Cabbage Tiara F1 is a high-quality early hybrid for a fresh summer table. The pulp contains many vitamins, is tasty and aromatic. Cultivation is not difficult due to the fact that the breeders incorporated resistance, endurance and good immunity into the plant.
Landing location | Ripening time | View | Purpose | Origin | Maturation period | Weight |
Greenhouse, Open ground | Early ripening | White cabbage | Fresh, Cooking | Hybrid | 80-90 | 1,2-2 |
Description and characteristics of the variety
White cabbage Tiara F1 can be grown in greenhouses and open ground. The hybrid was bred by Dutch breeders; in Russia it can grow in any region except the coldest.
The hybrid is tolerant of stress and lack of lighting, has high immunity, and is resistant to flowering.
Cabbage cannot be stored for a long time, but it tolerates transportation and storage well during sale, and is also able to stand on the root and wait for harvest for about 10 days after ripening. Suitable for commercial cultivation.
Early ripening hybrid. The full growing season from germination to harvest is about 80-90 days, and from the moment of planting the seedlings - 55-58 days. The leaf rosette is raised, with small, slightly wavy leaves of a grayish-green color. When cut, the flesh is yellowish. The weight of the head of cabbage is about 1.2-2 kg.
The taste is excellent, the flesh is tender, crispy, juicy. Used fresh and for adding to dishes. Late varieties are used for fermentation and winter storage.
Description and characteristics of Tiara F1, white cabbage (2500 seeds)
Growing season: 54-56 days
Characteristics: - heads of cabbage are bright green, round in shape, with a small stalk - fruits are dense, elastic - average weight (kg): 2 - retains good commercial quality for a long time even when stored in the field - easily transported - resistance to cracking and discoloration - cultivation under film is recommended, including with insufficient lighting—recommended density for planting (thousand plants/ha): 60
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Following sowing technology, seeds are planted 30-40 days before transplanting to the site. The soil should consist of soil from the garden, peat and sand. You can replace peat with humus. Wood ash is added to normalize acidity.
To protect the roots from injury, it is better to sow in individual containers - peat tablets, pots, plastic glasses.
The grains are buried to a depth of 1 cm, moistened and allowed to germinate in a warm place. Then they are kept in good lighting at +14-17 degrees.
The planting pattern in the ground is 40 by 40 cm.
The danger for early cabbage is clubroot, powdery mildew, and downy mildew. To prevent these diseases, it is worth treating the seeds before sowing them. To kill fungi in the soil, it is also disinfected. When affected by diseases, use fungicides according to the attached instructions. CABBAGE UNDER ARCS Growing early cabbage under film Planting early cabbage in the Kherson region!
Growing and care
The optimal temperature for cabbage in open ground is +17-20 degrees. When the temperature drops, plantings are covered at night, and in extreme heat they are shaded.
Young plants are watered every 3-4 days in the first two weeks. The optimal time is morning or evening, water temperature is +18-20. Adult bushes are watered weekly. More abundant watering is needed during the period of head formation.
Loosening and hilling
After watering, loosen the soil each time. Twice a season the bushes are earthed up until heads form.
Top dressing
Feed twice:
- 1-2 weeks after rooting, nitrogen fertilizing is applied - saltpeter, chicken manure, mullein or urea;
- shortly before the heads of cabbage appear, potassium and phosphorus are added - superphosphate, potassium sulfate.
When growing, each plant requires certain rules to be followed. In order for early cabbage to feel great and give good results, it is necessary to provide it with optimal conditions.
Air temperature is important for cabbage
When planting seedlings in a permanent place, you need to pay attention to the temperature of the air and soil. In the first case, it should exceed 17˚С, in the second – 14˚С.
Tiara F1 reacts poorly to lack or excess of water. If there is not enough of it, the fibrous roots dry out. When there is too much moisture, the roots rot and diseases develop. Therefore, its quantity must be controlled, also taking into account weather conditions.
Water temperature is at least 18˚C. It is better to moisten the soil in the morning or evening. After planting, the plants are watered every 3-4 days for 2 weeks. Often during this period the ground still has a lot of moisture. Therefore, you can cancel moisturizing. After this time, water is added once a week. Early cabbage especially needs abundant watering in June, when the heads set. 2-3 weeks before harvesting, moistening is stopped.
Loosening and hilling
It is necessary to loosen the soil after each watering or rain. Then a dry crust will not form. Plants will be able to get enough oxygen, which will strengthen their root system. A hoe is used for this purpose. When performing this action, weeds are also removed, which suppress the crop and create suitable conditions for the development of pathogenic bacteria.
You can control weeds with mulch. To do this, lay peat in a layer of 5 cm. It will also help retain moisture in the soil.
Additional nutrition will ensure hilling. Thanks to the earthen snowdrift, new roots are formed at the base of the plant. You can hill up 2 times per season. The first time the procedure is carried out together with the first application of fertilizers. The next one is in the phase of 9-10 true leaves.
Top dressing
To stimulate growth and increase green mass, Tiara F1 is fertilized. Nutrients are applied 2 times during the season:
- 10-12 days after planting the plants in a permanent place;
- while tying heads of cabbage.
Both the first and second times, organic substances can be used as fertilizing. A solution of bird droppings works well for this. It is prepared in a ratio of 1:10. Mineral fertilizers are also used. After planting, use the following solution:
- 10-15 g ammonium nitrate;
- 20-25 g of superphosphate;
- 10-15 g potassium sulfate;
- 10 liters of water.
The amount of substances is indicated per 1 sq. m. Solutions are used for root feeding. When fertilizing next time, apply to the same area:
- 8-20 g ammonium nitrate;
- 30-40 g of superphosphate;
- 15-20 g potassium sulfate;
- 10 liters of water.
Many people still use complex mineral preparations. The culture is also stimulated by spraying. The following product is prepared for processing:
- 10-12 g calcium nitrate;
- 5-8 g ammonium nitrate;
- 10 liters of water.
Cabbage Tiara f1
One of the ultra-early varieties loved by gardeners is Tiara cabbage. Thanks to its positive characteristics, many choose it. It is distinguished by high yield results and unpretentiousness to climatic conditions. We will consider a detailed description of the vegetable in the article.
Characteristics of cabbage variety Tiara F1
A tasty, healthy and aromatic variety of white cabbage - Tiara F1: description and characteristics
Cabbage Tiara F1 is a high-quality early hybrid for a fresh summer table. The pulp contains many vitamins, is tasty and aromatic. Cultivation is not difficult due to the fact that the breeders incorporated resistance, endurance and good immunity into the plant.
Landing location | Ripening time | View | Purpose | Origin | Maturation period | Weight |
Greenhouse, Open ground | Early ripening | White cabbage | Fresh, Cooking | Hybrid | 80-90 | 1,2-2 |
Characteristics of cabbage variety Tiara F1
One of the ultra-early varieties loved by gardeners is Tiara cabbage. Thanks to its positive characteristics, many choose it. It is distinguished by high yield results and unpretentiousness to climatic conditions. We will consider a detailed description of the vegetable in the article.
Characteristics of cabbage variety Tiara F1
When growing, each plant requires certain rules to be followed. In order for early cabbage to feel great and give good results, it is necessary to provide it with optimal conditions.
Dust with sifted wood ash or tobacco dust to protect against pest invasion. This action helps well in the fight against cruciferous flea beetles, which are especially rampant in dry, hot weather. During the rainy season, slugs can damage plants.
Dry mustard powder or ground black pepper is used against them. These products are used to sprinkle the soil on the site. You can collect slugs by hand and then destroy them. To combat insects, infusions of tomato leaves, wormwood, and dandelion are prepared. Some gardeners resort to using purchased chemicals.
Cabbage Tiara F1 is perfect for growing for owners who want to have an early harvest. Many people cultivate this variety for the purpose of selling it on the market, as it gives a high percentage of productivity in a short time.
To achieve greater results, you must follow the rules of care. Timely detection of diseases or pests will save you from crop damage.
Variegated cauliflower - varieties
There are varieties of cauliflower that have unusual colored heads; they are classified as multi-colored.
Cauliflower "Yarik F1" orange
The hybrid ripens on the 65th day. It has excellent quality and taste. The heads of cabbage are of an unusual orange color. Very impressive landings. The average fruit weight is from 300 to 500 g. Even after heat treatment they retain their delicate taste and texture. From 1 m2 you get up to 2.5 kg.
Cauliflower "Orange cheese F1" yellow
It has excellent taste and bright yellow heads with a hint of orange. The crop is harvested from the 70th day after germination. Inflorescences are the same size, round, with a smooth surface. Fruit size up to 2 kg. From 1 m2 you get up to 3 kg of tasty heads of cabbage.
Good varieties of cabbage:
Broccoli FIESTA Kohlrabi GIANT Broccoli TONUS
Cauliflower variety "Amethyst F1" purple color
Mid-term hybrid. The first harvest appears on the 75th day after planting the seedlings. The weight of the head of cabbage ranges from 1.2 to 1.8 kg. The color of the fruit is rich purple. Resistant to drought and heat. The harvest is up to 5 kg per 1 m2.
Photo of cauliflower variety “Amethyst F1”
Cauliflower "Maserata green"
The fruits of this cauliflower have an interesting light green-yellow hue. They look very impressive both in plantings and in various culinary dishes. Mid-season variety. It takes 140 to 150 days for the fruits to form and are ready for harvest. The fruits are round and flat. Weight from 1.4 to 1.6 kg. The heads ripen together. The yield indicators are constant - 5.6 kg per 1 m2.
Planting cauliflower in the garden is an excellent choice. Before this, it is worth carrying out a careful selection, based on the main characteristics of cauliflower varieties, as well as specific climatic conditions. Choosing the right variety is the key to getting a good harvest.
Dutch varieties of cauliflower
Holland is the leader in the number of bred varieties and hybrids of cauliflower. They are also successfully grown in Russia. As a rule, they are easy to care for and can grow in unfavorable conditions.
Cauliflower "Artost F1"
Large-fruited hybrid. Ripens on the 70th day. The weight of one round head of cabbage varies from 2 to 3 kg. Tolerates heat. Can be stored for no more than 7 days. From 1 m2 they collect from 4.5 to 5 kg. Suitable for processing.
Cauliflower variety "Bronco F1"
Hybrid of cauliflower from Holland with medium ripening period. Suitable for both professional and amateur cultivation. The heads of cabbage are large, round in shape. They taste great.
Photo of cauliflower Bronco
Suitable for use in raw form, as well as in blanks. Withstands heat and lack of moisture well. Productivity ranges from 5 to 8 kg per 1 m2.
Cauliflower "Cambria F1"
White spherical inflorescences are elastic and dense. Painted white with a hint of light green. They can develop well both in open ground and in greenhouses. The weight of the fetus is about 2.5 kg. Perfectly stored. Not subject to cracking. Suitable for commercial cultivation. Productivity up to 4.5 kg.
Cauliflower "Tiara F1"
Very early ripening hybrid. The first fruits are harvested on the 55th – 60th day after germination. All heads of cabbage are round and white. One weight is 2 kg. The taste is excellent. Resistant to adverse environmental factors. Grows well in low light conditions. Perfectly stored. Very high yield up to 15 kg per 1 m2.