When and how to sow aster for seedlings to grow from seeds at home

Aster is consistently one of the most popular garden flowers. Almost no flower bed is complete without this plant. Aster has many varieties that bloom from early summer and bloom until November. In order for growing aster seedlings from seeds to be successful, it is important to choose the time when to sow the seedlings.
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In today’s article we will tell you how to grow Astra using seedlings and what is the advantage of this method over sowing flower seeds directly into the ground.

How to determine sowing time?

To determine the time of sowing, you need to know the growing season of the plant and the climate of the region where the flowers will be grown.

The aster's growing season ranges from 90 to 120 days from the moment the seeds are planted until the start of flowering. Aster is a heat-loving plant, but it can withstand single frosts.

Based on the above, you should start planting the seeds of this plant from the end of February (in warm regions) to the end of March (in cold regions).

REFERENCE. Also, when determining the planting time, you need to take into account the characteristics of the variety. Early asters can be sown for seedlings a little later.

Varieties of annual asters and popular varieties

It is easy to get confused in the variety of asters. For ease of choice, you should consider the classification of colors. All annual varieties are represented by 3 large classes based on the structure of the inflorescences, and the varieties differ only in color.

Tubular asters. Combines 3 variety series of tubular flowers. Cirrus and Tubular are suitable for cutting; Lilliput is used as casing.

Transitional asters. The flowers have reed and tubular petals. In turn, they are divided into 3 types: crown (Princess bouquet, Pompon), semi-double (Anemone, Victoria Baum) and simple (Apollo, Margarita).

Reed asters. The decorative effect is created only by the reeds of the flower. These include ray, spherical, curly varieties: Ostrich feather, Goldstral, Riviera, Isadora.

How to prepare planting material for sowing

There are a great many varieties of aster. This allows you to choose a variety to suit your taste. Another good thing about aster is that after the first flowering in your own garden plot, you can independently collect the seeds and sow them for the new season.

Growing aster and preparing seeds for sowing includes the following steps:

  • Sorting;
  • Disinfection;
  • Soaking in a growth stimulator.

To sort the grains, you will need a saline solution (a teaspoon of table salt per glass of warm water). Planting material must be immersed in water for 15-20 minutes and sunken grains must be removed. Those that float up are pacifiers, which means they can be thrown away.

disinfection and stimulation simultaneously. To do this, you need to soak the seeds in a solution of hydrogen peroxide for a day. You will need gauze or cotton pads, a small bowl and an active drug.

What other preparations are used to disinfect and stimulate seed material are described in detail in the article “Soaking seeds before planting, how to soak correctly.”

ON A NOTE. Purchased seeds, for the most part, do not require additional processing. Producers usually prepare the seed material for planting themselves.

Care after disembarkation

Asters are easy to care for. They bloom for a very long time and profusely, without requiring much attention from the gardener. An important agrotechnical measure for caring for flowers is watering, since prolonged and severe drought can harm them. On hot days, abundant irrigation is necessary. Watering is carried out in the morning. Make sure that the soil is not constantly waterlogged: stagnation of water causes root rot. And the intensive development of the latter can cause the death of the flower.

For your information! Asters are in dire need of additional irrigation during the budding phase. A sufficient amount of moisture has a positive effect on the shape and size of the inflorescences.

Soil treatment

Many inflorescences form on plants growing in fertile, loose soil. To ensure good aeration, the soil should be loosened three times a season after watering. Since the crop has a superficial root system, the hoe cannot be deeply buried - no more than 4 cm. Tall plants are hilled. An earthen mound makes them more resilient, provides additional nutrition to the roots and ensures free air circulation. Having received more microelements from the soil, asters bloom longer and more abundantly.

During the growing season, they monitor the cleanliness of the soil in the tree trunk circles. Weeds are removed before seeds appear on them. Another soil treatment measure will help simplify soil care - mulching. A layer of mulch, which uses sawdust, peat, dry grass, and crushed bark, retains moisture and reduces the number of weeds.


Aster responds well to root feeding. Applying an infusion of ash or using mineral fertilizers is the gardener’s choice. The first time after planting seedlings in the garden, the bushes are fed 2 weeks later. By this time, the young plants will take root and send out new shoots. Before the buds appear, fertilizers are applied to the soil. Consumption rate per area of ​​1 m2:

  • superphosphate – 2 tbsp. l;
  • potassium sulfate – 1 tsp;
  • ammonium nitrate - 1 tbsp. l.

After rooting, nitrogen-containing fertilizers are preferably used. This is due to the stimulation of shoot growth by the macronutrient. Before budding begins, nitrogen is excluded from the fertilizer composition. For long and abundant flowering, plants need phosphorus and potassium, which ensure normal metabolism, accumulation of essential oils, and seed ripening.

Pinching and trimming

At the beginning of active growth, shoots are pinched to stimulate branching. If asters are grown for cutting, on the contrary, the side shoots are removed, forming a single-stem bush. During the flowering phase, in order for asters to maintain their decorative appearance and delight with their buds longer, faded specimens are systematically removed. They monitor the phytosanitary condition of the plantings.

Diseases and pests

Improper care, bad weather conditions, and contaminated soil can lead to plant diseases. Among them are fusarium, rust, and powdery mildew. Plants affected by the first disease on the list weaken. The leaves turn yellow and then turn black. The stems wither. It is impossible to cure the disease with drugs. All infected plants are destroyed. As a preventive measure, crop rotation is observed.

Rust most often affects asters growing close to conifers. As the fungus develops, it causes the shoots to die. Copper-containing fungicides help in the fight against pathogenic organisms. A sign of powdery mildew is a white coating. Development is provoked by severe density, rainy weather conditions, and waterlogging of the soil due to a violation of the irrigation regime. An effective drug for the disease is Fundazol.

Among pests, aphids are dangerous because they are carriers of the viral disease jaundice. To get rid of colonies of harmful insects that feed on the sap of leaf blades, the plantings are sprayed with a solution of an insecticide that has the appropriate spectrum of action. At the beginning of settlement, folk remedies will be effective - infusion of garlic, tobacco.

Favorable days for sowing aster in 2022 depending on the month

In accordance with the lunar calendar for 2022, the best time for planting aster seeds falls on the following days:

  • In February – 3, 4, 12, 13, 14, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23
  • In March – 11, 12, 13, 16, 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 29, 30, 31
  • In April – 8, 9, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 26, 27
  • In May – 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 23, 24
  • In June – 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 19, 20

When to plant depending on the region?

When planning sowing work, the florist must fully understand the climatic features of his region. In areas with long and cold winters, planting seeds for growing aster seedlings should be done a little later than gardeners in the southern regions and republics do.

Approximate deadlines by region are:

  • In the Krasnodar Territory, Rostov Region, Crimea and the Caucasus, aster can be sown in early March.
  • In the regions of the Central Black Earth Region, as well as Moscow, Moscow region and nearby regions - in mid-March.
  • Residents of the Urals and North-West can plant seedlings in early April.
  • In Siberia and the Far East, it is better to start sowing in the first ten days of April.

How to sow aster for seedlings, planting seeds step by step

Sowing aster seedlings can be done in 2 ways: the classic method of planting in a common box and the snail method.

Classic method

  1. We prepare the container: we make drainage holes and lay drainage.
  2. We fill up the earth.
  3. We make grooves 2 cm deep and at a distance of 3 cm from each other.
  4. Spread the seeds evenly and lightly moisten them with a syringe.
  5. Cover with dry soil mixed with sand and lightly moisten again.

Snail method

You will need a roll of isolon or any other similar material. Width – 25-30 cm.

  1. Unwind the roll and add slightly moistened soil. Layer – 1.5-2cm. You need to step back a little from the edge so that the earth does not spill out.
  2. We twist the isolon back into a roll and secure it with an elastic band so that the entire structure with the ground does not fall apart.
  3. Place the resulting snail in a container for stability.
  4. We make shallow (2cm) holes in the ground in a checkerboard pattern.
  5. Place the grains in the holes.
  6. We fall asleep and lightly moisturize.

ON A NOTE. But growing aster in “diapers” is not very profitable. Some seeds will not sprout, and some of the “diapers” will remain empty. And in others, on the contrary, you will have to remove too many seedlings.

How to care for aster seedlings, what tricks are there for growing?

After the grains have been sown, wrap the container in a plastic bag and place it in a warm place until germination.

The aster seeds have sprouted, what to do next?

The aster will emerge after 5-10 days. The bag or lid must be removed and the container placed in a cool (15-18 degrees) place. When real leaves begin to appear, the temperature can be raised to room temperature.

During the entire growth period, aster seedlings require abundant lighting for photosynthesis to take place. Therefore, when planting aster seeds in the last days of February - the first ten days of March, do not forget to buy phytolamps. They will be needed to provide additional lighting to the seedlings.

Water the seedlings when the top layer of soil dries. At first, use a sprinkler so as not to wash off the seedlings. Be careful with watering and do not allow excess moisture, because... Root rot will inevitably begin.

How to feed aster seedlings

Aster is a fairly hardy plant, so it is fed 1-2 times after picking. It is better to use complex mineral compositions. The familiar Gumi and Agricola will suit everyone.

Rules for picking aster

If you planted grains in a common container, you will have to pick. This procedure is necessary so that the seedlings have space to grow and develop.

Picking is a rather complicated procedure to perform, although the technology itself is very simple.

  1. 2-3 hours before diving, we moisten the soil in a common container. Also at this time, you can prepare separate containers where the transplant will take place. Make a drainage system and fill it with soil.
  2. Using a teaspoon, carefully dig up the plant so as not to catch its roots. You will probably dig up several seedlings at once. Throw away the weak and sick.
  3. If the root is too branchy, you can pinch it off. If this is your first time picking, then there is no need to pinch.
  4. We plant the plant in a new container, slightly deepening it (no more than 1 cm!).
  5. Lightly compact the earth. This is necessary so that the soil does not settle and the seedling is not washed away after watering.
  6. Leave the seedlings alone for a couple of weeks.
  7. We fertilize with a root formation stimulator. Use classic drugs, such as Kornevin or Baikal M.

IMPORTANT! When picking, you need to be very careful not to damage the roots of the plant. This is the main difficulty of the process.

Caring for aster seedlings

It’s not enough to just sow the seeds, you need to wait for them to sprout and provide them with proper care.

Until the seedlings appear, containers with crops should be kept at a temperature of +20…+22 ºС.

After the emergence of seedlings, the container is transferred to the most illuminated places, but the temperature should now be lower: during the day + 16...+18°C, and at night +12...+15°C.

Read more in the article: Lobelia - growing from seeds, when to plant seedlings.


Aster seedlings grow almost instantly. But for full development they definitely need additional lighting. With a lack of lighting, seedlings quickly lengthen and stretch. As a result, the seedlings fall over and break at the base.

For illumination, you can purchase special phyto lamps or use fluorescent lamps.

Humidity and watering

Watering aster seedlings should be done infrequently, only when the soil dries out. After watering, be sure to ventilate to prevent moisture accumulation.

The soil around each sprout is carefully compacted so that there is no washout during watering. You need to water the asters with warm water, starting from the edge, gradually moving towards the center.

2 days before planting and immediately before the procedure itself, the seedlings are watered very generously to preserve the roots and soil ball.


The first feeding of seedlings is done after diving. A week after transplantation, when the seedlings have already taken root, they are offered complex mineral fertilizer. You can use any, but it is better to give preference to a special one for flower seedlings.

When preparing food for your seedlings, it is very important to remember that bird droppings and manure should not be offered to asters - they simply do not tolerate such feeding.

Flowers will gladly accept nitrogen fertilizers, potassium and phosphorus.


The procedure for picking aster seedlings is carried out when they grow 3 permanent leaves.

  • Flowers are transplanted into individual containers: plastic cups, cut-off bottles, peat pots.
  • In addition to soil, add universal fertilizer to each container.
  • One plant is removed from a container with seedlings, where the soil is well moistened beforehand, along with a lump of earth.
  • Next, it is placed in its own separate container; Add more soil there in the required quantity.
  • It is very important to ensure that the lowest leaves of the aster are no lower than 1 centimeter from the soil level.
  • Water the plant carefully so that water does not get on the foliage.

After diving, the aster seedlings are placed in bright places, but the temperature there should not exceed +20ºС.

As for the illumination during this period, it is better to protect the seedlings from direct rays of the sun for now. You can attach gauze to the glass, which provides good diffused light.

Growing aster without picking - video


When the seedlings, rooted after diving, form the 4th leaf, the hardening procedure begins. The entire period takes 15-20 days. At this point, watering is reduced.

When hardening, aster seedlings are kept at a daytime temperature of + 10...+ 12°C, and at night the thermometer should show +8...+ 10°C.

After hardening, flowers take root faster in a new place and their growth accelerates. Even if frosts unexpectedly appear, flowers can withstand temperatures down to -4°C.

Read more in the article: How to grow petunia seedlings from seeds at home

Is it possible to immediately sow seeds in open ground?

Aster can be sown in open ground. Residents of the South of Russia and the Central Zone can grow this flower without seedlings. But you will have to choose early varieties that have a shorter growing season.

But, if you want to grow late varieties, for example, Aster Heather, New England or New Belgian, you will have to start seedlings.

The principle of sowing is no different from planting seeds for seedlings. The only thing you can do is add a little sand to the soil. This will improve its structure.

Also, after the emergence of seedlings, for the first time they will have to be covered with spunbond or film to protect them from sunlight during the day and lower temperatures at night.

Site selection and soil preparation

This flower is not at all difficult to grow, and caring for it is clear and simple, but when choosing a site, you must follow some rules. The ideal soil for the crop is loam and sandy loam soil, that is, a slightly acidic environment.

You should take your predecessors and neighbors seriously - asters do not grow and bloom well in the area where bulbous plants - gladioli or tulips - grew before them. It is also undesirable to plant them after calendula. Under no circumstances should these flowers be planted in untreated soil if nightshades (tomatoes and potatoes) have previously grown there. They do not tolerate the proximity of coniferous plants very well.

The area should not have stagnant moisture in the ground, this will lead to rotting of the root system. You can get rid of this problem by making a drainage layer.

When to plant seedlings in open ground?

The aster is transplanted to a permanent location closer to summer, when periods of frost have passed. Flower growers from the South can start the procedure from the end of the 2nd decade of May, but Siberians and Urals - not earlier than the first days of June.

The weather must be stable for planting aster in open ground. Although the flower will withstand short-term morning frosts, it is better to choose the time so that such a danger passes.

Seedlings must be hardened off. Plants for transplantation should be strong and healthy, about 10 cm in height and with several true leaves.

It is better to plant directly with the soil in which the seedling grew. This will make the adaptation process better.

IMPORTANT! If you have acidic soil in your garden, be sure to liming first.

ON A NOTE. Seedlings are also planted on the growing moon.


Depending on the species and variety, propagation is carried out from seeds and vegetatively. Usually they are propagated by seeds very rarely and only by annual varieties. Perennial bushes undergo a vegetative process - division of the bush or root.

Root division

As a rule, in early spring, when it is noticeable that the bush has already formed and has a sufficient number of stems. It is necessary to cut through several shoots together with the root system with a sharp bayonet shovel. Thus, separate and plant the cuttings of the bush. The division should contain from 3 to 5 new shoots.


Varietal species are propagated by cuttings. The cuttings are placed in specially prepared beds, under film and always in a shaded place. The soil should be loose with the addition of peat and sand.

Cuttings are carried out in different ways:

  • In spring, fresh shoots are separated from the bush. The shoot should have 3 leaves and two internodes.
  • From June to August, when the bush has already gained growth. Use apical cuttings, 7 cm long.

Sowing seeds

The seeds are not sown deeply, about 4 cm into the ground. The soil is well shed with water and buried. You can mulch the soil from above to maintain moisture in the soil. If the weather is cool, then before the leaves emerge and form, the flowerbed is covered with a special material.

After complete germination and formation of the stem, it is necessary to thin out the bed, leaving more than 10 cm between the holes. Excess sprouts can be transplanted.

Interesting Facts

Aster is a familiar and long-known flower. But there are some interesting facts that will help you look at this plant a little differently.

  • Aster is one of the very first flowers mentioned by humanity.
  • Asters have not been cultivated in Europe since Antiquity. Flowers again came to the Old World from China.
  • The aster got its name in Ancient Hellas. There is a legend that this flower was born from the stardust of the Virgo constellation.
  • Hungarians call this plant the autumn rose.
  • Russian scientists were able to grow aster even in Antarctica.
  • The plant is used in indigenous medicine of Tibet.

Possible difficulties and mistakes in growing

Asters are widespread everywhere due to their unpretentiousness.
But problems can arise if agricultural practices are violated. Seeds of the second year after collection reduce the germination rate of seedlings to 20%. And during picking, it is often discovered that neighboring plants are intertwined with their roots, which is why they have to be torn off.

Asters do not like soil with high levels of nitrogen and subsequent dense sowing. A small distance between individual bushes will lead to fungal and bacterial infections.

Answers to frequently asked questions

Growing seedlings is a long process that is associated with a number of difficulties. Beginning gardeners often have questions. Let's try to answer the most popular of them.

What soil should I buy for growing seedlings?

You need to buy the most common universal primer. Soil “For seedlings” is also suitable. But it’s better not to use flower soil. The fact is that it is intended for growing indoor plants and has a slightly different consistency of the main elements.

In any case, the soil for seedlings should be light, nutritious and loose. These are the three main requirements for soil.

How can you stimulate seeds for further growth?

If you collected aster seeds yourself or someone gave them to you, then before sowing seedlings, the seed material must be processed. To stimulate growth, you can use commercial drugs, Epin, Zircon, Energen. Among folk remedies, you should pay attention to a solution based on aloe juice and hydrogen peroxide.

Why don't the seeds germinate?

Seeds may not germinate due to the fact that they are of poor quality. If you did not sort, then it is likely that “empties” ended up in the ground. Another reason is planting too deep. There is no need to bury aster seeds. A depth of a couple of centimeters is sufficient.

Why are seeds soaked?

Soaking seeds performs 2 main functions:

  1. Stimulating growth.
  2. Disinfection.

Please note that coated seeds do not need to be soaked, because... All necessary processing has already been carried out by the seed manufacturer.

How to harden aster seedlings?

Transplanting to a new location is always stressful for plants. To help the seedlings get used to new conditions, hardening is carried out.

The essence of the procedure is simple - you gradually accustom the aster seedlings to outdoor conditions. Hardening is carried out gradually. The procedure begins 1-1.5 weeks before the expected landing. Every day the period of stay of seedlings outside the house increases. The seedlings must go from spending 20 minutes in the fresh air to spending the night outside the house.

NOTE! In unfavorable weather conditions, hardening must be postponed, since aster seedlings that grew at home are too weak to survive bad weather.

What to do if aster seedlings do not grow?

If the growth of seedlings has slowed down, then before carrying out any actions, evaluate the conditions for growing the seedlings. They should have enough light and room in the container to grow. If necessary, rearrange the seedlings and pick.

If this is not the reason, then the plants need to be fed. Spraying with a growth stimulator is quite effective. For example, Energen or Baikal M.

Features of growing seedlings

Room temperature conditions from 23 to 25° C are favorable for seed hatching. To ensure that it sprouts quickly, containers with crops are placed on windows facing south and southwest. In addition, even before sowing, it is necessary to prepare a nutrient substrate for future flowers that will meet the requirements of asters, as well as a film to create greenhouse conditions.

For your information! You should not sow seeds during the new moon or full moon. They demonstrate poor germination and germinate slowly.

Seed preparation

A week before the planned sowing date, seed preparation begins. Basic steps:

  1. The seeds are wrapped in gauze and soaked in a solution of potassium permanganate for 12 hours to disinfect.
  2. After the specified time has passed, they are rinsed and left in a damp cloth until they swell (warm).
  3. The gauze is regularly sprinkled with water so that it does not dry out.

What soil do they prefer?

Flowers respond well to fertile, loose soil with a neutral reaction. The substrate for sowing can be purchased at the store or prepared independently. In the latter case, garden soil, humus, and sand are mixed in equal proportions. Acidity is normalized by adding a small amount of wood ash. To destroy the infection, the soil mixture is disinfected before use by placing it in the oven for 20 minutes at 200 °C or spilling it with a weak solution of manganese.

Sowing and growing technology

When the preparatory activities are completed, you can begin sowing. Step-by-step sowing instructions:

  1. The treated substrate is poured into a seedling container, spilled with water, and allowed to stand for 30-40 minutes.
  2. The seeds are laid out in rows on the surface, sprinkled with soil - a layer of no more than 2.5 cm.
  3. The box is covered tightly with film and placed on the windowsill.

After a week, the sprouts will emerge. By the end of the second week, two pairs of true leaves will have formed. This indicates the timing of the picking. The seedlings are transplanted into a deeper container (they must be planted at intervals of 5 cm). Very long roots can be trimmed. The seedlings will be stronger if, after rooting, they are hardened off - take the container with the seedlings outside for several hours (the weather should be warm). Before moving into the garden, water the plants immediately after the top layer of soil has dried.

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