Characteristics and description of the Kodryanka grape variety

Every year in August, beautiful almost black grapes, collected in large clusters, appear in the markets of Russian cities. This is the Codryanka grape, one of the best varieties. There is no need to buy it on the market. This Moldovan variety grows well in central Russia and Belarus, not to mention the southern regions. Of all fruits, grapes are distinguished by their special benefits, varied uses and dessert taste. That is why varieties that can grow not only in the south, but also in the northern regions are so valuable.

The hybrid grape variety Codryanka appeared in Moldova, a country where grapes are one of the main industrial crops. Parents are varieties Marshallsky and Moldova. Another name for the variety is Black Magic. He received it for a combination of many excellent qualities.


“Codrianka” is the result of the work of Soviet scientists from the National Institute of Viticulture and Winemaking of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Moldova. It was obtained by crossing the “Marshal” and “Moldova” varieties in 1985. Many gardeners know it as “black magic”.

The parents of the “kodryanka” are “Marshalsky” and “Moldova”

This is a table variety, so most often the berries are consumed fresh. They are also used for making juices, compotes, sauces and wines. The variety is resistant (3 points) to the most common grape diseases - mildew and oidium.

Reference! Black is considered the main color of the “kodrianka”, but there is also a white version. Its origin is unknown and some characteristics differ from the original variety. Externally, the berries of the white “kodrianka”, or, as it is sometimes called, “Cinderella”, resemble the fruits of “Birunica”. They mature in 135-145 days and are somewhat larger in size than black ones. At the same time, the hybrid bushes have low resistance to diseases and temperature changes.

How to care in the Moscow region

The Kodryanka variety is able to adapt to any climatic conditions, and in any case will produce a good harvest. That is why gardeners from the Moscow region are increasingly planting it. Even in severe drought, the variety will feel great.

Trimming Kodryanka costs 2-3 eyes, no more. You can leave 4-5 eyes at the top of the bush. If you leave more, the berries will simply become small. Yes, they will not lose their taste, but in such conditions they are more susceptible to fungal diseases.

Kodryanka is a disease-resistant variety. Also, he is not afraid of pests, for which we can thank the breeders. But the bushes should still be systematically sprayed, and also follow all care rules.

Detailed Specifications

The excellent taste and market characteristics of Kodrianka allow it to hold the title of one of the best grape varieties for a long time.

Ripening period

“Black Magic” is an early ripening variety: it takes only 90-120 days from bud break to harvesting the first bunches. The period depends, first of all, on the load on the vines - the greater it is, the longer the fruits ripen. Therefore, rationing the load on the bush is a mandatory measure for “kodrianka”.


The bush is distinguished by its great growth force and can reach a height of 2 m. It forms powerful shoots that mature by 90%. In this regard, there is no need to pinch them.

A lot of leaves are formed on the grapes. They are large, round and have a wavy profile. There is practically no bubbling. On the reverse side, the leaf plate is covered with bristles, and along the edges with sharp convex teeth.

During the flowering process, bisexual buds are formed on the shoots, so the plant is self-pollinating. However, despite this, the berries sometimes begin to pea. The problem can be combated with the help of agrotechnical measures.


“Black magic” brushes are loose, have a conical shape and are large in size - on average they weigh about 400-600 g. However, with good care you can get clusters of 1.5-2 kg. Their quantity must be normalized, otherwise the vines will begin to sag under the weight of the fruits, and the ripening dates will shift. It is recommended to leave no more than 30 pieces per bush.

Berries and taste

“Kodryanka” is distinguished by large elongated berries of a beautiful dark purple (almost black) color with a bluish tint, which is explained by the high purine content. Fruit parameters:

  • Length - 2.5-3.2 cm.
  • Width - 1.5-2 cm.
  • Weight - 6-17 g.

They have a dense skin that is easily eaten and allows the berries to be transported and stored without damage if necessary. There are few seeds in the fruit - 2-3 pieces, and they are easily separated from the pulp.

The taste of “kodrianka” is simple, moderately sweet, without nutmeg notes. But experts rate it highly (9.1 out of 10 points) due to the balance of sugar content (16%) and acidity (up to 7 g/l).


The bushes begin to bear fruit in the second year of life. They produce a lot of berries - up to 50 kg can be harvested from one plant. On a production scale, this is 13-16 tons of fruits per 1 hectare of vineyard. You need to harvest on time, otherwise the berries will begin to crumble.

Description of the variety

The Codryanka plant is vigorous. The bushes are quite powerful. Large grapes weighing about 7 grams have a slightly elongated shape. But, if weather conditions are unfavorable, or the rules for caring for the plant were not followed, then the berries can become very small, somewhat reminiscent of peas.

Of course, this problem was solved by experienced gardeners and gardeners. So, Kodryanka bushes simply need to be treated with gibberellin, and this will bring excellent results.

Gibberellin is a growth stimulator based on acetylsalicylic acid. It is its influence on the plant that makes it possible to increase the mass of berries and the harvest as a whole several times.

But, in the solution, the concentration of this acid should not be higher than 50 mg/l of water. Moreover, as practice shows, if zircon is added to the substance (0.1 mg per 1 l), this can lead to an increase in acidity.

Comparison with analogues

“Kodryanka” can be compared with such varieties as “Ruslan”, “Aramis”, “Bruno”, “Consuelo”, “Zabava”, “Veles” and “Voskhod Black”, only based on the similar color of the berries.

CodriancaVelesDelight black
Ripening period90-120 days95-110 days100-120 days
Frost resistanceup to -22°Cup to -21°Cup to -25°C
Yield per bushup to 50 kgup to 50 kgup to 40
Bunchesup to 2 kgup to 5 kgup to 2.5 kg
Tastemoderately sweet, without nutmeg notessweet, nutmegsweet, slightly tart
Colordark purplepinkish amberNavy blue
Disease resistanceaverageaveragehigh
Shelf lifeup to 4 monthsup to 6 monthsup to 6 months

Advantages and disadvantages

Overall, the variety is excellent; you should pay closer attention to it in the Middle Zone. When grown in a cover crop, it gives good yields there, all the clusters have time to ripen, but due to lack of heat, the berries are not as sweet as in the south.

Advantages of KodryankaFlaws
  • early maturation;
  • large beautiful berries;
  • good taste;
  • possibility of short-term storage (rare among early varieties);
  • resistance to mildew;
  • early entry into fruiting;
  • the berries are suitable for fresh consumption and making wine;
  • small seeds;
  • high productivity;
  • thin skin of berries;
  • the clusters can hang on the vine after full ripening;
  • rapid decrease in acidity - berries can be eaten before technical ripeness;
  • good ripening of shoots.
  • tendency to peas;
  • insufficient frost resistance - in the central zone it is grown as a covering crop;
  • for good fruiting you need short pruning and regular watering;
  • the variety is attacked by wasps.

Useful qualities

In terms of their chemical composition, the fruits of “black magic” are a valuable product - they contain vitamins B, C and P, as well as pectin and carotene. Thanks to its qualities, berries provide great benefits to the human body:

  • Stimulates the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  • Increases immunity.
  • Improves brain activity.
  • Removes dangerous salts and metals.
  • They have a preventive effect against depression and hormonal disorders.
  • They have antiseptic properties.
  • Regulate the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Slow down aging.
  • Helps you lose extra pounds.

However, “kodrianka” should not be eaten by people who suffer from high stomach acidity, obesity, irritable bowel syndrome, diabetes and hypertension.

Caring for Codryanka grapes

Although the plant is unpretentious, it still requires some care to obtain a good harvest.

Codryanka grapes need watering 2-3 times a season. The first time is during the period of bud opening, the second time before flowering, the third time when the berries are set.

Important! In regions with a hot and dry climate, it is necessary to carry out moisture-recharging irrigation in the autumn and spring in order to saturate the soil with moisture to the maximum.

It is necessary to feed the soil in the spring while digging the soil. To do this, you should use a complex mineral fertilizer.

When the shoots grow, they need to be tied up to control the position of the vine. She must be in a position that will ensure her development in the required direction.

Although the plant is resistant to frost, in the autumn it is worth covering it with dry grass so that it survives the winter safely.

Pruning Codryanka grapes

When the bush reaches 2 or 3 years old, it should be pruned. It is best to do this after the growing season is over. 4-9 eyes should be left on the vine, and no more than 2 on the replacement knot. The number of shoots should be reduced to approximately 18.

In the fall, during the pruning process, it is necessary to remove damaged and dry shoots of the Kodryanka grapes, which will not survive the winter. In the spring, you should get rid of all shoots that have been damaged by frost.

Protecting crops from birds and insects

To protect the berries from birds and insects, it is necessary to cover the place where the bunches are located with a light nylon net, hanging it on both sides of the trellis and forming a belt, the height of which is approximately 1 m.

How to cover Codryanka grapes for the winter

To protect Codryanka grapes from winter frosts, it is necessary to cover them with hay or straw at the end of autumn.

Features of cultivation

“Black Magic” is one of the most unpretentious varieties. It can grow even on poor rocky soils and tolerates unfavorable climatic conditions.


It is allowed to plant “kodrianka” in the southern regions both in spring and autumn, in the northern regions - only in spring. This is necessary so that the bush has time to take root, adapt to the new environment and prepare for wintering. It is recommended to carry out the procedure around April-May, when the soil warms up to at least 16ºC.

Autumn planting is usually carried out in October - 3 weeks before the onset of the first stable frost. When choosing this option, seedlings must be covered.

Place and soil

You should choose a place for the vineyard that is well-lit and ventilated, but protected from drafts. Plants will feel good in the southern part of the site or on the south-eastern slope, if they are planned to be planted on a hill.

In central Russia, it is better to give preference to a place on the south side of the house, fence, arch or any other outbuilding. It is important to pay attention to the depth of groundwater. They must be at least 2.5 m from the surface.

Grapes do not have any special requirements for soil, but the highest yields can be achieved when planted on sandy, sandy loam or rocky soil.

It is important to prepare the wells correctly. For spring planting, activities are carried out in the fall, for autumn planting - at least a month in advance.

  1. Dig holes 60x60x60 cm at a distance of 2-2.5 m from each other.
  2. Place a drainage layer of at least 15 cm of gravel, broken bricks, pebbles, etc. on the bottom.
  3. Cover with a layer of a mixture of excavated soil, humus and sand (2:1:1) with the addition of a tablespoon of complex fertilizer and 1 shovel of ash.

A day before planting, it is recommended to soak the root system of seedlings in a growth stimulator. Algorithm for the procedure:

  1. Form a small mound from the substrate in the hole.
  2. Place the young plant in the center of the hole at an angle of 45ºC.
  3. Straighten the roots; if they are longer than necessary, they should be trimmed.
  4. Sprinkle with soil mixture so that the root collar remains above the surface.
  5. Water (1 bush - 1 bucket of warm water).
  6. Mulch.

Reference! A garter peg must be installed next to each shoot.

Watering and fertilizing

Kodrianka bushes grow strongly and produce a good harvest, so they require regular and abundant watering. The water requirement for an adult bush is about 6-7 buckets, for a young bush - 2-3.

The procedure should be carried out with such regularity as to prevent the top layer of soil from drying out - about 3 times a week. The bushes should not be watered during the formation of buds and berries. This may cause them to fall off.

It is recommended to carry out the procedure using holes dug around the perimeter of the bush. To do this, make shallow (20-25 cm) holes at a distance of 50-70 cm from the trunk, pour water into them and bury them.

Mulching helps to combat excess moisture evaporation. However, it is worth considering that it is permissible to use it only in spring and autumn - in summer it contributes to overheating of the root system and increases the risk of its rotting.

The variety does not experience an acute need for fertilizers. But to get a good harvest, the plants should be fed:

  1. Before flowering - at the beginning of the season, it is necessary to add rotted manure and nitrogen fertilizer to the soil for the active formation of green mass.
  2. After flowering, grapes need superphosphate and potassium. Nitrogen should be avoided during this period.
  3. Before ripening, in order for the berries to be sweet and not become smaller, it is recommended to add a phosphorus-potassium mixture. From organic matter during this period, it is worth giving preference to rotted manure, bird droppings or ash solution.
  4. After harvesting, it is necessary to avoid nitrogen-containing fertilizers; it is better to use potassium fertilizers or a solution of bird droppings.

Additionally, you can resort to foliar feeding with preparations such as Aquarina, Plantafol and Novoferta. They should be carried out in the evening.

Reference! It is not recommended to fertilize “Kodryanka” during the first two years after planting. Instead, the soil around the bushes should be mulched with humus, from which the young vines can obtain the necessary nutrients.

Fight against peas

“Black magic” has a tendency to peas. This occurs as a result of the fact that sometimes the bushes are not completely pollinated. Therefore, the berries become smaller and ripen unsweetened.

You can avoid peas by following some agrotechnical recommendations:

  1. Do not allow the bush to thicken.
  2. Plant the vineyard in open, windy areas.
  3. Grow honey plants (phacelia, rapeseed, mustard, etc.) near the “kodrianka” to attract bees.
  4. Fertilize plants with complexes high in boron and zinc.
  5. Spray the grapes with the phytohormone gibberellin.

You can also resort to artificial pollination, but for this variety the method is not very popular among winegrowers.


For the first couple of years, it is not recommended to prune codberry bushes. The maximum that can be done is to remove immature shoots.

For grown “black magic” bushes, several types of pruning are used:

  1. Rationing allows you to regulate the number of shoots. For a variety, their optimal number is in the range of 10-17 pieces. on the bush. Held in early spring.
  2. Summer shaping, during which you should cut off excess shoots and leaves that block the light of the bunches.
  3. Formative pruning is an autumn event. At this time, the vines must be shortened to 7-9 buds.
  4. Sanitary pruning - removal of diseased and damaged shoots.

The bush also needs tying up - only in this case it grows correctly. It is recommended to form a “kodrianka” for 2 sleeves.

Frost resistance and wintering

The winter hardiness of the variety is not bad - it can withstand cold temperatures down to -22ºС and is resistant to spring frosts. However, in regions with cold winters, grapes still need shelter.

It should be borne in mind that young plants are more susceptible to frost than adults. Therefore, they need to be protected more carefully.

Before covering the grapes for the winter, they should be prepared - cut, treated for parasites and diseases, tied off and laid on a backing of boards or slate.

The top of the vine should be covered with spruce branches, straw or a layer of sawdust, and agrofibre or film should be placed on top. The structure must be secured with boards or bricks, and when snow falls, a snowdrift must be formed over it.

Reference! It is important to leave cracks or vents in the shelter so that air can flow to the plants.


The dense peel allows the berries to be stored without damage or loss of taste for up to 4 months , provided they are kept in a cool, dark place. In this case, the bunches should be laid out in one layer.


Despite the fact that breeders recommend growing “black magic” in the North Caucasus and Lower Volga regions, this can be done in any other region of Russia, such as the Moscow region, with the exception of the northern latitudes. “Codrianka” is also beloved by winegrowers in Belarus and Ukraine.


Most often, grapes are propagated by cuttings and the process from cutting to germination is shown in the pictures below, and all the details are described in a separate article.

The second method is propagation by layering. This method is very convenient if we need to get only a few seedlings; it is even better if this seedling grows next to the mother bush. To get a new plant, we do not cut off one of the shoots in the fall, but dig a hole about 40 cm deep and 50 cm long, 50 cm wide, put nutritious soil in it: rotted manure, black soil, sand in a ratio of 1: 1: 1, pin the shoot into the hole, make notches at the point of contact with the ground so that the callus comes out faster and roots begin to grow, sprinkle the shoot with 10-15 cm of nutritious soil. In the fall, this seedling can be cut off from the mother plant; it will already have formed a good root system of its own.


Next, check out the photos and reviews about the “kodrianka”.


Codriana peas, is susceptible to gray rot and mildew, and bursts after rain. The look is beautiful, but the taste is grassy. not for everyone. Anatoly, Kyiv region.

Codriana has a wonderful taste, especially when it is overripe. Elena Petrovna, Rostov region.

The taste is simple and pleasant. The skin is thin, the flesh is tender. Sugar content is low. The family liked the variety, and this is a big plus for the variety. Anatoly Davidovich, Kyiv

An excellent, high-yielding variety, the older the bush, the tastier it becomes. Yuri Anatolyevich, Zaporozhye

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