Rating of the best remontant varieties of strawberries - a symbol of pleasure and the first harbinger of summer

Ask anyone, be it an adult or a child, what is their favorite berry? I am sure that the majority will call strawberries or garden strawberries, as experts often call them. In addition to its wonderful taste, it is rich in various beneficial substances. There is not a single dacha or garden plot where there would not be a bed, or even an entire plantation of this wonderful berry. We offer an overview of the 10 best varieties of remontant strawberries.

Description of species 2. Varieties 2.1. Garland 2.2. Yoke 2.3. Temptation 2.4. Selva 2.5. Crimean remontant 2.6. Geneva 2.7. Lyubava 2.8. Alexandria 2.9. Albion 2.10. Queen Elizabeth

Photo: Remontant strawberries are juicy and tasty.

Top 10 hit remontant strawberries

The large number of remontant strawberry varieties is impressive, and this figure is constantly increasing.
This situation is explained by the growing popularity of healthy and tasty berries. The variety of varieties allows you to find, among the achievements of selection, the ideal combination of characteristics that satisfies the needs of the most demanding modern gardeners. It is important to carefully study the description of the best varieties of berry crops, take into account their strengths and weaknesses, and then growing a berry crop will be a pleasure, and the harvest will delight you with stable performance.

Albion - the standard of strawberry taste

Thanks to the work of California breeders, Albion strawberries were produced in 2006. The remontant variety is capable of bearing fruit from late spring until frost.

Albion boasts strong medium-sized bushes up to 40-45 cm in height, as well as:

  • shiny, flat, dark green foliage with serrated edges;
  • strong, thick peduncles rising above the green mass;
  • elongated conical fruits, red on the outside, pinkish on the inside;
  • sweet pulp with a strong strawberry aroma, which is characterized by density and juiciness;
  • average weight of berries is 30-50 g.


  • Good yield, up to 0.8-2.0 kg per bush
  • Large fruit
  • Attractive appearance of fruits
  • One-dimensionality of berries
  • Excellent taste (4.9 points)
  • Good keeping quality
  • Excellent transportability
  • Drought resistance
  • Disease resistance
  • Versatility of crop purpose


  • Low heat resistance
  • Average winter hardiness
  • Susceptibility to pest attacks

Strawberry! Berries from May to November. It's real?

How I want to enjoy strawberries all summer long.
For such dreamers, breeders have developed special varieties called remontant varieties. Remontant strawberry is a variety of strawberry that bears fruit all summer until frost. Let's define the terms. Strawberry is a variety of large-fruited strawberry. But since many people do not have much awareness on this issue. In this article we will call all strawberries strawberries. Victoria is also a variety of large-fruited strawberry. Strawberries on one bush have both male and female flowers, so they can be planted in the garden in any order.

The SevOgorod online store has seedlings of remontant strawberries. Varieties of remontant strawberries (large-fruited strawberries):

  • Albion
  • Elizabeth 2
  • Garland
  • Mara de Bois
  • Ostara
  • Selva

Let's consider each variety separately, its characteristics and purpose.

Garland - a climbing beauty in the garden

An early, remontant variety was obtained as a result of the painstaking work of the Russian breeder Galina Govorova. This hybrid is valued not only for its yield and taste, but also for its decorative properties, since the plant looks impressive when placed vertically.

The bushes are spherical, not very thick, reaching 25 cm in height, and are distinguished by great growth vigor. The fruiting period begins in May and lasts until October.

The plant is different:

  • medium leaves, oval in shape with jagged edges, bright green with a bluish or bluish tint;
  • bisexual, white, untwisted flowers;
  • spreading multi-flowered inflorescences located at the level of the leaves;
  • shiny, conical, red fruits;
  • tender, sweet, juicy pulp of a soft red hue;
  • rich taste with intense strawberry aroma.
  • average weight 30 g.

Information! The Garlyanda variety is recommended for commercial cultivation, as it is able to retain its appearance and amazing taste for 3 days, and when stored in the refrigerator, the shelf life is extended to 10 days.


  • Good productivity, up to 1-1.2 kg per bush
  • Excellent taste (4.5 points)
  • Long and abundant fruiting
  • Low maintenance
  • Can be used for decorative purposes
  • Moderate mustache formation
  • Transportability at the highest level
  • Universal use of berries


  • Low resistance to powdery mildew
  • Criticality to waterlogging


Despite the fact that the crop was bred to grow in warm climates, today it is grown throughout the country. The main characteristics of remontant strawberries are:

  • productivity;
  • mass of berries;
  • pulp (the denser, the longer the fruits are stored);
  • taste (the best are dessert and table varieties);
  • substance content (the less acid and more sugar, the higher the grade is rated);
  • purpose (dessert - for fresh consumption, table - the berries can be eaten fresh and canned, universal - for processing, fresh consumption, canning).


There are still few such varieties, but their number is increasing every year. The quality of domestic remontants is not inferior to imported ones. The best types:

  1. Garland. It ripens early: the first harvest is harvested in early June. The bushes are spherical, of medium density, and have a decorative appearance. The garland is characterized by moderate growth, the plant vines are not long, green-pinkish. The berries are conical in shape, without a neck, bright red in color, and have a shiny surface. The pulp is light, very juicy, aromatic and tender. The yield per plant is 1 kg, with the average weight of the fruit being 26–32 g. The taste of the Garland is highly rated, its purpose is dessert. The advantages are large fruit, winter hardiness, drought resistance, and productivity. The disadvantages of Garland are its susceptibility to fungal diseases in rainy weather. Without good care, the fruits will be small and not very tasty.
  2. Elizabeth 2. Fruitful, erect, low-growing, strong bushes with a semi-spreading and dense head of foliage. The tendrils are actively formed and bloom quickly, the lashes are medium in size. The berries of Elizabeth 2 are very large, oval in shape, without flaws. They are characterized by a bright red color, ribbing and tuberosity. The bushes are constantly covered with flowers, ovaries and fruits. The taste depends on agricultural technology: with proper care it is highly rated. One plant produces about 0.6 kg. The weight of each berry is 60–90 g. The pulp is dense, juicy, sweet with sourness, and has a rich aroma. The purpose of Elizabeth 2 is dessert. The advantages of the species are a long growing season (up to 5 harvests are harvested), large fruit, good storage and transportation capabilities. The disadvantages of Elizabeth 2 are wateriness and loss of sweetness during rains or with heavy watering.
  3. Yoke. It begins to bear fruit in the first ten days of June. Coquette bushes are semi-spreading, densely covered with foliage. Strawberries develop without tendrils and produce conical berries on massive stalks. The berry has a bright orange-red color and a shiny surface. In the sun the fruits turn dark red. The taste qualities of Coquette are high: the berries are very sweet, with a wonderful aroma, juicy and tender pulp. The vitamin C content in them is 65 mg/%!, sugar – 9%! Productivity is about 270–300 g per bush, the average fruit weight is 17–23 g. The advantages of Coquette are winter hardiness, high quality fruit, and immunity to disease. Disadvantages: poor tolerance to dry weather, susceptible to strawberry mites.
  4. Crimean remontant. The erect bushes are densely covered with pale red leaves and tendrils. White flowers are located below the leaves. The stalks are thin, so they fall quickly when the berries are poured. Crimean remontant strawberries produce red, wide-obtuse conical fruits with the maximum amount of ascorbic acid in their composition. The variety bears fruit twice - in April-May (in the south) and August-September. In the northern regions, the first harvest is harvested a month later. The crop is durable, can grow in one place for up to 6 years, and the yield is not reduced. The yield of Crimean remontant is about 180 g per plant. The average weight of the berry varies from 6.5–30 g, the flesh is tender, juicy, and pink. Crimean remontant has a good taste, contains 6% sugar, 1.2% acid and 86.9% vitamin C. The advantages of the culture are drought and frost resistance, immunity to most pathologies and pests. Disadvantages: unevenness, different sizes of fruits. With insufficient watering, strawberries become smaller.
  5. Lyubasha. The early species ripens for the first time in early June. Lyubasha bushes are powerful, spreading, generously covered with medium-sized foliage with pubescence. The plant does not produce tendrils, blooms with white buds, and has thick stalks. The berry is very sweet, with a large percentage of ascorbic acid in its composition (82 mg/%!). The fruits are conical, red in color. The average yield of Lyubasha is 170 g per bush, while the weight of each fruit is 12–23 g. The taste of the variety is excellent: the pulp is sweet (12% sugar), with a pronounced aroma. The advantages of Lyubasha are winter and heat resistance, tolerance to drought, and resistance to disease. Disadvantage: weakness to the strawberry mite.
  6. Autumn fun. In the middle zone it produces two harvests in one season. A bed covered with film will ensure fruit production until October. In the southern territory there may be three waves of fruiting. Autumn fun is a medium-sized, semi-spreading bush with moderate arborization. It produces sweet, small berries weighing up to 20 g. The fruits have juicy pink flesh with a fresh taste. The advantages of Autumn Fun are resistance to nematodes, strawberry mites, and fungal diseases. Disadvantage: small fruit.
  • How to grow strawberries at home
  • Strawberry beds - how to make multi-tiered, smart, tall or warm ones with your own hands
  • Growing strawberries in a greenhouse all year round - equipment, technology in bags, PVC pipes and containers

Diamond – a gardener’s dream and delight

Strawberry Diamond was obtained by scientists from California at the end of the last century. The fruiting period is observed from mid-June and lasts until the coldest weather.

Compact bushes, well leafed, reaching a height of 30 cm.

The plant attracts attention:

  • massive green foliage;
  • inflorescences firmly held on the peduncle and located above the level of the leaves;
  • fruits of red-orange color with gloss, cone-shaped, elongated shape;
  • pulp of a pinkish hue, which is distinguished by its sweetness, strong and rich aroma, but not juiciness;
  • average berry size is 30-35 g.


  • High yield, up to 1.5 kg per bush
  • Excellent taste (4.5 points)
  • Large fruit
  • Stable fruiting
  • Low maintenance
  • Immunity to disease
  • Excellent keeping quality and transportability
  • Quick adaptation to climatic conditions


  • Requirements for soil fertility
  • Rapid aging
  • Low fruit juiciness
  • Poor drought tolerance

Description of the characteristics of remontant strawberries and the rules for growing them

The popularity of remontant strawberries (strawberries) lies in the fact that, according to experts, they bear fruit continuously - from May to October. The productivity of each individual cultivar and the regularity of fruiting during the season depends on compliance with all agrotechnical nuances. Indeed, for long-term fruiting, this berry crop needs regular watering, frequent fertilizing, and preventive treatments against diseases and pests.

But the frequency of activities differs from caring for ordinary strawberries: if the owner of the site regularly visits classic varieties from March to mid-August, that is, feeds, loosens and waters until approximately the end of the summer season, then remontant strawberries require even more attention at the end of summer than in the spring.

The main feature of remontant strawberries is periodic fruiting throughout the season.

At this time (end of July - August) the second wave of fruiting starts . But due to the August heat, the plant will require more frequent irrigation than in spring, no less fertilizing during the flowering period (2-3 alternating organic matter and mineral fertilizers) and certainly loosening and weeding.

Remontant varieties are day-neutral plants; regardless of the season, the fruiting of the berry crop is not interrupted or is repeated several times a season, so the plant is often grown in pots on the windowsill. Fruit buds in such varieties are formed mainly when the day length is 16–17 hours (from late May to mid-July), and to begin flowering a day length of 12 hours or more is required. These cultivars produce their main harvest in the fall.

It turns out that by planting a remontant strawberry variety, you can enjoy the berries all year round

Remontant varieties are very dependent on the weather. Part of the second harvest goes under the snow. And part of it rots because the weather in autumn is rainy and cold. There are no climbing strawberries at all, this is all advertising. These varieties (remontants) have tendrils that immediately bloom and produce berries, and if you dig them, it turns out that it is crawling. I have the Garland variety. It makes sense to plant a little, because it ripens earlier than the early one, and the second harvest is also interesting. I didn’t like it in the greenhouse; it would be better to place arcs above the bed.



It is convenient to grow strawberries on non-woven material - weeds are not a nuisance and humidity is maintained

In the spring, we take care of strawberry remontants in the same way as classic varieties. In the fall, the latter rests, only works as a donor for reproduction - therefore, periodic watering once every 10 days and fertilizing once (with potassium fertilizers) at the end of July - we save up strength for winter. We water the remontant varieties every 4–6 days, add liquid organic matter at the root, mineral nutrition along the leaves before flowering, and as soon as the bushes bloom, at the root with complex fertilizers with potassium (we use Zdraven). Pest prevention is not required at the end of summer - the main flight takes place in the spring. The yield of day-neutral varieties depends on the weather - warmth and sun decide everything. Nevertheless, our return from each such strawberry bush is less than in the spring from traditional varieties. Another disadvantage of remontants is that they do not always bear fruit in the spring: some do not bloom at all, others produce a dozen berries - it all depends on the variety. While the classic strawberry yields a month and gives up to 1.5–2 kg (measured specially) of selected large berries from the bush (in the 2nd–3rd year from the moment of planting). Repairers are a priority only for the sake of repeated fruiting. Their berries are especially large only in the first year (during spring planting).

Advantages and disadvantages of remontant varieties

The size and taste of day-neutral strawberries may not differ much from the classic one, but the yield will be higher only if the criteria for choosing a cultivar are met, experts say. To effectively grow remontants you need:

  • choose varieties suitable for the climate zone;
  • follow agricultural practices;
  • renew plantings every 2 years;
  • Keep in mind that the yield of small-fruited cultivars is lower, but immunity and winter hardiness are higher.

The repair plant needs watering and fertile soil. Then the berry will be both aromatic and sweet. Otherwise, the taste suffers. Another nuance is to replace the mother bush with a baby after two years. Unlike the traditional one, which lasts for five years, remontant varieties are depleted faster due to abundant fruiting. Therefore, on the site it is better to combine remontant with conventional, in my opinion.

Restaurant critic


Small-fruited varieties of day-neutral strawberries often compete in taste and aroma with the same wild berries

As with any other crop, growing strawberries with continuous fruiting has its pros and cons.

Advantages of renovators:

  • they can bear fruit already in the year of planting, including on layering;
  • relatively cold-resistant and drought-resistant;
  • large-fruited - up to 40–60 g;
  • have high immunity to many diseases and are rarely affected by pests, including strawberry weevil and spider mite.

Of the significant disadvantages, one of the most important can be identified - due to the abundant fruiting throughout the season, the plant quickly ages. Therefore, it is recommended to renew beds with remontant strawberries annually - then you can consistently get a high yield, and the berries will not become smaller.

Plantings of remontant strawberries will have to be renewed annually

We can name some features of growing day-neutral strawberries - they are difficult to classify as both advantages and disadvantages:

  • Experts note the increased demands of renovators on soil fertility and regular watering. In this case, it is necessary to avoid waterlogging so that the root collar does not rot and the crop does not spoil. Mulching helps maintain moderate humidity in berry beds.
  • Stable fruiting from June to September - October is possible only with periodic fertilizing based on nitrogen and potassium. The best option is to carry out at least 10 feedings during the entire growing season: alternate Kemira, boric acid, slurry solution, Crystallin, yeast feeding, before flowering Ovary.
  • It is preferable to plant remontants at the end of July - in August, but at this time it is not so easy to find planting material. Nurseries usually offer a large assortment of neutral strawberry seedlings in the spring.
  • This variety of strawberry also requires attention before wintering: experts recommend mulching the plantings again in the fall and covering them with spruce branches for the winter.

It is impossible not to mention the problem of overwintering plants, and for remontant strawberries this is especially important, since they overwinter formed flower stalks, which ensure the earliest harvest. The ideal situation is when the soil remains frozen during the winter and does not thaw until spring, and the temperature of the soil surface under the snow does not drop below minus 3–5 degrees. Under such conditions, plants are not damaged. In spring, well-overwintered leaves immediately begin to work for the harvest, and overwintered buds produce early berries. Of course, such conditions are rare, but you can help the plants survive the winter well. In the fall, at the end of September - in November, be sure to add old leaves, sawdust, humus, and peat under the bushes so that the leaves are not covered. Ideal for strawberries is dry shelter, the same as for roses.

M. KACHALKIN, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences

"Homestead Newspaper" No. 10, May 2007

Video: the difference between regular strawberries and remontant ones

I think that large-fruited remontant varieties of strawberries are very inferior in taste to regular ones - they are more like store-bought ones, the very first ones that are available in supermarkets already in February - March. And not a drop of aroma. Small strawberries with continuous fruiting (strawberries by appearance) are an amazingly tasty dessert; we enjoy them from June to September. But there can be no talk of great harvests - a couple of handfuls of selected berries every other day from 20-30 bushes. This yield is the same in June and August-September. But she really goes under the snow with the berries - they remain sweet and aromatic.

Temptation – actively advertising strawberries

As a result of the hard work of scientists, a remontant and large-fruited variety Temptation was obtained. An early maturing hybrid of English selection, which is capable of bearing fruit in open ground from May until autumn frosts, and in greenhouse conditions - throughout the year. Low, compact bushes.

The variety has gained popularity thanks to:

  • medium-sized dark green foliage;
  • tall peduncles with amazingly beautiful flowers of a pale pink hue;
  • large, shiny fruits of a rounded cone shape, intensely red in color;
  • pulp, characterized by juiciness, density, meatiness, without inclusions on the cut;
  • sweet and sour taste with nutmeg aroma.
  • average weight of berries is 30-35 g.

Advantages of the variety:

  • Increased productivity, up to 1.8 kg per bush
  • Excellent taste (4.8 points)
  • Early ripening, duration of fruiting
  • Average frost resistance
  • High resistance to diseases
  • Universal purpose of the crop

Disadvantages of the variety:

  • Requirement for watering
  • Having a large number of mustaches
  • Weak resistance to heat and drought
  • Inability to propagate by seeds

Strawberry transplant

Young bushes are transplanted in the fall. After the third good harvest and before the onset of frost, so that the plant takes root.

  • Albion strawberries: detailed description of the variety, care rules and strawberry propagation options
  • Film for strawberries: types, tips for selection and recommendations for use. 90 photos and videos of growing strawberries on the plot
  • Wild strawberries: beneficial properties, differences from garden varieties, planting and care rules (105 photos)

In general, the plant tolerates winter well. To avoid freezing, in the absence of snow cover, you can sprinkle the bed with dry leaves or sawdust.

Queen Elizabeth is the main contender for the title of best early variety

Thanks to the efforts of breeders from Great Britain, the Elizabeth strawberry variety was obtained, which is capable of bearing fruit more than 2 times per season. The first berries can be tasted in May, and the last harvest in October. Peak fruiting occurs in July-August.

Compact bushes are vigorous, reaching a height of 50 cm.

The plant is valued for:

  • large, smooth, bright green leaves with a pronounced glossy sheen;
  • erect, strong buds located under the foliage;
  • massive, bisexual, snow-white flowers;
  • large bright red, round-oval fruits that, when ripe, acquire a bumpy, cone-shaped shape;
  • dense pulp with a pronounced aroma and rich taste with a slight sourness, which subtly emphasizes the sweetness;
  • average weight of berries is 30-60 g.


  • Enviable productivity, 1-1.5 kg per bush
  • Excellent taste (4.7 points)
  • Early ripening
  • Resistance to diseases and pests
  • Good frost resistance
  • Transportability
  • Storage duration
  • Suitable for all types of processing


  • Reduced fruiting in hot weather
  • Shrinking of fruits by the 3rd season
  • Watery taste in rainy summer
  • Requirements for soil type and structure

Harvesting, transportability and storage of crops

Berries should be picked 2-3 days before they are fully ripe. If the fruits are planned to be stored, then they must be removed from bushes with tails. Harvesting must be done in the morning, after the dew has dried, or in the evening. Dry fruits can be stored a little longer.

Berries should be harvested in boxes made of plastic or wood, in which paper or fabric must first be placed. Strawberries can only be stored when laid in one layer. At home, the fruits are placed in glass or plastic containers with lids. You cannot wash them before storing them.

As soon as the berries are collected, they should be placed in cold conditions - a temperature of 0°...+2°C. At this temperature, the shelf life of strawberries is 3–4 days. In room conditions, the berries can last for one day.

Frozen fruits can be stored the longest: in this form they retain most of the beneficial elements. When transporting strawberries, you should not pour them from container to container and sort them out: any additional actions threaten to reduce the shelf life.

Did you know? Strawberries are the only berry in which the seeds are located not on the inside, but on the outside. One mature fruit has approximately 200 of them.

Thus, remontant strawberries attract summer residents because they are capable of producing crops several times per season. The procedures for caring for them are somewhat different from those carried out for ordinary strawberries - in particular, they need increased watering and a large amount of fertilizing.

Portola - a capricious garden decoration

Portola is the result of the efforts of American scientists. Strawberries are characterized by a long fruiting period. The first harvest can be harvested in early summer. The ovary forms on the bushes every 1.5 months. Farmers and amateur gardeners recognize it as worthy of attention and a special, reverent attitude for themselves.

The bushes are compact, tall, not spreading.

The variety has won the love of many gardeners because of:

  • dark green, shiny foliage with strong interveinal swellings;
  • bright red, large fruits of a wide cone shape, with a glossy sheen;
  • sweet and sour amazing taste with a pleasant aroma;
  • average weight of berries is 35-45 g.


  • High productivity, up to 1-2 kg per bush
  • Good winter hardiness
  • Beautiful fruits, without voids
  • Long shelf life
  • Transportability
  • Decorativeness


  • Dependence of fruit sugar content on weather
  • Grinding berries without feeding
  • Deterioration of taste during heat
  • Susceptibility to fungal infections

What kinds of remontants are there: a review of varieties with photos

Strawberry cultivars that can bloom and bear fruit repeatedly are conventionally divided into small-fruited and large-fruited. But there are also varieties that do not produce whiskers; such a berry will not grow throughout the entire area.

Small-fruited remontant strawberries, or Alpine ones, are similar to classic wild strawberries and have two varieties: without whiskers, which is more convenient in agricultural technology, and “with whiskers.” The small fruit is more unpretentious and drought-resistant. It bears fruit from July, and the taste and quantity of the harvest is not inferior to large-fruited strawberries. Most large-fruited varieties are endowed with the ability to reproduce by layering (whiskers). Such remontants have berries that are more massive than traditional cultivars. But, according to ordinary people, the harvest may be inferior in taste and aroma to ordinary strawberry varieties.

There are also varieties:

  • according to the timing of ripening - there are ultra-early ones and those ripening at the end of spring (in the first wave of fruiting);
  • depending on the region of distribution;
  • bush forms and ampelous (with creeping shoots);
  • with different shapes and colors of berries.

Ampel strawberries - not only tasty, but also beautiful

The best varieties of day-neutral strawberries (including large-fruited ones)

The most productive and mostly large-fruited varieties are presented here - remontants. Small-fruited cultivars always look impeccable, but varieties with large berries also remain no less decorative throughout the summer season.

Queen Elizabeth 2 - a classic of European selection

This is an English day-neutral variety and belongs to the late cultivars. They say that the Queen’s bushes are vigorous, the berries are dense, pointed, conical, and tolerate transportation well. At the same time, they are sweet, quite fragrant, and light orange at the break. The berries weigh on average 35–40 g, some reach up to 70 g. The difference between the variety is that it produces few whiskers, but an abundance of flower buds. Nevertheless, Queen Elizabeth 2 bears fruit with dignity only with regular feeding. It is advisable to grow it on fertile soil, otherwise the berry will be small and dry.

The Queen Elizabeth 2 strawberry berries are large and sweet only if agricultural practices are followed.

I bought one Elizaveta 2 bush 2 years ago with the expectation of further propagation. It’s difficult to say how exactly it matches the variety, but it seems similar. There are few mustaches, even very many, the berry is large, beautiful - that’s for sure, we liked the taste. South slope, water only when necessary. But this year the first bush began to wither, the rosette is very high. There are 2 sockets left.

Mich, Penza


Video: Strawberry Queen Elizabeth 2

Albion - an American loved in Russia

This is an American cultivar that appeared on the agricultural market in 2006. But despite this, the variety has long won the hearts of gardeners: the berries are large - up to 40-50 g, dark red, sweet, powerful bushes - up to 45 cm in height, the leaves are bright green, with a shine like satin. Albion does not tolerate severe frosts well, but is quite drought-resistant.

Albion is a worthy berry, and easily produces 2 harvests even in the northwestern zone

I waited for Albion to bear fruit two months after planting the seedlings. It is very difficult to give any final assessments, since our climate is not at all strawberry-producing and I don’t produce berries for sale. Its pulp is very dense, there is little sugar, and there is a strawberry aroma. It seems to me that this is a real industrial grade.



Video: Strawberry Albion


Maestro's bushes are quite compact - this variety is often grown at home in pots. The berries of the cultivar are round-oval, deep red, weigh 35–45 g. Maestro bears fruit until frost, and easily overwinters without shelter. If not properly cared for, it can produce few flower stalks and practically no layering. But if this variety is comfortable on the site - both the climate and the soil are appropriate - the yield per bush reaches 1.5 kg (over the summer). Moreover, Maestro is capable of delivering the harvest from 2 to 5 times a season. The variety prefers fertile, loose soil and regular watering.

Video: Strawberry Maestro

Selva - large berries, loved by farmers and gardeners of the Urals

Selva is one of the most productive remontants in the strawberry assortment. The berries are elongated, some irregular in shape, round-sided, sometimes wide-conical (weight up to 50 g), in the spring the pulp of the berries is juicy and soft, in the fall the Selva harvest becomes harsh, suitable for transportation. Sometimes it is sour, but experts familiar with this variety say that it is necessary to keep the harvest on the bushes - then the berries will be sweet, but, unfortunately, not very fragrant. One drawback of the variety is that the harvest is weakly aromatic and is occasionally affected by gray mold. But in industrial cultivation, Selva is the No. 1 berry.

Having planted Selva, you can enjoy the berries until the end of September

Selva has been growing for several years and, according to my observations, has some characteristics: it does not like heat - the bushes wither, the leaves curl, the berries become smaller, even with periodic watering; It is recommended to renew beds with Selva every year, otherwise fruiting in the 2nd–3rd year occurs only once - in June, and is scanty; with dense planting, this variety has fewer flower stalks.

Monterey - sweet guest from California

The mid-early variety Monterey was bred by American breeders at the University of California in 2001. Fruiting occurs in mid-May and lasts until frost. This type of strawberry is capable of bearing fruit in several stages - up to 4 harvests can be collected per season.

The bushes of the plant are distinguished by their great growth force, therefore, when growing, they require more planting space than other varieties.

The plant has:

  • leaves are bright green with a beautiful shine;
  • regular-shaped fruits of dark red color with a shiny and glossy surface, pointed towards the end;
  • dense and juicy pulp;
  • sweet taste and weak aroma;
  • The average weight of the berry is 30 g, and with good care - 40 g.


  • Good yield, up to 2 kg per bush
  • Large fruit
  • Excellent taste (3.4 points)
  • Transportability
  • Versatility in crop purpose
  • Disease resistance
  • Duration of fruiting


  • Intolerance to bush density
  • Weak frost resistance
  • The need to rejuvenate plantings

Moscow delicacy - a product of Dutch selection

The medium-sized hybrid does not take up much space on the site, since its bushes are compact and the shoots do not extend more than 40 cm.

Botanical description:

  • green, wide, slightly pubescent foliage;
  • dense, light green stems with thin petioles;
  • well-developed root system, characterized by symmetry;
  • inflorescences of both sexes, placed under the leaves;
  • bright red fruits with noticeable yellow-brown seeds, cone-shaped with a blunt end;
  • balanced taste, harmoniously combines sweetness and acidity;
  • The average weight of the berry reaches 60 g.


  • Good productivity, 0.8-1.2 kg per bush
  • Pleasant harmonious taste and aroma
  • High immunity to diseases
  • Excellent transportability
  • Early harvest ripening


  • Bitterness of fruits due to lack of moisture
  • Medium sized berries
  • The first harvest is not marketable
  • Requires seating update
  • Low frost resistance

Selva – a delight for the taste buds

The hybrid was bred by American breeders in California in the 70s. The variety combines remontability and early ripening of the first berries: from late May to early June.

The bushes of the plant are semi-spreading, reaching a height of up to 50 cm. The berry crop has:

  • large green foliage on long edge cuttings;
  • powerful, fairly strong peduncles that reliably hold numerous ovaries and filling berries;
  • massive, snow-white, bisexual flowers with developed stamens rich in pollen;
  • fruits of regular conical shape with a short neck or flat base, bright red color with a glossy sheen;
  • golden yellow or reddish seeds;
  • red pulp with a light core, characterized by density and low aroma;
  • dessert taste, which depends on weather and climatic conditions;
  • The average weight of berries is 25-30 g, the maximum is 70-75 g.


  • Good yield, 1.5-2 kg per bush
  • Excellent taste (4.7 points)
  • Large fruit
  • High frost resistance
  • Ideal disease resistance
  • Versatility of crop use
  • Transportability


  • Excessive fruit acidity
  • Short life of the plantation

Furor is a worthy example of Dutch selection

A Dutch variety that has managed to collect many positive reviews in the short period of its existence.

Information! The hybrid is suitable for cultivation both at a summer cottage and in production areas, and is widely used for commercial purposes.

The bushes are compact, have great growth energy, are able to quickly grow green mass and bear fruit almost without interruption. The plant has:

  • massive, wrinkled leaves of a round-oval shape, with wide teeth along the edges;
  • bisexual, white flowers;
  • long, multi-primed peduncles;
  • large, regular, elongated-conical shape, with a small neck, bright red fruits;
  • small achenes immersed to medium depth;
  • bright red pulp, which is characterized by density, juiciness, aromaticity, without voids and without crunch when bitten;
  • harmonious taste with a pleasant note of sourness;
  • the average weight of berries is within 30-35 g.


  • Excellent yield
  • Wonderful taste and commercial quality
  • Large fruit
  • Fast ripening of fruits
  • High winter hardiness
  • Good transport properties
  • Long shelf life
  • Immunity to disease
  • Not susceptible to sun caking


  • Requirements for soil composition
  • The need for fertilizing and watering

Features of caring for strawberries

Remontant strawberries have a completely different life cycle, requirements for the composition and acidity of the soil, and care features. Before planting seedlings, an attentive gardener must familiarize himself with the growing rules for this crop:

  1. Due to the rapid growth of the ground part and constant flowering, the plant requires fertilizing in the form of mineral complexes, chicken droppings and ready-made organic mixtures.
  2. The soil should have a slightly acidic or neutral environment. When choosing a place to plant plants, you should avoid soil with high groundwater levels (excessive soil moisture). Also, great attention should be paid to the condition of the drainage layer. The soil around the bushes is periodically loosened, and during the period of active growth it is covered with mulch. Such measures help retain moisture in the soil.
  3. If the growth of green mass is insufficient, the flower stalks should be temporarily cut off so that the plant exaggerates the above-ground part. Only a sufficiently formed bush without signs of disease can please the gardener with bright, large berries.
  4. Sites for growing remontant strawberries are constantly being updated. Due to active fruiting, the crop depletes the soil (after harvesting the strawberry bushes, garlic and mustard can be planted in the remaining area).

During the first half of the summer season, all mustaches should be removed. With this approach, the plant will direct its forces to the formation and ripening of fruits.

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