How to grow Bogdan pepper on your own plot: review and secrets of getting a rich harvest

What kind of pepper is this

Bogdan is a first generation pepper hybrid . It was bred by domestic breeders as a result of crossing 2 varieties, as evidenced by the designation F1.

The hybrid has not yet been included in the state register of selection achievements . This does not make it less popular, since Bogdan seeds are produced by many manufacturers.

Note! Not all gardeners like pepper hybrids, since the seeds from their harvest are not used for planting. From such planting material, plants grow not with hybrid, but with parental characteristics.

Distinctive features of Bogdan

Bogdan is distinguished by large bright yellow or orange fruits . They are fleshy, with thick walls. This allows you to use pepper not only for fresh consumption, but also for canning, freezing and preparing hot dishes.

Bright yellow fruits have a high content of beta-carotene . They contain a lot of vitamins P, C and lycopene. Its use has a positive effect on the liver, cardiovascular system and skin condition. Recommended for use by children and people suffering from vitamin deficiency.

The hybrid has increased immunity to diseases of nightshade crops . This property reduces the need to treat plants with chemicals and makes it possible to obtain an environmentally friendly harvest.

The negative features of the hybrid include poor tolerance of low air temperatures. It is grown in open ground only in the southern regions.

Note! The hybrid is characterized by increased resistance to heat and drought.

Main characteristics

Bogdan is characterized as a disease-resistant and easy-to-care hybrid . It gives a rich harvest and does not require pinching.

Description of the hybrid Bogdan:

Bush typeLow, semi-standard. Height varies between 55-65 cm. The leaves are dark green and medium in size. High productivity is ensured by the branching of the bush. The stems are thick and powerful, covered with a medium amount of foliage. The leaf blade is dark green, ordinary. The inflorescences are simple.
Growing methodThe hybrid is not cold-resistant. In the southern regions it is grown in open ground. In regions with cool and temperate climates, Bogdan is cultivated under film covers and in greenhouses.
ProductivityHigh. Up to 6 bushes are allowed per 1 m². In this case, an average of 12 kg of fruit is harvested from 1 m².
FruitLarge ones. The weight of one fruit reaches 250 g. The shape of the pepper is cone-shaped, the length varies between 12-15 cm with a width of 8-9 cm. There is mild ribbing over the entire area. The color is yellow or orange inside and outside. The taste is sweet, with a slight sourness. There is no bitterness even when unripe. The wall thickness is 6-8 cm. The flesh is juicy and crispy.
TransportabilityHigh. Peppers are suitable for transport over long distances and can be stored for more than a month.
Ripening timeEarly ripening hybrid. The harvest is ready for harvest 100-105 days after sowing the seeds.
Disease resistanceHigh. There is immunity to most diseases characteristic of nightshade crops.

Description and characteristics of the variety

Bogdan pepper is part of the line of early varieties. It is distinguished by large colorful fruits. Cultivated in covered and open beds. A semi-standard crop that forms semi-spreading bushes with shoots 60–65 cm long.

It takes 100–105 days to ripen from germination to harvest. Fruiting lasts throughout the season.

Bogdan sweet pepper produces surprisingly tasty fruits, fleshy and juicy. The peppers have a bright orange-yellow color, with a glossy skin. Fruit parameters:

  • average weight - 200–250 g
  • , maximum weight - 300 g;
  • length - 15 cm;
  • diameter - 9–10 cm;
  • pericarp - 6–8 mm.

The fruits have a convenient cone shape (for stuffing, canning, freezing). Peppers are used to prepare stews, stuffed dishes, and add to soups. Lecho, sauces, adjika with peppers have an exquisite taste.

Preparation for cultivation

Manufacturers often treat Bogdan seeds in the factory . This planting material is painted green or orange. Processing information will be indicated on the packaging.

If the seeds are not processed at the factory, then gardeners do this at home. Preparation of planting material includes the following points :

  1. Checking seeds for germination . They are soaked in a salt solution prepared from 1 tsp. salt 1 glass of water. After half an hour the result is checked. The germination of seeds that have not sunk to the bottom is questionable. They are not used for sowing.
  2. Disinfection of planting material . The seeds are soaked in a light pink solution of potassium permanganate for half an hour, hydrogen peroxide for 15 minutes, or in a soda solution (1 teaspoon per 1 glass of water) for 12 hours. After that, they are washed under running water.
  3. Growth stimulation . The seeds are soaked in a nutrient solution (Epin, Zircon, aloe juice) or germinated in advance. In the second case, the planting material is wrapped in cloth soaked in warm water. Seeds in fabric are placed in a deep container, covered with film and put in a warm place until they hatch. All this time they are moistened with warm liquid as they dry.

Advice! Many gardeners prepare their own growth stimulant. To do this, add 1 tsp to a glass of warm water. ash and the same amount of superphosphate.

Pepper soil is sold in gardening stores. It is not necessary to buy a specialized mixture for tomatoes and peppers; universal soil will do.

Prepare the soil mixture yourself . The simplest option is to mix equal proportions of humus, garden soil and sawdust.

Other varieties of yellow pepper:

Early ripening and high-yielding hybrid of pepper "Kalif"

Pepper variety "Big Mama" with juicy sweet fruits

Pepper “Siberian Bonus” with bright and tasty fruits

The soil for seedlings must be disinfected . This is done in one of the following ways:

  • put in a container with holes and pour boiling water over it;
  • pour over a dark pink solution of potassium permanganate or hot copper sulfate;
  • baked in the oven.

peppers immediately in individual cups . This plant does not tolerate picking well. It is better to use peat containers, from which you do not need to remove the seedlings.

If you plan to sow a large number of seeds, then use boxes . When the seedlings grow, they are planted in individual pots with a volume of 300-500 ml. All containers are treated with a dark pink solution of potassium permanganate.

To grow seedlings you will need drainage . Coarse river sand, small crushed stone, crushed ceramics, expanded clay or brick are suitable. This filler is also treated with a disinfectant solution.

Features of cultivation

The tomato variety “Juggler” was bred by Russian breeders. Zoned for the Siberian and Far Eastern districts, recommended for cultivation in open ground and film shelters. Plants tolerate slight drops in temperature and drought.

The collected fruits are well stored and can be transported. Tomatoes can be harvested at the stage of technical ripeness; they ripen quickly at room temperature.

Important: Tomatoes of the “Juggler” variety can be grown in seedlings or without seedlings. Seeds are soaked in a growth stimulant and sown in light nutrient soil based on humus

For germination, a temperature of at least 25 degrees is required. The emerging sprouts are watered with warm water from a watering can, and after the first true leaves appear, they are planted in separate pots. Before planting in a permanent place, young tomatoes are fed with liquid complex fertilizer

The seeds are soaked in a growth stimulant and sown in light nutrient soil based on humus. For germination, a temperature of at least 25 degrees is required. The emerging sprouts are watered with warm water from a watering can, and after the first true leaves appear, they are planted in separate pots. Before planting in a permanent place, young tomatoes are fed with liquid complex fertilizer.

With the seedless method, the seeds are sown directly into the soil, previously fertilized with a generous portion of humus. The plantings are sprayed with water and covered with film. Grown tomatoes are fertilized with a nitrogen-based mineral complex. In the future, 3-4 more feedings will be required. For better development, it is recommended to alternate mineral and organic fertilizers. Spraying with an aqueous solution of superphosphate is also useful.

Fertilizers and properly selected soil play a very important role in growing tomatoes. Read articles on this topic, as well as everything about basic agricultural practices for tomatoes:

  • Types of soil for tomatoes, as well as how to create a soil mixture yourself and which soil is most suitable for planting tomatoes in a greenhouse.
  • Phosphorus, complex and ready-made fertilizers, TOP of the best.
  • How to feed plants with yeast, iodine, ash, hydrogen peroxide, ammonia, boric acid.
  • Foliar feeding, when picking, for seedlings.
  • Watering, pinching, tying, mulching.

Growing seedlings

Peppers in our country are grown exclusively by seedlings . Then the crop will have time to ripen before the onset of frost.

seeds for seedlings 70-80 days before the intended planting of pepper in a permanent place . Typically, seedlings begin to be grown at the end of February or March.


Planting pepper

2 days before sowing the seeds, the soil is brought into a warm room and allowed to warm up. Then the prepared containers are filled, having previously poured a layer of drainage on the bottom.

To sow seeds in a common box, grooves are made in the soil, 2-4 cm deep. A gap of 3 cm is left between the rows. Seeds are sown in depressions at a distance of 3 cm.

When growing seedlings in individual containers, 1-2 seeds are sown in each pot. They are buried 2-4 cm.

Note! Sow 2 seeds in one container so that at least one seed germinates. If 2 plants appear in 1 cup, then the weaker stem is pinched when 2 true leaves appear. Bogdan's planting material has a high (almost 100%) germination rate. Therefore, many gardeners sow 1 seed in each pot.

The seeds are sprinkled with soil and the soil is watered. Containers with crops are covered with film and put in a warm place.

Every day the film is opened slightly for 30-60 minutes for ventilation . The soil is watered with a spray bottle as it dries. The appearance of mold on the soil indicates too much watering. In this case, the affected layer is removed so as not to remove the seeds. The soil is sprayed with a light pink solution of potassium permanganate.

Further care

Healthy seedlings should be squat and strong with bright green leaves. To get such plants, you need to properly care for them :

  1. The film is removed after the first shoots appear. Plants are placed on a windowsill or under a fluorescent lamp. If seedlings are grown on a windowsill, then the containers are periodically rotated in relation to the window.
  2. Plants are planted in individual containers after the appearance of 2 true leaves (if the seeds are sown in a common box). Plants are watered before the procedure. When removing them from a common box, they are held by the leaves and helped with a fork. The root collar is not buried. This will cause the roots to rot.
  3. Pepper is sprayed with a spray bottle as the soil dries 2-3 times a week.
  4. When growing seedlings on a windowsill, it is important to ensure that they are not exposed to drafts. Otherwise, the plants will die.
  5. 2 weeks before picking to a permanent place, the pepper begins to be hardened. To do this, it is taken outside during the warm part of the day.

Seedlings are fed 3 times . Use the following scheme:

  1. The first time is 2 weeks after the appearance of 2 true leaves. For 5 liters of water take 20 g of superphosphate, 5 g of potassium salt and 10 g of urea.
  2. After 14 days, the seedlings are fed again. Add a mixture prepared from 5 liters of water, 20 g of ammonium nitrate, 30 g of superphosphate and 10 g of potassium salt.
  3. 5 days before planting, the last fertilizing is applied to a permanent place. Add 1 glass of ash and 25 g of superphosphate to 5 liters of liquid.


Sowing is carried out from February to March. Sequence of seed processing for better germination:

  1. Soak in 1% saline solution for discarding.
  2. Disinfect with fungicide or potassium permanganate.
  3. Keep in damp gauze for up to 2 days.

For seedlings, use a loose turf-compost substrate (from the store or from the dacha). The soil is spilled with boiling water a week before planting and irrigated with 1% Fitosporin.

Seedlings are cared for traditionally: watered, fed, pruned in the phase of 1–2 leaves.

Typical diseases and pests

Bogdan is not susceptible to nightshade diseases . All that is required of the gardener is to follow the rules of prevention. They include compliance with the rules of watering, planting and crop rotation, disinfection of soil and garden tools.

Insect pests often attack pepper bushes . The following home remedies will help protect plants from them:

  1. Soap solution. A bar of soap dissolves in a bucket of water.
  2. A decoction of wormwood or yarrow. A quarter of a bucket of herbs is poured with boiling water. The product is allowed to brew until it cools completely, after which it is used for watering.
  3. Onion-garlic infusion. Place 300 g of chopped garlic and the same amount of onion in a bucket. A couple of hot peppers minced through a meat grinder are added to the mixture. The ingredients are poured with water and infused for 24 hours.

The mixtures are used for spraying plants . It is important that they do not fall under the root of the peppers.

Planting in open ground and further care

Seedlings are sent to the greenhouse in mid-May, and to open ground 2-3 weeks later. 10 days before planting, the bushes are watered pointwise to avoid waterlogging. Holes are prepared in the beds into which the sprouts are placed and sprinkled with loose soil on top.

It is recommended to replant peppers on a cloudy and windless day to avoid sunburn on the plant.

Further care consists of the following procedures:

  1. . Bell peppers love water, but it is not recommended to over-wet the soil: this leads to diseases. Irrigate the beds in the morning or evening when there is no sun. Otherwise, the water will quickly evaporate and the earth will crack. About 1 liter of warm water is consumed for 1 bush. The procedure is carried out once every 5 days.
  2. Fertilizers. Alternate mineral and organic fertilizers. Chanterelle pepper reacts positively to superphosphate, ash, and ammonium nitrate. Fertilize the bushes before watering, once every 10–15 days.
  3. Bush formation. The plant produces many small fruits, so it is necessary to remove weak shoots in a timely manner. Thanks to its formation, the bush spends its energy not on the growth of green mass, but on the development of the fruits themselves.
  4. Loosening the earth. Carry out before each watering. This makes the soil lighter and airier and prevents the appearance of pests.


Reviews from gardeners about Bogdan are mostly positive . Those who have tried this hybrid say that they will grow it again:

Alisa, Izhevsk : “I grew Bogdan in a greenhouse for 2 years. A very large-fruited and beautiful hybrid. The fruits are beautiful, just like in the photo. The taste is rich, sweet, ideal for lecho. I plan to grow it more than once.”

Oleg, Sochi : “I grow Bogdan in open ground at the dacha. Pepper is unpretentious. I water it twice a week, and that's enough for him. Never got sick. Stepsonning is also not necessary. I prefer to tie up the bushes, it makes me feel calmer. The fruits are very tasty and large.”

Growing and care

The bushes are planted in the beds within 60–65 days. The variety is suitable for cultivation in open soil in different types of greenhouses. Important conditions: good lighting of the site and high-quality soil aeration.

The medium-sized variety needs shaping and pinching.

Water with settled water and feed up to twice a month. Monitor plants and adjust fertilizers:

  • with potassium deficiency, the leaves dry out along the edges and curl up in a tube;
  • with a lack of nitrogen, the leaves turn pale, acquire a grayish tint, and the green mass grows weakly;
  • if there is little phosphorus, the lower surface of the plates becomes purple;
  • A lack of magnesium contributes to the appearance of a marbled tint.

Description of the variety

Pepper Denis F1 has been cultivated by gardeners for a long period. However, its official verification was delayed, so by the beginning of field work in 2022, the variety was not included in the State Register of the Russian Federation.

The peculiarity of the variety is that the height of the bushes in the greenhouse and in the open ground may differ. In protected beds, pepper stretches up to 1 m, under other conditions - up to 70 cm. The foliage of the plant is medium, the leaf blades are large, ovoid. The culture simultaneously produces 6–7 fruits.

As you can see in the photo, the ripened vegetable is ruby ​​red. However, at the stage of incomplete ripeness, its color is dark green. The format of the pepper is elongated, similar to a cylinder slightly narrowed at the bottom with irregularities on the sides. The walls of the fetus are thick - from 9 to 12 mm. The length and width parameters are 18 and 10 cm. The pepper weighs about 400 g.

Type of growth, bush heightSemi-standard, 60 - 100 cm
Ripe fruit colorRuby red
Planting scheme40x60 cm
Weight, length and shape of the fruitup to 400 g, 18-20 cm, cylindrical
Ripening period, yieldEarly ripening (65 days from the moment of planting seedlings), up to 26 kg/m2
Drop off pointexhaust gas/greenhouse/greenhouse
DiseasesResistant to tobacco mosaic virus
By type of useUniversal
Flowering typeMixed


Pepper tree is a universal spice; many Japanese cultivate it in their gardens. It is true that it is quite difficult to grow, and this is not surprising, because caring for a pepper tree takes a lot of time. This is a very sensitive plant and needs the right balance of sunlight, shade and moisture.

If you want your tree to bear fruit, you need to keep in mind that two plants are planted at the same time - a female and a male. There are also unisex varieties that do not require cross-pollination.

You can get sansho fruits only by growing a couple of trees, but there are also self-pollinating varieties


Sansho prefers places with well-moistened, slightly oxidized soil. Constantly maintaining the level of moisture will help avoid pepper diseases, but stagnation of water is also harmful to it.

The plant lives and bears fruit for 20 years. Properly grown sansho from seeds produces the first berries in the second year. In the summer, you can harvest green fruits, and ripe ones in early September.

In autumn and sometimes in summer, leaves may turn yellow, but do not worry, this is just a natural process.

It is worth noting that aphids, butterflies and caterpillars are a danger to peppers. These insects can eat both leaves and berries.

With proper care of the pepper tree, you will be provided with useful spices for 20 years

At home

The pepper tree as a bonsai is becoming increasingly popular. This is a beautiful house plant, with impeccably proportioned leaves.

Pepper tree bonsai will decorate any home

At home, places near windows are chosen for growing, since the plant loves light. But the pepper tree does not tolerate direct sunlight.

The soil should be humus with good drainage. During the period of intensive growth, they begin to feed - in late spring and mid-autumn.

The pepper tree requires constant care


  • In summer, take it out into the fresh air in partial shade.
  • Watering is moderate when the top layer of soil dries. There should be no stagnation of moisture.
  • Feed during the period of rapid growth from spring to autumn.
  • The plant needs to be replanted in the spring every 2 years, old ones - 3-4 years. In this case, the roots are trimmed to a third of their length.
  • In winter, branches are shortened and removed to form the desired shape. They are treated with a special balm.

Pepper tree bonsai loves well-moistened soil, but watering should be such that the moisture does not stagnate in the pot

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