peach leaves
How to treat peach curl, methods of control and processing rules
Characteristics of the disease Peach curl is caused by a vocal fungus (Taphrina), belonging to the order Taphrina. Fungus penetrates
Planting tomato seedlings in open ground: when to plant, terms and time, planting scheme, soil preparation, step-by-step instructions
Timing when to plant The timing of planting tomato seedlings in open ground depends on the growing region
10 Golden Rules for when and how to plant eggplant seedlings in 2022 according to the lunar calendar
Growing eggplants is not an easy process. Plants are demanding and fragile, it is important to follow some rules. One
The original “master” of greenhouses and open beds is the Chinese Emperor F1 cucumber: a detailed description of the variety
Cucumber Chinese Emperor F1 is an original hybrid whose appearance will not leave anyone indifferent.
Tomato variety Black pineapple: photo and description
The favorite of those with a sweet tooth is the Black Pineapple tomato: detailed characteristics of the variety
The Black Pineapple tomato is called exotic because of its unusual color. Thanks to its great taste and rich
yellow zebra
Description of Zebra tomato of different colors and characteristics of the variety
Green Zebra is a special variety, distinguished by its uniqueness and incredible taste. This is a mid-season species
cucumbers Red mullet photo 4
Red Mullet cucumbers F1: description, reviews, photos, yield, cultivation
When growing cucumbers in greenhouses, it is important to choose the right variety. The good hybrid Red Mullet F1 is recognized
Be sure to prepare bags for planting
How to plant cucumbers in bags of soil - description, video
What is the success of this planting method? Strange at first glance, growing a vegetable garden in plastic containers
Photo 1
Varietal apple tree Ural bulk: description and photo
Apple tree Ural bulk. Description In the 40s of the twentieth century, in the Chelyabinsk nursery, Professor P.A.
Homemade canning of sliced ​​cucumbers
Pickled, sliced ​​cucumbers - the most delicious recipes for preparing for the winter
See the article for recipes for winter preparations. In the essay you will learn how to preserve cut
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