Description and characteristics of the 30 best varieties of yellow plums, planting and care

The best varieties of yellow-fruited plums

Experts have developed many different varieties of yellow plum. They have some differences that are worth knowing for those who want to grow a similar crop. The most famous varieties:

  • Jubilee Altai. Plums can reach a weight of approximately 15 grams and are distinguished by their oval shape. The color of the skin is more saturated compared to other varieties. The fruits are very aromatic and have a noticeable waxy coating. A mid-early variety, winter-hardy, but does not like drought.
  • Golden Large. Late variety, bears fruit in September. Fruits are round in shape, yellow with ruddy barrels. There is a slight waxy coating on the surface. The taste is sweet and sour. The variety is resistant to frost, drought and disease.
  • Early Loshitskaya. An early variety, classified as self-sterile. Plums are medium in size, weighing up to 35 grams. The color of the fruit is yellow-green, the taste contains notes of honey. Tolerates winter well and does not freeze.
  • Renklod Kolkhozny. The plums are not small, reaching a size of 35 grams. The pulp is yellow, sweet with a slight sourness. The variety bears fruit abundantly and tolerates frost and disease. The tree grows well and quickly.
  • Memory of Timiryazev. Late-ripening and large-fruited variety. The harvest can be harvested at the end of August. The fruits are large and oval in shape. The main color is yellow, the cover color is pink-red. Plums are sweet and sour, with a weak aroma. The tree tolerates drought well and is resistant to diseases.

Self-fertile varieties. They have one undeniable advantage - there is no need to plant a tree nearby that will act as a pollinator.

Attention! Fruits are well transported and have high shelf life

The fruits of the tree are yellow with hints of red.

In addition, there is a list of popular varieties:

  • Precocious. This is the name of the early variety; the fruits ripen quickly. The fruits reach 20-28 grams and have a round shape. The color is yellow, with an outer red tint. The taste is sweet and sour, the flesh is juicy and aromatic. The first fruits can be obtained already in mid-August.
  • Ochakovskaya white. Refers to medium ripening varieties. A very tasty variety, which is why it is especially popular among gardeners. Harvesting can be done in early September. The average weight is approximately 45 grams. A description of the Ochakov yellow plum can be found on many sites on the Internet.
  • Honey (White Honey). An early variety with very tasty fruit. The pulp resembles flower honey, which is why the culture is quite popular. There is a slight sourness. Plums are round in shape and weigh from 30 to 50 grams.
  • Morning. Early variety, self-fertile. The harvest can be harvested as early as early August. The fruits are medium in size, weighing up to 30 grams. Relatively resistant to diseases, frosts are difficult to tolerate - flower buds suffer.
  • Egg yellow. It is considered the oldest and rarest variety of this crop. It has many disadvantages, so only collectors grow it. The fruits are quite large, but at the same time sour. They are stored for a very short time, so they require quick processing, for example confitures, jams.
  • Tatar yellow. Mid-season variety with small plums. The weight of the fruit does not exceed 15 grams. The pulp is medium juicy and has a sweet and sour taste. Ripe fruits often fall off.
  • Minskaya. A late variety, it begins to bear fruit in the 6th year. The fruits are oblong in shape and light yellow in color. The pulp is juicy, aromatic and sweet. The variety is frost resistant.
  • Yakhontovaya. Belongs to tall varieties, can grow up to 6 meters. The weight of the fruit is approximately 45 grams. The yellow-pink plums taste sweet with a slight sourness, the pulp is very juicy.
  • Angelina. A tree with this name can grow up to 3 meters in height. The fruits are very large, ball-shaped, and can reach up to 115 grams. The pulp is very juicy, sweet and sour. Fruiting begins in the second year.
  • Gigantic. Plum with large fruits reaching 40 grams. The tree is tall and begins to bear fruit in the third year. The fruits are tasty, sweet and sour and juicy.
  • Hungarian Bogatyrskaya. The tree grows to medium size. Plums reach up to 40 grams in weight, the skin is thick, the pulp is dense with a taste of honey. The variety tolerates frost well, but suffers from drought.

On the Internet you can also find descriptions of the Selivanikha plum and others; there is a yellow mountain plum.

Trees can grow quite tall

Yellow plum Renklod collective farm

I.V. Michurin was interested in the excellent taste of green Renclod. To obtain a yellow-fruited variety with greater winter hardiness, he crossed the heat-loving “French” with a damson. In 1947, the new Renklod collective farm was entered into the State Register and recommended for cultivation in the North-West, in the middle zone and in the black soil regions of the country.

On medium-sized trees with a rounded crown, yellow plums of round shape, weighing up to 25 grams, ripen. The pulp of the fruit, like the thin skin, has a yellowish-green tint and a pleasant sweet and sour taste. Unlike green plums, the Michurin variety accumulates less sugar, but is juicier, and their harvests are annual.

Features of planting care

Description and characteristics of the 12 best varieties of Chinese plum, planting and care
Caring for the renklod plum consists of timely application of fertilizer, watering, as well as cutting off dry and weak shoots and covering for the winter.

Soil care

Necessary soil care is as follows:

  1. Watering. It is necessary to water 5-6 times a season; for this purpose, settled water at room temperature is used. One tree consumes 40–80 liters of water.
  2. Loosening and removing weeds. The tree trunk circle must be regularly cleared of weeds and the soil loosened to a depth of 6–8 cm. This is necessary so that the soil absorbs moisture more easily.
  3. Mulching. Used to insulate the root system and retain moisture. In addition, this simplifies soil maintenance, since it does not allow weeds to germinate, and also reduces the need for loosening.

Mulch can be varied:

Name of raw materials that can be used for mulchingCoating thickness
Fresh grass or hay10–15 cm
Finely chopped nettle5 cm
Sawdust7 cm
tree bark5–7 cm
Moss10 cm
Rotten needles3–5 cm


In the first year after planting, there is no need to apply fertilizer, but after some time there will be a need to feed the plum with nutrients. Fertilizer is applied in several periods.

Before the formation of inflorescences, the fertilizer composition consists of:

  • potassium salt - 40 g;
  • mineral fertilizers - 325 g;

After application, the plant is watered. During the growing season, plantings are fertilized with a solution of 10 g of urea in 5 liters of water. The ingredients are mixed, then the plant is watered with them.

After flowering, the following ingredients are mixed and added to the soil:

  • mullein solution 0.3% - 10 l;
  • superphosphate - 50 g.

During the period of fruit ripening, it is necessary to water the trunk circle with the following mixture:

  • urea - 80 g;
  • nitrophoska - 180 g;
  • water - 20 l.

Video: fertilizing plums

In the fall, before preparing the plum tree for winter, the soil around it is fertilized with the following solution:

  • manure - 15 kg;
  • superphosphate - 150 g;
  • mineral fertilizer - 50 g.


Pruning is best done in early spring, before the first leaves appear, or in summer.

Important! After trimming the crown, the cut areas must be treated with garden varnish. It should be carried out during the following periods:

It should be carried out during the following periods:

First year. Form a crown. Cut 10 skeletal branches at the same distance at an angle of 45° from the trunk.

Second year. Growths are removed up to a size of 25 cm.

Third year. The shoots on the branches are trimmed to a length of 30 cm.

Fourth year. Since the main crown already has the required shape, it is enough to carry out sanitary pruning. To do this, cut off dried, damaged branches.

It is important to remove excess shoots in time so that the crown is not dense, otherwise the plant will suffer from a lack of sunlight.

Preparing for winter

Fruit trees do not tolerate frost and cold weather well. In order for plantings to survive the winter period of the year, it is necessary to additionally prepare them for this. Shelters are created for young plants. The materials for them can be:

  • hay;
  • spruce branches;
  • sackcloth.

To protect against parasites and rodents, it is necessary to bleach the trunk with slaked lime. To overwinter adult trees, they are sprinkled with sawdust and humus. So, you have learned about a variety of plum that is promising for gardening. Now you can choose the most suitable variety of Renclod plum to grow tasty and juicy fruits. The rules for watering and fertilizing the soil will tell you how to keep the tree healthy and increase its productivity.

Features of planting and growing yellow-fruited plums

It is recommended to plant grafted seedlings on the site so as not to be disappointed in the quality of the fruit. Productivity depends not only on the variety. It is important to choose healthy seedlings for planting and follow the rules of agricultural technology.

See also How to dry and store plums at home

Requirements for planting material

Strong, healthy seedlings take root faster and begin to bear fruit earlier. Therefore, when choosing, you need to adhere to certain requirements:

  • carefully inspect the trees. The trunk and branches must have a healthy appearance - without growths on the bark or damage;
  • When choosing seedlings with an open root system, its condition is taken into account. The branched root system of two-year-old trees has 3-5 main roots 25-35 cm long;
  • when choosing a tree with a closed root system, pay attention to the presence of cobwebs, spots, signs of rot (on the trunk and the undersides of the leaves);
  • a seedling with unopened buds should remain flexible and not crack when pressed lightly. If a slight cracking sound appears, it means the planting material has dried out.

Beginning gardeners, in anticipation of early harvests, plant adult seedlings (3-4 years old). However, it must be taken into account that the root system of such trees is severely damaged during transplantation and the plant spends more time and effort to take root.

Expert opinion

Stanislav Pavlovich

Gardener with 17 years of experience and our expert

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Important! The best choice is to plant seedlings 1-2 years old, which adapt faster and grow more actively.

Soil and site

Trees actively grow and develop in well-lit and ventilated areas. But it is recommended to provide seedlings with protection from northern winds. The best options are southern, southwestern slopes, the southern side of buildings and structures.

When choosing soil, the climatic conditions of the region are taken into account. In dry areas, plum trees will grow well in loam soils. If it often rains in the region, then it is advisable to plant seedlings on loose soils, since the development of the crop is adversely affected by stagnant moisture.

For plums to grow fully, soil with a neutral reaction (5.5-6 pH) is suitable. To reduce acidity, soil liming is used. Dolomite flour or lime is used at intervals of every 4-5 years. The procedure is carried out in the spring, the substances are mixed with soil, while digging up the soil in tree trunk circles to a depth of at least 20 cm.

Dates and schemes for planting seedlings

Time is set aside for planting seedlings in spring or autumn. The first option is preferable, which is suitable for regions with different climatic conditions. The optimal time is as soon as the snow melts, the air warms up to 5-9°C, but the buds do not swell and self-propulsion does not begin. The main advantage of spring planting is the maximum survival rate of trees, which quickly take root and grow actively.

Autumn planting can be considered by gardeners in southern regions with warm winters. So that the trees have time to take root before winter, planting is carried out 3-4 weeks before frost. Thanks to autumn planting, seedlings can more easily withstand spring temperatures and drought.

When drawing up a planting scheme, take into account the variety of plums and the diameter of the crown of an adult tree. You also need to establish a distance between rows of trees - about 1-1.5 m. Plums form crowns with a diameter of 2.5-3 m. Therefore, holes for seedlings are dug according to a 3x4 m pattern.

Watering and fertilizing

Plum needs high-quality and constant soil moisture, since the root system of trees does not grow very deep. Lack of moisture in spring and early summer will cause the ovaries to fall off and slow down the growth of shoots. If trees are not watered for a long time, the fruits will become crushed, wrinkled and fall off.

Advice! It is necessary to ensure uniform watering during the period from bud break to the fruit ripening phase.

The other extreme is stagnation of moisture in the soil. High air humidity during the plum blossom period makes it difficult for trees to cross-pollinate. Fogs and low temperatures interfere with the flight of bees. If prolonged rains coincide with the period of crop ripening, the fruits will crack and the risk of fungal diseases will increase.

High-quality plum care involves timely application of fertilizers. A year after planting, seedlings do not need fertilizer. You can fertilize for the second season. In spring, nitrogenous mixtures are used (2 tablespoons of sodium humate and 3 tablespoons of urea are dissolved in 10 liters of water).

Before flowering, plums are fed with a solution of urea and potassium sulfate (2 tablespoons of substances are dissolved in 10 liters of water). After harvesting, the trees are fed with a mixture of potassium sulfate and superphosphate (2 and 3 tablespoons of granules are diluted in a ten-liter bucket of water, respectively). 35-40 liters of solution are poured into the trunk circle of an adult tree.


First, the soil is loosened and cleared of weeds. In the area near the tree trunk, the soil is loosened shallowly so as not to damage the root system of the trees. Various materials are used for mulching: peat, straw, dry grass, wood shavings. Advantages of mulch:

  • prevents soil erosion;
  • soil moisture is maintained for a long time;
  • slows down the growth of weeds;
  • prevents cooling/overheating of the earth.

It is better to use organic mulch. Natural materials decompose slowly, increasing the nutritional value of the soil. Organic matter, when decomposed, promotes tree growth and attracts earthworms, which are useful for the garden.

Crown formation

Crown pruning is carried out to increase the fertility of the tree. Extra branches shade the fruits and interfere with their formation and ripening. The active development of the tree leads to uneven growth of branches. Plum trees need regular pruning. Stages of formation of a sparse-tiered crown.

  1. In the first year of life, the top of the seedling is cut off above the 6-7 buds (counted from the trunk).
  2. In the second year, the branches growing in the trunk area are cut out. The first tier is formed - 2-4 lower shoots are left, growing from the trunk at an angle of more than 60°.
  3. The second tier is formed next year or every other season. Leave 2-3 strong branches growing above the first tier.
  4. 3-4 tiers are formed using the same principle.

See also Health benefits and harms of plums

In mature plants, branches that grow vertically are pruned in summer. The procedure can only be carried out with sharp pruning shears. The cut areas are treated immediately with varnish.

Prevention and treatment

Plum orchards are most often affected by fungal and viral diseases. The most likely reasons for the appearance are improper care, errors in selecting and planting seedlings. To properly treat trees, it is important to know the signs of common diseases:

  • Moniliosis affects trees in the flowering phase. The reason for the falling of flowers and drying out of foliage is sudden changes in air temperature. Treatment - damaged shoots are cut out, the sections are treated with Hom, the trees are sprayed with Bordeaux mixture;
  • coccomycosis appears in early summer and affects mainly foliage (small red-brown spots appear on the plates). The disease develops in conditions of high humidity and high temperatures. The tree is sprayed with Bordeaux mixture or preparations containing copper;
  • Of the pests, the aphids and plum moth cause the most problems. The main means of pest control are spraying foliage with Karbofos and other preparations.

The main way to prevent the occurrence and development of diseases is prevention. In autumn and early spring, trees are carefully inspected and damaged and diseased branches are removed. At the end of the season, fallen leaves and damaged fruits are collected and burned. Loosen the soil in the tree trunk circle.

Preparing for frost

Old, damaged, dry branches are cut from trees and burned along with fallen leaves. The trunks and bases of skeletal branches are cleared of lichens, moss, and “dead” bark. Detected damage to the trunk is treated with a solution of iron/copper sulfate and covered with garden pitch. Hardening irrigation is carried out and at the same time the soil is fertilized (potassium and phosphorus mixtures are used).

Mature trees do not require shelter for the winter. It is advisable to protect annual seedlings. Each seedling must be provided with support. The trees (trunk and branches) are wrapped with a special covering material. The tree trunks are mulched with peat and humus.

Expert opinion

Stanislav Pavlovich

Gardener with 17 years of experience and our expert

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Advice! To insulate seedlings, do not use artificial material (roofing felt, polyethylene), since the wrapped trees are rotten.

Agricultural technology and care

Description and characteristics of plum varieties Hungarian, planting and care

Thanks to constant tree care, you can achieve maximum yield. An annual seedling must be cared for regularly so that it grows healthy and subsequently bears many fruits.


Plums are not watered often. Some varieties that do not tolerate prolonged drought require additional moisture. In most cases, plums require 4 irrigations per season:

  • The first watering is carried out in the first half of the season, when bud formation begins.
  • The second time the plants are moistened during flowering.
  • The third watering is carried out during the formation of ovaries and fruits.
  • The last time the trees are irrigated is in the fall before the cold weather begins. This will prepare the plum for winter.

Plants should be watered only with warm water. One tree requires 5-8 liters of water. The amount of irrigation should be increased in the spring for seedlings. They can be watered every week. For one seedling, 3 liters of water is enough.

Top dressing

Feeding, like watering, is applied 4 times per season. In the first half of the season, plums need nitrogen. Nitrogen-containing fertilizers accelerate growth. Ammonium nitrate and complex fertilizers containing nitrogen are added to the soil. You can also use wood ash. In summer, trees need phosphorus and potassium. Superphosphate, bone meal, and ammophos are added to the soil. Nitrophoska is suitable for potash fertilizers. In autumn, manure and wood ash are added to the soil.


Mulch the soil mainly in the fall. This measure allows you to protect the root system of the tree from frost. In addition, if you add mulch, the soil will be constantly saturated with nutrients and always moist.

Peat, manure, sawdust or straw are used as mulch. The layer should be at least 15 cm. Before mulching, dig up the soil near the trunk and remove all weeds

It is important to make sure that there are no weed roots left in the soil. Otherwise, after some time the weeds will appear on the site again


Not all plum varieties need pruning. Low-growing and not thickened hybrids can be pruned every 3 years. Vigorous plums require annual pruning. It is necessary to remove all young shoots and some branches. Leave 3-4 skeletal branches, cut off all the rest. In addition, the top is also removed. In the fall, sanitary pruning is carried out. Use sharp pruning shears to cut off dry and damaged branches. The cut sites are treated with a solution of potassium permanganate or iodine solution. However, it is advisable to process in all cases where branches have to be deleted.

Preparing for winter

Most plum varieties do not require significant preparation for winter. Many trees are quite capable of surviving severe frosts. The only thing you need to do is prune the plum before the onset of cold weather. Then it is advisable to dig up the soil and mulch the soil near the trunk.

It is advisable to cover newly planted seedlings for the winter (even if this happened in the spring). Young plum trees are covered with spruce branches or wormwood.

Prevention and treatment measures

If you do not deal with plums, even hybrids with high immunity can contract diseases. Common drain problems include:

  • scab;
  • powdery mildew;
  • rust;
  • root cancer;
  • moniliosis;
  • fruit rot.

Plum treatment involves treating trees with biological products, fungicides and folk remedies. Preventive methods include spraying plants with Bordeaux mixture in the spring and timely pruning of dry branches. Every autumn you need to burn fallen leaves. In addition, to prevent the appearance of insects after harvesting in the fall, the soil around the plant is dug up to a depth of 15-20 cm.

Beneficial features

According to the description, the golden fruits contain an extensive set of vitamins: A, several varieties of B, as well as C (in a large proportion), D, E and K. The juicy pulp also contains iron and potassium in macro quantities. A set of valuable elements determines the degree of beneficial effects of plums on the body:

  • increase in hemoglobin in the blood;
  • prevention of osteoporosis and thrombosis;
  • normalization of digestive functions;
  • general improvement of the body, strengthening the immune system;
  • bringing metabolic processes back to normal;
  • stabilization of gallbladder functions;
  • activation of gastric juice production in people with low gastrointestinal acidity.

On a note. Substances from the pulp are used in cosmetology to heal and refresh the skin.

An important point about eating yellow plums is that they contain a high proportion of saccharides. The product is quite high in calories compared to other fruits. 100 g contains approximately 49 kcal. Contains:

  • carbohydrates - 9.6%;
  • fat - 0.3%;
  • proteins - 0.8%;
  • fiber - 1.5%.

People who have problems with blood sugar should eat plums with caution. In some cases of diabetes, fruits are generally prohibited. They are also undesirable in the diet of people with:

  • obesity;
  • gout;
  • rheumatism;
  • increased stomach acidity (gastritis).

Important! Doctors do not recommend eating plums for young children and nursing mothers.

The best varieties of yellow plums with descriptions

17 best yellow potato varieties with yellow flesh and skin: description and photo

This variety was obtained by crossing Renclad Ullens and Skorospelka red. The tree is of medium height. The crown forms an oval with medium dense leaves. The shoots are dark brown. The leaves are quite large, oval-oblong. The surface of the leaves is wrinkled without edge. Peduncles are formed on bouquet branches. The tree is self-fertile and does not require additional manipulations for pollination.

The fruits ripen in early August. Plums are greenish-yellow in color. There is practically no abdominal suture. The shape of the fruit is round. On the sunny side, the peel takes on a pinkish tint, like Khopta. The pulp is fibrous, yellow, with medium juiciness and firmness. The fruits are quite large, weighing about 26 grams. This plum variety cannot be called honey, since the percentage of sugar remains at 8%, and ascorbic acid at 16%. Trees are susceptible to attacks by moths and aphids. There is weak resistance to fruit rot. The first harvest can be obtained approximately 6 years after planting the seedling. In general, the tree produces crops for about 20 years.


It has round, large (about 26 grams) fruits of a yellow-green hue; in the sun they acquire a pinkish tone. The pulp of plums is yellow, sweet and sour in taste, medium soft.

The tree is not very tall, with an oval crown. Mostly bouquet branches bear fruit. The variety is self-fertile and does not require planting nearby pollinating plants. The first harvest can be harvested 6 years after planting. Perfectly suited for the Moscow region and the Central region, but due to poor frost resistance it does not survive in Siberia.

Features of yellow plum

The yellow plum, a hybrid variety of garden plum, is grown in much the same way as its blue and red cousins. Breeders obtained the yellow subspecies of plums by crossing cultivated cherry plums and wild plums/sloes. There are also varieties obtained as a result of artificial selection.

As a result of crossing cultivated and wild fruit trees, a form was obtained that is resistant to extreme growing conditions, hardy and unpretentious. At the same time, yellow plums are extremely sweet, they are tasty fresh and in preparations - this is an excellent raw material for sweet preservation.

Advantages and features of yellow-fruited plum:

  • The tree is shorter than blue/red plum varieties. Maximum height – 7 m.
  • Among yellow plums there are many self-pollinating varieties, but in the presence of pollinators, the yield increases significantly.

Characteristics of culture

Yellow-fruited plum varieties are practically no different from other varieties. Trees are on average up to 7 m high. But such tall hybrids are rare, usually the height is from 3 to 5 m.

The crown is oval or oval-elongated; there are hybrids with an irregular crown shape. Inflorescences are white or pink. The trees are monoecious; the self-fertility of the plant depends on the varietal.

The ripening period depends on the variety. Plums usually ripen from July to September. The characteristics of the fruit can be very different and depend on the variety.

Characteristics of the variety

This plum is a self-sterile fruit crop. Such plants, as a rule, have virtually no ability to self-fertilize due to pollination with their own pollen.

For this reason, when planting a tree of the “Yellow Khopty” variety in the garden, the gardener needs to place nearby trees of other plum varieties, the flowering of which occurs at the same time as the described plum blossoms.

This variety is propagated by grafting. Currently, some varieties of Ussuri and Canadian selections are considered the best rootstocks for “Yellow Khopta”.

Normal fruiting of this plum begins 3-4 years after planting an annual seedling. Subsequently, if all necessary agrotechnical conditions are met, the tree annually produces quite decent yields. In particular, on average, from one plant per season you can get up to 10-12 kg of fresh plums (or approximately 40-60 centners per hectare).

At the same time, the fruits, which usually ripen in August - early September, turn out to be very pleasant to the taste, in which sweetness with a slight attractive sourness predominates. At the same time, the weak point of the overall flavor bouquet is the skin, which gives off some bitterness.

Here you need to be especially careful, since this deficiency can be transmitted to the processed products of “Yellow Khopta”.

The fruits contain the following chemical elements:

  • sugar – 13.6%;
  • titratable acids – 1.7%;
  • dry matter – 21.8%;
  • tannins – 0.74%;
  • ascorbic acid – 12 mg/100 g;
  • P-active substances – 150 mg/100 g.

It should also be noted that this variety has good winter hardiness. This applies to a greater extent to wood. But fruit buds may not withstand severe frosts, which must be taken into account when growing plums.

Ripe plum fruits are best eaten fresh. Due to the delicate skin and loose pulp, plums of this variety do not tolerate long-distance transportation.

Altai Yubileinaya

The most common mid-early variety of yellow plum, which can be found in cold regions. Thanks to its frost resistance, it can be grown even in the conditions of Eastern Siberia and northern Kazakhstan. The hybrid was developed by crossing highly productive varieties of traditional plums - Manchurian Prune and Immunnaya.

The tree is medium-sized, has a pyramidal crown with medium volume of foliage. The branches are brown, the stem is low. Large shoots form characteristic protruding buds, which contain 2-3 white flowers that bloom before the leaves.

Fruiting occurs only 3-4 years after planting an annual plant. The fruits ripen in the middle and by the end of the third ten days of August. Productivity is high (up to 40 kg per tree), but if care conditions are not followed, it can be irregular. Self-sterile type of pollination.

The small fruits are round in shape with slight angularity and a pronounced furrow. The color is rich orange-yellow with some waxy coating. The weight of one plum is from 14 to 16 g. The skin is soft without bitterness, the flesh is yellow-orange in color, the seed is large and easily separated from the fruit. Sugar content – ​​up to 12%. The fruits have a universal purpose.


  1. Good taste of the fruit.
  2. Potentially high yield.
  3. Winter hardiness.
  4. Immunity to clasterosporia blight of stone fruit crops.


  1. Instability to weathering.
  2. Frequent infestation by seed eater and codling moth.
  3. Average transportability of the crop.
  4. Self-sterility.


Self-fertile varieties, compared to others, have a significant advantage. There is no need to plant a pollinator tree next to such a plant.

Golden ball

It is considered an early ripening variety. Belongs to the category of self-fertile. The first ripe fruits appear on the tree in July. The fruit has a sugary taste that is similar to peach. Weight ranges from 37 to 51 g. About 77 kg is collected from one tree.

Golden large

Large Golden plum is a winter-hardy and drought-resistant variety. In addition, plums are highly resistant to diseases. Productivity is late, the first fruiting begins in the 5th year after planting. Up to 27 kg of crop is harvested from one tree.


The height of the tree is about 4 m; the plant bears fruit in the 4th year after planting. Flowering, like fruiting, is later. The weight of ripe plums is about 40 g. The shade of the skin turns from yellow to pinkish due to the sun. Ripening begins in the second half of August. Peel with a slight waxy coating.

Honey white

This variety is resistant to severe frosts. Fruit ripening occurs in late July - early August. The average fruit weight ranges from 40 to 55 g. 43 kg of harvest is harvested from one mature tree. When fully ripe, the peel takes on an orange tint.

Golden Large

A late-ripening and large-fruited plum, bred by domestic breeders for cultivation in the southern regions. Today it is found almost everywhere, since it has been possible to achieve high resistance to frost. Golden Large plum is suitable for growing in intensive gardens.

The tree has a pyramidal crown and raised vegetation. On large and voluminous shoots, triple flowers are formed with up to 6 stamens. Flowering and fruiting occur on bouquet branches.

Flowering begins in mid-May, but ripening occurs only in the first ten days of September. The variety is partially self-fertile, but the best yield is observed in close proximity to pollinators. Productivity – up to 27 kg per tree.

The fruits weigh up to 43 g, have a uniform yellow color, pink-yellow spots are acceptable. The skin is tender with strong pubescence and a waxy coating. It has a round shape, the top is slightly depressed, turning into a wide funnel. The stone is small and free, occupying up to 3.4% of the size of the fruit pulp. It has good transportability and is used for table purposes. Sugar content – ​​9.1%.


  1. Regular and high yield.
  2. Frost resistance.
  3. Attractive taste of the fruit.
  4. Possibility of storing fruits for up to 1.5 months.
  5. Partial self-fertility.


  1. The wood of young trees can freeze in severe frosts.
  2. Long period of fruit ripening.
  3. Late harvest, maximum productivity begins at 4 years of age.

Description of the variety

The variety is cold-resistant and has good disease resistance.

  • This variety belongs to the self-fertile type.
  • The standard differs in height, reaching 4 meters with high-quality care.
  • The crown is of medium density.
  • The leaf blades are green in color, smooth without pubescence, the bark is gray-brown, the branches are slightly thickened.


The fruits of this variety are characterized by a yellow outer color.

  • The fruits of the tree are light yellow, round in shape with a weakly defined ventral suture. On the side you can see a neat blush. There is a slight asymmetry. The size of the plums is average.
  • The skin is dense with a thin waxy coating. The juicy pulp also has a yellowish tint. The taste is harmonious sweet with soft sourness. Sweet plum aroma.
  • The tree begins to bear fruit at 4 years of age. Reaches full maturity by the last ten days of August. The versatility of fruit use is one of the advantages of the variety. Plums can be consumed fresh, as jam, compote, jam, confiture or marmalade.

A juicy and aromatic treat will delight you all year round if you prepare seedless plums in syrup.

Tatar yellow

The variety is distinguished by excellent taste and versatility of use. Can be consumed fresh and processed into jams or preserves. The plums are not very large, weighing about 15 grams. The fruits are bright yellow with a honey tint; there is a light whitish coating on the surface of the thin skin.

Trees of medium height, with a spreading oval crown. The branches are medium dense, brown in color with dark green rounded matte leaves. Pollinators are needed to produce a harvest; the fruits ripen around mid-August.

It also has average frost resistance, so it is not suitable for cultivation in the harsh conditions of Siberia. This species is grown in the Central region, Moscow region and southern regions. The most significant disadvantage is susceptibility to diseases and pest attacks.

Plum Starter: care

Plum Startovaya: photo of the variety

In order for the harvest to be truly abundant, you need to properly care for the plant. The first thing that needs to be said is about pruning. A good harvest can only be obtained from a well-pruned tree. Therefore, do not forget to form a crown. The shoots are pruned for the first time before planting the plant. Usually the trunk is shortened by several centimeters. At the age of two, they are cut to 30 cm in length, then the growth is shortened less actively. An adult plant should have no more than 6 powerful branches growing at a slight angle to the headquarters. The crown usually has a cup-shaped shape, so it needs to be maintained; if the branches are located too densely on the plant, the fruits will not have enough light, which means the yield will decrease. Plants should be watered only as needed. It is recommended to regularly moisten the soil only at first. If you plant plants in the spring, be careful, spring soil dries out quite quickly. It is best to water mature trees once a week. Young plants need 6 buckets of water, and mature ones need up to 10. And don’t forget that in the fall the plants also need to be watered. However, the drain does not like stagnant moisture, so soil moisture should not be too abundant. Don't forget to prepare your plants for winter. If your region, of course, has a mild winter with little snow, then there is no need to insulate the plum tree. However, in harsh climatic conditions, it will be difficult for plants to survive the winter without proper preparation. To prevent the trunk from freezing, the bark is whitened, including the bases of the skeletal branches. If you have severe frosts in your region, it is recommended to wrap the plants in several layers of burlap. Empty bags are laid out near young plants and secured with soil. The tree trunk circle is mulched with humus, sometimes covered with polyethylene, so that precipitation does not negatively affect the plants. Also in winter, they sometimes throw snow at the base of the trunk and trample it down in order to protect the plants from rodents. If the snowfall, on the contrary, is heavy, then the snow must be knocked off the shoots so that the branches do not break. But from the beginning of spring, all the harness is removed and the snow is removed from the tree trunk circle. If we talk about fertilizing, the Startovaya plum variety loves urea, wood ash, superphosphate, and nitrogen fertilizers. It is recommended to feed plants no more than three times a year.

Landing rules

Plum can be planted in autumn or spring. With any option, the planting procedure is the same, with the exception of small nuances. If planting is done in the fall, then the site is prepared two weeks in advance, no later. If planting is in spring, then the soil and even the pit are prepared in the fall. Spring planting is carried out after the end of return frosts, autumn planting - a month and a half before frost.

Yellow-fruited plums are able to bear fruit wherever they manage to overwinter, bloom safely and have time to produce a harvest. The shorter the summer and the harsher the winter, the more difficult it is to grow yellow plums.

Requirements for the planting site of yellow plum:

Soil preparation and planting:

It is better to plant yellow plums with one-year-old seedlings - they take root better and get sick less. The recommended planting time for most regions of Russia is spring. A seedling planted in the fall often does not have time to strengthen before the onset of winter.

Common varieties of yellow plum

You can find many different varieties of yellow plums on the market, which differ in ripening time, harvest quantity, taste, smell and other characteristics.

Altai anniversary

The tree grows up to five meters in length, and the harvest can be harvested in the third year. From one such tree you can collect up to thirty kilograms of yellow plum. Bluefry or honey plum are suitable pollinators for this variety. The weight of the berries is up to eighteen grams, pleasant to the taste. The skin is thin. After a long exposure to the sun, a reddish blush appears, which can cover the entire fruit. The variety is suitable for growing further than the Urals, because it is not at all afraid of frost. Disadvantages of this variety: inconsistent yield, does not tolerate drought and is poorly transported.

Yellow honey

This variety tastes like flower honey, with a slight sourness. The homeland of this plum is Ukraine, widespread in many areas. The tree is very unpretentious, so it survives quite well even in the northern regions of the country. Plums are round, grow up to thirty grams, and even about fifty grams are found. Yellow dense skin with a slight coating. Due to the dense structure, it is difficult to separate the stone and pulp.

This variety is considered early ripening, because the fruits ripen by the end of July. After all, the tree itself begins to bloom earlier than the others. This variety requires pollinators; early Hungarian and Renklod Karbysheva are perfect for this role. The tree grows large, about five meters in height. The main branches of the tree are sparse, and the crown is round. This promotes rapid ripening of the berries. It is considered one of the most prolific varieties among yellow plums. The tree is not afraid of frost and tolerates low temperatures well.

Yellow plum pear-shaped

One of these varieties is Natasha, which appeared as a result of crossing the Ochakovskaya Yellow and the Hungarian Azhanskaya. The tree grows up to five meters, its crown is pyramidal in shape. This variety does not require pruning. The fruits of this plum are harvested at the end of summer. The berries are elongated, weighing up to forty grams; the fruits have a coating of wax and a large number of small dots. The taste of plum is sweet with a slight sourness. This variety needs pollinators; Edinburgh and German Reward are perfect for this role.


It is considered one of the earliest varieties of yellow Chinese plum, known since the sixties of the last century. The crown of the trees is fan-shaped, and the height of the tree is about four meters. Harvest in late July or early August. The first fruits will appear in the third year after planting. From one tree you can collect up to ten kilograms of plums.

Compote plum

Our compatriot brought out the plum. This variety grows as a bush that grows up to three meters. The crown of the bush is spreading, the branches are raised to the top. The fruits of this variety are small, weighing up to fifteen grams, yellow in color. It has a sweet taste with a slight sourness. This variety is excellent for preservation. You can remove about twenty kilograms of plums from one bush. The shrub has good frost resistance.

Amber Mlievskaya

The large-fruited variety of yellow plum, bred in the Cherkasy region, is today grown mainly in the southern regions, since it has poor frost resistance.

The tree of this variety is medium-sized with a compact and rounded crown. It begins to bear fruit 2-3 years after planting. Ripening occurs from late July to early August. Self-sterile variety, requires pollinators. Productivity from one bush is up to 50 kg.

The fruits are large, weighing up to 45-55 g. They are ovoid in shape, with a rich yellow skin. The taste is harmonious, but when overripe, a grape flavor appears. The pulp is juicy and slightly fibrous, the stone is easily separated, so the plum is often used to make jams and preserves. The fruits can be stored for a long time and tolerate transportation well.


  1. Drought resistance.
  2. Large fruit and high yield per tree.
  3. The fruits do not fall off even after overripe.
  4. Increased storage period.


  1. Weak resistance to frost.
  2. Self-sterility.
  3. Excessively juicy pulp, not suitable for confectionery purposes.
  4. There is no resistance to diseases of stone fruit trees.

Varieties of yellow self-fertile plum

It cannot be said that there are many varieties of yellow self-pollinating plum, but there are enough to choose from them the one you like if you want to plant it in your summer cottage or garden plot. For example, you can choose the following varieties.

In memory of Timiryazev

The variety was bred in the second half of the 20th century from Victoria and Skorospelka Krasnaya. Is one of the most popular. The fruits are ovoid, yellow in color, with a red side. The pulp of plums is medium juicy, but dense, the taste is sour.

This variety of yellow plum belongs to the late variety, so the fruits ripen only towards the end of summer or the beginning of autumn.

Advantages: excellent taste of fruits, resistance to dangerous diseases: clasterosporiosis and fruit rot. Disadvantages: low frost and drought resistance, relatively low yield, susceptibility to attack by ticks.

Yellow self-fertile

Description of the self-fertile yellow plum with photo: its fruits are yellow, medium-sized, round in shape, with a dense skin and medium-dense pulp. Ripe plums have a sweetish, sour taste. The yield of this variety is good. The fruits of Self-fertile Yellow can be harvested as early as early August. The advantages of this variety: transportability, cold and drought resistance, good resistance to diseases and pests. The disadvantages include the size of the tree and low ability to recover from damage.

The variety belongs to the early ripening varieties, obtained from crossing the varieties Renklod Ullensa and Skorospelka Krasnaya. Its fruits are oval, greenish-yellow in color, with a blush. There is a light waxy coating on the skin, the flesh is very juicy, sweet and sour, yellow in color, and aromatic. The fruits can be transported, they can be eaten fresh and processed into plum juice, jam, compotes, etc.

In memory of mother

An early variety, plum fruits ripen at the end of the second - beginning of the third month of summer. Plums are round in shape, with yellow-green skin. The pulp is very tender, sweet and sour, always juicy and also yellow. The variety exhibits high resistance to fruit rot and another disease - clusterosporia.


The variety is characterized by cold resistance and excellent yield, as well as early ripeness, attractive fruits, and their harmonious taste. Plums are small, their skin and pulp are yellow, and there is a blush on the surface of the skin.

Renklod Green

Also an early variety of yellow plum, it begins to bear fruit from the age of 3–4 years. The fruits are yellow-green, with sweet pulp, dense structure. Suitable not only for fresh consumption, but also for making preserves, jellies and similar preserves.

Collective farm farmhouse

Its fruits are medium in size, their skin is greenish-yellow, and the flesh is the same color. The taste is sweet and sour. The plum is juicy. Renklod kolkhoz trees are distinguished by regular fruiting.

Yellow honey

The variety is early and has another name – White Honey. It is distinguished by its unpretentiousness to the climatic conditions of the area and soil, resistance to diseases, ease of planting and care. The fruits are oval-shaped, the skin is rich yellow with a waxy coating, the flesh is greenish-yellow, juicy, easily separated from the stone. The taste is sweet, but not cloying, with a pronounced taste and smell of honey. Ripe but not overripe plums tolerate transportation and storage well.

Late Golden large

The fruits of this variety have a light yellow color, with a pink blush on the sunny side, a sweet taste and an excellent aroma. A special feature of the variety is that the fruits can ripen a little after being removed from the tree and can be stored for 1.5 months.


This variety is obtained from crossing Ussuri and American plums. It is characterized by cold resistance, immunity to diseases and pests. The fruits are small, amber in color and have a dessert taste, and ripen in early August. The pulp is dense, but tender, not fibrous.


The fruits are egg-shaped, rather large, and have a sweet taste. They ripen in the second half of August. Advantages of the variety: early fruiting, productivity, resistance to temperature fluctuations.

Plum variety Renclod Green

The Renclod plum family traces its history back to ancient varieties from Spain and France. From the south of Europe, Greenweed also came to Russian territory; in the 19th century and in Soviet times, it was widespread to the south of the Central Black Earth Region.

The yellow plum variety is distinguished by early fruiting and begins to form ovaries by the age of five. And after 2–4 years, you can get up to 40 kg of yellowish-green fruits with dense, sweet pulp from the tree. Although the appearance of green plums is inferior to modern large-fruited, ruddy varieties, they are still considered an excellent raw material for jam, marmalade or jam.

There are no completely self-fertile, yellow plums. To obtain an excellent harvest from the green renklod, this ancient variety will also need pollinators, among which may be the Hungarian variety blooming at the same time or another ancient yellow plum, Egg.

Subtleties of cultivation

Yellow-fruited plums, like any fruit tree, require some care. But a lot of effort is not required from the gardener - the plum tree is a moderately labor-intensive tree to care for. Already 10 days after planting, the seedling is watered - if the weather is dry. One tree requires 20-30 liters of water. An autumn seedling does not require care until spring, but a spring seedling needs to be actively taken care of.

With good care, plums can live up to 30 years. The most abundant harvests are harvested at the age of 5-20 years. The most difficult years for a tree and a gardener are the first 4-5 years. But after two harvests, the plum will become stronger, and its care will be minimal.

Watering and fertilizing

Features of watering yellow plums:

Crown care

Crown formation methods:

Properly formed crowns transmit light well, and the tree produces large yields. A healthy fruit-bearing tree grows 40 cm per year. In early spring, these shoots are reduced by a third. If the growth is 25-30 cm, the tree does not have enough strength, it should be thinned out by sawing off the lower side branches to 2-3 year old wood. Old trees grow 10-15 cm. They need rejuvenating pruning.

Mature plums are actively overgrown with root shoots. The shoots take away the strength of the tree, so they must be removed by digging up the soil down to the mother roots - this is where the shoots are cut off.

If you cut the growth at soil level, several new shoots will appear in its place.

Root shoots can be useful. With the help of these root cuttings, plums can be propagated by digging them in and replanting them in a new place.

Preparing for winter

Young seedlings, especially annuals, need insulation:

Mature trees also need pre-winter preparation - the branches are supported with supports so that they do not break off under the weight of snow. The lower part of the tree is covered with fallen snow.

There is another option for insulating young seedlings:

When snow falls, an additional insulating layer will appear. This structure reliably protects plum seedlings from frost, wind and sunburn. In winter, trees face another threat - rodents. To repel them, peppermint is placed in the space between the poles.

Plum varieties for the Moscow region and central Russia

When choosing a plum variety for central Russia, you should give preference to species with good frost resistance and resistance to pests and diseases of stone fruit trees. Early ripening hybrids are recommended for growing in these regions so that the crop has time to ripen before the first autumn frosts. The best plum varieties for the Moscow region:

  • Name: Skoroplodnaya.
  • Characteristics: one of the most common early-ripening, productive, but self-sterile varieties for central Russia. Cherry plum, Grossa Di Felicio or Red Ball are suitable as pollinator neighbors. Productivity – 35 kg per tree. The cream is red, with a sweet yellow interior, weighing up to 35 g. The tree is low to 2.5 m, the crown is sparse. Ripening occurs in the first half of August. Frost resistance is good, the tree tolerates temperatures down to -40 ° C. Damaged by pests and diseases to a minor extent.
  • Pros: drought resistance, winter hardiness, early ripening.
  • Cons: self-sterility.

The yellow-fruited plum variety Yakhontovaya is a breeding success of the authors Kh.K. Enikeev and S.N. Satarova. It was obtained by domestic scientists by crossing the parent forms Eurasia 21 (interspecific) and Smolinka:

  • Title: Yakhontovaya.
  • Characteristics: productive, early ripening, partially self-fertile. Fruitfulness – 30–40 kg. The cream is yellow in color with a whitish coating and sweet and sour pulp, weighing 30–35 g. The harvest ripens in August. Not afraid of frost. Disease resistance is below average.
  • Pros: early ripening, frost resistance, easy removal of seeds from the pulp.
  • Cons: the tree grows tall, partial self-fertility.

The Smolinka variety captivated gardeners with its extraordinary dessert taste. Obtained by crossing the varieties Ochakovskaya Yellow and Renklod at the All-Russian Selection and Technological Institute of Plant Growing and Nursery Growing:

  • Title: Smolinka.
  • Characteristics: high-yielding, early-ripening species, the cream of which is used for preparing dried fruits and prunes. Productivity is 20–25 kg per tree, with a tendency to increase annually. Fruits of dark purple color, 40–45 g, with delicate sourness. Harvest occurs at the end of summer. Winter hardiness is above average, branches quickly recover after freezing. Average disease resistance.
  • Pros: large fruit, transportability.
  • Cons: self-sterility, branches need support.

Red Ball is a Chinese hybrid bred at the All-Russian Selection and Technology Institute of Horticulture and Nursery Growing. It was obtained by crossing the American Burbank with the Ussuri Red:

  • Title: Red Ball.
  • Characteristics: frost-resistant, early ripening, partially self-fertile. For a larger harvest, pollinating neighbors are needed. The cream is red in color with a whitish coating, weighing up to 40 g. The yellow pulp is characterized by a sweet and sour taste. Harvest occurs in August. It is not susceptible to clasterosporiasis, but protection from other diseases is required.
  • Large fruit, taste, early ripening, frost resistance, transportability.
  • Partial self-sterility.

Cherry plum or Russian plum in the Middle Zone. Website "Garden World"

Features of agricultural technology

Plum Renclod

The rules for caring for this crop largely depend on what variety the gardener is dealing with in this case. But there are also rules common to all varieties.

Self-fertile yellow plum

So, theoretically, plum trees can be planted in spring or autumn. In the conditions of central Russia, there is always a risk that the seedlings will not have time to take root during autumn planting, and then they will simply freeze out in the winter. Therefore, it is still recommended to do this in the spring, preparing holes about 60 cm deep 2 weeks before planting. There is no need to plant deeper, otherwise the tree bark will dry out, its growth will be suppressed and the yield will decrease. The soil that is removed from these depressions is mixed with humus and poured back into the hole. The seedling is tied to a wooden peg hammered side by side.

Important! The drain does not require complex maintenance. In the first year, you need to prune, following the tiered pattern and leaving 40 cm between the branches. In the future, only dry and damaged ones will need to be removed, then the tree will bear fruit for a long time.

The soil around the tree needs to be loosened regularly, and fertilizers must be applied on time using mineral compounds. You definitely need to do this in May, during the flowering period. Organic fertilizers are applied to the soil twice a year. Humus and compost give good results, but fresh manure is contraindicated for trees.

Golden large

Description of plum "Egg blue"

The tree of “Egg Blue” is very tall, about 6 m tall .

The crown is medium dense, spreading, oval in shape.

The shoots are smooth, dark, strong. The buds are small, not pressed close to the shoot.

The leaves are elongated, oval, glossy, dark in color, with large teeth and a small petiole. The flowers are quite large, white, with oval petals, located only on young annual branches.

The berries are small, weighing about 30-35 grams , very similar in shape to an egg, dark blue in color, with a purple tint and a white waxy coating.

The pulp is soft, bright yellow, very juicy, with a high sugar content and very little acid.

The skin is thin, but quite dense. The stone is small, oval in shape, easily separated from the pulp. The peduncle is of medium length.

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