Diseases and pests of homemade lemon, what to do and treatment methods

Why does indoor lemon get sick?

Indoor lemon requires special growing conditions.
The plant reacts sharply to a lack of sunlight, irregular watering schedules, low humidity and lack of fertilizing. A weakened tree becomes susceptible to disease. The main causes of indoor lemon diseases:

  • lack of light;
  • incorrect soil composition: poor or too dense;
  • rare watering;
  • stagnation of water in the soil, lack of drainage;
  • lack of minerals or their excess;
  • damage to the roots or trunk during transplantation;
  • spread of infections from tools or other plants.

Fungal diseases appear when there is excess moisture. They can be carried by pests that appear when using soil that has not been disinfected. Infection can also spread from recently purchased indoor plants.

Lemon pest Whitefly and its larvae.

Tiny white flies live on the inside of the leaf, but it is not they who cause harm, but the larvae that emerge from the eggs. They are very prolific and a lot of them appear in a short time.

By sucking the juice from the plant, they deplete the lemon, and the plant sheds its ovaries. Toxic substances are released and fungus develops. The appearance of the tree deteriorates, it becomes overgrown with white spots, the leaves fall off.

This is a very serious pest and difficult to get rid of. To combat it, hang Velcro near the lemon and wash off all the eggs from the tree with water.

Washing with shag tincture or ash solution will help get rid of whiteflies. It is recommended to use special preparations.

What we know about COVID-19

COVID-19 is an infectious disease caused by the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2. Discovered in China at the end of 2022, by May 15 it had infected 4.4 million people worldwide. Most of those with symptoms complain of fever, cough and difficulty breathing. Special medications and vaccines against COVID-19 have not yet been developed. However, virologist and head of the MIPT genome engineering laboratory Pavel Volchkov said that the first effective cure for coronavirus infection may appear in the fall.

In general, the Ministry of Health recommends the use of six drugs to treat coronavirus. these are favipiravir, remdesivir, umifenovir, hydroxychloroquine, azithromycin and interferon alfa.

Why do indoor lemon leaves turn yellow?

Lack of lighting

The natural environment for lemon is the hot tropics, so genetically the plant needs good, long-lasting light. But this does not mean that the tree should be exposed to direct sunlight. Otherwise, the leaves may burn. If there is insufficient light, yellow spots will appear on the lemon leaves. You need to provide the lemon with sufficient light, especially during the cold season. Try to keep it on south-facing windows or use fluorescent lamps for lighting.

Watering mode

For homemade lemon, it is important to follow the rules and watering regime. A golden mean is needed, because both underwatering and overwatering are dangerous for the root system of a houseplant

Excessive moisture leads to waterlogging of the soil. Heavy soil interferes with air circulation, which leads to root rot. The plant stops receiving enough nutrients. First, the tips of the leaves acquire a yellowish tint, then they fall off and the tree dies.

Select the optimal watering regime, which keeps the soil slightly moist. It is better to water several times in small portions. To be on the safe side, you can put a small amount of drainage at the bottom of the pot: after all, if the top layer of soil is dry, this does not mean that there is not enough moisture inside.


Another reason why lemon leaves turn yellow may be a violation of the temperature regime. The fruit does not like temperature fluctuations or drafts. Yellowed leaves will tell the owner that the plant is under stress. The optimal temperature for the development and well-being of the tree will be about 20 degrees. However, the plant can withstand a temperature range from 14 to 25 degrees, the main thing is stable indicators.

Air humidity

It would seem that you have taken into account all the points for caring for lemon, but the lemon leaves still turned yellow

What to do? Pay attention to the humidity level in the room. Excessive dry air is another cause of discomfort for the plant.

It is optimal to maintain the humidity level within 60–70%. After all, high humidity can lead to fungal diseases of the tree.

What measures should be taken? During the summer or heating season, you can place a lemon near the humidifier. If you don't have a humidifier, regularly spray the leaves with soft water at room temperature. You can also place various containers of water near the lemon. Experienced gardeners make a small greenhouse for the plant without a top: such a shelter will protect the plant not only from dry air, but also from drafts.

Lack and excess of fertilizers

Citrus fruits are quite demanding regarding the presence of nutrients and microelements in the soil. If small yellow spots appear on the leaves between the veins, then it’s time to feed the lemon, otherwise the plant will die. Specialized fertilizers for citrus fruits are ideal for feeding. Although you can balance your diet yourself.

But keep in mind that in addition to phosphorus and nitrogen, your pet will also need preparations with magnesium, iron, zinc, potassium, calcium, and sulfur. So if you are not a fanatic gardener, then it is better to buy ready-made fertilizer. An overdose of fertilizers can cause all the leaves to fall off at once. Don’t forget, if you want to calmly enjoy the fruits without risking your health, adhere to measures in the use of fertilizers.

Attack of diseases and pests

Indoor plants are quite rarely susceptible to invasion by various types of pests. But anything is possible. Lemons suffer from the same pests as many other plants: aphids, spider mites, scale insects, and whiteflies. They destroy young shoots and leaves, sucking the juice from them. Holes appear on the leaves, they turn yellow, dry out and fall off.

You can treat the plant with special preparations, but you can also get by with a solution with laundry soap or ash. If this does not help, then insecticides should be used, but use them strictly according to the instructions. The ideal option would be to use bioinsecticides that are safe for people and animals.

To help your citrus fruit in time, pay attention to the slightest changes: deformation of leaves, cracks, release of dark brown juice, change in color of branches from green to crimson or brown. At the first signs of disease, you should immediately change the watering regime and remove the affected areas

These are all the main reasons why lemon leaves turn yellow. But don’t rush to panic, it’s possible that your little lemon is just changing clothes.

Lemon pests: spider mites and their photos

Spider mites on lemons attack young leaves and immature shoots. It settles on the underside of the leaf blade along the veins and feeds on the juice of the leaves, after which they turn yellow and dry out. It is quite difficult to detect a tick with the naked eye, since this pest reaches no more than 1-2 mm. Signs of its appearance are small, light dots - places where the leaf plate is punctured. In some cases, the leaves curl up, and cobwebs can be seen on their reverse side. New mites hatch in the web, and the affected leaf falls off.

Spider mites can be red, yellow, orange, white, or transparent. The most common pest of indoor lemons is the red spider mite.

There may be several reasons for the appearance of this parasite. It can get home from the street through open windows, or into the soil during transplantation. Often the cause of its appearance is dry warm air in the room.

If an insect is detected, the tree is sprayed with sulfur. Pesticides are also used to destroy it. For preventative purposes, the lemon is washed under running water, paying more attention to the underside of the leaves. Spraying the affected plant with water and laundry soap has a good effect.

Spider mites do not tolerate ultraviolet rays, so when fighting them, citrus is placed under a special ultraviolet lamp for 1.5-2 minutes. This session is not only harmless to the plant, but increases its resistance to diseases and pests

Treating the leaves with a 96% alcohol solution will help get rid of the parasite. Their surface is wiped with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol. The alcohol should not be diluted, as it will take longer to evaporate, which will cause burns to the leaves. After a week, the treatment is repeated. Before processing, it is necessary to remove all affected parts of the lemon.

To destroy spider mites, you can use 35% sulfaride paste. The tree is treated with this solution 3-5 times with an interval of 7-10 days. However, such treatment is not recommended at the flowering and fruit set stage.

Rhinitis and food allergies

AR may be the result of a food allergy. In one study, it was shown that it develops in 35% of children with this condition. Among the main food allergens that provoke AR, scientists name peanuts, milk, shrimp and eggs. In Russia, the leading food allergens also include citrus fruits, chocolate, tomatoes, and strawberries. This highlights the need for allergy testing to guide allergen avoidance strategies.

But most cases of food-related allergic rhinitis are the result of cross-allergy. An example would be an allergy to apples in people with hypersensitivity to birch pollen. This phenomenon develops when allergens are structurally similar to each other at the molecular level.

Fungal diseases of lemons

The vast majority of lemon diseases are fungal in nature - fungi parasitize plant tissues, destroying them.

Chern (black plaque)

Black on lemon leaves.
Photo: Joseph O'Brien Blackhead is a disease of citrus fruits caused by sooty fungi growing on the sweet, sticky secretions of insects that parasitize lemons: aphids, thrips, scale insects, scale insects, whiteflies.

Cherry damages the appearance and weakens plants - a black coating covers the leaves, interferes with photosynthesis, the plant weakens and slows growth.

The plaque is washed off using wet swabs under running, warm water. Along the way, insect pests are removed with water.

Since the disease is caused by insects, the insects must first be removed, and only then the fungal component of the disease must be treated. Without killing insects, the use of fungicides is pointless.

Leaf spot

If dark, wet, irregularly shaped spots appear on the leaves of an indoor lemon, then the lemon is most likely infected with fungi that parasitize the plant tissue.

If lemon leaf spot is advanced, the disease spreads to the stems, and then the plant dies.

Spotting is treated by removing the affected leaves and branches, while simultaneously treating the plant with fungicides. At 4-5 weeks, do not spray the lemon; reduce the frequency and amount of water for irrigation.


Symptoms of anthracnose on a lemon leaf: rotting spots. Photo: IDTools.org

Anthracnose is a fungal disease of greenhouse and greenhouse lemons, but can also appear in home lemons if the room is warm and humid.

If dark brown spots appear on the leaves of the lemon, including the tips of the leaves, then most likely the plant has anthracnose. Advanced anthracnose causes the leaves to dry out and the entire above-ground part of the lemon dies.

Spots on the fruits of the lemon's relative, grapefruit, are signs of advanced anthracnose. Photo: plantvillage.org

The development of anthracnose is promoted by high humidity, lack of phosphorus and potassium.

Anthracnose, like most fungal diseases, is treated by trimming rotting leaves and branches and treating with fungicides.

Powdery mildew

Powdery mildew is a fungal disease that causes a white, powdery coating to appear on the leaves; leaves curl and turn yellow; the plant slows down its growth.

Powdery mildew on lemon leaves. Photo: The Spruce

Powdery mildew is treated with plenty of fresh air and copper-containing preparations: copper sulfate solution, 1% Bordeaux mixture, etc.

Causes and treatment of homemade lemon diseases

At home, lemon is susceptible to fungal and viral diseases. To combat the fungus, they resort to drugs containing copper. Viral diseases are the most dangerous. There are no treatments for them.


Lemons growing in greenhouses and conservatories suffer from anthracnose. The disease is fungal in nature and spreads at high temperatures and humidity. At home, damage also appears due to a lack of phosphorus and potassium.

Anthracnose is diagnosed by dark brown spots on leaves and fruits. Gradually, the plant’s buds fall off, the foliage turns yellow, and the branches die. The first stage in treating the disease is removing the affected shoots. Then the tree is treated with Bordeaux mixture or Agrolekar.

Photo of anthracnose disease in home-grown lemon:


Scab is a fungal disease that affects all above-ground parts of the lemon: round spots and growths form on the leaves, branches and fruits. The growths gradually turn brown and become covered with a dark green coating. Orange dots appear on the fruits, which grow and become reddish in color. The disease spreads in high humidity.

If treatment is not started on time, the plant will become covered with growths and die. A solution of Bordeaux mixture with a concentration of 1%, Strobi or Skor helps fight scab. Treatments are carried out per sheet every 4 days. First remove all affected parts of the lemon.

Sooty fungus

Black fungus, or sooty fungus, is a dangerous disease of homemade lemons. To treat it, it is important to establish the cause of the lesion: it is usually spread by scale insects and other pests. The cause of the disease is also high humidity, which appears in the absence of ventilation.

The disease is identified by the black coating that appears on the leaves and shoots. Outwardly, it resembles soot. The fungus inhibits photosynthesis in the leaves, after which they fall off. Treatment of lemon begins with treatment against pests. The tree is treated with Aktara every 4 days.

Advice! Sooty fungus can be easily removed with a damp cloth or a stream of water.

Root rot

A dangerous disease that affects the root system of lemons. At the same time, the tree has a depressed appearance: its branches and leaves wither, the ovaries crumble. When such symptoms appear, the tree is removed from the container and inspected. If rotten areas are found, they are removed with a knife. The sections are treated with charcoal.

Then the lemon is transplanted into new fertile soil. Drainage is placed at the bottom of the container to remove moisture. In the future, the plant requires special care. It is kept in a lighted window and watered periodically, avoiding stagnation of water in the soil.


Gommosis, or gum disease, is a dangerous disease of the lemon trunk. Its cause is excess nitrogen, lack of potassium, and hypothermia. As a result, the tissues on the trunk and shoots of the plant expand and the bark is damaged. Small drops of resin appear on the surface.

To combat gommosis, the crop is regularly fed with potassium and phosphorus fertilizers. It is recommended to replant the lemon in fertile soil and provide moderate watering with warm water. Damaged areas on the trunk are removed with a knife and treated with a solution of potassium permanganate. Then garden varnish is applied to the damaged areas.

Powdery mildew

A fungal disease of lemon on the leaves that spreads in a short time. A white coating appears on the leaf blade, resembling flour or powder. The disease spreads quickly and covers the entire tree. Powdery mildew is caused by improper care: high air and soil humidity, excess nitrogen fertilizers, lack of pruning.

To get rid of the disease, lemon is sprayed with Fundazol or Topaz. The thickened crown is thinned out, watering and fertilizing are normalized. The plant is kept in a lighted and ventilated place. Every 2 weeks it is fed with potassium and phosphorus fertilizers.

Malsecco's disease

Malsecco disease causes leaves to fall off in indoor lemons. First, yellow spots appear on the leaf plate, then the tops of the shoots dry out, and red veins are visible on the cut wood. The cause of the lesion is infection.

In lemon plantations, the lesion is more common in areas near the Black and Mediterranean Seas. At home, young and weakened plants that do not receive sufficient lighting are susceptible to the disease. Malsecco's disease has no cure, so all measures are preventative. To do this, prevent cracks from appearing on the trunk and regularly trim dry branches.


Tristeza is a dangerous viral disease that can destroy a plant. The defeat is determined by the symptoms: white veins and yellow coloring of the leaves, wood corrosion. The lemon tree looks depressed, its foliage and fruits become smaller. Over time, the plant dies.

The virus is spread by aphids or by using poor-quality rootstock. There are no methods of control against tristeza. The affected lemon is thrown away. To prevent the disease, it is important to destroy pests and apply fertilizers to increase immunity.

Oily stains

The disease is common in the southern regions and affects citrus crops in autumn and winter. Signs of damage are yellowish light spots on the leaves. Convex growths appear on the underside, which burst and form dark spots.

Important! Meyer lemon, which is grown as an ornamental plant and a source of healthy fruits, is especially susceptible to oily spot disease.

Oily stains are caused by microscopic fungi. They are found in areas where lemons are grown on an industrial scale. At home, the fungus appears in high humidity. Preparations containing copper help fight oily stains: Bordeaux mixture, Oxychom, Topaz. In addition, it is recommended to wash and disinfect the leaves. This way, the nutrient medium that can support the development of fungus is removed from their surface.

Viral mosaic

Lemon leaves suffer from viral mosaic. They develop light yellow or white spots. The disease leads to deformation of foliage. The plant develops slowly and takes on a depressed appearance. The virus spreads through tools, soil and pests.

Viral mosaic cannot be treated. However, it is possible to stop the development of the virus and save the plant. It is regularly looked after: fed, watered, kept in a sunny place. In good conditions, even an infected lemon grows for several years.

Symptoms of tonsillitis.

A symptom that combines both types is pain in the throat. The pain can be both severe and tolerable. The patient experiences severe discomfort while eating and swallowing.

Sore throat is much more severe than a chronic disease and is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • increased body temperature (up to 40°C);
  • very severe sore throat;
  • enlarged lymph nodes;
  • accumulations of pus on the tonsils (plaque, pustules);
  • enlarged tonsils;
  • headache;
  • weakness.

The symptoms and treatment of chronic tonsillitis are somewhat different from the manifestations of tonsillitis. With a chronic disease, the temperature remains at 37°C. A sore throat, cough, and bad breath are added. There is a white coating on the tonsils. The symptoms are less pronounced, since the course of the disease itself is characterized by remissions and exacerbations. A patient suffering from a chronic form of the disease loses his ability to work, gets tired quickly, and loses his appetite. Often a person suffers from insomnia.

Lopinavir and ritonavir

A combination of antiviral drugs called kaletra is used to treat HIV. According to WHO, the use of the drug in combination with other medications is effective in the fight against coronavirus. At the end of January, the Ministry of Health included lopinavir with ritovinar in the list of drugs recommended for COVID-19 as antiviral therapy. As a result, the demand and sales of kaletra increased tenfold. Experts warn that uncontrolled use of the drug without a doctor's prescription can cause harm to health, including diarrhea and liver damage.

Chinese scientists have found that lopinavir and ritonavir are not effective in treating mild to moderate COVID-19. Taking medications does not improve the clinical picture; moreover, it may cause side effects. The experiment involved 86 patients, of which 34 people took a combination of lopinavir and ritonavir, and 17 patients did not receive any drugs. After two weeks, both groups showed similar results, but those taking the medications experienced side effects.

Pollen has no place in the house

Pollen provokes seasonal AR or hay fever. In order to take timely measures, you need to know the flowering schedule of the plants to which you are allergic. Here are some tips for avoiding pollen from the English National Health System (NHS) and the Russian Journal of Allergology during the blooming of "dangerous" plants:

  • do not dry washed items outside;
  • keep windows and doors closed;
  • if possible, use air conditioners with special filters;
  • To protect your eyes outdoors, glasses with tight-fitting frames will help;
  • after returning from the street, you need to change clothes and take a shower;
  • walk around parks and fields.

Why doesn't lemon bear fruit?

Reasons why lemon does not bear fruit:

  • Incorrect vaccination. If the plant was grown from a seed, it will never bear fruit. You can graft lemon onto other varieties of lemons, oranges or grapefruits.
  • Temperature violations. If the grafting was carried out successfully and the tree bloomed, and then all the inflorescences fell off, then the problem is in the air temperature. The most favorable temperature is 23-25 ​​degrees.
  • Low humidity levels. The humidity level in the room should be 70-80%.
  • A large number of inflorescences. If there are a lot of inflorescences on a tree, they take a lot of energy from it and as a result, not a single flower produces fruit. You need to immediately pick off small flowers.
  • Lack of nutrients in the soil. As soon as the lemon begins to bloom, fertilizers for citrus plants are added to the soil.

Important! In order for a lemon to bloom, it needs conditions similar to those in its homeland in tropical forests: high humidity, a lot of diffused sunlight and regular fertilizing with complex mineral fertilizers.

Lemon pests: prevention

It is difficult to control pests at home; it is easier to prevent pests from reaching indoor plants than to spend weeks fighting them. By following simple pest prevention rules, you can significantly reduce the likelihood of insects feeding on your lemons:

  1. Careful inspection of “new” plants. Store-bought plants should be quarantined for 3-4 weeks and regularly inspected for lemon pest infestation. It is best, without waiting for trouble, to wash the leaves of purchased plants with running water and soap.
  2. Keep bouquets away from house plants. Pests often enter the house along with purchased bouquets or with bouquets of flowers cut from the dacha or garden. Remember that most lemon pests reproduce very quickly, so even a few insects pose a real threat to houseplants.
  3. Preventive flushing. Once a month, wash the leaves and branches of lemons with running water, covering the soil with film. A shower makes plants more resistant to emerging pests. It is also recommended to follow the regimes of watering, lighting and plant nutrition.
  • Lemon at home: diseases and pests
  • Lemons at home: growing rules

Lemon: diseases and their treatment

Diseases of indoor lemon can be of fungal, viral and bacterial origin. They spread through insects, water droplets during watering and spraying. It is important to remember: a healthy plant is less susceptible to disease than a weakened one. That is why at home it is simply necessary to provide the flower with proper care and microclimate. The main thing in treating a flower is correct and timely diagnosis and adequate actions to eliminate the disease. So, diseases of indoor lemon, their description with photos, effective treatment from specialists.

Washing the tonsils.

The procedure for washing the tonsils has a great positive effect, as a result of which pus is released from the lacunae and the medicine is administered. There are several ways to carry out the procedure.

The oldest, so to speak, ancient method is sanitation with a syringe. It is used quite rarely due to its low efficiency and traumatic nature, compared to the advent of more modern methods. The syringe is used when the patient has a strong gag reflex or very loose tonsils.

In other cases, a more effective method is used - vacuum rinsing with a special attachment of the Tonzillor apparatus.

But it is not without its drawbacks:

  • the container into which the purulent contents of the tonsils are “pumped out” is opaque, and the doctor cannot see whether the rinsing is complete;
  • The design feature of the nozzle is such that when the pressure necessary for complete rinsing is reached, the nozzle can injure the tonsils.

Our clinic for the treatment of tonsillitis offers its patients an alternative painless option for washing the tonsils using the improved “Tonsillor” nozzle - this is the “know-how” of our clinic. There are no analogues of our nozzle in other medical institutions in Moscow. It eliminates the disadvantages of a conventional nozzle: the rinsing container, which is suctioned to the tonsil, has transparent walls, and the otorhinolaryngologist can see what “comes out” of the tonsils. This eliminates unnecessary manipulations. The nozzle itself is non-traumatic and can be used even by children of school age.


These small insects, covered with hard shields, if widespread, can destroy the plant, especially if it is weakened for some reason. When attacked by pests, the leaves of a lemon wither and fall off, the shoots dry out, the tree becomes exhausted and slows down its growth, and does not bear fruit. There are several types of scale insects; they can live on the underside of leaf blades, on branches, on the trunk, tightly attaching to their surface. In the course of their life, insects secrete a sticky substance - honeydew, which disrupts the “breathing” of the plant and provokes the appearance of sooty fungus.

Pests should be controlled mechanically by washing the plant with warm running water and wiping the lemon with an alcohol solution (40-45 degrees) or vodka. Insecticides are also used, for example, Aktaru, Aktellik or Fitoverm, which is non-toxic to humans. But it is necessary to take into account an essential nuance - “chemistry” will only help if the insects are in the larval stage or are very young individuals that do not yet have a strong shell that protects them from the penetration of poison.

Since the plant can be affected by several types of scale insects, any treatment is carried out repeatedly - 3-4 times every 10-15 days. This is especially important when there is a large concentration of insects. After carrying out the procedures, it is advisable to replace the top layer of soil with a new one. If the tree bears fruit, you should not eat lemons after spraying them with pesticides.

For small lesions, to combat scale insects, you can use a soap-kerosene emulsion (10 g of kerosene and 5 g of soap per 1 liter of water), onions infused for 12 hours (1 medium onion per 1 liter of water), tobacco (2 tbsp. l per 0.5 liters of water), garlic infusion (5 cloves per 1 cup of water). The leaves and shoots are treated repeatedly - 1-2 times a week until the insects disappear.

Schizophrenia is not a death sentence

Many patients, having learned about their diagnosis, give up on themselves, their dreams and goals, believing that it is impossible to live fully.

This is a big misconception. There are many examples where people, living “in collaboration” with their illness, achieve much more than the average person.

Law professor Elin Sachs has lived hand in hand with schizophrenia for 30 years.

The first attack happened to her at the age of 16, when she was returning home from school. The houses around her became somehow animated, giving her verbal signals. Psychotic episodes then recurred at university. She was suddenly overcome by speech nonsense: Conclusion presupposes presence. And that’s the whole point. Salt is on the nightstand. Sam spoke. Did you kill someone?

She was visited by delusional thoughts about the fact that she had killed many people, she was visited by frightening hallucinations, her thoughts were confused and incoherent. Elin characterized this period as a nightmare, but she was unable to wake up. She was terrified and confused. But classical methods of therapy helped her: a psychoanalytic approach and drug treatment.

Her relationship with medications did not improve right away. For the time being, Ellin believed that the fewer medications, the better. Her therapist tried to convince her otherwise, but she wouldn't budge. She reduced the dosage until, during her next visit to a psychotherapist, she fell on the floor and began to thrash convulsively against it. It seemed to her that strange creatures with knives were attacking her and cutting her into small pieces. As a result, she nevertheless returned to the prescribed medications, and has not parted with them to this day.

When Ellin once again began to talk nonsense in the psychiatrist’s office, he offered her hospitalization, which she had to agree to.

Elin is currently a professor at the University of South Carolina School of Law and a member of the Department of Psychiatry at the University of California, San Diego. In the past, despite her illness, she received a fellowship from the MacArthur Foundation, one of the most prestigious philanthropic organizations. The disorder did not prevent her from successfully getting married at the age of 40.

Her case proves that schizophrenia is not a reason to isolate yourself from the world, including yourself. The disease can be kept under control, you just need to work on yourself.

With her colleagues, Elin conducts research on schizophrenia. They were able to study 20 people who also live with the disease. Most of them have been through more than one hospitalization, most have a diploma of higher or secondary education. Among them are masters, psychologists and lawyers, doctors, technologists and managers, and the general director. They all live an active life and are not used to being discouraged.

What pests live on citrus fruits?

The most common parasite that can live on a citrus tree is the scale insect. Unfortunately, if the scale insect has settled on the branches, crops or leaves of the plant, you can say goodbye to the fruits and leaves (they simply fall off). If lemon leaves curl , you can be sure that it is sick. This reduces the tree's yield. Scale insects parasitize the tree, sucking the sap of the plant, making them very weak in order to produce a good harvest.


multiply quite quickly on the leaves of indoor lemons Unfortunately, due to their ability to look like scales, it is very rare that they are quickly noticed by gardeners.

Scale insects stick to the stem and leaves, along the veins. Small larvae become motionless very quickly. Visually they look like a small, flat shield. The size of the larva is up to 5 mm. Scale insects are dangerous because they leave behind a sweet syrup on the shoots - honeydew, which destroys the shoots (making it difficult for them to breathe). If possible, flower growers should monitor and inspect the plant and, at the slightest hint of scale insects, should try to remove it.

The best chemical remedy for scale insects is actara. It is absorbed into the plant and the scale insect begins to feed on the sap of the plant where this remedy is present. Several treatments are needed.

Spider mite

Another pest is considered to be the spider mite on homemade lemons . This is a small spider, which has a diameter of only 0.4 millimeters. They usually settle at the bottom of the leaves, on their underside. If we compare their “nastiness”, they are in second place after scale insects. Unfortunately, spider mites do not have preliminary stages of infection. They have the ability to lay several thousand eggs at once. Another insidious ability is their “shelf life” - eggs can lie anywhere on an object for up to two years until they land on a plant leaf. Only after hitting the leaf will they hatch.

To get rid of spider mites, you need several treatments with alternating remedies for this pest. It is better to use three different ones, with an interval of 5 days: respiratory action, contact-intestinal action, and consolidate the result with a systemic agent.

A short video on how to properly treat citrus plants against spider mites


Aphids on a houseplant - many of us know this pest. Unfortunately, we can bring it into the house along with cut flowers. Aphids can be easily seen on lemons - they are small, light green insects. The size of aphids can be up to two millimeters. Reproduction occurs quite quickly, especially if the aphid has settled on a young plant, where there is enough food for it - young juice from the shoots. Damaged leaf plates will be sharply deformed and the shoots will become crooked.

Aphids are easy to get rid of using standard insecticides. Several treatments are needed.


An adult whitefly butterfly is a small moth (moth) that has a light yellow or soft pink abdomen. The wings of the whitefly are white. Several wings looked like someone had sprinkled them with powdered sugar or flour. The whitefly larvae lay at the bottom of the leaves. The first stage of life in these larvae is spent in motion, the subsequent stage is not so mobile.

We treat with insecticides several times.

These pests are harmful to citrus trees because they suck the juice from the shoots. Instead, they leave behind a sugary, sticky discharge. On the “harmfulness” scale, the whitefly ranks third.

Dust and its mites

The dust itself is not as dangerous as the mites living in it. And ticks are not as dangerous as their secretions. Dust mites or house dust mites live in carpets, pillows, mattresses and feed on flakes of people's skin. Ways to deal with them:

  • Humidity control. Air conditioning and climate control can help with this. As humidity drops below 50%, mites slow down their reproduction and may even become inactive.
  • Acaricides are chemical preparations against ticks. They can be used to kill mites in carpets and upholstered furniture. Their use in combination with other methods relieves allergy symptoms to mite allergens.
  • Bed arrangement. Choose pillows and blankets filled with artificial fibers; avoid feathers and down. Impermeable (anti-mite) mattress covers and pillowcases help relieve allergy symptoms. Bedspread fabrics should be lint-free and easy to wash; they should be washed regularly.
  • Cleaning with a vacuum cleaner with special filters, systematic wet cleaning.

Scale insect on citrus fruits, how to recognize, treatment

It is not easy to recognize a scale insect infestation at the first stage; the small parasite is well hidden from humans. It is generally impossible to distinguish the larvae, but adult insects are no longer difficult to notice. They are represented by brownish tubercles on the trunks and veins of leaves. Infection often occurs through the soil with scale insect larvae; it is also possible for parasites to migrate from another, recently purchased flower.

It is not easy to fight scale insects; they have a very strong shell that protects them from the effects of chemicals, so one treatment will not solve the problem. But not only chemicals will help cope with the problem.

Mechanical removal

Soak a cotton swab in alcohol or an alcohol solution and carefully wipe the areas where scale insects are located. If after this the parasites are difficult to remove, you can use a brush. It is important to carefully examine the leaves on both sides, stems and ovaries.


Even the most careful inspection and meticulous removal of scale insects will not be able to completely eliminate the problem, so it is recommended to pay special attention to chemicals. Two treatments with an interval of ten days will help solve the problem.

The most effective drugs are:

  • Aktara is a moderately dangerous insecticide that can be used either to spray a bush or simply pour it under the root. The drug absorbed in this way will enter the body of scale insects, poisoning the parasites;
  • Actellik is a broad-spectrum chemical used to kill all types of sucking parasites. It is important to consider that the drug has a rather pungent odor, so it is recommended to use it only in well-ventilated areas;
  • Fitoverm is a biological type drug that is highly safe. Decomposes quickly and does not pollute the soil. The fruits that were on the citrus at the time of treatment can be eaten already on the third day after spraying.

We learn more about citrus pests and methods of combating one of them by watching the video:

Scale insect and false scale insect

Scale insects as a pest of young lemons.
Photo: GardenWeb Scale insects are small sucking pests of lemons that resemble small turtles, up to 5 mm in size. Larvae and adult insects are harmful. Scale insect larvae are mobile and can migrate from plant to plant, even along a windowsill.

Having reached the plant, the scale insect larvae attach to it and begin to grow, secreting liquid from the glands, which forms a shield on the insect’s body that protects the scale insect from chemicals. Adult scale insects are motionless and difficult to separate from the plant. During the year, females give birth to 2-3 generations of larvae.

Scale insects settle on lemon leaves, along the veins at the top and bottom of the leaf, and on the fruit. The leaves become sticky, turn yellow and wither.

In the initial stage, scale insects are almost transparent, whitish in color, barely noticeable. Adult insects are noticeable after the growth of the scutellum: light gray round ones - scale insects and brown oval ones - false scale insects. Plants weaken and yields decrease.

How to deal with scale insects? The easiest way to get rid of scale insects is at the initial stage of colonization of the plant - they are inactive and do not bite. Collect a small number of scale insects by hand, and then wipe the leaves and branches with a cotton swab or toothbrush dipped in a solution of laundry soap or alcohol.

Folk remedies for scale insects:

  1. Water-oil emulsion. This is a more concentrated version of a similar emulsion to combat spider mites. 1 teaspoon of machine oil, 2 tablespoons of washing powder and 40 g of laundry soap are thoroughly mixed in a glass of warm water. The prepared emulsion is applied to all leaves and branches of the plant using a cotton swab. It is necessary to ensure that the emulsion does not get into the soil; to avoid this, cover it with plastic film before starting treatment. After 3.5-4 hours, the plants are thoroughly washed with clean water. The treatment is repeated at least 3 times, the break between treatments is 5-6 days.
  2. Garlic porridge. Dilute grated garlic and laundry soap with water in a ratio of 1:1:3. Using a toothbrush, apply the resulting pulp to all parts of the plant (leaves, branches, trunk). After about an hour, the pulp is washed off the plant with water.
  3. Decoction of bitter capsicum. Pour crushed pepper pods (100 g fresh or 10 g dry) into 1 liter of water, boil for 30 minutes and leave for 2 days. Before use, 1 tablespoon of concentrate is diluted with 1 liter of water, adding 1 tablespoon of grated laundry soap to the solution. After 2 hours, the plant is washed with water. Spraying is carried out every 2 weeks until the pests disappear.

Attention: A decoction of hot pepper can be used against aphids and spider mites

Causes and treatment of homemade lemon pests

Pests cause great damage to indoor flowers. They feed on the juice of their leaves, which negatively affects the general condition of the lemon. As a result, the tree develops slowly and loses its decorative appearance. The following are the main pests of indoor lemons and how to combat them.


Homemade lemons may develop sticky leaves. These are not symptoms of the disease, but the result of the appearance of a scale insect - a brown, brown or white pest, up to 2 mm long, with a waxy shield on the upper part of the body. The insect drinks juice from leaves and shoots, on the damaged areas of which yellow or red spots remain.

Under the influence of scale insects, lemon slows down its development, its leaves turn pale and fall off. Insecticides Fitoverm or Actellik help fight scale insects. The affected areas of the plant are cut off, the remaining leaves are moistened with soapy water. Garden varnish is applied to damaged areas.


Aphids are a dangerous pest of lemons that suck juices from plants, preferring young shoots. The body of the pest is pear-shaped, green, 1 - 6 mm in size. Aphid colonies appear more often in the spring. Their activity leads to leaf deformation and inhibits the development of lemon. In addition, insects carry dangerous viral diseases.

The pest is removed manually, the affected shoots are cut off. Most insects are washed off with a soap solution. In case of serious damage, the tree is sprayed with insecticides. Aktara and Fitoverm work best against aphids. Treatments are performed every 5 days.

Advice! When working with chemicals, precautions are taken: the plant is taken out to a balcony or open place, and the skin and organs of vision are protected.


At home, lemons can be damaged by thrips, small insects that live on the underside of leaves. Adult parasites have a black or brown body, up to 1.5 mm long, with two pairs of wings. Thrips larvae, no larger than 1 mm in size, are light yellow in color. They feed on the sap of leaves, which leads to their deformation.

Thrips are most active in summer, in hot weather. The insecticides Decis or Karbofos are used against them. Good results are obtained by spraying the tree with an infusion of soap and garlic. The frequency of treatments is 2 weeks.

Spider mite

Spider mites develop within 30 days. Favorable conditions for the pest are low humidity and high air temperature. The mite feeds on plant sap and lives on the underside of leaves. Not only lemons, but also other indoor plants are at risk.

Getting rid of indoor lemon pests involves spraying the tree. To do this, choose insecticides of contact or systemic action: Fitoverm, Intavir, Karbofos. The lemon trunk is sprayed with phosphorus or sulfur based products. Folk remedies work well against spider mites. An infusion of garlic, onion or dandelion is used against the pest.

Viral tree lesions

A citrus tree that is affected by a viral type of disease is difficult to treat. Such diseases lead to a lack of harvest and withering of the crop in a short period. The virus is transmitted during watering or by the wind. Also, the cause of infection with the virus can be soil and tools that have not been previously treated with a special disinfectant.

Citrus cancer

Symptoms of the disease are dark spots on the leaves. Lemons lose their shape and are often small in size. The virus quickly spreads throughout the plant, causing the leaves to fall off. At the first symptoms of the disease, it is necessary to remove dry shoots and spray with liquid copper.

Important. If there is a large accumulation of cancer symptoms, treatment does not produce results, so the plant must be removed

Otherwise, the infection will spread to other vegetation.

Leaf mosaic

The disease rarely appears on lemons. The virus manifests itself by the presence of large numbers of spots on the leaves. The shoots become pale and lose their color.


This type of virus occurs rarely. The lemon loses all its foliage, and the shoots gradually begin to die. The virus cannot be completely cured, so if symptoms of the disease occur, the plant must be removed. Most often, the cause of the disease is poor-quality planting material.

Infections and their treatment of citrus fruits

Lemon diseases, depending on the pathogen, are divided into viral and fungal. But in any case, if you do not respond to their appearance and do not carry out effective treatment, the “patient” will die.

Common viral diseases of lemon photo and description:

Leaf mosaic.
Manifested by the presence of dark or light streaks on the leaf plate. When a virus attacks, the plant stops growing and developing and loses its shape. Unfortunately, it is not possible to cure the plant. Proper care will help reduce its aggressiveness. But if there are other plants in the house, especially citrus fruits, the diseased lemon should be destroyed immediately.

  • Citrus cancer manifests itself as brown spots on the leaf blade, deformity of the fruit, and leaf drop. The virus cannot be treated. Prevention – spring treatment with a fungicidal preparation based on liquid copper.
  • Viral infections appear in apartments very rarely. They occur when the plant is not properly cared for, when its immunity decreases.

    Fungal diseases of indoor lemon:

      Gomosis appears at the beginning of infection as elongated brownish spots on the branches and trunk. Subsequently, development occurs when the bark dies and cracks. The “wounds” ooze a sticky substance that dries quickly. The causes of damage are increased air humidity, mechanical damage to the bark, lack of phosphorus and potassium in the soil, excess nitrogen, deepening of the root collar. Treatment: cut off the affected branches, cover the “wounds” with a garden disinfectant.

    Anthracnose is manifested by severe leaf fall. First, the leaf blade and buds turn yellow, then they fall off en masse. Over time, shoots are also affected. If drastic measures are not taken to combat the fungus, the plant will die. Treatment: spraying with a systemic fungicide, for example Fitosporin. You can also carry out 3-fold treatment with a 1% solution of Bordeaux mixture.

    How does high blood pressure manifest?

    The danger of hypertension lies in the fact that high blood pressure affects internal organs over the years, but does not manifest itself externally. Hypertension has no specific signs: all complaints arise only when the disease affects various organs and systems of the body. With a prolonged increase in blood pressure, the following may appear:

    throbbing headaches; dizziness, loss of coordination; impaired memory, ability to concentrate; facial redness; increased sweating; fragility of blood vessels, nosebleeds; blurred vision, flashing “spots” and “floaters” before the eyes; tinnitus; irritability, unreasonable feelings of anxiety; weakness, fatigue.

    When should you see a doctor?

    Hypertensive patients need to undergo regular medical examinations to monitor the course of the disease and assess the risks of complications. It is imperative to seek medical help in the event of a hypertensive crisis - a sharp rise in blood pressure to high values. The condition is accompanied by symptoms such as:

    • headache, dizziness;
    • difficulty breathing, feeling of lack of air;
    • nausea, vomiting;
    • cardiopalmus;
    • chills, trembling, feeling of heat;
    • heartache;
    • muscle tremors, cramps;
    • loss of consciousness.

    An ambulance should be called immediately in case of acute pain in the chest, disturbances in speech, consciousness, facial expressions, movements in the limbs - these signs indicate myocardial infarction or stroke.

    Spots on leaves

    If your lemongrass leaves begin to fall, you don’t need to panic right away. This can happen for completely natural reasons. Any plant changes its leaf cover, and citrus fruits are no exception.

    Reasons why a lemon drops its leaves:

    • lack of sunlight;
    • improper watering (both excess and lack of moisture have a negative effect);
    • low or too high room temperature;
    • lack of nutrients in the soil;
    • Malsecco's disease and gommosis.

    The reasons why a lemon drops its leaves and what to do in this case depend on how often and in what quantity it falls. If this is a mass phenomenon, then we need to find out why this is happening.

    Although lemon is native to hot tropical countries, direct sunlight is harmful to the plant. It is better to place the pots in a place where there will be diffused light.

    Attention! In autumn and winter, citrus may lack sunlight. Because of this, it can shed leaves. Starting from October, you need to turn on lamps with additional lighting in the evenings for several hours.

    The soil needs to be watered as soon as the top layer dries out. If you fill the soil, it will become dense and oxygen and nutrients will not reach the roots. This leads to the death of the roots.

    The optimal temperature at which citrus will feel comfortable is 18-20 degrees. In the warm season, if possible, the pot can be taken outside or onto the balcony.

    In addition to improper care, lemons can lose their leaves due to disease. With Malsecco disease, the leaf blade first turns red-orange and then dies. In this case, the petioles remain on the branches. It develops mainly in spring or autumn. There is no cure for Malsecco.

    Yellow spots are a common symptom of most diseases. In order to accurately determine the cause of their appearance, you need to pay attention to other signs.

    Why do indoor lemon leaves turn yellow?

    • hypothermia;
    • lack of magnesium or zinc;
    • fungal, bacterial and viral diseases (cancer, root rot);
    • appearance of insects.

    Yellow spots appear due to scale insects. The fight against this pest has been described in another section.

    The second factor is hypothermia. Lemon is a very heat-loving plant and a sharp drop in temperature never goes away without leaving a trace. If the temperature in the room drops below 14 degrees, you need to either turn on the heater or move the citrus to a warmer place.

    Important! Lemon does not tolerate frequent moving of the pot. The tree may even die from this.

    You can determine which mineral the citrus plant lacks by the location of the spots. If the tips dry out, it means there is a deficiency of magnesium in the soil. If yellow spots appear near the veins, there is not enough zinc in the soil.

    Scab on lemon

    Diseases that cause yellow spots:

    • Cancer. An incurable disease that causes dark brown spots with a yellow border. In this case, the plant should be thrown out immediately so that other crops do not get cancer.
    • Root rot. You need to cut off all affected areas, then transplant the citrus into another pot with new soil. After this, add mineral fertilizers.
    • Scab. Small pink-yellow or brown warts appear on the underside of the leaf. The affected areas of the lemon are cut off. The plant itself is sprayed with copper oxychloride or copper sulfate.

    The reason why white spots appear on lemon leaves is powdery mildew. It is not difficult to treat this disease if it is detected at an early stage. The disease can affect both old and young lemons.

    Powdery mildew

    As the fungal disease progresses, symptoms change. First, the leaves acquire a yellow tint and curl, then a white coating appears. The plant stops developing. New shoots do not appear, old foliage falls off. In order to prevent the development of the disease, lemons are regularly taken out into the fresh air in the summer, and in the winter the room is ventilated several times a week.

    If powdery mildew does appear, you need to start treatment immediately. Affected leaves are immediately cut off and thrown away. The rest of the plant is sprayed with fungicides (for example, Skor or Horus). Treatment with copper sulfate is also effective.

    Let's try to figure out why the lemon tree sheds its leaves and what to do in this case.

    Lemons come from places where, even in winter, they are able to receive sufficient sunlight. The indoor lemon responds to the lack of lighting by dropping green leaves. The plant becomes depleted and is unable to provide nutrition to all the foliage, and gets rid of the excess.

    We talked about the rules for caring for indoor lemons in winter in a separate article.

    Yellow spots on leaves. Yellowing of the leaves of a newly purchased lemon is normal. The plant is trying to adapt to new living conditions. Why do the leaves turn yellow after being at home for a sufficient time and what to do? We will find out further. Most likely, the leaves are damaged by sunburn or excessive fertilization.

    As much as he loves sunlight, he should not receive them openly. The pot should be kept on the south side so that there is adequate lighting, but the plant needs to be slightly shaded in the summer heat. If the reason is excessive fertilizing, then you should wash the soil in the pot.

    Brown spots on leaves. Lemon leaves begin to darken, turn brown and acquire a rusty tint due to a lack of phosphorus. It starts at the tips of the leaves and then spreads to the sides of the leaf.

    We invite you to familiarize yourself with the Detailed lunar calendar for violets

    Fruits also suffer from a lack of this microelement. The peel becomes thick and they themselves take on an ugly shape.

    Yellow and brown spots often indicate that the plant has been affected by a fungal or bacterial disease. Some of them cannot be treated and are very contagious to other plants kept near the diseased tree. One of these incurable diseases is cancer. When it is detected, no time should be wasted; the tree should be disposed of. There is no point in leaving him in quarantine. Signs of recovery will not appear, and the citrus will die sooner or later.

    Another common disease is root rot. It destroys the root system of the plant, gradually killing it. The main reason for the appearance of signs of this disease is improperly prepared soil for planting. Citrus should be treated as follows:

    1. Trim off any damaged areas of the plant's roots.
    2. Replant into a new pot with new soil.
    3. Apply mineral fertilizer.

    One procedure is enough to remove the yellowness from the leaves. Fertilizers applied will help the tree heal damaged roots and restore its health and strength. Experienced gardeners recommend taking care of favorable microclimatic conditions for a sick tree. It should be provided with adequate lighting, warmth, and moisture.

    Lemon does not like excess moisture, especially when it is damaged by rot. It is best to wipe the leaves with water or spray them after replanting. And excess moisture in the soil can cause the appearance of fungal microorganisms.

    Root rot occurs from improperly selected soil

    Most often, the cause of drying is the roots, or rather, their diseases.

    can create a favorable environment for the development of fungus that affects the roots.

    If the plant has been replanted, then the new pot should be no more than 5 cm in diameter compared to the previous one. Otherwise, the soil will become acidic. And this again leads to rotting of the roots. You will find rules and recommendations for replanting a lemon tree at home here, and from this article you will learn how to properly prepare the soil.

    Leaves can also dry out if there are pests on the trunk and roots.

    Moving a plant pot too often to new places can have a detrimental effect on its growth and vitality. Lemon simply begins to experience constant stress.

    Withered: how to revive?

    If the cause of drying is a lack of watering and drying out of the soil, then the plant must be immediately watered and covered with a plastic bag, providing it with greenhouse conditions.

    You can also help the lemon with a special fertilizer for caring for citrus fruits. Its application will give the plant an additional boost and strength.

    Root rot is caused by fungi, which can be destroyed with fungicides. After this, cut off the damaged parts of the root and sprinkle with crushed coal.

    The tips of the leaves may dry out when:

    • unsuitable microclimate;
    • unbalanced lighting;
    • mineral starvation;
    • incorrectly selected soil for planting;
    • infection by parasites.

    Lemon leaves covered with a white coating indicate the appearance of a whitefly butterfly.

    Whitefly butterfly

    Detecting a parasite is easy:

    • after shaking the branches, the butterflies take off;
    • grayish-white formations resembling mold appear on the leaves and shoots;
    • affected leaves curl, turn yellow and dry out.

    Ways to control insects:

    • a few butterflies are destroyed by washing the leaves with gauze soaked in a soap solution;
    • Sticky fly strips are hung near the tree;
    • spray the plant several times with a sweet solution (2 tablespoons of sugar dissolved in a glass of water);
    • a large number of insects can only be defeated with the help of special chemicals.

    Anyone who has ever tried to grow a lemon tree has probably noticed some yellow spots on the leaves of the lemon. The sunny fruits of the lemon tree do more than just decorate the interior of your home.

    They give a sunny mood and warm you with their color at a time when outside the windows all nature has gone deep into winter sleep. Lemons make the apartment especially cozy. So, in this article we will try to figure out why yellow spots suddenly appeared on lemon leaves, and how to determine the reason for their appearance. We will also find out what will help restore the plant to its former beauty and health.

    Let's look at the reasons for this phenomenon. Yellow spots on lemon leaves, photos of which you will see in this article, can appear for various reasons. This may be a consequence of improper care and lack of nutrients.

    But yellow spots can also appear when the plant is affected by various ailments. Another important reason is the attack of various pests. Let's look at each case in more detail.

    general information

    Prevention of diseases and pests of indoor lemon

    Diseases are easier to prevent than to treat. After all, even in case of successful healing, the lemon will remain weakened for a long time.

    Prevention includes the following points:

    • compliance with watering rules;
    • maintaining optimal air humidity;
    • timely pest control;
    • disinfection of garden tools, soil and planting material;
    • compliance with temperature conditions;
    • applying a sufficient amount of fertilizing;
    • transplantation into disinfected soil and preventive treatment of new plants;
    • weekly preventive examinations;
    • weekly washing of the plant in the shower;
    • sanitary pruning.


    The best preventative measure to prevent diseases and the appearance of spots is to create optimal conditions for the growth and development of the lemon tree:

    • Lighting . Place in the brightest place in the apartment, avoiding direct sunlight. In case of insufficient light, use special lamps. Daylight hours for lemons are 12 hours.
    • Temperature regime . Comfortable temperature in summer is 18-22 degrees Celsius, in winter and spring – 16-18 degrees. In summer you can keep it on a closed balcony. Avoid drafts.
    • Humidity . General recommendations: summer watering - about 3 times a week, winter - 1 time a week. The number of waterings may vary depending on the air temperature. The main thing is that the soil is always slightly moist. At any time of the year, daily spraying is recommended, preferably not on the tree itself, but around it.
    • Feeding . Produced with special complex fertilizers for citrus crops. Comply with deadlines and standards according to instructions. In special cases (plant diseases), additional feeding is possible.
    • Transplant . Until the age of 3, lemons are replanted every year. Then transplants are reduced to 1 time every 2-3 years. The procedure is carried out in spring or autumn.
    • Trimming . This is done to form the crown, stimulate fruiting, sanitize, and thin out thickened areas. This is done with sharp scissors or pruning shears.
    • Peculiarities . Lemon does not like changing places and conditions; it takes a long time and it is difficult to adapt to a new environment.

    Indoor lemon is rarely seen in a city apartment. After all, its cultivation and maintenance is a troublesome and time-consuming task. But it’s worth it: a well-groomed tropical beauty is a real decoration of the house and a compliment to the caring hands of the owner.

    Dangerous symptoms

    In some people, high blood pressure is asymptomatic, but in most cases the following symptoms are observed:

    • weakness and fatigue,
    • pressing or throbbing headache in the occipital and/or temporal part,
    • nausea,
    • dizziness,
    • chest pain,
    • noise in ears,
    • shortness of breath during habitual physical activity,
    • numbness of the limbs,
    • blurred vision, flashing spots before the eyes,
    • irritability,
    • increased sensitivity to light (sometimes to sounds).

    The appearance of even one or two of the symptoms listed above should be a cause for concern. Some people prefer to simply “endure” an episode of high blood pressure “so as not to be poisoned by all this chemistry” (that is, pills). But such manifestations cannot be ignored, since, as we said above, high blood pressure is fraught with a number of dangerous consequences.

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    Carry out diagnostics and determine the cause

    Check the lighting level in the room. To measure the amount of illumination, it is not necessary to buy a lux meter; you can simply install an application with the appropriate name on your smartphone and measure the amount of lux by placing the smartphone against the crown, with the screen facing outwards, at different times of the day. You can also place a smartphone with the application turned on inside the crown. At the same time, the data obtained using the application may not be entirely accurate and it is better to check it with a professional lux meter.

    Examine the plant carefully. Spots on leaves, curling, soft branches or trunk, and wilting leaves are signs of disease or improper care.

    Next, carefully inspect for any pest infestation (such as Mealybugs or Spider Mites).

    You should also inspect damaged leaves and compare their yellowing/redness/dryness, etc. with signs of lack/excess of nutrition (all signs are also collected in another article).

    Clean the plant from damaged parts

    Yellow leaves and dry (easily crumbling) branches must be cut with pruning shears or sharp scissors. If the problem is overwatering and rotting of the root system, you need to remove the plant from the pot and cut off (or remove with your fingers) all soft (+ dark brown) and dry roots (they are not elastic when touched and are relatively easily separated from living roots. Dead roots inhibit the development of new ones , interfere with the receipt of necessary nutrients, and also contain bacteria and microorganisms that contribute to the further spread of rot.

    Start plant treatment and prevention

    Next you need to act depending on the reason:

    • If so, you should radically clean the root system. Treating the roots with a root system stimulator and a fungicide (for example, Kornevin with foundationazole) will help prevent further rotting. Treatment can be of 2 types - simply sprinkling powder on the root system and planting the plant in new soil and a new pot, or spraying or soaking (up to 15 minutes) in the solution.
    • If - it is necessary to give the plant a shower (covering the soil with polyethylene), washing off the pest. After the water has dried on the leaves, treat (spray) with a solution of laundry soap, leave on the plant for up to half an hour (not allowing it to dry completely) and rinse again in the shower. After 2-3 days, inspect the plant again; if the pest appears again, repeat the procedure, clean the plant of the pest and, after drying, treat (spray + spill) with a broad-spectrum insectoacaricide. After a week, inspect the plant again. If a pest is detected, repeat the process with another insectoacaricide. And so on from 3 to 5 weeks (no more).
    • If - feed the plant with complex fertilizer in half the dose. And repeat feeding after 2 weeks. (If this happens in winter, then 1 time is enough).

    Insects and pests: symptoms and methods of destruction

    Most often, diseases on citrus trees occur as a result of infestation by harmful insects. Parasites not only destroy the integrity of leaves and shoots, but also transmit strains of fungi. Pests destroy the citrus plant and lead to a decrease in immunity, as a result of which the lemon cannot fight diseases on its own.

    Sciarids (midges)

    Small midges accumulate on lemons and feed on the juice of the crop. It is difficult to notice insects; they are small in size and fit tightly on the shoots. The first symptoms are the presence of spots and damage to the leaves. To eliminate this, special chemicals are used to treat the crop.

    Springtails or springtails

    Such pests appear as a result of the accumulation of moisture in the soil. Externally, insects are small in size. Insect larvae are light in color and move throughout the lemon. The first symptoms of pests are the presence of damage and compaction on the crop. Insects move around the crop by jumping. To remove pests, the lemon is transplanted into new soil and the roots of the crop are dried.

    It is also recommended to treat the root part with charcoal or ash.


    The pest appears on lemon most often when the seedling is infected. Scale insect larvae move around the plant and feed on sap. After the insect matures, it sticks to the leaves and forms a kind of seal. The insect lays eggs in its shell. Parasites can affect not only leaves, but also young shoots. The fight against scale insects is carried out using garlic water. To do this, you need to infuse 100 grams of garlic in a liter of water and spray the plant.


    The small butterfly has light-colored wings. The insect does not harm citrus fruits, but after laying eggs, larvae appear that destroy the lemon. The larvae also secrete a specific liquid, which provokes the appearance of fungus on the leaves. For treatment, it is necessary to spray the lemon with drugs such as Karbofos and Decis. Larvae infesting lemons can be removed using onion or garlic water.

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    Aphid attacks are common in citrus crops. Despite the fact that the plant contains large quantities of essential oils, the pest can harm the lemon in a short time. Aphids are small in size and most often accumulate on leaves and shoots. To treat aphids, it is necessary to treat the plant with a solution of laundry soap. You can also treat lemon with a solution of copper sulfate and wood ash.


    The appearance of mealybugs does not go unnoticed. The first symptoms of the pest are the presence of a white coating on the leaves. Light-colored small parasites stick to the leaves and suck out the juice. The pest affects not only foliage, but also shoots and buds. Lemon reduces its development and productivity.

    The cause of the pest is moist air, which interferes with the penetration of air into the leaves. To get rid of the parasite, you need to dry the soil in the pot and ventilate the room. If there is a large concentration of the pest, it is necessary to use drugs such as Intavir and Decis.

    If the number of parasites is small, you can use a solution of laundry soap to wipe the leaves and shoots. To prevent the appearance of parasites, it is necessary to treat the crop with an infusion of tobacco dust once a month.


    The first signs that thrips have appeared on lemon are weakness of the crop and curling of the leaves into a tube. The parasite is small in size and often goes unnoticed when it appears. Harm is caused not only by small insects, but also by larvae. Insects can multiply rapidly in a short time.

    The parasite feeds on the sap of the crop. After the parasite appears on the leaves, you can notice the presence of light stripes that remain after they move. When there is a large concentration of the pest, lemon leaves lose their color and fall off. Young shoots wither and dry out. The insect can quickly move through the plant and infect neighboring crops.

    To remove the pest, it is necessary to treat the lemon with ash. To do this, pour 200 grams of the substance into a liter of water. After the ash has dissolved, the citrus plant is treated. You can also use special preparations that eliminate the pest in a short time.

    Spider mite

    The pest often appears on mature lemons. The first signs of infection are a sticky coating on the shoots and the appearance of cobwebs. The mite quickly spreads to healthy areas and attaches itself to leaves. To combat the parasite, it is necessary to spray with a 1% boric acid solution. To obtain results, spraying must be done every 3 days.

    Important. Spider mites can hide in leaf layers and go undetected. To identify the pest, you must carefully examine the inside of the leaf.

    Most often, small dark-colored compactions are noticeable on leaves when infected.

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