Cucumber Serpentine - description and characteristics of an early ripening variety

Cucumber Serpentine is a high-yielding, early-ripening variety. According to its characteristics and agricultural technology features, it is considered one of the best solutions for growing in open and closed ground in the climatic conditions of the middle zone and the Siberian region. Excellent consumer qualities, good preservation and transportability have made the variety in demand among sellers of vegetable products. And high productivity, early ripeness and low maintenance requirements ensured popularity among farmers and amateur gardeners.


Serpentine belongs to the plants of the indeterminate type; its vines grow up to 2 meters in length and require tying to a support. If desired, you can leave them untied, allowing them to weave along the surface of the earth in any direction. But such a horizontal arrangement significantly reduces the access of light and air to the fruits, which can negatively affect their quality and yield as a whole.

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Cucumbers of this variety are among the first to ripen. From planting to the appearance of fruits at the stage of technical maturity, an average of 40 days pass. If weather conditions are suitable for early planting, then harvesting can begin in June.

Pollination of flowers occurs with the help of wind or insects. If cucumbers are grown in a greenhouse, then this procedure must be carried out artificially. Since male and female flowers grow on the same bush, it is necessary to transfer pollen from the stamens to the pistils with a cotton swab or cotton swab. The process is quite labor-intensive, so Serpentine is grown mainly in open ground.

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Cucumber variety Serpentine

As you know, varieties of cucumbers are divided into salad, pickling and the most popular - universal. These include Serpentine, bred in 1995 at the West Siberian Vegetable Experimental Station of the All-Russian Research Institute of Vegetable Growing. Authorship assigned to L.G. Savinova, N.T. Belonosova, V.G. Vysochinin and A.A. Rybalko. In 1999, the new product was included in the State Register of Breeding Achievements of Russia. Admission was obtained in the following regions: Central, Central Black Earth, Volga-Vyatka, East Siberian, West Siberian. Cucumber is suitable for growing in open ground and under film covers in private farms. Over the years of cultivation, it has gained popularity in Moldova and Ukraine. Not a hybrid.

Description of the variety

The plant is of an indeterminate type, up to 2 meters high, and therefore needs a garter. The bush is characterized by climbing and medium foliage. The shoots are strong. The leaf is green, medium in size, angular-heart-shaped, slightly dissected, the surface is slightly wrinkled, rough. The Serpentine flowering type is mixed, male and female flowers appear in equal numbers. The type of ovary is fascicular. The fruits are elongated-ovate, large tubercles are not too densely located, the pubescence is black, the ribbing is weakly expressed. The skin is dense, but not hard. The color of greens is light green, with blurry, barely visible stripes. The cucumber pulp is juicy, very crunchy, refreshing, without bitterness. The taste is good and excellent, sweetish, with a specific taste and a pleasant aftertaste. The length of the greens is 9.3 - 9.6 cm, diameter - 3.6 - 3.9 cm. Weight 81 - 115 grams.


  • Serpentine is an early ripening plant. Due to the fact that he is one of the very first to sing, he enjoys well-deserved success among summer residents. From the moment of emergence of seedlings to the start of harvesting, only 36 - 40 days pass; with average planting times, fruits can be harvested as early as June;
  • The yield of marketable products is excellent. According to the State Register, in the Central Black Earth region it amounted to 129 - 222 c/ha, which is 15 - 51 c/ha higher than that of the Reliable and Brigadny F1 varieties taken as the standard. In the Western Siberian region, this figure is slightly higher - 173 - 352 c/ha, but is on par with the Altai Early 166 and Druzhina F1 standards. The maximum yield is shown in the Omsk region - 377 c/ha (at the standard level). Translating the indicators into measures that are more accessible to a simple gardener, we can say with confidence that the yield per square meter will be about 5 kg;
  • The growing season is short, the cucumber yields its harvest early and quickly. So, during the first ten days of fruiting in the Central Black Earth region, our hero gave 15 - 51 c/ha (standards did not receive a harvest during this period). In the West Siberian region, 51 - 69 c/ha were collected, while the standard indicators were 27 - 75 c/ha;
  • the yield of commercial products of Serpentine is 75 - 94%;
  • It is recommended to collect fruits every 2 - 3 days;
  • immunity is average. There is susceptibility to powdery mildew and bacteriosis, which can lead to the death of the plant;
  • The variety is bee-pollinated, so it is not suitable for growing in closed greenhouses. Natural pollinators of cucumbers are bees and bumblebees;
  • the adaptive abilities of the culture are high. Vegetable growers have praised Serpentine's ability to withstand night frosts on the soil, which often occur in cool regions;
  • Another remarkable quality of the crop is its good drought resistance;
  • transportability is excellent. The fruits perfectly retain their presentation even after long-term transportation. Keeping quality, subject to storage standards, is good. It should be noted that cucumbers do not turn yellow during storage;
  • the versatility of using the harvest will suit any housewife. Once again, it is worth noting that cucumbers have a pronounced taste that goes well in salads with other vegetables. Small size, elastic and dense pulp - these qualities make this variety stand out among other varieties suitable for pickling and canning.

Agricultural technology

Serpentine is valuable because it can be sown directly into the ground. The procedure is carried out as soon as the threat of return frosts has passed, and the soil has warmed up to +10°C, or better yet +12°C. Typically this period falls in mid-May - early June. To create comfortable conditions for seeds to germinate, the bed can be covered with cellophane. In cool areas, vegetable growers prefer growing crops through seedlings. The time for sowing seeds is April or early May. And seedlings are transplanted in May - June. As can be seen from the timing, the seedling option is more profitable in terms of obtaining an earlier harvest. But when transplanting, you should take into account the fragility of cucumber seedlings and perform all actions with extreme caution. Planting pattern: 50 cm between bushes, 50 cm row spacing. Maintaining crop rotation will increase the plant's resistance to diseases and improve yields. The best predecessors are cabbage, onions, garlic, and legumes. The variety loves watering, it should be plentiful, but not excessive, the soil should have time to dry out slightly before the next moistening. Fertilizing is carried out with universal fertilizers or organic matter.

Serpentine was highly appreciated by the country's vegetable growers. The plant does not fail in cool areas, tolerates short dry periods, and is absolutely unpretentious in care. The elegant appearance of the fruits, their universal use, high yield, and most importantly, early ripeness - all this makes the variety one of the most attractive for summer residents. An undoubted advantage is the ability to independently prepare seed. Over many years of cultivation, no significant deficiencies have been identified in the variety. But there is still a minus - given the possibility of infection by certain diseases, it is not recommended to skip scheduled preventive treatments. Another small drawback is that young cucumbers must be thoroughly cleaned of black thorns before use.

Main characteristics

The bushes have very good parameters for cucumber crops:

  • shoots – strong, climbing, medium-leafy, up to 2 m long;
  • leaves are not too large, slightly dissected, with moderate roughness and slight wrinkles on the surface;
  • flowering - monoecious type with the same number of staminate and pistillate flowers;
  • ovaries - formed in bunches.

The fruits also have excellent characteristics:

  • average length – 9.65 cm;
  • diameter – 3.8–4 cm;
  • weight – 80–120 g;
  • shape – oval-elongated;
  • the surface is slightly ribbed, coarsely lumpy, covered with black spines;
  • the skin of the fruit is bright green, with moderate density, but without hardness;
  • the pulp is juicy, with pronounced crunchiness;
  • taste – sweetish, without bitterness, with a fresh cucumber aroma.

The fruits ripen very quickly, so they need to be collected every other day at most to prevent overgrowth. Although overripe specimens do not have a tendency to turn yellow, they are valued less than small young green ones. The harvested crop is well stored and can be stored in a cool place for up to 15 days without changing the structure or losing commercial qualities.


The variety has high yields, but its averages differ slightly depending on the climate of the area. For example, when grown on an industrial scale in the Central Black Earth region, 130–220 c/ha are collected, in the Western Siberian District – 170–350, and in the Omsk region – 375.

See also the article about the Khrustishka F1 cucumber

In garden plots and summer cottages, the yield is measured in smaller units and amounts to 5 kg per bush or up to 20 kg per 1 square meter. m per season. The yield of marketable products is 85–94%.

Characteristics and productivity of the cucumber variety “Serpentine f1”

The hybrid variety Serpentine F1 was bred by Russian breeders at the Federal Scientific Center for Vegetable Growing. Tests of the vegetable crop were carried out over 4 years. In 1999, the variety was included in the state register of breeding achievements of Russia. Recommended for cultivation in the West Siberian, East Siberian, Volga-Vyatka, Central, Central Black Earth regions of the Russian Federation. It can be cultivated in open and closed ground.

general characteristics

Early ripening hybrid. The first fruits appear 36-40 days after germination of the seed material. When planting seeds in early May, the first fruits can be harvested by mid-June. The bushes are indeterminate, the length of the vines reaches two meters. Plants have medium foliage. The leaves are rich green in color, with a characteristic heart-shaped shape. The surface is rough to the touch. The ovary is formed in bunches. Female and male flowers are produced in equal proportions. The stems are powerful.

The greens are elongated, the tubercles on the skin are large, dark in color. The color of cucumbers is light green. The pulp is crispy, juicy, with a small number of seed chambers. The taste of greens is sweetish, with a distinctive refreshing aftertaste. The length of the fruit reaches 8-10 centimeters. The originator claims an average weight of 80-115 g. There is no bitterness in vegetables. Productivity on an industrial scale is 120-352 c/ha. Growing cucumbers at home, returns from 1 m² were recorded.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Over the years of existence of the Serpentine variety, it has become the favorite of more than one gardener. Vegetable growers highlighted both advantages and disadvantages. The advantages include:

  • short period of ripening of greens;
  • universal use in cooking;
  • unpretentiousness to growing conditions and climate;
  • has resistance to the main range of diseases;
  • high yields despite unfavorable weather conditions;
  • plants tolerate morning frosts;
  • drought-resistant;
  • does not lose its presentation and taste for a long time. Excellent transportability over long distances.

The disadvantages of vegetable crops are:

  • is susceptible to bacteriosis and powdery mildew;
  • Seeds cannot be collected and replanted in the garden.

Treatment of plants for diseases

Resistance to diseases and pests

The Serpentine variety is susceptible to bacteriosis and powdery mildew. In order to prevent plants from getting sick, it is necessary to carry out constant care, carry out preventive spraying with folk remedies or preparations of biological origin. To treat plants, it is recommended to use:

  1. From bacteriosis. As a preventive measure, treat the seeds before planting with Fitolavin.

    Dissolve 2 ml of the substance in 1 liter of water at room temperature. Soak the planting material in the resulting solution for 1 hour. After that, plant the seeds in the garden or in pots for seedlings. For treatment, prepare a solution based on 20 ml of the drug and 10 liters of water. Phytolavine can be treated no more than twice per season.

Area of ​​application of fruits

Greens of the Serpentine variety are universal in use. They perfectly retain the structure of the pulp during short heat treatment, so they are suitable for pickling and preparing various salads for the winter. These cucumbers are also consumed lightly salted, salted and fresh, added to salads, snacks, sandwiches and other dishes.

Diseases and pests

The immunity of the variety is average. Under favorable climatic conditions and proper agricultural technology, he rarely gets sick. But any violations increase the risk of being affected by the main infections and pests of a given crop.

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The most common diseases encountered in Serpentine are:

  1. Powdery mildew . The green parts of the plants become covered with whitish spots that spread quickly. The risk of injury increases significantly with high humidity and large temperature changes. Infected leaves and shoots are removed, and watering and feeding of the plants is stopped. For treatment, spray (once a week until signs disappear) with a solution of copper sulfate (15–20 g per 5 l), soda (30–40 g per 5 l) with soap shavings, potassium permanganate (2–3 g per 5 l ) or treated with Topaz fungicide according to the instructions.
  2. Ascochytasis . It appears on the leaves in the form of small light spots that quickly grow and acquire a brown tint. Then the shoots and fruits are affected. Irrigation with warm water and pre-sowing seed disinfection help prevent infection. To destroy the causative fungus, use a solution with the addition of copper sulfate and chalk in equal quantities.

To treat these and any other fungal infections at more serious stages, fungicidal preparations are used (except during the fruiting period). Among the viral diseases in cucumbers, root rot occurs, which affects the root system, after which the entire plant dies. Such diseases cannot be treated. For prevention, you should follow the rules of watering, remove weeds in a timely manner and prevent the plantings from becoming dense.

How to save cucumbers from powdery mildew

Pests of cucumber include aphids, root-knot nematodes and spider mites. Against aphids, the bushes are sprayed with a soap solution with the addition of crushed ash, as well as infusions of tobacco, onion peels or garlic. The root-knot nematode is removed from the site along with the top layer of soil 50 cm high, and if this method is not available, it is spilled with boiling water or a saturated solution of potassium permanganate. Spider mites and other insect pests are destroyed using the specified ash-soap solution or insecticides.

Cucumbers of the "Serpentine" variety

Cucumber Serpentine is an early-ripening, productive variety. The first greens from the bush can be removed after 36 - 38 days from the moment of emergence. It is customary to sow seeds from May 10 to June 10. Summer residents begin to collect tasty vegetables that are suitable for preparing fresh salads and for preserving for the winter from the first days of July.

Technical description of the Serpentine cucumber variety

The Serpentine varietal cucumber is characterized by high yield. This crop is pollinated, its flowering type is mixed. Medium-sized climbing bushes have an average degree of foliage. The ovary of the plants is fascicular. According to the description, the yield indicator for the Serpentine cucumber variety is 4 - 5 kg per square meter.

Zelentsy can be described as elongated-ovoid with crispy, pleasant-tasting flesh. Vegetables do not leave a bitter aftertaste. The skin of greens is coarsely tuberous, slightly ribbed with blurry stripes. The pubescence is black. The length of the cucumbers is small - 9.3 - 9.6 cm. Weight varies between 70 - 75 g.

Pros and cons of the variety

The Serpentine cucumber variety has a number of advantages:

  • Precocity.
  • Drought and disease resistance.
  • Excellent taste and product quality.
  • Possibility of growing in the garden and in the greenhouse.
  • Combination of salad and preservative properties.
  • Stability under short-term temperature drops.
  • Possibility of cultivating cucumber in central Russia and western Siberia (in cold regions, planting dates are shifted by 10 days).

There are practically no disadvantages to Serpentine cucumbers. Unless the summer resident does not like to loosen the beds often - bushes like a sufficient amount of air in the soil.

Growing and care

You can start sowing seeds when the threat of night frosts has passed and the soil will consistently maintain a temperature of +10 - 12°C. The recommended sowing pattern is 50 x 50 cm. A pattern of 70 x 30 cm is acceptable. The depth of planting material is 3–4 cm.

Plants demonstrate high productivity on fertile, drained soils that are deficient in nitrogen. Soils that are too acidic must be limed.

You can grow cucumbers both under film and in the open air, alternating planting Serpentine with cultivating onions, peppers, potatoes or cabbage. All vegetables thrive in loamy soils, but require regular aeration. To provide an air environment, rotten leaves or sawdust are added to the bowels of the earth before planting.

Cucumbers of the Serpentine variety are not demanding in terms of care. Plantations with bushes do not need frequent moistening, but the plants should still be watered as the soil dries out. Watering is carried out in the evenings with warm water. It is recommended to feed the plants with diluted manure or urea once every 10 days. With such simple care, the summer resident will receive a stable harvest of cucumbers even in a dry summer.

In Siberian conditions, growing and caring for Serpentine cucumbers occurs similarly to the regions of the European Black Earth Region. Northerners can transport crops to any distance without fear of damage to the marketable greens. Many summer residents who specialize in growing cucumbers have already appreciated the advantages and tempting taste of vegetables, and Serpentine seems to them a win-win option in agricultural technology.

Advantages and disadvantages

Serpentine has many advantages, including:

  • rapid ripening in the earliest stages;
  • high productivity;
  • relative resistance to infections and pests;
  • low maintenance requirements;
  • possibility of growing in different climates;
  • universal application;
  • good shelf life, possibility of long-term transportation;
  • high germination of seeds when collected independently;
  • excellent taste and other consumer characteristics.

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The only disadvantage of the variety is the presence of many thorns on the surface of the fruit. Because of this, they should only be collected with gloves and washed with a brush to remove thorns before use.

Planting and care

Serpentine seeds can be sown directly into the garden bed, but it is very important to observe the correct timing. Sowing is carried out after the onset of stable warmth and the passing of the threat of night frosts. At this point, the soil should warm up to +10°C...+12°C, which is usually typical for the second half of May or the first ten days of June, depending on the region.

If planting time is running out and the soil has not yet warmed up sufficiently, then cover the bed with black film for several days. It will attract the sun's rays and provide increased heating of the surface.

In regions with a cool climate, the seedling planting method is used. In this case, the seeds are sown in containers in the second half of April - early May, so that by the specified date of planting in the ground (late May - early June) the seedlings are completely ready and do not outgrow. This method allows you to get an earlier harvest, but requires special care when handling cucumber seedlings, since the seedlings are very fragile and are easily damaged by the slightest impact, and also do not tolerate replanting well. To minimize such problems, they are planted exclusively in individual containers, ideally in peat cups or washers (tablets), from which the sprouts do not need to be removed.

The planting area should be well lit and protected from strong winds or drafts. When choosing it, it is necessary to take into account crop rotation so that cucumbers do not grow repeatedly in one place. The best predecessors are considered to be nightshades and legumes, onions, garlic, cabbage, and green manure. The soil in the garden should be loamy with neutral or weak acidity. If necessary, it is deoxidized with dolomite flour.

The bed preparation is carried out in the fall:

  • the area cleared of weeds and plant debris is dug up with a bayonet;
  • When digging, complex fertilizers are applied (per 1 sq. m - a bucket of humus and 200 g of wood ash).

Related article:

How to deal with aphids on cucumbers

In the spring, another set of events is held:

  • the soil is loosened or dug up and disinfected with a solution of potassium permanganate;
  • form planting furrows;
  • a small layer of humus is placed on the bottom, then a layer of peat;
  • cover with a dark film and leave for a week, providing increased heating;
  • then the seeds are sown in these furrows.

Pre-sowing seed treatment should include:

  • disinfection by soaking for 1–2 hours in a solution of potassium permanganate;
  • germination between two layers of damp cloth, which are placed in a bag to retain moisture.

Seeds treated in this way are sown in the ground or for seedlings. In any case, planting in the garden bed is carried out according to the 50x50 cm pattern.

Care after landing

Further care should include the following activities:

  • watering - immediately after planting every other day, after rooting of seedlings - once a week, with the beginning of fruiting - twice a week;
  • loosening - immediately after watering or rain, to prevent the formation of an earthen crust that impairs air access to the roots;
  • tying lashes to trellises pre-installed between rows;
  • pinching the main stem after 8 leaves appear on it, which will ensure the regrowth of side shoots;
  • fertilizing - adding organic matter 4 times per season (bird droppings diluted in water in a ratio of 25:1 or cow manure - 10:1), as well as potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen additives.

It is also advisable to hill up the bushes, raking wet soil under them while loosening. On both sides of the row it is necessary to form an earthen bank about 7 cm high.

Useful to read: When and how to plant cucumbers?

With such simple care, the Serpentine cucumber will develop well and give the highest possible yields. And the fruits themselves will be juicy, crispy and very tasty.

Reviews, who planted

Below are reviews from those who planted Serpentine cucumber. After reading them, you will understand all the advantages of the variety and the secrets of its cultivation.

Olga, Gorno-Altaisk.

Vyacheslav, Ekaterinburg

Igor, Izhevsk

Gregory, Penza.

Marina, Voronezh.

Galina, Moscow

Natalya, Saransk

Elena, Kazan

Many vegetable growers note good fruiting of the variety. They appreciated the comfort in the process of caring for vegetables.

Kirill, Arkhangelsk

I am a novice gardener; I have been growing cucumbers recently, for 3 years. Last year, on the recommendation of my aunt, I tried to plant a cucumber crop - the Serpentine hybrid. In general, I was pleased. The sprouts sprouted evenly and did not require any special care; I watered and weeded as needed. The wife fertilized and loosened the soil. Yes, the hybrid is unpretentious in care and the yield is high, this won me over. They pickled the cucumbers and ate them all winter.

Nika, Ekaterinburg

We have no summer time, it’s either hot or cold. There may be heat, or maybe during the whole season there will be a couple of times during the whole season, maybe a couple of weeks, and the rest of the time there will be downpours. My mother-in-law recommended planting this hybrid. Our gardens are neighboring, so the composition of the soil is approximately the same, so I didn’t mind. I planted just a few bushes to test, and they all took root well and produced healthy, strong shoots. As a result, the harvest of gherkins was not only huge, but also considerable.

Kristina, Tver

Despite the fact that the seeds are one-time, the plant gives a good harvest. A few years ago, of course, it was simpler; I bought it from what I had and was glad. Today you can spend hours choosing, studying the properties of cucumbers. I chose Serpentine at random, I just decided to try it and I don’t regret it. Growing cucumbers is not difficult, the yield is excellent, and I don’t really chase after it, I don’t need much on my own, I also treat my neighbors with preparations.

In a situation where the necessary recommendations are not followed, the vegetable grower will be disappointed - the seedlings will simply be “sick” and the harvest will suffer. However, with meticulous care, the plant crop will provide juicy and healthy fruits for a long time. The long growing season, as well as its unpretentiousness, makes this hybrid the best choice. Cucumber is ideal for those who cannot spend every day in the garden.

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