monilial burn, cherry moniliosis
Why does cherry dry? How to save cherries, almonds, plums and cherries from monilial burn?
The main reason why summer residents do not plant felt cherry is its tendency to disease.
lemon diseases
Diseases and pests of homemade lemon, what to do and treatment methods
Causes of citrus diseases The appearance of diseases on lemon is a frequent process, especially if the citrus plant is grown
9 ways to get rid of bud mites on currants
Infusion of onions and garlic Kidney mites cannot tolerate the smell of garlic or onions, so
Tomato is disease resistant
Button tomato characteristics and description of the variety photo
Brief information about the variety Fruits: bright red, reach a weight of 20-25 g. Bush: oval, with
Tomato Semko Sinbad
Semko tomatoes are the best varieties Tomato “Semko” Not every novice gardener will take up growing tomatoes. Because this culture is considered very heat-loving and capricious. But breeders annually
There are hybrids that can delight summer residents for decades, varieties that have absorbed
Agrosemtoms company exhibition
The best varieties of tomatoes of Kirov selection for greenhouses and open ground
In order to choose tomatoes for planting in the Kirov region for 2018, you need
The proximity of grapes to other crops that can be planted
What to do if your dacha plot is small, but you have a lot of plans for planting crops?
Standard of taste: black currant Gift of Smolyaninova and its description
The variety is notable for its large round berries and early ripening. From one bush you can collect 2.3
Differences between the Ural Standard cherry variety and other varieties
Not all varieties of cherries are suitable for growing in the northern regions of Russia. Variety Standard
A new product from breeders that has become a favorite among gardeners - the “Chocolate Miracle” tomato: reviews and photos of the harvest
Description of the variety The tomato is mid-early, ripens within 60 days. Suitable for both greenhouse conditions,
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