Rechitsa cherry: variety description, photos, reviews, pollinators

Care, feeding, pruning

Of course, after planting it is worth observing subsequent care, because the well-being of the planting, its normal development and indicators of growth, fruiting and vital activity in general will largely depend on it.
Cherries need the gardener to provide them with enough moisture. Especially during flowering. Agricultural technology also includes fertilizing, pruning the crown, and digging the soil. The cherry tree itself can let the gardener know that it needs additional watering and caring measures - for example, the soil around it will actively dry out and crack, which just indicates that watering should be carried out in the very near future. But it’s better not to let it get to this point, since due to the drying out of the soil the entire planting will suffer and some shortcomings will begin that are directly related to fruiting. When cherries have just been planted in open ground, they need nitrogen-containing components and fertilizing, since nitrogen takes a direct and active part in the growth and development of the shoot part of the plant. To do this, urea is added to the soil. If the tree is already mature, then you can apply complex mineral fertilizers and fertilizers with a large amount of microelements. Mineral fertilizing should be combined with organic matter, and the most important characters here are humus or compost, which the gardener can prepare independently. It is also necessary to add a small amount of ash to the soil, since it contains potassium. And even earlier we pointed out that thanks to ash it is possible to regulate the level of acidity, which means the planting will feel comfortable in soil with not the highest level of acidity. This is a recommendation in agricultural technology for absolutely any cherry variety, which must be followed in order to obtain an excellent and abundant, high-quality and regular harvest. There is one more piece of advice that experienced gardeners give. It consists in the fact that the crown must be formed. This is necessary not only to maintain the health of the planting, but also to give it a neat and decorative appearance. Another advantage of cherries is that they react absolutely normally to shaping, and that they can recover on their own after this procedure.

Pruning is another necessary condition and event within the framework of agricultural technology and planting care. After the winter period ends, the gardener is obliged to remove all branches that have frozen or been damaged or weakened after such a harsh period - this type of pruning is called sanitary pruning. After it is completed, the cut areas are treated with copper sulfate, and then lubricated with garden varnish so that infection does not get into these vulnerable areas and infections do not begin. For the winter, the planting can, in principle, not be covered, as cherries calmly endure this period. But it’s best to protect the trunk, first of all, from pests and rodents, which don’t mind eating the bark at all. Young seedlings are also covered for the winter. Around November, it is worth mulching the roots to protect them from pests and from severe soil freezing. The trunk is covered with materials such as lutrasil, sponband, or you can simply use spruce branches, which will allow enough oxygen to pass through, and at the same time can also reliably protect young seedlings from adverse effects from the outside.


When placing Revna cherries, it is important to develop a planting scheme, since usually not one tree is planted, but several, since the variety needs pollinators

Selecting a location

The variety prefers southern slopes, where there is a lot of sun. Spacious planting of trees also plays an important role: the distance between plants is within 3 m. The presence of groundwater lying at a depth of up to 2 m is unacceptable.

Cold, northern winds negatively affect the growth, development and productivity of cherries, as stated in the description. Rhubarb in a group with other pollinating varieties is planted away from courtyard buildings so that their shadow does not fall on the trees.

Soil preparation

The soil selected is sandy loam or loamy. The ideal option is fertile soils with a neutral pH. Cherry varieties will not grow in heavy, clayey areas and swampy areas: due to stagnant moisture, the root system quickly rots. Soils for planting Revna cherries and pollinator varieties are prepared in the fall:

  • the area is leveled;
  • remove weeds;
  • preparing a landing hole.

In the fall, humus (compost), ash, and a mineral complex are added to the pit so that by spring the soil gains a maximum of useful substances.

Selection and planting of seedlings

Cherry seedlings of the Revna variety are bought in specialized nurseries, where they offer 1-2-year-old planting material. Signs of a healthy seedling:

  1. Developed root system without open or closed type damage. Exposed roots should not be overdried.
  2. At the bottom of the trunk is the grafting site. If the cherry is not grafted, then it is wild, the harvest of which consists of sour, small fruits.
  3. Having strong kidneys. If the buds have already begun to bloom, then the time for planting has passed.
  4. The cherry seedling must be alive and healthy. A scratch is made on the stem: under it there is green bark and a characteristic smell is felt.

Cherries of the Revna variety are planted in the first or second year of life after late spring frosts. Over the spring and summer, the seedling adapts and takes root in a new place, the roots become stronger. Under shelter, the young plant will withstand the cold and quickly grow in the new season.

A planting hole with a diameter of up to 1 m and a depth of 0.6-0.8 m is already ready for planting. The soil that was removed from the hole is mixed with humus (3 buckets), ash, and fluffed lime (if the soil is acidic). Further algorithm of action:

  • a peg up to 1.5 m high is installed at the bottom;
  • a mound of fertile soil is poured into the center of the hole, on which the roots are placed;
  • cover ½ with earthen mixture and water with 2-3 liters of water;
  • completely fall asleep, leaving the root collar on the surface;
  • create a tree trunk circle, compacting the soil around the seedling;
  • add another 2-3 liters of water;
  • The tree trunk circle is mulched with peat, sawdust or humus.

Growing cherries Rechitsa

Resistant to frost, bacterial attacks and fungal diseases, Rechitsa cherries are one of the most productive varieties: up to 90 kg of berries can be harvested from an adult plant under favorable environmental conditions. The culture does not require special attention; standard care procedures are sufficient.


Rechitsa is a late-ripening variety that was bred by M. V. Kanshina.

Trees have rapid growth and development, but do not grow huge. Such rapid development does not provoke an increase in crown thickening.

The winter hardiness of the tree and buds is high. Freezing level: 0.2 points.


  • The Rechitsa cherry tree is fast-growing and reaches medium size;
  • the crown is medium dense, pyramidal in shape;
  • the buds are of medium size, for the vegetative one the ovoid shape and strong deviation are typical, for the generative one - oval;
  • the leaves are often ellipsoidal, wide and have a rich green color;
  • the leaf blade is flattened, the apex is short and pointed, the base is rounded, large double-serrate serrations are typical;
  • the petiole of the leaf blade is long and thickened, pigmentation and two red glands are observed along the entire length;
  • in the inflorescence there are two or three white flowers of medium size, the corolla is saucer-shaped, the sepals are goblet-shaped. The stigma does not rise above the anthers, the stamens and pistil are long. The tree bears fruit on bouquet branches.


  • average weight (5.8 g);
  • height and width up to 18 mm, thickness about 16 mm;
  • round shape, medium-sized funnel;
  • the color of the fruits, pulp and juice is dark red, almost black;
  • the pulp is dense and sweet, dry release;
  • the stalk is elongated, of medium thickness.

Organic content: dry matter (about 18%), carbohydrates (13-14%), acids (0.5-0.6%), ascorbic acid (10.5 mg/100 g).

The stone is light brown in color, the tip is pointed, the base is round. It separates well from the pulp.


For late-ripening cherry varieties, planting in the spring is best. You need fertile and loose soil that can freely pass water.

In this area, groundwater should not rise above a level of 1.7 m. The optimal soil acidity is 6.5 pH. For good fruiting, Rechitsa needs to receive nutrients, which are recommended to be added to the soil.

There are two ways to enrich the soil:

  • when preparing the site during autumn digging, compost or manure with the addition of mineral fertilizers is added;
  • A mixture of potash and phosphorus fertilizers is added to the planting hole.

When choosing a seedling, you should pay attention to the condition of the root system. Healthy roots are not characterized by mechanical damage or folds, swelling or even growths.

When cut, the root should have a light shade. If it is brown, the system is no longer suitable for planting and development. The minimum size of a healthy root system of a seedling is 20-25 cm in length. It is advisable to purchase a young plant without leaves so that the latter do not absorb moisture.

The seedling must be grafted, which indicates that the desired cherry variety will grow. A suitable seedling will definitely have a grafting site.

There are certain stages of planting a seedling:

  • Dig a hole with a depth of 0.6 cm to 0.8 m (depending on the length of the main root).
  • When digging, divide the soil into fertile and infertile, mix the first with 7-10 kg of organic matter and place it at the bottom of the resulting hole.
  • Place a stable peg at the bottom of the hole to support the plant, to which you then tie the seedling.
  • Lower the seedling into the hole; do not allow the root collar to sink into the ground.
  • Pour a few liters of water into the hole after filling, then continue digging while compacting the soil.
  • Mulch the ground with humus or peat so that the plant uses up the water resource evenly.

During early spring and flowering, cherries need a lot of water to form good leaves and juicy fruits. To trim branches, you need to use strictly well-sharpened tools, and treat damaged areas with copper sulfate crystalline hydrate.

It is enough to water once a week, but such that it is possible to wet up to 0.5 m of soil where the root branches are located. For adult plants, watering in a circular furrow up to 35-40 cm deep is relevant.

Trees are watered in May (active growth occurs), in June (fruit formation), late autumn (before the onset of frost) and during dry periods. Watering is not recommended during the ripening period, as this can lead to cracking of the berries.

For the first feeding, urea is used in a proportion of 30 g per bucket of water. The second feeding is carried out twice: in early spring and late autumn. For spring you will need 0.15 kg of urea, for autumn - 0.3 kg of superphosphate and 0.1 kg of potassium sulfate.

In the fifth year of being in a permanent place in the soil, in the spring, a urea solution is added in a proportion of 0.2 kg per ten liters of water. In summer, the soil is enriched with ammophoska in the proportion of 0.3 kg per 10 liters of water with the addition of a glass of wood ash, which is then applied regularly every four years.

Diseases and pests

Cherry trees of the Rechitsa variety resist bacterial attacks and fungal pathologies well, but are not resistant to viruses.

  • Coccomiosis. It affects leaves, shoots, fruits and stalks, forming red or brown spots on them, which leads to premature leaf fall and reduced yield. The fungus can overwinter in the tissues of affected leaves.
  • Moniliosis (gray rot). It provokes infection of stone fruit crops and causes the death of flowers and rotting of berries.
  • Clusterosporiasis (hole spotting). It affects leaf blades, flowers, buds and branches. As a result, the spots lead to necrotic changes in tissues, cause drying of the berries and gum formation.
  • Gypsy moth. The larvae eat leaves, the lack of area of ​​which provokes serious disturbances in photosynthesis and the life of the plant as a whole.
  • Black aphid. It lives on the underside of leaves and leaves behind sticky marks, feeding on plant sap.
  • Cherry pipe beetle. It eats certain parts of the bud, which causes deformation of the harvest or its reduction.
  • Rust fungus. Causes a decrease in fruiting and premature leaf fall.
  • Phyllosticosis. Brown spots with pycnidia inside appear. The affected tissues gradually die.

Diseases and pests

Ovstuzhenka cherry has good immunity to such dangerous diseases as moniliosis and coccomycosis, although spraying treatment for this tree is necessary, despite this fact. Spraying is carried out with nitrophen, using a solution of copper sulfate. In the spring, this plant will not be afraid of various types of fungi. When treating wood against harmful insects, you will simultaneously receive protection from diseases and infections carried by these pests. By properly caring for this plant and keeping its trunk area clean, gum disease can be avoided. Small rodents are very dangerous enemies for this crop. To combat them, nets are used that are spread on the surface of the earth near the tree trunk.


It is worth taking a closer look at the characteristics of the Rechitsa cherry variety.

Drought resistance, frost resistance

Cherry variety Rechitsa is not a drought-resistant plant. To get a high yield you need to water every 30 days. During dry summers, this is done as soon as the soil dries out.

Rechitsa - cherry is quite winter-hardy, the freezing level is estimated at 0.2 points. This applies to both the tree and the fruit buds. Young trees are spudded and wrapped in burlap to protect them from animals.

Pollination, pollinating varieties, flowering period and ripening time

This tree cannot produce fruit without a pollinator variety. The plant is self-sterile. Pollinators for the Rechitsa variety of cherries are Ovstuzhenka, Odritsa, and Iput cherries. Cherry Rechitsa begins flowering in May, the berries become ripe by July 15-20.

Productivity, fruiting

The tree begins to bear fruit at the age of 5 years and every year thereafter. The harvest averages 30 kg per tree. The berries do not crack due to rain and hang without falling for 10 days. But you shouldn’t delay harvesting so that it doesn’t become food for birds.

Area of ​​application of berries

The sweet berry is good fresh, as a dessert. It is used for preparing a variety of preparations. Sweet dessert liqueurs will be delicious. For winter, it is useful to freeze the berries. They do not deteriorate during transportation and can be stored refrigerated for some time.

Resistance to diseases and pests

Cherry variety Rechitsa does not suffer from many diseases characteristic of this crop. Cold, wet weather can cause rotting cankers on the fruit and blackening of the leaves.

Advantages and disadvantages

Among the advantages of the Rechitsa cherry variety are:

  • High yields every year.
  • Good keeping quality of fruits.
  • Resistance to excessive humidity.
  • Dry separation of the berries during removal.
  • Resistance to diseases and pests.
  • High winter hardiness.

Features of cultivation

In order to grow such a tree in a few years, you need to pay special attention to the seedlings and their root system - it must be without damage. You need to choose young seedlings, without leaves, grafted

Planting a tree

The description indicates that this variety ripens late, so it is best planted in the spring. The planting site should have good fertile soil, fertilized with manure or compost, and have good drainage.

To support the tree, you need to place a stake at the bottom of the hole and tie the seedling to it. When planting, you need to ensure that the root collar is not immersed in the hole. Then pour water into the hole, then continue to fill and compact the soil.

Possible problems during cultivation and their solutions

If you do not protect the cherries from the cherry fly, the berries may be without pulp. Also, some gardeners complain that fruits are cracking.

To solve this problem, it is recommended to add about 100 liters of water under the tree at a time when the green berries are just beginning to color. Then the skin of the fruit will not tan or crack. However, such activities are recommended only in case of dry weather.

In all other respects, Large-fruited cherries do not cause problems during the growing process. It is enough to study the description of the variety and the recommendations of experienced gardeners. After a few years, cherries produce huge harvests and look great in a suburban area.

Landing Features

Rechitsa cherries require certain growing conditions.

Recommended timing

The most preferable planting for the Rechitsa cherry variety is in the spring; it creates the opportunity for the seedling to take root reliably and strengthen itself for the winter cold. The seedling is planted three days after the soil thaws, when it is in a state of hibernation.

Autumn planting provides a large selection of seedlings. You can visually assess their condition. In the fall, you need to carefully prepare the planting site and provide the tree with reliable shelter for the winter.

Choosing a suitable location

This area should be illuminated by the sun and be located in high areas where there are no swamps or groundwater. There should be no drafts or north winds.

What crops can and cannot be planted next to cherries?

You need to avoid apple and pear trees nearby. Their powerful roots take away nutrition and moisture from the cherries. You also need to exclude linden, birch, spruce and pine from your neighbors.

Cherries do not accept eggplants, tobacco, peppers, or tomatoes next to them. Poor proximity to gooseberries and raspberries. But cherries, plums and honeysuckle will have a beneficial effect on this crop.

Selection and preparation of planting material

The best seedlings for Rechitsa cherries are those formed by grafting the variety onto a rootstock. The vaccination site must be carefully inspected. The seedling must have a healthy appearance and developed, intact roots. Its height is required to be at least a meter.

Cherry seedlings are first placed in Kornevin. Three hours is enough for the roots to become saturated with water.

Landing algorithm

Growing Rechitsa cherries begins with preparing the planting site. Make a hole measuring 60 x 60 x 60 cm. A mound of fertilized soil is placed in its center. A seedling is placed on it with its roots straightened.

Water is poured into the hole and the roots are covered with soil. The grafting site is left at soil level without filling it up. The soil is lightly compacted to remove air. The tree trunk circle is mulched with humus.

There is a gap of at least 3 meters between the trees. When several rows are formed, a distance of 4-5 meters is left between them.

How to plant Revna cherries correctly

Cherry 'amber'

To successfully plant seedlings of the Revna variety, it is important to follow the planting algorithm. The correct selection of location and seedlings plays a role. It is also important to meet deadlines

Recommended planting times

It is optimal to carry out planting work in March, before the buds begin to swell. Then the trees are in a calm state and will safely survive the transplant. You can plant Revna cherry seedlings at the end of April, but only with a closed rhizome.

Selecting a location

The site should be chosen open, protected from northern winds. If there are buildings or fences nearby, plant Revna cherries at a distance of 3 meters from them. The planting site should be well lit by the sun, partial shade is also suitable.

Requirements for neighbors

The Revna variety has a powerful rhizome, which causes inconvenience to other crops. The following plants should not be planted next to it:

  1. Apple is a pome crop that displaces stone fruit plants. The distance between it and the cherry tree should be 10 meters.
  2. Pear. The culture competes with Revna for nutritional components. This is dangerous due to low yields.
  3. Raspberries. Plants are exposed to the same diseases, there is a high probability of infection from each other. You will have to treat the plantings regularly. The distance between cherries and raspberries should be 15 meters.
  4. Apricot, peach. These are stone fruit plants and are undesirable neighbors with cherries. There should be a distance of 7 meters between them.
  5. Solanaceous crops. They are carriers of pathogenic agents.
  6. Trees with powerful rhizomes: oak, linden, pine, poplar, spruce, birch.

It is undesirable to plant gooseberries, rose hips, and black currants next to cherries. You can place Revna cherries near the following trees:

  1. Cherry. Neighborhood with it gives additional bonuses, cross-pollination occurs. Their booths should not intersect. The minimum distance is 6 meters, and for large varieties - 10 meters.
  2. Plum. This is a good neighbor for Revna cherries; you can plant them next to each other, but taking into account the diameter of the crown. The optimal distance is 5 meters.

Honeysuckle should be planted near the tree trunk of Revna. At long distances, barberry will be a desirable neighbor.

Diseases, pests of the variety and measures to combat them

The description says that the Revna cherry variety is resistant to pests and is rarely affected by diseases. Most often, diseases develop if the rules of agricultural technology are violated: frequent watering or stagnation of water, thickening of the crown and other defects in care.

Among the diseases, Revna is affected by perforated spotting (clasterosporiasis) and mosaic. Among the pests that cherries are not spared are the cherry fly, cherry fruit moth, cherry shoot moth, cherry aphid, and weevil. They destroy pests using chemicals: Decis, Inta-Vir, Karbofos and other targeted agents. For effectiveness, select the concentration according to the instructions on the package.

Birds love cherries of different varieties. Thanks to their raids, the harvest can be completely lost in just a few days. To protect against birds, agrofibre, nets, and loudspeakers with the calls of birds of prey are used.

Mid-season cherry varieties

Bull's heart

The largest cherry is the Bull's Heart variety, the weight of one berry is about 8 g or more. Outwardly it resembles the shape of a heart, hence the name of the species. The berries are dark burgundy, sometimes close to black. The pulp is fleshy, juicy, scarlet in color. The stalk comes off easily and does not cause juice to leak out of the berry.

The first berries appear in mid-June-July, the ripening is unfriendly, which is convenient for home consumption, but inconvenient when grown for sale.


Revna is a productive fruit, resistant to fungal diseases, and also frost-resistant. The weight of the berries is usually 4-5 g, but there are specimens weighing 6-8 g. The fruits do not tend to crack, and are dark red in color, like the skin. Rated by tasters at 4.9 out of 5 for taste. The branches of the tree are characterized by intensive growth and require pruning. Partially self-fertile, but without pollination produces only 5% of its yield.


Fruits should be expected no earlier than the second ten days of July. The lower branches of the tree pull down yellow berries with a thick red blush. The fruits are of average size 3.5-5 g, dry separation from the stalk.

The main advantage of the variety is its stable yield. Fatezh is quite winter-hardy, which makes it suitable for planting not only in the southern regions.

The juicy sweet pulp separates freely from the seed, the hearth tastes with a pleasant sourness.

Description of culture

The tree grows quickly, the greatest height is 3 meters. The crown is not thickened, pyramidal. It has dense leaves of rich green color. The shape of the leaves is an ellipse with a pointed tip. The flowers are collected in inflorescences of three, white with yellow stamens.

Cherry varieties Rechitsa bear fruit with large round berries. The color of the fruit and its pulp is dark red. The diameter of the berries reaches 18 mm, their average weight is about 6 g. The taste of the berries is sweet, they are easily picked from the stalk, while remaining dry.

The central region of Russia, due to its climatic conditions and not too rich soils, is considered the most suitable for growing Rechitsa cherries.

Cherry Fatezh: planting varieties

Sweet cherry Fatezh: photo of the variety

The Fatezh cherry variety should be planted in the same way as other varieties. The peculiarities of planting are related more to the climate, because the Fatezh cherry variety is recommended for growing in areas where cherry trees have not been planted in principle.

Optimal time for planting Fatezh cherries

In the Center and North-West, it is advisable to plan planting for the spring season, because young and weak seedlings may not withstand frosty temperatures after planting in the fall.

In the south with a mild winter period, planting can be done in October days, fifteen to twenty days before the onset of cold weather. During this period, the tree will successfully take root in the new area. The condition of the roots also affects the time of planting. Planting material with an open root system takes root only when planted in the spring; seedlings with closed roots successfully adapt in both the spring and autumn seasons.

The best time for planting Fatezh cherries in the spring is the days of April; with the late onset of the spring season, planting is postponed to the first days of May.

How to choose a suitable site for planting Fatezh cherries

The Fatezh cherry variety is particular about the quality of the soil and its location on the site. Heavy clay soils on which underground waters lie closely, as well as open spaces with gusty and through winds, slopes from the north, places in the shade, and low-lying areas are prohibited for planting.

Places that are protected from the winds are excellent for planting varieties: old garden plots, forest edges and south-facing slopes. You can plant a tree along the walls of buildings, but a distance of at least three meters from them is required in order to avoid future problems with the foundation.

Keep in mind that the cherry tree needs a place well lit by the sun and light, well-drained loam. The acid content in the soil should be neutral - six to seven pH. Groundwater should lie two meters deep, no less. Otherwise, you will have to build a high ridge or create high-quality drainage.

What plants are allowed and prohibited to be planted near Fatezh cherries?

The Fatezh cherry variety is self-sterile, so it is necessary to sow honey-bearing herbaceous crops nearby. They will attract insects and prevent weed growth. Plants such as clover, mustard, and phacelia are suitable for this role.

In order for the tree to grow actively, crops with fruits that have pits are suitable: cherry, apricot, plum, grape.

It is forbidden to plant plants near: nightshades (tomatoes, potatoes, peppers), as they spread diseases; gooseberries, raspberries, currants - steal food; sea ​​buckthorn - because of it, the cherry root system does not develop.

How to select and prepare Fatezh cherry seedlings

Buy high-quality planting material from a trusted supplier. The best plant height for planting is one meter, the root system should be twenty-five cm. The seedling should contain five healthy branches, approximately two cm in thickness.

Before purchasing, carefully inspect all cherry fragments. They must be intact and undamaged. If the roots are black, this means that the plant is sick. Inspect the foliage from all sides, because harmful insects and diseases can often hide at the bottom of the leaf.

Pits for planting Fatezh cherries are prepared in the autumn season, this does not depend on the time of planting. The dimensions of the hole are seventy by seventy by seventy cm. If you plan to plant more than one tree, then leave an interval of three meters between the holes.

A drainage layer up to seven cm thick is laid at the bottom of the pit. The drainage can consist of expanded clay or broken brick. Next, the soil mixture is laid out; it contains ash (one kg), sodium sulfate (0.1 kg), superphosphate (0.4 kg). Then an earthen layer is laid, ten cm thick.

A seedling is placed on this layer, the roots are carefully straightened. A stake is driven in near the plant and a cherry tree is tied to it

The hole is filled with soil so that the root collar is deepened by five to eight cm. The soil is compacted and thoroughly watered with thirty liters of water. A mulch of peat or humus is laid on top (a layer of three to five cm).

Cherry care Syubarovskaya

The fruiting of the Syubarovskaya variety is directly affected by care: the supply of moisture and nutrients, loosening and pruning.

Feeding and watering

Sweet cherries of the Syubarovskaya variety are fed in early spring with mullein infusion. Before fruiting, add 35 g of superphosphate and potassium salt. The tree is watered before and after flowering, water consumption is from 10 to 12 buckets. More information about fertilizing cherries is described in the video:

Weeding and loosening

After rain and watering, the soil under the cherry tree is loosened and cleared of weeds. Loosening improves the absorption of moisture and minerals by the roots of the tree.

Crown formation

The crop is pruned annually so that the crown acquires a tiered, sparse shape. Each tier consists of 3-4 powerful shoots. Be sure to remove broken, frozen and dry branches.

Cherry Rechitsa

Cherry Rechitsa is a successful hybrid obtained by domestic breeders. The variety is notable for its high immunity and winter hardiness, good taste and quality of fruits.

Photo and description of the cherry variety Rechitsa

The variety was bred at the Lupine Research Institute by the famous breeder M.V. Kanshina. The parent form is the popular Bryansk pink cherry, resistant to diseases and frost. By free pollination, the best specimens were obtained and selected. In 2001, information about the hybrid was entered into the state register. The variety is recommended for planting in the Central region.

Mature tree height

The tree of the Rechitsa variety has medium dimensions, reaching a height of 3-4 m. The crown is pyramidal in shape and of medium density. The buds are ovoid, deviated. The leaves are wide, green, elliptical in shape. The leaf blade is flat, the tip is pointed, the base is rounded, and there are large teeth along the edges. The petioles are thickened and long.

Flowering and ripening period

The buds are collected in inflorescences of 2-3 pieces. The flowers are medium-sized, saucer-shaped corollas. White petals are arranged freely. Flowering occurs in the middle period - the second ten days of May. The fruits are harvested in late June–early July.


The average yield of the Rechitsa variety is 82 c/ha, the maximum indicators reach 146 c/ha. Usually about 30 kg of cherries are removed from a tree. Maturation begins at the 5th year. The fruits have a mass of 5-5.8 g, dimensions 18x18x16 mm. The shape is round, the color is rich, almost black. The pulp and juice are dark red. The taste is sweet, dessert, rated 4.5 points. The stone is oval, light brown in color, and comes off well from the pulp.


When cherries are removed from the stalk, no juice is released, which increases the transportability of the crop. The fruits withstand long-term transportation well. The purpose of the Rechitsa variety is universal. The berries are consumed fresh, frozen or processed into homemade preparations.

Drought resistance

The resistance of the Rechitsa variety to drought is average. Watering is carried out according to the general scheme adopted for this crop.

Frost resistance

The Rechitsa variety has high winter hardiness. After severe frosts, slight freezing of wood is observed, which is estimated at 0.2 points. The plant is resistant to spring frosts. When the temperature drops, about 5% of the ovaries die.

How to plant Rechitsa cherries

Proper planting will ensure the development of Rechitsa cherries and a high yield. It is important not only to prepare the soil and plant, but also to choose a suitable location on the site.

How to choose a seedling

High-quality planting material is purchased from nurseries or garden centers. Annual seedlings with a height of 80-110 cm and a trunk diameter of 2-2.5 cm take root best. The plant must have a powerful conductor and several side shoots. Cherries are assessed visually and checked for the absence of cracks, wounds, diseased branches, mold and other defects. When transporting, the roots are wrapped in damp cloth. If the root system of the tree is dry, then keep it in clean water for several hours.

Planting dates and scheme

The timing of the work is chosen based on the climatic characteristics of the region. In the south, cherries are planted in the fall after leaf fall. The plant will take root and survive the winter without problems. If there is a possibility of early frosts, then the work is left until the spring. If the seedlings have already been purchased, then they are dug into the plot and covered with a layer of mulch. In the spring, when the snow has melted but the buds have not yet begun to swell, the seedlings are dug up and planted.

Cherry Rechitsa develops well in fertile light soil. Loamy or sandy loam soils are better suited for it. Peat bogs, sandy and swampy areas are unacceptable for growing crops. The Rechitsa variety is removed as much as possible from apple, plum, pear, peach and other fruit crops. Trees compete for water and minerals contained in the soil. It is best to plant 2-3 varieties of cherries in a group and leave a distance of 3-4 m between them.

Pit preparation

The pit for planting the Rechitsa variety is prepared in advance, at least 3 weeks before work. This is necessary for the soil to shrink, resulting in damage to the seedling. If planting is planned for spring, then the hole is dug in the fall.

The procedure for planting cherries of the Rechitsa variety:

  1. A pit with a diameter of 0.7 m and a depth of 0.6 m is being prepared at the site.
  2. To fill it, mix chernozem, 2 buckets of compost, 170 g of superphosphate and 80 g of potassium salt.
  3. The substrate is lowered into the pit, then 2 buckets of water are poured into it.
  4. When the soil settles, begin planting cherries. First, fertile soil is poured to form a small hill. A seedling is placed on top and its roots are covered with soil.
  5. The soil is compacted and watered abundantly.

Cherry care Rechitsa

Like any garden crop, cherries require constant care. The Rechitsa variety is watered and fed, and the shoots are pruned to form a crown.

Feeding and watering

In early spring, the Rechitsa variety is fed with nitrogen fertilizer: a solution of ammonium nitrate or mullein. When setting fruit, superphosphate and potassium salt are added to the soil. 35 g of each substance is dissolved in water or embedded in a tree trunk. Every 3 years, the soil under the tree is dug up and fertilized with compost.

The crop requires moisture during drought, especially if it occurs during the period of flowering and the beginning of fruiting. 5 buckets of water are poured under a young tree, and up to 10 buckets under an adult tree. To make the moisture evaporate more slowly, the soil is mulched with humus or straw. When watering, it is important to avoid stagnation of moisture, which is detrimental to cherries.

Weeding and loosening

The soil under the cherry trees is regularly weeded. In order for the roots to better absorb water and minerals, the soil is loosened after rain or watering. To do this, use a cultivator, pitchfork or other garden tool.

Crown formation

In spring or autumn, when sap flow in trees is slow, shoots are pruned. For cherries, a tiered-sparse crown is formed. In total, 3-4 tiers are obtained with a step of 0.5 m. For each tier, 3 powerful branches are selected, the remaining shoots are cut out. Crown formation takes up to 5 years.

Description of varieties

Let us dwell on the description of some new varieties of cherries, included over the past three years in the State Register of Breeding Achievements and recommended for cultivation in the Central and Central Black Earth regions of Russia.

Medium ripening variety. The tree is medium-sized (up to 3.5 m). The fruits are large (5.5–6.0 g), heart-shaped, dark red, gristly, with a dessert taste (4.7 points). Self-sterile, the best pollinators: Poetry, Rechitsa, Teremoshka. Winter hardiness of flower buds is average. Relatively resistant to coccomycosis and moniliosis. Productivity is above average (15–20 kg per tree). The tree's winter hardiness is good. The variety was recommended for cultivation in the Central Black Earth region of the Russian Federation in 2009.

Late ripening variety. The tree is medium-sized, with a round-oval, sparse crown. The fruits are above average size (4.7 g), dark red, juicy, sweet (taste 4.7 points). Self-sterile, the best pollinators: Tyutchevka, Iput. The average yield is 15–20 kg per tree. Resistance to coccomycosis is high, and resistance to pyasterosporia and moniliosis is average. The variety is recommended for cultivation in the Central region of the Russian Federation in 2009.

Late ripening variety. The tree is medium-sized. The crown is round-oval, raised, of medium density. The variety is self-sterile. The best pollinators: Revna, Iput, Tyutchevka, Ovstuzhenka. Fruits mainly on bouquet branches. The fruits are large (average weight 6, maximum - up to 8 g), dark red. The pulp is dense. The stone is medium, easily separated from the pulp. It begins to bear fruit in the 4th year after planting. The average yield is 20–25 kg per tree. A variety for universal use. Resistance to coccomycosis is good; it is not affected by moniliosis and clasterosporiasis.

Astakhov's favorite

Medium ripening period. The tree is medium-sized. Winter hardiness is high. The variety is partially self-fertile. The fruits are medium-sized (4.2 g), oval-shaped, pink, with a dessert taste. The variety is relatively resistant to coccomycosis and moniliosis. The average yield is 10 kg per tree. The variety is recommended for cultivation in the Central region of the Russian Federation in 2011.

Orlovskaya pink

Medium ripening variety. A tree of medium vigor, up to 3.5 m in height, the crown is pyramidal, flat, raised, of medium density. The fruits are pink, medium size (3.5–4.0 g). The bone separates from the pulp well. Tasting assessment of fresh fruits – 4.4 points. Dessert variety. It begins to bear fruit in the 3rd year. Fruits on bouquet branches and growth from last year. The variety is self-sterile. The best pollinators: Adeline, Poetry, Rechitsa, Teremoshka. The winter hardiness of the tree is average, the flower buds are high. The variety is relatively resistant to coccomycosis and moniliosis. The average yield is 11 kg/tree, the maximum is 16. Recommended for cultivation in the Central Black Earth region of the Russian Federation in 2010.

Early ripening variety. A tree of medium vigor with a pyramidal crown. The fruits are large (4.5–5.0 g), dark burgundy, dense, gristly, dessert taste (4.5 points), universal purpose. Productivity is high (20–30 kg per tree). The variety is resistant to coccomycosis and moniliosis. Recommended for cultivation in the Central Black Earth region of the Russian Federation in 2010.

The following varieties are being tested at state variety plots in the Central and Central Black Earth regions: Sinyavskaya, Severnaya, Gastinets, Moskvoretskaya, Orlovskaya Fairy, Podarok Orlu, etc. After studying, they can replenish the existing cherry assortment.

Features of cherries

According to the botanical description, cherry is a tree that grows quickly. The crown has a rounded, ovoid shape. The trunk diameter is from 60 cm, the shoots are brown or brown in color.

Types of cherries: photo

All varieties of this crop are divided into 2 types: bigarro and guini.

Bigarros are distinguished by dense pulp and colorless juice. They have a dessert purpose, however, they are also suitable for processing. Due to the dense pulp, the berries do not become soft; they are used to make compotes and jams. This includes mid- and late-ripening varieties.

Photo of red bigarro cherries:

Gini are varieties with delicate sweet flesh. They are poorly stored and cannot withstand long transportation. Therefore, it is recommended to find uses for them immediately after removal from the tree. These include early hybrids with pink, cream or yellow flesh. Ghinis have a dessert purpose; delicious juice is obtained from them.

Guinea fruits in the photo:

How cherry blossoms

Cherries produce bisexual white flowers that appear before the leaves. The buds bloom from the beginning to the end of May, depending on the variety and weather conditions. The flowering period takes from 14 to 25 days. The flowers are collected in umbrella-shaped inflorescences of 2-3 pieces. They consist of 5 loosely arranged petals, one pistil and many stamens.

What kind of leaves does a cherry tree have?

The tree has green leaves, elliptical or obovate, pointed and serrate. Petioles with glands located at the base of the plate. The width of the leaf plate is from 8 cm, length – from 15 cm.

When do cherries produce their first harvest?

The start of fruiting occurs 5-6 years after planting. Early-fruiting seedlings produce a harvest for 3-4 years. The first harvests are low, however, over time the tree produces more fruit. Peak fruiting occurs in the 10th year.

Cherry ripening time

The tree bears fruit in June-July. Harvest dates may vary due to weather conditions.

According to the ripening period, there are 3 main groups of cherries:

  • early;
  • mid-season;
  • late.


Most varieties are self-sterile. To form a harvest, it is necessary to have pollinators with the same flowering period. They are placed at a distance of 3-4 m from each other. If it is not possible to place several trees on the site, use one strong rootstock. 2-3 necessary hybrids are grafted onto it. Cross-pollination occurs with the participation of bees and other insects. Planting honey plants helps attract them.

For the formation of ovaries, other conditions must be met:

  • stable temperature of about 15 °C;
  • dry weather;
  • lack of heat.
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