Characteristics and description of the Koenigsberg tomato - reviews and photos of the variety, yield of varieties, cultivation features
Features of cultivation Start sowing Koenigsberg golden tomatoes 55–65 days before planting
The fastest ripening and hardiest cucumber - Cheetah F1: description and characteristics of the variety
Today the seed market offers us such a variety of cucumber varieties and hybrids that we can get confused
Strawberry Temptation (pictured) is called an ampelous variety that can be grown at home, as well as in open and protected ground
Remontant and slightly decorative strawberry variety “Temptation f1”
Reviews from gardeners Video Among the new products actively advertised on the berry market, summer residents are especially in demand
grandma's secret
Cucumber Grandma's secret F1: description and characteristics of the variety. Cucumbers Grandma's secret f1: reviews, photos, yield, nuances of growing
History of selection Cucumber Grandma's secret f1 is a real surprise from Russian breeders, created
Tomatoes Figs pink, red, yellow: description of varieties with photos. Tomato Fig: reviews, photos, yield, nuances of cultivation.
History of selection Tomato Red Fig was bred in 2012, the originator is the Gavrish seed company
'Advantages and secrets of growing mid-season, disease- and pest-resistant tomato "Korneevsky"' width="800
Advantages and secrets of growing mid-season, disease- and pest-resistant tomato “Korneevsky”
It’s easy to guess which vegetable is the most popular in our country: of course, it’s the tomato! Breeded by breeders
Cucumbers A summer resident's dream
Cucumbers A summer resident's dream - characteristics, rules of planting and care
It’s worth starting the description of the cucumber variety Summer Resident’s Dream with a long fruiting period. Subject to agricultural technology
An outstanding new product from Siberian breeders - Vyuga cabbage: description of the variety and characteristics
Proof that cabbage was grown in Rus' back in the 11th century are records in
raspberry heritage
Malina Heritage is a worthy contender for a place in the sun
For more than 50 years, since 1969, the unpretentious and high-yielding Heritage raspberry has been grown.
Red blooming rose in the garden
Shrub roses - description and name of varieties with photos. Growing and planting homemade bush roses in the garden and pot
Every owner of a garden or summer cottage wants his territory to look beautiful. For this
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