Compatibility of gooseberry and currant bushes (black, white, red): distance between plantings

What does plant compatibility depend on?

In order to correctly plant fruit and berry crops in the garden, first of all, they study the biological characteristics of each exhibit. These include:

  • type of root system;
  • degree of resistance to diseases and pests;
  • compatibility with other cultures;
  • response to climatic conditions.

If all this is not taken into account initially, then biologically incompatible plantings will inhibit each other’s development, provided they are placed close together.

All plants defend their own territory and try to expand their possessions. This means:

  • distribution of seed material;
  • growth intensity;
  • predisposition to vegetative propagation;
  • degree of fruiting.

Incompatibility of neighboring cultures is possible for several reasons. Usually this is competition for light, moisture, surrounding space, and nutrients.

When planting seedlings, including currants, it is important to take into account what grew on the site before. Moreover, if organic fertilizers were previously applied to the soil. Alternating plants on a personal plot is important for annual plantings.

This problem can be solved through proper agrotechnical care and planting measures. Otherwise, the plants do not bear fruit fully and soon die before they have time to take root.

What is cherry compatible with?

Stone fruits planted next to each other in the garden are a good solution. A simple way out is to plant different varieties of cherries in groups so that the taller ones do not block the light of the lower ones and at a sufficient distance from one another. She is also friends with other stone fruits, for example, plums. You can plant cherries nearby, such proximity will increase the yield.

Let's look at examples of successful compatibility with plants common in gardens.


Stone fruits are good neighbors; you should not place only dwarf and tall varieties nearby so that the branches do not block the sun. If hybrid varieties grow in the garden, they will be pollinated by nearby cherries, which will have a positive effect on the yield of both crops.

Depending on the height and diameter of the crown of specific varieties, the distance between cherries and cherries should be 5-8 m.

plum tree

Plum is also a stone fruit; in the vicinity of cherries it does not absorb nutrients from the soil and does not block the light. These plants help protect each other from diseases. Plant them at a distance of 5 m from each other, so that the branches do not touch.


A useful neighbor, the smell of elderberries repels cherry aphids, and the branches and roots of plants do not interfere with one another. Cilantro has a similar antiparasitic effect.


Low-growing honeysuckle bushes love partial shade, so they can be planted under stone fruits, at a distance of 2 m from the trunk of the plant.


The vine is undemanding to the neighborhood; it is planted under fruit crops at a distance of at least 1 meter. You need to make sure that the grape shoots do not creep onto the trunk and branches; otherwise, the plants do not cause problems next to each other.

In the shade of the dense crown, small ornamental plants are planted, which love shade and do not create problems for the root system. These include periwinkle, budra, creeping tenacious, beautiful snowdrops and primrose, fragrant mint and lemon balm.

What are the biological characteristics of black currant?

Black currants love open areas with plenty of sunlight. The proximity of spreading bushes and tall trees does not suit her. Prefers loamy soil with a slightly acidic alkaline environment. The optimal pH is 5-6.

The plant is drought-resistant and tolerates consistently dry weather. Excessive humidity leads to a decrease in yield and deteriorates the quality of berries. The bushes are compact, and when planted densely, it is possible to create a decorative hedge.

The root system of black currant is deep, so the crop has few competitors in terms of obtaining nutrition and moisture from the soil layers. Currants get along well with plantings with superficially developed roots and low-growing ones.

It is believed that it is undesirable to plant anything next to black currants. But the limited area of ​​personal plots does not allow such luxury. Therefore, you have to intelligently combine acceptable options.

Currant neighborhood

In horticultural plantings, there is a method that allows you to significantly increase the yield of berry and fruit trees and shrubs. The idea is to plant plants that benefit each other in their development. It is not advisable to plant a mixed garden on one piece of garden plot. It is recommended to do group plantings in accordance with the species and their compatibility. The ripening period is also taken into account.

Based on many years of observations by many gardeners, it became clear that there is no need to plant anything near currant bushes. But not everyone succeeds due to the small territory. For this reason, a solution was found - to select a favorable neighborhood.

As a rule, red currant bushes are compact. Planting density is used instead of hedges in the country. Gardeners note that the berry bush has a well-developed root system that goes deep into the soil. For this reason, many crops for this type of currant are not competitors in terms of obtaining nutrients and moisture from their soil.

Impact on crop growth and outcome

In the natural habitat, vegetation always fights with other crops in order to capture or retain the territory as much as possible. These factors include:

  • rapid ripening of crops;
  • ability to produce prolific harvests;
  • methods of dispersing own seed material;
  • active vegetative propagation.

Many plant crops use special chemical methods of destruction in the fight against competitors. They secrete phytoncides that can have a detrimental effect on the development of other vegetation. But there are also opposite examples, when neighboring phytoncides save from pests, and thereby help the plant to develop normally. This process is called compatibility of growth of different species.

Chemical weapons are more often used by bright representatives of the plant world, which have an enhanced fragrant aroma. Moreover, this smell affects not only vegetation, but also harmful insects of this species. A good example is garden geranium, which can both protect itself and ward off insects.

Distance between plants

The planting density of currant bushes largely depends on the variety and species. When planting shrubs on a personal plot, soil fertility, soil type, and crown development are taken into account. If the bushes are branchy and tall, then they need to be planted less often than compact currants. Ideally, the distance between them is 1-1.5 m.

Scheme of planting berry crops.

For planting, holes measuring 50x50 cm are prepared in advance. Cover the bottom of the planting site with a small layer of well-rotted humus. Place a bush in the center of the hole, straighten the roots, after which the planting material is carefully sprinkled with loose soil. Compact the soil on top.

It is recommended to place currant bushes in a low, moderately moist area. The place should be protected from the wind and well lit. Gardeners make fences from currant bushes so as not to occupy the center of the site. This method is convenient to use. In this case, they retreat up to one meter from the fence.

If the bushes were planted between low trees in a young garden, then the distance between them is maintained at a distance of up to two meters. The shade from the crown will not provide much shade to the bushes.

What neighborhood is acceptable for blackcurrant?

Professional gardeners know that some crops absolutely do not tolerate the close presence of certain varieties. As for black currants, there is ambiguous opinion about planting next to grapes.

Currant phytoncides can affect the vine. But in reality it is not so noticeable and does not cause any harm.

Black currant is a plant that is active in its biochemical composition, so it should be planted with plantings of a similar type. A favorable neighborhood is noted with the following representatives:

  • honeysuckle;
  • yoshta;
  • Apple tree;
  • cherry;
  • Solanaceae;
  • herbaceous crops: strawberries, blueberries, garlic, onions, herbs, wild garlic;
  • calendula, geranium, marigold.

Next to black currants, nightshade crops actively grow: potatoes, peppers, tomatoes. The phytoncides exuded by currants repel malicious attacks.

What is the compatibility of currants and honeysuckle?

The shrubs are similar in chemical composition, especially in the level of saturation of ascorbic acid. Both varieties are not picky about care and are frost-resistant. Cultures exist unhindered nearby, without suppression. Therefore, such a duet is considered favorable.

What is the interaction between currants and yoshta?

Yoshta is a hybrid of black currant and gooseberry. It is characterized by high resistance to external conditions, so it is not afraid of such a strong neighbor as black currants and gooseberries. Moreover, she has a family connection with them.

The advantages of this crop are increased resistance to bud mites and terry.

How do black currants and apple trees get along?

Both plants are long-lived and are planted for more than one year. Therefore, it is important to know that the apple tree does not affect currants in any way - it is an ideal neighbor. No one's productivity is falling.

What will be the duet of currants, strawberries and blueberries?

Blueberries, like currants, are a perennial plant, only herbaceous. Similar in preferences, relatively acidic soil and satisfactory moisture. Currant bushes get along well with the berry garden, without mutual harm.

Between currant plantings, it is allowed to plant strawberry and strawberry bushes. This will not affect fertility in any way. Strawberries do not suffer from currant phytoncides, and they drive away insects and pests. Another bonus is frequent moisturizing. The only negative is that it is inconvenient to harvest.

Are these cultures compatible?

Gooseberries and currants, white or red, when planted together, have a good effect on the quantitative indicator of each other's fruiting.
This agricultural technique is used especially often by gardeners. The positive effect of this combination of nearby planting crops is achieved due to the fact that these two plant species belong to the Saxifraga family, in which the same distinctive characteristics are considered similar, so they are germinated using a similar technique.

Gooseberry fruits

A positive answer to the questions whether it is possible to plant currants next to gooseberries and whether it is possible to plant black and red currants side by side can be justified by describing the following characteristics:

  • The ability to bear fruit develops in the second year after the final planting of planting material;
  • Abundant regular fruiting, subject to proper compliance with all planting measures, begins in the third year;

Note. The yield level of a currant bush is 120 centners per hectare, and two hundred centners will grow from a gooseberry bush.

  • Undemanding in terms of care, which involves the implementation of standard procedures;
  • Frost resistance. Since both of these plantings are able to withstand lower temperatures, preparation for the winter season will require less time;
  • Growing in the middle zone.

However, currants and gooseberries can often be grown within the following areas:

  1. northern regions of the Russian Federation;
  2. central part of the Russian Federation;
  3. eastern regions of the Russian Federation;
  4. Northwestern Ukraine;
  5. Belarus.
  • A shrub of one or another species should have about 34 branches, which arose in different seasons;
  • Shrub growth to the same height;
  • The structure of the root system is fibrous type. More than 80% of the roots grow to approximately 30 cm depth, often violating the boundaries of the diametrical arrangement of the crown;
  • Early flowering, sometimes before the thaw. Cross-pollination has a positive effect on the yield of each bush;

Important! Self-fertile types of bush plantings can produce a bountiful harvest. Ability to bear fruit for almost two decades

Ability to bear fruit for almost two decades.

Note. In addition to currants, which have a number of identical characteristics, honeysuckle can also be planted next to gooseberry bushes, but raspberries cannot be planted.

Many gardeners are concerned about whether it is possible to plant black and red currants side by side, and how compatible currants and gooseberries are. So, gooseberries and currants are crops that grow well close to each other.

Important! It is not recommended to plant gooseberry bushes near blackcurrant plantings, since both plants are susceptible to the gooseberry moth. A distinctive feature of gooseberries is the plant’s ability to quickly restore shoots

Due to the rapid formation of root shoots, the crown quickly overgrows, which makes caring for this planting much more difficult compared to currants.

A distinctive feature of gooseberries is the plant’s ability to quickly restore shoots. Due to the rapid formation of root shoots, the crown quickly overgrows, which makes caring for this planting much more difficult compared to currants.

Gooseberry seedling

You can prevent excessive thickening of the crown part by periodically pruning the gooseberry bushes. You can reduce the number of root shoots by mulching the soil with a large amount of mullein.

Note. Abundant fertilization of the gooseberry bush prolongs its ability to bear fruit for several years.

Gooseberries and currants are suitable for fresh consumption, making jam or compotes, and for use in the wine industry.

What is it not recommended to plant currants with?

Since black currant exudes a strong aroma, it rises above other plants. Therefore, it is difficult for anyone to settle down with her. It is contraindicated to plant white and red currants nearby. This will not be good for anyone.

There are factors that help determine the degree of favorable or negative compatibility:

  1. It is unacceptable to place near crops that are weak to the same pathologies and attacks of parasites. Gooseberries are a clear antipode - they are affected only by infections and a parasite, the gooseberry moth.
  2. Biochemical superiority. Here, red and white-fruited currants serve as a negative example. Crops will not die, but yields will drop.
  3. Suppressive impact in relation to neighboring plantings. Some suck out all the nutrients and moisture from the soil, leaving their neighbors on a starvation diet. Others release substances into the soil that are unfavorable for the growth of nearby crops. This category includes raspberries, which are not recommended to be planted nearby.

There are many such unfavorable neighbors, so it is important to properly distribute them in the garden.

Are currants and raspberries compatible?

Raspberries are aggressive towards most plantings, which is explained by their powerful root system. Growing rapidly, it absorbs moisture and nutrients from the soil. Currants begin to wither and bear less fruit from such proximity.

Landing technology

In order to be able to plant gooseberry and currant bushes nearby, you need to know the specifics of planting for each crop. Together, such shrubs are usually planted along the edges of the site in one row. Although multi-row planting is also allowed.

Before planting gooseberries and currants, the following manipulations are carried out with their seedlings:

  • carry out pruning, during which diseased, broken and dried roots are removed;
  • The above-ground part of the plants is cut off (10–15 cm for gooseberries, 15–20 cm for currants).

The seedlings are planted in pre-prepared planting holes, at the bottom of which fertilizing has been placed. It is best to use the same fertilizers that were applied during autumn soil preparation. It is not recommended to plant two currant and gooseberry seedlings in one hole at once. This will lead to a decrease in the yield of both shrubs.

Seedlings should be placed at a distance of 1.5 meters from each other. Between adjacent rows a distance of 1.8–2.1 meters is maintained. Currants need to be planted deeper at about 6-10 cm, and gooseberry bushes - at 5-6 cm relative to the level at which they were planted in the nursery. After planting the plants above the soil level, they should have 2-3 buds left on each shoot.

When placing seedlings in a planting hole (40x40 cm), you must remember that they must have an inclination of 45° relative to the ground. This arrangement of plants will allow you to quickly and effectively spread out the shoots in a fan shape.

Implementation of this technology for planting gooseberries and currants will stimulate the formation of additional horses near the base of the skeletal branches. As a result, it will be possible to form a wide base of the bush. The branches of such a bush will be freely located. This will lead to the resumption of the formation of shoots from the buried part of the stem, on which the underground buds are located. And also the formation of shoots from the root collar will be resumed.

Planting bushes of these two crops involves the following steps:

  • placing plants in planting holes;
  • straightening their root system. The seedlings should be shaken slightly so that the soil poured on top evenly fills all the voids that have formed around the roots;
  • filling the underground part of the seedlings with soil and gradually compacting the soil. During the process of filling the planting hole, when it is half filled with soil, you need to water it. Half a bucket of water is poured under one bush.

After the root system of the seedlings has been filled up, the following steps are performed:

  • a hole is formed into which about one bucket of water should be poured. This procedure is carried out for each planted plant;
  • To retain moisture in the ground, the soil around the bushes is mulched. For this, peat or humus is used. It is fashionable to sprinkle the tree trunk circle with dry soil or sand. Mulch will prevent rapid evaporation of moisture from the soil, and will also prevent the development of weeds.

Now you know how to plant currants and gooseberries together so that both varieties produce a bountiful harvest.

The best neighbors for black currants - is it possible to plant gooseberries and raspberries next to red ones?

To properly place fruit trees and berry bushes, you should know their biological characteristics (what to plant next to currants): type of root system, growth, resistance to diseases and pests, compatibility with other plants, attitude to the environment. Without taking these factors into account, neighboring plants can oppress each other, infect each other with diseases, and as a result dry out from lack of light, moisture or nutrients.

When planting currants on a site, mutual influence must be considered throughout life. Plants that grew earlier have an indirect effect on currants. Especially if the soil was previously fertilized before planting, and fertilizing with organic fertilizers is done every year. Rotation of crops on a site is a pressing issue for annual garden plantings.

Mostly all plants fight to expand territory and retain land. This category includes:

  1. seed dispersal;
  2. growth activity;
  3. ability of vegetative propagation;
  4. fertility.

Antagonism or incompatibility of cultures is associated with various reasons. Plants compete for light, air space, water and nutrients from one layer of soil. Such incompatibilities can be resolved with proper care. To do this, it is important to know the biological characteristics of a particular plant, for example an apple tree. Otherwise, the confrontation will lead to a sharp decrease in fertility, and in the worst case, to the death of the plant.

Features of joint planting with currants

When starting to plant plants, you need to take into account the characteristics of their growth and development. For currants on the site, the following conditions are provided:

  1. A well-lit place with sunshine. In shade, the berries may not gain the necessary sweetness.
  2. Light sandy loam soils. They must be neutral or slightly acidic.
  3. Groundwater inflow is not allowed higher than 1.5 meters from the ground surface.
  4. The soil must be fertile. If it does not have enough nutrients, rotted manure is added before planting.

The distance between blackcurrant and other trees and shrubs should be at least 2.5 meters. Red currants are more compact, so an interval of 1.5-2 meters is allowed.

Red currants have a longer root than black currants, so they can withstand dry summers better, drawing moisture from the depths of the earth.

Neighbors for red currants: what crops can and cannot be planted nearby

This variety prefers open, sunny areas. Areas near spreading trees are not suitable due to lack of light. The soil loves slightly acidic loam, pH 5-5.5. Currants tolerate dry periods well, but excess moisture will negatively affect the yield and quality of the berries.


As a rule, red currant bushes are compact. Using planting density, you can also create a hedge.

It is also important that the root system of the berry bush is located at an average depth. Therefore, many plants are not competitors for it in terms of nutrition and moisture. Currants get along well with crops whose roots are superficial. There is little shade from the bushes; low-growing garden plants can be grown under them.

For optimal development, the vegetable needs a lot of light. And the area between the red currant bushes is not shaded, since they are not spreading. Onions don’t need a lot of moisture and are unpretentious to the composition of the soil. In turn, the vegetable has a pungent odor that most parasites do not accept. In particular, onions drive away bud mites from berry bushes. It is recommended to plant onions near red currant bushes before winter.


There is some evidence that red currants and gooseberries are the most successful combination. Crops bloom in one period. With cross-pollination, yields increase significantly. Gooseberries and currants have high frost resistance; the root system is at the same depth, concentrated under the bush, and does not unravel in different directions. Soil requirements are also similar. Find out about the characteristics of soil for currants here.

What not to plant with

Red currants are more resilient than black currants. However, it is customary not to plant other crops next to exotic fruit shrubs, so that their crowns do not shade the light of the plants, the harvest can be easily harvested, and the soil and surrounding area can be regularly loosened. However, red currants have competitors. To prevent them from harming each other, the distance between the bushes should be about 5-7 meters.


Plums are considered good neighbors, but have a shady crown. And red currants grow and bear fruit poorly in the absence of sunlight, even partially. Two garden crops can be placed together by choosing a specific plum variety with a small crown.


First of all, cherries and currants need different soil composition. It is for this reason that the berry bush cannot fully bear fruit. But a gardener can correct this deficiency with proper care. However, in this case it is worth paying attention to varieties of shade-tolerant currants, such as Selechenskaya, Sibilla and Gulliver . Read about grafting currants onto cherries in this article.


If the territory of the summer cottage is located near the forest, then it would be optimal to make the border zone up to 8-10 meters. The birch tree oppresses all garden plantings nearby. With its powerful root system, it quickly drains the soil, leaving the currants without life-giving moisture.


This tree also has an overgrown rhizome. Only with adequate nutrition do cherries produce a good harvest, while at the same time depriving the currants of useful substances. Therefore, high fruiting of one plant occurs to the detriment of another.

The optimal distance for planting is 7-8 meters between plants.


Coniferous trees are carriers of the disease goblet rust, which primarily affects currant bushes. For this reason, you cannot plant a pine tree next to a berry patch.

Care after landing

After the seedlings have been planted, they require some care. Since currants and gooseberries are unpretentious plants, caring for them comes down to the following agrotechnical measures:

  • In spring, watering is carried out 4–5 times. In dry weather, you can increase the amount of watering. Water the bushes in the morning or evening, pouring one bucket of water under each plant;
  • weeding and loosening the soil. These two procedures are not carried out if the tree trunk circle has been mulched;
  • application of fertilizers. Typically, fertilizers are applied during flowering and crop formation in situations where the soil is poor. If the soil is fertile, then the plants will have enough fertilizers that were applied in the spring during planting. Then, every year, fertilizing is carried out, which allows you to keep the nutritional value of the substrate at the required level;
  • pruning branches and shaping the crown.

The most important point of care is pruning the branches. This procedure is carried out in the spring. During spring pruning, all broken, damaged and frozen branches should be removed. As a result of pruning, the crown should be formed by shoots of different ages. In this case, good fruiting is guaranteed.

To prevent the development of infections and the invasion of parasites, shrubs are sprayed with insecticides (for example, Intavir) for preventive purposes. And you can also simply pour boiling water over the plants, which will not harm the kidneys, but will kill insects. In addition, shrubs should be periodically checked for the appearance of the first symptoms of disease or insects. This will allow you to quickly get rid of the problem with minimal crop loss.

As you can see, currants and gooseberries can be grown together in one area. If you follow simple agrotechnical practices during planting and further care of the plantings, you can reap a bountiful harvest.

Neighbors for black currants in the country

In gardening, there is a method that allows you to increase yields and also reduce the care of fruit crops. The method involves planting plants together that have a beneficial effect on each other. It is not advisable to plant a mixed garden in one area.

It is advisable to distribute seedlings into groups that determine the type, compatibility and simultaneous ripening of the fruit.


It is believed that nothing needs to be planted next to a blackcurrant bush. However, the owners want to make full use of the existing territory, so they select the most suitable neighborhood. Currant is a chemically active plant, so it should be placed together with plants with a similar composition and similar elements.


The shrubs have a lot in common: a large percentage of vitamin C in the pulp, increased frost resistance, and ease of care. Blackcurrant and honeysuckle have similar chemical compositions. The crops bear fruit well and develop nearby. Therefore, their proximity is considered positive.


This is a hybrid of gooseberries and currants. It is distinguished by its extremely hardy character, for this reason it is not afraid of almost any neighborhood. Yoshta gets along well in the same area with currants and gooseberries. The advantage of this garden crop is its resistance to bud mites and terry.


A low perennial plant is blueberry. Acidic soil and good moisture are important for it, which is similar to black currants. Both shrubs coexist quietly in the berry garden without causing any inconvenience.


You can plant strawberries and wild strawberries between currant bushes, and such proximity will not affect the yield in any way. Strawberries do not suffer any harm from currant phytoncides, but the pungent aroma repels insects. A positive thing for strawberries is frequent watering of the neighboring bush. The only negative from such a neighborhood is the inconvenience of picking berries.


Along with onions, it is the best companion for black currants. Because the shrub’s worst enemy, the bud mite, is afraid of herbs.

What is dangerous to plant with?

When planting a garden, experienced gardeners pay close attention to crop compatibility. After all, replanting a perennial shrub or fruit tree is a labor-intensive and troublesome task, and is fraught with loss of harvest for several years.

The main reasons for poor compatibility are that plants will fight for natural resources - water, sun, minerals, space. As well as common pests that will multiply exponentially.

Almost all types of plants contain phytoncides - a kind of chemical weapon that is used in the fight against competitors. These substances inhibit the growth of other plants. Or vice versa, they help their neighbor to fully develop. This is the compatibility of cultures. This material will tell you why currants don’t bear fruit.

Red Ribes

It would seem that two sisters can easily get along in one area. But there are differences between them: red currants prefer to grow in sunny areas, black currants are shade-tolerant. When planting shrubs in one area, you can forget about a good harvest. They will not have enough energy to bear fruit. There will be berries, of course, but their size and quantity will leave much to be desired. This link will tell you about planting currants in the spring.

The best option is to plant bushes, transplanting red currants into the sun, and leaving black currants in the shade.


This is a solitary plant that does not tolerate any proximity. The shrub grows strongly and oppresses nearby plants. Dense raspberry growth clogs vegetable crops; they do not have enough light and space on the site. Another drawback is that raspberries love moisture and take it away from their neighbors.


You cannot plant white currants next to black currants, as they are affected by the same infectious diseases and pests. The common enemy is the moth.

What else can you plant next to currants?

In addition to trees and shrubs, the following garden crops can be planted next to currants.


The plant has a superficial root system. Consuming nutrition in the upper layers of the soil, strawberries do not compete with shrubs.

During the season, garden strawberries produce long vines with young rosettes. The most fruitful are the horns that are close to the mother plant, so the first and second order rosettes are left, the rest are removed.


This is an early ripening plant. It is sown in open ground in early spring. If it is planted next to currants, the soil around it must be loosened very carefully, otherwise the small roots of the bush located close to the surface of the soil will be damaged.


During the season, potatoes are hilled several times, and weeds are removed around them. Tubers are planted so that they do not interfere with the development of the currant root system.

The interval between potatoes and currants is determined by the crown of the bush. What is the scope of the above-ground part of the plant, what is the diameter of the root system. Tubers are planted no closer than the end of the currant crown.


Garlic is planted in mid-autumn or spring. The soil must settle a little before planting, otherwise the teeth will be drawn deeper and it will be difficult for them to break through to the top. Garlic produces phytoncides that repel many pests from currants.

To harvest a high-quality garlic harvest, it is important to take into account the predecessors before sowing. Garlic heads grow well after potatoes, cucumbers, and zucchini.


The root system of cucumbers is weak; it does not go deeper than 25-30 centimeters. Cultures will not compete because they obtain water and food from different layers of the earth.

Cucumber shoots reach a length of 1.5-2 meters. If you direct them to grow around currants, they will help retain moisture in the tree trunk of the bush.


Between the currant bushes you can plant onions on a feather. It is harvested early, so it will not interfere with the development of the berry crop. Onions need a lot of sun to grow, so they are planted so that the shoots of the bush do not shade them.


The peculiarity of peas is that on their roots there are bacteria that capture nitrogen from the air. The culture releases matter into the soil. Currants, fueled by nitrogen, grow powerful bushes and delicious sweet berries.


Greens grow well in sunny or partial shade. Even if the currant shoots slightly shade the parsley, its yield will not change. Greens reproduce by self-sowing. The benefit for the bush is that parsley prevents the evaporation of moisture from the currant root circle.


These flowers not only decorate the garden, but also bring benefits. They act as a natural insecticide, repelling pests. In addition, marigolds restore depleted soil.


You can plant bulbous flowers around the bush: daffodils, tulips, hyacinths, muscari, crocuses. They bloom at a time when currants are just beginning to grow. After flowering, the ground part of the bulbous plants gradually dries out.

Why don't black and red get along?

There are 3 determining factors, after analyzing which it is easy to conclude: this neighborhood is possible or not.

  • General susceptibility to diseases or pests;
  • depressive properties, when some crops release unpleasant substances into the soil, take away most of the moisture, and shade the sun;
  • chemical superiority.

It is because of the last reason that currants cannot live happily nearby. Black currants contain a large amount of phytoncides compared to red currants. And such a neighborhood will negatively affect these species. The bushes will not die, and fruiting will decrease noticeably. Read about the best varieties of currants for the Urals here.

What plants should not be planted with currants?

You can start with the amazing rule that you cannot plant red and black currants together. The fact is that the first species loves the sun, while the second one feels good in the shade. Joint planting will not allow either of them to normally produce energy for fruit ripening.

Raspberries are demanding of “living space”, that is, they spread their roots to all resources, leaving nothing for the currants, as a result of which it simply withers and cannot bear fruit.

Gooseberries are not combined with black currants due to a common pest - the moth, which in this case multiplies at a monstrous speed. But planting it with red currants is absolutely safe.

Black currant does not work well with sea buckthorn - the developed root systems of the species will constantly compete for the extraction of nutrients from the soil.

If you plant cherries or sweet cherries next to black currants, the dark berries will not be affected, but the scarlet berries (cherries, cherries) will not form from the ovaries at all.

Even such a strong tree as apricot will not feel comfortable with currants of any color. Usually, in her company, the apricot does not even bloom the fragrant foam of its petals; it may also stop blooming or turn into a barren flower.

A bed of peppermint next to currants will soon wither, lacking the most important substances from the soil.

If you place currants and pears next to each other, the plants will begin to fight and the one that is lucky enough to be stronger in a particular case will suppress the development of the other.

Juniper should not be placed next to currants because it easily spreads fungal diseases, including the powerful rust.

The classic advice on combining species with currants is that they should be located at a distance of at least 2 meters from it.

And it is also worth emphasizing that black currants are, in principle, less “friendly” to their neighbors. In addition, it has a tendency to grow wildly, so timely pruning is mandatory for this crop. Red currant is much safer, because its root system is located at an average depth, which means it does not pose a threat at all to species with superficial roots.

Is it possible to plant different varieties side by side: will you like such a neighborhood on the site?

When planting crops, you must adhere to the following basic rules:

  1. do not plant plants of the same type together, since they have the same need for nutrients and moisture;
  2. do not combine tall and short crops, since tall ones will obscure the light. However, such a neighborhood is possible if the low-growing plant is shade-loving;
  3. take into account the depth of the roots, as they can release harmful substances into the ground, protecting their territory.

Black bush

Most currant varieties are self-pollinating, but if planted nearby, cross-pollination will allow you to get maximum yield and increase the size of the berries. Therefore, it makes sense to plant several varieties of shrubs of the same type on the site.

As for the availability of different varieties of red currants, it is important to take into account their characteristics:

  • red currants are more frost-resistant than black currants. It is not afraid of return frosts, since it manages to bloom by then;
  • both varieties love the sun, while the black one can grow in shady areas;
  • red currants easily tolerate drought, and its sister may get sick or die without water (if it is not watered on time);
  • black currants need additional care, but red currants can bear fruit well without outside intervention.

With red currants

All currently known varieties of red currant are self-fertile, however, like other horticultural crops, they produce significant yields with additional pollination by pollen of another variety.

Features of cultural compatibility

In gardening, there is a special method that can improve fruiting rates to a certain extent, as well as simplify crop care. This method involves planting species together that have a positive effect on each other. Very often this method is used for gooseberries and currants. Therefore, bushes of these varieties are almost always planted in close proximity to each other.

This juxtaposition of two different crops has positive aspects due to the fact that gooseberries and currants belong to the Saxifraga family and the genus Ribes. They are characterized by almost the same biological characteristics, which allows them to be grown using almost identical technology. In this regard, these plants are characterized by the following growing features:

  • the bushes begin to bear fruit approximately 2–3 years after the seedlings are planted in their permanent place of growth;
  • With proper planting and care, abundant and stable fruiting is observed from 2–3 years. When implementing agricultural technology, currants from one hectare yield up to 120 centners of berries, and gooseberries - up to 200 centners;
  • ease of care. After planting seedlings in the ground, minimal care is required, which consists of carrying out certain activities (pruning, watering, and so on);

  • bushes have high winter hardiness. Therefore, they are not afraid of temperature changes, which requires less work to prepare the bushes for wintering;
  • growing region - temperate latitudes. Both of these crops are often grown in the northern, central and eastern regions of Russia, as well as in northwestern Ukraine and Belarus.

In addition to the above points, currants and gooseberries are characterized by the following biological and morphological features:

  • shrubs that should have about 15–40 branches. These branches must be formed in different years;
  • currants and gooseberries can grow 1–2 meters in height;

  • the bushes have a fibrous root system. The main root mass (about 80%) is concentrated at a depth of approximately 10–40 cm. However, they rarely extend beyond the crown projection;
  • plants bloom quite early. Frosts are possible during their flowering period. Therefore, in order to get a bountiful harvest, it is necessary to plant self-fertile varieties in the garden plot. At the same time, you need to know that cross-pollination of both crops can significantly increase their yield;
  • The lifespan of gooseberry and currant plantings is about 12-18 years.

It has been proven that gooseberries go well with red currants. Both cultures show excellent compatibility. However, it is better not to plant gooseberries near black currants. The fact is that they have a common enemy - the gooseberry moth. Therefore, when attacking black currants, the parasites will spread to the gooseberries after some time.

Between these two cultures, in addition to common points, there are also some differences. For example, gooseberries are characterized by a high shoot-restorative ability. And also the resulting root growth leads to a strong thickening of the bushes. Therefore, caring for gooseberries will be more difficult than caring for currants.

To avoid severe thickening of the crown, gooseberries must be periodically pruned. The number of root shoots can be reduced to a minimum by mulching the ground with a large amount of manure. With good fertilization of bushes, you can increase the lifespan of its branches from 7–8 to 10 or more years.

The fruits of both crops are used fresh, as well as for preservation (jam, compotes), as well as winemaking.

This is interesting: Is it possible to plant different varieties of strawberries next to each other? Let’s take a closer look

Gooseberries and currants: features of planting together

Due to the fact that agrus and currant are closely related crops of the same species, they are characterized by their good compatibility when planted together.

Placement of gooseberry and currant bushes on the site depending on humidity and lighting

When planting currant and gooseberry bushes, you should adhere to certain rules when placing them.

The choice of planting site depends on the following factors:

Black currant is considered the most moisture-loving among all fruit bushes. Thus, the bush should be planted in places with good humidity, but stagnant water must be avoided. The plant does not require special attention to lighting and heat.

Unlike black currants, red currants, on the contrary, prefer drier and well-lit areas. Gooseberries, compared to currants, are a heat-loving plant that prefers illuminated areas with moderate humidity.

Black currants can be planted on various slopes, including northern ones. Red fruit shrubs are planted on southern, western, northwestern or southwestern slopes. This area is perfect for gooseberries, as is the case for red currants.

Calculation of the distance between currant and gooseberry bushes depending on the varieties and duration of fruiting

Calculating the correct distance between seedlings primarily depends on the duration of fruiting.

Conventionally, these intervals can be divided into two categories:

  1. If shrubs are adjacent to each other in the same area for up to 10–15 years, a distance of 1.2–1.5 m should be prepared. The interval between rows is 2 m.
  2. If the period of operation of the bushes is 5–7 years, then the permissible distance between seedlings is 1 m. As in the previous option, the gap between rows should be at least 2 m.

Agrus and currant bushes can grow side by side in one place for up to three decades. One should take into account the fact that these crops have different varieties, each of them has its own bush shape. For varieties with a small bush shape, a distance of 1–1.25 m is allowed. If the bush has a spreading shape, then an interval of 1.5 m should be maintained.

Preparing the soil for planting

Features of planting bushes of these fruit crops are associated with the following basic actions:

  1. The soil should be dug to a depth of 1.5 m.
  2. Be sure to fertilize the plantings with compost, ash or peat.

For convenience, a diagram of the required amount of fertilizer for the soil is given:

  • humus, mullein - 5 kg;
  • ash - 300 g;
  • potassium salt - 15 g;
  • superphosphate fertilizer - 60 g.

Digging up the soil plays an important role, as this will improve the flow of oxygen into the root system of the seedling and create a drainage layer of soil.

Attention should be paid to clearing the area of ​​plant debris that may contain pests that can harm the crop. If the area is significantly polluted, the area should be weeded twice a year.

Companion vegetables of currants and gooseberries

In a plot with agrus and currant bushes, it is possible to plant companion vegetables together.

  • You can select the following list of vegetables that can be planted next to these crops:
  • onion;
  • garlic;
  • tomatoes;
  • pepper.

Many gardeners do not recommend planting gooseberries with black currants, as opposed to the red variety, due to a common parasitic enemy - the gooseberry moth.

Thus, red currants and gooseberries are excellent neighbors that can bring a rich harvest for more than one year, which is why planting them together is becoming increasingly popular among gardeners.

Features of simultaneous agricultural technology

After planting agrus and currants, it is very important to pay attention to proper crop care, in particular watering, fertilizing and controlling diseases and pests. Due to their close relationship, similar agricultural technology is suitable for both crops, which allows the gardener to significantly save material resources and time.

Watering and fertilizing bushes

To retain moisture, the soil is mulched with peat or humus, and you can also use sand or soil to sprinkle in the hole. This technology is needed to avoid the crust that may form after watering.

Spring watering should be done 4-5 times. The optimal amount of water is 1 bucket per bush. In hot and dry weather, the number of procedures should be increased, and in case of persistent drought, it is recommended to repeat watering the seedlings in the fall.

Watering gooseberries has its own peculiarity. At the moment of partial ripening of the berries, the active phase of watering should be stopped so that the fruits gain enough sugar.

During the ovary period, feeding should be given once. An excellent material would be bird droppings or liquid manure diluted with water. One bush will require 1-2 buckets.

Dilution is carried out according to the following scheme:

  • bird droppings - 10 times;
  • manure - 3 times.

The option of mineral fertilizer is also possible (45 kg per 1 ha). The peculiarity of fertilizing gooseberries, compared to currants, is that agrus needs more potassium. The fertilizing process is carried out by adding it to grooves 10–12 cm deep along the rows. Distance - 30 cm from the base of the bushes.

Rules for caring for currants:

Disease and pest control

Currants and gooseberries are subject to the same misfortunes, and therefore the same technology for controlling diseases and pests is suitable for them. In order to prevent plant diseases and parasites, shrubs should be sprayed with insecticides.

One of the simplest methods is to pour boiling water over the bushes, which kills pests without harming the kidneys. Regular diagnostics of crops allows you to quickly identify the problem with little loss of yield.

When using certain products to treat currant and agrus bushes, you must strictly adhere to the instructions and proportions so as not to cause more harm to the crops.

Soil preparation

Once the site has been selected, before the seedlings are planted, it must be prepared as follows:

  • It’s good to dig the ground to a depth of 40 cm;

  • add fertilizers (compost, mullein, peat soil, ash, and so on). Each type of fertilizer is applied to the soil in a certain ratio. The soil pH should be in the range from 5.5 to 7. For this, certain types of fertilizers and dolomite flour are used.

During preparation, the following types of fertilizers should be added to the ground per 1 square meter. m. landing:

  • compost, humus or manure – 4–6 kilograms;
  • potassium salt – 15 grams;
  • wood ash – 300 grams;
  • superphosphate – 60 grams.

Preparing the soil of the area where these crops can be planted is carried out in the fall (the first half of October), when the crops have already been harvested from the beds.

Before working with soil, its surface must be cleared of all plant debris. You need to rake up all the remains of plants, as well as branches, and burn them. The fact is that they may contain pathogens and pests, which thus wait out the winter. If plant residues are not burned, in the spring they can become a source of infections and a breeding ground for parasites.

Digging the site performs the following functions:

  • creates good drainage;
  • allows air to easily penetrate the root system of seedlings planted after preparing the site;
  • makes it possible to apply fertilizers to a certain depth;
  • simplifies the procedure for removing weeds from the site. If the soil is heavily clogged, it is recommended to dig twice a year (in spring and autumn). Experienced gardeners also advise planting vegetable crops in such a plot or leaving it fallow for one year.

In addition to autumn, spring site preparation is also allowed. In this case, all the activities described above are carried out several weeks before the purchased seedlings can be planted in the ground. However, it is best to prepare the selected area in the fall so that the applied fertilizers can be transferred into the form necessary for the plants.

Before planting currants and gooseberries, it is necessary to create a layout of the prepared area. This will avoid the appearance of furrows, holes and depressions. To do this, after digging and applying fertilizer, the ground must be well leveled, creating a flat surface.

Garter bushes

Bush tying is an important process when growing fruit bushes.

  • The need for this action is due to the following reasons:
  • the support of the bush cannot cope with the heavy weight;
  • with damaged branches;
  • for convenience during collection;
  • fragility of branches due to the age of the crop.

Fixing currant and gooseberry bushes does not require special and expensive materials. The easiest way is to use ties and supports. Wooden pegs are perfect for supports. At least 5-6 pegs are fixed near the bushes and branches are tied to them with strings.

At what distance should currants be planted from each other? Conditions for growing currants

When choosing a place to plant currants, you need to take into account the characteristics of this plant. One of them is that it loves sunlight very much. Of course, this plant is quite unpretentious and is quite capable of surviving if the area is in the shade. However, the yield will be much lower than usual.

There are other conditions that affect the yield of berry bushes. Swampy soils are contraindicated for it. It is also undesirable if the site is in a lowland and waterlogging occurs after rain. It is unacceptable when the groundwater is too high. In the case when the depth to them is less than one meter, it is not recommended to plant currants.

Black currant

This does not contradict the fact that the plant needs abundant watering. However, if the soil is swampy, this can lead to rotting of the roots. To prevent this from happening, it is advisable to drain the soil. For this purpose, you can arrange grooves around the plants to drain water, and also make a layer of sand in the soil.

Important! You should not plant bushes next to apple trees or other fruit trees. They will suppress each other's development

Also, when planting and growing, you need to avoid cold northern winds. This can be done by choosing the right location or by planting plants that will provide protection from the wind. For this purpose, for example, you can use corn plantings.

Not only the type of soil is of great importance, but also the condition of the seedlings. It is considered normal when there are from three to five skeletal roots (their length should be from 15 to 20 centimeters), the aerial part includes one or two sprouts.

The best neighbors for gooseberries in the garden

Choosing good neighbors for garden plants is a very responsible task. The correct arrangement of crops on the site will not only significantly facilitate the work life of the summer resident, but will also increase the productivity of the berry garden and reduce the risk of diseases and damage by pests.

What can you plant next to gooseberries? Favorable neighbors are plants that do not compete with it for food, have different root system structures that allow them to extract moisture from the soil at different depths, do not shade each other and are not affected by the same infections.

Among garden crops, the most suitable companions for gooseberries are their other varieties: with mutual cross-pollination, more ovaries are formed . This will have a positive effect on the future harvest: there will be more berries, they will become larger and tastier.

Gooseberries and red currants are compatible. Although the bushes are attacked by the same insect pests, the currant does not “eat” its neighbor, leaving a sufficient amount of nutrients in the soil. It prefers slightly dry soil and well-lit areas and requires similar care.

Reference. Honeysuckle roots release biologically active components into the soil that are beneficial for gooseberries.

Blackberries are not the most popular berry in summer cottages. Its compatibility with other plants has been poorly studied. According to some experimental gardeners, gooseberries and blackberries can coexist quite successfully in the same area.

Among the herbs, sage, lemon balm, basil and mint are planted next to gooseberries, but hyssop and fennel will inhibit the development of the bush.

Gooseberry bush. Reasons for pruning

The reasons why gardeners resort to pruning gooseberries may be as follows:

  • Rejuvenation of plantings. A gooseberry bush that has reached the age of 8 years is considered old. To extend its life and maintain fruiting, gardeners often resort to anti-aging pruning. The fact is that the root system of the bush and its above-ground parts are in a proportional relationship. Removing part of the shoots or shortening them stimulates a strong flow of energy from the roots to the branches, which, in turn, form new stems that have dense foliage and are capable of abundant flowering.
  • Increased productivity. Gooseberries are distinguished by their ability to form a large number of new shoots in a relatively short time. If they are not thinned out, the crown will become too thick, which will negatively affect pollination and fruit set. Ridding gooseberries of excess branches and creating a well-ventilated crown will make pollination more accessible and efficient.
  • Preventive measures. Gooseberries, like other garden crops, are susceptible to various diseases, many of which are caused by excessive thickening of the bush (especially fungal diseases). Pruning will provide all shoots with good ventilation, sufficient sunlight and will help avoid or reduce contact between healthy branches and diseased ones.
  • Crown formation. Pruning for this purpose is carried out in several stages and is a necessary measure to ensure the favorable development of the bush.

Neutral neighborhood

Each plant secretes substances that inhibit some species, have a positive effect on others, and have no effect on others.

The proximity to an apple tree, cherry tree, and plum tree makes no difference to the gooseberry. The roots of these fruit crops are much deeper, so they will not extract all the moisture from under the gooseberries. By choosing such a neighborhood, you cannot save space.

It is recommended to place plants at a distance of at least 2-3 m from each other, so that the wide crowns of fruit trees do not shade small berry gardens. Lack of light leads to a decrease in their productivity.

Fruit trees and berry bushes get along well while they are all young. Mature trees crowd out gooseberries.

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