Which trees turn yellow first in the fall? Which trees turn yellow first in autumn?

Trees and shrubs in autumn. Autumn changes. Why do leaves turn yellow and fall off?

When the days become shorter, and the sun no longer generously shares its warmth with the earth, one of the most beautiful times of the year begins - autumn. She, like a mysterious sorceress, changes the world around her and fills it with rich and unusual colors. These miracles occur most noticeably with plants and shrubs. They are one of the first to respond to weather changes and the onset of autumn. They have three whole months ahead to prepare for winter and part with their main decorations - leaves. However, first, the trees will certainly delight everyone around with the play of color and the madness of colors, and the fallen leaves will carefully cover the earth with their blanket and protect its smallest inhabitants from severe frosts.

Autumn changes in trees and shrubs, the reasons for these phenomena

In autumn, one of the most important changes in the life of trees and shrubs occurs: a change in the color of foliage and leaf fall. Each of these phenomena helps them prepare for winter and survive such a harsh time of year.

For deciduous trees and shrubs, one of the main problems in the winter season is the lack of moisture, so in the fall all the beneficial substances begin to accumulate in the roots and core, and the leaves fall off. Leaf fall helps not only to increase moisture reserves, but also to save them. The fact is that leaves evaporate liquid very strongly, which is very wasteful in winter. Coniferous trees, in turn, can afford to show off their needles even in the cold season, since the evaporation of liquid from them occurs very slowly.

Another reason for leaf fall is the high risk for branches to be broken under the pressure of a snow cap. If fluffy snow fell not only on the branches themselves, but also on their leaves, they would not be able to withstand such a heavy load.

In addition, many harmful substances accumulate in the leaves over time, which can only be gotten rid of when the leaves fall.

One of the recently uncovered mysteries is the fact that deciduous trees that are placed in a warm environment, and therefore do not need to prepare for cold weather, also shed their leaves. This suggests that leaf fall is not so much associated with the change of seasons and preparation for winter, but is an important part of the life cycle of trees and shrubs.

Natural phenomena during linden leaf fall

The period of linden leaf fall is accompanied by the arrival of cold fronts and night frosts. Cumulus clouds are replaced by a continuous veil and grayish haze. Flocks of birds appear in the sky, flying south. After September 27, cranes in slender flocks stretch across the sky in a southern direction.

And when the leaves of the linden tree end, the half-naked crowns of other trees blaze with the brightest contrasting colors. Rooks, huddled in friendly flocks, fly away to warmer climes. Snow dust swirls in the air. Falling snowflakes do not yet fall to the ground, do not dust its surface. The puddles are twitching with thin ice. The skies are dirty greyish shades, devoid of clouds, turning into a gloomy film of rain.

A tree common to Russia, it has beautiful curly leaves with five sharp ends. The tree is very picturesque, especially noticeable in the fall, when the foliage acquires many shades of gold and red. And when the leaves fall, it’s so nice to collect bright autumn bouquets from them.

In this article we will talk about the maple itself, its characteristics and types, as well as when maple leaf fall begins and ends, and on what conditions the timing of this natural phenomenon depends.

Why do leaves change color in autumn?

With the onset of autumn, trees and shrubs decide to change the emerald color of their leaves to brighter and more unusual colors. At the same time, each tree has its own set of pigments—“colors.” These changes occur because the leaves contain a special substance, chlorophyll, which converts light into nutrients and gives the foliage its green color. When a tree or shrub begins to store moisture and it no longer reaches the emerald leaves, and the sunny day becomes much shorter, chlorophyll begins to break down into other pigments, which give the autumn world crimson and golden tones.

The brightness of autumn colors depends on weather conditions. If the weather is sunny and relatively warm, the autumn leaves will be bright and variegated, and if it rains often, they will be brown or dull yellow.

What assumptions might arise?

Why do trees shed their leaves in the fall? Various associations immediately arise in my head about what is happening:

  • The foliage of the trees has aged, it has become cold, and therefore it is falling.
  • In autumn, the leaves no longer have enough light to grow.
  • The reason leaves fall is the wind.

Naturally, all these assumptions are subject to verification to determine the true reasons.

Eat at least once a month. Can heat and drought cause leaf loss? If they are stressed, you can force them to shed a few leaves. It is a good idea to water them deeply during hot, dry periods. Is there another way to deal with the problem?

You need to get nutrients and iron back into the soil. Yes, you could use your own mulch or purchased compost, but obviously this is not as attractive in a normal garden. It will also take longer to have an effect. But it will still work, given the time.

How the leaves of different trees and shrubs change color in autumn

Autumn owes its riot of colors and their unearthly beauty to the fact that the foliage of all trees has different combinations of colors and shades. The most common color of the leaves is purplish. Maple and aspen boast a crimson color. These trees are very beautiful in autumn.

The leaves of birch become light yellow, and those of oak, ash, linden, hornbeam and hazel become brownish-yellow.

The poplar quickly sheds its foliage; it just begins to turn yellow and has already fallen off.

Shrubs also delight with the variety and brightness of colors. Their foliage turns yellow, purple or red. Vine leaves (grapes are shrubs) acquire a unique dark purple color.

The leaves of barberry and cherry stand out against the general background with a crimson-red hue.

Rowan leaves can be yellow to red in autumn.

The viburnum leaves turn red along with the berries.

Euonymus dresses in purple clothes.

The red and purple shades of foliage are determined by the pigment anthocyanin. An interesting fact is that it is completely absent from the leaves and can only be formed under the influence of cold. This means that the colder the days, the more crimson the surrounding leafy world will be.

However, there are plants that not only in autumn, but also in winter, retain their foliage and remain green. Thanks to such trees and shrubs, the winter landscape comes to life, and many animals and birds find their home in them. In the northern regions, such trees include pine, spruce and cedar. To the south the number of such plants is even greater. Among them are trees and shrubs: juniper, myrtle, thuja, barberry, cypress, boxwood, mountain laurel, abelia.

Evergreen tree – spruce

Evergreen shrub – juniper

Some deciduous shrubs also do not part with their emerald clothing. These include cranberries and lingonberries. In the Far East there is an interesting wild rosemary plant, the leaves of which do not change color in the fall, but curl up into a tube in the fall and fall off.

What is the purpose of leaf fall?

What are the reasons for leaf fall in autumn? Trees shed their leaves for a reason. This is their protection from various mechanical damage. In winter there are often snowfalls accompanied by strong winds. Not only can foliage suffer from their pressure, but even branches and trees can break. There will be even more damage if the foliage traps snow on its surface.

Why do trees shed their leaves in the fall? With leaf fall, minerals that have accumulated in sufficient quantities over the summer are removed. They no longer bring any benefit to plants; on the contrary, they can only cause harm. The leaves, falling to the ground, rot and help return minerals to the soil. The plants will still need them. This circumstance explains the need for leaves to fall. This situation has developed over millions of years. With the arrival of winter, only those trees that shed the maximum number of leaves for the winter were able to survive.

Why do the leaves fall but there are no needles?

Leaves play an important role in the life of trees and shrubs. They help create and store nutrients and also accumulate mineral components. However, in winter, when there is an acute lack of light, and, therefore, nutrition, the leaves only increase the consumption of useful components and cause excessive evaporation of moisture.

Coniferous plants, which most often grow in areas with a rather harsh climate, are in great need of nutrition, so they do not shed their needles, which act as leaves. The needles are perfectly adapted to cold weather. The needles contain a lot of chlorophyll pigment, which converts nutrients from light. In addition, they have a small area, which significantly reduces the evaporation of much-needed moisture from their surface in winter. The needles are protected from the cold by a special wax coating, and thanks to the substance they contain, they do not freeze even in severe frosts. The air that the needles capture creates a kind of insulating layer around the tree.

What role do leaves play in the life of trees?

The leaf structure is represented by two parts: the leaf blade and the petiole, which is its stem. The structure of the plate is represented by veins. They are especially clearly visible from below. It turns out that they are vessels designed for the movement of water. Each leaf contains green chlorophyll grains. They are so small that they are not visible to the naked eye. Grains can be compared to tiny factories. They are used to prepare food for the entire tree. They build the material from which new branches, buds, roots and, naturally, the trunk itself are formed.

They receive energy for their production from the sun. They absorb light throughout the day. Chlorophyll is unstable and is constantly subject to destruction. But at the same time, its regular restoration occurs. For any tree, green leaves are essential. But the yellow leaf does not nourish the tree, but only takes moisture from it.

When does leaf fall end for different trees?

Leaf fall, as a seasonal phenomenon, occurs in each plant at its own specific time. It depends on the type of tree, its age and climate conditions.

Poplar and oak are the first to part with their leaves, then the time comes for rowan. The apple tree is one of the last to shed its leaves, and even in winter, there may still be a few leaves left on it.

Poplar leaf fall begins at the end of September, and by mid-October it completely ends. Young trees retain their foliage longer and turn yellow later.

The oak begins to lose its leaves at the beginning of September and after a month it completely loses its crown. If frosts start earlier, leaf fall occurs much faster. Along with the oak leaves, acorns also begin to fall off.

Rowan begins its leaf fall in early October and continues to delight with its pink leaves until November 1st. It is believed that after the rowan leaves its last leaves, dank, chilly days begin.

The leaves on the apple tree begin to turn golden by September 20th. By the end of this month, leaf fall begins. The last leaves fall from the apple tree in the second half of October.

Which tree is the latest to shed its leaves in autumn?

The phenomenon of leaf fall is associated with a seasonal nature. In this way, plants adapt to winter. The frosts have not yet arrived, but the foliage of the plants has already begun to blaze with different colors. In a number of trees this phenomenon can be observed already in early August. The crowns of the linden tree are painted with gold. 2-3 weeks will pass, and the foliage will literally begin to burn with gold. By this time, a similar outfit is already observed on birch trees. The aspen trees look as if they were covered with red. Red leaves are already visible among the rowan trees. By the end of September, the crowns of many trees are bare.

At the beginning of October, the weeping willow finishes its leaf fall. By the end of September, leaf fall had ended at the elm and bird cherry trees. Birch, maple and walnut are in no hurry to give up their foliage. Individual leaves remain on them until mid-October. But these are all averages. Naturally, they can change in one direction or another. This depends on the region where the trees grow and the weather conditions that prevailed in that particular autumn.

Evergreen trees and shrubs

Evergreen plants and shrubs do not lose their foliage even with the onset of cold weather, as do ordinary deciduous trees. Permanent leaf cover allows them to survive any weather conditions and maintain a maximum supply of nutrients. Of course, such trees and shrubs renew their leaves, but this process occurs gradually and almost imperceptibly.

Evergreens do not shed all their leaves at once for several reasons. Firstly, then they do not have to spend large reserves of nutrients and energy to grow young leaves in the spring, and secondly, their constant presence ensures continuous nutrition of the trunk and roots. Most often, evergreen trees and shrubs grow in areas with a mild and warm climate, where the weather is warm even in winter, however, they are also found in harsh climatic conditions. These plants are most common in tropical rainforests.

Evergreen plants such as cypresses, spruce trees, eucalyptus trees, some types of evergreen oaks, and rhodendron can be found over a wide area from harsh Siberia to the forests of South America.

One of the most beautiful evergreens is the blue fan palm, which grows in California.

The Mediterranean oleander shrub is distinguished by its unusual appearance and height of more than 3 meters.

Another evergreen shrub is gardenia jasmine. Its homeland is China.

Autumn is one of the most beautiful and vibrant times of the year. Flashes of purple and golden leaves preparing to cover the ground with a multi-colored carpet, coniferous trees piercing the first snow with their thin needles and evergreens, always pleasing to the eye, make the autumn world even more delightful and unforgettable. Nature is gradually preparing for winter and does not even suspect how fascinating these preparations are to the eye.

Timing of maple leaf fall

Maple, as mentioned above, easily tolerates cold. Its active shedding of foliage begins after the first frost, and this is on average September 27th. By this time, all the maple leaves are already painted in autumn colors.

October is the time for heavy leaf fall for most trees. It is impossible to say exactly when maple leaf fall ends, but usually by the middle or end of the month the tree loses its foliage.

It is clear that the average date is not accurate. Because if you live in the southern regions, the end of maple leaf fall may shift by a month or more - and leaf fall will end only by mid-November. But if in the north, on the contrary, the first frosts can arrive in these regions even at the end of August.

The timing of when maple leaf fall ends depends on the specific winter. It happens that autumn is protracted and not cold, frosts come later than usual, and leaf fall begins and ends later.

Much depends on the conditions in which the tree grows. For example, in open and flooded or wetlands, a tree loses leaves faster than in the thicket of a forest.

It is interesting that trees growing near street lamps shed their leaves later - after all, the daylight hours for them are increased.

Also, the timing of leaf shedding depends on the age of the plant. The younger the tree, the later it loses its leaves.

In order to know exactly what “routine” the plants and animals live in your area, you need to observe changes in wildlife. It's educational and interesting.

Sasha K. (Belogorsk)

In what period does leaf fall begin and end in linden and birch?

As September approaches, the trees gradually begin to change their summer emerald green leaf color to autumn yellow. A little more time will pass and all the golden foliage will flow to the ground. Observing nature, people often wonder: when does leaf fall end for birch, linden, maple and other favorite yellowing trees? Let's try to answer this question.

When the leaves turn yellow

The foliage begins to change color long before the first frost. As a rule, this happens at the end of August, when the days have already noticeably shortened and it has become a little colder, and lasts for 14-20 days. At first, only isolated gray-yellow areas are visible on the branches, but day after day they become more and more numerous.

By mid-September, the birch leaves become ocher-golden and gradually begin to fall off. The branches of the maple are no less beautiful at this time. The crowns of the tree are covered with foliage in yellow, brick-red, red and even purple shades. The linden foliage, which is only half yellowed, stands out noticeably.

The beginning of leaf fall

For many trees, leaf fall occurs unevenly, that is, it happens at different times. For example, after the first hard frost, leaves begin to fall on linden and maple trees. By this time, the birch had already dropped most of its leaves. Its leaf fall begins in the first ten days of September and lasts 15-20 days.

Important! The beginning of leaf fall depends on the weather. Dry sunny weather and windless days delay the golden decoration of the trees.

Leaf fall is especially abundant after the third frost. The leaves fall to the ground very thickly, forming a thick mat on the ground. Birch trees drop about 30 kg of leaves in the fall. In mature linden and maple this amount reaches 40-50 kg.

The end of leaf fall

The end of leaf fall is usually accompanied by significant cooling, worsening weather conditions, frequent rains and strong gusts of wind. By October 7-10, linden and birch trees lose their last yellow leaves. Maples become bare much later, only by October 20. Single leaves can remain on the branches until mid-November, reminding passersby of the past golden time of the year.

Observations of nature during leaf fall

The period of active leaf fall is accompanied by significant cooling and the arrival of night frosts. Summer white clouds are replaced by a solid gray veil. There is often fog in the morning. The first flocks of migratory birds take to the sky.

The end of leaf fall in the linden and maple trees is accompanied by gloomy rainy weather, frost on the still green grass and thin ice on the puddles. Rooks gather in flocks and fly south. Gradually the earth cools down and nature falls asleep.

Autumn leaf fall: video

Which trees don't turn yellow in autumn? Autumn changes in trees and shrubs, the reasons for these phenomena

In autumn, one of the most important changes in the life of trees and shrubs occurs: a change in the color of foliage and leaf fall. Each of these phenomena helps them prepare for winter and survive such a harsh time of year.

For deciduous trees and shrubs, one of the main problems in the winter season is the lack of moisture, so in the fall all the beneficial substances begin to accumulate in the roots and core, and the leaves fall off. Leaf fall helps not only to increase moisture reserves, but also to save them. The fact is that leaves evaporate liquid very strongly, which is very wasteful in winter. Coniferous trees, in turn, can afford to show off their needles even in the cold season, since the evaporation of liquid from them occurs very slowly.

Another reason for leaf fall is the high risk for branches to be broken under the pressure of a snow cap. If fluffy snow fell not only on the branches themselves, but also on their leaves, they would not be able to withstand such a heavy load.

In addition, many harmful substances accumulate in the leaves over time, which can only be gotten rid of when the leaves fall.

One of the recently uncovered mysteries is the fact that deciduous trees that are placed in a warm environment, and therefore do not need to prepare for cold weather, also shed their leaves. This suggests that leaf fall is not so much associated with the change of seasons and preparation for winter, but is an important part of the life cycle of trees and shrubs.

Should I burn leaves in the fall?

Now it’s clear why trees shed their leaves in the fall. Should they be burned? The ground is covered with leaves and other parts of trees. All this is defined as litter. In forests with a predominance of deciduous trees it reaches 4 tons per hectare of land. It is slightly smaller among pine representatives. The figure is approaching 3.5 tons. It accumulates for a reason, but has a certain meaning. It promotes the accumulation of humus and minerals in the soil. If the litter is loose, it decomposes easily and water flows into the soil. The process of rotting dense litter takes a very long time and is accompanied by a sour smell. It prevents the soil and plant roots from freezing too much.

Due to humus, the soil acquires a dark color, and therefore is heated more strongly by the sun. Cooling occurs slowly, which favors the proliferation of beneficial microflora in the soil. If the leaf litter is removed, the growth of plantings will decrease by 11%.

Which trees turn red in autumn?

Before listing the trees whose leaves turn red in the fall, let's talk about why this happens.

You probably all know that the leaves are green at the beginning of their life cycle, the reason for which is such an important substance found in plants as chlorophyll.

The production of pigment responsible for photosynthesis is carried out by plants until the temperature conditions allow them to do so, that is, during the summer period. And then autumn comes and gradually begins to get colder.

In some regions, the color of the leaves begins to change already in mid-August, that is, the production process in the leaves begins to gradually stop from this period.

The content of red and yellow pigment in plants is constant, but due to the large amount of chlorophyll, it is difficult for it to “manifest”, and therefore the leaves are green. But when pigment is no longer produced for photosynthesis, the leaves gradually begin to change their color.

Trees in autumn description. Autumn in Russian poetry

Great Russian poets sincerely admired autumn, came up with various images for it, and tried to highlight it against the background of other seasons. Nature in autumn, first of all, conveys the general mood of a person and the environment: most often it is sadness, certain memories, comprehension of the essence. But it cannot be said unequivocally that autumn in Russian poetry is only a sad time, by no means.

Autumn is imbued with tenderness, sophistication and, in a sense, wisdom. Russian poets praised this time of year and saw a certain zest in it. A striking example is Tyutchev’s poem “There is in the original autumn...”. The emphasis here is on how special this time of year is, that it is a “wonderful time”, that the evenings are “radiant” here.

In the original autumn there is a short but wonderful time - The whole day is as if it were crystal, And the evenings are radiant... Where the cheerful sickle walked and the ear fell, Now everything is empty - there is space everywhere, - Only the cobwebs of thin hair Glistens on the idle furrow. The air is empty, the birds are no longer heard, But the first winter storms are still far away - And clean and warm azure is pouring onto the resting field...

The greatest poet Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin also paid great attention to autumn. It may seem to some that the description of autumn in Pushkin’s poems has a rather pessimistic connotation, and as proof they cite the poem “The sky was already breathing in autumn...”, where the poet wrote that it is a “boring time.” But let's take a look at other poems by Alexander Sergeevich, in which the image of this time of year is completely different. For example, the poet once admitted to his reader: “...Of the annual times, I am glad only for her,” he even compared autumn with an unloved child in the family, to whom he is strongly attracted.

The sky was already breathing in autumn, and the sun was shining less often. The day was getting shorter, the mysterious canopy of the forests was revealing itself with a sad noise, fog was settling on the fields, a caravan of noisy geese was stretching to the south: a rather boring time was approaching; It was already November outside the yard.

What trees are like in autumn? What color are the leaves in the autumn

Autumn is a bright period in nature, when the forest changes the color of the leaves from green to yellow, red and brown in a matter of days.

What explains the riot of colors during the leaf viewing season? Why do some trees turn yellow, others turn red, and then they turn brown.

The explanation lies in the replacement of chlorophyll with other substances: carotenoids and anthocyanins. In summer, trees have a lot of nutrients, but with the arrival of autumn, this supply gradually decreases. With the depletion of reserves, the synthesis of chlorophyll stops. And then other pigments that are present in the leaves, but overlapped by the green color - yellow and orange - become noticeable. These are the same pigments that determine, for example, the color of carrots - carotenoids.

Leaves with red hues are the result of the formation of anthocyanins. These pigments are absent in green leaves. They begin to form in the leaves of some plant species after the disappearance of chlorophyll. Anthocyanins are the same pigments that give radishes, geraniums, roses or cauliflower their color.

The brightness of the color of autumn leaves depends on the weather. Trees wear their most beautiful clothes in sunny, dry weather, at temperatures of 0 – 7 degrees Celsius. If the weather is cloudy and rainy, then the leaves do not burn, but turn into dull yellow shades or even turn brown.

As winter approaches, yellow and red leaves gradually lose their pigments. Brown leaves, which can be seen in late autumn, with the onset of severe cold, after snowfall, are leaves in which there are no pigments left at all, and the cell walls have become noticeable.

Plants in autumn. What plants bloom in autumn?

Summer is over.

And it seems that it flew by unnoticed and I want to prolong the pleasure of warm days at least a little longer.

Many of us did not have time to enjoy the beauty of flowers, the lushness of plants and bright colors. But, unfortunately, the onset of autumn is inevitable. But don’t despair and fall into the autumn blues!

Autumn is a bright, colorful time, and before the onset of frost you can still enjoy the beauty of flowering plants!

Autumn flowers are most often perennials, but annuals are also found.

Today we will list the most beautiful autumn-flowering short-day plants, dividing them into groups according to flowering months.


The first month of autumn is still little different from August. However, weather changes can already be felt at night. In addition, September always pleases us with such a phenomenon as “Indian” summer - these are clear and warm days of autumn.

It is during this period that they bloom:

Chrysanthemums - there are a variety of types of chrysanthemums, differing in height and color. As a rule, chrysanthemums bloom before frost, but many species with small flowers do not fall off even under the snow.

Asters are classic flowers that can probably be found on every gardener’s garden.

Dahlias - a variety of species that differ in the shape and size of the bud, allow you to enjoy the bright colors of a blooming flowerbed until the coldest weather.

Rudbeckia hairy is a well-known flower with bright yellow (or orange) petals and a brown center that looks like large daisies.

Zinnia will become the highlight of your flowerbed, thanks to the unusual appearance and bright color of the flower.

— Gladioli — Calendula — Perennial cornflower

These and other flowers will make your garden plot colorful and allow you to admire their beauty until the first frost.


At the beginning of this month, you can still enjoy the bright autumn colors for a short time, but by mid-October almost all the leaves have fallen, and nature is preparing for winter sleep. But despite this, there are still many flowering plants ready to delight you with their beauty.

These include:

— Snapdragon — Helenium autumnalis — Colchicum — Pansies — Nasturtium — Daisies — Lobelia — Crocus — Dahlias


More and more often we can see slush and rain outside the window. Towards the end of the month, the weather becomes even colder due to high humidity and cold rain or sleet.

And this is surprising, but many flowers persistently continue to remind us of summer and retain their attractive appearance. These include:

— Marigolds — Petunias — Rhododendrons — Phlox — Impatiens — Echinacea

All of the above are just a small number of plants that bloom in the fall. There are many more unpretentious, cold-resistant flowers. However, do not rush to plant everything indiscriminately, just because the plant blooms late. Choose several types of flowers for your flowerbed that are pleasing to the eye and easy to care for. After all, autumn is the time to complete work in the garden and a period when you can enjoy the results of your work and relax.

What trees have red leaves in autumn. Why are trees red in autumn?

In the fall, you can observe a phenomenon in some trees when they, that is, their leaves, turn red or yellow. This can be observed for several weeks.

Let's now look at why this happens?

The leaf is green due to the presence of a pigment known to many as chlorophyll. When cells contain it in large quantities, which usually happens during the growth period, the green color of chlorophyll predominates, thereby overshadowing the colors of other pigments contained in the leaves.

And in connection with this, in the summer they have a characteristic green color.

Chlorophyll has a vital function, that is, it intercepts the sun's rays and converts the resulting energy into nutrients - simple sugars obtained from carbon dioxide and water.

These sugars are the basis of nutrition, namely sources of carbohydrates that trees need for growth and development. During the nutrient production process, chlorophyll is destroyed as it is continuously used.

But even despite this, during the growth period, plants can restore their supply of chlorophyll. And thanks to its large supply, tree leaves can remain green for a long time.

At the end of the summer period, the veins that perform the function of transferring sap from leaf to leaf begin to gradually close, which occurs with the formation of a corky cell layer at the base of each leaf.

And as this layer grows, the amount of water and minerals that enter the leaf begins to decrease. At first at a slow pace, and then this process begins to accelerate, and therefore at this time the amount of chlorophyll begins to decrease.

It is also often possible to see such a phenomenon when the veins are still green, even when the tissues located between them have long ago completely changed color.

Pigments that contribute to the color change of wood in autumn, to red, yellow, etc.

Carotenoids. Mostly yellow or orange. Their presence in the leaves is constant, but is obscured by the green color of chlorophyll.

Anthocyanins. They are the reason the tree (leaves) turn red in the fall. They appear in leaves after chlorophyll levels decrease.

It was previously assumed that the appearance of anthocyanins is the result of the destruction of green chlorophyll, but this theory has not received public acceptance.

Cell walls. The reason leaves turn brown is not the action of any pigment, but the cell walls, which can be seen in the absence of visible coloring pigments.

Why are tree leaves red in autumn?

Scientists have now found new patterns that cause tree leaves to turn red in the fall.

According to Emily Habinka from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, red leaves tend to appear on trees that grow in poor soil, and yellow leaves on rich soil, because red leaves allow the nutrients they contain to be used more efficiently when they are deficient.

Various folk signs

For many years, man has constantly observed nature. Thanks to this, many folk signs were formed. Many of them are also associated with changes in foliage color:

  1. If the leaf has turned yellow, but the process of falling is not expressed, then frost is still far away.
  2. Trees are covered with yellow leaves ahead of time - autumn will be early.
  3. Despite the snow falling, winter will not come as long as the leaves remain on the cherry tree.
  4. Drupes can predict the weather with their leaves. A downward spiral indicates good days. If it's the other way around, the weather will be bad.
  5. If leaves appear on birch earlier than on alder, then the summer will be windy in nature. If the birch is ahead of the alder, then the summer will be cold and rainy.
  6. Early spring is predicted by early yellowness at the top of the birch tree in the fall. If the birch tree begins to turn yellow from below, this indicates a late onset of spring.
  7. The appearance of buds and leaves on the oak tree before the ash tree indicates the humidity and coolness of the coming summer. But if the ash gets ahead of the oak, then we should expect a warm and dry summer.

Keep a notebook or chart of which trees change color when. Write down the date and name of the tree when you see a tree that has many leaves changing color. Decide how many leaves of the tree have changed, a third, a half, etc. Before typing it into a notepad or chart.

Use books, brochures, adults, websites, etc. To identify the types of trees you are observing. Do trees that originate from North America change color before or after trees that originate from other parts of the world? Why do you think there might be a difference?



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– Quote book

Lessons from mimozochka (adventure) Series of messages “SPARG.

Bay leaf in folk medicine Bay leaf in folk medicine Everyone knows what it is.

From narrowing of blood vessels in the brain! Drink 25 drops and your headache will disappear instantly! This is Wed.

border frames for notes. Your entry will be here. . Here it will be in.





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