popularity. But, strangely enough, no one even knew about it. The thing is that juice producers used an unusual feature of the “apricot” variety - a taste reminiscent of the fruits of the apricot tree. It was from this variety of pumpkin that “apricot” juice was made by mixing pumpkin juice with dried apricot pulp. DESCRIPTION OF THE VARIETY. Apricot pumpkin fruits have an average weight of five to eight kilograms. But sometimes there are also sixteen kilogram vegetables. The skin of the pumpkin is thin, golden-orange with green stripes. The pulp is tender, light cream, with a pronounced apricot flavor. DESCRIPTION OF THE VARIETY. Gymnospermous pumpkins are heat-loving, so planting should be done only when the weather is consistently warm outside, without temperature changes. In other weather conditions, the young pumpkin ovary, deprived of a protective shell, rots quite quickly at low temperatures. APPLICATION. Today, pumpkins of this variety are grown mainly for obtaining seeds and their subsequent processing. Which is not at all surprising, since pumpkin oil and flour from its seeds are quite expensive products. And as follows from the classification of the variety, it belongs to the gymnosperms. In other words, the seeds of this pumpkin are initially formed without an outer hard shell. The use of pumpkin seeds and pulp is common in folk medicine. In the official version, it is from pumpkin that the seed-based drug “Pumpkin” is produced. COMPOSITION This vegetable also boasts a high sugar content, because it contains from five to eight percent fruit sugars. Pumpkin seeds and the oil obtained from them are incredibly valuable for their biological value. You just need to remember that beneficial substances can only contain first, cold-pressed oils that have not gone through the process of refining and deodorization. A large amount of vitamins A and E make pumpkin seeds and oil from them a truly “rejuvenating” remedy. After all, tocopherols are well-known antioxidants that fight free radicals that cause premature aging of the cells of our body. USE IN HOME COOKING. There are a lot of recipes with pumpkin. But basically, traditional dishes made from it are porridges, casseroles, pancakes, mashed potatoes and baked pumpkin with honey. Pumpkin can also be used as a filling for pies and pies. The consumption of this vegetable in its raw form is quite rare, as a rule, among fans of a healthy diet, and then only in small quantities. After all, the taste of pumpkin that has not undergone heat treatment is quite specific and not everyone will like it. In India, a fairly well-known, traditional recipe is fried pumpkin with garlic. Interestingly, roasted and crushed pumpkin seeds (gymnosperms, of course) make an excellent seasoning for porridges, salads and homemade baked goods. Ground seeds are also the basis of some sauces and, together with wheat flour, can be the basis of baked goods.

Pests and diseases

Gymnosperm pumpkin varieties are selective, created by selecting high-quality planting material, so the crop has stable immunity. The most common diseases are powdery mildew and anthracnose.

Powdery mildew is a fungal disease that appears as gray spots on the leaves. The cause is excess nitrogen, lack of moisture, cold damp weather. Fighting methods:

  • removal of problem areas;
  • treatment of gymnosperm pumpkin with sodium phosphate or colloidal sulfur;
  • using the drug “Topaz” or “Universal dew”.

The first signs of anthracnose are the appearance of dark yellow spots; over time they increase in size and become dark pink. The fungus completely infects the gymnospermous pumpkin, making the fruit unsuitable for consumption. If the plant is infected, it cannot be saved; the bush is completely removed from the site. Preventive action:

  • compliance with crop rotation;
  • disinfection of planting material with antifungal agents;
  • treating the beds with a fungicide before planting;
  • removing pumpkin residues and weeds after harvesting from the site.

Aphids parasitize pumpkins; get rid of the pest with Iskra and Fitoverm. The Whitefly moth is less common; caterpillars are destroyed with the Commander.

General recommendations for use

It is necessary to remember important recommendations for the use of pumpkin seeds in folk medicine:

  1. It is preferable to eat them raw, since the level of nutrients after frying is reduced by almost half. It's better not to salt them.
  2. Do not use seeds that have an unpleasant or musty odor.
  3. The bitter product is also not suitable for use, so you should taste the seeds before preparing medicine or purchasing.
  4. The grains should be peeled by hand or purchased directly without the skin.
  5. To improve the condition of your skin and hair, it is enough to eat 50 grains a day.
  6. It is not recommended to eat seeds with the peel, as it is quite rough and can injure the intestinal walls.

Pumpkin seeds added to vegetable stews, porridge, fresh salads and even baked goods will help diversify your daily menu. It’s so easy to get healthy and tasty meals.

Harvest and storage

A sign that the gymnosperm pumpkin is ripe is the rich color of the fruit and a dry stalk. Harvest dates depend on the variety and region of growth. Basically, this is autumn - mid-September for temperate climates, in the South - early October. Collect the pumpkin along with the stalk. Gymnospermous varieties do not have a long shelf life; the fruits begin to rot and the seeds inside germinate. The average shelf life is 60 days, Styrian gymnosperm is stored 1 month longer.

Conditions for storing pumpkin:

  • dark room with a temperature no higher than +10 0C;
  • air humidity – up to 80%;
  • the fruits are placed on a hill (cannot be stored on the ground), covered with straw so that they do not touch each other;
  • are reviewed periodically.

If signs of rotting appear, the gymnosperm pumpkin must be removed from storage, damaged areas removed and processed.

Advice! First of all, fruits with a short stalk are used; they have a shorter shelf life.

How to care?

Pumpkins need regular watering. The optimal regimen is 1 time per week. In dry summers, the soil is moistened 2 times a week. Up to 15 liters of water are poured under each adult bush. Use warm liquid. To retain moisture in the soil, mulch is placed around the bush.

It is recommended to turn it over regularly to ventilate the material. After watering, a dry crust forms on the ground. It must be destroyed; the soil is loosened to allow air access to the roots. Young seedlings are spudded. The bushes are sprinkled so that the roots develop normally in the soil.

To avoid infection of plants with powdery mildew, bacteriosis, and cercospora, preventive treatment is carried out with an ash solution. 1 kg of ash is diluted in 10 liters. Insist for 12 hours.

The solution is filtered and the leaves and soil are sprayed. Sick plants are removed from the garden plot. In addition to the ash solution, Bordeaux mixture, Topaz, and Actellik are used.

Styrian gymnosperm pumpkin can be attacked by insect pests. Great damage to plants is caused by melon aphids, spider mites, weevils, and whiteflies.

As a prophylaxis, the drug “Aktara”, 10 g/10 l, “Fufanon”, 1 ml/l is used. Plants are sprayed 2 times with a break of 2 weeks. Treatment begins 2 weeks after planting seedlings in open ground.

For slugs, use an infusion of red hot pepper or a mustard solution. Shellfish do not tolerate bitter taste and acid. Slugs can become carriers of infection. They appear on the bush when the soil moisture is high.

Styrian pumpkin is mid-season, but it is not planted for the winter. Vegetables are meant to be used quickly. Shelf life under optimal conditions is no more than 4-5 months.

The fruits are placed in the basement or cellar. Optimum temperature 2-5 C, humidity 65%. The room must be ventilated. Otherwise, a putrefactive infection develops on the fruits.

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