Sweetness on the table - tomato “Dobrynya Nikitich”: growing methods and description of the variety

Ripening period:mid-season (110-115 days)
Shape, weight of fruits:round, flattened, slightly ribbed, weight up to 300 g
Bush type:indeterminate (height up to 200 cm)
Growing regions:in greenhouses throughout Russia, in the south - in open ground
Productivity:up to 15 kg per bush

The Dobrynya Nikitich tomato is loved by gardeners for its versatility, high yield and good disease resistance. A fleshy large variety of tomatoes is suitable for fresh consumption and for preparing for the winter in the form of juice, lecho and snacks. High yield (minimum of a bucket of tomatoes per bush) allows you to plant only a few plants to meet the family’s need for the product.

Characteristics and description of the variety

The tomato was bred in Russia this century, taking into account the domestic climate and the peculiarities of the culinary preferences of citizens. Breeders sought to develop not only a productive, but also a tasty variety. They succeeded to the fullest - Dobrynya Nikitich tomatoes are distinguished by their rich and bright taste. The slight sourness does not interfere with enjoying the fleshy, dense pulp of the fruit.

The thin skin of tomatoes is practically not noticeable in salads, although it does not allow the fruit to be kept fresh for a long time.

The plant forms a bush that reaches a height of 1.7-2 m. The leaves of a light green color at a young age gradually acquire a rich green color.

The bush's foliage and ability to form stepsons is average. The fruits are formed on the plant in clusters of several pieces. Brushes begin to form after 5-6 sheets. The average weight of tomatoes is from 180 to 300 g, but individual berries can reach a weight of half a kilo.

The color of the peel of the fruit of the Dobrynya Nikitich variety is red. Tomatoes are not characterized by deformation of excessively large tomatoes; they remain flat and round in shape.

In the cross-section photo of the Dobrynya Nikitich tomato, its fleshy structure is visible.

Tomatoes are used for fresh consumption and baking; they prepare lecho, tomato juice, and ketchup. They can be preserved in pieces in jelly and their own juice.

Sowing time

The Dobrynya tomato forms a ready-to-eat crop 115 days after sowing the seeds. Based

Where the crop will be grown (in a greenhouse or open ground) and in what climate zone, a decision is made on the timing of sowing.

The optimal age of seedlings ready for transplanting to a permanent location is 60-65 days.

Depending on the growing region, tomatoes are sown several weeks apart:

  • In the middle zone and Moscow region, tomato seedlings are placed in open ground, no earlier than the first ten days of June. Sowing, taking into account the time for seed germination (about a week), is carried out in early - mid-March. Plants can be planted in a greenhouse as early as May, and accordingly, sowing is carried out earlier - in February.
  • In regions with a harsh climate (Leningrad region, Siberia, northern Urals), growing Dobrynya Nikitich tomatoes is possible only under cover. Seedlings are brought into greenhouses in May, seeds are sown in February - the first ten days of March.
  • In the south of the country, the Dobrynya tomato is successfully grown in the open air, planting seedlings in the garden in May. The crop can be planted in greenhouses in early April. The timing of sowing seeds is from late January to mid-February.

When planting tomato seedlings early, it is necessary to take care of additional lighting, since the length of daylight in January and February is not sufficient for the normal development of the plant.

Bush care

Basic measures for further care:

  • Regardless of where the tomato crop is grown, in greenhouse conditions or in unprotected soil, it is necessary to follow the watering regime. Because there is a relationship between soil moisture and nutrient absorption. In addition, the quality characteristics and quantity of the future harvest depend on this. There are differences between watering in hot and cool weather. Quite frequent and abundant watering causes cracking of tomato fruits, the pulp becomes watery and tasteless. Also, due to excessive moisture, color loss, ovaries and fruits occur, and fungal diseases occur. Therefore, it is necessary to strictly follow the recommended rules;
  • To get a good harvest, the formation of a bush is carried out in 1-2 stems. You can get large tomatoes by pinching the stems. The lower leaves are also removed when grown in greenhouses to improve fruit set and accelerate natural ripening;
  • Mulching of the soil is carried out constantly, starting from the moment of planting in a permanent place. It is advisable to use fine mulch, so when it dries, loosen the soil along with it;
  • During the entire growing season, at least three feedings with mineral fertilizers are carried out. Organic fertilizers are applied alternating with watering or directly during watering.

Growing seedlings

Before you start sowing, you need to prepare suitable soil for the tomato. The culture grows well on fertile, loose soil with a slightly acidic reaction. You can purchase a ready-made substrate for tomatoes in the store or create a soil mixture yourself.

To prepare soil at home you will need:

  • 2 parts humus;
  • 2 parts garden or turf (forest) soil;
  • 1 part peat;
  • 1 part coarse river sand or vermiculite.

Before mixing, these components are steamed at 170 degrees for half an hour or poured with a bright pink solution of potassium permanganate to destroy pathogens. Complex mineral fertilizers are added to the finished substrate according to the instructions (Kemira, Raduga, OMU, AVA, Gera).

Seedlings can be grown in individual glasses or common boxes with subsequent picking. Individual containers for Dobrynya tomatoes are selected with a volume of 500 ml, boxes with a height of 8-10 cm.

Any container must have drainage holes to drain excess moisture.

The seeds are sown to a depth of 6-7 mm at a distance of 4-5 cm from each other. To speed up germination, the seed is soaked in warm water with aloe juice (2-3 drops per glass) for 2 hours. The container with the seeds is covered with film and left at a temperature of +22 +25 degrees.

Tomato seedlings must be kept on the lightest windowsill (install lamps if necessary), at a temperature of +22 degrees during the day and +17 at night. This way the seedlings will not stretch.

Caring for the Dobrynya tomato is as follows:

  • watering with warm water, without getting moisture on the leaves, 2-3 times a week;
  • feeding with a solution of chicken manure (10 g per 1 glass of water) at the age of 2 true leaves;
  • picking (transplanting) into separate pots at the age of 3-4 true leaves;
  • fertilizing with complex mineral fertilizer 2 weeks after picking.

Before placing seedlings in the garden, the plants are accustomed to bright light and fresh air. The tomatoes are taken outside, first for a couple of hours, gradually increasing the stay time to the whole day.

Planting in the ground and caring for tomatoes

Since Dobrynya Nikitich tomatoes are tall, they are placed in a bed according to a 50 by 50 cm pattern. Trellis are installed along the rows in advance, to which the seedlings will be tied.

Tomatoes should not be planted after potatoes, eggplants and peppers. These plants have common diseases and pests. The crop is placed in the garden after cabbage, legumes, and cucumbers.

Seedlings are planted in cloudy weather or in the evening. It is recommended to bury the lower part of the stem into the soil up to the first leaves. Roots form on the buried part of the stem, which will help feed the plant.

The soil under the tomatoes is mulched with straw, tree bark, and grass clippings to retain moisture.

Dobrynya tomatoes are formed into 1-2 stems. Stepchildren are removed at least once every 10 days, pinching off the shoots until they reach 5 cm. When the first bunch of fruits is formed, all the leaves under the cluster are removed.

Tomatoes are given moderate but plentiful watering - 5-10 liters per bush. The plant especially needs moisture during the flowering and fruiting period. The water should not be cold.

During the ripening period of tomatoes, watering is reduced to once a week.

15 days after planting the seedlings in the garden, the tomatoes begin to be fed. Alternate organic (infusion of grass, manure, grain fertilizer) and mineral fertilizers (superphosphate, potassium sulfate, ready-made mixtures). Nutrient solutions are applied at the root every 15-20 days.

Secrets of cultivation

To achieve high yields of this variety, you need to correctly distribute all actions from the moment of sowing to harvesting the grown tomatoes.


Currant Dobrynya

To obtain full-fledged seedlings, you need to sow seeds from March 1 to March 10. The container must be at least 10x10 centimeters. It is necessary to pick seedlings after the appearance of 2 full-fledged leaves. After 65 days, that is, at the beginning of May, the seedlings can be planted in open ground. The distance between them and the rows should be 50x50 centimeters.

It is important! It is during this critical period that young seedlings must be covered with film, because unpredictable May frosts and cold rains and winds can destroy the future harvest. These actions should be continued until stable warm weather arrives.

Planting site and soil

All tomatoes are heat-loving and light-loving plants. The Dobrynya Nikitich tomato is no exception. For this reason, a place for planting seedlings should be chosen with good sunlight and protected from winds.

Tomato grows well in loamy soils. It is recommended to plant seedlings in places where legumes and root crops grew the previous year, but not peppers, eggplants, potatoes and physalis.


It is from this time that the most important and responsible time begins, on which success in growing crops depends. If all agrotechnical requirements are met, the first tomato fruits will ripen by mid-summer. During this period, it is necessary to carry out pinching to form one or two stems. Considering that the plant grows up to two meters in height, it is necessary to tie it up in a timely manner. In addition, it is necessary to remove the lower leaves in time.

Garter of tomatoes

Soil fertilization

An equally important condition for the future harvest is the timely application of organic fertilizers and mineral fertilizers to the soil. To do this you need to take the following actions:

  • Mulching. It is carried out regularly from the first time for planting plants in the ground. Straw, sawdust, peat, chopped pine needles, compost or humus can be used as mulch. The main thing is that the mulch is fine; after it dries, it will make it possible to mix it with the soil. Then it will serve as fertilizer. The mulching layer should not be thicker than 3 centimeters;
  • Mineral fertilizers. Carry out at least three times during the growing of tomatoes. To enrich the soil, you can use both simple nitrogen (urea), phosphorus (superphosphate) and potassium (potassium sulfate) minerals, as well as complex ones. These include Diammofoska, Ammophos, Nitroammofoska. Instructions for use are indicated on the packages;
  • You can fertilize tomatoes alternating with watering or during it (as convenient for you).

Important! Before mulching tomatoes with grass clippings or young weeds, they should be thoroughly dried. This can neutralize the mulch from harmful insects, and, therefore, tomatoes too. But the most important thing is not to overdo it when applying fertilizers, otherwise the seedlings may die.

Watering mode

Regardless of whether the crop is grown in a greenhouse or in a vegetable garden, compliance with watering rules is very important. Soil moisture and plant nutrient uptake are interconnected. In addition, the quality and quantity of the harvest depend on it. The main thing is to learn how to water tomatoes correctly in hot and cool weather.

This is interesting . Scientists conducted a study and concluded that tomatoes in soil moistened to 90% grow faster and produce a higher yield than with low air humidity.

But it is important to choose the optimal regime in which watering becomes the norm for tomatoes. Too frequent and abundant watering leads to the fact that the fruits crack, become watery and tasteless. Excessive moisture leads to loss of color, ovaries and fruits, and provokes the occurrence of fungal diseases. To prevent this, you must follow the rules:

  1. Water in the evening, after the heat has subsided;
  2. If watering is carried out in the morning, then the water temperature should be at least 20 degrees;
  3. Pour water at the root, avoiding getting it on the leaves to avoid their burns from direct daytime sunlight. This also leads to the development of late blight;
  4. Do not water directly with a hose to avoid washing away the roots;
  5. On a cloudy day, you can water at any time.

The easiest way to determine whether tomatoes need watering is a simple inspection. If there is little moisture, the leaves are too dark, which means they can dry out in the heat, you need to water them urgently.

Important! The plant needs watering during the most important phase of its development - the time of formation of the ovary and bud. During hot weather, up to 30-50 liters of liquid should be poured under each bush on such days. During fruit ripening, the norm for watering each bush requires at least 3-5 buckets of water.

The use of all methods and methods of tomato care Dobrynya Nikitich can provide an excellent harvest.

Diseases and pests

The Dobrynya Nikitich variety is resistant to the most common tomato diseases: late blight, bacteriosis, subject to proper agricultural technology. But with a lack of calcium in the soil and lack of watering, it can be affected by blossom end rot. Dry black spots appear on the tip of the tomatoes. The plant is treated with fertilizers containing calcium (wood ash, eggshell infusion, calcium nitrate) and increased watering.

In a greenhouse, tomatoes can be bothered by aphids. They get rid of the pest by washing the shoots with soapy water, tobacco or garlic infusion. Before the plant blooms, you can use Inta Vir.

In open ground, tomatoes are attacked by the Colorado potato beetle, especially if there is a potato plot nearby. The pest is collected manually or the plants are treated (before flowering) with Corado.

Expert advice

To get a high yield of tomatoes at home, you should listen to expert advice such as:

  • if you plan to plant tomatoes at home, then it is best to choose the most calm and windless place for them in the garden, which is well lit by the sun during the day;
  • Tomato will germinate best on loamy soils;
  • to obtain a rich harvest, seedlings should be planted in the ground in early May; if warm weather does not come, then you should take care of the plants by covering them with a protective film;
  • To prevent tomato bushes from interfering with each other, seedlings should be planted at a distance of approximately 50 centimeters;
  • Seedlings can be planted in open ground no earlier than a month after germination;
  • As for the seed pots, they should be approximately 10 by 10 cm, picking is done at the moment when the first few small leaves have formed.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Analyzing reviews from gardeners about the Dobrynya Nikitich variety, its strengths were identified:

  • high productivity;
  • pronounced taste and aroma of fruits;
  • disease resistance;
  • meaty consistency.

Disadvantages in the description of the variety include the thin skin of tomatoes, which is why they cannot be stored and transported. This drawback does not allow the Dobrynya variety to be grown on large farms.

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