Characteristics of the “Furor” grape variety: description, photos and reviews about it

Advantages and disadvantages

The description of the “furor” grape contains both advantages and disadvantages that you should be aware of when deciding to grow this variety.

The main advantages of the variety:

  • Long-term storage and good transportation.
  • Excellent taste.
  • Early maturation.
  • High yield.
  • Quite high levels of frost resistance.
  • Immunity to pests and diseases.

This variety is easily propagated by grafting and cuttings, and the seedlings quickly take root and are characterized by strong growth.

Among the disadvantages of the “Furor” variety, one can note only its high yield. Of course, this is one of the qualities due to which this variety is highly valued by gardeners and winegrowers, but too many fruits cause the vine to break and lead to the formation of smaller clusters.

Advantages and disadvantages

The description of any variety of grape consists of pros and cons. Furor was no exception to the rule. Winegrowers note the following advantages of this variety:

  • this is the best grape among other dark varieties in terms of marketability and taste;
  • fruits do not lose their aroma during storage;
  • there are no problems with the propagation of the shrub; it can be combined with any other varieties;
  • grapes do not crack from excess juice;
  • Furor is not at all afraid of wasps;
  • this is a frost-resistant variety that can easily tolerate outdoor temperatures down to -24 degrees;

  • The species is highly resistant to fungi, powdery mildew and gray rot.

This hybrid crop is universal , so it is used not only in industry, but also in private gardens.

As for the disadvantages, winegrowers point out that their yield is too active. To get high-quality fruits, they have to constantly thin out the plant, getting rid of excess shoots.

In addition, during severe frosts, the crop needs to be insulated, as it can freeze. This is a rather whimsical variety, which is also a disadvantage.


The “furor” grapes are the result of the painstaking work of amateur breeder V. U. Kapelyushny. The variety appeared at the beginning of the 21st century. as a result of pollination of “flora” (“lora”) grapes, a hybrid form of the parent plants of the eastern group, with pollen of other resistant varieties.

This is how the “furor” variety was obtained, suitable for cultivation not only in the Mediterranean and Central Asia regions, but also in Russia.

Breeding history

The Furor variety is considered relatively young, as it has been grown since the beginning of the 21st century. Grape lovers owe the appearance of the Furor hybrid to the efforts of Rostov breeder Vasily Ulyanovich Kapelyushny. The hybrid form of the grape is obtained by pollinating the Laura variety (also known as Flora) with mixed pollen of several best varieties. In turn, the tall Flora grapes were bred from donors of the eastern group and are distinguished by large, sweet berries and resistance to fungal infections. After the first fruiting, the author noted the unusual qualities of the new product, but it took some more time to obtain material suitable for propagation from the grape seedling.

Main characteristics

“Furor” is a table grape that has the largest fruits among all similar varieties.

Maturation period and class

“Furor” grapes belong to early ripening varieties - the time interval between the swelling of the buds and the ripening of the fruit is only 105-110 days. The harvest can be harvested in late July or early August.


The bushes are tall (up to 5.0-5.5 m in height) and wide, characterized by rapid development and powerful straight shoots that ripen in 3 months. The leaves are dark green in color and have an unusual carved shape.

Reference! Most gardeners grow Furor as a female-flowering variety, which requires close planting of pollinating varieties.

The flowering period begins in May and lasts for 14 days. At this time, the bushes are decorated with small, bisexual flowers collected in racemose inflorescences.

Bunches and berries

When flowering ends, 2-4 medium-dense, massive and large brushes of cylindrical or conical shape are formed on each shoot. They grow up to 25 cm in length and weigh on average 900 g, but there are clusters weighing 1.5 kg.

The berries are slightly elongated, very large: the average length of each is approximately 4 cm, width 2 cm, and weight about 30-40 g. The fruits are covered with a thin but fairly dense skin of dark purple, almost black color with a thin prune coating.

The pulp is almost transparent, tender, juicy, dense, fleshy and crispy, there are 2-3 small seeds inside.

Sugar content of “furor” grapes is 21-23%, acidity is approximately 5-7 g/l.

Taste and yield

The taste is rich, sweet, no sourness is felt, the aftertaste is nutmeg and fruit.

Reference! In case of unfavorable weather conditions and prolonged rains, the sugar level decreases and the acidity increases.

Abundant harvest of “furor”

Unusually high yield is both an advantage and a disadvantage of the variety. On average, 30-40 kg of berries ripen on 1 bush per season.

Description of the variety

Review of the description of the Furor grape variety, photo, let's start with a look at the general characteristics. According to the timing of fruit ripening, the crop is considered early. Bunches of grapes are ready for consumption 105 days after the buds awaken on the vine. Harvesting occurs in early August. The optimal growing conditions for Furor are the southern regions. The grapes have adapted well to the middle zone, as well as to the colder northern regions, but the vines have to be covered for the winter.

The bushes can withstand temperatures down to –25°C, which is considered a good indicator for a table variety. Furor grapes are resistant to fungal attack and rot. The variety has excellent immunity, protecting against the most common diseases: oidium and mildew.

Attention! On the bushes of the Furor variety, bisexual inflorescences are formed. Pollination can occur with minimal participation of insects. For same-sex crops, the Furor variety is an excellent pollinator.

The planted grape cuttings take root well and grow quickly. The bushes are growing large. The ripening of the vine begins early. By the onset of cold weather, a full-fledged bush is formed. The vine bears a large number of large clusters. Under the weight of the harvest, the lashes can fall to the ground and break. You can save the vine by frequent tying, but it is better to relieve the bush by timely pruning and rationing.

Comparison with analogues

Let’s compare the “furor” with its main competitors.

Ripening period105-110 days100-105 days95-105 days110-125 days80-90 days
Frost resistanceUp to -25 °CUp to -23 °CUp to -23 °CUp to -21 °CUp to -23 °C
Yield per bush30-40 kg8-12 kg130 c/ha15-18 kg15-17 kg
Bunches900 g500-700 gFrom 700 g1-2 kgFrom 800 g to 1 kg
TasteNutmeg-fruity aftertasteSweet with a bright nutmeg aromaSweet sour with hints of nutmeg and fruity aromaSweetish with sournessModerately sweet
ColorDark purple, almost blackDark blueDark blueDark blueDark purple, almost black
Disease resistanceHighHighHighAverageHigh
Shelf lifeA few monthsAbout 1 monthUp to 2 monthsA few monthsA few months
Sugar content21-23%Up to 25%19%Up to 16%14%
Acidity5-7 g/l5-6 g/lCan't be tasted6-8 g/lNot installed

Landing algorithm

Furor grapes (description of the variety, photos, reviews will tell you how to correctly implement the planting technology) are grown from seedlings. In order for them to be well accepted, they must be planted at a certain time, observing the requirements and rules for handling grape bushes, having previously prepared the area for planting.

In the case of planting a plant in autumn or spring, the following rules exist:

  • seedlings planted in spring have a better chance of surviving (this method is perfect for beginner gardeners);
  • planting in winter is dangerous because a weakened plant may be exposed to low temperatures and, if the bush is not protected, it may die.

It is recommended to plant the plant from mid-April to the second ten days of May. Grapes will have a much better chance of surviving than plants left for the winter. During spring and autumn, the crop will have time to gain strength, and with good shelter it will be able to acclimatize after the cold season. If planting is carried out in the fall, there will be more time to more thoroughly prepare the soil cover, saturating it with moisture and minerals. Mulching made from sawdust or humus will help preserve and accumulate useful components.

Planting grapes is carried out based on the following points:

  1. The hole for planting a seedling must be prepared 1 month before the procedure. The holes should be made up to 80 cm deep and wide. The dimensions are related to the need to create a drainage layer and fill the seat with fertile substrate.
  2. The base of the pit must be covered with a layer of small stone, sand or broken brick for drainage. On top you will need to place a fertile mixture based on chernozem and humus. The components must be irrigated with plenty of water.
  3. Just before planting, you need to make a small hill in the hole by adding 1 tbsp to the soil layer. l. mineral composition.
  4. Then the seedling must be placed on a hill, bending the root system to the side and covering it with a 25 cm layer of soil.

At the end, the grapes should be irrigated generously with warm water in the amount of 3 buckets. In case of cold nights, the seedling should be covered until it takes root.

Use and beneficial properties

Grapes, especially the black variety, are a source of nutrients essential for health. The fruit contains potassium, iron, vitamins B and C, as well as plant proteins and dietary fiber, fructose, glucose, carbohydrates, fiber, magnesium and a number of other useful components.

The berries of this table variety are suitable for fresh consumption, as well as for preparing various desserts, juices and compotes. The fruits of the furor grapes can be added to fruit salads, and their sufficiently high sugar content allows them to be used to make dessert wines with a muscat aftertaste.


The culture requires standard care, like any other grape variety. The plant requires timely spraying, fertilizing, pruning and tying.

Spraying and watering

Furor loves moisture very much, so irrigation is an integral part of plant care. In summer, the amount of watering must be increased, especially in hot, dry weather. According to the standard, grapes are required to be irrigated with water 3 times in 7 days; in the autumn, the number of waterings should be reduced.

The last time the crop should be sprayed during the growing season is approximately 14 days before the planned harvest.

Top dressing

To increase the yield of the “Furor” variety and for its overall development, the plant should be fed with mineral fertilizers. Single-component products are suitable for this, but it is best to use complex formulations, for example, Florovit, Mortar. In addition to mineral supplements, grapes require organic additives. A trench about 50 cm deep should be dug around the trunk, 1.5 buckets of humus or compost should be placed at the bottom, and earth should be covered on top. This must be done once every 12 months.

Organic matter, together with rain or ordinary water, will slowly make its way to the roots of the plant. Bird droppings would be a good addition. The solution must be prepared in advance by diluting 1 part of the litter with 4 parts of water. When the component is infused, it must be diluted again with 10 parts of water. The prepared solution must be added to each bush in a volume of 500 ml.


Furor grapes require annual pruning. The procedure must be carried out in the autumn, shortly before covering the plant. It is required to leave up to 8 buds on the vine; their total number on the bush should be no more than 40. Pruning will allow you to achieve a more stable and higher yield. Quality products will require rationing. Normalization should be carried out by harvest or shoots. In the first case, you will need to trim off excess inflorescences and clusters. When rationing shoots, you will need to remove thin and weakened fruit-bearing shoots.

Furor grapes, correct pruning by year.

The high-yielding variety “Furor” necessarily requires rationing, since overloading of fruits can negatively affect the future harvest and ripening of the vine. Increased attention should be paid to young shrubs. 2-year-old grapes are capable of bearing fruit. Therefore, it should not be overloaded; it is advisable to leave 1 brush per shoot.

During pruning of the bush, its formation occurs. Depending on the location of growth, it is recommended to use shrub forms that are more suitable for the conditions. If the plant will be sheltered for the winter, preference should be given to a standard-free form, for example, a fan.

Tying up

It is necessary to tie up the plant in the spring so that the vine can begin to climb around the artificial structure. If this is not done, the branches of the grapes will bend toward the ground cover. It is recommended to install the trellis before planting the grape seedling to avoid damage to the roots. You should not bend the branches too much, so as not to deform them and stop the flow of juices to the ends. To intensify the work, you should take a stapler for knitting loops and a garter wire rope, pre-wrapped in a paper layer.

It is not recommended to use green tendrils for fixation, and you should not tie all the vines in the same direction. They should be placed equally in different directions throughout the trellis. The bush on the trellis must be secured as tightly as possible so that the wind does not deform it. The longest vines should be tied to the upper tiers, and the short ones should be left at the bottom. You should not tie the sprouts at the upper ends, since the growth of the shoots will be directed to the side. In this case, the internodes behind the tether may dry out.


Pinching grapes is done only on a young and strong shoot that has an inflorescence. The operation should not be carried out on low-growing bushes, weak shoots or replacement shoots. The best time to perform the procedure is when the caps of the buds on the inflorescence begin to fall off at the beginning of flowering.

During the operation, the growth point on the shoot, namely the tip, is pinched. All nutrients, having lost the growth point, will go into the flower cluster, which will affect the increase in the bunch. After the operation, pollination, ripening of berries and their increase will occur much better and faster.

Optimal conditions

The hybrid variety is quite resistant to winter and is normally cultivated in the southern regions without winter shelter. In the northern regions, it needs shelter; in mid-latitudes, you need to focus on the characteristics of the winter season in a given area. Buds with mature shoots can easily survive temperatures down to -24 ℃. If the winter season is unstable and there may be thaws, it is recommended to cover the crop. Young seedlings should be protected from frost in any case.

In order for the fruits to ripen normally, the crop must be properly illuminated and the humidity must be moderate. If groundwater is close, the plant may die.

Features of cultivation

In general, when cultivating furor grapes, it is necessary to fulfill the standard agrotechnical requirements for this crop. But still, the variety has some peculiarities in planting conditions, rules for pruning and watering bushes, and more.


Planting grapes can be done in spring or autumn. In the first case, the most suitable time is April-May, then the seedlings take root better and quickly adapt to new conditions. If we are talking about autumn plantings, then they should be carried out in September-October, but rooting is more difficult.

The location for the “furor” variety should be sunny and dry, protected from gusts of wind and located on a hill. The best option is the southern or southwestern part of the garden. It is also necessary to ensure that groundwater is not closer than 3 m to the surface, otherwise it will be necessary to install a drainage system so that excess water does not accumulate near the root system.

Heavy soil hinders plant development. Therefore, in order for the bushes to grow well, they need to be planted in light, nutritious, fertile soil with good moisture permeability and aeration; the most suitable option is black soil.

Watering and fertilizing

The "Furor" variety requires moderate watering. The best option is to install a drip irrigation system, which will allow the bushes to receive the required amount of moisture.

If it is not possible to install such a system, you need to water the grapes yourself, about 2 times a season, in spring and autumn, pouring several buckets of water under each bush, the minimum temperature of which should be +20 °C.

Reference! In drought conditions, the frequency and volume of watering must be increased.

You need to feed the grapes in the spring, using organic fertilizers (for example, chicken manure diluted in water in a ratio of 20:1), and twice more during the season with mineral complexes (Kemira, Mortar).


Immediately after planting, young bushes must be pruned so that only 2 lower buds remain on the trunk , which are necessary for the emergence of shoots. In the fall, after dropping the leaves, you should shorten one of the shoots to 2-3 buds, and leave the other long until spring. Clusters will form on the remaining vertical shoots.

Also in the spring, it is necessary to remove all dry, weak and damaged shoots, and healthy and strong ones should be shortened by 6-7 buds so that their total number on the bush is 30-40.

Diseases and pests

“Furor” is resistant to viral and fungal diseases; extremely rarely it can be affected by rot, powdery mildew or downy mildew. At the same time, there is no guarantee that the bushes will not become infected from other plants, so experienced gardeners advise not to neglect preventive treatments.

Among insects and pests, the greatest danger to the sweet fruits of this grape is wasps and birds.

Frost resistance

“Furor” easily tolerates frosts down to -25 °C and in the southern regions does not require winter shelter. In the central zone, only bushes older than 3 years need not be covered; in other cases, grapes must be hidden from frost.

Harvest storage

After the fruits have fully ripened, there is approximately 2 weeks for harvesting - during this time the berries can remain on the bush and not spoil.

The harvested crop should be stored in a cool, dark and well-ventilated place, where it can remain for 2-3 months.

Cultivation regions

The most suitable conditions for cultivating the “furor” variety are the southern regions of Russia. At the same time, these grapes can be grown in the middle zone and even in more northern regions, but in this case the grapes will need to be covered for the winter.

Protection from diseases and pests

As previously mentioned, Furor has good resistance to fungal diseases. But this does not mean that he is not susceptible to them at all. So a smart winegrower will still take preventive measures to protect against mildew and oidium.

Spraying with fungicides, such as cuprose, polycarbacin, colloidal sulfur, thiovit jet, Bordeaux mixture, is best suited here.

You need to spray absolutely all parts of the plant, 6-8 times per season.

If the plant is nevertheless attacked by wasps, then a variety of means are suitable. You can stretch a net around the bushes or the bunches themselves (which also protects against birds), but the best option would be homemade traps.

The simplest of them is the bottom of a plastic bottle (or any other round container) with a sweet liquid (jam, kvass, beer, etc.), into which special chemicals are added that kill flying pests.

It is recommended to use chlorophos or boric acid, as they are odorless and their content in the bait will remain invisible to wasps.

In general, the Furor grape variety does not require any special measures or costs for its protection; all it needs is a little relief from its own weight.

But if you monitor its fruitfulness and regulate it in time, then it will thank you with an excellent harvest of berries of impressive size and taste, which can be used both for sale and as natural sweets for your family.


Next, check out the photos and reviews about the “furor” variety.

Pruning shoots and loosening the soil

The recommended time for pruning is the autumn season. The plant stops flowing sap. And the process does not cause any harm to the bush. The vine is pruned into 6 - 8 eyes. Remove all mature and dried branches. On a bush, up to 40 buds are most often left untouched.

After each moistening procedure, the soil is loosened so that a layer does not appear at the top that does not allow air to pass to the roots. Additionally, you can weed if there are weeds growing around the bush.


I liked the taste of the berries and the fact that the berry weighs about 15 grams. GORGEOUS grapes, a must plant! Maya Nikolaevna, Krasnodar

The taste is not bad, but the Furor is not very early, as stated. Ripens around August 20th. Lyudmila, Russian Federation

The largest berries in the bunch, by eye, are 20 grams each, black in color. The pulp is dense and has a pleasant taste. Yes, also, the surface of the berries is slightly bumpy. Alexander Anatolyevich, Voronezh

Grapes Furor and hydration

Grapes Furor: photo of the variety

All varieties of grapes need plenty of moisture in autumn and spring. This variety belongs to the early ripening varieties. To ensure a good charge of water, shrubs must be thoroughly moistened twice in the autumn season before the onset of cold weather. And also at the beginning of summer. In areas with a dry climate, the number of soil moistening procedures increases.

With the formation of inflorescences, moistening is completed. Excessive amounts of liquid will not have a positive effect. And also the flowers will begin to fall. Moistening begins during the process of growth and ripening of the vines. The amount of water is regulated. Excessive moisture causes the berries to spread.

What you need to know about the disembarkation procedure

For normal growth and development, Furor requires warmth and sunlight. Keep this in mind when choosing a location for the vine. The best option in this case is a small hill on the southern or southeastern side of the site. A place near the southern wall of a house or other building is also good. It will provide protection from cold drafts, which the variety does not like. Regular gusts of north wind greatly slow down the process of vine development and crop ripening; drafts during flowering are especially dangerous. A fence, hedge, or “curtain” of tall annual plants can also play the role of a barrier.

Furor grapes require heat and sunlight to ripen the harvest.

Furor is generally unpretentious in terms of soil quality. Chernozem is considered the ideal option for it, although it is able to take root and bear fruit even in heavy clay or light sandy substrate. The only thing that the vine will definitely not tolerate is groundwater coming close to the soil surface. When they lie less than 3 m underground, look for another location or build a mound at least 60–70 cm high.

Furor develops best in a slightly acidic substrate. If the soil on your site is excessively acidic, add dolomite flour or slaked lime to the soil. The alkaline substrate can be neutralized by adding sawdust from coniferous trees or just pine needles to the planting hole. Then the procedure will have to be repeated every 2–3 years.

Dolomite flour is a natural remedy for soil deoxidation; with the correct dosage it has no side effects

Furor's vine stands out for its pace and vigor of growth. When planting a whole vineyard, at least 3–4 m are left between neighboring seedlings with a row spacing of 5–6 m. Provide in advance a place for reliable support or trellises. This variety will definitely need it.

Over time, Furor vines grow greatly: keep this in mind when planting several seedlings at the same time

As for the timing of disembarkation, there are no restrictions. Be guided solely by the climate in your own region. Gardeners in the southern regions prefer autumn planting, planning the procedure for the second half of September, because they can be sure that the plants will have time to take root in their new location before frost. In regions with a temperate and more severe climate, it is better to focus on late spring or early June. Over the summer, the seedling will become quite strong and form a developed root system. By the way, the plant is powerful, so you will need a hole at least 80 cm deep and approximately the same diameter.

Video: preparing a planting hole for a grape seedling

The planting pit for Furor is always prepared in advance. There must be at least two weeks left before disembarkation. If the procedure is planned for spring, it is better to do it in the fall. A drainage layer is required at the bottom. This variety has a very negative attitude towards stagnation of moisture at the roots. About a third of it is filled with a nutrient mixture of humus or rotted manure with a complex nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium fertilizer. It is covered with a layer of fertile soil 4–5 cm thick on top so that the nutrient mixture does not burn the roots of the seedling. In case of possible rains, the hole is covered with something waterproof.

At the bottom of the planting pit for Furor grapes, a layer of drainage at least 8–10 cm thick is required, this will prevent moisture from stagnating at the roots

If you purchased a Furora seedling with a closed root system, there is nothing complicated at all in the planting procedure. It is enough to water it abundantly, remove it from the container, transfer it to the planting hole, fill it to the brim with fertile soil and water the plant with 20–30 liters of settled water.

Be very careful when choosing grape seedlings: high-quality planting material is the key to a future bountiful harvest

Plants with bare roots are pre-cut by about a third, then they are immersed in water at room temperature for a day with the addition of any biostimulant. The roots in the planting hole are carefully straightened, and the soil is carefully filled so as not to damage them.

After planting, immediately tie the seedling to a temporary support, otherwise it will spread along the ground. Mulch the soil to prevent weeds and retain moisture in the soil.

There is nothing complicated about planting grapes in the ground; even a novice gardener can handle it

Video: planting grapes in the ground

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