Proven ways to get rid of slugs on cabbage
Proven ways to get rid of slugs on cabbage
It is important for every gardener to know how to get rid of slugs on cabbage, because these pests are capable of
What is the difference between fodder beet and sugar beet: difference in appearance, areas of application and other parameters
What is the difference between fodder beet and sugar beet: difference in appearance, areas of application and other parameters
According to historians, the ancient Babylonians were the first to use beets, although so far only
Tomatoes in a greenhouse: how to properly form a tomato bush
Greenhouse / Formation Formed bushes give the best harvest If summer in Russia lasted
feeding strawberries during flowering, setting berries and fruiting photo 1
Fertilizing strawberries during flowering, berry setting and fruiting
Experienced gardeners know that feeding strawberries during flowering and fruiting is the main method
Photo of feeding a tomato seedling
Feeding tomato seedlings to make them plump
An important element in growing tomato seedlings at home is the application of fertilizers. Still summer residents
Verticillium in cucumber
Treatment of fusarium wilt of cucumbers with folk remedies and drugs
Fusarium and verticillium wilt of cucumbers: what is it? Before you start treating cucumbers, you need to
All about successfully growing tomatoes Oxheart: a favorite variety of pink tomatoes
Ripening period: medium-late Fruit shape: heart Color: depends on the variety Weight: 0.1-0.5 kg Productivity:
tomato persimmon
Rich yellow tomatoes to the delight of everyone - Persimmon tomato: description of the variety and characteristics
For those who want to diversify their tomato diet and add new notes of taste to it, experts
Blueberry Patriot: description of a tall variety, rules for planting and further care of the bush
History of selection The homeland of the Patriot variety is North America. Received in 1952 as a result
Characteristics and description of the Kodryanka grape variety
Every year in August, beautiful almost black grapes appear on the markets of Russian cities.
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